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China, Economische Wondere Wereldmacht

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  1. [verwijderd] 28 mei 2008 06:23
    China's economy able to expand over 8% for long time

    May 28, 2008

    China's economy can maintain a steady growth above 8 percent for a relatively long period because of a stable society, a vast market and ample capital, said Cheng Siwei, an economist and former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

    "China's economy can stay in the fast developing track if we work hard and pay enough attention to existing problems," Cheng said at a three-day forum with the theme of "Economic globalization and the choice of Asia: transition, growth and welfare" Wednesday in Shanghai.

    "Social stability is crucial to economic development while China has a market of 1.3 billion people, which creates a huge consumption power," said Cheng. "Meanwhile, China's foreign reserves have reached US$1.68 trillion, and it has built up an ample capital pool."

    China also beefed up its efforts to improve education and expand its coverage, which paved the way for sustainable economic development, he said, but added that there were problems China could not afford to ignore.

    One of them was the yawning gap between the rich and the poor. The income of urban residents has tripled that of rural households while the purchasing power in cities was four times larger than that in rural areas.

    China faced increasing pressure to protect the environment and in securing raw materials and resources for its economy. It also lacks a large pool of senior professionals in finance and management.

    "For example, we buy a lot of the United States treasury bonds. It means appointing them (US bond managers) to manage our assets and we only gained a little bit of interest," said Cheng. "We are trying to work on such problems."

    Cheng estimated China's per capita GDP can reach US$3,000 by 2010, US$5,000 by 2020 and US$10,000 by 2049, given its economic expansion and a stronger yuan.
  2. [verwijderd] 7 juni 2008 16:14
    Diplomat: Tibet issue not about human rights
    2008-06-07 05:19:07

    GENEVA, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The Tibet issue is not an ethnic issue, not a religious issue, nor a human rights issue, but an issue either to safeguard national unification or to split the motherland, a Chinese diplomat said here on Friday.

    "The Tibet issue is entirely an internal issue of China which concerns the country's sovereignty," said Qian Bo, counsellor of the Chinese Mission to the UN Office in Geneva.

    The diplomat was addressing a regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, during which some delegates made biased comments on the so-called human rights situation in Tibet.

    Those delegates' comments were "an evident act of politicizing human rights and practicing double standards," said Qian.

    Qian stressed that the human rights situation in Tibet had improved continuously since its peaceful liberation in 1951.

    He said Tibetans are now enjoying full religious freedom and their traditional culture has also been carried forward.

    "The progress and achievements made in Tibet are facts that cannot be written off by lies and libels," he said.

    The diplomat stressed that the violent crimes committed in March in Lhasa, the capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, were mastermind and incited by the Dalai clique aimed at splitting the motherland.

    The riot has nothing to do with human rights, so China cannot accept any unreasonable accusations, he said.

    The diplomat also urged the Human Rights Council to avoid politicizing human rights and remove double standards in order to maintain its prestige and credibility.
  3. [verwijderd] 7 juni 2008 19:47

    I'm Black and I'm Proud schreef:

    Diplomat: Tibet issue not about human rights
    2008-06-07 05:19:07

    GENEVA, June 6 (Xinhua) -- The Tibet issue is not an ethnic issue, not a religious issue, nor a human rights issue, but an issue either to safeguard national unification or to split the motherland, a Chinese diplomat said here on Friday.

    "The Tibet issue is entirely an internal issue of China which concerns the country's sovereignty," said Qian Bo, counsellor of the Chinese Mission to the UN Office in Geneva.

    The diplomat was addressing a regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, during which some delegates made biased comments on the so-called human rights situation in Tibet.

    Those delegates' comments were "an evident act of politicizing human rights and practicing double standards," said Qian.

    Qian stressed that the human rights situation in Tibet had improved continuously since its peaceful liberation in 1951.

    He said Tibetans are now enjoying full religious freedom and their traditional culture has also been carried forward.

    "The progress and achievements made in Tibet are facts that cannot be written off by lies and libels," he said.

    The diplomat stressed that the violent crimes committed in March in Lhasa, the capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, were mastermind and incited by the Dalai clique aimed at splitting the motherland.

    The riot has nothing to do with human rights, so China cannot accept any unreasonable accusations, he said.

    The diplomat also urged the Human Rights Council to avoid politicizing human rights and remove double standards in order to maintain its prestige and credibility.

    Howdy, Wat 'n b.s. van die "Chinese diplomaat":

    .........."avoid politicizing human rights"..........

    Dat is ook weer alsof je zou zeggen: laat voetbalpolitiek buiten het voetballen.

    Ik schreef al eerder (in 'n andere draad?) Chinezen zijn rassistisch, ze discrimineren tegen alles wat 'n beetje bruine of zwarte kleur heeft.

    Daar moet nog heel wat verbeteren in China (laat staan Tibet) wat betreft human rights.

    Open je ogen


    p.s. Hoe durven ze te spreken over de "Dalai Lama clique". Dat kweekt vooral veel goodwill in het Westen, not.
  4. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2008 15:30

    Amor Arrows schreef:

    Howdy, Wat 'n b.s. van die "Chinese diplomaat":

    .........."avoid politicizing human rights"..........

    Dat is ook weer alsof je zou zeggen: laat voetbalpolitiek buiten het voetballen.

    Ik schreef al eerder (in 'n andere draad?) Chinezen zijn rassistisch, ze discrimineren tegen alles wat 'n beetje bruine of zwarte kleur heeft.

    Daar moet nog heel wat verbeteren in China (laat staan Tibet) wat betreft human rights.

    Open je ogen


    p.s. Hoe durven ze te spreken over de "Dalai Lama clique". Dat kweekt vooral veel goodwill in het Westen, not.
    Het ware gelaat van Amerika.

  5. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2008 16:37

    I'm Black and I'm Proud schreef:

    [quote=Amor Arrows]

    Howdy, Wat 'n b.s. van die "Chinese diplomaat":

    .........."avoid politicizing human rights"..........

    Dat is ook weer alsof je zou zeggen: laat voetbalpolitiek buiten het voetballen.

    Ik schreef al eerder (in 'n andere draad?) Chinezen zijn rassistisch, ze discrimineren tegen alles wat 'n beetje bruine of zwarte kleur heeft.

    Daar moet nog heel wat verbeteren in China (laat staan Tibet) wat betreft human rights.

    Open je ogen


    p.s. Hoe durven ze te spreken over de "Dalai Lama clique". Dat kweekt vooral veel goodwill in het Westen, not.

    Het ware gelaat van Amerika.


    Gelukkig dat er 'n nieuwe Obama-regering aankomt in 222 dagen :-)

    Jammer, dat er in China ook niet 'n nieuwe regering op komst is :-(

    Maar we blijven hopen op 'n betere toekomst.


  6. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2008 17:01
    Nou lekkere uitspraken van die Obama (betreffende Israël) zal inderdaad veel hopen aan te pas moeten komen.
    Die generalisatie dat Aziaten neerkijken op mensen met donkere huiskleur kan wel eens schandelijk waar zijn.
  7. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2008 17:39

    insecurities schreef:

    Nou lekkere uitspraken van die Obama (betreffende Israël) zal inderdaad veel hopen aan te pas moeten komen.
    Die generalisatie dat Aziaten neerkijken op mensen met donkere huiskleur kan wel eens schandelijk waar zijn.

    Howdy, Ik schreef "Chinezen", niet "Aziaten", maar je kan gelijk hebben.

    Jammer genoeg komt het voor onder alle rassen. 'n Palestijnse moeder vertelde haar dochter, dat ze nooit 'n man zou vinden, omdat ze "te donker" is.
    Onder vele rassen heerst het streven om alleen te trouwen met iemand die lichter van kleur is dan jezelf.
    Alleen onder de Westerse blanken is het mode zo donker mogelijk te worden door in de zon te gaan liggen branden, als 'n kip in de oven:-)

    Cuba is één van de weinige landen waar geen discriminatie op huidskleur schijnt te bestaan.

  8. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2008 17:55

    Amor Arrows schreef:


    Gelukkig dat er 'n nieuwe Obama-regering aankomt in 222 dagen :-)


    jammer dat je voor de huidige regering je stem gegeven hebt, dat je dat inzicht niet had, heb je ook niet bij beleggen, wat jammer voor je.
  9. [verwijderd] 8 juni 2008 23:01
    Hier je kreeg nog een plaatje van me... Effe opslaan op je bureaublad anders zie je maar de helft...

    Je stelling van 35000 zou goed werkelijkheid kunnen worden.
    Je ziet in het plaatje rondje 3 en rondje 4 zijn gezet. Rondje 5 zou dan boven de rondje 3 moeten liggen op 35174 punten. De gewone groene 3 geeft op korte termijn (ditjaar) een tussen top van 33411.. Ziet er best goed uit dus... En dan het neagtive is uiteraard de C die lager geeft dan de huidige waarde van de index... Maar het goede nieuws is dat deze wel eens in 2010 kan liggen want eerst moeten de rondje 5 gezet worden...

  10. [verwijderd] 16 juni 2008 13:12
    Chinese aandelen goedkoper dan Amerikaanse

    Voor het eerst sinds 2006 noteren Chinese aandelen goedkoper dan Amerikaanse. De Chinese CSI300-index, de belangrijkste beursbarometer, zakte afgelopen week met 15 procent. De index dook voor het eerst sinds april 2007 onder de psychologische grens van 3.000 punten. De stijgende inflatie in China dwingt monetaire beleidsmakers maatregelen te nemen voor inflatiebestrijding. Gevreesd wordt dat ‘s werelds snelst groeiende economie het huidige groeitempo niet kan volhouden.

    (tijd) - De centrale bank van China verhoogde op 7 juni, voor de vijfde keer dit jaar, de kasreserves die commerciële banken moeten aanhouden. Daardoor kunnen banken minder krediet verstrekken aan consumenten en bedrijven. De CSI300-index viel hierna in een week tijd met 15 procent terug tot 2.797 punten. Sinds Nieuwjaar verloor de beursindex van Shanghai al de helft van zijn waarde. Dat is meer dan de andere beurzen van de top20 grootste aandelenmarkten moesten prijsgeven.

    De verstrakking van de kredietverlening sinds begin dit jaar volgt op zes renteverhogingen van de People’s Bank of China in 2007. De stijgende prijzen in China hollen langzaam aan bedrijfswinsten uit. Tegelijkertijd vertraagt de economische groei wereldwijd en maakt een duurdere yuan de Chinese export minder competitief. De yuan won bijna 6 procent tegenover de dollar in 2008. Nieuwe appreciaties van de yuan zouden economische groei in China afremmen.

    De VS vragen China om hun munt tegenover de dollar te laten stijgen. ‘Het versnelde tempo van appreciatie sinds oktober is significant en welkom’, zegt Alan Holmer, onderhandelaar met China voor de Amerikaanse schatkist. ‘We hopen dat de opwaardering voortduurt.’

    ‘De marktverwachtingen voor de economie verslechteren zienderogen’, zegt Zheng Tuo, een fondsbeheerder in Shanghai met 790 miljoen dollar (512 miljoen euro) onder beheer. ‘We zien geen tekenen van beterschap. In tegendeel, de hoge inflatie en de ingrepen van de centrale bank baren juist zorgen. Daardoor is er ook twijfel over de toekomstige bedrijfswinsten gegroeid.’

    Begin 2008 noteerden aandelen in S&P500, de toonaangevende Amerikaanse beursindex, nog ruim de helft goedkoper tegenover Chinese aandelen. Momenteel verhandelen beursgenoteerde bedrijven in Shanghai en Shenzen aan 22 keer de gerapporteerde winst, net goedkoper dan aandelen in de VS. Sinds maart 2006 waren Chinese aandelen steeds duurder dan Amerikaanse.

    De laatste twee jaar groeide de Chinese economie elk kwartaal met meer dan 10 procent. De CSI300-index klom in die periode 478 procent hoger. In 2007 nam het bruto binnenlands product met 11,9 procent toe. De verwachtingen mikken voor 2008 op 10 procent groei. Voor de VS voorspellen analisten slechts op een groei van 1,3 procent.

    ‘De waarderingen van Chinese aandelen zijn zeer redelijk, want China kent nog steeds een fantastische economische groei’, stelt Dai Qilei, een vermogensbeheerder van Lord Abbet China in Sjanghai met 900 miljoen in beheer. ‘Zelfs de meest pessimistische vooruitzichten spreken van een groei boven de 8 procent voor China.’ IDW

    22:02 - 15/06/2008
  11. [verwijderd] 19 juni 2008 17:05
    World Bank raises China growth forecast

    By ELAINE KURTENBACH, AP Business Writer
    Thu Jun 19, 5:09 AM ET

    SHANGHAI, China - China's economy is weathering the global slowdown better than expected, the World Bank said Thursday as it raised its growth forecast for the Asian giant to 9.8 percent from 9.4 percent.

    The World Bank cited the country's strong domestic demand and sustained competitiveness in exports as key strengths.

    "Amid weaker and uncertain global prospects, China's growth will be supported by strong international competitiveness and a robust domestic economy," David Dollar, the bank's country director for China, told reporters in Beijing.

    Just two months earlier, the World Bank had lowered its growth estimate for China to 9.4 percent from 9.6 percent on weakening demand for its exports.

    The back-and-forth revisions reflect the uncertainties prevailing at a time when the U.S. economic outlook remains murky due to the fallout from the mortgage lending crisis. They also result from a revision in China's own gross domestic product growth estimate for 2007, which was raised by a 0.5 percentage points following the bank's most recent half-yearly report in early April.

    Despite the upbeat overall message, the quarterly report did note that China's growth is moderating as investment in factories, construction and other fixed assets slows.

    Although the nominal rate of growth in such investments remains above 25 percent on an annual basis, much of that increase reflects surging prices. Adjusted for inflation, real growth in such spending slowed to 16 percent in January-May, with the greatest deceleration in industry — a sector most exposed to global trends, the report said.

    "Global growth is on course to slow further and commodity price-driven inflation has become a complicating factor everywhere. These developments imply considerably more international uncertainty and risk," Dollar said.

    "The upward revision to our growth forecast largely reflects revised GDP data showing stronger service sector growth," he said.

    The World Bank's current forecast is for growth to slow to 9.2 percent in 2009.

    The Chinese government has set a growth target for this year of 8 percent following last year's sizzling 11.9 percent expansion.

    The Washington-based bank said it did not expect the calamitous earthquake that struck central China last month, killing about 70,000 people, to have a significant impact on the wider, national economy. However, it noted that reconstruction might actually boost growth in the months ahead.

    The bank lauded China's progress in combating inflation, which fell to 7.7 percent in May from 8.5 percent in April. It forecast that the inflation benchmark, the consumer price index, will rise 6 percent for all of 2008.

    The report noted that the gradual strengthening of the Chinese currency, which has gained 20 percent against the U.S. dollar in the past three years, can help reduce inflationary pressures by boosting China's purchasing power at a time of surging prices for crude oil and other crucial commodities.

    At the same time, inflows of speculative funds from overseas, which have been flooding into China in anticipation of the future strengthening of the Chinese yuan, might be discouraged if Beijing changes its policies "to effectively change exchange rate expectations," it said. It did not elaborate on how that might be done.

    The report also noted the difficulties Beijing will have in maintaining price caps on fuel, food and other necessities — controls are intended to insulate domestic consumers and businesses from surging international prices and to control inflation.

    "With China's economy more interlinked with the global economy than in the past, such price gaps will be more difficult to maintain over time," it said.

    China is facing increasing pressure over the ramifications of its fuel price controls, and the subsidies it pays to refiners to compensate them for the widening gap between soaring costs for crude oil imports and the prices they can charge consumers.

    Such subsidies are costing China about 330 billion yuan ($47.9 billion) a year, or about 1.2 percent of the country's GDP.

    "Keeping prices low distorts demand behavior," the report said. It reiterated its call for Beijing to instead direct its subsidies to individual consumers rather than state-run oil companies.

    "It's in China's interest to let prices rise to the world level and be passed through for investments and households to be more energy efficient," Dollar said.

  12. [verwijderd] 27 juni 2008 00:03

    China set for 30 more years of fast growth(Xinhua)

    Updated: 2008-06-26 20:03

    China's economy will grow rapidly during the next 30 years, despite a slight slowdown at present, Fan Gang, a well-known economist and member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People's Bank of China (PBOC, the central bank) told an economic forum on Wednesday.

    Higher productivity had been a major factor in China's economic growth and would continue to play a role in the coming decades, Fan said.

    Delivering a review of three decades of reform and opening up policies that were instituted in 1978, Fan said market-oriented reforms, education and research, opening to foreign investment and urbanization had helped drive productivity growth.

    "The effects of those factors will persist in the next 30 years. That's why I'm confident" of China's continued growth prospects, he said.

    Rising productivity had contributed about 40 percent of China's average annual 9 percent growth from 1999 to 2005, with investment and human capital accounting for the remainder, said Fan.

    Although labor might become scarcer and costlier over the next three decades, the delayed effect of education and research would play a bigger role, he said.

    "The share of foreign investment in total investment is dropping, but the knowledge China gained from foreign-funded enterprises will be of more use in the future," said Fan.

    Fan didn't give specific figures on the changing relationship between foreign and domestic capital, and the government doesn't break down total investment in that manner.

    Meanwhile, there was still much room for further reforms in government efficiency, state-owned enterprises, pricing mechanisms and the financial and tax systems, which could unleash further economic dynamism, Fan said.

    "China has finished only half or less of its reform journey," he said.

    Gross domestic product (GDP) expanded 11.9 percent last year, the fifth year of double-digit growth. However, GDP grew 10.6 percent in the first quarter, down 1.1 percentage points year-on-year, on weakening external demand and the worst winter storm in more than five decades.

    "Growth only slowed a little; [the economy] was not in stagnation. It was still running at double-digit speed," China Business News quoted Fan as telling reporters at the forum.

    A report released by Renmin University of China and Donghai Securities earlier this week said the economy was decelerating from a record growth pace.

    It forecast the economy would grow at a slower annual rate of 10.4 percent in 2008 because of the deteriorating external environment and the domestic tightening policy.

    The World Bank last week raised its forecast for China's 2008 economic growth to 9.8 percent from 9.4 percent, down from the 10.8 percent forecast made in mid-2007.
  13. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2008 23:16

    China's Economy To Be World's Biggest By 2035

    24 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON (AFP)--China's economy will overtake that of the U.S. by 2035 and be twice its size by mid-century, a study released Tuesday by a U.S. research organization concluded.

    The report by economist Albert Keidel of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace said China's rapid growth is driven by domestic demand more than exports, and will sustain high single-digit growth rates well into the 21st century.

    "China's economic performance clearly is no flash in the pan," Keidel writes.

    "Its growth this decade has averaged more than 10% a year and is still going strong in the first half of 2008. Because its success in recent decades has not been export-led but driven by domestic demand, its rapid growth can continue well into the 21st century, unfettered by world market limitation."

    Keidel said the rise of China to the world's biggest economy will happen regardless of the method of calculation.

    Under current market-based estimates, China's gross domestic product is about $3 trillion compared to $14 trillion for the United States.

    Based on a more controversial purchasing power parity (PPP) measure used by the World Bank and others to correct low labor-cost distortions, he said China's GDP is roughly half of that of the United States.

    "Despite this low starting point, if China's expansion is anywhere near as fast as the earlier expansion of other East Asian modernizers at a comparable stage of development, the power of compound growth rates means that China's economy will be larger than America's by mid-century - no matter how it is converted to dollars," Keidel wrote.

    "Indeed, PPP valuation distinctions will diminish and eventually disappear."

    -Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-5500
  14. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2008 23:57
    Beste Artist

    Heb je echt bepaalde aandelen in je portefeuille die je opzettelijk op zo'n termijn houdt?

    Ik weet dat je positief bent omtrent Sina, JRJC, etc.. maar stel dat zoiets op een paar jaar een aantal maal over kop gaat, blijf je die dan behouden voor 10jaar-20jaar ?

    De drang zal voor mij groot lijken om ze dan te verkopen al.

  15. [verwijderd] 9 juli 2008 00:06

    avalon1 schreef:

    Beste Artist

    Heb je echt bepaalde aandelen in je portefeuille die je opzettelijk op zo'n termijn houdt?

    Ik weet dat je positief bent omtrent Sina, JRJC, etc.. maar stel dat zoiets op een paar jaar een aantal maal over kop gaat, blijf je die dan behouden voor 10jaar-20jaar ?

    De drang zal voor mij groot lijken om ze dan te verkopen al.


    in deze draad op pagina 8, zie je mijn voorbije recente 4 aankopen die bedoeld zijn voor de KT.

    Deze aankopen zijn gebeurd met geleend geld, dat ik niet bezit.

    KT zal wss tss de 2 a 6 maanden zijn.
    ( bedoeling is toch +/- een winst van 100% te maken )

    Toch zal ik van sommige aankopen niet meer dan 2/3 verkopen.
    Omdat ik nog altijd een zo groot mogelijke port. wil voor de LT idd +/- 20 jaar.

    De reden dat ik met geleend geld beleg is.

    1) ik sta nog sterk op winst sinds 2003.
    2) de uitzonderlijke koopjes.
    3) artiesten weten wat ze doen.

    ps: indien Lenovo onder de 5.00HK$ geraakt wordt ie ook nog eens bijgekocht, ik vrees echter dat dat niet meer zal lukken.
  16. [verwijderd] 11 juli 2008 06:38
    China laying key foundation for Africa growth:

    World Bank by P. Parameswaran
    1 hour, 37 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON (AFP) - China may be accused of placing business above human rights in Africa but the World Bank says in a new report that the Asian giant is spearheading a massive infrastructure revolution in the continent critical to reducing poverty.

    China, India, and a few Middle Eastern Gulf nations are financing an unprecedented number of infrastructure projects across Sub-Saharan Africa -- both in scale and the focus on large infrastructure projects, said the report by the Washington-based bank.

    Investment commitments in Africa by these emerging financiers jumped from less than one billion dollars per year before 2004 to eight billion dollars in 2006 and five billion dollars last year, signaling a growing trend in cooperation among developing economies, the report said.

    "Today, China's growing infrastructure commitments in Africa are helping to address the huge infrastructure deficit of the continent," said Obiageli Katryn Ezekwesili, the World Bank's vice president for the Africa region as he launched the report Thursday.

    Entitled "Building bridges: China's growing role as infrastructure financier for Sub-Saharan Africa," the report said new infrastructure partnerships in the region were being driven by strong economic growth, improved business-friendly climate and rising demand for commodities from growth drivers China and India.

    "The growing South-South cooperation is driven by strong economic complementarities between China and Africa," said Vivien Foster, a World Bank lead economist and co-author of the report.

    "China's growing demand for natural resources is matched by Africa's significant and often under-developed oil and mineral reserves," he said. "Africa's urgent need for infrastructure is matched by China's globally competitive construction industry."

    Some Western critics have said that China, which imports about 30 percent of its oil needs from Africa, is willing to overlook environmental degradation, corruption and human rights abuses in the continent in its quest for resources.

    One of China's most controversial partnerships is with the government of Sudan.

    The main buyer of Sudan's oil and a key investor in the economy, China has repeatedly been accused of not doing enough to make Khartoum stop a brutal campaign in Darfur that has -- according to the UN -- left about 300,000 dead.

    "There are of course challenges which will need to be addressed by African nations and China coupled with the support of development partners," admitted Ezekwesili. "By working together, we can create win-win partnerships," he said.

    The report said that in a changing world, with new actors and financing modalities coming into play, there is a "learning process for investors and recipients.

    "This will place new demands on national capacity to negotiate complex and innovative deals, and apply appropriate environmental and social standards needed for the long-term success of such partnerships," it said.

    Africa faces daunting challenges in improving its infrastructure.

    Development experts agree that creaking infrastructure is cutting the growth rate of African economies by as much as one percentage point every year, the report said.

    One in four Africans does not have access to electricity. Travel times on African roads and export routes are two to three times higher than in Asia, increasing the prices of traded goods. Power generation capacity is around half the levels achieved in South Asia.

    India has also become an emerging financier in Africa's infrastructure development, committing 2.6 billion dollars since 2003, the report said.

    Oil-rich Gulf states and Arab donors committed on average 500 million dollars every year over the past seven years, it said.
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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 27 februari

    1. Producentenvertrouwen februari (NL)
    2. Aalberts Q4-cijfers
    3. ArgenX Q4-cijfers
    4. AXA Q4-cijfers
    5. Beiersdorf Q4-cijfers
    6. Corbion Q4-cijfers
    7. Daimler Truck Q4-cijfers
    8. Telefónica Q4-cijfers
    9. Van Lanschot Kempen Q4-cijfers
    10. CTP Q4-cijfers
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht