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  1. forum rang 10 voda 2 december 2022 06:56
    Doosan Fuel Cell Bags 105MW Contract with China’s ZKRG

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Dec, 2022, 4:40 am

    South Korean Doosan Fuel Cell has signed a large-scale supply contract where hydrogen fuel cells will be supplied to China's ZKRG Smart Energy Technology and will establish a joint venture with ZKRG. Under the contract, Doosan Fuel Cell will export a total of 105MW hydrogen fuel cells to China in stages. Among them, 50MW will be exported in the form of finished products by the end of 2024 and 55MW in the form of components by the end of 2026.

    In addition, two companies agreed to cooperate in supporting the creation of China's power generation with hydrogen fuel cell market, discovering and selling business opportunities through the JV. Soon they are supplying hydrogen fuel cells to the ‘Carbon Free Hospital Pilot Project’ planned in Guangdong Province, China.

    ZKRG is a China based company focusing on the promotion and application of fuel cell Combined Heat & Power technology. In September last year, it ordered four 440kW hydrogen fuel cells from Doosan Fuel Cell and supplied them to the Nanhai District of Foshan, China.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 2 december 2022 06:57
    Lhyfe & Nantes Saint Nazaire Port to Develop Offshore Hydrogen

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Dec, 2022, 4:41 am

    Supported by their converging visions of the future, Nantes Saint Nazaire Port and Lhyfe have naturally chosen to combine their efforts and areas of expertise in order to identify, to understand and to assess the condition’s for the establishment of a supply chain associated with offshore hydrogen production.

    This collaboration is intended to identify the port areas and facilities capable of accommodating R&D prototypes and being utilized to try out innovative solutions. The partnership also focusses on the identification of the industrial requirements involved in the construction of the equipment to be used to produce offshore hydrogen on a mass scale, and on the port infrastructures necessary for the production, launching and integration of those future items of equipment. Lastly, the two parties will deliberate together on how best to bring ashore the renewable hydrogen mass-produced at sea, so as to define the requisite industrial and logistical requirements for the reception and injection of the gas into the land-based network.

    At the end of September in the Saint Nazaire dock basins, Lhyfe launched its Sealhyfe project to deliver the world’s first offshore renewable hydrogen production prototype, which will have a capacity of 1 MW and will be connected to a floating wind turbine.

    Lhyfe already operates a renewable hydrogen production facility employing water electrolysis, and is planning to set up similar onshore facilities throughout Europe. The Company is considering the idea of developing and operating offshore renewable hydrogen production platforms on existing fixed structures or on fixed-position or floating foundations, and is ramping up its research and development investments for the development of offshore renewable hydrogen production as close as possible to offshore energy sources. By 2030-2035, the offshore sector could represent additional installed capacity of the order of 3 GW for Lhyfe.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 2 december 2022 08:59
    Lochem heeft primeur van eerste met waterstof verwarmde huizen
    Artikel van ANP Producties • Gisteren om 14:47
    © ANP

    LOCHEM (ANP) - In de Gelderse plaats Lochem worden voor het eerst bewoonde woningen verwarmd met behulp van waterstof, meldt netwerkbeheerder Alliander. Samen met de bewoners en andere partijen werkte het netwerkbedrijf aan aanpassingen die het mogelijk maakten waterstof door bestaande aardgasleidingen te pompen.

    Het gaat om het eerste Nederlandse experiment met waterstof in de bebouwde omgeving, dat pas van start kon gaan na toestemming van het Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen. Doel van het proefproject is ervaring opdoen met het hergebruik van bestaande gasnetten voor het leveren van waterstof. Daarvoor bouwden betrokken partijen onder andere een installatie in Lochem die de waterstof in het aardgasnetwerk zal voeden.

    Uiterlijk in 2050 moeten alle Nederlandse woningen en bedrijfspanden van het aardgas af. Volgens Daan Schut, bij Alliander leidinggevende voor de energietransitie, zijn alternatieve gassen als waterstof belangrijk voor het verduurzamen van de energievoorziening. Bij de verbranding van waterstof komt geen CO2 vrij en het gas is in theorie met duurzaam opgewekte elektriciteit te produceren. "Met elektriciteit alleen, redden we het niet", aldus Schut. Voor moeilijk te isoleren woningen waar een elektrische warmtepomp weinig uithaalt zou waterstof bijvoorbeeld uitkomst kunnen bieden.

