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Goud / Zilver / USdollar / Olie (2)

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  1. [verwijderd] 25 juni 2009 20:03
    Goud / Zilver / USdollar / Olie nadert de 2000 berichten en na 124.800 page views is het dan een mooi moment om een vervolg thread te openen.

    Voorgaande thread Koffiekamer - Goud / Zilver / USdollar / Olie

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  2. maurice80 25 juni 2009 20:30
    Als je de TA bij tostrams bekijkt , dan is goud weer boven de korte termijn dalende trend gekropen.
    Wie het weet mag het zeggen ... haha
  3. [verwijderd] 25 juni 2009 22:55
    China Quietly Unloads Dollars For Gold

    China should buy gold to hedge dlr fall-researcher
    By Zhou Xin and Alan Wheatley BEIJING

    June 25 (Reuters) - China should buy more gold because the dollar is poised for a fall and the metal is needed to support the greater international role envisaged for the yuan, a senior researcher with the ruling Communist Party said on Thursday.

    Li Lianzhong, who heads the economic department of the Party’s policy research office, said China should use more of its $1.95 trillion in foreign exchange reserves to buy energy and natural resource assets.

    Speaking at a foreign exchange and gold forum, Li also said that buying land in the United States was a better option for China than buying U.S. Treasury securities.

  4. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009
    @ole III of Happy Smurf VI.....whatever:

    Euro locked in bearish consolidation -clip-

    Thursday, 25 June 2009 21:26:16 GMT

    The euro rallied for a test of 1.4010 against the US dollar today, and while the currency ended the day up against most of the majors, there are longer-term downside risks to consider.

    Today the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said that Ireland’s banks may face up to 35 billion euros in losses through 2010, as GDP there may shrink a cumulative 13.5 percent in the three years through 2010 and banks like the Bank of Ireland and Allied Irish Banks hold massive amounts of bad debts. This has prompted the Irish government to move toward a proposed “bad bank” called the National Asset Management Agency, which will buy as much as 90 billion euros in toxic property loans, according to Finance Minister Brian Lenihan. However, this is just one example of the sharp deterioration of Euro-zone member countries, and indicates that instability stemming from a “one size fits all” type of monetary policy enacted by the European Central Bank may only be starting to rear its head.

    Meanwhile, the euro held on to its gains from yesterday against the Swiss franc following intervention by the Swiss National Bank. The SNB has said multiple times in the past that they would do so, as an appreciation of the Swiss franc against the euro threatens to increase deflation risks, since the Euro-zone is Switzerland’s biggest trading partner.

    We gaan zien.....

  5. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 00:08

    AndyCap schreef:

    omdat zo'n vuurbal welliswaar een hoop licht geeft, maar 't duurt maar zo kort heh...en een ellende die je daarna hebt...


    Coleman was 't merk van mijn vuurbal. Hier liggen de overblijfselen in de tuin de ochtend erna. Nadat de deze vuurspuwer bijna de hele tent in de fik zette. Ik slingerde hem vanaf het terras weg. Wel mijn handje ook nog derde graad verbrand. Onderweg ook nog de sofa etc. in de fik + overal brandplekken.
    Die van mij ziet er hetzelfde uit.
    Mmmm, morgen eens even kijken naar het merk. Zat de lampenkop wel goed in het gasbusje gedraaid ?
  6. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 10:59
    Vanmorgen wat TLgoud verkocht. Hoewel ik het niet meer zo enorm ver zie dalen.....is 880 idd nog een (laatste?) mooie dipkoop mogelijkheid.

    We gaan zien........

  7. Kroq 26 juni 2009 12:17
    Gold Prepares For The Big One

    Longer term charts tell the tale and block out daily trading noise. This weekly chart with a hugely bullish, inverted head and shoulders forecasts a major gold buying event later this year. This would be consistent with our forecasts of smashed stock markets after Labor Day 2009. We cannot tell for certain how high the Dow and the S&P 500 might recover between now and September 15th. We do know this: Numerous information, technical interpretations, and other data signal a largely broken fall, 2009 stock market and a corresponding rally in precious metals. This is our prediction.

    We’ve all been patiently waiting for gold to breakout through strong resistance levels between $1,007 and $1,032. When the price has closed firmly and decisively over $1,032.50, we should expect $1,050, $1,150, $1,250-$1,260 and a potential for $1,375. These have been our previous gold price support and resistance forecasts expected for the December, 2009 futures contract highs.

    It is very important to understand that once these higher numbers are achieved it is not the end of this gold rally.

    Rather, once new loftier highs are posted and reasonably held, we should see a new and higher sequence of buying. Our very old gold high forecast of years ago was $2,960. As of today, we hold on that forecast for a minimum but are in fact expecting prices way beyond this figure.

    As markets move forward and post higher highs in certain commodities and especially gold and silver, we can technically determine what’s next. Somewhere along the trading trail in the next few months, precious metals shares will breakaway from the influence and attachment of other stock markets. We are not there yet but we have seen some tiny signals telling us this is coming.

    Should gold be inflation adjusted today to its proper price, gold would exceed $2,250 in our view. If we say our minimum is $2,960, these two correlated prices are not all that far apart. What I want to figure out next is; where is gold going after $2,960? This can be determined when other related new market prices and techncials are established in crude oil, credit, silver, and grains.

    When gold goes on a rocket-rally, silver being more volatile will amaze on the upside. There should be no surprise that silver has some futures trading limit-up days in the months ahead. Despite worries by some silver analysts (including us) that silver might smother under the weight of dying commercial depression effects, we say silver changes itself from a mostly industrial metal into a newly recognized currency. We have seen some smaller, sympathetic communities using silver “rounds” or commemorative coins for local trading and commerce.

    They are not real currency but those trading them for local services and goods clearly understand their intrinsic value. Meanwhile, the failed California state government who cannot control their drunken spending is preparing to dive into total failure July 15th and issue script or “play money” as they are plumb out of cash and credit.

    Adios California; Arnold can run to the Prez and Timmy for a nice credit-bond guarantee. The New York Banksters will give them the money as they get an ironclad repayment note voucher from the Federal Reserve and US Treasury. How can us broken taxpayers get such a payment? Not a chance.

    We received a notice today from our broker advising some nonsensical senate subcommittee released a negative report regarding excessive speculation in wheat. You really do not want to know our opinion on this one except to say it’s probably the product of some bureaurat pinheads casting dispersions on traders with little, or no knowledge of what they are talking about. It’s just more useless bad information. Markets should be left alone. If these dolts cannot monitor the Federal Reserve and Treasury’s antics on derivatives, credit, bonds, mortgages and the stock markets, what makes them think they know squat about wheat?

    Wheat traders have been doing quite nicely since the 1740’s when the first historical commodity records were kept. Markets and trading are about price discovery. They do not need childish meddling by people with no experience. This is dangerous to the global food supply and inherently disruptive. For another example on this look what Enron did when government fools changed the trading rules just for them so they could originate their own little special trading platform.

    Here is a new forecast: Chopper Ben’s term expires in January, 2010. After the fall markets’ crash, we think Benny loses his job and becomes an administration scapegoat for all of their instigated problems. It really doesn’t matter as they will replace him with another similar yes-man taking his orders directly from the banksters.

    Markets are nearing a peak in precious metals shares that generally follow primary stock indexes. As the current stock market peaking descends into the tardy Sell in May, PM shares normally follow. With each cycle we think gold and silver shares might sell less posting higher lows. This could be decided on the shorter term by how low our S&P’s trade. We expect 800 to 850 with 800 being more probable. One of these days PM shares will disregard all broken markets and rocket rally. Not yet.

    Do not get tangled-up in daily noise. Keep studying the larger view and buy precious metals after each profit-taking correction. Headwinds are building into an economic hurricane. Take care of business right now. My dire fall prediction might surprise us and arrive earlier. Time is short. By the way, we bought more silver today.

    Bron: kitco.com
  8. Kroq 26 juni 2009 12:18
    Gold Gains on Speculation Low Interest Rates Will Spur Demand

    (Bloomberg) -- Gold prices rose on speculation that record-low U.S. interest rates will boost demand for the metal as an alternative investment. Silver also advanced.

