nine_inch_nerd 28 september 2022 14:06 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Ook een draadje gemaakt over Electra Battery Materials Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 29 september 2022 09:52 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 EcoGraf Expands BAM Facility Development PlansEuropean and North American Markets Requiring Accelerated Lithium-ion BAM Production to Meet EV DemandEcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR; FSE: FMK; OTCQX: ECGFF) is pleased to advise that following multiple approaches from electric vehicle manufacturers in Europe and North America during recent months, the Company intends to scale-up plans for its EcoGrafTM Battery Anode Material (BAM) Facility.Key Highlights+ Increased requirement for new supply of battery anode material following US Mineral Security Partnership (June 2022) and Inflation Reduction Act (August 2022)+ Geopolitical changes in Europe and the Pacific re-shaping trade flows, regionalised battery supply chains and pricing models, based on critical mineral security, responsible sourcing and sustainable production processes+ Opportunity for EcoGraf’s long-life, high quality Epanko Graphite Project to support increased battery anode material production levels to meet European and North American demand+ Potential for micronizing and spheronizing operations in Tanzania to optimise supply chain efficiencies for regionalised EcoGrafTM battery anode material facilities+ Original EcoGrafTM Battery Anode Material Facility stage 1: 5,000tpa followed by stage 2: 20,000tpa production model to be replaced by single-phase ~25,000tpa development, delivering faster ramp-up, construction schedule efficiency, economies of scale and significant market position+ Dynamic market changes with EV manufacturers seeking significantly higher volumes, resulting in a single-phase ~25,000tpa development+ Simplified commercial development model will be supported by a new stage 1 product qualification facility that is targeted to be in operation mid 2023+ Larger, single-phase development to support proposed debt financing arrangements with Export Finance Australia+ HFfree purification patent processes in progress in key battery markets+ EcoGraf anode recycling capability strengthens value proposition in Europe andNorth AmericaIn recent months EcoGraf has received multiple approaches from North American and European electric vehicle manufacturers for the supply of battery anode material products, which have focussed on the ability of the Company to scale-up production rates to meet demand requirements in those regions. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 30 september 2022 09:47 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 EcoGraf Annual Report Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 4 oktober 2022 08:34 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Ecograf: Further Positive Results for Enhanced HPA Anode Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 5 oktober 2022 15:03 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Lithiumkoorts lijkt immuun voor dreigende recessieBehalve aandelenkoersen staan ook veel prijzen van grondstoffen onder druk door de angst voor een recessie. Toonaangevende grondstoffen zoals ruwe olie en koper zijn sinds de zomer fors gedaald, al blijven de prijzen in historisch opzicht hoog.Maar de hype in de lithiumprijzen gaat vrijwel ongestoord verder. De index van databedrijf Benchmark Mineral Intelligence voor dit metaal koerst al vanaf het voorjaar rond de 1000 punten. Dit niveau werd bereikt na een pijlsnelle klim. Eind 2021 stond de index nog op 460 punten, een jaar eerder nog maar op 121. De neergang in de grondstoffenprijzen vanaf de zomer lijkt lithium niet te deren.Dit metaal is een cruciale grondstof voor oplaadbare batterijen en de vraag zal naar verwachting hoog blijven, recessie of niet. De drijvende kracht daarachter is de vraag naar elektrische auto's. Voor de batterijen daarvan is veel lithium nodig. In de Verenigde Staten en Europa lanceren grote autofabrikanten in hoog tempo elektrische modellen, in een poging het succes van koploper Tesla te evenaren.Maar analisten houden ook China scherp in de gaten, de grootste markt voor elektrische voertuigen ter wereld. Branchevereniging China Passenger Car Association verwacht dat er dit jaar zes miljoen elektrische personenwagens worden verkocht in het land, twee keer zoveel als in 2021.Aanbod kan de vraag niet bijbenenOndertussen kan het aanbod de vraag niet bijbenen. In theorie is er geen probleem. Lithium is, in tegenstelling tot sommige andere grondstoffen, niet schaars. Er zit ruim voldoende van in de aardkorst. Zomaar de productie opschalen blijkt echter lastig te zijn. De hoge prijzen prikkelen weliswaar de fantasie van bedrijven en investeerders, maar grote mijnbouwprojecten roepen veel weerstand op. Een project in Servië van het Brits-Australische mijnbouwbedrijf Rio Tinto stuitte na protesten van omwonenden op een blokkade van de Servische regering.Ook in Latijns-Amerika, waar lithium uit pekelwater gewonnen wordt, stuit de winning op weerstand. De lokale bevolking is bang voor milieuvervuiling en wil bovendien ook meeprofiteren van de winst. In Chili wil de regering meer belasting gaan heffen op mijnbouwbedrijven.Tot nog toe deert dat de koersen niet. Het Amerikaanse Albemarle, dat ook in Chili actief is, won dit jaar al ruim 20% aan koers. Concurrent Livent staat op jaarbasis bijna 30% hoger. Daarbij steken de prestaties van het enige lithiumbedrijf dat aan het Damrak is genoteerd schril af. Midkapper Advanced Metallurgical Group (AMG) staat na een flinke rally eerder dit jaar nu zelfs in de min. Op jaarbasis staat er een verlies van rond de 15% op de borden.Het achterblijven van AMG stelt analisten voor een raadsel. 'De angst voor het crashen van de lithiumprijs zou mee kunnen spelen, maar dat zou dan ook voor de andere fabrikanten moeten gelden', zegt analist Martijn den Drijver van ABN Amro.Henk Veerman, analist bij zakenbank Kempen, vermoedt dat de verschillende activiteiten van AMG te maken hebben met de achterblijvende koers. AMG houdt zich namelijk niet alleen bezig met lithium. Het bedrijf maakt nog meer bijzondere metalen en legeringen, zoals vanadium, en produceert ook ovensystemen om metalen te winnen. 'Dat maakt het voor beleggers minder eenvoudig om in te schatten hoe groot het effect van de lithiumprijs is. En dat gebrek aan transparantie heeft een sterker effect in een dalende markt.'ScepsisMaar toch. Dat zou dan ook voor Albemarle op moeten gaan. Dit bedrijf heeft meerdere activiteiten die niet worden beïnvloed door de lithiumprijs, en doet het toch aanmerkelijk beter dan AMG. Het blijft gissen, maar wellicht zijn beleggers in AMG toch wat voorzichtiger ingesteld en kijken zij met meer scepsis naar de lithiumhype, ondanks de hoge prijzen.De angst voor een recessie heeft de koersen flink gedrukt sinds de zomer, en het is nog maar de vraag of de elektrische auto daar immuun voor zal zijn. De afgelopen weken kwamen er vanuit Azië signalen dat beleggers voorzichtiger worden, ook als het om elektrische auto's gaat.Het beursdebuut van de Chinese producent Leapmotor in Hongkong liep namelijk uit op een regelrechte flop. Op de eerste handelsdag zakte de koers met 34%. W-Scope Chungju Plant Co, dat batterijonderdelen maakt voor elektrische auto's, kreeg vorige week vrijdag zijn eerste notering in Seoel. Het Zuid-Koreaanse bedrijf wilde het equivalent van $600 mln ophalen, maar bleef steken op de helft. De koers kelderde op de eerste handelsdag met 31%. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 6 oktober 2022 10:30 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 EcografAfter lithium: Does the price explosion also come with graphite?For a long time, car manufacturers overslept to secure new sources of the battery metal lithium, or to finance projects with which new offers can be won. Meanwhile, a rethink has begun, but in the meantime the lithium price is already rushing from record high to record high and many analysts predict a large deficit in the market.The high lithium price has also ensured that offer that would otherwise not be profitable, or Projects that have been ignored for years are now being developed. And this despite the fact that lithium accounts for only a small part of the active material of a lithium-ion battery - unlike the name suggests.In fact, half of the metal content of a battery for use in electric vehicles is in the graphite anode. And more and more voices, especially from the mining sector, believe that a similar shortage scenario is brewing here as lithium. In view of the so far rather subdued price development at Naturgraphite, the industry warns that OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) are likely to lag behind the price in the future - similar to lithium - if the market picks up.In addition, many graphite producers require a long qualification process to ensure that their product meets the requirements of battery manufacturers. Which means that new graphite offer will not be launched from now on.In any case, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence analysts assume that - based on the estimated battery demand in 2035 - the demand for natural graphite will be "extreme" compared to this year. And according to the experts, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that a significantly higher production of synthetic graphite is also required. However, in view of the fact that this arises from the overheating of hydrocarbons such as oil coke and oil, the chances of this in an increasingly "green" world are rather low in the opinion of Benchmark Intelligence.According to the analysts, this means that a further 97 graphite mines would have to be built by 2035 in order to serve the current demand pipeline. So a lot really needs to happen on the anode side of the industry, so that the growth story of the battery and electromobility sector does not come to a standstill. Especially since these 97 mines would also have to produce graphite that meets the requirements of battery manufacturers - for which there is no guarantee, according to Benchmark.And not even with existing and planned mines, everything just runs smoothly. Syrah Resources' Balama mine, for example, has been stopped in recent days, while Walkabout Resources has fallen into financing difficulties in connection with the Lindi Jumbo graphite project.The graphite price has not yet developed as explosively as other materials needed for lithium-ion batteries - lithium, cobalt or nickel, for example. However, in view of the scenario outlined by Benchmark, this should only be a matter of time.Who benefits?In our opinion, Australian EcoGraf Ltd should also be among the profiteers of such a development. (WKN A2PW0M / ASX EGR). On the one hand, EcoGraf is already in the approval process for a battery-anode plant with a capacity of 25,000 tons per year. Only recently, they announced that they wanted to speed up the process, as they are showing an increased demand from potential customers from the USA and Europe. The plant is now to go into operation as early as mid-2023.On the other hand, the long-lasting graphite project Epanko in Tanzania is being developed, which is to produce natural graphite of the highest quality according to the industry-leading environmental and social standards of the Equator Principles. The company is currently concluding the Epanko framework agreement agreements with the Special Presidential Government Negotiating Team Tansanisa to support the project financing process. EcoGraf hopes to be able to publish news in this regard shortly.Detailed information about EcoGraf can be found in the company's profile at www.goldinvest.deSubscribe to the Goldinvest newsletter now!Follow Goldinvest on Youtube!Risk warning: The contents of and all other information platforms used by GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH serve exclusively to inform readers and do not constitute a request for action whatsoever. Neither explicitly nor implicitly are they to be understood as an assurance of any price developments. Furthermore, they did not replace individual expert investment advice in any way, but rather represent advertising / journalistic texts. Readers who make investment decisions based on the information offered here or Carry out transactions, act completely at your own risk. The acquisition of securities carries high risks, which can lead to the total loss of the invested capital. GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH and its authors expressly exclude any liability for financial losses or the content guarantee for the topicality, correctness, appropriateness and completeness of the articles offered here. Please also note our terms of use.According to §34 WpHG, we would like to point out that partners, authors and/or employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH can hold or hold shares of the companies mentioned and thus a conflict of interest can exist. We cannot also rule out other stock market letters, media or research companies discussing the values we discuss in the same period. Therefore, there may be symmetrical information and opinion generation during this period. Furthermore, a consulting or other service contract may exist directly or indirectly between the companies mentioned and GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH, which may also lead to a conflict of interest. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 6 oktober 2022 13:26 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 American Manganese Changes Name to RecycLiCo Battery Materials Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Sprinterke 6 oktober 2022 21:31 auteur info Sprinterke Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 23 okt 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 139 Gegeven: 15 Aantal posts: 232 quote:nine_inch_nerd schreef op 6 oktober 2022 10:30:EcografAfter lithium: Does the price explosion also come with graphite?For a long time, car manufacturers overslept to secure new sources of the battery metal lithium, or to finance projects with which new offers can be won. Meanwhile, a rethink has begun, but in the meantime the lithium price is already rushing from record high to record high and many analysts predict a large deficit in the market.The high lithium price has also ensured that offer that would otherwise not be profitable, or Projects that have been ignored for years are now being developed. And this despite the fact that lithium accounts for only a small part of the active material of a lithium-ion battery - unlike the name suggests.In fact, half of the metal content of a battery for use in electric vehicles is in the graphite anode. And more and more voices, especially from the mining sector, believe that a similar shortage scenario is brewing here as lithium. In view of the so far rather subdued price development at Naturgraphite, the industry warns that OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) are likely to lag behind the price in the future - similar to lithium - if the market picks up.In addition, many graphite producers require a long qualification process to ensure that their product meets the requirements of battery manufacturers. Which means that new graphite offer will not be launched from now on.In any case, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence analysts assume that - based on the estimated battery demand in 2035 - the demand for natural graphite will be "extreme" compared to this year. And according to the experts, the situation is exacerbated by the fact that a significantly higher production of synthetic graphite is also required. However, in view of the fact that this arises from the overheating of hydrocarbons such as oil coke and oil, the chances of this in an increasingly "green" world are rather low in the opinion of Benchmark Intelligence.According to the analysts, this means that a further 97 graphite mines would have to be built by 2035 in order to serve the current demand pipeline. So a lot really needs to happen on the anode side of the industry, so that the growth story of the battery and electromobility sector does not come to a standstill. Especially since these 97 mines would also have to produce graphite that meets the requirements of battery manufacturers - for which there is no guarantee, according to Benchmark.And not even with existing and planned mines, everything just runs smoothly. Syrah Resources' Balama mine, for example, has been stopped in recent days, while Walkabout Resources has fallen into financing difficulties in connection with the Lindi Jumbo graphite project.The graphite price has not yet developed as explosively as other materials needed for lithium-ion batteries - lithium, cobalt or nickel, for example. However, in view of the scenario outlined by Benchmark, this should only be a matter of time.Who benefits?In our opinion, Australian EcoGraf Ltd should also be among the profiteers of such a development. (WKN A2PW0M / ASX EGR). On the one hand, EcoGraf is already in the approval process for a battery-anode plant with a capacity of 25,000 tons per year. Only recently, they announced that they wanted to speed up the process, as they are showing an increased demand from potential customers from the USA and Europe. The plant is now to go into operation as early as mid-2023.On the other hand, the long-lasting graphite project Epanko in Tanzania is being developed, which is to produce natural graphite of the highest quality according to the industry-leading environmental and social standards of the Equator Principles. The company is currently concluding the Epanko framework agreement agreements with the Special Presidential Government Negotiating Team Tansanisa to support the project financing process. EcoGraf hopes to be able to publish news in this regard shortly.Detailed information about EcoGraf can be found in the company's profile at www.goldinvest.deSubscribe to the Goldinvest newsletter now!Follow Goldinvest on Youtube!Risk warning: The contents of and all other information platforms used by GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH serve exclusively to inform readers and do not constitute a request for action whatsoever. Neither explicitly nor implicitly are they to be understood as an assurance of any price developments. Furthermore, they did not replace individual expert investment advice in any way, but rather represent advertising / journalistic texts. Readers who make investment decisions based on the information offered here or Carry out transactions, act completely at your own risk. The acquisition of securities carries high risks, which can lead to the total loss of the invested capital. GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH and its authors expressly exclude any liability for financial losses or the content guarantee for the topicality, correctness, appropriateness and completeness of the articles offered here. Please also note our terms of use.According to §34 WpHG, we would like to point out that partners, authors and/or employees of GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH can hold or hold shares of the companies mentioned and thus a conflict of interest can exist. We cannot also rule out other stock market letters, media or research companies discussing the values we discuss in the same period. Therefore, there may be symmetrical information and opinion generation during this period. Furthermore, a consulting or other service contract may exist directly or indirectly between the companies mentioned and GOLDINVEST Consulting GmbH, which may also lead to a conflict of interest.Talga Group is het beste aandeel in deze sector!!grootste reserveshoogste concentratie ter wereldveilig land - Swedenverticaal geïntegreerdNPV : 4.5 miljard - na tax:-) Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 6 oktober 2022 22:21 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 quote:Sprinterke schreef op 6 oktober 2022 21:31:[...]Talga Group is het beste aandeel in deze sector!!grootste reserveshoogste concentratie ter wereldveilig land - Swedenverticaal geïntegreerdNPV : 4.5 miljard - na tax:-)Thnx Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 17 oktober 2022 11:59 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Why Canada will be important to the lithium market: As the EV and batteryStorage revolution accelerates across North America (NA), we believe Canada ispositioned to capitalise on its resource abundance and mining friendly, low carbonintensity operating environment, emerging as an important producer of lithium to bothlocal and EU markets.Located on the doorsteo or the worlds second largest auto market: #y salesin NA have lagged China (and Europe), but we believe recent electrification targets/nancial commitments by auto OEns and dovemments point to sionincant arowthpotential this decade (CGe 33% CAGR to 2030 to ~8m units vs. 2021 global sales 6m).Domestc production high on the agenda: The lea estimates that china controls~80% of global battery raw material refining capacity (Fig. 6). Western governments/industry players aim to reduce reliance on overseas supply of key materials and developlocalised supply chains. The US has introduced a number of government-backedprograms and legislation (Inflation Reduction Act) and entered into multilateral alliancesto advance localised supply chains/critical mineral production.Several emerging projects in the US, but might not be enough to deliver supplyindependence: To date, >USs25bn in investment in US battery manutacturng capacityhas been announced (2021 57GWh to 2030 687GWh), with Ontario/Quebec now alsoan emerging EV/LiB hub with >US$12bn recently committed. We estimate implied NALes demand could increase > .000% to ~630xt in 2030 vs, Cce 2022 alba/ demanoof 632kt). While we highlight a number of advanced lithium projects in the US (Fig. 9),our analysis suggests that even it all potential domestic US production were to doubledemand would sull exceed supply by >40% by 2030,Acavity in Canada is ramping up = we see strona potenual tor muladle newdiscoveries/ proiect developments: We highlight a growing number of activedevelopment and exploration protects, which we believe could see canada emergeas an important lithium producing nation in the medium-longer term. In our view,sustainability credentials (i.e.. hydropower) and cost benefits (proximity to end users)of Canadian lithium supply is likely to be of strategic value to the EV/battery supplychain."Canada Watchlist" highlights companies with advanceddevelopment projects, active resource dall-outs, and new discovery potentialInitiating coverage:Sayona Mining (SYA-ASX: A$0.22, M'cap: A$1.9bn | HOLD, A$0.21 target, RegSpencer): Near-term (1H'23E) SC production (160ktpa) from relatively low capexrestart at NAL (Quebec) with JV/offtake partner Piedmont Lithium. Large resource_base, with medium-term growth potential through completon or partially constructedconversion plant and Northern Hub at the high-grade Moblan project.Green Technology Metals (GT1-ASX: A$0.76, M'cap: A$190m | SPEC BUY, A$1.50 target, Tim Hoff): GT1 is progressing the Seymour (resource 9.9Mt@ 1.04%)and Root projects in Ontario, with an aggressive drill program (50-60Mt explorationtarget). The company will seek to fast-track Seymour development before developingRoot and exploring options for downstream processing.Patriot Battery Metals Inc. (PMET-TSXV: C$6.35, M'cap: C$532m | SPEC BUY,C$9.75 target, Katie Lachapelle, Reg Spencer): Tier 1 resource potential at theCorvette discovery in Quebec, within a large, untested land package. Resource potentialat the V6, Cs, Vi cordors Detore regional potential could see corvette among thelargest in NA and a global Top 10 deposit.Critical Elements Lithium Corp. (CRE-TSXV: C$1.72, M'cap: C$344m | SPECBUY, C$3.50 target, Katie Lachapelle): Progressing the advanced Rose Project,Quebec, through permitting ahead of Stage 1 development of SC. We see potential forstated darneshos and Sade 2 dans incun downstm JU conversion Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 19 oktober 2022 12:59 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Lithium has to scale twenty times by 2050 as automakers face generational October 2022 LithiumThe world will need more than twenty times the amount of lithium than was mined last year to meet demand by mid-century, according to new data from Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, driven by growth in energy storage and electric vehicles.Annual production of 11.2 million tonnes LCE will be needed by 2050 with energy storage making up two-thirds of battery demand by that date, due to the growth of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. This is one of the core themes of Benchmark Week 2022, which will held on the 14 to 18 November in Los Angeles. Join us here.The data highlights the challenge of scaling up lithium production from new mining projects, which can take over five years to bring online. Near-term, a total of 2.9 million tonnes LCE will be needed by 2032, more than the 2.7 million tonnes of cumulative global production of lithium between 2015 and 2022, according to Benchmark’s Lithium Forecast. “The long term path for lithium is set, yet the supply chain scaling challenge has just begun,” Simon Moores, chief executive of Benchmark, explained. “What this data shows is that we are at just the beginning of a generational challenge, not one that’s going to be solved in the 2020s.”By 2040, all of the lithium mined last year will only meet one month’s demand, even with the supply from recycled batteries.“Lithium miners and refiners not only have to sensitively scale their supply base within the economics of today and near term future,” Moores said. “But they also attempt to plan for a world lithium ion economy that is an order of magnitude bigger than today.”Recycling’s roleWithout recycling, we will need 234 new lithium mines by 2050 to meet this staggering demand. Today, Benchmark tracks just 40 mines which produced lithium this year.This highlights how important recycling will be for meeting the lithium demand of the future. Benchmark forecasts that in 2040, nearly 20% of lithium chemicals will be produced from recycled batteries or process scrap.In the near term, most recyclable materials will be sourced from process scrap. Though from the mid-2030s onwards an ever increasing majority of material will be sourced from end-of-life batteries.Sustainable growthLeading up to 2050, an increasing number of countries will transition their fleets to EVs. This has been the primary driver of growth in recent years. In 2015, EV’s represented just 39% of battery demand increasing to 79% this year, as assessed by Benchmark’s Lithium ion Battery Database.The US and European Union have both pledged to have net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, while China has set a goal of reaching that date by 2060. As part of that goal, the EU has pledged to ban sales of petrol and diesel vehicles by 2035, while China has said it wants only “new-energy vehicles,” which includes hybrids and fuel-cell vehicles, to be sold by that date.“It’s crucial that legacy OEMs, EV producers, and battery cell makers make the big and at times uncomfortable decisions in investing in long term generational critical minerals supply, especially for lithium,” Moores said. “If not, Automakers won’t hit their EVs, governments won’t achieve Net Zero by 2050, and market volatility will be here to stay for much longer.”By 2050 Benchmark expects about a third of battery demand will be from EVs and the rest from energy storage.For a sustainable future, Moores said energy storage will be the biggest growth sector up to 2050. These will be needed to balance the electricity grid as ever more intermittent renewable sources are added to it.Join Benchmark Week 2022To delve further into the challenges faced by the lithium ion battery supply chain, Benchmark’s flagship event returns in person this year. Benchmark Week sees back-to-back conferences covering the entire supply chain.Benchmark CEO Simon Moores will chart how we can reach a net-zero future by 2050 and the demands on the lithium supply chain.Alongside Benchmark’s expert analysts, speakers from Rio Tinto and Allkem will deliver keynote talks and active players from across the supply chain will be involved in panel discussions all week.For more in-depth discussion on lithium, the expert panels on Wednesday 16th November will explore hard rock and brine lithium mining as well as new extraction technologies. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 20 oktober 2022 12:17 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Independent ISO-Compliant LCA Study Confirms CO2 Advantages of EcoGraf HFfree™ PurificationHFfree Purification, Anode Recycling and Renewable Energy Eliminate >92% of CO2 Emissions Compared to Existing Battery Anode MaterialEcoGraf Limited (EcoGraf or the Company) (ASX: EGR; FSE: FMK; OTCQX: ECGFF) is pleased to report the global warming potential (GWP) results of the independent ISO Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for its HFfree Battery Anode Materials. This LCA is a cradle-to-gate study that assesses projected environmental impacts, including global warming impacts associated with product supply chains, a key requirement for global battery and electric vehicle manufacturers.Key findings from the study include:EcoGraf HFfree™battery anode material produced with renewable energy has a global warming potential (GWP) of up to 2.8 and 4.6 times lower than the GWP of operational Chinese natural and synthetic graphite materialsHFfree recycling of lithium-ion battery anodes provides a significant environmental benefit, with an almost zero or “CO2 free” footprint of approximately 1.6kg to 2.2kg CO2 eq. per kg EcoGraf RecoBAM™Potential to increase recycling lithium-ion battery anode through blending of EcoGraf RecoBAM™ with EcoGraf HFfree™ battery anode materials hdBAM and superBAMCompelling opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions in the battery supply chain through HFfree purification, recycling, and increased use of renewable energyEcoGraf engaging with multiple parties on the development of RecoBAM™ recycled anode material products to improve supply chain sustainability and lower battery costsLCA results support the industry transition to greater use of natural graphite in battery anodes and a reduction in high CO2 emission synthetic Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 23 oktober 2022 16:06 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 Ook interessant.Europa's gevecht om kritieke grondstoffenHalfgeleiders en kritische grondstoffen (waaronder Li) worden ook wel de olie van de 21e eeuw genoemd. Het Westen blinkt uit in halfgeleiders. Denk aan ASML in ons eigen land, maar veel metalen die wij daarvoor nodig hebben komen uit landen waar we steeds slechtere relaties mee onderhouden, zoals China. Europa heeft zichzelf veel te afhankelijk gemaakt van dit soort Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 25 oktober 2022 10:21 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93372 Gegeven: 22894 Aantal posts: 384.247 Europa binnenkort leider in lithiumproductie? Frankrijk kondigt grote mijnbouw aanBrent Geenen - Gisteren om 19:18De Franse mijnbouwgroep Imerys heeft de exploitatie aangekondigd van een van Europa’s grootste lithiummijnen.© Aangeboden door Business AMTech- en energiebedrijven zijn op zoek naar nieuwe bronnen van lithium: een metaal dat van cruciaal belang is bij de productie van batterijen voor elektrische wagens en andere elektronica. Met het oog op een elektrische toekomst, voorspelt de EU dat de productie hiervan de komende jaren exponentieel zal stijgen. Om het hoofd te bieden aan die stijgende vraag, neemt Frankrijk nu het voortouw.De essentie: Frankrijk wil de Europese koploper worden in de wereldwijde strijd om lithium-De nieuwste site van Imerys zal vanaf 2028 geopereerd worden. Het mijnbouwproject in Beauvoir (Allier) zal daarbij jaarlijks zo’n 34.000 ton lithiumhydroxide produceren en 700.000 elektrische voertuigen voorzien van lithium-ionbatterijen. Verder maakt het project plaats voor 1.000 nieuwe banen.-De bekendmaking is een grote duw in de rug van Europa, dat bijna al haar lithium importeert uit Australië, Chili en China wegens gebrek aan eigen mijnen. Het bedrijf zet daarmee de toon binnen de Europese batterijmarkt.-“De nieuwe mijn moet een duurzame en concurrerende bevoorradingsbron zijn voor Franse en Europese autofabrikanten. Het zal een grote bijdrage leveren aan het aangaan van de uitdagingen van de energietransitie”, aldus Alessandro Dazza, CEO van het bedrijf, in een persbericht.-Door gebruik te maken van koolstofvrije elektriciteit, zal ook de ecologische voetafdruk een pak lager liggen dan bij niet-Europese concurrenten.Opmerkelijk: De EU voorspelt dat het lithiumverbruik tussen 2020 en 2030 met 1700 procent zal stijgen.Op de weg naar een elektrische toekomst, zet de EU vanaf 2035 de verkoop van auto’s met een verbrandingsmotor stop. Dat maakt de productie van lithium een uiterst cruciaal element voor autofabrikanten.Ondanks het gebrek aan eigen productie, verwacht de Europese Commissie niettemin tegen 2025 minstens 80 procent van de behoeften van haar auto-industrie te kunnen inlossen.(jvdh)Met Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 29 oktober 2022 12:56 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 The Lithium Market Is Hotter Than Ever and Traders Are Moving InCommodity traders are turning their attention to lithium, as surging demand shakes up the way the battery metal is bought and soldWhen the oil market liberalized in the 1970s, a group of commodity trading buccaneers led by the infamous Marc Rich made fortunes by connecting buyers and sellers and surfing the price swings of this newly tradable commodity. Half a century later, some of Rich’s spiritual descendants are hoping to pull off a similar trick in lithium. A vital component in most electric-vehicle batteries, lithium is becoming one of the world’s most important commodities. Prices have soared to unprecedented levels as demand forecasts keep growing, leaving automakers scrambling to secure future supplies. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
nine_inch_nerd 31 oktober 2022 13:22 auteur info nine_inch_nerd Lid sinds: 04 feb 2015 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 7014 Gegeven: 5170 Aantal posts: 17.927 ECOGRAFQUARTERLY ACTIVITIES REPORTASX: EGRCLEAN ENERGY INITIATIVES DRIVE STRONG NORTH AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN BATTERY MINERALS DEMANDEcoGraf Limited (“EcoGraf” or “the Company”) (ASX: EGR) is pleased to release its activities and cash flow reports for the three months ended 30 September Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StartendeBelegger 31 oktober 2022 13:41 auteur info StartendeBelegger Lid sinds: 03 apr 2020 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 447 Gegeven: 362 Aantal posts: 1.601 Genoeg potentie! Ik hou ze voorlopig vast. Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 15 november 2022 07:06 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93372 Gegeven: 22894 Aantal posts: 384.247 Large-Scale Lithium Refinery to be Built at Teesside in UKStrategic Research InstitutePublished on : 14 Nov, 2022, 12:19 pmUK’s Business Secretary Mr Grant Shapps visited Teesside to announce the UK’s first large-scale merchant lithium refinery, providing battery grade materials for use in the electric vehicle, renewable energy and consumer technology supply chains.In a boost for Levelling Up and government plans to make the UK the best place in the world to do business, Green Lithium has unveiled Teesport in Middlesbrough as the site for their forthcoming lithium refinery, delivering more than 1,000 jobs in construction and 250 long-term high-skill jobs for local people once up and running. 89% of the world’s lithium processing currently takes place in East Asia and there are currently no lithium refineries in Europe. Green Lithium aims for this to be the first merchant lithium refinery outside of Asia.The UK Government has backed Green Lithium with a grant of over GBP 600,000 through the Automotive Transformation Fund.Lithium is an essential component of batteries and a secure supply will be critical for our automotive and energy industries. Critical minerals are irreplaceable in products essential to our everyday lives – such as mobile phones, wind turbines and fighter jets.Critical minerals are at high risk of supply disruption, because of volatile markets and complex supply chains. The world in 2040 is projected to need four times more critical minerals than it does today. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
StartendeBelegger 16 november 2022 00:06 auteur info StartendeBelegger Lid sinds: 03 apr 2020 Laatste bezoek: 03 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 447 Gegeven: 362 Aantal posts: 1.601 Volgens Goldman Sachs, gaan de lithiumprijzen in 2023 drastisch omlaag en zal er in 2025 een overvloed van lithium zijn. Daarom alle lithiumminers omlaag. Wat denkt men hiervan? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Sprinterke 16 november 2022 09:42 auteur info Sprinterke Lid sinds: 02 mrt 2018 Laatste bezoek: 23 okt 2024 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 139 Gegeven: 15 Aantal posts: 232 quote:StartendeBelegger schreef op 16 november 2022 00:06:Volgens Goldman Sachs, gaan de lithiumprijzen in 2023 drastisch omlaag en zal er in 2025 een overvloed van lithium zijn. Daarom alle lithiumminers omlaag. Wat denkt men hiervan?Het aanbod zal zeker toenemen. Wat de vraag naar lithium zal zijn is een beetje koffiedik kijken. Ik vermoed dat dit voor een groot deel afhankelijk zal zijn van de stand van zaken in Oekraïne, de lockdowns in China en of er al dan niet een grote recessie aanwezig zal zijn... Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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