    Grijze waterstof

    Echt duurzaam is de waterstof die nu door de Lochemse gasleidingen stroom overigens niet. Het gaat om zogeheten grijze waterstof, waarvoor bij de productie aardgas is gebruikt en dus alsnog CO2 vrijkomt. Leverancier Westfalen Gassen Nederland is wel van plan in de toekomst 'groene' waterstof te leveren, die uitsluitend met duurzame elektriciteit is gemaakt. Maar op dit moment wordt er nog te weinig groene waterstof geproduceerd om er huizen mee te verwarmen.

    Een andere kanttekening die milieuorganisaties, waaronder Milieudefensie, maken heeft te maken met het verlies van energie bij het produceren van waterstof. Er gaat bij het omzetten van elektriciteit in waterstof heel wat energie verloren.

  4. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 2 december 2022 12:35
    Shell doet onderzoek naar productie waterstof met kernenergie
    Shell gaat samen met het Amerikaanse NuScale Power en andere industriële bedrijven werken aan een kleine kernreactor die waterstof maakt. De bedrijven hebben daarover een samenwerkingsovereenkomst ondertekend.

    NuScale heeft een kleine kernreactor ontwikkeld, een zogenoemde small-modular-reactor. Het is tot nu toe het enige bedrijf in de VS dat goedkeuring heeft van de Amerikaanse overheid voor zijn ontwerp. Shell is geïnteresseerd in de technologie omdat die het mogelijk kan maken goedkoop waterstof te produceren zonder dat daarbij CO2 vrijkomt. Shell is grootverbruiker van waterstof in onder andere zijn raffinaderijen. Die waterstof wordt nu nog gemaakt met aardgas. Daar komt CO2 bij vrij.


    Naast de productie van waterstof onderzoekt NuScale ook de mogelijkheid om met kleine kerncentrales een bijdrage te leveren aan het stabiel houden van het elektriciteitsnet.

    Als in de toekomst een hoog percentage van alle stroom uit weerafhankelijke energiebronnen komt, moet er een oplossing worden gevonden voor de periodes zonder wind of zon. Waterstof zou een rol kunnen spelen als opslagbron van energie, die weer kan worden omgezet in elektriciteit als de vraag op windluwe donkere dagen hoog is.
  5. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 3 december 2022 13:05

    Bob de Bouwer 59 schreef op 2 december 2022 16:18:

    zie het al: wordt door de moeder Siemens Energy van de beurs gehaald na sterke verliezen. Helaas geen kans meer om het verlies te herwinnen.
  6. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 3 december 2022 14:27

    nine_inch_nerd schreef op 2 december 2022 12:35:

    Shell doet onderzoek naar productie waterstof met kernenergie
    Shell gaat samen met het Amerikaanse NuScale Power en andere industriële bedrijven werken aan een kleine kernreactor die waterstof maakt. De bedrijven hebben daarover een samenwerkingsovereenkomst ondertekend.

    NuScale heeft een kleine kernreactor ontwikkeld, een zogenoemde small-modular-reactor. Het is tot nu toe het enige bedrijf in de VS dat goedkeuring heeft van de Amerikaanse overheid voor zijn ontwerp. Shell is geïnteresseerd in de technologie omdat die het mogelijk kan maken goedkoop waterstof te produceren zonder dat daarbij CO2 vrijkomt. Shell is grootverbruiker van waterstof in onder andere zijn raffinaderijen. Die waterstof wordt nu nog gemaakt met aardgas. Daar komt CO2 bij vrij.
    Naast de productie van waterstof onderzoekt NuScale ook de mogelijkheid om met kleine kerncentrales een bijdrage te leveren aan het stabiel houden van het elektriciteitsnet.

    Als in de toekomst een hoog percentage van alle stroom uit weerafhankelijke energiebronnen komt, moet er een oplossing worden gevonden voor de periodes zonder wind of zon. Waterstof zou een rol kunnen spelen als opslagbron van energie, die weer kan worden omgezet in elektriciteit als de vraag op windluwe donkere dagen hoog is.

