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Beleggers, let op Iran!

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  1. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2007 12:48

    The Wishbone schreef:

    Waarom de Amerikanen ?
    Vergeet jij niet dat de Britten steun kunnen verwachten van de Navo !
    Maar wat gaan de Chinezen doen?
    Of de russen?

    Vergeet Israel niet!

    Overigens, hoe meer ik hoor lees en zie over eventuele aanvalsplannen van de US/GB in Iran, des te kleiner ik de kans inschat dat het er ook daadwerkelijk van komt.
  2. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2007 13:49
    Ik moet zeggen dat de druk van beide kanten steeds verder word opgevoerd. Nu dit weer:

    Uitgegeven: 31 maart 2007 11:13
    Laatst gewijzigd: 31 maart 2007 12:48
    TEHERAN - De vijftien Britten die in Iran zijn gearresteerd omdat ze de Iraanse territoriale wateren zouden zijn binnengedrongen, moeten misschien voor de rechter verschijnen. Dat heeft de Iraanse ambassadeur in Moskou gezegd, aldus het Iraanse persbureau IRNA.

    "Het is mogelijk dat de Britse militairen die de Iraanse wateren binnendrongen voor de rechtbank moeten verschijnen wegens deze illegale actie", aldus Gholamreza Ansari. "De wettelijke procedure is gestart en als ze schuldig worden bevonden, worden ze gestraft", voegde hij eraan toe.

    Volgens Londen verbleven de Britten niet in Iraanse wateren, maar voeren ze in Iraakse wateren toen ze 23 maart werden opgepakt.

    Diplomatieke rel

    De kwestie heeft tot een diplomatieke rel geleid tussen de landen. Ook de Europese Unie heeft de arrestatie veroordeeld en gevraagd om de vrijlating van de vijftien Britten, onder wie een vrouw. De Veiligheidsraad van de Verenigde Naties sprak zijn "ernstige zorgen" uit over de kwestie.

    En dan het bericht dat de VS hun iraanse gevangenen niet wil ruilen voor de Britten. Dan lijkt mij geen vriendelijke onderhandelingen meer mogelijk zijn.
  3. @iPlof 31 maart 2007 14:32
    Goed nieuws uit het buurland van Iran:

    Oorlogsmoeë Irakezen sms'en voor Idol-winnares
    31 maart 2007, 14:16 | ANP
    BAGDAD (ANP) - In het door bomaanslagen en moordpartijen geteisterde Irak gloort er af toe toch nog een sprankje hoop. De Irakezen lijken zich massaal achter een landgenote te hebben geschaard die de Arabische versie van Idols heeft gewonnen.

    De 26-jarige Shada Hassoon versloeg vrijdagavond in de finale in de Libanese hoofdstad Beiroet haar drie mededingers dankzij de enorme steun uit Irak. Maar liefst zeven miljoen sms-jes werden verstuurd tegen 150.000 op een normale dag, meldde het Iraakse telecommunicatiebedrijf Iraqna.

    Hassoon veroverde de harten van haar landgenoten met een cover van een oude song waarin de verrukkingen in het vroegere Irak worden geprezen. Na haar overwinning van 'Star Academy' hulde Hassoon zich op de bühne in een Iraakse vlag en bedankte haar fans.

  4. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2007 20:38
    NOS 20:13 31 Maart 2007
    Ahmadinejad maakt Londen verwijt

    President Ahmadinejad van Iran vindt dat Groot-Brittannië niet de "wettige en logische weg" volgt in de zaak van de 15 Britse marinemensen. In plaats van excuses aan te bieden, begon de Britse regering internationaal stampij te maken, zei de president.

    Ahmadinejad houdt vol dat de Britten terecht gevangen zijn genomen, omdat ze zich in de Iraanse wateren bevonden. Ahmadinejad vindt het onjuist dat de VN zich nu in de zaak mengt.

    Rusland wil dat de VN onderzoek doet naar de vraag of de Britten inderdaad in de territoriale wateren van Iran terecht waren gekomen.

    Iran zou Britten willen berechten

    zaterdag 31 maart 2007 16:30

    (Novum/AP) - De vijftien Britse marinemensen die door Iran zijn opgepakt kunnen worden vervolgd voor schending van het internationaal recht. Dat heeft de Iraanse ambassadeur in Rusland gezegd. Het persbureau IRNA berichtte dat zaterdag op zijn website.

