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  1. Azoia 10 mei 2017 15:59
    Aandacht ligt op outlook.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Aperam heeft in de eerste drie maanden van 2017 hogere resultaten behaald. Dit verwachten analisten van Deutsche Bank en Credit Suisse in aanloop naar de resultaten die de producent van roestvast staal donderdag nabeurs bekend zal maken.

    Deutsche Bank denkt dat het bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) zal zijn toegenomen van 112 miljoen dollar in het eerste kwartaal van 2016 naar 162 miljoen dollar in de eerste drie maanden van dit jaar. Credit Suisse is iets terughoudender met zijn winstverwachting van 149 miljoen dollar.

    Kijkend naar de omzet gaan de analisten van Deutsche Bank uit van een stijging van 1.076 miljoen naar 1.376 miljoen dollar en bij Credit Suisse rekenen ze op 1.298 miljoen dollar.

    Marktvorsers van beide banken kijken uit naar de outlook voor het tweede kwartaal. Credit Suisse denkt niet dat Aperam met een kwantitatieve verwachting op de proppen komt, en alleen zal aangeven dat het tweede kwartaal beter zal zijn dan het eerste. Dit is volgens de analisten van de Zwitserse bank waarschijnlijk vanwege het seizoensgebonden herstel in Europa en Brazilië. De analisten van Deutsche Bank denken echter dat een aanzienlijke verbetering in het tweede kwartaal onwaarschijnlijk is.

    Credit Suisse heeft Outperform advies met een koersdoel van 59,00 euro. Deutsche Bank heeft een Houden advies met een koersdoel van 49,00 euro.

    Het aandeel Aperam daalde woensdag op een rode beurs 1,2 procent op 45,81 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires

    May 10, 2017 09:17 ET (13:17 GMT)
  2. forum rang 10 voda 10 mei 2017 16:49
    Philippines President appoint Mr Roy Cimatu as environment minister

    Reuters reported that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has appointed a former military man as the new environment minister after Congress dismissed his first choice, who ordered the closure of more than half of the mines in the world’s top nickel ore supplier.

    Former army general and ambassador Roy Cimatu will take over from Regina Lopez, a move welcomed by miners who have questioned the legality of Lopez’s measures. But environmental group Greenpeace and the Catholic Church expressed doubts that Cimatu will carry on with any meaningful reforms.

    Duterte’s spokesman Ernesto Abella said in a statement that “We are confident that Secretary Cimatu shall faithfully serve the interest of the country and the Filipino people in his capacity as the new DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources) Secretary.”

    Mr Cimatu briefly served as Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in 2002, during former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo’s administration. Duterte has said he met Cimatu in Davao City many years ago where he served as mayor for more than two decades.

    Before Monday’s appointment, Duterte last month named Cimatu as a special envoy to help overseas Filipino worker refugees.

    The Chamber of Mines of the Philippines said it hopes Cimatu’s appointment “finally answers our long-held call for a DENR secretary who has a balanced appreciation for environmental protection and natural resources management.”

    Source : Thomson Reuters
  3. forum rang 10 voda 11 mei 2017 17:15
    Nickel prices stabilize as investors await developments in Philippines

    Economic Calendar reported that nickel futures have steadied, and on Tuesday LME nickel was trading slightly higher as the shock started to wear off following the rejection of the controversial Philippine environmental secretary Regina Duterte.

    Last Tuesday, before Ms Duterte was rejected by Congress, LME nickel was trading at USD 9,525 finding support at USD 9,350 and meeting resistance at USD 10,300. On Tuesday LME nickel was trading higher, at around USD 9,220. Support was at USD 8,790 and resistance at USD 9,600.

    In her 10-months as acting environment minister, Ms Duterte suspended the licenses of many miners after inspections found that they were violating environmental regulations. In February, 23 mines were ordered closed, mainly nickel producers. The suspensions were estimated to remove about 50% of the country’s nickel output, which amounted to 10% of global supply. Nickel prices, which had already rallied on the possibility of the suspensions climbed to USD 10,500 after the announcement.

    Prices had already started to pull back when it became apparent that there was a good chance Lopez would not be confirmed. Lopez’s rejection opens up the possibility that these suspensions will be rolled back, but we are still looking for more clarity. The Chamber of Mines of The Philippines said it would work to undo Lopez’s measures when a new minister was in the post. According to the Chamber, the audit process was flawed with anti-mining groups involved in the audit teams. Former Armed Forces of the Philippines chief of staff and retired general Roy Cimatu has been appointed to replace Lopez.