    Een rare proef: kerncentrales maken geen waterstof, maar stroom en met stroom kun je waterstof maken.
    Deze proef is dus volkomen overbodig.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2022 08:42
    BMW Starts Production of Hydrogen-Powered Model

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Dec, 2022, 4:42 am

    The BMW Group is commencing production of its BMW iX5 Hydrogen model. Manufacture of the small-series hydrogen-powered vehicle is taking place in the pilot plant at its Munich Research and Innovation Centre FIZ. The first ever Sports Activity Vehicle featuring hydrogen fuel cell technology has already completed an intensive programme of testing under demanding conditions during the development phase and will now be used as a technology demonstrator for locally carbon-free mobility in selected regions from spring 2023.

    The BMW iX5 Hydrogen is being built in the BMW Group’s pilot plant at its Research and Innovation Centre in Munich. This is the interface between development and production where every new model from one of the company’s brands is made for the first time. Around 900 people work there in the body shop, assembly, model engineering, concept vehicle construction and additive manufacturing. They each work on up to six vehicle projects simultaneously and are tasked with ensuring that both the product and the manufacturing process are ready for series production. In the case of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen, specialists in hydrogen technology, vehicle development and initial assembly of new models have been working closely together to integrate the cutting-edge drive and energy storage technology.

    BMW Group Plant Spartanburg in the USA supplies the base vehicles for the hydrogen model, which has been developed on the platform of the BMW X5. They are fitted with a new floor assembly in the pilot plant’s body shop that makes it possible to accommodate the two hydrogen tanks in the centre tunnel and under the rear seat unit. The model-specific 12V and 400V electrical systems, high-performance battery, electric motor and fuel cell are all integrated during the assembly stage, alongside standard production parts. Positioned in the rear axle area together with the high-performance battery, the electric motor is a product of the current, fifth-generation BMW eDrive technology also employed in battery electric and plug-in hybrid models from BMW. The fuel cell systems located under the bonnet of the BMW iX5 Hydrogen have been manufactured at BMW’s in-house competence centre for hydrogen in Garching to the north of Munich since August this year.

    The BMW iX5 Hydrogen combines all the benefits of a locally emission-free drive system with outstanding everyday usability and long-distance capabilities. This makes its hydrogen fuel cell technology an attractive complementary alternative to the battery electric drive system. This is especially true for customers for whom short refuelling stops and long ranges are a must, as well as for regions still lacking an adequate charging infrastructure.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2022 08:44
    Rolls-Royce & easyJet Set Milestone for Hydrogen Aircraft

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Dec, 2022, 4:44 am

    Rolls-Royce and easyJet have set a new aviation milestone with the world’s first run of a modern aero engine on hydrogen. The ground test was conducted on an early concept demonstrator using green hydrogen created by wind and tidal power. It marks a major step towards proving that hydrogen could be a zero carbon aviation fuel of the future and is a key proof point in the decarbonisation strategies of both Rolls-Royce and easyJet.

    Both companies have set out to prove that hydrogen can safely and efficiently deliver power for civil aero engines and are already planning a second set of tests, with a longer-term ambition to carry out flight tests.

    The test took place at an outdoor test facility at MoD Boscombe Down, UK, using a converted Rolls-Royce AE 2100-A regional aircraft engine. Green hydrogen for the tests was supplied by EMEC (European Marine Energy Centre), generated using renewable energy at their hydrogen production and tidal test facility on Eday in the Orkney Islands, UK.

    Following analysis of this early concept ground test, the partnership plans a series of further rig tests leading up to a full-scale ground test of a Rolls-Royce Pearl 15 jet engine.

    The partnership is inspired by the global, UN-backed Race to Zero campaign that both companies have signed up to, committing to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 5 december 2022 08:44
    Airbus Reveals Hydrogen-Powered Zero-Emission Engine

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    5 Dec, 2022, 4:45 am

    Airbus has revealed that it is developing a hydrogen-powered fuel cell engine. The propulsion system is being considered as one of the potential solutions to equip its zero-emission aircraft that will enter service by 2035.

    Airbus will start ground and flight testing this fuel cell engine architecture onboard its ZEROe demonstrator aircraft towards the middle of the decade. The A380 MSN1 flight test aircraft for new hydrogen technologies is currently being modified to carry liquid hydrogen tanks and their associated distribution systems.

