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Unibail Rodamco Westfield 2023, Rise or Fall ?

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  1. konijnenmelkertbaan 2 november 2023 12:28

    !@#$!@! schreef op 2 november 2023 10:47:

    Alleen jammer dat ik (op 25%) calls nov €50 had geschreven voor €0.50 dus een verdere stijging zal mij op dat deel niks meer opleveren :-(

    Ik heb juist wat calls jun 55 die flink in het rood stonden. Maar zijn vandaag alleen al 65% gestegen, dus staan weer netjes in het groen. Mooi dagje zo
  2. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 12:45

    mercurius-adept schreef op 2 november 2023 11:53:

    +7%, zonder noemenswaardig URW nieuws...
    True, no URW news but :

    - Fed despite hot American economy did not hike and their dot plot of 1 more hike in 2023 is at least in doubt and thus no certainty anymore and URW has a big delta to the interest rate market
    - 10 year US government bonds trade at 4,70% and not 5% as some days ago that is an enormous reversal
    - November to end of January traditionally very good months for URW and we had the worst October in 3 years and indices declined 3 months and we enter now 3 months of bull market imho
    - A pivot of "fear" into "euphoria"
    - Likely short covering today
    - The discount to NAV of URW is still just ridiculous and is based on fear that starts to abate imho.

    Kind regards
  3. forum rang 7 Calendar 2 november 2023 13:20

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 12:45:


    True, no URW news but :

    - Fed despite hot American economy did not hike and their dot plot of 1 more hike in 2023 is at least in doubt and thus no certainty anymore and URW has a big delta to the interest rate market
    - 10 year US government bonds trade at 4,70% and not 5% as some days ago that is an enormous reversal
    - November to end of January traditionally very good months for URW and we had the worst October in 3 years and indices declined 3 months and we enter now 3 months of bull market imho
    - A pivot of "fear" into "euphoria"
    - Likely short covering today
    - The discount to NAV of URW is still just ridiculous and is based on fear that starts to abate imho.

    Kind regards
    Lots of short covering today. ;-)
  4. forum rang 7 Branco P 2 november 2023 13:32
    voor mijn gevoel zaten er ook wat shorters in de laatste tijd idd. Zulke heftige koersreacties op een “korte termijn wel of niet nog 25 basispunten rente erbij” onzekerheid is eigenlijk waanzin bij een bedrijf als URW.

    Ik heb zojuist de helft van de op 41,80 gekochte pluk verkocht. Achteraf had ik ook een call kunnen schrijven, maar ik wilde weer een klein beetje cash hebben op de saxo rekening (ik was afgelopen tijd vol in de vastgoedaandelen gegaan). Voor eventuele nieuwe kansen. Ook dus een beetje KLEP, ECP, NSI, MERC en CAR afgeroomd omdat zo’n dag als vandaag niet vaak voorbij komt en ik dan vind dat ik er iets mee moet doen. Maar als we deze positieve trend een tijdje vast zouden mogen houden, dan ben ik er blij mee!
  5. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 13:53

    Branco P schreef op 2 november 2023 13:32:

    voor mijn gevoel zaten er ook wat shorters in de laatste tijd idd. Zulke heftige koersreacties op een “korte termijn wel of niet nog 25 basispunten rente erbij” onzekerheid is eigenlijk waanzin bij een bedrijf als URW.
    The bow* was very taut, totally overstretched... otherwise we would not have had this reaction...
    Like a yo-yo or a boomerang the price shot back ...

    Price is only what you pay, value is what you get :-) And URW is a lot of value for a very low price imho.

    *URW being the bow
  6. forum rang 7 Branco P 2 november 2023 14:27
    dat was ook mijn inschatting van de situatie, maar je ziet vaak dat als de dip daar is, veel mensen toch terughoudend zijn omdat er sprake is van een negatieve trend en een overkill aan negatief sentiment (in de financiële media). Vorig jaar rond deze tijd was het precies zo, alleen toen was het thema (vrij opeens) recessie-angst
  7. Acor 2 november 2023 15:52
    Goedemiddag op deze mooie dag waar de wind de koers omhoog duwt :-)

    Wat zijn jullie gedachtes over het wel/niet opnieuw uitkeren van dividend en hoe hoog denken jullie dat het zal worden?
  8. forum rang 7 Branco P 2 november 2023 16:21

    Acor schreef op 2 november 2023 15:52:

    Goedemiddag op deze mooie dag waar de wind de koers omhoog duwt :-)

    Wat zijn jullie gedachtes over het wel/niet opnieuw uitkeren van dividend en hoe hoog denken jullie dat het zal worden?
    lees even de berichten op dit forum over dat onderwerp terug van de afgelopen weken. Er is al zoveel over gezegd, in principe alles al. Succes! :)
  9. Acor 2 november 2023 16:43

    Branco P schreef op 2 november 2023 16:21:


    lees even de berichten op dit forum over dat onderwerp terug van de afgelopen weken. Er is al zoveel over gezegd, in principe alles al. Succes! :)
    Dat zal ik gaan doen, bedankt! :)
  10. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 19:06

    Acor schreef op 2 november 2023 15:52:

    Goedemiddag op deze mooie dag waar de wind de koers omhoog duwt :-)

    Wat zijn jullie gedachtes over het wel/niet opnieuw uitkeren van dividend en hoe hoog denken jullie dat het zal worden?

    many users said already something regarding dividend. So please see other users as well.

    My opinion is the following.

    In French SIIC regime a REIT needs to pay obligatory 80% of its AREPS as dividend UNLESS the statuary result is negative. What does that mean? That means if for instance the NAV of the REIT is falling and the annual evaluation shows a loss (i.e. for instance that "decrease of NAV"+ AREPS is smaller than 0) than under SIIC regime the REIT does not have the obligation to pay any dividend BUT once over years the historical statuary losses of the past become 0 or gains than under SIIC regime the REIT needs to repay all dividends that were not paid in the past!

    2020 was not paid
    2021 was not paid
    2022 was not paid

    1,7bn EUR was approvisionned for those 3 years, i.e. approximately 12 EUR per share.

    Since 2023 the operational results are positive, URW could pay a dividend. However the NAV in 2023 is still decreasing and so under statutory obligations URW could (if they wanted) say that they don t pay a dividend for 2023 in 2024. However even if they would do that, they would have to do a new provision of ~80% of AREPS (after possible taxes or other deductions on company level) in that case for 2023. URW thinks to have 9,5 EUR AREPS per share at least for 2023. I believe we could end up with 9,55-9,65 EUR per share. Let us take the minimum which URW projects, the 9,5 EUR AREPS. Then 80% of that is 7,6 EUR.

    I believe Unibail, despite not having an obligation again for 2023 to pay a dividend (because statutory results might be negative again despite very good operational results due to devaluation of real estate value (NAV)) will pay 4 EUR dividend and use the reminder (5,5 EUR) in order to strengthen the balance sheet (bring LTV under 40%).

    In the pessimistic scenario (0 EUR dividends due to 4th year of statuory loss) and in my guess (4 EUR dividend) the reminder after tax needs to be put into a provision in order to one day pay 80% of AREPS as dividend under SIIC rules (as i understand them).

    So even if 0 would be paid which some users in this forum or other forums believe, be reminded that the SIIC obligation for the years to come remains and if one day statuary results become 0 or positive any non paid dividend or partially paid dividend needs to be paid matchings 80% of AREPS.

    So basically, i don t care if we have a dividend paid next year, because I believe real estate will appreciate and the historical negative statutory result will again become positive one day. Of course there is also the scenario that it does not and will never. Those who believe in that negative future perspective should not invest in a REIT anyways.

    URW stated that they comment on dividends in the FY2023 result presentation beginning February 2024. They will look at the LTV (ideally below 40%, currently something like 41.9% if I am not wrong), the operational results, the advancement of selling properties and credit metrics (= where are the interest rates, how is the credit market looking like, where stands liquidity, etc.).

    Kind regards.
  11. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 2 november 2023 19:19

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 12:45:


    True, no URW news but :

    - Fed despite hot American economy did not hike and their dot plot of 1 more hike in 2023 is at least in doubt and thus no certainty anymore and URW has a big delta to the interest rate market
    - 10 year US government bonds trade at 4,70% and not 5% as some days ago that is an enormous reversal
    - November to end of January traditionally very good months for URW and we had the worst October in 3 years and indices declined 3 months and we enter now 3 months of bull market imho
    - A pivot of "fear" into "euphoria"
    - Likely short covering today
    - The discount to NAV of URW is still just ridiculous and is based on fear that starts to abate imho.

    Kind regards
    Thank you. I would like to add another factor, the huge leverage effect inside the "implicit balance sheet" of URW, which looked a few days ago very globally as follows:

    Assets 30

    Senior Debt 22
    Hybrid debt 2
    Equity 6 = 140 mln @ EUR 43 per share

    So, if due to interest declines the value of the assets rise with 10%, the equity rises with 50%!

    The other way around a small increase of the interest rate, leads to a large decline of the equity value.
  12. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 2 november 2023 19:29

    Branco P schreef op 2 november 2023 13:32:

    voor mijn gevoel zaten er ook wat shorters in de laatste tijd idd. Zulke heftige koersreacties op een “korte termijn wel of niet nog 25 basispunten rente erbij” onzekerheid is eigenlijk waanzin bij een bedrijf als URW.

    Ik heb zojuist de helft van de op 41,80 gekochte pluk verkocht. Achteraf had ik ook een call kunnen schrijven, maar ik wilde weer een klein beetje cash hebben op de saxo rekening (ik was afgelopen tijd vol in de vastgoedaandelen gegaan). Voor eventuele nieuwe kansen. Ook dus een beetje KLEP, ECP, NSI, MERC en CAR afgeroomd omdat zo’n dag als vandaag niet vaak voorbij komt en ik dan vind dat ik er iets mee moet doen. Maar als we deze positieve trend een tijdje vast zouden mogen houden, dan ben ik er blij mee!
    Gefeliciteerd! Ik stapte op 1/6 in op EUR 42,50 en toen duurde het tot 11/7 alvorens de koers boven de E 50 stond (geen winst genomen toen), nu is dit in een week gebeurd. Echter, toen ging de koers stapsgewijs in 3 maanden weer terug naar EUR 41.80.

    Vanwege de extreme rentegevoeligheid van URW blijft de koers voorlopig erg volatiel vrees ik, zodat deel winstname geen slecht idee is.

    Ik trade niet in URW, maar doe dat bij ASMI en BESI, omdat ik daar denk minder koerspotentie te verliezen bij een winstneming dan bij URW, omdat laatstgenoemde nog steeds zeer ondergewaardeerd is, maar BESI/ASMI op de huidige koersen fors gewaardeerd zijn.
  13. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 19:31

    Lamsrust schreef op 2 november 2023 19:19:


    Thank you. I would like to add another factor, the huge leverage effect inside the "implicit balance sheet" of URW, which looked a few days ago very globally as follows:

    Assets 30

    Senior Debt 22
    Hybrid debt 2
    Equity 6 = 140 mln @ EUR 43 per share

    So, if due to interest declines the value of the assets rise with 10%, the equity rises with 50%!

    The other way around a small increase of the interest rate, leads to a large decline of the equity value.
    I understand the principe, but not your calculation. Why is equity increase 5x asset rise.

    On your calculation:
    Assets = 50 not 30 bn EUR
    equity 7 bn EUR and not anymore 6bn EUR :-)
    hybrids are less than 2 bn EUR in market value but ok that is a detail


    Kind regards
    PS: as you said your numbers are some days before and some days before equity was worth only 6bn EUR
  14. Zitzak500 2 november 2023 19:32
    In het kader van het is ook nooit goed; twee weken geleden wilde ik graag, zeker naar aanleiding van de bijdrages hier op t forum, bijkopen op 42 (om GAK van 48 wat te verlagen) maar had even geen cash. Gisteren wat vrij gemaakt, knallen we naar de 51.

    Iemand nog andere leuke ideeën?
  15. konijnenmelkertbaan 2 november 2023 21:04

    Zitzak500 schreef op 2 november 2023 19:32:

    In het kader van het is ook nooit goed; twee weken geleden wilde ik graag, zeker naar aanleiding van de bijdrages hier op t forum, bijkopen op 42 (om GAK van 48 wat te verlagen) maar had even geen cash. Gisteren wat vrij gemaakt, knallen we naar de 51.

    Iemand nog andere leuke ideeën?
    Kopen op 51 voor de rest van de rit.
  16. forum rang 7 Branco P 2 november 2023 21:20

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 19:06:



    many users said already something regarding dividend. So please see other users as well.

    My opinion is the following.

    In French SIIC regime a REIT needs to pay obligatory 80% of its AREPS as dividend UNLESS the statuary result is negative. What does that mean? That means if for instance the NAV of the REIT is falling and the annual evaluation shows a loss (i.e. for instance that "decrease of NAV"+ AREPS is smaller than 0) than under SIIC regime the REIT does not have the obligation to pay any dividend BUT once over years the historical statuary losses of the past become 0 or gains than under SIIC regime the REIT needs to repay all dividends that were not paid in the past!

    2020 was not paid
    2021 was not paid
    2022 was not paid

    1,7bn EUR was approvisionned for those 3 years, i.e. approximately 12 EUR per share.

    Since 2023 the operational results are positive, URW could pay a dividend. However the NAV in 2023 is still decreasing and so under statutory obligations URW could (if they wanted) say that they don t pay a dividend for 2023 in 2024. However even if they would do that, they would have to do a new provision of ~80% of AREPS (after possible taxes or other deductions on company level) in that case for 2023. URW thinks to have 9,5 EUR AREPS per share at least for 2023. I believe we could end up with 9,55-9,65 EUR per share. Let us take the minimum which URW projects, the 9,5 EUR AREPS. Then 80% of that is 7,6 EUR.

    I believe Unibail, despite not having an obligation again for 2023 to pay a dividend (because statutory results might be negative again despite very good operational results due to devaluation of real estate value (NAV)) will pay 4 EUR dividend and use the reminder (5,5 EUR) in order to strengthen the balance sheet (bring LTV under 40%).

    In the pessimistic scenario (0 EUR dividends due to 4th year of statuory loss) and in my guess (4 EUR dividend) the reminder after tax needs to be put into a provision in order to one day pay 80% of AREPS as dividend under SIIC rules (as i understand them).

    So even if 0 would be paid which some users in this forum or other forums believe, be reminded that the SIIC obligation for the years to come remains and if one day statuary results become 0 or positive any non paid dividend or partially paid dividend needs to be paid matchings 80% of AREPS.

    So basically, i don t care if we have a dividend paid next year, because I believe real estate will appreciate and the historical negative statutory result will again become positive one day. Of course there is also the scenario that it does not and will never. Those who believe in that negative future perspective should not invest in a REIT anyways.

    URW stated that they comment on dividends in the FY2023 result presentation beginning February 2024. They will look at the LTV (ideally below 40%, currently something like 41.9% if I am not wrong), the operational results, the advancement of selling properties and credit metrics (= where are the interest rates, how is the credit market looking like, where stands liquidity, etc.).

    Kind regards.
    yes, but dividend can be paid in two ways: cash or stock/scrip (or a combination of both of course)

    when we are talking about URW maybe not paying a dividend over fiscal year 2023, we meant: not paying cash dividend

    to comply with SIIC obligation they will probably then have to install a mandatory scrip/stock dividend
  17. forum rang 7 Branco P 2 november 2023 21:22

    Zitzak500 schreef op 2 november 2023 19:32:

    In het kader van het is ook nooit goed; twee weken geleden wilde ik graag, zeker naar aanleiding van de bijdrages hier op t forum, bijkopen op 42 (om GAK van 48 wat te verlagen) maar had even geen cash. Gisteren wat vrij gemaakt, knallen we naar de 51.

    Iemand nog andere leuke ideeën?
    Jammer, volgende keer op zo'n moment misschien een call optie kopen. Maar goed, wat er nu in een paar dagen gebeurt was ook niet te verwachten.
  18. forum rang 6 Lamsrust 2 november 2023 21:55

    Franse aandelen schreef op 2 november 2023 19:31:


    I understand the principe, but not your calculation. Why is equity increase 5x asset rise.

    On your calculation:
    Assets = 50 not 30 bn EUR
    equity 7 bn EUR and not anymore 6bn EUR :-)
    hybrids are less than 2 bn EUR in market value but ok that is a detail


    Kind regards
    PS: as you said your numbers are some days before and some days before equity was worth only 6bn EUR
    My numbers were global. If in my example assets go from 30 to 33, then equity goes from 6 to 9 as the debts remain the same.

    Book value of assets is 50, but the market values them on 30 now as sum of debts and equity is 30.
  19. Franse aandelen 2 november 2023 21:56

    Branco P schreef op 2 november 2023 21:20:


    yes, but dividend can be paid in two ways: cash or stock/scrip (or a combination of both of course)

    when we are talking about URW maybe not paying a dividend over fiscal year 2023, we meant: not paying cash dividend

    to comply with SIIC obligation they will probably then have to install a mandatory scrip/stock dividend
    Dear Branco P,

    good point scrip/stock dividend is also an alternative, true.

    Are you aware that there might be also a "prime d'emission", i.e. a way that reduces the buying price but does not pay out anything. Imagine 4 EUR prime d'emission. And imagine you have a 51 EUR initial buying price. After the prime d emission you have the same number of shares but your buying price is not any more 51 EUR but 47 EUR (51 EUR - 4 EUR).

    I am not a dividend expert, but if I am not wrong French competitor Klepierre used the "prime d'emission" recently. So why not URW as well?

    Are you familiar with "prime d'emission" or anyone else ? Was this discussed here in the forum ?

    Kind regards.
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