    The Federal Reserve yesterday left its key bank-lending rate target at zero to 0.25 percent and said it is likely to remain at “exceptionally low levels” for an “extended period.” The central bank also reiterated its plan to buy as much as $1.75 trillion in U.S. Treasury securities and bonds as a way to ease credit. Some investors buy gold to preserve value.

    “If interest rates remain low, it’s encouraging for gold,” Bernard Sin, the head of currency and metals trading at Swiss refiner MKS Finance SA, said by telephone from Geneva.

    Gold futures for August delivery rose $5.10, or 0.5 percent, to $939.50 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange’s Comex division. The price is up 0.5 percent in the past five sessions.

    Bullion for immediate delivery rose $6.91, or 0.7 percent, to $938.31 an ounce at 7:58 p.m. in London. London spot prices are up 0.4 percent this week after three weeks of declines.

    Silver futures for July delivery, the contract with the most volume today, rose 9.5 cents, or 0.7 percent, to $14.005 an ounce in New York. The September contract, which has the most open interest, climbed 9 cents, or 0.6 percent, to $14.032 an ounce.

    Silver for immediate delivery in London jumped 13.63 cents, or 1 percent, to $14.0013 an ounce at 7:59 p.m. local time.

    First-time claims for jobless benefits in the U.S. unexpectedly rose by 15,000 to 627,000 last week, the Labor Department said today in Washington. The Federal Reserve said yesterday that the economy’s slump is “slowing.”

    Reminder of ‘Trouble’

    Today’s unemployment report is “just a reminder that the labor market is still in serious trouble,” said Ryan Sweet, an economist at Moody’s Economy.com in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

    “The poorer-than-expected initial jobless claims support precious metals,” Miguel Perez-Santalla, a Heraeus Precious Metals Management sales vice president in New York, said by e- mail.

    Jobless rates “represent one of the principal ‘green shoots’ that observers have placed so much emphasis upon during the current year,” Jon Nadler, an analyst at Kitco Metals Inc. in Montreal, said today in a note. “The Fed is cognizant of not only the fragile state of the green shoots, but also of the dangers that inflation could present if too much time elapses before the interest-rate trigger is finally pulled.”

    Still ‘Bullish’

    Barclays Capital Plc’s technical analysts, including New York-based Jordan Kotick and London-based Phil Roberts, said in a report today that they are “bullish” on gold in the “medium term,” adding that a “secular uptrend points to further gains to $1,033-$1,200” an ounce. Gold reached a record $1,033.90 on March 17, 2008.

    The metal rose to $937.25 in the afternoon “fixing” in London, the price used by some mining companies to sell their output, from $934.25 this morning.

    China should buy gold rather than U.S. debt because the Fed’s policies make dollar depreciation inevitable, Li Lianzhong, a senior Communist Party official, told a conference in Beijing today, Market News reported. China’s reserves rose 76 percent in six years to 1,054 metric tons by April, Hu Xiaolian, the head of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, said on April 24.

    The comments “add further support to the long-term outlook for gold,” James Moore, an analyst at TheBullionDesk.com in London, said in a note. “Coupled with the Fed’s ongoing quantitative easing policy and the inflationary pressures this will create, we believe gold will remain supported.”

    Investment in the SPDR Gold Trust, the biggest exchange- traded fund backed by bullion, was unchanged at 1,131.24 tons as of yesterday, the company’s Web site showed.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Nicholas Larkin in London at nlarkin1@bloomberg.net; Halia Pavliva in New York at hpavliva@bloomberg.net.

    Bron:L Bloomberg.com
  9. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 15:26
    Friday, 26 June 2009 10:09:28 GMT
    USD Sold on More China Reserve Currency Talk

    A data light overnight session failed to dissuade traders from selling their USDs and buying back into currencies, with Sterling leading the charge. China was back on the wires talking down the USD reserve currency status after calling for the world to cut its reliance on a small set of reserve currencies through the creation of a super-sovereign currency.
  10. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 19:36

    Beleggen De dollar is niet meer te vertrouwen, leve het goud
    Iedereen heeft goudkoorts
    Door: Camil Driessen
    Gepubliceerd: gisteren 23:28
    Update: gisteren 23:21

    De goudprijs steeg in vijf jaar van 400 naar bijna 1.000 dollar. ‘Goud moet terug als munteenheid.’

    ‘Goud is de kanarie in de kolenmijn.’ James Turk is oprichter van Goldmoney: een online goudhandel met 694 miljoen dollar aan goud en zilver in kas. Volgens Turk laat de stijgende goudprijs van de laatste vijf jaar zien dat centrale banken hun werk slecht doen. ‘Zoals de kanarie van mijnwerkers begon te fluiten als er geen zuurstof meer in de mijn was, zo laat de goudprijs zien hoe het met de waarde van geld gaat.’ Hij is wat ze in Amerika een goldbug noemen. Turk zweert bij goud en is er heilig van overtuigd dat de waarde alleen maar kan stijgen.

    Hij staat niet alleen. Ook analisten waarbij geen goudkoorts is geconstateerd voorspellen een waardestijging. ‘Goud is een veilige schuilplaats’, volgens Nicholas Brooks, hoofd investeringsstrategie van ETF Securities in Londen. Dat investeerders dekking zoeken heeft te maken met de rol van de dollar in het internationale monetaire systeem. Sinds munteenheden in de jaren zeventig werden losgekoppeld van de goudwaarde, nam de dollar wereldwijd de rol van reserve munteenheid in. Maar door de enorme staatsschuld en handelstekorten van de VS is die rol nu uitgespeeld. Brooks: ‘Ik geloof niet dat de euro die rol gaat overnemen. In de toekomst zal waarschijnlijk een combinatie van munteenheden gebruikt worden, maar tot die tijd is er vooral onzekerheid. En goud biedt bescherming.’

    Dat de rol van de dollar lijkt uitgespeeld als reservemunteenheid werd gisteren nog bevestigd door Li Lianzhong, hoofd van de economische onderzoeksafdeling van de Chinese Communistische Partij. ‘De VS printen op zo’n grote schaal dollars bij dat er volgens de economische wetten geen twijfel is dat de dollar gaat dalen. Goud is dus een betere keuze.’

    Het klinkt Turk als muziek in de oren. Beetje voor beetje komt zijn droom dichterbij. ‘Ik wil dat goud, zoals honderden jaren het geval was, weer wordt gebruikt als munteenheid.’ Een digitale munteenheid welteverstaan. Met Goldmoney bedacht hij een moderne manier om in goud te handelen. Daarvoor vroeg (en kreeg) hij vier patenten. Via Goldmoney.com kunnen klanten goud kopen en verkopen. Ze kunnen het goud thuisbezorgd krijgen, maar de meesten laten het in de kluis in Zürich of Londen liggen. Sinds maart is er zelfs een iPhone-applicatie waarmee Goldmoneyleden al zo weinig als een centigram goud (ongeveer 30 dollarcent) aan elkaar kunnen overmaken.

    Turk denkt nog steeds dat goud in de kinderschoenen staat. ‘Ik blijf bij mijn voorspelling uit 2003.’ Destijds voorspelde de goudgoeroe dat de prijs binnen 10 tot 15 jaar zo’n 7.000 dollar zou zijn. Zover wil Christopher Wyke, commodities productmanager van Schroders, niet gaan. Maar ook hij verwacht het komende jaar een flinke stijging. ‘De stijging van het afgelopen jaar komt enkel door particulieren die zich op goud storten. Maar dit jaar gaan ook investeerders en centrale banken er voor. Dat kan zomaar tot een verdubbeling van de prijs leiden.’

    Arme Gordon Brown. Tien jaar geleden verkocht hij als minister van Financiën de helft van de Britse goudvoorraad voor 275 dollar per ounce. De Britse pers noemde het in 2007 ‘Brown’s £2 billion blunder.’ Die blunder is nu een miljardje hoger.

  11. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 19:41

    mineset schreef:

    Ik hou dit scenario voor mogelijk en ben voornemens rond de 890/900 weer in te stappen.

    We gaan zien.........

    Lijkt mij onwaarschijnlijk met deze vooruitzichten. er wordt waarschijnlijk meer vers geld in markt gezet als officieel wordt aangegeven.

    VS inflatieverwachting 12-maanden juni +3,1% Vs +2,8% in mei
    VS inflatieverwachting 5-jaar juni +3,0% Vs +2,9% in mei.

    Met dit scenario kan de deflatie dreiging voorlopig in de ijskast, iedereen heeft er nu de mond vol van.
    Het verklaard misschien ook de stabiele stijging van de laatste 2 weken.
    Sommige landen/beleggers kijken vooruit en niet naar TA analisten.

    Het blijven echter maar gedachten.

  12. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 19:58
    Dan Norcini:

    Waarom het zo vreselijk moeilijk is om in de huidige bullion- en mijnaandelen markten te handelen. Slechts short term (1-2 uur) handelen kan nog echt de moeite lonen.


    Trader Dan Comments On Recent Gold Action
    Posted: Jun 26 2009 at 1:46 pm

    Dear CIGAs,

    The battle between the inflationists and the deflationists continues unabated with market gyrations becoming increasingly violent as neither side appears able to gain an advantage.
    -Just as it looks as if the bond market is going to side with the inflationists, it miraculously bounces from a major long term support area and ricochets higher while crude oil simultaneously drops lower giving up the gains from the previous day.

    Trying to make sense out of all these wild price swings? Why bother; no one knows what is going on or what is coming with any degree of conviction to stand firm in their trading positions.
    -Traders are buying and then dumping, selling and then covering with what can best be described as bipolar behavior.
    -The markets have become nearly useless for sending any kind of price signals that are remotely reliable.

    As such, only short term traders and I do mean short term (one hour or two at the most) can play in this sandbox.
    -Those who believe gold is going much higher are better served simply accumulating the metal on any bouts of price weakness and finding an enjoyable hobby with which to occupy their time while the hedge funds murder and maim one another.

    The price discovery mechanism is therefore short circuited for now as these things are merely bouncing around with the money flows on any given day.
    -If the funds decide to buy, they go up – if the funds decide to sell, they go down. That is all that anyone really needs to know to explain any of this.
    -I honestly do feel sympathy for the end users and producers of commodities who are attempting to get some sort of read on all this speculative idiocy in an attempt to establish legitimate risk management positions.

    That brings us to gold – it is caught up in these same forces along with the rest of the markets and particularly the commodity sector.
    -It does not know whether to follow crude oil down or follow the movement in the US Dollar or the bond market.

    In my opinion, the federal monetary authorities have so interfered in the free market process and in the price discovery mechanism that they are responsible for a great deal of this confusion which is manifesting itself in these bizarre day to day price gyrations.
    -When you have the Fed actively buying in the bond market in a deliberate attempt to artificially keep longer term interest rates excessively low, how can it be said with a straight face that the market is attempting to find the true rate of interest? The feds will not let it.
    -The longer they meddle the more the distortions they are producing will increase and only serve to compound matters and further muddy the already murky waters.
    -Hayek must be rolling over in his grave in witnessing all this centralized planning by hubristic men enamored with their own wisdom and prognosticative ability.

    The mining shares, as evidenced by the HUI and the XAU, after bouncing strongly from the last swing low and looking like they are putting in an upside reversal on the weekly charts, are running into a bit of selling associated with the weakness in the broader equities and the deflation play as bonds move higher.

    Open interest in Comex gold continues to remain locked within what can also be described as a relatively narrow range which also tends to confirm the lackluster, meandering consolidation pattern that the market continues to sketch on the technical charts.
    -It looks like the summer doldrums are upon us. I am not sure what it will take to snap us out of this range other than a very sharp drop in the Dollar below support firstly near the 79.50 level and more critically, the 78.40 region.

    At some point, this struggle between the deflationists and the inflationists will come to a conclusion and the markets will resume a more “orderly” behavior.
    -I am in the camp of the inflationists when it comes to hard assets. When it does, gold will accelerate to the upside as the market then anticipates the wave of inflation.
    -Right now everyone is sitting around debating whether the market has confidence in the Fed to head off any nascent inflationary pressures should those surface. That is folly in my opinion.
    -These guys are wishing, hoping, praying and doing rain dances in the hopes that inflation will show up. They want it to show up and rear its head.
    -The problem they face is that once that genie is out of the bottle, they are no longer in control, all claims to the contrary.

    In looking over this environment, it seems to me one of the key missing factors on the inflation front is the absence of any real upward pressure on wages.
    -We do have the commodity world bottoming out as evidenced by the CCI and the move up and away from the $35 - $40 level in crude oil and gasoline price increases but with the economy in the crapper, it is an employer’s market and workers have little in the way of clout that they could bring to justify increases in wages.
    -Hey, if you have 5 guys standing in line to replace you it does not exactly give you the chutzpah to go in and demand a pay increase.

    The problem arises when the weakness in the Dollar translates into speculative buying in the commodity complex which forces prices upward in energy, food and raw materials.
    -That translates into higher prices at the retail level if merchants wish to maintain their profit margins.
    -Consumers fall further behind because their wages are not keeping up with the increases in the basic necessities of life so discretionary spending suffers unless they are willing to dig themselves deeper into debt, something which does not appear to be happening.

    All in all, the middle class gets further squeezed as they find themselves unable to maintain the lifestyle which their parents enjoyed.
    -Increasingly, it seems to me that more and more Americans are finding themselves depressed when looking into the future of their kids and grandkids.
    -For maybe the first time in our history in a long time, more and more Americans do not believe that their children will be better off than they were.
    -That is what is perhaps the most pernicious of effects of the damnable and cursed Federal Reserve and their pals on Wall Street and allies in the federal government who will not stop spending money that they do not have.

    That more than anything is the reason to hold physical gold – you must protect your family from the depredations of these detestable leeches who are intent on destroying our national currency all for short term gain.
  13. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 23:11
    For those that profess all is well and getting better, have a look at this -clip+F11 toets voor gehele beeld-.

    Now here is a lot of improvement!
  14. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 23:18
    The why behind the “no comment” on Bernanke’s grilling yesterday on the Merrill deal is because it is just too embarrassing for any American to have a major financial leader dogged by such a paper trail.


    A note on the form of inflation coming: It has NOTHING whatsoever to do with consumer demand pull or wage cost push. It will be a currency related item producing hyperinflation in the midst of ugly business conditions.

    These conditions have always been the result of QE where there is no practical method of draining, regardless of a political situation, war or now management of perception economics.
  15. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 23:19

    As the first user of fiat currency, China has had an early history of troubles caused by hyperinflation. The Yuan Dynasty printed huge amounts of fiat paper money to fund their wars, and the resulting hyperinflation, coupled with other factors, led to its demise at the hands of a revolution. The Republic of China went through the worst inflation 1948-49. In 1947, the highest denomination was 50,000 yuan. By mid-1948, the highest denomination was 180,000,000 yuan. The 1948 currency reform replaced the yuan by the gold yuan at an exchange rate of 1 gold yuan = 3,000,000 yuan. In less than 1 year, the highest denomination was 10,000,000 gold yuan. In the final days of the civil war, the Silver Yuan was briefly introduced at the rate of 500,000,000 Gold Yuan. Meanwhile the highest denomination issued by a regional bank was 6,000,000,000 yuan (issued by XinJiang Provincial Bank in 1949). After the renminbi was instituted by the new communist government, hyperinflation ceased with a revaluation of 1:10,000 old Renminbi in 1955.
  16. [verwijderd] 26 juni 2009 23:20

    The most popular question I receive on a daily basis is to comment on the gold to silver ratio.

    Here is my answer and promise to you:

    As pressure to deliver gold hits the COMEX exchange in the last quarter of 2009 with titanic force, the ratio trades will totally explode, killing the gold to silver spread traders.

    With gold to silver ratios you are not buying insurance, you are a gambleholic buying decimation.
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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 04 maart

    1. Nedap Q4-cijfers
    2. TKH Q4-cijfers
    3. Recticel Q4-cijfers
    4. Allfunds Q4-cijfers
    5. Werkloosheid januari (eur)
    6. Best Buy Q4-cijfers
    7. Pharming - Bava
    8. Atenor Q4-cijfers
  2. 05 maart

    1. Inkoopmanagersindex diensten februari def. (Jap)
    2. Inkoopmanagersindex diensten Caixin februari (Chi)
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht