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ATAC resources ATC.V

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  1. [verwijderd] 8 juli 2010 19:08
    Go !

    July 8, 2010
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Makes Silver-Lead-Zinc-Indium Discovery at Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 8, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce that it has made a significant silver-lead-zinc-indium discovery at the Ocelot target located in the western portion of its wholly owned Rau Gold Project in the Keno Hill Mining District, which is historically Canada's second largest primary silver producer.

    The Ocelot target occurs along both sides of the regional structural corridor that hosts the Tiger Zone gold mineralization, 15 km to the southeast. Locally, it is situated in lowlands 1.5 km west of the Wind River Winter Road and is identified by a natural spring gossan and vegetation kill zone measuring approximately 300 by 150 m. ATAC staked the gossan in 2008 as part of its district-wide land acquisition program to secure the on-strike continuation of favorable host rocks of the Rau Gold discovery.

    For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at www.atacresources.com.
  2. [verwijderd] 29 juli 2010 17:14
    ress Release Source: ATAC Resources Ltd. On Thursday July 29, 2010, 8:30 am EDT

    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 29, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC - News) is pleased to announce that it has made another significant gold discovery at its wholly owned Rau Gold Project in the Keno Hill Mining District of central Yukon Territory.

  3. [verwijderd] 5 augustus 2010 14:34

    August 5, 2010
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Intersects 38.80 Metres of 17.11 g/t Gold and 58.92 Metres of 8.70 g/t Gold at Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Aug. 5, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to report assay results from initial 2010 diamond drilling in the oxide portion of the Tiger Zone at its wholly owned Rau Gold Project in the Keno Hill Mining District.
  4. [verwijderd] 6 augustus 2010 09:32
    Tsja,de tijd van 100 Baggers ist vorbei(herfst 2008/voorjaar2009).Maar mss nog 10Baggers:)

    PS maar 3Baggers kan ook mooi zijn,toch?
    Of 1Bagger.........?

  5. [verwijderd] 6 augustus 2010 10:34
    Dit was infill drilling.
    Maar het verhaal Atac is zeer interessant om te volgen.
    Ze hebben een enorm exploratiepotentieel, zijn well funded en zeer intensief aan het boren, en bij de tiger zone (waar deze resultaten van komen) zit het goud al op geringe diepte, met prima kansen voor een goeie starter pit.
    Daarbij kent het management team de Yukon als hun broekzak.
  6. [verwijderd] 12 augustus 2010 07:07
    even de admini bijwerken:).
    De krs bijwerken doet de broker wel:)

    Thursday July 29, 2010, 8:30 am EDT
    ATAC Resources Makes a New Gold Discovery on Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon

    Tuesday August 3, 2010, 10:51 am EDT
    ATAC Resources Updates East Zone Drilling at Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon

    hursday August 5, 2010, 8:30 am EDT
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Intersects 38.80 Metres of 17.11 g/t Gold and 58.92 Metres of 8.70 g/t Gold at Its Rau Gold Project-Yukon

  7. [verwijderd] 1 september 2010 14:45
    September 1, 2010
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Makes a New Carlin-Type Discovery at Its Rau Gold Project in Yukon
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 1, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce that the first diamond drill hole at the Osiris Target on its Sten claim block has intersected 9.26 g/t gold over 31.13 m within a larger interval that averaged 4.65 g/t gold over 65.20 m. Assays from the remaining 98 m of the hole are still pending. Significant intervals for the top portion of OS-10-01 are tabulated below:

    ATAC is a well funded junior mining company focused on precious metals. For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd. or its various exploration projects please visit ATAC's website at www.atacresources.com.

  8. [verwijderd] 17 september 2010 03:48
    SMD.V.....GAH(10%) van ATAC roert zich ......

    September 16, 2010
    Strategic Metals Ltd. Options Out 21 of Its More Than 60 Gold Projects
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 16, 2010) - Strategic Metals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SMD) ("Strategic") announces that it has entered into a letter agreement with Wolverine Minerals Corp., which grants Wolverine the optional right to earn 100% interests in 21 of Strategic's more than 60 gold prospects. All 21 of the projects are prospective for orogenic style gold mineralization.

    Under terms of the option sales agreement, Wolverine can earn its interest by initially paying Strategic $100,000 and issuing Strategic common shares equal to 19.9% of its outstanding share position after completing a financing of $2 million, and subsequently making additional cash payments to Strategic totalling $2.9 million over three years. Upon earn-in, Strategic will retain a 2% net smelter return royalty in any commercial production of precious metals from any and all of the properties and a 1% net smelter return royalty in any other metal or mineral production. During the earn-in period, Strategic also will have the optional right to participate in future financings by Wolverine to maintain its 19.9% stake in that company.

    All of the 21 properties are located in either the Dawson Range Gold Belt of west-central Yukon, where recent discoveries have been announced by Underworld Resources, Kaminak Resources and Rockhaven Resources, or in the Finlayson District of eastern Yukon, which is the fault off-set extension of the Dawson Range Gold Belt. The location of the various properties and their generalized geological settings can be seen on Strategic's website www.strategicmetalsltd.com.
  9. [verwijderd] 20 oktober 2010 15:02
    October 20, 2010
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Increases its Land Position Near its Recent Osiris Discovery
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Oct. 20, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) announces that it has staked an additional 801 claims at its wholly-owned Rau Gold Project, which is located in the Keno Hill district of central Yukon Territory.

    The new claims adjoin the eastern and northeastern edges of the Company's existing claim block. The additional 167 sq/km of staking increases the Company's land position near its recent Osiris discovery, where Carlin-type gold mineralization occurs at the Osiris, Isis, Conrad and Eaton Zones. These zones lie within a 25 km belt of anomalous gold and pathfinder geochemistry, which was previously known as the Sten area but has now been named the Nadaleen Trend. Assays from the upper half of the first hole from the Osiris Zone averaged 4.65 g/t gold over 65.20 m (see news release dated September 1, 2010). An updated claim map can be viewed on ATAC's website.
  10. [verwijderd] 22 november 2010 15:29
    November 22, 2010
    Manson Creek Stakes Additional Claims Adjacent to ATAC's Rau Property, Yukon
    CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Nov. 22, 2010) - Manson Creek Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:MCK) ('Manson Creek') is pleased to announce the completion of claim staking in the Mayo mining district of the Yukon. The recent staking has expanded Manson Creek's Tell property to approximately 1,950 hectares. The claims are contiguous with the ATAC Rau property, located approximately 140 kilometers east of Mayo, Yukon.
  11. [verwijderd] 1 december 2010 06:23
    bericht nabeurs van ATAC.........7.39..............

    November 30, 2010
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Drilling Confirms Two New Gold Discoveries Along Nadaleen Trend, Osiris Area-Yukon
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Nov. 30, 2010) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce final 2010 diamond drill results from the Osiris area, located along the Nadaleen Trend of the Company's wholly-owned 1,600 sq/km Rackla Gold Belt in central Yukon. Based on the results of the Osiris area drilling and new Nadaleen Fault discoveries at the Conrad and Eaton Showings, the Company has increased its proposed 2011 drill program to include a minimum of 40,000 m of diamond drilling utilizing up to eight drills.

    The Nadaleen Trend is defined by a 25 km long, 5 km wide, east-west trending belt where stream sediment samples are highly anomalous for arsenic and/or thallium and mercury. Eight days of surface follow up and four weeks of reconnaissance drilling within a restricted eight sq/km area of the Nadaleen Trend revealed five significant areas of surface gold showings. Four of these targets were drilled, resulting in three confirmed gold discoveries at the Osiris, Conrad and Eaton Showings. The remaining 90% of the Nadaleen Trend will be aggressively explored in 2011. Highest gold grades are associated with intense decalcification or decarbonatization and clay alteration of limestone, and enhanced thallium content - all of which are signature characteristics of Carlin-type mineralization.

    For additional information concerning ATAC Resources Ltd., please visit ATAC's website at www.atacresources.com.

  12. [verwijderd] 16 juni 2011 10:18
    Ondanks de al hoge market cap lijkt ATAC toch wel het juweel in de kroon in goudmijnenland, en misschien wel juweel en kroon ineen. Begin drilling nog maar net aangekondigd, en ze komen al met een vroeg in het seizoen geboord gat met prachtintervallen.

    Overal waar de boor in gaat, is het raak, en ze hebben een 180 kilometer lang gebied, the cream of the carlin style cream, in de Yukon.

    ATAC Resources Ltd. Drills Significant New Silver-Lead-Zinc Discovery at its Ocelot Target, Rackla Gold Project-Yukon

    Highlights of the Ocelot discovery include:

    -- Best grade interval yielding 145.43 g/t silver, 3.36% lead and 11.65%
    zinc across 41.72 m;
    -- Drilled intervals of semi-massive to massive sulphide up to 63 m
    -- Near surface replacement-style sulphide mineralization starting at 57 m
    in the hole;
    -- The gossan is at the east end of a 2.3 by 1.0 km lead and zinc soil
    geochemical anomaly;
    -- Located 60 km from an all-season highway and 1.5 km north of the Wind
    River Winter Road.

    Als de eerste drillings - met name Osiris gebied is belangrijk - de Carlin style mineralisation bevestigen, gaat het dak er af.

    => It was abreathtaking moment. It's kind of the Holy Grail of gold deposits."

    Mike Burke, former head of the Yukon Geological Service, I think nailed it when he called Atac's discovery the "holy grail" of what gold companies have been looking for. As Burke said, "I had a physical reaction looking at ATAC's core. Seriously. In the spring, I went down to the GSN Conference, and we did a field trip to some deposits similar to Nevada's Carlin Trend. When I looked at that drill core from Osiris, the similarity was astounding. It was a breathtaking moment. It's kind of the Holy Grail of gold deposits."
    (As an aside, he now works for Golden Predator.)

  13. [verwijderd] 27 juli 2011 22:20
    Kees33, deze kan nog weleens een paar honderd procent doorlopen.
    Osiris is geen conventionele ontedekking, maar kan een v/d zoveel deposits worden langs de Nadaleen vault van 25 k/m.
    En nog maar niet te spreken over de 100 k/m niet geteste gebied tot aan Tiger.
    En vanaf Tiger waar al meerdere prospects zijn ontdekt. 200 k/m binnen twee thrust vaults. Alle pathfinder kenmerken voor deposits ala Carlin zijn er, nu nog 4 jaar door boren.
    Er zijn al meerdere prospects benoemd in het Nadaleen gebied. Mogelijk komt er een permanente kamp, wat boren over het hele jaar kan betekenen.

  14. [verwijderd] 13 september 2011 14:44

    relikwie schreef op 25 augustus 2011 15:22:

    Nieuws verwacht deze week of vroeg volgende week.
    September 13, 2011
    ATAC Resources Ltd. Intersects 188.07 g/t Silver, 8.69% Lead and 6.06% Zinc Over 37.91 m at its Ocelot Silver-Lead-Zinc Target-Yukon
    VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Sept. 13, 2011) - ATAC Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:ATC) is pleased to announce the final 2011 drill results from its Ocelot silver-lead-zinc discovery. The Ocelot is located within the Rau Trend in the western portion of ATAC's 100% owned Rackla Gold Project in the Keno Hill Mining District, Canada's second largest primary silver producer.

    The 2011 diamond drilling program consisted of 19 holes totaling 3784.75 m. The first five holes returned encouraging results near surface (see news release dated June 13, 2011). Additional drilling was conducted along strike and down dip from these initial diamond drill holes. Significant results from the remaining 14 holes are tabulated below.

    A plan view of the Ocelot drill holes can be viewed on ATAC's website, www.atacresources.com. All drill holes in this release are presented in cross-sectional and 3-D views at www.corebox.net, with a link also available on ATAC's website.
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