    Airbus identified hydrogen as one of the most promising alternatives to power a zero-emission aircraft, because it emits no carbon dioxide when generated from renewable energy, with water being its most significant by-products. There are two ways hydrogen can be used as a power source for aircraft propulsion. First via hydrogen combustion in a gas turbine, second, by using fuel cells to convert hydrogen into electricity in order to power a propeller engine. A hydrogen gas turbine can also be coupled with fuel cells instead of batteries in a hybrid-electric architecture.

    Hydrogen fuel cells, especially when stacked together, increase their power output allowing scalability. In addition, an engine powered by hydrogen fuel cells produces zero NOx emissions or contrails thereby offering additional decarbonisation benefits.

    Airbus has been exploring the possibilities of fuel cell propulsion systems for aviation for some time. In October 2020, Airbus created Aerostack, a joint venture with ElringKlinger, a company with over 20 years of experience as both a fuel cell systems and component supplier. In December 2020, Airbus presented its pod-concept which included six removable fuel cell propeller propulsion systems.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2022 08:24
    Phoenix Hydrogen Hub Invited for Loan Process in US

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Dec, 2022, 4:41 am

    Nikola Corporation announced that the Department of Energy Loan Program Office has invited its Phoenix Hydrogen Hub project loan application into Part II of its application process. The project loan application was submitted on May 26, 2022, and has now progressed through the Part I review.

    The application for a loan guarantee under the Innovative Clean Energy projects solicitation could amount to up to $1.3 billion for a renewable electrolytic hydrogen production facility that could produce up to 150 metric-tons of hydrogen per day. The application process is wholly dependent on the results of the Department of Energy review and evaluation of a Part II Application, and DOE’s determination whether to proceed.

    The Phoenix Hydrogen Hub LLC owns 920-acres of undeveloped land in Maricopa County, Ariz. where the facility is planned to be sited to support the deployment of Nikola’s heavy duty, zero-emission fuel cell electric vehicles and hydrogen refueling stations in California and the US Southwest.

    The hub is expected to be built in phases to scale with the demand created from Nikola’s zero-emission trucks, starting with 30 metric-tons, and expanding up to 150 metric-tons of hydrogen per day, with expansion potential as the demand for clean hydrogen in the region expands. Construction of the first phase is anticipated to be completed in 2024, once final investment decisions and customary regulatory approvals are finalized.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2022 08:24
    Xodus to Develop Hydrogen Project in Western Australia

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Dec, 2022, 4:42 am

    Global energy consultancy Xodus is architecting a new green hydrogen project based in the Mid-West region of Western Australia which will scale up to 1000 MW of electrolyser capacity. MercurHy is an export scale project which aims to supply green hydrogen whilst leveraging economies of scale, particularly regarding the supply and purchase of renewable energy. Investor engagement is underway as the company targets equity funding for the project from experienced capital and infrastructure partners interested in commercial green hydrogen progressing.

    The project provides for a total electrolyser capacity of 1000 MW being installed over three phases: 150 MW in Phase 1; 500 MW in Phase 2; and 1000 MW by the end of Phase 3. The intent behind scaling the project in this way is two-fold, initially to allow the market for green hydrogen sufficient time to develop and then to capitalise on future electrolyser price reductions.

    Xodus continues to progress the commercial strategy for the project, having entered into a memorandum of understanding for hydrogen supply with ASX-listed VRX Silica, a company with long-life, high-quality silica sand projects in Western Australia and plans for the manufacture of solar panels locally to supply national and international demand. Xodus has also advanced discussions with other potential offtakers and has the support of local landowners and the Western Australian government.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2022 08:26
    Botnia Hydrogen to Build Hydrogen Stations in Northern Sweden

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Dec, 2022, 4:45 am

    With financial support from the Swedish Environmental ministry Klimatklivet, Botnia Hydrogen will build two hydrogen filling stations in the Northern Swedish municipalities of Piteå and Arvidsjaur. The stations will include facilities for hydrogen production on the 1-2 MW scale and storage for the gas and are intended mainly for heavy duty trucks and buses. Production is targeted to start in the second half of 2023.

    Botnia Hydrogen offers a reliable supply solution at key locations. This is the first step on the path to the backbone of hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in the north of Sweden.

    Botnia Hydrogen is a consortium of companies including project Development Company in the renewable energy field Zelk Energy, distributor of transport fuel in Northern Sweden Skoogs Bränsle, producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen Lhyfe and supplier and distributor of equipment for hydrogen production and refuelling Metacon. Norrlandsfonden is supporting the project through a convertible loan.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2022 08:31
    Dronamics Gets grant from European Innovation Council

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    6 Dec, 2022, 4:45 am

    World’s first cargo drone airline with license to operate in Europe Dronamics has been awarded a EUR 2.5 million grant by the European Commission under the prestigious European Innovation Council Accelerator program. The EIC has also expressed a material commitment to support Dronamics’ upcoming Series A round. The grant will support the development and roll-out of Dronamics’ cargo drone fleet, the deployment of the first droneports in its network as well as operations in Europe.

    The European Union is home to millions of people who live in territories that often take days to reach by traditional freight. Dronamics aims to democratize air freight, by enabling affordable, and sustainable same day delivery for businesses and communities everywhere, especially remote and under-served ones.

    Dronamics is the world’s first cargo drone airline. ?s a leading developer and operator of large, long-range drones built specifically for cargo, its flagship Black Swan is able to carry 350 kg at a distance of up to 2,500 km up to 80% faster, 50% cheaper and with up to 60% lower emissions than alternative modes of transport, including airfreight. This enables same-day shipping over very long distances for a variety of industries: from pharma to food, from e-commerce to spare parts. The company’s fast-growing team includes some of the most experienced aerospace and logistics experts. Dronamics is Europe’s first licensed cargo drone airline and IATA’s first Strategic Partner for drones worldwide.
  14. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 6 december 2022 09:53
    KBR and Shell Develop Facilities That Integrate Lithium-ion Battery Storage and Green Hydrogen Electrolysis Production at MW Scale, Cutting Edge Offshore Energy Storage for Crosswind
    December 5, 20222 min read

    KBR and Shell to develop facilities that integrate lithium-ion battery storage and green hydrogen electrolysis production at MW scale, Cutting Edge Offshore Energy Storage for CrossWind

    KBR (NYSE: KBR) announced it has been awarded a contract to provide engineering services for an innovative offshore energy storage project for CrossWind, a joint venture (JV) between Shell and Dutch utility company, Eneco.

    KBR will perform a front-end engineering design of the baseload power hub (BLPH) for the Hollandse Kust (north) wind farm located offshore Netherlands.

    battery jobs
    KBR and Shell will design and develop facilities that integrate lithium-ion battery storage and green hydrogen electrolysis production at megawatt scale. The design will enable hydrogen production and electricity storage in periods of high-power production and will convert hydrogen to electricity, via a fuel cell, during periods of lower power production.

    Jay Ibrahim, president of KBR Sustainable Technology Solutions, said:

    “KBR is extremely pleased to be involved in this sustainable energy project.

    “To solve the current global ‘energy trilemma,’ the world needs an energy mix that relies more on wind, solar and nuclear power. With our deep expertise in engineering and energy solutions, KBR is positioned to help our valued customers — partners like the CrossWind JV —drive the energy transition.”

    KBR is a leader in energy transition and has extensive experience supporting sustainable energy projects across the globe. Read more about KBR’s approach to solving the energy trilemma on KBR.com.

    About KBR

    We deliver science, technology and engineering solutions to governments and companies around the world. KBR employs approximately 28,000 people performing diverse, complex and mission critical roles in 34 countries.

    KBR is proud to work with its customers across the globe to provide technology, value-added services, and long- term operations and maintenance services to ensure consistent delivery with predictable results. At KBR, We Deliver.
  15. forum rang 10 nine_inch_nerd 6 december 2022 10:39
    Orstedplant grootschalig groen waterstofproject in Denemarken

    Orsted plant grootschalig groen waterstofproject in Denemarken. Duurzame energiebedrijf Orsted zei dinsdag dat het van plan is te investeren in een grootschalige faciliteit in Denemarken voor de productie van groene waterstof, beschouwd als een hoeksteen van de verschuiving naar schonere energie. De eerste fase van de investering in de zogenaamde Power-to-X-installatie wordt geschat op 1 tot 5 miljard Deense kronen (141 tot 705 miljoen dollar), vertelde een woordvoerder aan Reuters. Power-to-X is een technologie waarbij overtollige elektriciteit, gewoonlijk uit hernieuwbare bronnen zoals wind en zon, wordt omgezet door deze te gebruiken voor de productie brandstoffen zoals waterstof of methaan.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 6 december 2022 15:26
    Led-lampen winnen waterstof uit ammoniak
    Artikel van admin • 2 uur geleden

    Waterstof is een veelbelovende, emmissieloze brandstof. Maar waterstof transporteren is ingewikkeld en duur. Waterstofmoleculen verpakt in ammoniak van A naar B verplaatsen is daarentegen een stuk eenvoudiger. Een nieuwe techniek die led-licht gebruikt voor het omzetten van ammoniak in waterstof, kan daarom belangrijk zijn voor de uitrol van de waterstofeconomie.

    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.

    Met felle led-lampen wordt ammoniak omgezet in waterstof | Credit: Brandon Martin / Rice University

    Onderzoekers van de Amerikaanse Rice University hebben een techniek ontwikkeld die led-licht gebruikt om ammoniak om te zetten in waterstof. Met betaalbare en makkelijk verkrijgbare grondstoffen is een systeem gebouwd dat goedkoper, efficiënter, en op meer plekken toepasbaar belooft te zijn dan bestaande technieken om van ammoniak waterstof te maken.

    In een paper dat deze week in het vooraanstaande wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science is gepubliceerd, schrijven de wetenschappers dat ze een katalysator – een versneller van chemische reacties – hebben ontworpen die in plaats van op hitte, op licht werkt.

    Geen hitte, maar licht
    Waar bestaande thermochemische installaties ammoniak (NH3) op temperaturen van vele honderden graden laten uiteenvallen in drie waterstofmoleculen (H) en één stikstofmolecuul (N), is het de wetenschappers gelukt dit te doen zonder die extreme hitte, maar met gigantisch felle led-lampen. In theorie is dit een stuk duurzamer, aangezien de huidige installaties met aardgas of olie tot hoge temperaturen worden opgestookt.

    Lennart van der Burg, waterstofexpert bij onderzoeksinstituut TNO, legt uit dat het principe dat de wetenschappers gebruiken, photokatalyse wordt genoemd, licht-katalyse dus. Hij vindt het een interessante ontwikkeling. “Je hebt veel minder schaarse materialen nodig, het is energie-efficiënt omdat het op lage temperaturen werkt en de techniek kan op kleine schaal worden toegepast in modulaire reactoren”, zegt hij.

    De techniek kan op licht in plaats van hitte werken door slim gebruik te maken van koper en ijzer. Op nano-schaal hebben de onderzoekers met ijzer- en kopermoleculen zogenaamde ‘antenne-reactoren’ in elkaar gezet die sterk op licht reageren en zo de omzetting van ammoniak in waterstof versnellen. Normale reactoren werken met veel duurdere en zeldzamere materialen zoals ruthenium, een metaal dat tot de platinagroep behoort.

    Toepassingen op kleine schaal
    Het nieuwe type reactor belooft op kleine schaal te kunnen worden toegepast. Van der Burg denkt dat het mogelijk is om de reactoren bijvoorbeeld op lange-afstandsschepen te installeren. Die zouden ammoniak ter plekke kunnen omzetten in waterstof om hun motor of brandstofcel op te laten draaien. Aan de andere kant wordt er ook gewerkt aan brandstofcellen die direct op ammonia werken, waarmee de extra stap terug naar waterstof overbodig wordt. “Voor elke toepassing van waterstof moet je naar de hele keten kijken, en bedenken welke manier van transport en gebruik het meest geschikt is.”

    Maar, benadrukt Van der Burg, het kan zomaar nog tien tot vijftien jaar duren voordat we deze technologie in de praktijk terug gaan zien. “De onderzoekers werken nu nog op de vierkante centimeterschaal. Ze produceren enkele grammen waterstof”, vertelt hij. “Er zijn tientallen jaren lang miljarden geïnvesteerd in huidige thermochemische technieken. Het is niet gek dat het ontwikkelen van een heel nieuw principe veel tijd kost. Maar dat is geen reden om op je handen te gaan zitten. De uitdaging is juist om dergelijke ontwikkelingen te versnellen.”

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  17. forum rang 10 voda 7 december 2022 07:38
    ACWA Power, PTT & EGAT to Support Hydrogen in Thailand

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Dec, 2022, 4:42 am

    ACWA Power, PTT Public Company Limited and Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand have signed a landmark memorandum of understanding with a view to embarking on green hydrogen and derivatives projects that meet the Southeast Asian country’s domestic energy demand and enable valuable export opportunities.

    Having pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and net zero emissions by 2065, Thailand intends to produce green hydrogen as a new alternative energy source in the years and decades ahead, which entails a host of beneficial implications including supporting emissions abatement imperatives and helping to build a low-carbon circular economy at the national level.

    In line with this ambitious vision, and as per the terms stipulated in the MoU, ACWA Power, PTT, and EGAT will begin collaborating exclusively on a comprehensive plan to establish large-scale, renewable-powered green hydrogen and derivatives production facilities in Thailand for local energy consumption and global market export purposes. The target of hydrogen production is estimated to be around 225,000 tons per year, equivalent to around 1.2 million tons of green ammonia per year, at an estimated investment value of US$7 billion.

    With the MoU now finalised, an immediate focus for ACWA Power, PTT, and EGAT is conducting an investment feasibility study for proposed green hydrogen and derivatives projects in Thailand, which will position the parties to begin meeting all other deliverables outlined under the MoU.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 7 december 2022 07:38
    Manchester Airport & HyNet to Build Hydrogen Pipeline

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    7 Dec, 2022, 4:44 am

    Manchester Airport has unveiled plans to become the first UK airport with a direct supply of low carbon hydrogen fuel, announcing a partnership with HyNet, one of the UK’s leading Government-backed industrial decarbonisation projects. The airport has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the two founding partners of HyNet. Progressive Energy, which develops projects to decarbonise the energy sector, and Cadent, which will build and operate HyNet’s hydrogen pipeline network.

    Through the MoU, the partners are aiming to deliver hydrogen to the aviation sector at the earliest opportunity, including through the connection of Manchester Airport to a pipeline being developed by HyNet.

    The announcement has been backed by Aviation Minister Baroness Vere and Energy and Climate Change Minister Graham Stuart, as well as the Northern Powerhouse Partnership and North West Hydrogen Alliance.

    HyNet brings together the technology and infrastructure needed to move the region rapidly zero future, including producing low carbon hydrogen that can be used to power aircraft of the future. As a result of the MoU signed today, the partners will work together to assess the future demand for hydrogen for aviation and explore the feasibility to connect Manchester Airport to HyNet’s regional network.

    With this connection, the airport aims to be the first to establish a direct pipeline of hydrogen, to supply any of its 60+ airlines with the sustainable fuel at the earliest opportunity, forming a key component of wider plans to decarbonise flying. The process also aims to drive innovation and the creation of green jobs for the region.
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.106
AB InBev 2 5.531
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 52.078
ABO-Group 1 23
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 267
Accsys Technologies 23 10.829
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 192
Adecco 1 1
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.804
Aedifica 3 925
Aegon 3.258 323.045
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.305
ageas 5.844 109.901
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.062
Ahold 3.538 74.349
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.265
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.049
Alfen 16 25.180
Allfunds Group 4 1.516
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 418
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.826
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.748
AMG 971 134.235
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.744
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 495
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.047
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 384
Arcadis 252 8.798
Arcelor Mittal 2.034 320.943
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.350
Aroundtown SA 1 221
Arrowhead Research 5 9.750
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.597
ASML 1.766 109.813
ASR Nederland 21 4.507
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 522
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.834
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 66
Azerion 7 3.447

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 24 maart

    1. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (Jap)
    2. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (Fra)
    3. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (Dld)
    4. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (eur)
    5. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (VK)
    6. Chicago Fed index februari (VS)
    7. Samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex maart (VS)
  2. 25 maart

    1. Ifo ondernemersvertrouwen maart (Dld)
    2. Case Shiller huizenprijzen januari (VS)
    3. Shell beleggersdag
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht