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  1. [verwijderd] 13 maart 2007 09:48
    Op verzoek van zzzaai, wat genuanceerder nieuws op een specifiek draadje:

    Spanish Fersa, Enhol To Invest up to 80 Mln Euro in Wind Power
    Spanish renewable energy groups Fersa Energias Renovables SA (Fersa) and Grupo Enhol SL plan to develop jointly wind power facilities worth between 60 mln euro ($79 mln) and 80 mln euro ($105.4 mln). The total capacity of the wind farms will stand at 223 MW, according to a preliminary agreement the two companies signed on March 6, 2007.
    Under the deal, Fersa will own the new facilities, while Enhol will buy a 25 pct stake in Fersa. Fersa forecasts the projects will boost its capacity for wind power generation by 74 pct.

    Fersa posted a 1.3 mln euro ($1.7 mln) net profit for 2006, up 40.9 pct year-on-year. The turnover soared by 212 pct in the period to 3.6 mln euro ($4.7 mln), as the company started operating the wind farms Eolica El Pedregoso and Eolica Del Pino.

    Fersa's earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) stood at 1.1 mln euro ($1.4 mln) in 2006, up from 160,000 euro ($211,000) in 2005.


    Source: Invertia (ID/IC/ID)

  2. [verwijderd] 13 maart 2007 09:52
    Germany: Survey into wind turbine maintenance quality
    Børsen, 12 Mar 2007,:- A new survey conducted by German wind power organisation Bundesverband Windenergie shows that German Enercon ranks first when it comes to customer satisfaction in wind turbine producers' service and maintenance work. Repower ranks second, whereas Danish Vestas ranks fifth after German Fuhrländer and Siemens, but beats German Nordex. GE Energy ranks at the bottom.
    According to the survey, every fifth owner of a Vestas wind turbine in Germany is dissatisfied with the Danish company's service organisation. These turbine owners are planning to give future orders for turbine maintenance and service to other companies.

    Despite this, Vestas ranks among the five companies with an overall grade of 'satisfactory'.

    Vestas has increased its market share in Vestas and had a 35% market share in the country in 2006 vs. 38% for Enercon.

  3. [verwijderd] 13 maart 2007 09:53
    Finland: Clear goals for wind power production
    Pohjalainen, 11 Mar 2007, p.7:- According to Erkki Haapanen of the Finnish Wind Power Association, wind power supplements other energy forms. In some areas wind power could be used to power entire islands. Reliable equipment and good planning is required.
    Haapanen suggests that Finland aim for 500 MW of wind-generated power by 2010 and for 1,000 MW by 2015. He claims that wind power pricing should be rationalised. Wind power is an investment in the future.

    Haapanen expects to see more wind power units in Finland, although inconsistent subsidies policy has slowed down construction. He stresses the importance of research and development. The branch could create tens of thousands of jobs.

  4. [verwijderd] 13 maart 2007 10:03
    Lithuania: Largest park of wind power plants completed - daily
    Veju Spektras, a Lithuanian company, has completed the construction of 30 MW park of fifteen wind power plants in the district of Kretinga, West Lithuania, the Lietuvos Rytas daily reported. Last six power plants of the largest Baltic wind power plant park have already been revealed to a governmental commission.
    Investments into the park came close to 140 million litas (EUR 40.6 mln), including almost 100 million litas borrowed from the leasing company Hanza Lizingas.

    Veju Spektras sells electricity generated by the wind power park to Lietuvos Energija (Lithuanian Energy), the national power utility, at 22 cents per 1 kWh. The company projects its full-year profit to reach some 13 million litas on revenues of 16.5 million litas.

  5. [verwijderd] 13 maart 2007 10:09
    Italy 2006 Wind Energy Capacity At 2,123 MW - ANEV
    (ANSA) - Naples, March 12 - Italy's 2006 wind energy installed capacity totalled 2,123 MW in 2006, accounting for some 1.0 pct of the Italian energy needs, according to figures presented by the National Association for Wind Energy (ANEV) at a meeting in the framework of the biennial fair for renewable sources and alternative energy in the Mediterranean countries EnergyMed 2007. In 2006, the southern region of Apulia ranked first in Italy by wind energy production with 468.43 MW, ANEV said. The southern regions of Sicily and Campania ranked second and third with respectively 450.62 MW and 420.57 MW produced in 2006.
    Italy's wind energy installed capacity increased by 25 pct on the year in 2006. The Italian electricity output jumped 50 pct, ANEV's secretary general, Simone Togni, said.

    Italian wind-generated electricity stood at 3.4 terawatts, which avoided the emission of 3.5 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, Togni added.

    (Note: All figures/comparisons are for 2006/2005.)

    (Alternative name: Associazione Nazionale Energia del Vento) (ANSA).


    Source: ANSA (DM/IM/DM)

  6. forum rang 10 voda 13 maart 2007 16:28
    RTRS-Bekentenissen in corruptieproces Siemens (2)
    N i e u w bericht, meer informatie

    DARMSTADT (ANP) - Werknemers van het Duitse
    technologieconcern Siemens hebben steekpenningen betaald om
    contracten voor windturbines in de wacht te slepen van onder
    meer het Italiaanse energiebedrijf Enel. Dat hebben twee
    voormalige managers van Siemens dinsdag verklaard voor de
    rechtbank in Darmstadt.

    De twee, die zelf tot de hoofdverdachten behoren, bekenden
    betrokken te zijn geweest bij het betalen van smeergeld via
    bankrekeningen in Zwitserland en Liechtenstein. Volgens een van
    de beklaagden was het bij Siemens in brede kring bekend dat
    werknemers van potentiële klanten werden omgekocht om orders
    binnen te halen.

    In totaal zou circa 6 miljoen euro aan smeergeld zijn
    betaald om voor Siemens de opdrachten in Italië veilig te
    stellen. De totale waarde van de orders bedroeg 450 miljoen
    euro. Twee medewerkers van Enel, een staatsbedrijf, zijn in
    Milaan al eerder veroordeeld tot gevangenisstraffen, evenals
    twee andere medewerkers van Siemens.

    Siemens is ook verwikkeld in een ander, omvangrijker
    corruptieschandaal. Hoewel het in de huidige rechtszaak zelf
    niet terechtstaat, kunnen de verklaringen van de beklaagden de
    geloofwaardigheid van het concern fors ondermijnen. Ook kan de
    rechter besluiten dat het bedrijf afstand moet doen van de winst
    die het heeft behaald uit de opdrachten die door middel van
    steekpenningen zijn verkregen.

    De twee verdachten hangt een maximale celstraf van vijftien
    jaar boven het hoofd. Verwacht wordt echter dat de openbare
    aanklager fors lagere straffen zal eisen omdat de beklaagden
    bekentenissen hebben afgelegd en meewerken aan het onderzoek.
    Volgens de rechter zijn evenwel geen afspraken gemaakt over

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at)anp.nl, +31 20
    504 5999))
  7. [verwijderd] 14 maart 2007 14:20
    FPL Energy Blows Away Wind Power Competition in '06
    FPL Energy edged out Spanish-based utility giant IBERDROLA to become the top global wind power owner in 2006, according to the latest rankings by energy consultant Emerging Energy Research (EER). According to EER's Global Wind Plant Ownership Ranking, FPL Energy ended the year ahead of IBERDROLA by 156 MW following major U.S. project activations (see Power Market Today, Jan. 30). However, the Spanish utility is likely to reclaim the leadership position this year after acquiring ScottishPower, which represents 1,400 MW of wind power capacity installed in the United Kingdom and the United States, EER noted. EER ranks the global top 20 wind plant owners on a net-ownership basis, which together account for approximately one-third of wind power capacity worldwide.
    "Competition for global wind power leadership remains intense, with North America's sustained growth providing a major boost to FPL and up-and-coming IPPs [independent power producers] to compete with the acquisition strategies of European rivals," according to EER Research Director Keith Hays. "The rankings reflect a continuation of European utility dominance, though U.S. players' activations of mega projects and North America's broader growth prospects will increase competition across the Atlantic in the near future."

    The top 20 wind power operators in the ranking added more than 5,100 MW in 2006 through a mix of existing pipeline projects on line and completion of major developer acquisitions, according to EER, which is based in Cambridge, MA.

    Utilities dominated the rankings, representing 14 of the top 20 wind power owners ranked by EER. IPP activity is also on the rise as these utilities consolidate global pipelines. EER noted that major IPPs Acciona Energia, Babcock & Brown, Trinergy and Horizon have become key players through portfolio and project acquisition.

    "The industry's global scaling is drawing wind plant leaders into new domestic and international markets, with a focus on acquisitions and on execution of project pipelines resulting from these deals," said Hays. "Sustaining a steady flow of MW additions will become increasingly dependent on diversifying geographically, with North America evolving as the largest scale near-term opportunity for global leaders on top of steady, smaller European project growth."

    For more information on the ranking, visit www.emerging-energy.com .

  8. [verwijderd] 16 maart 2007 14:21
    Deutsche Essent to build 138 MW of new wind capacity this year
    The German arm of Dutch utility Essent plans to build wind farms with a total capacity of 138 MW in Germany this year, the company announced on Thursday. Of these, seven wind energy parks with a total of 86 MW would be erected in Lower-Saxony and transferred to the ownership of an affiliate of the US-based investment company ArcLight Capital Partners, Essent said. Essent would provide the operational management for all wind parks.
    “The generation of power from wind energy has a long tradition at Essent and is part of the strategic core activity of our company, said Paul van Son, managing director at Deutsche Essent.

    Last week, the company announced plans to modernise two existing wind parks in the Eemshaven region on the north coast of the Netherlands, with a view to increasing installed capacity from the current 44 MW to 156 MW (see EDEM 11.048). ADS

  9. [verwijderd] 16 maart 2007 14:32
    Spain's Gamesa to supply 202-MW of wind turbines for Veronagest
    Spanish wind turbine manufacturer Gamesa has landed two deals to supply and operate 202 MW of wind turbines for Veronagest SA at two sites in Italy, the company said late Wednesday. The contracts, valued at around Eur205 million ($271 million), are for a 180-MW wind farm made up of 75 turbines at 2 MW each and 35 at 750 KW a piece and for another 22-MW installation made up of 26 turbines at 850 KW a piece.
    The two installations are to be built over the 2008-2010 period.

    Prior to the two deals, Gamesa had supplied and installed more than 500 MW of wind turbines in Italy.

  10. [verwijderd] 29 maart 2007 13:04
    Gamesa Energia Polska To Invest 51.5 Mln Euro in Building Three Wind Farms
    Gamesa Energia Polska, the Polish unit of Spanish wind energy and aeronautical engineering company Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica, plans to invest more than 200 mln Polish zloty ($68.6 mln/51.5 mln euro) in the construction of three wind power facilities in the Podkarpackie province, in southeastern Poland, it was reported on March 29, 2007. The 60 MW turbines will be located in Dukla municipality, the director of Environmental and Agricultural department of the Podkarpacie province, Andrzej Kulig, said.
    Currently the combined capacity of the wind turbines across Poland stands at some 176 MW. This capacity is expected to expand to 300 MW by the end of 2007, according to estimates of Anna Paslawska, the director of Poland's Wind Energy Association.

    In 2006, the biggest investments in wind power were made by Spanish Iberdola and domestic companies Elektrownia Wiatrowa Kamiensk and Windpol.

    Polish company Polish Energy Partners has recently received permission to build a wind farm near Suwalki, in northeastern Poland, and plans to start the construction of a farm in Szczecin, in northwestern Poland, in the third quarter of 2007.

    Currently, the combined capacity of the wind turbines in the world stands at 75,000 MW. Germany has the largest wind energy market, with 20,600 MW of installed power.


    Source: Gazeta prawna (PD/VY/PD)

  11. [verwijderd] 30 maart 2007 15:08
    Nordex to build 60-MW Italian wind farm for Falck at Minervino
    German wind turbine manufacturer Nordex has received an order from Falck Renewables Limited to supply 29 2,300-kW wind turbines for a 60-MW wind farm at Minervino Murge, Puglia, Italy, Nordex said Friday. Total project cost is put at Eur80 million ($106.6 million). The wind farm is owned by Eolo 3W Minervino Murge Srl, a subsidiary of Falck. The turbines are to be 125 meters tall and built at an elevation of almost 600 meters, producing some 100 GWh/yr, sufficient to supply around 40,000 households. "At the same time, the wind farm will avoid around 86,000 tons of CO2 emissions annually," Nordex said.
    Work on Minervino Murge is to start in April, with the wind farm to go into operation at the end of February 2008.

    Nordex is building three large projects for Falck Renewables in the UK using similar N90 2,300-kW turbine models for a combined capacity of 125 MW. Falck Renewables is a subsidiary of the Italy-based group Falck SpA. Falck Renewables Italia has a capacity of around 350 MW under development with local partners.

  12. [verwijderd] 2 april 2007 11:35
    Bedankt voor de informatie over Nordex. Was nieuw voor mij. Goed dat u (relevant) nieuws op energiegebied blijft geven via een apart draadje. Eigenlijk toch ook wel handig. Zo weten we meteen waar we het nieuws op energiegebied snel kunnen vinden.
  13. [verwijderd] 3 april 2007 13:46
    British Gas parent starts building 180-MW offshore wind farm
    Centrica, the parent company of British Gas, has started construction on an offshore wind farm development equal in size to the largest in the UK by making a major investment in offshore wind turbines at its Lynn and Inner Dowsing sites in the Greater Wash off the Lincolnshire coast in eastern England, the company said March 5. Centrica has a contract with Siemens Power Generation to supply 54 3.6-MW turbines for the 180-MW development, enabling a range of other related contracts to progress. The project is expected to cost about £300 million ($584 million).
    Construction work is to start for the offshore site, four miles off the coast, in spring 2007, with onshore work to connect the power generation cable in Lincolnshire already ongoing. The project, which will be capable of supplying electricity to around 130,000 homes and will save an estimated 500,000 metric tons of CO2 every year compared with fossil-fuel combustion, is scheduled for completion by end-2008.

    The company is also a 50% partner in Barrow Offshore Wind, which is the same size as the Lynn and Inner Dowsing site. In addition, the company applied in January for planning consent to develop the 250-MW Lincs project, also in the Greater Wash.

    Centrica has also said it would become a 50% partner in the onshore Braes of Doune wind farm in central Scotland, which recently generated its first power, taking the UK's total installed wind capacity above 2000 MW. Braes of Doune is currently in its commissioning phase, with completion expected during spring 2007.

  14. [verwijderd] 4 april 2007 12:52
    Portugal's Alternative Energy Capacity Up to 6,975 MW Jan 2007
    Portugal's installed capacity for production of electricity from renewable energy sources reached 6,975 MW at the end of January 2007, up by 13 MW compared to the previous month, data of the general directorate of geology and energy DGGE showed on April 3, 2007. The increase resulted from the opening of a new wind farm and a small-sized hydro-energy production plant in the country in the period, DGGE added.
    The total wind power energy capacity in Portugal was 1,693 MW in January 2007, corresponding to 970 wind power turbines installed in 140 wind farms.

    In January 2007 Portugal's Government gave licences for installation of another 3,262 MW wind power capacity in the next years. As a result, DGGE forecasts the country's wind power capacity to go up to some 2,000 MW by the end of the first half of 2007.

    The licences for alternative energy production in Portugal, given by the government in the first month of 2007, amounted to 8,796 MW, up by 26 pct against the current installed capacity.

    Production of electricity from renewable energy sources rose to 1.63 TWh in January 2007 from 1.08 TWh in the same period of the previous year. The highest 66 pct rise was registered by hydro-energy electricity production.

    [Alternative name: Direccao Geral de Geologia e Energia (DGGE)]


  15. [verwijderd] 10 april 2007 12:57
    RTRS-Suzlon verhoogt bod op windturbinefabrikant REpower
    HAMBURG (ANP) - De Indiase fabrikant van windturbines Suzlon
    Energy heeft zijn bod op de Duitse branchegenoot REpower
    verhoogd tot 1,23 miljard euro, ofwel 150 euro per aandeel. Dat
    maakte het dinsdag bekend. Eerder bood Suzlon 126 euro per
    aandeel, maar dat bod werd overtroffen door de Franse
    kernenergieproducent Areva.

    Suzlon maakte verder bekend dat het in het paasweekeinde
    zijn belang in REpower met 7,7 procent heeft uitgebreid. Samen
    met de Portugese partner Martifer bezit het Indiase bedrijf nu
    32 tot 33 procent van de aandelen in RE power, terwijl Areva een
    belang van 30 à 31 procent in handen heeft. Het laatste bod van
    Areva bedroeg 140 euro per aandeel.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at)anp.nl, +31 20
    504 5999))
  16. [verwijderd] 10 april 2007 13:04
    Mitsui Has Faith in Polish Wind
    Another European wind power plant belonging to the Japanese company Mitsui is to be set up in Zajaczkowo, near Szczecin. Its energy is to be sold to houses, flats and production facilities in a year's time. The investment in Zachodniopomorskie will absorb around EUR70m. Twenty-four windmills will produce 48 MW of energy there. "This is the first investment by the Japanese in Polish energy. Apart from Japan, Mitsui has shares in wind farms in the US and Germany," Rzeczpospolita was told by Jan Michalowski from Zajaczkowo Windfarm, the company preparing the power station. It was founded by Mitsui, Electric Power Development (both holding 45 percent) and a Swiss firm Windfarmer. Wind energy is becoming increasingly popular in Poland. According to data from the Polish Wind Energy Association (PSEW), there are over thirty wind farms in Poland, producing 216 MW of energy. The figure could rise to 300 MW by the end of the year.
  17. [verwijderd] 10 april 2007 13:06
    Italian Wind Power Project Set
    Spanish power group Iberdrola said Monday it has agreed to form a 50-50 joint venture with Italian refiner API Holding to build and operate 350 megawatts of wind turbines in southern Italy. The new plants will cost around €500 million ($667 million). Most are already under development, and the two expect the turbines in Sicily and Puglia to start up in 2008 and 2009. API, which is Italy's third-largest refiner, began developing wind energy in 2000, and already has a 30 MW unit plus a modern 280 MW gas-fired power plant. On Friday, Italy's second-largest refiner, Erg, announced a $1.6 billion program of investments in wind turbines through 2010 (IOD Apr.2,p6). And earlier last week Endesa unveiled a $1.6 billion joint venture in Greece with a local partner (IOD Mar.29,p2).
  18. [verwijderd] 11 april 2007 13:04
    Spanish Ecotecnia To Install 170 MW Wind Turbines in Italy 2007-2008
    Spanish wind power company Ecotecnia will install 94 wind turbines with a total capacity of 170 MW in Italy in 2007 and 2008. Italy is a key market for Ecotecnia absorbing 70 pct of the company's exports. The Spanish company, which set foot in Italy in 1994, runs a 10 MW wind farm comprising six turbines in the country's southern region of Campania. It is also building a 70 MW wind farm in Sicily, which will operate with 47 turbines, and a 6.7 MW unit in Apulia, consisting of four turbines.
    Ecotecnia has also closed deals to install further 43 wind turbines in Italy in 2008 in three facilities with a combined capacity of 85 MW.

    Ecotecnia is present in Japan, France, Portugal, India and Cuba as well, having a total 72 wind farms outside Spain of 1,606 MW installed capacity.

    Meanwhile, Ecotecnia and investment group Gecal on March 26, 2007 reached an agreement to invest 90 mln euro ($121 mln) in an 80 MW wind complex in Zamora, Castille-Leon region, central Spain. Ecotecnia operates 466.8 MW wind facilities in the Castille-Leon region.

    (Alternative names: Sicilia, Puglia, Castilla-Leon)


    Source: Invertia (ID/VV/ID)

  19. [verwijderd] 17 april 2007 10:16
    RTRS-Areva verlengt bod op REpower
    PARIJS (ANP) - Het Franse kernenergiebedrijf Areva heeft de
    aanmeldingstermijn voor zijn overnamebod op de Duitse
    windturbinefabrikant REpower verlengd tot 4 mei. Tot dusver
    hebben te weinig aandeelhouders hun belang aangemeld voor de
    overname. Dat maakte het Franse bedrijf dinsdag bekend.

    Areva biedt 140 euro per aandeel voor het Duitse bedrijf,
    dat daarmee op 1,15 miljard euro wordt gewaardeerd. REpower
    staat echter ook in de belangstelling van het Indiase Suzlon
    Energy, dat bereid is 150 euro per aandeel op tafel te

    Areva heeft al een belang van ruim 30 procent in REpower en
    had gezegd zijn bod gestand te zullen doen bij aanmelding van de
    helft plus een van de rest van de aandelen.

    ((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at)anp.nl, +31 20
    504 5999))
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