    While nickel has retreated since Ms Lopez was rejected, the fall has not been particularly steep given the metal’s rally on the suspensions. Instead, nickel is moving in unison with the base metals complex, which is finding support after last week’s sell-off.

    Source : Economic Calendar
  4. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2017 15:28
    Indonesia to supply 10% of global nickel need by 2020

    Tempo.co reported that Indonesia is targeting to produce four million tonnes of nickel by 2020. This volume will allow Indonesia to become a world supplier to contribute 10 percent to the 40 million tonnes global demand per year.

    Mr I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan Ministry's director general of metal, machinery, transportation and electronics industry said that Indonesia has 32 nickel smelter projects in 14 industrial estates.

    He said that "We are optimistic that by 2020, Indonesia can contribute four million tons or four percent to the world's annual nickel demand.”

    The optimism stems from the start of operation by several nickel smelting industries in a number of provinces, including Morosi in Konawe District and Aneka Tambang in Kolaka (Southeast Sulawesi), Obi Island (Maluku), Halmahera (Maluku North) and Morowali (Central Sulawesi).

    The 32 nickel smelter projects are estimated to absorb 23,000 labor force. A number of smelter projects collaborate with universities and the Ministry's Vocational Training Center to prepare professional workers.

    Source : Tempo.co
  5. forum rang 10 voda 16 mei 2017 17:14
    Philippine Chamber of Mines - No impact on nickel output after closure

    Manila Times reported that chamber of Mines of the Philippines’ Legal and Policy Vice President Ronald Recidoro said the closure and suspension orders issued against mining operations by former environment secretary Gina Lopez had no impact on the local production of nickel ore.

    In a press briefing during the 2017 National Conference of the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, Mr Recidoro said the closure and suspension orders were not enforced due to a provision under Administrative Order (AO) 22 or the Prescribing Rules and Regulations Governing Appeals to the Office of the President.

    He said that “The suspensions and closures did not actually push through because under AO 22, any appeal to the Office of the President automatically stays the enforcement of the decision. So the 23 (mining operations for closure) and five (for suspension), all of them appealed. The decision has stayed and they continue to operate as usual.”

    During Ms Lopez’s stint at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), she initially suspended 10 mining operations four in Zambales, and two each in provinces of Palawan, Eastern Samar, and Surigao.

    Mr Recidoro said that “But if you look at these 10 operations, most of them were already suspended, way before Secretary Lopez came into office. So, you won’t be seeing any impact there,”

    After the first suspension order to the 10 mines, the former DENR chief announced the closure of 23 mining operations and the suspension of another five.

    By virtue of AO 22, the closure and suspension orders did not push through since all companies appealed to Malacañang Palace.

    Mr Recidoro said that “Had those closures and suspensions pushed through, they would have impacted 50 percent of our nickel production for the year.”

    On the cancellation of 75 mineral production-sharing agreements (MPSAs) in watersheds nationwide, the Chamber of Mines official noted that these operations have not yet begun. He said that “They are just agreements, so no production to be impacted there.”

    Source : Manila Times
  6. forum rang 10 voda 18 mei 2017 19:22
    Risk of oversupply spreads as Indonesia resumes nickel ore exports

    NETRALNEWS.COM reported that wariness over policy changes in two major nickel producing countries, Indonesia and the Philippines, is dragging the price of the metal down to 10 month lows. The risk of oversupply is spreading as Indonesian mining companies resume nickel ore exports after the government relaxed its export ban earlier this year.

    The ban, which started at the beginning of 2014, was lifted with a 3.7 million tonne export allocation for two companies. On May 1, one mining company exported 50,000 tonnes of nickel, the main material in stainless steel, to China. Similarly, state owned Aneka Tambang, known as Antam, released its plan to export 150,000 tonnes by the end of this month.

    As Indonesian exports are expected to increase, benchmark nickel futures for three-month contracts on the London Metal Exchange declined to USD 9,315 per ton on Friday, 20% below their recent high in mid-February. The price has been hovering at low levels since May 5, when it sank to USD 8,905, the lowest level since the end of June last year.

    A policy shift in the Philippines, another major producer, is also weighing on prices. Earlier this month, the Philippine parliament rejected the appointment of Regina Lopez, the environment minister, who has been tough on the mining industry.

    During her less than one year in office, she ordered an audit of the country's nickel mines, and then to shut down about half of them. Mr Andrew Franklin Hotama and Gregorius Gary, analysts with Bahana Securities noted in a report that “This would affect up to 150,000 tons of nickel or 48% of the country's total supply, if Lopez were appointed as environment minister,"

    How many mines could resume operation under her successor Roy Cimatu, appointed by President Rodrigo Duterte, is still unclear. The market, however, expects the new minister's stance on mines to be more relaxed compared with that of Lopez.

    Nonetheless, nickel demand remains strong in countries including major importer China, regardless of price fluctuations caused by policy changes by producers in Southeast Asia. For 2017, global shortage of the metal is expected to reach 46,700 tons according to the International Nickel Study Group.

    Source : Netral News.com
  7. forum rang 10 voda 18 mei 2017 19:25
    DMCI Mining lowers nickel shipment forecast for this year

    THE mining arm of DMCI Holdings, Inc cut its initial projection of nickel ore shipments for 2017, citing adverse weather conditions. DMCI Mining had earlier expected to ship 800,000 wet metric tons of nickel ore this year, but has lowered this to 500,000 WMT as the early onset of the rainy season might hamper operations.

    Mr Cesar F Simbulan, Jr DMCI Mining Presidenton said in a press briefing after the firm’s annual stockholders’ meeting in Makati that “(The initial projection) was considering we had output in the second quarter... But now we’re nearing the second quarter and we haven’t been able to produce yet. Then after that comes the rain, which would make it even more difficult to start production.”

    The Consunji-led company has so far made three shipments of nickel ore in the first quarter, amounting to 158,000 tons from stockpile in Zambales, which translates to P299 million in revenues.

    Mr Simbulan said the company has yet to produce for the second quarter, adding that the start of the rainy season next week would affect operations. He said that “That’s not good news for us. Even if we can operate, we are very limited because we are very vulnerable to weather, to rain, specifically adding that the drop in global nickel prices is also weighing on the company.”

    Source : Bworld Online
  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 mei 2017 19:28
    Thompson nickel mine closing down

    A nickel mine in Thompson, Man., will be closing this fall, throwing between 150 and 200 people out of work. In an email to employees, Vale Manitoba Operations announced that the Birchtree Mine will shift to ‘care and maintenance’ and no longer produce nickel starting Oct. 1, resulting in 150 unionized employees and staff being laid off and another 50 jobs also being affected.

    According to union officials, moving to ‘care and maintenance’ means the power and water at the mine will not be shut down but production will cease.

    Mr Mark Scott, head of the company’s Manitoba Operations in an email to employees on Monday said that “As you know, the nickel market continues to be challenging as inventories remain high and the price remains at an historic low, with little sign of significant recovery in the near term. This reality has caused us to review every aspect of our business. As a result we have made the difficult decision to suspend operations at our Birchtree Mine and place it on care and maintenance in the fourth quarter of 2017.”

    Source : Winnipegsun.com
  9. forum rang 10 voda 23 mei 2017 16:38
    India becomes 2nd largest stainless steel producer in world - ISSF

    PTI reported that India has overtaken Japan to become the second largest stainless steel producer in the world after China. According to data released by the International Stainless Steel Forum at their annual conference held on May 14-19, 2017 in Tokyo, India overtook Japan as the second-largest producer in 2016.

    India's stainless steel production rose to 3.32 million tonne for 2016 showing an impressive growth of about 9% YoY over 3 million tonnes in 2015

    Indian Stainless Steel Development Association said “Our sustained efforts in collaboration with industry have made this possible.”

    ISSDA president K K Pahuja said "This is a great moment for the Indian stainless steel industry. ISSDA urges continuous policy support from the government to take the Indian stainless steel industry to newer heights. ISSDA will continue to work with all stakeholders to promote stainless steel based solutions for sustainability and growth.”

    Source : PTI
  10. forum rang 10 voda 23 mei 2017 16:48
    Philippine Environment Secretary stops Palawan nickel mining

    Cebu Daily News reported that Philippine Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu ordered on Friday Ipilan Nickel Corp to stop its tree cutting activities following an inspection of the company’s mining tenement. Mr Cimatu said that “I saw the area, wala na talagang kahoy (there were no more trees). It was very unfortunate that this happened, following an aerial and ground inspection of portions of the mine site where the company cut trees.”

    Mr Cimatu also urged the company to face up to the charges that were expected to be lodged against them by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

    Mr Natividad Bernardino, DENR director of the Mimaropa Region (Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, Palawan), issued the order canceling the tree cutting permit previously issued to INC.

    DENR officials told company representatives during a consultation here that the tree cutting violated of the suspension of their environmental compliance certificate which former Environment secretary Gina Lopez issued.

    INC, an affiliate of Global Ferronickel Holdings Inc one of the country’s largest producers of nickel ore, defended its move, saying its ECC was valid because of its pending appeal.

    Mining and Geosciences Bureau Direcor Roland de Jesus, however, clarified during the dialogue that the government had sent the company letters stating it was not allowed to conduct any activity following the ECC suspension.

    Mr Cimatu told company officials that “There will be no going around the law. You should be man enough to face the consequences if you make a mistake.”

    The company is facing a cancellation of its permits, including the Strategic Environmental Plan clearance as petitioned by the Brooke’s Point government.

    The company is also facing illegal logging charges and violation of Republic Act No. 9175 or the Chainsaw Act of 2002.

    Source : cebudailynews.inquirer.net
  11. Lionel50045254 27 mei 2017 14:21
    Fijn dat Voda allemaal nieuws items plaats die niet relevant zijn. Maar goed. Er vind tot 30 september een buy back plaats van 100 MIO, afgezet tegen een koers van nu 42 EURO, krimpt dus flink het aantal uitstaande aandelen. Als je goed kijkt naar de huidige waardering, dan is deze De huidige waardering ligt gemiddeld in de sector op 15 x. De gemiddelde analisten verwachting is 3,76 per share in USD / 1,10 = 3,41. Als de dollar weer aantrekt, heeft dit een positief effect op Aperam. Met de busback programma van 100 mio is de huidige waardering 12,5 terwijl 15 normaal is.

    Kijk, de huidige afstraffing op de beurs vanaf de top is meer dan 25% en heeft te maken dat men bang is zakkende staalprijzen, en einde van de cyclisch sector nabij is. Als je goed kijkt naar de cijfers over Q1, vorig jaar, Q1 2015 heeft men het in 2017 niet slecht gehad. Zoals men al zei, de seizoensinvloeden zijn er altijd in Q1. Ik vermoed dat men met spanning afwacht voor Q2, maar als de verwachtingen wederom worden overtroffen en de outlook is prima en goed, dan gaat de beurskoers terug naar 55 EURO - 60 EURO
  12. [verwijderd] 31 mei 2017 14:05
    Ondanks goede ontwikkelingen bij Aperam en upgrade door S&P, goede cijfers en groei in de economie en bedrijven winsten maken, krijgen wij te maken met handelaren die het aandeel naar beneden drukken.
    De shorters hebben het nu voor het kiezen.
  13. Big Info Lit 31 mei 2017 15:13
    Wel erg jammer dit. Ik ben ingestapt voor de cijfers om 17.20 uur. Achteraf had ik na de cijfers om 09.10 uur weer uit moeten stappen. Maar voor "achteraf" koop je natuurlijk niets. Ik neem maar een afwachtende houding aan en hoop dat LBL LM gelijk heeft.
  14. Lionel50045254 31 mei 2017 15:58
    Wel erg jammer dit. Ik ben ingestapt voor de cijfers om 17.20 uur. Achteraf had ik na de cijfers om 09.10 uur weer uit moeten stappen. Maar voor "achteraf" koop je natuurlijk niets. Ik neem maar een afwachtende houding aan en hoop dat LBL LM gelijk heeft.

    Beste Big Info, ik ben vandaag opnieuw ingestapt op 42,55 EURO. Blijf gewoon zitten, de bodem is bereikt en de beren hebben de overhand. Maar technisch en fundamenteel staat het aandeel er goed voor. De business verandert echt niet zomaar door een negatief rapport over China. Tot nu is de balans van Aperam ijzersterk, wordt een zelfde resultaat in Q2 verwacht. Het is gewoon een goed instap moment. Als je tot einde van jaar blijft zitten heb je prima rendement. Heb geduld jongens
  15. [verwijderd] 1 juni 2017 17:47
    Frappant feit...Iedereen praat de belegger naar beneden, dat er correctie komt en een beurscrash 2017 opgebouwd wordt, maar vele analisten geven adviezen door dat aandelen gekocht moeten worden.
    Waarom geven alle analisten nu niet de signalen door om alles te verkopen als crash 2017 eraan komt.
    Wie spreekt nu voor eigen parochie ?. Industriele groei in eurozone en amerika gaat gestaag door. moeten wij nu kopen ?? Of toch maar onze aandelen verkopen en cash aanhouden tegen 1%...en doen wat de shorters en beren zeggen
  16. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2017 20:28
    Nickel Price to Remain Under Pressure

    Indonesia Investment reported that nickel price will remain under pressure because nickel supplies in the Philippines and Indonesia are on the rise. Both countries are the world's key nickel exporters. The Philippines contributes around 25% to the world's total nickel supply (most of the nation's output is shipped to China).

    But in the Philippines nickel supplies are rising because Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte replaced environmentalist and philanthropist Regina Lopez as Head of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources with former army general Roy Cimatu. While Lopez was eager to shut down 23 mines (equivalent to about 50% of the country's nickel production capacity, while a number of companies were disallowed to resume nickel exports) across the Philippines (citing environmental breaches), Cimatu is expected to encourage output in the nation's mining sector, thereby boosting production of nickel.

    Meanwhile, in Indonesia, nickel supplies have been rising because the Indonesian government eased the ban on exports of mineral ore at the start of 2017, hence giving opportunities to local miners to boost production and shipments of nickel ore. Indonesia used to be the world's biggest nickel ore exporter until the government introduced the ban on exports of mineral ore in early 2014 (a strategy aimed at encouraging the establishment of domestic processing industries).

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. expects the world's nickel oversupply to reach 37,000 tons in 2017 followed by 100,000 tons in 2018. That is why the nickel price is estimated to remain stagnant at USD 9,000 per ton up to (at least) mid 2018. However, other analysts believe the nickel price can drop to USD 8,000 due to subdued demand from China.

    Source : Indonesia Investment
  17. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2017 20:40
    PT Antam starts exporting nickel after relaxation policy

    The Jakarta Post reported that Indonesia state owned diversified miner PT Aneka Tambang has started exporting its low-grade nickel, with content below 1.7% following the government’s decision to relax its mineral export ban earlier this year.

    The company revealed that it had exported 165,000 wet metric tonnes of nickel ore to China and was preparing the shipping schedule for a second batch.

    Antam president director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo said in a statement that “The exports of nickel and bauxite by Antam will support the mineral processing sector […] in line with the operations of our FeNi I ferronickel plant [in Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi].”

    In late March, PT Antam obtained the first permit to export 2.7 million wet metric tonnes of nickel ore, in accordance with the total capacity of its three ferronickel plants in Pomalaa. This export quota has been allocated to its market in China.

    The company has submitted a second proposal to the government to export another 3.7 million wmt of nickel ore, in line with the feeding capacity of its new ferronickel smelter in East Halmahera, North Maluku.

    The smelter is slated for completion by the end of 2018, with an annual capacity of 13,500 tons of nickel contained in ferronickel.

    Source : The Jakarta Post
  18. forum rang 10 voda 2 juni 2017 16:22
    Walsin Lihwa orders peeling machine technology from SMS group

    Taiwanese stainless steel bar producer Walsin Lihwa Corp, based in Yenshui Taiwan, has awarded SMS group a contract for the supply of a new high-performance peeling machine, type PM160, for stainless steel bars.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute, SteelGuru
  19. forum rang 10 voda 2 juni 2017 16:23
    Stainless steel traders want utensils and cutlery under same GST tax slab

    Money Control News reported that stainless steel traders in Delhi have sought the placement of utensils and cutlery under the same bracket within GST taxation framework. The new GST regime, set for a July 1 rollout, currently places the two products under different categories with varying tax slabs of 12% for utensils and 18% for cutlery.

    Mr Vijay Malik, president of Delhi Stainless steel cutlery Association, while highlighting the problem, pointed out that despite utensils and cutlery being similar and supplementary throughout the entire manufacturing process as well as in their usage has been kept under different tax slabs. He told “The distinction of putting these two supplementary products under different heads will not only affect the end consumer but also create administrative evils.”

    The association while reasoning, also pointed out that both products are sourced from the same raw material, a flat sheet or coil, and share the same excise and custom duty rates as well.

    Source : Money Control
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