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China, Economische Wondere Wereldmacht

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  1. [verwijderd] 3 maart 2007 13:17
    deel II

    Kan de euro de dollar als reservemunt vervangen?

    Rogers: 'Op korte termijn heb ik vertrouwen in de euro. Maar ik betwijfel of de munt binnen 30 jaar nog zal bestaan. Diegenen die de eurozone oprichtten en de deelnemende landen strenge criteria oplegden, hebben de touwtjes niet meer in handen. Zij werden vervangen door politici die het niet zo nauw nemen met de regels, en de regels buigen naarmate het hen goed uitkomt. De euro is daarom geen monetaire munt meer, maar een politieke munt. Bovendien zullen de moeilijkheden toenemen naarmate er meer landen tot de eurozone toetreden. In mijn ogen hebben jullie met de laatste uitbreidingsronde van de Europese Unie een grote vergissing begaan. De nieuwste lidstaten, die ook kandidaat zijn voor de eurozone, zijn meestal economisch onbeduidende landen die meer problemen zullen opleveren dan geneugten. Ze willen allemaal hun eigen kleine taaltje officieel gebruiken, wat duur en complex is. Jullie hadden beter Turkije laten aansluiten: één land met voldoende mensen en het potentieel om sterk te groeien.'

    Waarop baseert u zich om uw beleggingen te kiezen?

    Rogers: 'Louter op mijn persoonlijke ervaringen en gezond verstand. Ik lees geen economische rapporten, of bekijk nooit handelsschermen als Bloomberg. Ik heb zelfs geen televisie. Ik zie gewoon wat er gebeurt met de wereld. Ik kocht bijvoorbeeld aandelen van luchtvaartmaatschappijen omdat ik vaststelde dat de vliegtuigen steeds voller raakten en de prijzen stegen. En ik kan het weten. Veel Amerikaanse luchtvaartmaatschappijen werken nog steeds met een bescherming tegen hun schuldeisers. Maar net wanneer iedereen een sector verguisd, wordt hij interessant. Ik geloof dat deze aandelen ooit zullen promoveren tot de lievelingen van de beurs. Dan is het tijd om te verkopen.'

    Heeft u een tip voor lezers die net als u zeer rijk willen worden via beleggingen?

    Rogers: 'Diversifieer vooral niet. Het heeft geen zin 100 aandelen in portefeuille te nemen. Daar wordt alleen je beursmakelaar beter van. De meest succesrijke beleggers ter wereld legden bij de start van hun fortuin hun eieren in één mand, of ten hoogste in twee of drie. Maar ze kozen die mand er wel goed uit en bewaakten ze nauwgezet, met honderden of duizenden procenten winst tot gevolg.'

    Wat vindt u van België, en aan welk land heeft u de beste herinneringen?

    Rogers: 'België was het vijfde land buiten de VS dat ik bezocht. Brugge is een van de mooiste steden ter wereld. En de Grote Markt van Brussel een van de mooiste pleinen. In Antwerpen at ik de beste frieten ooit. Ik hoop dat ik straks nog even de tijd heb een van jullie degustatiebieren te proeven. Maar ik hou aan alle landen goede herinneringen, zelfs aan Congo waar mijn vrouw en ik een tijd werden gegijzeld. Dat land heeft zo'n potentieel. Maar sinds jullie er weg zijn, werd er niets meer geïnvesteerd. We sliepen in een Congolees hotel nog in de kamer waar de Belgische koning ooit logeerde. De waterleiding was intussen vervangen door enkele emmers rivierwater. Dat is boeiend. Ik kan iedereen die geld genoeg heeft aanraden de wereld te verkennen.'

    Serge MAMPAEY

    Christophe DE RIJCKE

    05:59 - 03/03/2007
  2. [verwijderd] 27 maart 2007 14:21
    China blijkt niet exporteur nummer één

    Iedereen is zo gehersenspoeld als het over het succes van China gaat dat bijna vergeten wordt dat er een nog grotere werkplaats is in de wereld: Duitsland.

    De Duitse goederen export zal dit jaar aanzienlijk groter zijn dan de Chinese. Het Duitse BGA, een organisatie van exporteurs en groothandels, heeft berekend dat de Duitsland dit jaar voor 977 miljard euro zal exporteren aan goederen. Dat is 9 procent meer dan in 2006.

    China zal dit jaar voor circa 900 miljard euro exporteren. De verwachting is wel dat China op den duur Duitsland zal overvleugelen. Maar dat is volgens BGA geen enkel probleem. Dat exporteren maakt de Chinezen rijk en hoe rijker de Chinezen worden, hoe meer Duitse kwaliteitsproducten ze zullen willen kopen.

    Uiteraard zal Nederland, als traditionele handelspartner van Duitsland, ook welvaren bij deze trend. Laten we de angst voor China dus maar vergeten en gewoon spulletjes aan ze verkopen.
  3. [verwijderd] 3 april 2007 20:51
    Ik geloof er in dat Europa de nieuwe economische supermacht word. Binnen nu en 7 jaar zelfs. Duitsland draait super. Jammer dat wij altijd zo naar de ami`s kijken.
  4. [verwijderd] 9 april 2007 19:02
    China: Eerste holebi televisie via internet.

    Uniek! Een Chinese website brengt a.s donderdag de eerste televisie uitzending over homoseksualiteit. Zowel de producer als de presentator zijn openlijk homoseksueel.

    Het programma zal wekelijks via het internet bekijkbaar zijn via Tongxing Xianglian op www.phoenixtv.com. De website wordt gebracht onder hetzelfde bedrijf dan dat van Phoenix sateliet Tv.

    Producer Gang Gang en presentator Didier Zheng (foto), zeggen dat hun programma het eerste in zijn soort is. "Terwijl homo's slechts af en toe verschijnen in Chinese Tv-shows, brengen wij het eerste programma dat zich zal richten om homo onderwerpen", zegt Gang.

    Beide heren hopen dat hun Tv-show er zal toe bijdragen dat het Chinese volk toleranter wordt ten opzichte van holebiseksualiteit.

    In China is er een grote holebi gemeenschap maar de meeste leven nog grotendeels ondergronds en velen leiden een dubbelleven. Homoseksualiteit werd pas in 2001 geschrapt in de lijst van de geestelijke ziekten. In Amerika en delen van Europa gebeurde dit al in de jaren 70.

    Er hangt niet alleen nog taboe over holebiseksualiteit in China er is ook veel censuur. De communistische overheid promoot dan wel het gebruik van internet maar creëerde wel een filter waarbij holebi site's verboden werden, zelfs site's die gaan over Aids en veilig vrijen zijn verboden.

    Gang zei dat hij ondanks alles gelooft dat er in China minder homofobie is dan in het Westen, omdat ze daar altijd stuiten op religieuze overtuigingen.
  5. [verwijderd] 17 april 2007 01:58
    China's Economy Probably Grew 10.4 Percent as Exports Boomed

    By Nipa Piboontanasawat

    April 17 (Bloomberg) -- China's economy, the world's fourth largest, probably grew more than 10 percent for the fifth straight quarter on booming exports and an investment rebound.

    Gross domestic product expanded 10.4 percent from a year earlier, according to the median estimate of 24 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, the same pace as in the fourth quarter. The statistics bureau will release first-quarter figures in Beijing on April 19.

    China's foreign-exchange reserves grow by $1 million a minute, flooding the economy with cash and fueling investment and inflation. U.S. complaints to the World Trade Organization last week and lawmakers' claims the yuan is kept weak to make exports cheap have stoked trade tensions.

    Relations ``with America, and increasingly Europe, are on the edge of major upheaval,'' said Donald Straszheim, vice chairman of Roth Capital Partners LLC in Newport Beach, California. Growth ``would not run nearly as fast except for the essentially pegged currency.''

    Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson last week called in Washington for China to allow the yuan to strengthen, while finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of Seven industrial nations said the currency should ``move.''

    The U.S. has filed WTO complaints to try to curb piracy of copyrighted movies, music, software and books and also plans tariffs on imports of coated paper. China's trade surplus last year reached a record $177.5 billion, while the U.S. deficit with its second-biggest trading partner was $232.5 billion.

    `Bulging' Trade Surplus

    ``Growth momentum in the Chinese economy has picked up again,'' said Frank Gong, an economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Hong Kong. ``The bulging trade surplus has in turn further boosted overall liquidity in the financial system, leaving in place the fuel for rapid growth, future inflation and asset bubbles.''

    Premier Wen Jiabao told lawmakers last month that China needs to boost consumption and limit environmental damage to sustain the expansion of the world's fastest-growing major economy. Growth is ``unstable, imbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable,'' the premier said.

    China's economy has more than doubled in size since the end of 2000 and last year's 10.7 percent expansion was the biggest since 1995. Growth for each of the past four years was at least 10 percent.

    The yuan, allowed to move 0.3 percent a day against the U.S. dollar, has strengthened 7.1 percent against that currency since a decade-long peg was scrapped in July 2005.

    Urban investment in factories and real estate probably climbed 23 percent in the first three months from a year earlier, the survey showed. That compares with 13.8 percent in December and 24.5 percent for all of last year.

    Export Cash

    A flood of cash from overseas sales raises the risk of asset bubbles and bad loans. Exports surged 27.8 percent in the first quarter and pushed the trade surplus to $46.4 billion. The stock market rose to records and had the biggest one-day fall in a decade. Banks made 1.4 trillion yuan of new loans, nearly half the total for 2006.

    The central bank raised interest rates once in the quarter and has ordered banks to set aside more money as reserves three times this year to curb lending and investment.

    ``China's growth has shown clear signs of rebounding in the first two months, mainly on stronger growth in credit, investment and exports,'' said Qu Hongbin, an economist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong. ``This raises the question of whether Beijing will slam on the brakes.''

    Investment `Curse'

    Excessive investment may cause manufacturing overcapacity and deflation, turning a source of growth into a ``curse,'' the Asian Development Bank said last month.

    China began to shut inefficient plants and curb investment last year in 11 industries including steel, coal, cement and aluminum, the government says. About 70 percent of 600 consumer goods were in oversupply, a Ministry of Commerce report said.

    ``The government needs to take proactive tightening measures before bubbles are formed,'' said Ha Jiming, chief economist at China International Capital Corp. in Hong Kong. ``Also, inflation is creeping higher on food, which is a major cost for the poor, and this could cause social unrest.''

    Consumer prices probably jumped 2.7 percent in March from a year earlier, compared with the central bank's target of 3 percent for 2007, according to the Bloomberg News survey. That is close to the benchmark one-year lending rate of 2.79 percent, encouraging households to move more money from bank deposits to the stock market.

    `Stress Test'

    ``If the actual CPI inflation exceeds 3 percent, we believe it could be a stress test on the People's Bank of China's comfort zone for inflation,'' said Liang Hong, an economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc in Hong Kong.

    While the government tries to cool lending, companies are bypassing banks to tap the stock market for money. Angang Steel Co., China's third-largest steelmaker by production, plans to sell shares to fund a 22.6 billion yuan steel mill.

    China's economy will likely expand a slower 10 percent in the second quarter because of decade-high growth in the same period last year, the economists said. GDP will probably grow at 9.9 percent in 2007, the first deceleration in six years, the survey showed.

    Economists at HSBC Holdings Plc, Credit Suisse Group and Goldman Sachs Group Inc raised annual growth forecasts from March as the trade surplus surged.

  6. [verwijderd] 17 april 2007 05:37
    [quote=The Artist]
    China: Eerste holebi televisie via internet.

    Uniek! Een Chinese website brengt a.s donderdag de eerste televisie uitzending over homoseksualiteit. Zowel de producer als de presentator zijn openlijk homoseksueel.
    Producer Gang Gang en presentator Didier Zheng, zeggen dat hun programma het eerste in zijn soort is. "Terwijl homo's slechts af en toe verschijnen in Chinese Tv-shows, brengen wij het eerste programma dat zich zal richten om homo onderwerpen", zegt Gang.

    Beide heren hopen dat hun Tv-show er zal toe bijdragen dat het Chinese volk toleranter wordt ten opzichte van holebiseksualiteit.

    In China is er een grote holebi gemeenschap***** maar de meeste leven nog grotendeels ondergronds en velen leiden een dubbelleven. Homoseksualiteit werd pas in 2001 geschrapt in de lijst van de geestelijke ziekten. In Amerika en delen van Europa gebeurde dit al in de jaren 70. [end quote]


    *****Te begrijpen: er zijn zo'n 100+ miljoen meer mannen in dat land, dan vrouwen, als gevolg van het één kind beleid.


    p.s. Nederlandse "spulletjes" exporteren naar China? Wat bedoel je ?
    Tulpenbollen en oliebollen?

    Ik dacht dat Nederlanders werden opgeleid tot de managers, de experts, genieën, de big shots van de wereld; "brains, not brawn", is de slogan.
  7. [verwijderd] 17 april 2007 06:24
    Voor Amor


    Moneymaker_5 schreef:


    Besef je wel dat onze zogenaamde kennis-economie ook grotendeels een lege huls is? Nederland maar bijv. ook Duitsland en een aantal andere Westerse landen hebben bijv. een groot tekort aan technisch en beta-opgeleid personeel. Dus het feit dat bijv. 30% een academische of HBO-opleiding heeft gedaan betekent nog niet dat daardoor de economie goed zal draaien in de toekomst. Ik hoorde bij een promotie van een natuurkundige dat het aantal eerstejaars op de vingers van 2 handen was te tellen en dat het de laatste 10 tot 20 jaar nog sterk gedaald was ook. Op die zelfde universiteit waren datzelfde jaar 600 of 700 eerstejaars rechten en zeker 400 tot 500 voor de studies psychologie, politicologie en pedagogiek. Ook de aanwas van technische vakmensen is erg magertjes en gaat tot problemen leiden. In China en andere Aziatische landen komen echter ingenieurs, informatici, wiskundigen en dergelijke met grote aantallen van de schoolbanken.
  8. [verwijderd] 16 mei 2007 07:04
    China urges world to help Africa

    China says it is among Africa's best friends
    Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has called on the international community to do more to assist Africa.
    Addressing a meeting of the African Development Bank in Shanghai, he urged rich nations to help the continent with aid, trade and debt relief.

    It is the first time the bank's annual meeting has taken place in Asia.

    More than 700 Chinese companies are active in Africa. China's trade with the continent has quadrupled in the past six years to $55 billion (£28bn).

    "Africa needs to rely on itself to sustain development but international support and systems are also indispensable," Mr Wen told delegates at the start of the meeting on Wednesday.

    "We call on the international community to deliver on aid pledges to Africa and reduce and cancel African debt."

    No strings

    Mr Wen also called for increased market access and technology transfers.

    He rejected criticism that China was only interested in Africa because of its enormous wealth of raw materials.

    China gets around a third of its oil from African countries, as well as other natural resources. They have helped fuel the country's dramatic economic transformation.

    China has already written off almost $1.5bn dollars in debt to Africa and says it will write off a similar amount again.

    However, Beijing has been criticised for its no-strings lending policy, which critics say supports repressive regimes and hinders good governance on the continent.

  9. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 22:56
    After Blackstone IPO, where will China invest next?

    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- For China, the $3 billion of foreign-exchange reserves it plans to invest in private-equity firm Blackstone Group is just a trickle in a river of cash that it could unleash on the international capital markets.
    With more than $1.2 trillion in reserves, the country could shake up global financial markets by investing billions of dollars in overseas assets -- including private-equity firms like Blackstone, commodities, publicly traded companies or other investments that will secure its economic growth and result in a diversified, high-return portfolio, according to strategists.
    The world's most populous country is being driven to diversify by a need to secure resources and fuel its economy, by demands to rebuild and expand its infrastructure and by a growing realization that it needs to earn healthy returns to pay for social services for its aging population, analysts said. China is also being driven by a desire to smooth raw nerves among its trading partners, particularly the United States, which have expressed concern about the size of its foreign-exchange reserves.
    China is "going to be a major, major force" in the global investment world, said David Riedel, president of the Riedel Research Group. "This is a real commitment that the Chinese government has made to diversify their portfolio."
    "You'll see the Chinese investing not only into private equity, but also directly into companies in Europe and Asia," he added. "They have great resource demand, so they will be buying companies in Latin America and Africa in resource-rich regions. We could see them buying anything."
    The Chinese government said Sunday that it was making a $3 billion investment in the Blackstone Group, marking the first time it has ever invested part of its massive foreign-exchange reserves into a company. Read more.
    "It's not all that important that they chose Blackstone as opposed to some other private-equity firm," said Donald Straszheim, head of Straszheim Global Advisors, who just returned from a trip to China. "This is a quite bold move on their part to use some portion of their forex reserves in the private-equity markets in America."
    "China is accumulating foreign-exchange reserves at the rate of at least $200 billion a year, and they want to start to use those reserves in a way in which their returns would be greater. Private equity is an obvious potential way to do that," he commented. "It's also useful to remember that these $3 billion is perhaps five days of cash flow for China."
    Many of China's forex holdings are currently concentrated in U.S. Treasurys. China reported last month that its reserves rose by $136 billion in the first quarter to $1.2 trillion, boosted by a significant trade surplus and capital inflows. The increase surprised the market, and marked the single biggest quarterly rise.
    China may very well invest in other private-equity firms in America, according to Straszheim.
    "Mostly, however, they will use these forex reserves to buy secure sources of fuel for their economy," he said. "Fuel in the literal sense -- oil, coal and natural gas -- and fuel in the industrial sense -- iron ore, copper, nickel, bauxite -- so they have access to raw materials to feed their manufacturing and export engine. These will be big, big numbers."


    zie www.marketwatch.com
  10. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 22:57
    Great wall of cash to follow Blackstone investment

    Commentary: What does the 1980s Japanese experience signal for China?

    LONDON (MarketWatch) -- China's acquisition of a stake in private (for just a little longer) equity firm Blackstone suggests that the paltry returns Beijing's been getting on U.S. Treasurys are no longer enough. The amount involved here, single-digit billions, is trivial when compared with the $1 trillion in spare change lying around Shanghai and Hong Kong.

    OK, maybe it's really more of a judicious "friends and family" allocation by Blackstone to China than any kind of heavy-duty strategy shift by the Chinese.
    But anybody in the U.S. with any kind of business plan should certainly be paying attention, because there's plenty more cash where this came from, and the Chinese can't keep building infrastructure forever. There's hardly enough concrete and rebar in the world to sustain even the current building boom.
    Still, this is the kind of moment that gives one pause, at least anyone old enough to remember when it was a very big deal that the U.S. and China had started playing Ping-Pong.
    So what will the Chinese government buy next? Trophy properties, perhaps? Pebble Beach? Rockefeller Center?
    Well, they could, but Japan's history with those sorts of things 15 years ago offers a cautionary tale, for anybody who has time to listen.
    Back then, whenever another U.S. property was bought by dollar-rich Japanese investors, many a mournful headline appeared in U.S. newspapers -- they still had newspapers back then. Each acquisition was seen as proof positive that the U.S. was failing, and that Japan would continue its inexorable rise to economic dominance.
    Alas, for Japan, the Tokyo real-estate bubble burst, the economy went into a really long slump, and the power of demographics eroded any chance it might have had to compete with the newly released economic forces of China.
    So, while giving all due credit to those responsible for diversifying China's billions into U.S. investment opportunities, it's one thing to make fast money, and it's quite another to figure out how to hang on to it.
  11. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 23:16
    Is Blackstone het begin?
    Gaat China dezelfde fout maken als de Japanners ooit deden?
    Een dalende dollar inclusief nationalistisch sentement kunnen Chinese beleggingingen in Amerika onderuit halen.
    De yuan zal ongetwijfeld gaan stijgen t.o.v. de dollar.
    Rockefeller Center was een prachtvoorbeeld van Japanse zelfoverschatting.
    Voor een habbekrats hebben de New yorkers het weer teruggekocht van de Japanners en niet alleen het Rockefeller Center.

  12. [verwijderd] 21 mei 2007 23:24

    fes schreef:

    Voor een habbekrats hebben de New yorkers het weer teruggekocht van de Japanners en niet alleen het Rockefeller Center.

    Ook veel Nederlandse investeringen in de jaren 90 zijn later teruggekocht tegen veel lagere bedragen.
  13. [verwijderd] 12 juni 2007 00:35
    'Rapid growth to sustain 20 years'

    By Chen Weihua (China Daily)
    Updated: 2007-06-11 08:54

    China has been in a high growth mode since it started economic reforms in the late 70s. Its almost three decades of high growth is the longest among the 11 high-growth economies in the world and part of "a recent, post-World War II phenomenon". And the Chinese economy will sustain its fast growth for at least two more decades.

