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Q3-draadje Fugro voor iedereen.

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  1. forum rang 7 Jaramis 13 juli 2022 14:17
    Dag allen, ben met vakantie maar lees t forum uiteraard wel. Vraagje voor de kenner: heeft Fugro baat bij een sterke dollar?
  2. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 13 juli 2022 15:11

    Jalen schreef op 13 juli 2022 14:17:

    Dag allen, ben met vakantie maar lees t forum uiteraard wel. Vraagje voor de kenner: heeft Fugro baat bij een sterke dollar?
    Hele fijne vakantie Jalen en geniet ervan, jij kan beter even niet naar de beurzen kijken anders verpest het je humeur alleen maar! ;-)
    Je zou zeggen dat het niet slecht is voor Fugro, doen natuurlijk veel werk buiten Europa.
    Ben daar ook niet goed in thuis.
  3. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 13 juli 2022 15:14
    De shorters hebben weer vrij spel na de cijfers van de inflatie in de USA! :-(
    Het is ongelooflijk dat ze met 15-20K omzet de koers 20cent omlaag douwen.
  4. forum rang 4 RobS 13 juli 2022 15:32

    Jalen schreef op 13 juli 2022 14:17:

    Dag allen, ben met vakantie maar lees t forum uiteraard wel. Vraagje voor de kenner: heeft Fugro baat bij een sterke dollar?
    Vraag even doorgespeeld aan Catrien!
  5. forum rang 7 Jaramis 13 juli 2022 16:13

    RobS schreef op 13 juli 2022 15:32:


    Vraag even doorgespeeld aan Catrien!
    Top. Dank Rob.

    Ik dacht zo, met al die opdrachten in de VS geeft dat ms wat voordeel.
  6. forum rang 7 Jaramis 13 juli 2022 16:18

    Greyhounds schreef op 13 juli 2022 16:08:

    Kon het toch niet laten, plukje erbij op 11,51
    Ook een plukje erbij op - jawel - 11.45. Hopelijk blijft dat de ADL van vandaag.

    Ik heb besloten voorlopig niet uit te stappen. Al met al blijft de boel erg sterk liggen. De daling lijkt me achteraf meer afbouw van Van Heijst & shorts, dan meelopen met de olieprijs.
  7. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 13 juli 2022 16:22

    Jalen schreef op 13 juli 2022 16:18:


    Ook een plukje erbij op - jawel - 11.45. Hopelijk blijft dat de ADL van vandaag.

    Ik heb besloten voorlopig niet uit te stappen. Al met al blijft de boel erg sterk liggen. De daling lijkt me achteraf meer afbouw van Van Heijst & shorts, dan meelopen met de olieprijs.
    Helemaal mee eens Jalen.
  8. JJJS 13 juli 2022 16:23

    RobS schreef op 13 juli 2022 15:32:


    Vraag even doorgespeeld aan Catrien!
    De olie en gasindustrie is van origine dollar gerelateerd. Ik vermoed echter dat het reguliere onderhoud hier en die grote Europese windparken ed gewoon in euro's zijn. In Verweggistan zullen ze nog wel de dollar gebruiken of gelijk hedgen.

    Dus mijn gevoel, ja, maar minder dan vroeger.

    Staat er in de risicofactoren van de jaarrekening hier niets over toegelicht? Als ze gevoelig zijn voor dollar schommelingen zou dat er in moeten staan.
  9. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 13 juli 2022 16:30
    Als de olie zo door zakt dan gaat de inflatie ook wel weer omlaag lijkt mij! ;-)
    Wel grappig dat ze zeggen dat de olie duurder gaat worden omdat de euro zakt!
    Maar de olie is nu ook goed gezakt maar dat telt natuurlijk niet of is dat te kort door de bocht!
  10. JJJS 13 juli 2022 16:35
    Olie en gas is een dollar industrie en wordt primair verhandeld in dollars. Dus duurdere dollar betekent duurdere olie (maar ook een hoger Shell dividend.....:))
  11. forum rang 4 nr36 13 juli 2022 20:01
    ffshore engineering: Surveying the energy island
    Floating Wind Lidar Buoy
    Fugro has carried out extensive geophysical and geotechnical site investigations in the North Sea before work starts on the world’s first energy island off the Danish coast.

    Fugro is carrying out cable route surveys for the world’s first artificial energy island 80km west of the coast of Denmark in the North Sea. This follows earlier phases of seabed surveys and geotechnical site investigations.

    The Dutch geodata specialist has been awarded several contracts by Danish national transmission system operator Energinet, which will construct and operate the electricity transmission system connecting the island to the mainland. The Danish Energy Agency is leading the project.

    The artificial energy island will be 80km west of the town of Thorsminde. It will serve as an offshore power hub. It will gather and distribute electricity from 200 giant offshore wind turbines to 3M households in Denmark and neighbouring countries. The island and wind farm will cover an area of at least 120,000m² and is expected to have a capacity of 3GW by 2030. There is also a longer-term option of expanding this to 10GW.

    Wind Farm and energy island location
    The Danish Government gave the go-ahead for the construction of the wind energy hub in February 2021. Since then extensive geophysical mapping and geotechnical site investigation campaigns have been carried out across the island and wind farm sites.

    Resulting geodata will be used to prepare an integrated geological and geotechnical soil model on which wind farm contractors will base their tenders. Fugro’s investigations and surveys will thus be crucial in informing the design of the artificial energy island and where the island, wind turbines and cable route trench will be built.

    So far, Fugro has completed its preliminary geophysical survey work. In May it finished its geotechnical site investigations involving seabed cone penetration tests (CPTs) and downhole testing.

    Now, Fugro is carrying out surveys between the Danish coast and the artificial island site to provide insights into the ground engineering challenges along the proposed cable route. It is also simultaneously running an extensive laboratory programme to analyse samples taken from the investigations until April 2023.

    Seabed surveys
    In May 2021 Fugro started its first preliminary geophysical survey work for the project.

    This involved geophysical seabed mapping of a 530km2 area on the west side of the proposed wind farm site. The east side of the site, where the energy island will be located, was surveyed by another company.

    In the area that Fugro surveyed, the sea is only 25m to 50m deep and offers good wind conditions, making it a suitable location for the hub. Even so, Energinet wants to confirm that the seabed is suitable for the offshore wind turbines, which will be up to 260m tall.

    The first phase of the mapping involved delivering the geophysical surveys, including seabed sampling, soil data gathering and a 2D ultra high resolution seismic (UHRS) survey.

    These surveys looked at “the high-resolution bathymetry, static and dynamic elements of the seabed surface and geological layers 100m below the seabed to determine that information”, explains Fugro project manager Abhijeet Padwalkar.

    For this bathymetry study Fugro also had to make sure that there was no debris or “unwanted material”
    on the seabed, such as ship wreckage, fishing gear or objects of potential archaeological or conservation interest.

    Multipurpose survey vessel the Fugro Pioneer was used to perform the UHRS and geophysical surveys. It was deployed between mid-May and mid-October 2021.

    The second phase of the fieldwork involved performing unexploded ordnance (UXO) magnetometry surveys using the Fugro Frontier vessel between mid-December and mid-March 2022.

    “The site is where the Battle of Jutland took place which is believed to be the largest naval battle fought during WWI”, says Padwalkar, “So because of this, the site could have UXOs which had to be identified.”

    He adds: “To carry out this investigation we had our Fugro proprietary dual Geowing with five magnetometers in an M configuration being deployed simultaneously. That made sure we had the coverage and the sensitivity to actually report these magnetic anomalies of potential UXOs on site.”

    The results from these surveys were then made available to Fugro’s geotechnical team for the site investigation programme that followed.
  12. forum rang 4 nr36 13 juli 2022 20:02
    Geotechnical site investigations
    In January this year Fugro started the geotechnical site investigations. These covered the area where the 2.5km by 2.5km island will be created as well as the adjacent 1,059km² offshore wind farm zone.

    Fugro geotechnical project manager Kasper Speth says that the geotechnical investigations sought to answer questions that the surveys were unable to. These include: “How stiff [is the soil]?” and: “Will we run into any soft clays?” Across the wind farm zone Fugro’s investigations were more spread out while it carried out a much denser grid of CPTs across the smaller island site, notes Speth.

    He adds: “The boreholes also had different requirements than the standard boreholes that you would do for the wind farm investigation, because at this point, it’s still not known what type of island they will build.”

    The island could be a jacked structure, or it could be reclaimed from the sea using sand.

    “For each of these structures, you need different types of information about the subsurface,” explains Speth. Because of this Fugro performed a very broad investigation on the energy island site.

    Fugro’s geotechnical investigations consisted of a seabed phase of CPT tests followed by a phase of soil sampling. After this the team continued with another round of CPTs in case they had not gone as deep as they needed to initially.

    Fugro’s geotechnical vessel the Normand Mermaid mobilised on the 17 January and covered the wind farm site.

    This vessel was equipped with the Seacalf Mk V Deepdrive – an advanced system for seabed CPTs. This large unit can push a cone up to 60m into the seabed with 20t of thrust.

    Fugro then mobilised three downhole drilling vessels – the Fugro Scout, the Gargano, and the Highland Eagle – across the wind farm site. The Fugro Scout and the Gargano also worked on the artificial island site.

    Each of these vessels was equipped with a specialised wireline CPT tool called Wison Mk V Ecodrive.

    “This [tool] is a nice innovation because usually for these kinds of systems we use hydraulic oil to get the pressure in the downhole tool,” Speth notes. “But with this one, we’ve used an eco-fluid which means that if you have leakage, there’s no environmental damage.”

    Crucially, the geotechnical team used geophysical data from the previous survey campaign to “make sure that there was no debris or UXOs across the site” while they were carrying out investigations. “[The data] was also used to assess the risk of shallow gas [trapped natural gas] which was low on the whole site,” adds Speth.

    Puncturing shallow gas pockets during geotechincal operations could put Fugro vessels and crew at risk.

    The last two vessels finished work in June. Now all the samples have been gathered, they will be analysed in Fugro’s various geotechnical laboratories.

    Cable route surveys
    In March this year Fugro sent vessels to site to begin the surveying work for the cable route. This runs for 100km north of the site and 140km south of the site.

    The geophysical survey work is a similar investigation to what Fugro did for the energy island site. The offshore component of the survey is performed by the Fugro Frontier.

    “Again, that will perform a very detailed bathymetry survey, and we are performing ground truthing by doing grab sampling,” says Padwalkar.

    As part of this Fugro will capture about 3kg of soil samples at 1km intervals along the pipeline route.“We also are carrying out a magnetometer survey to again ensure that there are no magnetic anomalies along the cable route while we are doing the cable lay,” adds Padwalkar.

    The second part of the campaign will include a shallow geotechnical investigation of seabed sections. The smaller Fugro Seeker vessel will perform this work at water depths of 10m to 2m.

    Following this, Fugro will undertake rapid airborne lidar surveys at the landfall points of the cable route.

    Then Fugro’s Energy Scout will carry out shallow geotechnical investigations using its Blue Snake geotechnical system – an innovative new technology. Blue Snake integrates CPT and sampling technology so that data can be captured in a single pass with testing completed at the same time and at the same location along the cable route. The technology integrates a vibrocorer and 10t CPT into a single frame with a customised launch and recovery system.

    “This unit helps not only speed up the acquisition of the samples, but gives us a good correlation between the samples that we acquire,” says Padwalkar.

    On completion of the geotechnical scope, Fugro will carry out a utilities inspection involving a desktop study of all the possible locations of telecom company communication cables on the seabed.

    In the next package Fugro will map these out using a remotely operated vehicle inspection from the Atlantic Dweller vessel.
  13. forum rang 4 nr36 13 juli 2022 20:03
    Stormy seas
    Given that Fugro is exploring a wind farm site in the North Sea, poor weather has been a major challenge for the project team, especially as there were several major storms in January and February.

    “Usually, we can work with these vessels in higher wave heights,” says Fugro principal commercial manager Sven Plasman. But because of the extreme storms the vessels had to return to port on several occasions to wait out the bad weather.

    Geophysical vessels are also prone to more downtime because bad weather affects the quality of data that they can collect.

    To mitigate this Fugro deployed its seawatch wind lidar buoys on site. These provide accurate measurements of wind profiles, waves and currents to the forecasting office. The office models the weather and then sends the forecasts back to Fugro’s vessels so they can better plan survey activity.

    Danish fishermen posed another challenge. Fishermen working in and around the energy island and wind farm sites cast nets which usually hang within a couple of metres of the seabed.

    “While performing the geophysical survey we tow our survey sensors 3m to 5m above the seabed,” explains Padwalkar. “Because the nets cannot be picked up by sonar, there is a high chance of our equipment getting tangled in them.

    “This would result in damage to the nets and our equipment – something that all parties want to avoid.”

    However, Fugro and Energinet built up a good relationship with the fishing community in Denmark before the start of the project. Then, when it began work at sea, it notified the fishermen of where its vessels would be located.

    Fugro also had a fishing liaison officer on its geophysical vessel and they communicated constantly with the fishing community in and around the area.

    The final but most unexpected challenge was dealing with the impacts of pycnocline – a natural phenomenon which occurs when water density increases rapidly with depth due to changes in temperature and/or salinity.

    “Sound travels differently depending on the density of the water, so this would then impact the coverage of the sonar that we are performing,” notes Padwalkar. “So this dilutes the quality of the data that is received by the sensor.”

    To avoid this, Fugro carries out a sound velocity check every six hours prior to each survey. It also has a moving vessel profiler which continuously records sound velocity.

    The Danish Energy Agency plans to start the tendering process for the island main works later this year, with the winning bidder due to be named in early 2023.
  14. forum rang 4 nr36 13 juli 2022 20:04
    CO2-Endlager vor Rotterdam
    13. Juli 2022
    Die Niederlande im Allgemeinen und der Hafen Rotterdam im Speziellen treiben das Zukunftsprojekt „CO2-Endlagerung“ in ehemaligen Erdgasfeldern in der Nordsee mit Nachdruck voran.

    Wie der Hafenbetrieb Rotterdam (HbR) mitteilte, werden jetzt mit einem Spezialschiff wichtige Ergänzungsuntersuchungen im Seegebiet vor Rotterdam durchgeführt. Es handelt sich dabei um das Doppelrumpfschiff „Fugro Seeker“, das dem niederländischen Unternehmen Fugro NV gehört. Es hat sich auf weltweite Erhebung von Geo-Daten spezialisiert. Das Spezialfahrzeug „Fugro Seeker“ mit Heimathafen Southampton ist dabei für den Einsatz in küstennahen Gewässern ausgelegt und mit modernster Messtechnik bestückt. Beim HbR geht man derzeit davon aus, dass die Erkundungsarbeiten etwa Mitte August abgeschlossen werden können.
  15. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 14 juli 2022 10:27
    Goedemorgen alle, denk dat ik maar even een zomerslaap van 2 weken ga houden tot de cijfers.
    Morgen expiratie nog en dan misschien volgende week weer richting de 12 dat zou mooi zijn.
    Bergonzi is het gelukt met DE Giro?

  16. forum rang 7 Greyhounds 14 juli 2022 10:48

    Lekker Truitje schreef op 14 juli 2022 10:46:

    Ik wens je welterusten. Wel weer wakker worden als de koers de 20 aantikt hoor, want dan worden er hier tompoezen uitgedeeld.
    Dank je, geloof mij als Fugro de 20 aantikt zijn mijn ogen allang weer open hoor! Ha Ha
    Ben gek op tompoezen wel die met half slagroom en pudding! ;-)

    Er is trouwens weer geen peil op te trekken, beurs, Shell omlaag en Fugro omhoog!
    Wie het weet mag het zeggen.
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