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Nogmaals.... Vestas power......

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  1. [verwijderd] 4 november 2008 11:59
    IRIS-advies: Houden
    Het aandeel Vestas Wind Systems is naar onze huidige inschatting meer dan 50% ondergewaardeerd. In de koers is een langetermijnwinstgroei van 12% ingeprijsd, terwijl wij uitgaan van een winstgroei van 20%. Daarmee behoort de onderneming ons inziens tot de meest gunstig gewaardeerde buitenlandse bedrijven. Het technisch beeld is neutraal. De vooruitzichten voor de industriegroep kapitaalgoederen als geheel zijn goed. De winstontwikkeling in de industriegroep en het koersbeeld van kapitaalgoederen zijn relatief ongunstig, het huidige economische en fundamentele plaatje en de waardering van de bedrijfstak zijn relatief aantrekkelijk.

    Auteur: Jurriaan Hofman, analist van IRIS Research, heeft geen belangen in dit fonds.
    Publicatiedatum: 30-10-2008 17:25

    Obama effect op dit aandaal kan wel eens fors uitpakken gezien het verstrekken van subsidies van de democraten op de groene energie rekening.

  2. [verwijderd] 4 november 2008 12:10
    Sjee wat heeft vestas idd een dipje gemaakt, maar dat zag je altijd al als het met de rest van de beurs wat minder ging, of heeft het aandeel ook last van de deense krone?, hopelijk die lui ook snel bij de EU

    Klopt wel die onderwardering, en idd mitch, ik denk dat we met dit forumpje de spijker op zijn kop gaan slaan, sssst!:P
  3. [verwijderd] 4 november 2008 14:17

    zzzaai schreef:

    Sjee wat heeft vestas idd een dipje gemaakt, maar dat zag je altijd al als het met de rest van de beurs wat minder ging, of heeft het aandeel ook last van de deense krone?, hopelijk die lui ook snel bij de EU

    Klopt wel die onderwardering, en idd mitch, ik denk dat we met dit forumpje de spijker op zijn kop gaan slaan, sssst!:P
    De hele windsector heeft een enorme klap gehad van de bankencrisis ( investeringen!); subsisdies in de US die ter discussie stonden en daar bovenop nogeens de daling van de prijs van een vat olie. Donderdag 3Q cijfers van Vestas! Wordt spannend,het aantal nieuwe orders is volgens mij in Q3 wat tegengevallen!
  4. [verwijderd] 8 februari 2009 20:37
    COPENHAGEN, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Vestas (VWS.CO), the world's
    biggest wind-turbine maker, is expected to post a 40 percent
    rise in full-year 2008 operating profit, boosted by a strong
    fourth quarter, a Reuters poll showed on Thursday. The average estimate in the poll of 18 analysts for earnings
    before interest and tax (EBIT) was 619 million euros ($806.8
    million), compared with 443 million euros in the corresponding
    period of 2007. "After a sluggish Q3 order intake, we expect Q4 to show a
    strong rebound, as announced orders more than doubled from Q3 to
    Q4. In our view, there is now higher visibility for 2009 sales
    guidance." Handelsbanken wrote in a research note. Sales are expected to rise 19 percent to 4.78 billion euros
    in 2008. For the full year, Vestas has forecast an EBIT margin of 10
    to 12 percent on sales of 5.7 billion euros this year. For 2009,
    it expects sales of 7.2 billion euros and an EBIT margin of 11
    to 13 percent. Of the 15 analysts who disclosed their rating, 10 were
    positive, three were negative and twoe were neutral. The company will publish its results on Wednesday, Feb. 11. Data for Reuters Nordics earnings polls compiled by Inquiry
    Financial Intelligence. For more details on the data, please
    click on www.ConsensusEstimates.com.
  5. [verwijderd] 9 februari 2009 14:33
    Het wordt een buitengewoon interessante forcast voor 2009 op 11/2

    Ik noem ff wat variabele:

    staalprijzen naar beneden
    olieprijzen naar beneden
    Obama plannen voor duurzame enegie omhoog
    Chineze groeimarkt en nieuwe toetreders.
    Europese plannen voor duurzame energie.
    kredietcris1s en impact op investeringen.

    Al met al een moeilijk inschatting.
  6. [verwijderd] 11 februari 2009 12:22
    Denmark’s wind turbine giant Vestas came out of 2008 on a high wave, with a Q4 result that was its best ever.

    Revenues shot up by 24 percent to some DKK 45 billion and pre-tax profit was at DKK 5.3 billion compared with some DKK 2.1 billion in 2007. While management expects progress to continue in 2009, it will, however, slow somewhat.

    “Vestas expects that the installed wind power capacity on average will experience an annual growth rate of about 20 per cent in the coming ten years mainly due to the fact that wind power neither uses water nor emits CO2 when generating electricity. At the same time, modern energy creates local jobs and reduces the dependence on fossil fuels which is often imported. Vestas expects that wind power will account for at least 10 per cent of the world’s electricity consumption by 2020,” Vestas says in its accounts release.

    Fewer new jobs
    The financial crisis has meant that many other wind power producers and suppliers have had to lay off employees, but Vestas has not been part of that trend.

    Nonetheless, Vestas says in its report that the financial crisis will also affect new Vestas employment.

    “Due to the financial crisis, a number of employments have been deferred, and the recent years’ massive intake in the number of employees is not expected to continue in 2009,” Vestas says.

    In its outlook for 2009, Vestas said revenue is forecast to rise to EUR 7.2 billion with its EBIT margin expected to increase to 11-13 percent. Investment are forecast to amount o EUR 1.2 billion at the end of 2009, with net working capital not exceeding 10 percent of revenue.

    “The above expectations for investments are subject to Vestas experiencing an improvement in the order intake up till the reporting for the first quarter of 2009 on 28 April. If this does not materialise, the investment programme will be adjusted, and the general cost level will also be further reduced,” Vestas says adding that to date, Vestas has not experienced cancellations or postponements in its order backlog.

    In its operations abroad, Vestas says it is expanding its production capacity in its principal markets, doubling its blade capacity to 4,000 blades in 2010 from its Colorado plant adding that “as a parallel to the establishment of the world’s largest tower factory in Colorado, Vestas is establishing its first nacelle factory in the USA – also in Colorado.”

    The company says that In China, where Vestas is building a new foundry, the new factory in Hohhot in Inner Mongolia, will deliver its first kW turbines in the second quarter of 2009.

    “In the longer term, the expansion outside the euro zone will contribute to ensuring improved currency equilibrium between Vestas’ income and expenses,” the company says.

  7. forum rang 10 voda 28 april 2009 16:51
    Windturbineproducent Vestas schrapt 1900 banen
    28 april 2009, 13:13 | ANP
    KOPENHAGEN (AFN) - Het Deense Vestas, 's werelds grootste producent van windturbines, schrapt 1900 banen ofwel circa 9 procent van het personeelsbestand. Het bedrijf heeft last van een teruggelopen vraag. Dat maakte Vestas dinsdag bekend.

    De ontslagen vallen hoofdzakelijk in Groot-Brittannië en Denemarken. Volgens Vestas is de vraag in de Verenigde Staten dusdanig sterk gedaald dat overcapaciteit is ontstaan.

    Vestas kwam dinsdag ook met cijfers over het eerste kwartaal. De nettowinst steeg met 70 procent tot 56 miljoen euro. Ook werden de verwachtingen voor 2009 bevestigd. Het bedrijf maakte verder bekend 18,5 miljoen nieuwe aandelen te gaan uitgeven om extra kapitaal op te halen.

  8. forum rang 10 voda 29 april 2009 16:12
    Grote emissie van windmolenmaker Vestas
    29 april 2009 | Het Financieele Dagblad
    Door: Tankus, A.

    Arnold Tankus


    Het Deense Vestas, de grootste windturbineproducent ter wereld, heeft dinsdag een aangekondigde aandelenemissie van euro 800 mln in een dag weten te plaatsen.........


    Druk op de link voor het volledige artikel:
  9. hobbykip 27 oktober 2009 12:22
    Vestas 3Q Net Profit +70%, Beats Expectations

    LONDON -(Dow Jones)- Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS.KO) Tuesday posted an expectation-beating 70% rise in third-quarter net profit on increased shipments of turbines and wind power systems, and kept its guidance for the year unchanged.
    The world's top wind turbine supplier retained its revenue target for 2009 at EUR7.2 billion and forecast 2010 revenue at EUR7 billion to EUR8 billion with established markets expected to represent the majority of the company's business next year. Analysts had expected the company to revise its 2009 full year revenue forecast lower.

    "The revenue range [for 2010] reflects uncertainty caused by the credit crisis in the short term," Vestas said in a statement, adding that revenue could reach EUR8 billion if there was substantial progress in the U.S. market, which is currently suffering from excess capacity.

    Vestas shares opened 10% higher following the release of the third quarter report, with earnings outpacing analysts' expectations.

    Overall, Vestas expects that prices and conditions will remain unchanged in 2010 relative to 2009.

    The company said it still expects to announce orders valued at several billion euros that will contribute to meeting the 2010 revenue targets.

    Vestas said third-quarter net profit increased to EUR165 million from EUR97 million in the same period a year ago, above analysts' expectations of EUR126 million.

    Revenue for the period rose 2.3% to EUR1.8 billion from EUR1.76 billion a year ago, and earnings before interest and tax were EUR244 million, up 53% from EUR160 million a year ago.

    RBS equities analyst Teea Reijonen said the retention of 2009 guidance and the big jump in EBIT, which beat analysts expectations by 37%, was a "very big positive" for the company's share price.

    Vestas shares remain below the peak of DKK700 seen last October as challenging credit markets have affected its customers and delayed wind power projects worldwide.

    At 0836 GMT, shares were up 9.5%, or DKK31.50, at DKK364.
  10. [verwijderd] 18 augustus 2010 13:22
    Vestas cuts 2010 forecasts, shares plunge

    COPENHAGEN (AFP) – Shares in Vestas slumped on Wednesday after the Danish wind power group cut this year's earnings and sales targets following a second quarter loss.

    The company, the world leader in the wind turbine industry, a key component in efforts to combat carbon emissions, said 2010 sales would now come in at six billion euros (7.7 billion dollars), rather than seven billion euros.

    The operating profit margin would be in a range of five to six percent, down from the 10-11 percent given previously, it said.

    The news sent Vestas shares tumbling more than 17 percent in Copenhagen where the broader market was down nearly two percent.

    For the second quarter, the company reported a net loss of 119 million euros, after a net profit of 43 million euros in the 2009 period, with sales falling 17 percent to one billion euros.

    At the same time, the workforce grew six percent from the first quarter to nearly 22,400 but Vestas said it was cutting planned headcount growth this year to 3,000 from the previous 3,400.

    This would mean the company would employ 23,500 people worldwide at the end of the year, it added.

    On the positive side, Vestas said second quarter new orders were worth a record 3.03 billion euros.
  11. hobbykip 23 november 2010 14:45
    Vestas Wind Systems A/S - Company Announcement
    Vestas is the preferred supplier for Galician wind projects
    The results of the public wind energy tender announced by the regional
    Government in Galicia, Spain confirm that Vestas is the preferred technology partner for wind projects representing a total capacity of 1,655 MW to be installed in Galicia during the years 2012-2014 ref. the Galician wind energy plan “re-Xurde 2010”.

    More than 70 per cent of the total tender capacity of 2,325 MW has been awarded to 20 bidding companies which had submitted proposals exclusively with Vestas technology. Vestas will now continue the negotiations with the different companies, and the orders will be announced as they become firm and unconditional and moreover comply with Vestas' rules of disclosure.

  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2011 16:49
    Sinovel Wind Group unveils first 6 MW wind turbine in China

    Shanghai Daily reported that China's largest wind equipment marker Sinovel Wind Group Co has unveiled the nation's first 6 MW wind turbine to challenge global leaders such as Denmark's Vestas.

    Mr Tao Gang SVP of Sinovel said that "With the development of the wind industry, especially advances in offshore wind technology, the development of larger wind turbines has become an inevitable trend."

    Turbine makers, which now rely on 1.5 MW, 2.5 WM and 3 MW turbines for the bulk of their sales, are developing bigger turbines.

    Vestas, the world's largest turbine maker by market share, in March 2011 unveiled a 7MW offshore turbine, which may be in production in early 2015. Britain, the United States and Norway as well as Beijing based Sinovel have started developing a 10 MW prototype.
    After years of robust expansion, China overtook the US last year as the nation with the biggest installed wind capacity. But analysts said annual installation may have peaked in 2010 and turbine makers may struggle this year amid overcapacity and keen price competition.

    Mr Patrick Dai analyst at UBS Securities said that "We are pessimistic about the wind equipment sector." He suggested domestic players should seek more overseas contracts to tap on their price advantage.

    (Sourced from www.shanghaidaily.com)
  13. forum rang 10 voda 12 januari 2012 18:08
    Windmolenfabrikant Vestas schrapt banen
    Gepubliceerd op 12 jan 2012 om 12:26 | Views: 559

    AARHUS (AFN) - De Deense windmolenfabrikant Vestas wil 2335 banen schrappen, waarvan de helft in Denemarken. Vestas maakt donderdag bekend de kosten met 150 miljoen euro terug te willen dringen. Er worden fabrieken gesloten en banen geschrapt bij ondersteunende diensten.

    Vestas wil daar bovenop nog eens banen schrappen in de VS als daar een gunstige belastingmaatregel niet verlengd wordt. Dan zouden er nog 1600 ontslagen kunnen bijkomen. Vestas zegt de omvang van de onderneming aan te passen aan de vraag in de markt.

    Vestas heeft na de reorganisatie nog 20.400 mensen in dienst, waarvan 5300 in Denemarken.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 21 maart 2012 16:47
    Vestas says gets 50 MW turbines order from China

    Reuters reported that Danish wind turbine maker Vestas has won an order for turbines with total capacity of 50 megawatts from Chinese wind energy developer Longyuan.

    Vestas does not disclose the value of orders but as a rule of thumb turbines cost around EUR 1 million per MW of capacity.

    Vestas Wind Systems A/S said in a statement that the order is for 25 Vestas V90 2.0 MW turbines for the Qiulu wind farm near Putian, Fujian province.

    The company said delivery is scheduled to take place in the third quarter of 2012.

    Source - Reuters

  15. forum rang 10 voda 26 juni 2012 16:05
    Vestas to close China plant and cut 300 to 350 jobs

    Reuters reported that Danish wind turbine manufacturer Vestas Wind Systems will close a factory in China and cut 300-350 jobs in the process, due to forecast low demand for kilowatt turbines in the future.

    The world biggest wind turbine manufacturer said it would phase out production of kilowatt turbines, including the V52-850 kilowatt and V60-850 kilowatt turbines produced at the Hohhot factory to be closed.

    The company said in a statement that "On the basis of thorough internal analyses, Vestas projects a low market demand for the kilowatt platform in the coming years. Closing production at the factory will occur over the summer and will lead to annual savings of around EUR 10 million.”

    It said the cost of closing the factory would be covered by the 2012 guidance for special items of 50-100 million euros, adding its commitment in the country was intact.

    The company said in the statement "Vestas remains firmly committed to China and has confidence in China's long-term growth in the wind energy industry."

    After the closure of the Hohhot factory, Vestas would have about 2,600 employees in China, spread across two production bases in Tianjin and Xuzhou and two offices in Beijing and Shanghai respectively.

    Source - Reuters
  16. forum rang 10 voda 16 juli 2012 16:34
    Chinese Wind Power Company eyes Vestas assets

    According to a source close to the situation, Chinese wind turbine manufacturer Ming Yang Wind Power Group is seeking to acquire the world largest wind power equipment maker, Vestas Wind Systems.

    The source, who did not want to be named, said that Guangdong-based Ming Yang Wind Power may complete the transaction with the Danish company by October. The deal will be worth between 1.5 billion and 2 billion euros.

    An official from the industry regulator confirmed Ming Yang's intentions. However, when contacted by phone, Mr Ming Yang chairman Wang Song said he could not answer questions about the deal.

    Danish consulting firm BTM said Vestas had 12.9% of the world wind power equipment market in 2011 which was the largest share. Ming Yang has a market share of 2.9%.

    Source - English.caixin
  17. forum rang 10 voda 18 september 2012 16:06
    Reddingsboei voor Vestas

    Het officiële mission statement van Vestas mag ‘falen is geen optie’ zijn, lange tijd leek het erop dat de Deense windmolenbouwer juist vooral bezig was met een onstuitbare val richting vergetelheid. De Europese marktleider grossiert in winstwaarschuwingen en een trio van dergelijke boodschappen begin dit jaar sloeg — samen met het plotse vertrek van de top — het laatste restje vertrouwen van de financiële markten weg.

    precaire financiële positie van Vestas heeft aandeelhouders dit jaar veel zorgen opgeleverd. Om een financieel debacle zoals bij de Duitse zonnecelproducent Q.cells te voorkomen, zou er eigenlijk een kapitaalinjectie moeten komen. Die angst voor een emissie leidde dit jaar tot een halvering van de koers van het aandeel tot een historisch dieptepunt.

    Maar nu gloort er hoop voor Vestas, dat in zijn eentje niet kan opboksen tegen het geweld uit China. Het Japanse conglomeraat Mitsubishi heeft interesse om een strategische samenwerking aan te gaan, zo werd vorige week bekend. De gesprekken bevinden zich nog in een vroeg stadium, maar analisten hopen dat de Japanners kapitaal steken in Vestas zodat het bedrijf er weer een tijd tegen kan.

    Een andere optie is dat de twee hun divisies die apparatuur maken voor windgeneratie op zee in een aparte joint venture zetten, zodat Vestas daar een deel van zijn schuldenberg in kan parkeren. Voor Mitsubishi zit de aantrekkingskracht volgens analisten vooral in de geavanceerde technologie van Vestas op het gebied van offshorewindmolens, iets waar de Japanners zouden achterlopen.

    Ivo Bökkerink

    vrijdag 14 september 2012, 10:44

    update: maandag 17 september 2012, 14:29

    Bron: FD.nl
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