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  1. Falcone 18 april 2018 23:26
    [Modbreak IEX: Gelieve elkaar niet persoonlijk aan te vallen, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd. Deze account is geschorst.]
  2. Mijn Vriend 19 april 2018 06:30

    pietje-2005 schreef op 16 maart 2018 11:16:

    Maar de CIA, Mossad en meer van dat soort terroristjes zijn nu even niet in de mode, Josti.
    Rusland is hot nu, ondanks dat geklets over "nieuwe" koude oorlog.
    Allemaal een spelletje.
    Nu zijn we opeens zogenaamd verontwaardigd als een spion gedood wordt.
    Niets positiefs aan een spion, natuurlijk.
    De spion ligt volgens media nog in een ziekenhuis. Gelukkig lijkt het nu beter te gaan met de dochter want dat was toch wel even een bedrijfsongeval door de daders.

    Wat mij nog steeds fascineert is de absolute afwezigheid van fotomateriaal, en zelfs geen animatie, terwijl ze met Litvinenko er een media circus van maakte. Ik ga er vooralsnog van uit dat het idd heeft plaatsgevonden, maar de Britten moeten nu snel de dochter publiceren want de brainwash periode wordt wel erg lang nu.
  3. [verwijderd] 19 april 2018 07:32
    Onderzoekers van het OPWC zijn gisteren uit Douma weggevlucht vanwege horen van schoten. Na een oponthoudt van 4 dagen waren ze eindelijk op de plaats gearriveerd om te kijken of er gifgas(chloorgas) is gebruikt. Maar ze kunnen hun werk nog niet doen.
  4. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 april 2018 11:43
    Delen van Engelse stad Salisbury nog steeds besmet met sporen zenuwgas

    Gepubliceerd: 20 april 2018 10:12

    Giftige restanten van het zenuwgas dat is gebruikt bij een moordpoging op een Russische voormalige dubbelspion en zijn dochter zijn nog altijd aanwezig op negen locaties in de Engelse stad Salisbury.

    De hoogste concentratie van het zenuwgas is gevonden bij de voordeur van het huis van Sergei Skripal, maar negen andere plaatsen in de stad zijn eveneens besmet. Het kost miljoenen en maanden om het gif helemaal te verwijderen, meldt de Britse zender Sky op gezag van deskundigen.

    Niet alleen de woning, maar ook een restaurant waar Skripal en zijn dochter hadden gegeten, een pub, het politiebureau, twee ambulanceposten en een parkeerplaats, moeten intensief worden schoongemaakt met bijtende stoffen.

    Rusland blijft elke betrokkenheid bij de aanslag op de Skripals ontkennen. Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Sergei Lavrov zei onlangs dat het Zwitserse laboratorium dat de monsters uit Salisbury onderzocht sporen had aangetroffen van het zenuwgas BZ. Rusland beschikt niet over dat middel, maar NAVO-landen wel, aldus Lavrov.

    Het OPCW maakte eerder deze week korte metten met de Russische conclusie dat het gas waarmee de Skripals werden vergiftigd uit het Westen afkomstig is. BZ zat alleen in een controlemonster, zegt de chemische waakhond
  5. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 20 april 2018 23:36
    Groothandelsconcern Metro ziet koers fors dalen na winstwaarschuwing
    Prestaties op Russische markt laten te wensen over

    Russische bedrijven vragen miljarden overheidssteun na sancties VS
    Aluminiumproducent Rusal is een van de bedrijven die om noodsteun heeft gevraagd.

    Enige Russische producent van militaire voertuigen nagenoeg failliet
    Ministerie van Defensie zou al hebben ingestemd met faillissement
  6. forum rang 5 gbakl 21 april 2018 07:56

    pietje-2005 schreef op 18 april 2018 23:06:

    Kennedy hebben ze dan wel kunnen pakken.
    En Reagan hebben ze ook wat verkeerds te drinken gegeven, geloof ik.
    trump drinkt niet....jammer :)
  7. forum rang 5 gbakl 21 april 2018 07:58

    Chiddix schreef op 19 april 2018 07:32:

    Onderzoekers van het OPWC zijn gisteren uit Douma weggevlucht vanwege horen van schoten. Na een oponthoudt van 4 dagen waren ze eindelijk op de plaats gearriveerd om te kijken of er gifgas(chloorgas) is gebruikt. Maar ze kunnen hun werk nog niet doen.
    alweer moeten vluchten bij het ochtend-chloren ???
  8. forum rang 6 pietje-2005 21 april 2018 08:01
    Allemaal weer vrede op aarde, geloof ik; ook met gebroeders Korea.
    Moet wel lekker rustig zijn want de voetbal komt er zo aan.
    Gaat het eindelijk weer even over de echt belangrijke dingen ;-)
  9. forum rang 4 Ed Verbeek 21 april 2018 08:07
    Skripal Trail Leads To US

    On December 1, 2015, the United States Patent and Trademark Office turned to the Russian agency in charge of patents with a request to check the patentability of the invention made by US researcher T. Rubin.

    This document confirms that nerve agents like Novichok were not only produced but were even patented as a chemical weapon in the United States.

    Searching by the key word "Novichok" on the digital source google.patents.com you can find over 140 patents issued by the United States, related to the use and protection from exposure to the "Novichok" toxic agent,

    Unlike Russia, the US is yet to destroy its chemical weapon stockpiles, as required under the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997.
  10. forum rang 6 pietje-2005 21 april 2018 08:13
    Weet niet of ze die chemicalien ook hebben kunnen merken zodat origin bekend is?
    Maar ja, wat dan nog; vertrouwen kun je niets of niemand in dit soort zaken, denk ik.
  11. forum rang 5 gbakl 21 april 2018 08:32
    "pietje-2005 schreef op 18 apr 2018 om 23:06:

    Kennedy hebben ze dan wel kunnen pakken.
    En Reagan hebben ze ook wat verkeerds te drinken gegeven, geloof ik"

    trump laat inmiddels ook al zijn hamburgers vooraf proeven want hij vertrouwt al die gifmengers niet..het blijft russisch roulette.

  12. forum rang 5 gbakl 21 april 2018 08:36

    pietje-2005 schreef op 21 april 2018 08:13:

    Weet niet of ze die chemicalien ook hebben kunnen merken zodat origin bekend is?
    Maar ja, wat dan nog; vertrouwen kun je niets of niemand in dit soort zaken, denk ik.
    die gifbeker moet helemaal leeg.
  13. forum rang 4 Ed Verbeek 21 april 2018 09:08

    Ed Verbeek schreef op 21 april 2018 08:07:

    Skripal Trail Leads To US

    On December 1, 2015, the United States Patent and Trademark Office turned to the Russian agency in charge of patents with a request to check the patentability of the invention made by US researcher T. Rubin.

    This document confirms that nerve agents like Novichok were not only produced but were even patented as a chemical weapon in the United States.

    Searching by the key word "Novichok" on the digital source google.patents.com you can find over 140 patents issued by the United States, related to the use and protection from exposure to the "Novichok" toxic agent,

    Unlike Russia, the US is yet to destroy its chemical weapon stockpiles, as required under the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997.

    it was known that the US had also developed the A-234 agent (sometimes referred to as “Novichok”), the UK lab at Porton Down possessed it, and the OPCW (Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Warfare) had certified in September 2017 that all Russian chemical weapons had been destroyed.

    The Skripal Affair is the final nail in the coffin of the Western media. – Paul Craig Roberts
  14. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 april 2018 09:58
    Hebben de Rusal-sancties grote gevolgen voor bedrijfsobligaties?

    Amerikanen mogen geen zaken meer doen met zeven Russische oligarchen en hun ondernemingen. Wat zijn de gevolgen voor de bedrijfsobligatiemarkt?
  15. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 april 2018 10:00
    A-234 is an organophosphate nerve agent. It was developed in the Soviet Union under the Foliant program, and is one of the group of compounds referred to as Novichok agents, that were revealed by Vil Mirzayanov.
    In March 2018, the Russian ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, claimed to have been informed by British authorities that A-234 had been identified as the agent used in the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal.

    According to a classified (secret) report by the US Army National Ground Intelligence Center in Military Intelligence Digest dated 24 January 1997, the agent designated as A-232 and its ethyl analog A-234, developed under the Foliant program, "are as toxic as VX, as resistant to treatment as soman, and more difficult to detect and easier to manufacture than VX". The binary versions of the agents reportedly uses acetonitrile and an organic phosphate "that can be disguised as a pesticide precursor."
  16. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 april 2018 10:01
    Alternative structure

    An alternative structure for A-234 and the related Novichok agents has been put forward by Western chemical weapons experts such as Steven Hoenig and D. Hank Ellison. These structures are supported by Soviet literature of the time and were tested as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, however Mirzayanov claims that a number of weaker agents developed as part of the Foliant program were published in the open literature as organophosphate pesticides, in order to disguise the secret nerve agent program as legitimate pesticide research.

    Mirzayanov, Vil S. (2008). State Secrets: An Insider's Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program. Outskirts Press.
    ISBN 978-1-4327-2566-2
  17. forum rang 8 objectief 21 april 2018 10:03

    DeZwarteRidder schreef op 21 april 2018 09:58:

    Hebben de Rusal-sancties grote gevolgen voor bedrijfsobligaties?

    Amerikanen mogen geen zaken meer doen met zeven Russische oligarchen en hun ondernemingen. Wat zijn de gevolgen voor de bedrijfsobligatiemarkt?

    Geen invloed...is allemaal symbolisch...net als dat 1/2 uurtje bombarderen op wat oude gebouwen/terreinen in Syrie.
    Trump zijn aanhang heeft samengespannen met de Russen, dus Trump moet Poetin wel te vriend houden.
  18. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 21 april 2018 10:12
    Russia dodges chemical arms ban

    By Bill Gertz
    Tuesday 04 Feb 97 page 1

    Russia is producing a new generation of deadly chemical weapons using materials, methods and technology that circumvent the terms of a treaty it signed outlawing such weapons.

    Under a program code-named "Foliant," a Russian scientific research organization has created a highly lethal nerve agent called A-232, large quantities of which could be made "within weeks" through covert production facilities, according to a classified Pentagon intelligence report.

    A-232 is made from industrial and agricultural chemicals that are not lethal until mixed and that never had been used for poison gas.

    "These new agents are as toxic as VX, as resistant to treatment as soman, and more difficult to detect and easier to manufacture than VX," the Military Intelligence Digest, labeled "secret," said in its Jan. 24 report.

    VX, developed in the 1950s, kills rapidly by disrupting the central nervous system and remains for long periods in areas where it is used. Soman kills rapidly but is less persistent.

    The report says A-232 and its delivery means have "passed Moscow's rigorous military acceptance testing and can be quickly fielded in unitary or binary form."

    The report, written by James W. Poarch of the National Ground Intelligence Center, says A-232's "key components are not covered by the Chemical Weapons Convention's (CWC) Schedule of Chemicals."

    Pentagon and CIA spokesmen declined to comment on the report, citing a policy of not commenting on intelligence matters.

    David Johnson, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, would not comment on the report but said the treaty would make it easier to investigate such problems. He said agents and components can be added to the treaty's schedule of banned chemicals.

    "Without the CWC and the verification tools it provides, you don't have the means to get at problems like this. With CWC, you do," he said.

    "Because of their concern that CWC inspectors would discover the activity, the Russians probably would not try to covertly produce the new agents at a declared chemical weapons production facility," the report says.

    "Covert production at an undeclared facility therefore is the most likely scenario for accumulating a stockpile of these weapons. Maintaining a declared facility in a standby condition for emergency mobilization is also an option the Russians have planned for."

    The report, which was circulated among senior policy-makers, comes as the Clinton administration is mounting a major effort to win Senate ratification of the CWC. A total of 160 nations have signed the treaty, including the United States and Russia. Sixty have ratified the pact, which goes into effect April 29.

    A Pentagon official familiar with the report said it could undermine the treaty-ratification effort. "It clearly shows the Russians are circumventing the treaty," the official said.

    The treaty bans the development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons and requires signatories to destroy all stockpiles and production facilities.

    Sen. Jesse Helms, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said yesterday he opposes any early Senate consideration of the convention. Mr. Helms, in a letter to Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott of Mississippi, said State Department and U.N. reform, arms treaty modifications, and missile defense legislation should be considered before the chemical weapons treaty.

    "I am convinced that the CWC should not be considered for advice and consent until the aforementioned concerns are resolved," the North Carolina Republican said, noting that further hearings on the CWC are needed. Senate Republicans nearly defeated the treaty last year because of concerns its provisions can't be verified. They also said the treaty would create a U.N. bureaucracy that would burden U.S. businesses with inspections and reporting requirements.

    The administration withdrew the treaty last year just before a Senate vote it feared losing.

    The United States unilaterally decided to eliminate its chemical arms by 2004.

    According to the intelligence report, under the Foliant program and a dual-component chemical arms program called Novichok, "the Russians have developed a new generation of chemical agents and the technology to produce them."

    Russia's State Scientific Research Institute of Organic Chemistry and Technology created the agents and novel ways of making them to avoid detection by international inspectors. "By using chemicals not specified in the CWC schedules, the Russians can produce A-232 and its ethyl analog A-234, in unitary and binary forms within several chemical complexes," the report says.

    The Russians can make the binary, or two-part, version of the nerve agent using a common industrial solvent, acetonitrile, and an organic phosphate compound "that can be disguised as a pesticide precursor."

    In another version, soldiers need only add alcohol to form the agent, the report says.

    "These various routes offer flexibility for the agent to be produced in different types of facilities, depending on the raw material and equipment available there," the report says. "They also add complexity to the already formidable challenge of detecting covert production activities."

    The Russians can produce the new nerve agent in "pilot plant" quantities of 55 to 110 tons annually, the report says.

    Several Russian plants are capable of producing the chemicals used in making A-232. One factory in Novocherboksarsk "is capable of manufacturing 2,000 to 2,500 metric tons of A-232 yearly."

    Several pesticide plants "offer easy potential for covert production," the report says. "For example, substituting amines for ammonia and making other slight modifications in the process would result in new agents instead of pesticide. The similarity in the chemistry of these compounds would make treaty monitoring, inspection, and verification difficult."

    Copyright © 1997 News World Communications, Inc.

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