voda 12 november 2015 16:37 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Ezz Steel net loss widens in Q2 2015 The Cairo Post reported that Egypt’s biggest steel manufacturer, Ezz Steel, posted a net loss of EGP 201million in the Q2 of 2015, up from 157 million EGP a year earlier and 136 million EGP in the previous quarter. The Egyptian Exchange listed firm reported a seven percent y-o-y drop in production volumes to 1.05 million tons, which is 9 percent above HC estimate, added HC. In 2014, Ezz Steel reported a net loss of 835.6 million EGP, compared to a net profit of 527.9 EGP million a year earlier. Source : The Cairo Post Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 12 november 2015 16:39 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 NLMK Group announces Q3 and 9M resultsNLMK Group has announced its Q3 2015 and 9M 2015 financial results. Q3 EBITDA increased by 6% qoq to $508 million; EBITDA margin grew to 25%. Free cash flow increased by 100% qoq to $372 million. Net profit for the period increased by 153% qoq to $410 million 9M 2015 highlights:• Group sales increased by 7% yoy to 12.1 m t • Revenue was $6.371 billion (-21% yoy) due to lower steel prices• EBITDA decreased by 7% yoy to $1.628 billion• Effect from operation efficiency programmes totaled $163 million• EBITDA margin expanded to 26% (+4 p.p. yoy)• Capex totalled $445 million (flat yoy)• Free cash flow decreased by 6% yoy to $886 billion• Net debt declined by 41% yoy to $1.071 billion• Net debt/12M EBITDA was 0.5?• Net profit increased by 32% yoy to $891 million Q3 2015 highlights:• Sales increased by 3% qoq to 4.1 m t (+15% yoy)• Revenue totalled $2,016 million (-6% qoq and -23% yoy)• EBITDA increased by 6% qoq to $508 million (-25% yoy)• EBITDA margin was 25% (+3 p.p. qoq and -1 p.p. yoy)• Capex decreased to $145 million (-15% qoq and -13% yoy)• Free cash flow doubled qoq to $372 million (+75% yoy)• Net profit increased to $410 million (+153% qoq and +27% yoy) Outlook• In Q4 2015 on the back of seasonally slowdown in steel demand and weak prices, we anticipate decline in operating and financial results in comparison with Q3 2015. Mr Grigory Fedorishin CFO of NLMK Group CFO said that “Key factors behind the slump in steel product prices included the decrease in raw material prices and an unprecedented spike in steel exports from China on the back of a significant fall in global demand for steel.”Mr Fedorishin said that “Supported by the seasonal uptick in buyer activity from key consumers and the slump in steel imports, the situation in the Russian steel product market remained favourable, enabling NLMK to grow its domestic sales by 14% qoq.”He said that “As a result, Q3 sales achieved a record 4.1 m t (+3% qoq); with capacities at the Group’s key assets running at 100%. Despite the slump in prices and lower revenue, EBITDA grew by 6% to $508 million; EBITDA margin increased from 22% to 25%. This became possible due to an improved product mix in favour of HVA products, lower raw material prices, and ongoing cost optimization programmes.”He added “Gains from these programmes totalled $163 million from the beginning of the year, including $61 million in Q3 2015. He said that “Higher profitability and release of working capital in the amount of $107 million allowed us to increase free cash flow by 100% qoq to $372 million. He added that “Net debt at the end of Q3 2015 decreased to $1.07 billion (-5% qoq); Net debt to EBITDA was 0.5?, one of the lowest ratios in the sector.Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 12 november 2015 16:40 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Wear-resistant knives from Facil System named finalist for 2015 Swedish Steel PrizeBrazilian company Fácil System developed wear-resistant steel knives for its raw material shredding mill, making the sugar cane shredding process more efficient. Benefits of the new mill include better performance, energy savings, increased productivity and extended service life. For this innovative use of steel, Fácil System has been named one of four finalists for this year’s Swedish Steel Prize. The Swedish Steel Prize is awarded annually by SSAB, the global leader in high-strength steel and wear plate, to recognize the most innovative and creative products and solutions utilizing high-strength steels. The winner will be announced at a ceremony in Stockholm on November 19. Fácil System has developed a shredder for using sugarcane straw in boilers for biomass energy cogeneration. The mill’s rotor, which shreds the sugar cane straw, consists of a set of shredding knives bolted spirally to the equipment support at the axles. The blades were developed with wear-resistant Hardox 600 steel and the machine’s outlet grate, which determines the straw particle size, was made of Hardox 450. The innovative use of wear-resistant steels extends the service life of the knives, lowers maintenance costs and delivers energy savings. There are three sizes of Fácil System machines weighing 17, 21 or 32 tonnes, all patented by the company and exceptional for their output volume. The company has a total of 17 shredders and expects to produce 300 machines over the next 10 years. In Brazil sugar cane straw is commonly used as “green” and renewable energy source widely used to produce fuel for cars. Sugar cane straw has also become a raw material with great potential for a new biofuel known as second generation ethanol or E2G. This straw used to be left in fields as waste and burned. Fácil System is located in Araraquara, 270 kilometers from the Brazilian capital of São Paulo, and since 1986 has been making equipment and components for drying, crushing, grinding, screening and material handling systems for mining, quarry, ceramics, cement, fertilizer and other industries, using creative and innovative techniques to provide outstanding superior services meet customer needs. The company exports to India, Chile, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia.Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 12 november 2015 16:42 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Japanese metals producers cut targets as china's demand slows Bloomberg reported that Japanese metals producers continue to cut profit forecasts, with Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. and Mitsubishi Materials Corp. the latest to warn of the impact of China’s slowdown. According to a statement to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Sumitomo Metal slashed its operating profit forecast by 37 percent to JPY 74 billion for the year to March 31, after posting a 6.9 percent decline in the first half to JPY 51.5 billion. It cited a significant fall in prices for the cut and warned that capital expenditure for the year would fall to JPY 77.5 billion from 85.1 billion. According to its own statement, Mitsubishi Materials’ reduction in its forecast was less pronounced, down 2.4 percent to JPY 83 billion, after a 6.3 percent increase in first-half operating profit to JPY 36.2 billion. The company is less reliant on metals for earnings. The companies’ outlooks underscore the challenges facing metals producers as demand slows in China, the world’s biggest consumer. Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., and top steel companies Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. and JFE Holdings Inc., have been among the companies to cut their full-year earnings forecasts in recent weeks. Output Cuts At a briefing in Tokyo, Mitsubishi Materials’ Managing Director Mr Nobuo Shibano indicated that copper prices, which are trading at six-year lows, may have bottomed after cuts to supply. Mr Shibano said that “We will likely see the impact of output cuts from copper mines. We don’t expect that the supply-demand balance will further weaken.”Mitsubishi Materials’ metals division produces mostly copper, and accounts for half of the company’s sales, while cement, nuclear energy and engineering services are among its other major businesses. Sumitomo Metal Mining, which produces copper, nickel and gold, derives more than 70 percent of its revenue from metals. In its statement, Sumitomo said current weak metals prices would continue for the time being, citing concerns over China’s worsening economy and a stronger dollar due to the prospect of higher U.S. interest rates. The company also said its outlook has been clouded by a delay in commercial production at its Sierra Gorda copper mine. Source : Bloomberg Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 12 november 2015 19:52 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 OOK DAT NOG!!!!Moody's verlaagt rating ArcelorMittal Gepubliceerd op 12 nov 2015 om 19:40 | Views: 117 LONDEN (AFN) - Moody's heeft zijn rating van ArcelorMittal met één stap verlaagd van Ba1 naar Ba2. De kredietbeoordelaar stelde donderdag dat de wijziging de zwakkere prestatie bij het staalconcern sinds het begin van dit jaar weerspiegelt. Het bedrijf kampt naast dalende staalprijzen ook met een aanzienlijke daling van het bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) bij zijn mijnbouwactiviteiten.,,ArcelorMittal heeft weliswaar zijn staalmarge in Europa opgekrikt, maar het bedrijfsresultaat zal ook in de rest van 2015 zwak zijn'', aldus Moody's. ,,Naar het zich laat aanzien is er weinig kans op een herstel naar een niveau dat past bij een Ba1 rating''.ArcelorMittal moet volgens Moody's niet alleen de effecten van lagere staalprijzen het hoofd bieden. Ook moet het staalconcern een daling van het bedrijfsresultaat bij zijn mijnbouwtak met 66 procent ten opzichte van het derde kwartaal van 2014 goedmaken. Moody's wees er op dat de mijnbouwactiviteiten in het verleden goed waren van het totale bedrijfsresultaat. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
gerben22 12 november 2015 19:53 auteur info gerben22 Lid sinds: 08 okt 2002 Laatste bezoek: 05 okt 2023 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 100 Gegeven: 1 Aantal posts: 2.962 mooi knip en plakwerk hier. maar goed gezien het nieuws van moodys racen ze morgen naar beneden Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 12 november 2015 20:00 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 quote:gerben22 schreef op 12 november 2015 19:53:mooi knip en plakwerk hier. maar goed gezien het nieuws van moodys racen ze morgen naar benedenJa, Gerben, inmiddels al over de 10,000 posts heen in deze serie super nieuws. :-) Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 13 november 2015 01:49 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:voda schreef op 12 november 2015 20:00:[...]Ja, Gerben, inmiddels al over de 10,000 posts heen in deze serie super nieuws. :-)Hou vol, AB.Ozzy Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 13 november 2015 16:51 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Shen Wenrong says golden age of steel profits is over Shen Wenrong, one of China’s most powerful steel producers, said that the golden age of super-normal profits for miners and steelmakers has ended. Profits for miners and steel producers have collapsed in the past year on the back of a sharp slowdown in China, the world’s largest consumer of iron ore as well as the biggest maker of steel. Mr Shen said that “Due to the explosive growth in the Chinese economy, it had created a chronic shortage in the supply of iron ore. The prices remained high for more than three years. It simply could not last. At its highest point, it was selling at $US180 to $US200 per tonne. It was a period of supernormal profit for mining companies, margins often exceeded more than 100 per cent. It was just not sustainable.”The slowdown in the world’s second largest ecoomy from the previous double-digit growth to 7 per cent has significantly reduced the demand for iron ore. The price of Australia’s largest export earner has tumbled. Despite the significant drop in the cost of raw materials, China’s steel sector is still struggling. The average profit for the industry was only 0.9 per cent in 2014, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. As revealed in TheAustralian yesterday, Mr Shen, the vice-chair of the powerful China Iron and Steel Association, believes the country’s steel production will drop at least 10 per cent within the next decade. But even this will not help the sector to boost its profitability. He said that “Even if the production declines by 10 per cent, the profitability will still be squeezed. The golden age or supernormal profits for the steel industry is gone. For me, a profit margin of 5-6 per cent is very good. There is a chance that people can still lose money. The problem of overcapacity and razor-thin margins is not just restricted to China; it is the same everywhere,” said the veteran industrialist.”In recent years, China has been the biggest investor in Australian iron ore assets. However, the most recent data from the Foreign Investment Review Board indicates Chinese interest has shifted to the property sector. Source : www.theaustralian.com Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 13 november 2015 16:52 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Chinese steel output drops 3.1pct in October 2015 It is reported that the world's biggest steelmaker is pouring less metal. Production in China dropped in October from a year earlier as mills battled lower domestic demand, slumping prices and rising industry losses. Crude steel output was 66.12 million metric tons, 3.1 per cent lower than the same month last year, according to National Bureau of Statistics data on Wednesday. Supply for the first 10 months was 675.1 million tons, 2.2 per cent less than the same period in 2014. Mills in China, which account for about half of global output, are confronting the first shrinkage in local demand in a generation, exacerbating industrywide overcapacity and hurting the outlook for iron ore cargoes shipped from the biggest miners in Australia and Brazil. Rio Tinto Group, BHP Billiton and Vale are raising low-cost output even as China makes less steel, seeking to seize greater market share. Overall industrial output in China last month held at the weakest level since the global credit crisis. "There's a mismatch between rising iron ore supply and falling steel output," Wang Mohan, an analyst at Maike Futures, said by phone from Shanghai. "It's an established trend that Chinese crude steel production is contracting." Steel production in China may eventually shrink 20 per cent, Shanghai Baosteel Group Corp. Chairman Xu Lejiang forecast last month. Jiangsu Shagang Group Chairman Shen Wenrong said that there's a good chance steel production in the country will drop by at least 10 per cent within the next decade, according to a report in The Australian newspaper on Wednesday. Iron ore with 62 per cent content delivered to Qingdao was at $US48.58 a dry ton on Wednesday, 32 per cent lower this year, according to Metal Bulletin Ltd. The raw material bottomed at $US44.59 on July 8, a record in daily price data dating back to 2009. China's steel output will probably shrink 1.4 per cent a year between 2016 and 2019, a reversal from growth averaging 6.6 per cent from 2011 to 2014, BMI Research said in a note received on Wednesday. Iron ore prices are expected to remain low due to an oversupplied seaborne market, it said. Signs of difficulties for steelmakers are mounting as product prices tumble. Medium- and large sized mills tracked by the China Iron & Steel Association incurred losses of 28.1 billion yuan in the first nine months of this year, the association said on October 28. Steel demand in China shrank 8.7 per cent in September on-year, it added. Source : www.afr.com Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 13 november 2015 16:54 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 EU leaders promise 'speedier' action on steel crisis - Report According to The Guardian, EU leaders have pledged "full and speedier" measures to halt the tide of cheap Chinese imports that are blamed for putting Britain's steel industry on a life support machine. Leading European steelmakers are demanding immediate action to save an industry that has shed 85,000 jobs across the continent since 2008. UK steel companies have announced 5,000 job cuts in a matter of weeks, blaming Chinese imports, high energy costs and business rates, as well as the strong pound. The UK government's handling of the crisis has been fiercely criticised. Business secretary Sajid Javid attended a crunch EU meeting yesterday, but the outcome of the summit has disappointed the unions. Mr Roy Rickhuss, the general secretary of Community, the steelworkers' union, said that "Council ministers and the (European) Commission have clearly failed to grasp the urgency of the current situation. Steelworkers whose jobs are at risk and who are seeing the impact of the dumping of cheap steel will take very little comfort from the conclusions of today's meeting." Gareth Stace, the director of the industry body UK Steel, told the BBC "The US and other countries have already moved to prevent cheap Chinese imports distorting their markets and now the EU must do the same and do so quickly." Mr Etienne Schneider, who chaired the talks, promised to "deliver the right conditions" to ease a "huge crisis" for Europe's steelmakers. He said EU leaders would try to make trade defence measures "full and speedier" Steel imports to the UK from China have more than doubled since 2013 to 616,808 tonnes, with three months of the year still to go, according to data from the International Steel Statistics Bureau. Source : www.theweek.co.uk Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 13 november 2015 16:54 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 EUROFER update on Real ConsumptionIn the second quarter of 2015, EU real steel consumption posted a 3.1% y-o-y increase, having stabilized around the year earlier level in the first quarter. The improvement in the growth rate of real consumption reflects activity in the steel using sectors in the EU gaining strength after a relatively weak start in early 2015. The construction sector benefited from mild weather conditions which allowed construction companies to make up for work stoppages in Q1, whereas also automotive production activity surprised on the upside. As a consequence, final steel demand registered a solid year-on-year rise. The first estimates for the trend in real steel consumption in Q3 indicate that real consumption grew at the average quarterly rate registered over the first half of 2015. The outlook for the final quarter of 2015 is for a continuation of this rather mild year-on-year growth trend. Total real steel consumption is seen rising by 1.6% in 2015. Prospects for 2016 are moderately positive. Activity in the steel using sectors - supported by relatively favorable economic fundamentals - is foreseen to be gaining momentum, owing to output in the construction and mechanical engineering sector gaining strength, whereas activity in the tube sector will stop acting as a drag on the performance of the steel using sectors. This will result in a slight acceleration of real steel consumption growth. Owing to improving construction sector dynamics, growth of long products consumption will be more pronounced than in the recent past. The impact of steel intensity on real steel demand is expected to remain negative for the time being. As a consequence, EU real steel consumption is forecast to increase by 2% in 2016. Steel intensity is the ratio of steel consumption to steel weighted production in the steel using industries (SWIP)Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 13 november 2015 16:56 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Essar Steel appoints advisors to help find strategic investors The Hindu Business Line reported that under pressure from lenders, Essar Steel has appointed ICICI Securities & SBI Capital Markets as advisors to help identify and induct strategic investors into the company. This decision is in addition to the previously announced plans to monetise certain non-core assets to raise equity and infuse additional funds to enhance operations to full capacity. Earlier, Essar Steel had revealed a financial plan to sell two of its non-core assets to improve its liquidity, reduce debt and focus on core business area. According to the proposed plan, Essar Steel plans to hive off Hazira Coke Oven plant having a production capacity of 1.53 million tonnes per annum. The second one relates to 8 million tonnes per annum 267-km Visakhapatnam Slurry Pipeline (between Kiradul and Visakhapatnam) The company statement said that “The global steel industry is facing major headwinds due to falling steel prices and increased exports from China. The effects of these are already being seen in North America, Canada and Europe. Major steel companies across the world are taking suitable steps to cut costs and raise money.”It said that “India is no different and it is important that measures are taken now to maintain the long-term health of the steel industry. It is in this context that Essar Steel has taken a proactive decision to induct strategic / financial investors into the company.” Source : The Hindu Business Line Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 13 november 2015 18:20 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:voda schreef op 13 november 2015 16:54:EU leaders promise 'speedier' action on steel crisis - ReportBedankt voor de nieuwsitems, Voda.Hier een link dat onze Europese "leiders" goed beschrijft.www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZVt11MrgiUOzzy Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 13 november 2015 22:46 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Jij ook bedankt Ozzy. Dikke AB terug! Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 15 november 2015 14:53 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Thousands lose jobs as steel price plummets - Report It is reported that more than 800 steel jobs have been lost in the wake of the collapse of SSI’s Redcar plant in September, as the industry continues to feel the wrath of punishing global prices. Another of 834 jobs across 24 firms have been lost in the Teesside region since Redcar collapsed with loss of 2,200 jobs. More than half of the 207 Teesside-based steel firms which supplied SSI said the closure impacted their business, according to Tees Valley Unlimited, the local enterprise partnership. SSI had 800-plus companies in its supply chain when it fell. Businesses which produce and manufacturer steel have been squeezed by a glut of cheap imports from China since the turn of the year, driving overcapacity higher and prices lower. Sajid Javid, the Business Secretary, attended an emergency EU meeting of policymakers in Brussels yesterday to address the issue, which ended with a promise by officials to modernise trade defence instruments in an attempt to limit China dumping steel in EU markets. The EU vice-president Jyrki Katainen, who is rsponsible for jobs in the 27-member bloc, also called on countries such as the UK to make better use of state aid rules to cushion the fall in prices. Policymakers will also set up a high level group on energy intensive industries to continue debating the issue. Mr Javid, who called the meeting, said on Twitter that “important actions commitments” had been achieved. The meeting was greeted outside by protests from British, French and Belgian steelworkers, who have been hurt by the sector’s decline. Source : www.independent.co.uk Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 15 november 2015 14:57 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Danieli receives FAC for the new coil handling crane at ArcelorMittal Gent in Belgium ArecelorMittal Gent and Danieli Centro Cranes teams signed the contractual acceptance certificate for the new 45 ton coil handling crane in September 2015. Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 15 november 2015 14:59 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 Primetals Technologies starts up first of three LD at SSAB in FinlandIn October, the first of three LD (BOF) converters supplied by Primetals Technologies commenced operation at the Raahe, Finland works of SSAB Europe Oy. With almost unchanged space requirements, the new converters have a larger reaction volume. The maintenance-free Vaicon Link 2.0, which will be used as the converter suspension, minimizes stress caused by heat-induced deformation and has a longer useful life. A blowing lance tip geometry adjusted to the new converter geometry, bottom stirring and a slag stopper improve the metallurgical properties of the steel produced. A new refractory concept will ensure long converter lining campaign. The converters are scheduled to come on stream in stages until August 2016. The existing converters in the Raahe factory each have a tapping weight of 125 metric tons. Primetals Technologies is replacing them with three converters featuring a detachable bottom and a bottom stirring system. The converter has an optimized geometry, which enables a larger reaction volume as well as a new concept for the refractory lining which has a longer useful life. The Primetals Technologies scope includes engineering of the converter vessels, trunnion rings and the Vaicon Link 2.0 maintenance-free suspension systems. The converters feature the Vaicon Stopper to minimize slag transfer on tapping. The tip of the blowing lance is adapted to the new converter geometry, which improves the blowing process and therefore the metallurgical properties of the steel produced. Primetals Technologies is also responsible for monitoring the pre-assembly and installation work as well as for commissioning.Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 15 november 2015 15:01 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 GMS Market Commentry on Shipbreaking in Week 45 - EASE THE PRESSURE!The anticipated glut of fourth quarter sales began in earnest this week with several decent sized panamax containers sold amidst the now customary dry panamax and capesize bulker sales. It was little surprise that all of those vessels were committed into the best-placed market i.e. Bangladesh, as levels and demand pushed on there for another consecutive week. Struggling container freight rates and the continued disappointments of the dry-bulk sector should see many more vessels hit the recycling market before the end of the year, but questions remain as to how much longer this Bangladesh revival can (will?) hold for. A number of the hot buyers have already been booked with larger LDT tonnage in recent weeks and those buyers that remain are simply not as aggressive or do not have their LCs in place, in order to conclude a safe deal with. As such, the job of a dependable cash buyer is to ensure on LC facilities in order to confirm that the vessel can be imported upon arrival, without any banking delays / non-performance issues by the end user. The responsibility therefore has to fall on competing sub-continent markets – Pakistan in particular – in absorbing some of this tonnage, in the final few months of the year. India appears to be absolutely nowhere (in terms of its current ability to negotiate / conclude available units) and is as much as USD 30/LDT behind on select tonnage. With 89 capesize bulkers sold so far this year for recycling and several more in the pipeline for the weeks ahead, it would be no surprise to see 100 capes sold for scrap this year, to ease the pressure on a currently bloated sector. For week 45 of 2015, GMS demo rankings for the week are as below:Ranking Country Sentiment GEN CARGO TANKER 1 Bangladesh Weak USD 300/lt ldt USD 330/lt ldt 2 Pakistan Weak USD 295/lt ldt USD 325/lt ldt 3 India Weak USD 280/lt ldt USD 310/lt ldt 4 Turkey Weak USD 175/lt ldt USD 180/lt ldt 5 China Weak USD 125/lt ldt USD 145/lt ldt Source : GMS Weekly Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
voda 15 november 2015 15:03 auteur info voda Lid sinds: 02 dec 2005 Laatste bezoek: 06 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 93453 Gegeven: 22910 Aantal posts: 384.442 CSN announces 3Q15 resultsCompanhia Siderurgica Nacional announced its results for the third quarter of 2015 (3Q15): EBITDA amounted to R$853 million in 3Q15, 6% higher than the previous quarter. Record iron ore production at Casa de Pedra, totaling 7.46 million tonnes. Casa de Pedra recorded delivered cost at China of US$ 35.4/wmt. CSN maintains stable FOB iron ore revenue, despite the reduction in the Platts price during 3Q15. Mining division EBITDA margin of 42%, the highest since 1Q14. Mining EBITDA increases by 74% in 3Q15 over 2Q15. CSN reports a greater share of coated products in the flat steel sales mix (52% of total flat steel sales). CSN reduces 3Q15 slab production costs in USD and BRL terms.Source : Strategic Research Institute Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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