    These are the words of no less a person than Stanford University professor Michael Spence, who shared the 2001 Nobel Prize for Economics with Columbia University professor and former senior vice-president of World Bank Joseph E. Stiglitz and University of California (Berkeley) professor George A. Akerlof.

    In the post-War period, 11 economies have recorded high growth, with eight of them being in Asia: the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand, Spence says. Going by gross domestic product (GDP) figures, "high growth" means above 7 percent expansion, and an economy is said to have "sustained growth" if it keeps growing for 25 years or more. Growth at such rates produces very substantial changes in income and wealth.

    The Chinese mainland is not only the latest example of a high-growth economy, but it has also seen the fastest and largest increase in growth in terms of population, says the senior fellow of Hoover Institution, a top US think tank. India too has attracted a lot of attention because it is entering a period of high growth.

    "Though each growth model is different, they share certain features," Spence told the Shanghai Forum 2007 at the Fudan University in late May. "In all cases, there is a functioning market economy with its price signals, incentives, decentralization and enough definition of private property ownership to enable investment."

    The high levels of savings and investments both in the public and private sectors, resource mobility and rapid urbanization are the important characteristics of China's high growth, says Spence, who is also the chairman of the independent Commission on Growth and Development. The commission was set up last year to focus on growth and poverty reduction in developing countries. China's saving rate of between 35 to 45 percent is among the highest despite the relatively low level of income of its people. Resource mobility has generated new productive employment to absorb surplus labor in a country where 15-20 million people move from the rural areas to the cities every year.

    The most important feature of sustained high growth is that it leverages the demand and resources of the global economy, says Spence. All cases of sustained high growth in the post-War period have integrated into the global economy because exports act as a major high-growth driver.

    "The systematic reduction of barriers to trade and investment in the last 55 years and the dramatic fall in costs of transportation, information and communications technologies have combined to raise the level of that integration. It is the combined effect of these trends that has made the global economy an increasingly powerful source of potential growth."

    Enumerating the reasons why the Chinese economy will sustain its high growth rate for another two decades, he says: "There are basically two reasons. One is that there is still a lot of surplus labor in agriculture. The engine for high growth is still there. The second is that the Chinese economy has diversified very rapidly. It's quite flexible and entrepreneurial."

    But a recent report of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences surprised many by saying the most populous country in the world will actually suffer from a shortage of labor from 2009.

    Spence, who won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2001 for his contribution to the analysis of markets with asymmetric information, however, says: "The economy is more global in every dimension and it just seems to me that there is lot of potential. The reason I am optimistic is that I don't see anything in the way; your government seems to understand perfectly the dynamics (required for sustained high growth)."

    The only way to stop China's high growth would be to shut the economy off from the rest of the world. "It's just not going to happen." Even 20 years later, China will continue to grow because its currency will appreciate, helping raise the income level and increase the wealth of the people.

    Spence, who now visits China frequently, and is scheduled to attend a meeting on urbanization in Beijing this month, is concerned about the country's problems, too, with the environment being right on top of his list.

    Claiming to be more on the Chinese side on trade surplus and currency issue, Spence sees China's huge trade surplus as a likely cause of protectionism both by the US and the Europe Union. The high proportion of China's trade surplus is unprecedented in the world, he says. To balance the huge trade deficit, Spence hopes China would boost domestic consumption and bring down the saving rate.

    He acknowledges, though, that the relatively high-income younger generation is spending more despite the fact that East Asians traditionally are good at saving. A solution to the trade imbalance could also be found by increasing social security and the pension system, making them available to everybody, improving the medical coverage in the rural areas and making education at all levels affordable.

    Spence comes from a family that lays strong emphasis on education, and hence he believes it to be a vital driver of economic growth. Years ago, he joined China's top education official Wei Yu in Beijing to talk on education, human capital and the country's economic future.

    He has also written articles in major business newspapers, criticizing ignorant and protectionist views on China's trade and economic issues because he says he understands the Chinese Government's pragmatic and experimental approach toward the currency issue. He thinks a measured appreciation of the yuan could be done with balanced and coordinated efforts. "I think it is good if this could be done more quickly."

    Though the widening income gap and corruption are his other concerns, he is optimistic of the future because the Chinese leaders are aware of the problems and are trying to solve them. People should have been worried if Premier Wen Jiabao hadn't dealt with the problems in his Five-Year Plan.

  14. [verwijderd] 15 juni 2007 18:09
    Outrage as China slave scandal deepens

    Fri Jun 15, 8:20 AM ET

    BEIJING (AFP) - More than 1,000 people, many of them young children, have been forced to work as slaves in a brutal human trafficking ring in China that has shocked and outraged the nation, police said Friday.

    More than 450 people have already been rescued in recent days from brick yards and coal mines across two provinces in central and northern China that were run with exceptional ruthlessness, they said.

    Media reports described freed workers, some as young as eight, as having been beaten, nearly starved and forced to work long hours under appalling conditions, apparently with the involvement of some local police and officials.

    At least one man was beaten to death, according to a confession by a brickyard boss on television, with other reports saying the slave trade had been going on since at least March -- and perhaps for years.

    "So far, we have rescued more than 200 people including over 40 children," an official with the Henan provincial public security department, who gave only his surname of Dang, told AFP by phone.

    "They were abducted and sold to brick kilns in Shanxi and Henan provinces."

    Li Fulin, vice-director of public security in Shanxi, said in a statement that separate police raids there had freed another 251 people.

    Officials in both provinces said investigations were continuing in a bid to free hundreds more believed to be enslaved.

    "It is hard to estimate the number of missing people before the investigation finishes, but there are probably more than 1,000," Dang said.

    The scandal has caused alarm among the highest ranks of China's ruling Communist Party, with President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao issuing orders on Friday to deal with the situation, the China News Service reported.

    However no comments from the two leaders were immediately released.

    Henan police told AFP at least 120 people had been arrested in the crackdown, which was sparked after distraught parents launched an online plea for help in finding their children.

    Up to 35,000 police were involved in a four-day campaign in Henan to investigate 7,500 kilns for slave labourers, Xinhua news agency said, while officials in Shanxi vowed to launch a similar crackdown.

    Many of the labourers were abducted off the streets of cities in the region and sold to factories and mines for as little 500 yuan (64 dollars), the Beijing Youth Daily reported.

    Parents said in the Internet statement that they had personally gone to dozens of the brick kilns, finding filthy, starving workers, many with untreated injuries inflicted at the hands of their captors or burns caused by dangerous working conditions.

    State television aired disturbing images of abused and emaciated workers living in squalid conditions at a brick factory in the city of Hongtong in Shanxi province.

    Workers said many of them tried to escape but most were caught and brought back. Vicious dogs were used to stop workers breaking out.

    A brickyard supervisor, Zhao Yanbing, confessed on camera to beating one worker, a man in his 50s, to death for not working hard enough.

    The revelations have sparked nationwide disgust, and editorials in state newspapers on Friday called for investigations into allegations that local bosses were guilty of collusion.

    "How could officials in the area have connived with such audacious and appalling behavior to allow this situation to arise under their very eyes?" asked the People's Daily, which is the main mouthpiece for the Communist Party.

    One of the brickyards was run by the son of a local Communist Party boss, the nation's main union body said in comments carried in the state press.

    The scandal adds to other embarrassing revelations this week about the plight of Chinese workers, including reports that children were being used to make merchandise for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

    In another scandal, more than 500 children were found working ultra-long hours for up to six days a week in a light industry factory under a so-called "work-study" programme authorised by their school.
  15. [verwijderd] 15 juni 2007 21:37

    Meanwhile, the China Enterprise Enterprises index -- a gauge of 41 Hong Kong-listed companies that are incorporated in China and whose businesses are focused there -- jumped 2.4% to finish at a fresh lifetime closing high of 11,443.91.
    "Finally, we are starting to see the H-shares catch up with the performance on the (mainland traded) A-shares," said Andrew Clarke, a trader with Societe Generale in Hong Kong.
    "It wouldn't surprise me if you were seeing mainland investors under the new guidelines taking money out of their domestic market and reinvesting into H-shares because they are the same company, just a lot cheaper."

    Er is nog een mooie Turbo Long op de HSCEI te koop.

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