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  1. [verwijderd] 4 april 2021 22:19

    Galapapositief schreef op 4 april 2021 22:11:

    First Squawk

    Groepsimmuniteit enzo.
    De ridders van tegenwoordig zijn niet te vertrouwen.
  2. Cum infamia 4 april 2021 22:45
    Bijna 131 miljoen coronabesmettingen wereldwijd
    Gepubliceerd op 4 April 2021 10:39

    Door ABM Financial News

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Inmiddels zijn er 130,8 miljoen Covid-19 besmettingen wereldwijd geregistreerd. Dit blijkt zondag uit actuele data verzameld door Johns Hopkins CSSE.

    Het aantal Amerikanen dat het coronavirus draagt, loopt vandaag op naar 30,7 miljoen, bij 554.779 sterfgevallen.

    Brazilië heeft nu bijna 13 miljoen besmettingen. In India zijn dit er 12,5 miljoen.

    In West-Europa heeft Frankrijk het hoogste aantal besmettingen met meer dan 4,8 miljoen. Het Verenigd Koninkrijk zit op 4,4 miljoen gevallen. Italië telt nu meer dan 3,6 miljoen besmettingen en Spanje 3,3 miljoen gevallen. In Duitsland nadert het aantal besmettingen de 2,9 miljoen.

    In Nederland staat het aantal officiële besmettingen nu op 1.316.913 tegen 1.308.774 op zaterdagochtend en in België op 897.474 tegenover 892.585.

    In China, waar de uitbraak eind 2019 begon, zijn nu 101.822 coronagevallen geregistreerd. Dit waren er gisteren 101.799.

    Volgens de data van Johns Hopkins zijn er wereldwijd inmiddels meer dan 2,84 miljoen mensen aan het virus overleden. Ruim 74 miljoen mensen zijn hersteld.

    ABMFNABM Financial News; info@abmfn.nl; Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999.
  3. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 5 april 2021 08:50
    ’Derde golf sneller voorbij dan gedacht’
    Updated Gisteren, 21:35
    Gisteren, 21:33 in BINNENLAND

    AMSTERDAM - De derde golf lijkt korter en minder hevig te worden dan eerder gevreesd. Volgens een nieuwe voorspelling lijkt de piek op de intensive care al medio april te worden bereikt, eerder dan Jaap van Dissel voorspelde.

    Van Dissel vertelde in de Tweede Kamer eerder nog dat de derde coronagolf tot begin mei aan kracht zou blijven winnen, maar een nieuwe prognose, enkele dagen geleden opgesteld, ziet er veel gunstiger uit, melden meerdere OMT-bronnen aan het AD.

    Half april zouden 800 coronapatiënten op de ic liggen. Dat lijkt de piek te gaan worden – een piekje, maar zeker niet zoveel als de angstscenario’s ons voorschotelden. Wel zijn er grote onzekerheidsmarges in de modellen, zoals altijd.

    Op dit moment liggen er 730 mensen op de ic. Dat aantal zal dus nog ietsjes stijgen, maar ’code zwart’, waarbij mensen een bed moet worden geweigerd, lijkt er wederom niet van te komen.

    In de coronacrisis lijken de modellen over het algemeen aardig te kloppen, maar deels omdat grote onzekerheidsmarges worden aangehouden. Wel zijn er enkele grote rekenfouten gemaakt. Bovendien komen de worst case-scenario’s nooit uit. Zo werd voor de Britse variant in een ongunstig scenario 170.000 besmettingen per dag voorspeld. Een volledig uit de lucht gegrepen idee. De Britse variant is inmiddels alom vertegenwoordigd. De cijfers bleken gestoeld op een verkeerd R-getal én een fout startpunt dat hoger lag dan de werkelijke situatie, zo vogelde de Volkskrant eerder uit. Tegelijkertijd werd in de zomer van 2020 te positief gedacht over corona, dat toen vrijwel was verdwenen.
  4. forum rang 4 Louis7 5 april 2021 08:54
    Covid nightmare: Vaccine panic as NEW Brazil variant 'alters itself to defeat antibodies'.

    A NEW, even deadlier Brazilian COVID-19 variant has emerged which is able to alter itself in such a way as to render all current vaccines ineffective, an alarming new study has indicated.
    Sun, Apr 4, 2021


  5. forum rang 4 Louis7 5 april 2021 08:57
    Canada Covid horror: Anger at Trudeau as Brazil variant ‘out of control’ - ‘We warned you!

    CANADIAN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is under growing pressure over the continued surge in coronavirus cases, as a leading epidemiologist said he warned Covid-19 was "already burning out of control".
    Mon, Apr 5, 2021

  6. forum rang 4 Louis7 5 april 2021 09:14
    Interessant artikel! (Heb het gehele artikel geplaatst omdat men zich normaal moet registreren voor dit te lezen).

    "Flawed lateral flow tests may do more harm than good.

    Recent Cochrane review found only about 58 per cent of asymptomatic cases are picked up.
    5 April 2021

    The ability of Covid to spread from people who have not yet developed symptoms, or who never will, is the principle reason the disease is such a nightmare to control.

    It is why even in the weeks before Christmas, despite knowing the danger signs by heart, we still went around infecting each other en masse at a cost of tens of thousands of extra deaths and months more in lockdown.

    Announced on Monday, the mass rollout of twice-weekly rapid turnaround lateral flow testing is, above all, meant to provide an answer to that problem.

    Compared to the “gold standard” PCR (polymerase chain reaction) laboratory tests, they are quick, cheap and easy to use.

    It means - so the thinking goes - that conscientious citizens eager to get back out into society can test themselves regularly on the off chance they have the virus but are not yet showing symptoms.

    The problem, as a multitude of scientists have pointed out, is that detecting asymptomatic infection is precisely what these tests are not very good at.

    A recent Cochrane review - an analysis of 64 studies - found that the less good devices pick up about 72 per cent of symptomatic cases, and only 58 per cent of infections where the person was asymptomatic.

    Worryingly, this applied to the Innova test, which is used very widely in the UK.

    The review also found that where the devices were used for mass testing in areas with low infection rates, there is a strong chance they would throw up more false positives than real ones.

    The authors point out that assuming the prevalence of true positives in the asymptomatic population was 0.5 per cent - which anyway is higher than is currently the case in England - between seven and nine of every 10 positive results would be false, and between one and two and one in three true cases would be missed.

    It led some of them to question whether the rollout would actually do more harm than good.

    One of the scientists, Dr Ann Van den Bruel, from KU Leuven university in Belgium, said: “The risk of the false positives in the screening setting is very high and you may end up having the opposite effect of what you want to achieve, and you may have to close more workplaces, more classes than what you’re currently doing without a clear effect on the epidemic.”

    The use of lateral flow testing has been nowhere more controversial than in schools, where pupils are currently required to test themselves twice a week.

    Professor Jon Deeks, who led last week’s Cochrane review from Birmingham University, estimates that the “vast majority” of positive tests from schools so far are likely to be false.

    Controversy over the tests forced the Department for Education to update its guidance to say that all positive lateral flow tests taken in schools should be followed up by a confirmatory PCR test.

    Similar disquiet is likely to spread to care homes, where a negative lateral flow test will be required of all adult visitors.

    Health officials insist that fewer than one in 1,000 results is a false positive.

    However, this is actually a high proportion, and the more the virus wanes, the more likely the chances of false positive.

    Of the 3,867,008 lateral flow tests carried out on secondary school pupils up to last Tuesday, 1,805 were positive.

    If, therefore, the positive case rate in schools is one in 2,142, at a rate of one in 1,000 false positives, you would expect 3,867 false positives from the 3,867,007 tests.

    Defenders of lateral flow testing say the devices are effective at detecting Covid in people when they are highly infectious, both with and without symptoms.

    They also point out that comparing them to PCR tests is unfair, as these can be over-sensitive by yielding positives on the basis of dead or inactive virus particles.

    However, to proceed with the introduction of a technology about which there is so much disquiet seems strangely dissonant at a moment when, thanks to the success of the vaccine rollout, the public has at last begun to believe that its Government really is following the science.

    It is likely that officials and ministers are only too aware of the drawbacks to lateral flow, but have decided that false positives - unfair though they are - are a price worth paying, to flag infections that would not otherwise be caught.

    As Dr Susan Hopkins, of Public Health England, said last week: “Every day, rapid testing is helping us find cases of Covid that we wouldn't otherwise know about, breaking chains of transmission and potentially saving lives."

  7. [verwijderd] 5 april 2021 09:22
    Bij een positieve lft moet het hele gezin in quarantaine. Als ze daarna een negatieve pcr test afleggen mogen ze terug buiten. Laat die vals positieven maar komen.
  8. [verwijderd] 5 april 2021 09:42
    Alle Engelsen krijgen beschikking over twee zelftests per week:

    Covid: Tests to be offered twice-weekly to all in England

    Everyone in England is to be given access to two rapid coronavirus tests a week from Friday, under an extension of the government's testing programme.

    The lateral flow kits, which can provide results in around 30 minutes, will be available for free at testing sites, pharmacies and through the post.

    The health secretary said it would help squash any outbreaks as lockdown eases.

    But critics of the programme say it risks becoming a "scandalous" waste of money.

    It comes as Boris Johnson is due to meet the cabinet to sign off the next stage of lockdown easing in England, which will see non-essential shops reopen and pubs and restaurants start serving outdoors from 12 April.


    Lees verder op: www.bbc.com/news/uk-56632084
  9. forum rang 4 Louis7 5 april 2021 09:46
    APRIL 4, 2021
    Troubling "Eek" variant found in most Tokyo hospital COVID cases - NHK.

    TOKYO (Reuters) - Around 70% of coronavirus patients tested at a Tokyo hospital last month carried a mutation known for reducing vaccine protection, Japanese public broadcaster NHK said on Sunday.

  10. forum rang 4 Louis7 5 april 2021 09:52
    Brits holidaying in Spain will be forced to wear face masks on the beach - and even in the sea - after a new decree issued by the government.

    As the popular destination dangles on a precipice of a new wave of Covid-19 infections, Spanish authorities said it will be mandatory for all people aged six and over to wear face coverings “on public streets, in outdoor spaces and in any closed space that has a public use or is open to the public”.

    This will apply to people who are sunbathing or even swimming in the sea.

  11. forum rang 6 trab33 5 april 2021 10:56
    Sneltesten vanaf morgen te koop bij de apotheker: dit kosten ze, en zo moet je ze gebruiken
    Alle inwoners van ons land kunnen vanaf morgen 6 april de eerste zelftesten kopen bij de apotheker. En bedrijven kunnen tot 1 mei gratis sneltests bestellen bij de federale overheid om personeelsleden die niet kunnen thuiswerken twee keer per week te testen.
    De bedoeling is wel om een sprintje te trekken en het aantal besmettingen zoveel mogelijk de kop in te drukken richting 1 mei, door massaal te gaan testen. Maar alleen preventief, zo beklemtoont hij. Wie symptomen heeft of een risicovol contact had, moet zich nog steeds laten testen via de reguliere weg: via de huisarts of het testcentrum. “De PCR-test blijft de betrouwbaarste test en ons land kan er tot 150.000 per dag analyseren”, aldus coronacommissaris Pedro Facon. Het resultaat heb je binnen de 24 uur.

    Kostprijs? Mensen die via de ziekteverzekering recht hebben op een verhoogde tegemoetkoming, zo’n twee miljoen Belgen, betalen 1 euro remgeld. Die terugbetalingsregeling moet op 12 april rond zijn. De anderen mogen volgens adjunct-coronacommissaris Carole Schirvel rekenen op zo’n 7 à 8 euro per test.

    Welke zelftesten zijn er beschikbaar? Momenteel is er nog maar één test, die van Roche, goedgekeurd om verkocht te worden in de apotheek. “Maar andere testen kunnen snel volgen als hun dossiers volledig zijn”
    bron hln
  12. Erg chebbi 5 april 2021 11:15
    Terwijl het wereldnieuws even stil valt gaat Covid tijdens de paasdagen gewoon door..Over een week kunnen we in Londen buiten de deur in een restaurant eten, dat dan weer wel! Amsterdam volgt als het aan Halsema ligt.
  13. Florissant 5 april 2021 11:48
    Als die gratis LTF tests van Novacyt blijken te zijn dan gaan we een lekker weekje tegemoet...

    Ik wacht al maanden op goed nieuws...
  14. [verwijderd] 5 april 2021 12:33

    Florissant schreef op 5 april 2021 11:48:

    Als die gratis LTF tests van Novacyt blijken te zijn dan gaan we een lekker weekje tegemoet...

    Ik wacht al maanden op goed nieuws...
    Dan ga je nog wat langer moeten wachten vrees ik.
  15. Eljee66 5 april 2021 15:44


    Press release
    Twice weekly rapid testing to be available to everyone in England
    Everyone in England will be able to access free, regular, rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) testing from 9 April, the Government has announced.

    Everyone in England, including those without symptoms, will be able to take a free rapid coronavirus (COVID-19) test twice a week
    Alongside vaccine rollout
    Updates will be made to the NHS COVID-19 app in England to coincide with the universal testing offer
    Everyone in England will be abIle to access free, regular, rapid coronavirus testing from 9 April, the Government has announced.

    In a significant step forward, which paves the way for businesses and society reopening, anyone will be able to access free, rapid lateral flow tests (LFDs) for themselves and their families to use twice a week, in line with clinical guidance.

    Rapid testing has so far been available to those most at risk and people who need to leave home for work, including frontline NHS workers, care home staff and residents, and schoolchildren and their families. Now rapid testing will be offered to everyone, with people encouraged to take regular tests to help prevent outbreaks and reclaim a more normal way of life.

    One in 3 people with COVID-19 do not experience any symptoms and may be spreading the virus unwittingly. Rapid testing detects cases quickly, meaning positive cases can isolate immediately. Since rapid testing was introduced, over 120,000 positive cases that would not have been found otherwise have already been identified by LFDs. By making rapid tests available to everyone, more cases will be detected, breaking chains of transmission and saving lives.

    Alongside the rollout of the vaccine, regular testing is going to be an essential part of the easing of restrictions as it will help us quickly suppress the spread of variants. Through new testing technology, positive cases of variants of concern are being detected faster than ever before. More people getting a test will increase our ability to identify and control variants.

    The NHS COVID-19 app has been breaking chains of transmission to protect users and their communities since its launch in September, with over 22 million people downloading the app to date. Updates will be made to the NHS COVID-19 app in England to coincide with the offer of rapid testing for everyone.

    Het volledig artikel

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