    Ambassadeur Gholam-Reza Ansari zei vrijdag voor de Russische televisie dat Iran een strafrechtelijk onderzoek naar de Britten is begonnen. 'Ze zullen worden berecht als er voldoende bewijs voor schuld is.'

    Het Britse ministerie van buitenlandse zaken zei te onderzoeken wat er waar is van het bericht. Dat doet echter niets af aan het Britse standpunt, zei het ministerie, dat de Britten zich in Iraaks water bevonden, dat het Britse consulaat toegang tot hen moet krijgen en dat zij onmiddellijk moeten worden vrijgelaten.

    Donderdag hadden de Iraanse president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad en de Iraanse onderhandelaar Ali Larijani ook al gezinspeeld op een mogelijke rechtszaak.

    Ambassadeur Ansari herhaalde het Iraanse standpunt dat de Britse regering de zaak 'gemakkelijk' kan oplossen als ze haar fout toegeeft en zich bij Iran verontschuldigt voor de schending van Iraanse wateren door zijn marinepersoneel. De Britse troepen worden in de regio gezien als 'bezettingsstrijdkrachten', zei Ansari. Volgens hem hebben de Britten de zaak op de spits gedreven door naar de VN-Veiligheidsraad te stappen in plaats van op bilateraal niveau naar een oplossing te zoeken.
  5. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2007 21:04
    Mooi, de goede oude tijd van showprocessen wordt nieuw leven ingeblazen. Tijdens die processen volop media-aandacht en de emoties in betrokken landen kunnen hoog oplopen.

  6. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2007 23:35
    laatste nieuws proces gaat niet door opbouw militairen duidelijk volop gaande.

    DEBKAfile Exclusive: US financial sources in Bahrain report American investors in Bahrain advised to pack up business operations and leave

    March 30, 2007, 10:53 PM (GMT+02:00)

    USS Nimitz nuclear carrier

    The advice came from officers with US Central Command 5th Fleet HQ at Manama, who spoke of security tension, a hint at an approaching war with Iran. Arab sources report the positioning of a Patriot anti-missile battery in Bahrain this week; they say occupancy at emirate hotels has soared past 90% due mostly to the influx of US military personnel. They also report Western media crews normally employed in military coverage are arriving in packs.

    Thursday, March 29, Gen. Khaled al-‘Absi, Bahrain’s chief of air defense operations disclosed that new alarm networks had been installed and air defense systems upgraded to handle chemical, biological and radioactive attacks.

    The USS Nimitz and its support ships will be departing San Diego Monday, April 2, to join the John C. Stennis Strike Group in the Persian Gulf. The nuclear carrier is due to relieve the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower , but military sources in the Gulf believe all three US carriers will stay put if tensions continue to climb or if fighting breaks out involving American, British and Iranian forces.

    The mighty American armada is further supported by the USS Bataan and USS Boxer strike groups.

    War tensions have been triggered most recently by the crisis over the seized British sailors and large-scale US sea, air and amphibious exercises in the Gulf.

    1. DEBKAfile’s Tehran sources report that in the contest within the Iranian leadership over how to handle the affair of the captured British seamen, the wildest radical element has gained the upper hand, reducing the prospects of their imminent release. Heading the tough Tehran faction are hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Gen. Rahim Safavi, commander of the Revolutionary Guards whose naval wing performed the seizure.

    They gained strength from the British premier Tony Blair’s initial passive, semi-conciliatory response. Tehran quickly grasped it had acquired not just a propaganda tool but a military asset, which the UK cannot match as long as the Americans desist from throwing their military might into the fray. Washington has refused to risk of a full-scale war confrontation with the Revolutionary Guards for the sake of the British sailors.

    Iranian strategists also registered that, although the Blair government has begun moving mountains to gain the freedom of the marine crew held in Tehran, London appeared fairly laid back about the kidnap of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston in broad daylight by gunmen in Palestinian Gaza, although three weeks had gone by.

    Revolutionary Guards serving with Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza no doubt filed a full report on the Johnston case to Tehran, which drew its own conclusions.

    2. Taking part in the big demonstration of American naval, air and marine force launched March 27 are the two nuclear carrier strike forces Stennis and Eisenhower , thousands of marines and 100 warplanes. Maneuvers on this scale in the tight, overcrowded waters of the Persian Gulf carry risks of a collision between American and Iranian craft.

    DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Nimitz group is composed of the Princeton guided-missile cruiser, four guided missile destroyers – the Higgins , Chafee , John Paul Jones and Pinckney . The strike force is armed with two helicopter squadrons and a special unit for dismantling sea mines and other explosive devices.

    Earlier, DEBKAfile quoted intelligence sources in Moscow as predicting that a US strike against Iranian nuclear installations codenamed Operation Bite has been scheduled for April 6 at 0040 hours. Missiles and air raids will conduct strikes designed to be devastating enough to set Tehran’s nuclear program several years back.

    Ook vielen er 500 doden in Irak deze week 1 bom van 100 ton maakte 150 doden 300 gewonden het is een groot succes'"the war on terror"

    mvrgr jo jo
  7. [verwijderd] 31 maart 2007 23:47
    Uit Israel komen ook oorlogs verhalen wat we eigenlijk verwachten bij een aanval van Iran gaat hezbollah ook weer los op Israel,zij wachten niet en zullen ook direct hezbollah aanvallen,Israel en de US hebben afgelopen maand al uitgebreid raket onderscheppings technieken geoefenn,overal zijn en worden patriots anti raket systemen opgesteld,vanavond ook dus bekend geworden in Bahrain.

    Israel-Hezbollah war this summer: Knesset member
    3/31/2007 2:00:00 PM GMT

    Dr. Arieh Eldad, member of the Israeli Knesset representing the opposition National Union Party, told NewsMax in an exclusive interview this week, that Israel will be at war with Hezbollah this summer.

    "We have no choice. We will have to do it," said Dr. Eldad said, admitting that Israel is facing a new strategic threat, partly due to its disgraceful defeat and failure to destroy Hezbollah in their last summer war in Lebanon, and partly because its tarnished image in the eyes of the “enemies”.

    Hezbollah is stronger
    "Hezbollah is becoming stronger every day," he admitted. "They are rebuilding their ammunition stores, their medium and long missiles. They are going back to their bunkers in the south of Lebanon."

    "There is no way the United Nations force [currently in south Lebanon] is going to prevent the smuggling of these missiles across the Syrian border or the fortification of south Lebanon."

    Earlier this week and in a conference that drew top U.S. officials, Israeli experts said that Hezbollah poses the most immediate international terrorist danger.

    The Institute for Counter-Terrorism, an independent think tank comprising former top Israeli security officials, ran a workshop at the Israeli Embassy in Washington where experts studied new strategies in combating “terrorism”.

    Eitan Azani, the institute's expert, claimed that Hezbollah's operations in more than 40 countries, including the United States and Canada, "can transfer in a short time from the criminal arena to the terrorist arena,"

    "It can carry out an attack in a short time."

    Experts have long warned that a Western attack on Iran would lead to confrontation with Hezbollah- a theory institute experts supported during their gathering on Wednesday, that was also attended by top U.S. counter-terrorism officials.

    Dr. Eldad furthermore stated that tactics of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah are being pursued and readied in Gaza.

    "Hamas is building bunkers. They are bringing missiles across the Egyptian border, and the Egyptian government is failing to prevent it. So I hope the next Israeli government will be courageous enough to carry out these operations before it is too late."

    The Ministerial Committee for Symbols and Ceremonies has decided to label Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah last summer The Second Lebanon War.

    Among other names the committee was considering before finally deciding on The Second Lebanon War were the War of the North, or Shield of the North War.

    “A mistake”
    Speaking to a panel investigating the Israeli government’s handling of Lebanon’s war, Vice-Premier Shimon Peres described Israel’s decision to invade the country as “a mistake”, arguing that the military was unprepared.

    According to the 15-page transcript of his appearance before the commission last November, which was made public only last week, Peres admitted that the Lebanese resistance movement did a better job in handling media coverage than the Israelis did.

    "The greatest mistake is the very fact of war," he told the commission. "If it had been up to me, I would not have gone into this war."

    The commission had been appointed by the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in response to the intense pressure his government has been facing from the angry public because of the country’s failure to win the war.

    -- AJP and agencies

    Het word een warme hete zomer zelfs zonder broeikaseffect.

    mvrgr jo jo
  8. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 00:02

    jojobuitenzorg schreef:

    Het word een warme hete zomer zelfs zonder broeikaseffect.
    mvrgr jo jo
    Mee eens.
    Dan is het des te frappant dat goud en zilver hier juist negatief op reageren. Tijden zijn veranderd. Vroeger bouwde men dan juist deze posities wat verder uit ter bescherming van de portefeuille. Tja, die goede oude tijd.
  9. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 00:20
    Dank Jojo, Hezbollah, Syrie alweer bijna vergeten.
    Had wel degelijk invloed op de markt.
    Ik was wat optimistisch maar het is en blijft een kruitvat. En de Britten zullen geen sorry gaan zeggen. Gevangenen als schild bij een aanval blijft openstaan.
  10. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 00:31
    Iran has plans to stop oil sales in dollars: TV
    Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:35PM EDT

    TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran's central bank governor said Tehran had plans to end the sale of its oil in dollars completely, state television reported on Friday, part of a move to protect the Islamic Republic from mounting U.S. pressure.

    Washington is leading efforts to isolate Iran over a nuclear program which the West says is aimed at building atomic bombs despite Tehran's denials. Tensions with the West have increased with a row over Iran's detention of British naval personnel.

    A big Iranian state bank has been targeted under U.N. sanctions passed this month, the second resolution since December. U.S. officials suggested on Thursday Iran's dependence on gasoline imports might be a target in future.

    "Iran has plans to stop selling its oil in dollars completely," Governor Ebrahim Sheibani was quoted as saying. The report did not say when the plan would come into effect.

  11. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 07:12
    Iraanse opposigiegroep: Ayatollah Khamenei gaf bevel Britse matrozen op te pakken (fotoverslag)
    zondag, 01 april 2007

    Hossein Abedini (NCRI)
    01/04/2007 Jtwnetwork - De gevangenname van vijftien Britse matrozen en mariniers in een waterweg tussen Irak en Iran was van tevoren gepland en bedoeld als wraak voor de sancties die de Verenigde Naties Iran hebben opgelegd. Dat heeft de Nationale Raad van Verzet van Iran, een oppositiegroep, zaterdag gezegd. De raad is de politieke tak van de MEK, een organisatie die door Groot-Brittannië , de Verenigde Staten den de Europese Unie op de lijst van terreurorganisaties is geplaatst.

    Hossein Abedini, een buitenlanddeskundige van de raad, zei dat de informatie afkomstig was van bronnen bij Iraans Islamitische Revolutionaire Garde. De raad heeft de informatie doorgespeeld aan de Britse regering, zei hij. De regering wilde geen commentaar geven en wees erop dat de MEK een verboden organisatie is.

    Op een persconferentie in Londen zei Abedini dat een marinebasis van de Revolutionaire Garde de avond voor de gevangenname in paraatheid was gebracht op de operatie voor te bereiden. Een andere vertegenwoordiger van de raad, Mohammad Mohaddessin, zei in een verklaring dat de hoogste Iraanse leider, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, opdracht had gegeven om de Britten vast te zetten, in de hoop de Britse regering onder druk te kunnen zetten de sancties tegen Iran niet te verzwaren. Daags na het incident in de Golf besloot de Veiligheidsraad de sancties tegen Iran te verscherpen.

    Abedini zei dat duidelijk is dat het Iraanse bewind de zaak op touw heeft gezet om concessies af te dwingen van de internationale gemeenschap en aandacht af te leiden van zijn nucleaire projecten. "Beweringen dat de matrozen in Iraans water zijn gearresteerd missen elke grond."

    © De Telegraaf
  12. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 09:20
    USS Nimitz nuclear carrier

    The advice came from officers with US Central Command 5th Fleet HQ at Manama, who spoke of security tension, a hint at an approaching war with Iran. Arab sources report the positioning of a Patriot anti-missile battery in Bahrain this week; they say occupancy at emirate hotels has soared past 90% due mostly to the influx of US military personnel. They also report Western media crews normally employed in military coverage are arriving in packs.

    Thursday, March 29, Gen. Khaled al-‘Absi, Bahrain’s chief of air defense operations disclosed that new alarm networks had been installed and air defense systems upgraded to handle chemical, biological and radioactive attacks.

    The USS Nimitz and its support ships will be departing San Diego Monday, April 2, to join the John C. Stennis Strike Group in the Persian Gulf. The nuclear carrier is due to relieve the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower , but military sources in the Gulf believe all three US carriers will stay put if tensions continue to climb or if fighting breaks out involving American, British and Iranian forces.

    The mighty American armada is further supported by the USS Bataan and USS Boxer strike groups.

    War tensions have been triggered most recently by the crisis over the seized British sailors and large-scale US sea, air and amphibious exercises in the Gulf.

    1. DEBKAfile’s Tehran sources report that in the contest within the Iranian leadership over how to handle the affair of the captured British seamen, the wildest radical element has gained the upper hand, reducing the prospects of their imminent release. Heading the tough Tehran faction are hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Gen. Rahim Safavi, commander of the Revolutionary Guards whose naval wing performed the seizure.

    They gained strength from the British premier Tony Blair’s initial passive, semi-conciliatory response. Tehran quickly grasped it had acquired not just a propaganda tool but a military asset, which the UK cannot match as long as the Americans desist from throwing their military might into the fray. Washington has refused to risk of a full-scale war confrontation with the Revolutionary Guards for the sake of the British sailors.

    Iranian strategists also registered that, although the Blair government has begun moving mountains to gain the freedom of the marine crew held in Tehran, London appeared fairly laid back about the kidnap of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston in broad daylight by gunmen in Palestinian Gaza, although three weeks had gone by.

    Revolutionary Guards serving with Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza no doubt filed a full report on the Johnston case to Tehran, which drew its own conclusions.

    2. Taking part in the big demonstration of American naval, air and marine force launched March 27 are the two nuclear carrier strike forces Stennis and Eisenhower , thousands of marines and 100 warplanes. Maneuvers on this scale in the tight, overcrowded waters of the Persian Gulf carry risks of a collision between American and Iranian craft.

    DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the Nimitz group is composed of the Princeton guided-missile cruiser, four guided missile destroyers – the Higgins , Chafee , John Paul Jones and Pinckney . The strike force is armed with two helicopter squadrons and a special unit for dismantling sea mines and other explosive devices.

    Earlier, DEBKAfile quoted intelligence sources in Moscow as predicting that a US strike against Iranian nuclear installations codenamed Operation Bite has been scheduled for April 6 at 0040 hours. Missiles and air raids will conduct strikes designed to be devastating enough to set Tehran’s nuclear program several years back.

  13. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 09:23

    Arrogant issue demands instead of apology

    09:32:36 Þ.Ù
    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday arrogant powers of the world which should apologize and feel ashamed for the illegal entry of the British sailors into Iranian territorial waters, issue statements and resort to giving lectures instead.

    Speaking to a group of people in the southern town of Andimeshk, The president said, "the British occupying forces have entered into our waters and our border guards have arrested them courageously. However, the arrogant powers, because of their arrogance and egoistic mentality, do not apologize to the Iranians rather act as if we owe them something."

    The President added the world arrogance has exploited nations in the past 300 years and after the second world war, they considered themselves as the victors of the war and created some international organizations to establish their rule on the world.

    "Unfortunately," the president added," the same powers are currently violating the rules that they have made themselves."

    President Ahmadinejad said these powers do nothing in today's world but looting the nations and make their economy prosperous in this way."

  14. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 09:54
    'Londen wil topofficier naar Teheran sturen'
    zondag 1 april 2007 om 07:31

    LONDEN (ANP) - Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wil een topofficier van de Britse marine naar Teheran sturen om de vrijlating te bereiken van de vijftien gevangen Britse militairen. De officier moet een compromis vinden dat voor beide partijen gezichtsverlies voorkomt.

    Dit meldt de Britse krant The Sunday Telegraph zondag. De officier moet gaan beloven dat de koninklijke marine nooit willens en wetens zonder Iraanse toestemming in de territoriale wateren van dat land zal varen. Het plan is zaterdag besproken tijdens een vergadering van een crisisstaf van hoog regeringsniveau, aldus de publicatie.

    Volgens The Sunday Times zijn premier Tony Blair en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Margaret Beckett gewaarschuwd dat de situatie tot een lange impasse kan leiden. Iran eist excuses van Londen. Volgens Teheran zijn de vijftien Britten op 23 maart opgepakt in Iraanse territoriale wateren.
  15. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 10:02
    Bush hekelt 'onvergeeflijke' gijzelingsactie

    zondag 1 april 2007 08:56

    De Amerikaanse president George W. Bush heeft Iran opgeroepen om de vijftien Britse matrozen en mariniers die sinds vorige week vrijdag worden vastgehouden vrij te laten.

    Bush noemde de vijftien Britten gijzelaars en de actie van Iran 'onvergeeflijk'. Hij benadrukte de Britse regering te steunen. 'De Iraniërs moeten de gijzelaars teruggeven,' zei Bush, die de zaak hoog opneemt omdat de Britten in Iraakse wateren zijn opgepakt.


  16. [verwijderd] 1 april 2007 10:05
    With Iran Under Threat, Oil Price Could Hit Records

    By Cyril Widdershoven
    31 Mar 2007 at 02:16 PM GMT-04:00

    AMSTERDAM (ResourceInvestor.com) -- International crude oil prices are showing increased potential to reach new record levels, largely based on growing concerns that Iran could be hit by military actions or increased hars sanction regimes.

    Several military Web sites, such as the well-informed news site Debka.com, are indicating that American and British forces are increasing their posture in the Persian Gulf. Analysts have stated that Patriot rockets have been placed in Bahrain while an American navy force has set course from American port San Diego to the Persian Gulf. Several news sites are reporting that American investors have been advised to leave the Persian Gulf at present, indicating possible military action in the foreseeable future.

    According to Debka, officers of the U.S. Central Command 5th Fleet HQ at Manama have stated that investors and operators are advised to leave the region without any delay. The same message has been given by Arab news sources indicating increased military operations in the region. UAE new sources have also reported that overall occupancy of hotels in the region have soared, as soldiers are taking up most of the available rooms. Bahrain’s chief of airs defense operations, Gen. Khaled al-‘Absi, stated to the press that new alarm networks had been installed and air defense systems upgraded to handle chemical, biological and radioactive attacks.

    Analysts are most worried about possible military actions due to the fact that American nuclear carrier USS Nimitz and its support ships are set to depart from San Diego to join the John C. Stennis Strike Group in the Persian Gulf. Officially, the new carrier is en route to relieve the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower , but it is expected that, based on the current confrontation between Iran and Great Britain caused by the Iranian hostage taking of 15 British marines, all three U.S. carriers will stay put in the region, putting in place a formidable force capable of hitting Iran very hard.

    European analysts have said the current situation in Iran shows that the radical elements in the power base of the Iranian regime currently have the overhand. More liberal politicians have been sidelined after the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have taken over the management of the British hostage takings. Debka has reported that heading the tough Tehran faction are hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Gen. Rahim Safavi, commander of the Revolutionary Guards whose naval wing performed the seizure.

    It can be expected if the Iranian government will not relieve the British marines the coming days, a military blockade of the Iranian sea lanes will be set in place. Tehran already has threatened to react to the latter with an appropriate answer, possibly meaning a closure of the Straits of Hormuz, blocking 40-60% of total oil and gas exports immediately. Revolutionary Guards spokesmen have even indicated that military strikes against Arab strategic objectives or oil tankers in the Gulf could also be an option. Russian military sources have stated off record that American plans are indicating a surgical strike to be planned for April 6.

    The current crisis has already resulted in a surge in oil prices, without a real solution seen in the near future. Ongoing confrontation will bring crude oil prices to levels of above US$70 per barrel soon. OPEC countries have off records indicated that when these price levels are returning the oil cartel will consider a change to its current export quota system, largely targeting bringing price levels down to around US$60 per barrel.

    A total blockade or war with Iran will be the nightmare scenario feared by analysts worldwide. The latter is a real option, as Iran’s military build up currently has increased the country’s capabilities to block the world’s most important oil and gas export routes via the Strait of Hormuz. No real action to prevent the latter is in place, as it will only take some minor surgical strikes by special forces of Iran to sink some VLCCs in the sea lane to block it effectively.

    The oil market should be assessing its current options rationally, as there is a real threat at present a vast part of crude oil exports are to be blocked for a medium to long-term. Investors will be already trying to assess their options, as crude oil prices seem to be heading for an unseen spike in the short term.

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ASR Nederland 21 4.452
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 484
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.642
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 12 februari

    1. Faillissementen januari (NL)
    2. TINC Q4-cijfers
    3. Siemens Energy Q1-cijfers (Dld)
    4. ABN AMRO Q4-cijfers
    5. Ahold Delhaize Q4-cijfers
    6. Heineken Q4-cijfers
    7. Randstad Q4-cijfers
    8. TINC Q4-cijfers
    9. Hypotheekaanvragen wekelijks (VS)
    10. Kraft Heinz Q4-cijfers (VS)
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht