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MDxHealth nieuws 2016

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  1. [verwijderd] 2 november 2016 16:59

    DWB Happy schreef op 2 november 2016 15:18:


    Wat te denken van 6,75?

    Iets klopt er niet aan het koersverloop, constant zetten ze het terug als het uit dreigt te breken..
    Als er dit jaar een overnamebod ligt met een premie van 50% stuur ik je een fles champagne.
  2. Toekomstbeeld 2 november 2016 16:59

    DWB Happy schreef op 2 november 2016 16:42:


    Welcome back:)
    Heb je Pistnl gedumpt?
    Zal hier niet zoveel posten overigens want heb de ballen verstand van medische zaken. Stap puur in vanwege al die nieuwe contracten en dat hun producten zeer goed ontvangen zijn in de markt. Dan komt de verkoop &winst) vanzelf in een vliegwiel modus.

    PostNL zal ik de eerste 5 jaar niet verkopen tenzij er een overname komt. Ben nog steeds aan het uitbreiden. Nu is alles nog papieren winst.

    Mijn grote hobby is Arcelor. Veel daghandel met prima gerealiseerde winsten.
  3. DWB Happy 2 november 2016 17:08

    Toekomstbeeld schreef op 2 november 2016 16:59:


    Zal hier niet zoveel posten overigens want heb de ballen verstand van medische zaken. Stap puur in vanwege al die nieuwe contracten en dat hun producten zeer goed ontvangen zijn in de markt. Dan komt de verkoop &winst) vanzelf in een vliegwiel modus.

    PostNL zal ik de eerste 5 jaar niet verkopen tenzij er een overname komt. Ben nog steeds aan het uitbreiden. Nu is alles nog papieren winst.

    Mijn grote hobby is Arcelor. Veel daghandel met prima gerealiseerde winsten.

    Hoef je ook geen verstand van te hebben, het gaat puur nu om de verkoop, het product is er al, nu inderdaad uitrollen in de markt, het vliegwiel is al aangeslingerd, het toerental
    loopt steeds hoger op.

  4. Hennie76 2 november 2016 17:09
    MDxHealth operates on a calendar basis with its accounting year ending on December 31.

    The company reports its consolidated financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and all amounts are in US Dollars. MDxHealth publishes a consolidated and audited Annual Report on an annual basis, a consolidated Interim Report for its June 30 half-year financial figures, and business/financial updates at the end of Q1 and Q3. Furthermore, for the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting, the company also publishes the non-consolidated Belgian-GAAP financial statements of the parent company. Prior to October 5, 2010, MDxHealth operated under the name OncoMethylome Sciences.

    Reporting Calendar

    Publication of 2015 FY results: February 18, 2016
    Publication Q1 results: May 3, 2016
    Publication H1 results: August 18, 2016
    Publication Q3 results: November 2, 2016
    Publication Top line 2016 results : January 9, 2017
  5. [verwijderd] 2 november 2016 17:16

    Hennie76 schreef op 2 november 2016 17:09:

    Resultaten Q3 komen nog vandaag nabeurs ?
    Vraag ik me ook af. Zag het in 'beurs bij de bel' van Bolero ook staan!
  6. Niks is wat het lijkt 2 november 2016 17:24

    Hilliebillie schreef op 2 november 2016 15:23:

    Nikes is wat het lijkt. Jij praat als een kleine kleuter en niet als iemand met 35 jaar beleggingservaring!
    Ha die Hilliebillie ouwe reus. Weer even actief op het forum, altijd leuk. Ook nooit verlegen om zwart/wit uitspraken zoals gewoonlijk. Laten we het hier op houden grote vriend: "kleine kinderen en dronken mensen spreken de waarheid". En aangezien jij mijn bijdrage op kleuterniveau inschat zal die vrij dicht bij de waarheid hebben gelegen. Haha, mooi toch, doe er je voordeel mee!
  7. JACKY CHAN 2 november 2016 17:30

    DBuffel schreef op 2 november 2016 17:16:


    Vraag ik me ook af. Zag het in 'beurs bij de bel' van Bolero ook staan!
    Dat zou dan toch de eerste keer zijn,meestal is dat voorbeurs om 7uur. Ben benieuwd.
  8. [verwijderd] 2 november 2016 17:40
    Nog meer verzekeraars zullen volgen met goedkeuringen volgens KBC Securities.

    (ABM FN) MDxHealth profiteert van een duidelijk positief momentum betreffende de goedkeuringen door verzekeraars voor de prostaatkankertest ConfirmMDx. Dit schreef analist Michaël Vlemmix van KBC Securities donderdag.

    De prostaatkankertest kreeg dekking door een tweede licentiehouder van de grote Amerikaanse verzekeraar Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

    Aangezien de contractonderhandelingen volgens Vlemmix "enkele maanden" kunnen duren, bestaat er na de opname van ConfirmMDx in de NCCN [National Comprehensive Cancer Network] richtlijnen begin dit jaar "een domino-effect" binnen die zorgverzekeraars. "We verwachten dat meer leden van de BCBSA volgen", zo stelde de analist.

    KBC Securities hanteert een koopadvies voor MDxHealth met een koersdoel van 6,00 euro. Het aandeel noteerde donderdag op een groene beurs 0,7 procent hoger op 4,37 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.
  9. [verwijderd] 2 november 2016 18:08

    tsete schreef op 2 november 2016 08:05:

    Zoals ik gisteren had vermeld: de cijfers worden maar morgen vrijgegeven en geen nabeurs: moest er trouwens voorbeurs geweest zijn zou het al bekend gemaakt zijn in "De Tijd"
    Nog een dagje geduld. Ondertussen De Tijd geraadpleegd en vrijgeven 3de kwartaal op 3 november voorbeurs
    Wel dus nabeurs!

    84% groei!! Cashburn conform verwachting!

    @Bogo toch nog een lijstje met niet eerder genoemde instanties.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 2 november 2016 18:10
    Forse omzetstijging MDxHealth verkleint verlies

    Outlook 2016 herhaald door biofarmabedrijf.

    (ABM FN) MDxHealth heeft in het derde kwartaal fiks meer omzet geboekt, waardoor het verlies terugliep. Dit maakte het Belgisch-Nederlandse biofarmabedrijf woensdag nabeurs bekend.

    De stijgende omzet schreef CEO Jan Groen toe aan het feit dat steeds meer verzekeraars in Amerika de prostaatkankertest ConfirmMDx van MDxHealth vergoeden. Deze trend zal volgens de topman blijven versnellen en reden om te twijfelen aan de eerder afgegeven outlook voor 2016 is er dan ook niet, aldus de CEO.

    Groen liet zich ook positief uit over de prestaties van SelectMDx.

    MDxHealth zag de omzet afgelopen kwartaal ruimschoots verdubbelen op jaarbasis, van 4,1 miljoen naar 9,1 miljoen dollar. Op kwartaalbasis bedroeg de stijging 45 procent.

    Door deze hogere omzet daalde het verlies van 4,8 miljoen dollar in het derde kwartaal van 2015 naar 2,7 miljoen dollar afgelopen kwartaal.

    Na drie kwartalen boekte MDxHealth een 84 procent hogere omzet van 22 miljoen dollar en een verlies van 10,3 miljoen dollar. Het verlies was daarmee evengroet als in dezelfde periode in 2015.

    Eind september beschikte MDxHealth over een kaspositie van 15,1 miljoen dollar.


    In september stelde MDxHealth de verwachtingen voor 2016 opwaarts bij. Waar MDxHealth eerder nog verwachtte om dit jaar een omzetgroei van 30 tot 50 procent te realiseren, mikt het inmiddels op een stijging van meer dan 60 procent. De opwaartse bijstelling is te danken aan de sterkere vraag in Amerika naar ConfirmMDx.

    Het aandeel MDxHealth sloot woensdag, op een rode beurs, 0,3 procent hoger op 4,63 euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +32(0)78 486 481

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  11. [verwijderd] 2 november 2016 18:11
    MDxHealth Provides Third Quarter 2016 Business Update
    Revenue for the first nine months up 84% to $22 million

    Continued strong growth attributed to increased payor coverage

    IRVINE, CA, and HERSTAL, BELGIUM - November 2, 2016 - MDxHealth SA (Euronext: MDXH.BR), today announced its third quarter 2016 Business Update for the period ended September 30, 2016.

    Dr. Jan Groen, Chief Executive Officer of MDxHealth, commented: "The sharp revenue growth has been driven by the strong increase in payor coverage for our lead product ConfirmMDx in the key U.S. market. We anticipate continuing acceleration in the adoption of ConfirmMDx among payors and physicians, broadening availability to patients and preventing thousands of unnecessary and often painful biopsies. In doing so we expect our strong Q3 performance to continue into Q4 and maintain our recently upgraded guidance for the full year."

    "Since the launch of our SelectMDx 'liquid biopsy' test early 2016, we have tested more than 2,000 men, clearly showing the value of the test for both urologists and their patients," continued Dr. Groen. "This is further supported by the rapid adoption by the payor community, with nine insurance companies in the U.S. already covering the SelectMDx test."

    Q3 Financial Highlights

    Q3 total revenues increased 122% to $9.1 million (Q3 2015: $4.1 million); up 45% from Q2 2016 ($6.3 million)
    Q3 net loss declined 46% to $2.7million (Q3 2015: $4.8million)
    Year to date (first nine months) Financial Highlights

    YTD 2016 total revenues increased 84% to $22 million (YTD 2015: $11.9 million)
    YTD net loss of $10.3 million (YTD 2015: $10.3million)
    Cash and cash equivalents at September 30, 2016, of $15.1 million
    YTD (first nine months) Business Highlights

    ConfirmMDx Highlights

    Twenty-five commercial health plans established positive medical policy for ConfirmMDx, including major payors such as Cigna, Highmark BCBS, Independence BC and others.
    ConfirmMDx covered under California Medical Assistance Program (Medi-Cal).
    Commercial agreement for ConfirmMDx signed with The European Health Centre Innovation in Poland and South Genetics in Central/South America.
    ConfirmMDx included in the 2016 NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early Detection. The NCCN is an alliance of 26 world-leading cancer centers from across the U.S.
    SelectMDx Highlights

    Nine health plans have contracted to cover SelectMDx, including Multiplan, America's Choice Provider Network, Fortified Provider Network, Galaxy Health Network and others.
    Five distribution agreements signed for SelectMDx, including with Cerba Healthcare in Benelux Region and France, Teva Pharmaceuticals in Israel, The European Health Centre Innovation, HIFU Clinic Prostate Cancer Centre in Poland and South Genetics in Central/South America.
    Prospective, multicenter SelectMDx validation study published in the prestigious journal European Urology.
    Post-Period Highlights

    Health Care Services Corporation (BCBS of Texas, BCBS of Illinois, BCBS of Oklahoma, BCBS of New Mexico and BCBS of Montana), which serves more than 15 million members across the United States, issued positive medical policy on the ConfirmMDx® for Prostate Cancer test.
    ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer has been awarded a unique Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code by the American Medical Association. The Category I MAAA code will facilitate reimbursement from U.S. government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid as well as commercial health insurance plans. The CPT code will be effective as of January 2018.
    Key non-audited financials as of September 30, 2016

    Amounts at and for the three and nine months ended:

    As of September 30, 2016 Q3 2016 First nine months 2016 Q3 2015 First nine months 2015
    Total revenues 9,080 22,025 4,088 11,948
    EBITDA (Loss) (2,456) (9,099) (4,708) (9,985)
    Operating profit (EBIT) (2,673) (10,201) (4,827) (10,302)
    Net loss (2,692) (10,310) (4,840) (10,324)
    Number of outstanding shares 45,269,633 43,998,490
    Cash and cash equivalents 15,151 35,111
    Except for Outstanding Shares, amounts are in thousands of dollars

    Commercial revenues up 84% for the first 9 months

    Total Revenues for the first nine months of 2016 amounted to $22.0 million, representing 84% growth over the same period a year earlier, primarily due to an increase in ConfirmMDx test sales in the U.S.

    Operating Expenses were $24.8 million in the first nine months of 2016, versus $17.6 million in the same period in 2015, with the increase attributable to our continued investment in product development, sales, marketing and the managed care sales team.

    Net Loss of $10.3 million for the first nine months of 2016 is unchanged compared to the same period in 2015. Continued investment in U.S. commercial operations and a higher cost of sales due to increasing volumes of ConfirmMDx were offset by higher recognized sales revenues.

    Cash Position as of September 30, 2016, was $15.1 million in cash and equivalents, compared to $35.1 million on September 30, 2015. Average net cash burn in the first nine months of 2016 was approximately $1.8 million per month.

    Q4 and H1 2017 Outlook

    The Company maintains its upgraded guidance for projected 2016 revenues, which are expected to increase by more than 60% over 2015. This sharp growth can be attributed to accelerated adoption of the ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer test by urologists in the U.S. The test's inclusion in the U.S. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Guidelines in Q1 2016 has facilitated successful contract negotiations with a number of new payors, leading to a significant increase in revenues. In addition, the Company believes that the recent award of a unique Category I CPT code for ConfirmMDx from the American Medical Association will streamline reimbursement from government and commercial payors, further accelerating adoption among payors and physicians.

    For the acceleration of the second prostate cancer product SelectMDx, the Company has completed a health economic study for the Netherlands and data have been submitted for publication. The Company also completed a study comparing the SelectMDx test with MRI scan outcome data and intends to presents and publish these data. In preparation for the launch of MDxHealth's third product AssureMDx for bladder cancer, a multi-center clinical validation study has been completed and submitted for publication. Publication of these data is important to support a successful introduction and launch of the AssureMDx test.

    MDxHealth maintains its guidance that underlying Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBIDTA) for the year ended 2016 are expected to improve compared to 2015.

    The Company continues to work towards broadening its portfolio and continues to make progress on the development of tests for the diagnosis of other indications, including kidney cancer, with the aim of providing a full suite of products for the diagnosis of urological cancers.

    About MDxHealth

    MDxHealth is a multinational healthcare company that provides actionable molecular diagnostic information to personalize the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The company's tests are based on proprietary gene methylation (epigenetic) and other molecular technologies and assist physicians with the diagnosis of cancer, prognosis of recurrence risk, and prediction of response to a specific therapy. For more information, visit mdxhealth.com and follow us on Twitter at: twitter.com/mdxhealth.
  12. [verwijderd] 2 november 2016 18:11
    Q3 Financial Highlights

    Q3 total revenues increased 122% to $9.1 million (Q3 2015: $4.1 million); up 45% from Q2 2016 ($6.3 million)
    Q3 net loss declined 46% to $2.7million (Q3 2015: $4.8million)
    Year to date (first nine months) Financial Highlights

    YTD 2016 total revenues increased 84% to $22 million (YTD 2015: $11.9 million)
    YTD net loss of $10.3 million (YTD 2015: $10.3million)
    Cash and cash equivalents at September 30, 2016, of $15.1 million
    YTD (first nine months) Business Highlights

    ConfirmMDx Highlights

    Twenty-five commercial health plans established positive medical policy for ConfirmMDx, including major payors such as Cigna, Highmark BCBS, Independence BC and others.
    ConfirmMDx covered under California Medical Assistance Program (Medi-Cal).
    Commercial agreement for ConfirmMDx signed with The European Health Centre Innovation in Poland and South Genetics in Central/South America.
    ConfirmMDx included in the 2016 NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer Early Detection. The NCCN is an alliance of 26 world-leading cancer centers from across the U.S.
    SelectMDx Highlights

    Nine health plans have contracted to cover SelectMDx, including Multiplan, America's Choice Provider Network, Fortified Provider Network, Galaxy Health Network and others.
    Five distribution agreements signed for SelectMDx, including with Cerba Healthcare in Benelux Region and France, Teva Pharmaceuticals in Israel, The European Health Centre Innovation, HIFU Clinic Prostate Cancer Centre in Poland and South Genetics in Central/South America.
    Prospective, multicenter SelectMDx validation study published in the prestigious journal European Urology.
    Post-Period Highlights

    Health Care Services Corporation (BCBS of Texas, BCBS of Illinois, BCBS of Oklahoma, BCBS of New Mexico and BCBS of Montana), which serves more than 15 million members across the United States, issued positive medical policy on the ConfirmMDx® for Prostate Cancer test.
    ConfirmMDx for Prostate Cancer has been awarded a unique Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) code by the American Medical Association. The Category I MAAA code will facilitate reimbursement from U.S. government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid as well as commercial health insurance plans. The CPT code will be effective as of January 2018.
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