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MacArthur Minerals (gold, lithium. nickel, cobalt, iron)

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  1. sjon 22 april 2018 12:54
    MacArthur Minerals is een Pilbara area-play die tot nu toe redelijk onder de radar is gebleven en noteert op een bijna all-time low van $0,045

    Deze Junior houdt zich i.t.t. tot veel andere kleine Juniors in de Pilbara niet alleen maar met conglomorate goud bezig maar ook met Lithium. Nickel, Cobalt, en Iron.

    De komende tijd kunnen we diverse press releases verwachten (zie email van het bedrijf hieronder) en gezien de attractieve landpackages in de Pilbara, waarvan vele zich in de buurt bevinden van Novo Resources bevinden lijkt het slechts een kwestie van tijd voordat ook deze Junior de tocht omhoog in zal zetten.

    Good luck to all longs,


    "working on all fronts"
    19 Apr 2018, 14:00

    Email from MMS by courtesy of Kourki at CEO

    The Company is currently working on all fronts of the business. We are now in the first stage of exploration for the conglomerate gold ground which consists of ground mapping and soil sampling, geophysics and costeaning.

    The Company is also waiting results from a stream sediment sampling program conducted at Panorama and Bonnie Scot Projects in the Pilbara.

    The Company is also working to complete detailed geophysical surveys including ground and downhole EM around prospective nickel and cobalt targets identified from past drill assays at the Snark, Clark Hill and Moonshine prospects.

    Macarthur is fully focused on the development of its iron ore resource in the Yilgarn. For this to occur the company must seek and receive transport allocation (at a commercial rate) for rail and port access. The recent announcement of CLF on the closure of their APIO mining and export operations certainly add to transport and export capacity being available in the near term.

    Kind Regards,
    Nicola Ingram Company Secretary

    Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboar...
  2. sjon 26 april 2018 00:08
    Cadence Minerals pleased with rapid progress at Macarthur Minerals

    12:08 25 Apr 2018

    "We are pleased that Macarthur Minerals is making rapid progress with each of its major projects."
    Cadence owns a 15% stake in Macarthur

    Cadence Minerals Plc (LON:KDNC) relayed a positive update from the group’s 15% owned Macarthur Minerals which highlighted progress in what was described as an active first quarter.

    "We are pleased that Macarthur Minerals is making rapid progress with each of its major projects," said Kiran Morzaria, Cadence chief executive.

    In MacArthur’s own statement, its executive chairman Cameron McCall told investors that the company is in a strong position to exploit opportunities in the Yilgarn region of Western Australia.
    READ: Cadence Minerals boosted by Macarthur breakthrough at Lake Giles

    He highlighted certain operations which will close in the region, and that will free up existing infrastructure for other firms.

    “The company has been in discussions with key Union and Government agencies, including the Southern Ports Authority, as well as mining, infrastructure and engineering service companies to refine operational costs,” McCall said.

    “In March 2018, Macarthur commissioned a London based research firm, Hallgarten & Company to complete an internal business investigation plan looking at the infrastructure that may be available from the closure of Cliffs’ Asia Pacific Iron Ore operations, and the Company’s 2012 PFS on the Ularring Hematite Project.

    “This plan indicates that there is potential commercial benefit for development of the company’s iron ore projects.”

    He added: “In addition, the company has commenced discussions with project finance groups and off-take trading partners. I assure you, the company has been actively preparing on all fronts to ensure the successful development of its iron ore assets.”
  3. sjon 26 april 2018 00:09
    Evans, Haythorpe and Philips: Top Notch!

    With the appointment of Earl Evans (former Chairman, now back on the MMS board) and
    Andrew Haythorpe (Technical Advisor) to the gold and lithium team and with the formidable
    Joe Phillips as new CEO Macarthur seems poised for a breakout.

    Good and experienced management is what it's all about in the junior mining business and
    MacArthur's board and directors are just that; they have a great track record.

    Everything is good!

    We should move up soon.....

    Holding with confidence!


    Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboar...
  4. sjon 1 mei 2018 19:43

    Meer dan 1 miljoen aandelen verhandeld met een 10% koerswinst. (Van $0,05 naar $0,055) De afgelopen maanden waren zulke aantallen altijd crosstrades maar deze keer niet en dat betekent voor het eerst in vele maanden een stijging van MacArthur omdat iemand een 10% premie heeft willen betalen voor zijn aandelen. Nog steeds geen gigantische aantallen natuurlijk maar wellicht een voorbode van "things to come".

    In ieder geval lijkt de bodem te zijn bereikt bij $0,045 en zijn we nu hopelijk de weg omhoog ingeslagen!

    Good luck to all longs,

  5. sjon 9 mei 2018 13:31
    Artemis doet haar Novo shares in de aanbieding en heeft daarom een halt aangevraagd die waarschijnlijk vrijdag a.s. zal worden opgeheven.

    Ik kan me voorstellen dat Dave Lenigas iets weet (dat wij nog niet weten) en dat deze kennis hem heeft doen besluiten de Novo shares te verkopen. (in eerste instantie lijkt dit niet handig, Novo noteert dik boven de $5 terwijl Artemis aandelen voor een habbekrats worden verhandeld)

    Waarom toch dan die verkoop van Novo shares. Waar onmiddelijk aan gedacht kan worden is dat de opbrengst wordt aangewend om eigen land packages verder te ontwikkelen, wellicht meer bulk sampling. Ook kan in dit verband worden gedacht aan de JV venture met MacArthur. MMS heeft Pilbara gold assays pending en ook van andere MMS plays (o.a. lithium) worden updates verwacht.

    Good luck to all MacArthur longs....
  6. sjon 9 mei 2018 13:41
    en natuurlijk zal er een op een bepaald moment een consolidatie slag gevoerd gaan worden. Al de kleine Pilbara Juniors hebben vanzelfsprekend geen enkele kans om zelfstandig door te gaan op het moment dat er (grote) winsten in het verschiet liggen. Newmont kan zich opnieuw inkopen, KL kan het percentage opschroeven en MMS lijkt een speler die op het vinketouw zit..... we zullen het zien... ben, naar aanleiding van de uitverkoop van Artemis, benieuwd naar de prijsontwikkeling van de Pilbara juniors vandaag
  7. sjon 9 mei 2018 13:59
    Artemis had volgens mij ruim 17M. in cash. Daar komt nu ws een dikke $30M bij. Wat Artemis kan doen is een deel voor ontginning van Purdy gebruiken EN bijvoorbeeld MacArthur overnemen. MMS noteert momenteel $0,05 dus een deal is te maken rond de $14 miljoen. We zullen het zien.....
  8. sjon 10 mei 2018 00:37
    10% omhoog, een dikke 3M. shares verhandeld vandaag meer dan 6 keer het 3-maandelijks gemiddelde
    Kortom: dit zegt nog niet zo heel veel maar lijkt wel een teken aan de wand te zijn voor positieve press releases die er aan zitten te komen.

  9. sjon 10 mei 2018 12:21

    MacArthur: Overview and Timeline
    To all longs

    A summary and overview of what MMS have and what's to come in the near future. I believe that each of these below can function as a catalyst to the shareprice.

    I have not mentioned new partners or a JV's but it is obvious that MacArthur can not walk this walk alone and IF one of the tenements surprises favorably with good results a take out is not a question of "IF" but instead just of "WHEN".


    Pilbara I Hillside Gold Project

    Size: ~400km2

    Highly prospective and gold nuggets have been found. Historical rock chip sampling has returned results up to 447 grams per tonne gold.
    (A rock chip from a recent visit with Artemis returned 8.5 grams per tonne)

    Program is scheduled to be completed in May 2018 and we should get an updated PR in June/early July.

    Pilbara II Panorama Project and Bonnie Scot

    Size: 13 km2.

    Stream sediment sampling for conglomorate gold completed. (mapping shows extensive outcrops of Mt Roe Basalts. The samples submitted to the lab early April 2018 so we should get an updated PR in May, 2018.



    1,300km2 lithium tenement has all exploration licences granted

    MMS is “actively seeking joint venture partners” to advance the geological investigation of these tenements.

    Reynolds Springs Project, Nevada USA

    Exploration activity has focused on interpretation of historical oil and gas logs to identify prospective lithium brine zones. Multiple spikes in conductivity were observed and may contain brines.

    It is of interest that MacArthur applied for water rights over these claim areas in March, 2018 as this coincides with a press release of March 7, 2018 in which MMS stated that it is “pleased to announce that it has identified several zones indicative of a lithium brine aquifer at its Reynolds Springs Lithium Brine Project”. A little later they applied for water rights…. Connect the dots……..

    Nickel and Cobalt

    In May 2018, a moving loop EM survey will be completed over identified areas at Snark and at Moonshine. In previous driling two holes within the target area intersected anomalous nickel.

    Updated PR to be expected in June (?)

    Holding with confidence,


    Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboar...
  10. Petex 10 mei 2018 12:25
    Thanks. Benieuwd naar definitieve announcements aangaande de samples. Nieuws zal eerdaags volgen.
  11. sjon 21 mei 2018 11:05
    Kairos Minerals halted

    "Pursuant to ASX Listing Rule 17.1, Kairos Minerals requests that the ASX grants a trading halt. ...
    The Company provides the following information regarding this request

    1. the reason for the trading halt is that the Company intends to make a material announcement
    regarding a resource upgrade at the Company’s Mt York gold project in the Pilbara, Western

    NB: Het gaat hier dus om een UPgrade van een Pilbara resource.

    Goed nieuws, ben benieuwd wat de koers gaat doen morgen!

    MacArthur komt ws ook deze week met een Pilbara-resource update
    Heb recentelijk wat geschoven met mijn Pilbara-portefeuille (van groot naar klein):

    Novo Reources 50%
    MacArthur 20%
    Artemis 10%
    De Grey 10%
    Kairos 5%
    Durango 3%
    NxGold 2%

    De komende weken worden uiterst interessant.....

  12. sjon 21 mei 2018 12:05
    ps. Durango vorige week aangeschaft vanwege Goldcorp's interesse, maar is uiteraard geen Pilbara play :)
  13. sjon 4 juni 2018 17:07
    Vanochtend gesproken met Joe Phillips, de CEO van MacArthur minerals. Hieronder een samenvatting van dit telefoongesprek dat ik zojuist op Stockhouse heb gepost.


    News on Gold / Talk with CEO Joe Phillips

    To all longs

    Today I talked to CEO Joe Phillips and I would like to share the highlights with you.

    Hillside Project (Gold)
    HTG: The VTEM-survey program at Hillside was scheduled to be completed around medio May. Are we finished here? When will MacArthur release news?
    JP: Within 48 hours we will publish results. IF results are good we will start drilling.

    Panorama/Bonnie Scott
    HTG: Idem (same question as above)
    JP: Artemis handles this.

    Nicol/Cobalt project.
    HTG: Idem
    JP: Same scenario as above, except I can not give a a specific date for a PR but if results are good we will drill there too. At present the focus is in on enhancing fieldwork.

    Lithium project Nevada
    JP: Water rights take 12 months to obtain. During this time MMS will analyse samples to get a better understanding of what they have here. In previous drilling campaigns the deposit's core has not been found. Joe obviously could not comment on whether or not MMS have an indication that they have found the motherlode but he said that the next PR may comment on this. No date mentioned.

    I asked him to comment on the tenements of which he thought would be the best bet to improve shareholder value and in no specific order het said: Nicol/Cobalt, Gold at Hillside and Lithium in Nevada.

    I also asked him if he thought it strange that the sp had tanked so much in recent days. Joe said that he was at a loss and did not know. He had not expected this to happen as as he stated MMS have veryu good land packages and projects. I got the impression that his disappointment was genuine and that he really had expected the stock to do better. Having said that it is also obvious to me that Joe still expects the shareprice to rise; he said literally: "it only takes one good PR".

    So within 48 hrs we will know more about MacArthur's grounds in the Pillbara. Let's hope that this is the press release that will turn things around!

    Good luck to all longs,


    Read more at www.stockhouse.com/companies/bullboar...
  14. sjon 5 juni 2018 09:48
    Tesla's achtertuin en wellicht een zeer grote Lithium vondst. (MacArthur is hier bezig met exploratie)

    Hieronder een verwijzing naar een interview met 3PL over Railroad Valley. Macarthur’s Reynolds Springs project bevindt zich direct naast het besproken gebied en de ceo van 3PL heeft het over een "gamechanger"... goed nieuws voor MMS!

    Link to 3PL interview youtu.be/FKviMSBA_M4

    Oroplata finance.yahoo.com/news/orrp-stumbled-...

  15. Petex 5 juni 2018 09:53
    In tegenstelling tot Artemis, ben ik in MacArthur nog even blijven zitten... qua sp wat minder risico momenteel.
  16. sjon 7 juni 2018 15:09
    Binnen een week nog een PR van MacArthur!! en er zit nog veel nieuws aan te komen deze zomer....


    Macarthur Minerals Commences Geophysical Surveys Targeting Nickel & Cobalt at Its Lake Giles Project

    VANCOUVER, British Columbia, June 07, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Macarthur Minerals Limited (TSX-V:MMS) (the “Company” or “Macarthur”) is pleased to announce that it has commenced its exploration program targeting nickel and cobalt at its Lake Giles Project in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.
    Figure 1.
    Macarthur's Lake Giles Moving Loop EM survey target area at Snark. Map shows the various Nickel and Cobalt anomalies at surface.

    Figure 2.
    Macarthur’s Lake Giles Moving Loop EM survey target area at Moonshine. Map containing 50m Ground mag conducted in 2006.

    Mr Cameron McCall, Executive Chairman of Macarthur commented: “Macarthur has ramped up its exploration activities and the survey will be a first for this region to test the Komatiite structures in the Lake Giles area at depth. We believe that there is certainly something that has created the widespread nickel and cobalt anomalies across this extensive tenement package and we are excited about the prospect of what could emerge.”

    Geophysical Survey

    As reported on March 5, 2018, the Company has identified two areas prospective for sulphide hosted base metal deposits based on historical drill results at the Snark and Moonshine prospects, located on the Company’s Lake Giles Project. The majority of historical drilling at Snark and Moonshine has been shallow (<60m) and regionally, Kambalda style nickel mineralisation has only been found at depth. The interpretation of historical aeromagnetic data suggests possible presence of lava channels and Komatiite flows which are favourable for nickel-sulphide deposits. To gain a greater understanding at depth, the Company is completing ground based EM surveys at both prospects.

    A moving loop EM survey has commenced over these two zones prospective for nickel mineralisation. The ground EM survey will be conducted at 200m spacing covering an area of 3.5 km2 at Snark and 1 km2 at Moonshine (Figures 1 & 2).

    Lake Giles Nickel and Cobalt Potential

    Snark Prospect
    The Snark prospect at Macarthur’s Lake Giles Project is considered to be a highly favourable tectonic and structural setting and is well supported by surface geology featuring volcanic sequences comprising of high-mg basalts and Kambalda type komatiitic ultramafic flows of which nickel-sulfide ore bodies are hosted. Exploration by Amax Exploration (“Amax”) in the 1970’s identified a potential nickel sulphide target in the Snark prospect. Rock samples collected from a gossan on the edge of a strong induced polarisation (“IP”) anomaly returned assays to a maximum of 1.04% nickel. Subsequent exploration by Kalgoorlie Prospector, Mel Dalla-Costa, identified material suspected to be asbolite (a cobalt and nickel mineral) at the base of a 1.5m deep costean previously excavated by Amax.

    Mapping conducted over the area in 2002 by Keith Fox for Internickel Australia Pty Ltd identified three historical target areas:

    Target A is based on aeromagnetic data showing a possible presence of lava channels. Amax bulldozed a trench and assayed rock chip samples with anomalous nickel values in rocks of up to 1.4% (AMG 781,330mE, 6,698,632mN). Macarthur’s rock samples were collected 200m from the mapped point but at the site of the historical trench. Discrepancies in trench location may be expected due to different datum used between the two surveys.
    Target B is derived from aeromagnetic data and appears to be a bulge on the komatiite footwall at this location. A drill hole by Amax intersected olivine cumulates. The bulge on the komatiite footwall is located on the westerly limb of a folded sequence of ultra-mafic and BIF. Soil samples collected by Amax show anomalous nickel with a high of 2750ppm (MGA_50 782,830mE, E 6,698,000mN).
    Target C was defined from an occurrence of a moderately discrete area of magmatic olivine cumulate rocks. High nickel values in soil 1040 ppm were collected by Amax (MGA_50 782,136mE, 6,699,694mN).

    Macarthur has drilled several reverse circulation (“RC”) holes in the vicinity of the targets described above and intersected anomalous nickel in holes LGRC0010 and LGRC0015 (Figure 1). Intercepts of interest include:

    LDRC_0010 (288m): 128 meters @ 0.17% Ni (from 108m to 236m) including 1m @ 0.29% Ni
    LGRC_0015 (168m): 106 meters @ 0.15% Ni (from 62m to 168m)

    In addition, Macarthur previously reported surface rock samples from the Snark prospect containing the mineral asbolite containing up to 2.6% cobalt and 2.0% nickel. These samples are within the area of the EM survey.

    Moonshine Prospect
    The Moonshine prospect at Lake Giles has also been identified as prospective for nickel sulphide deposits from previous drilling (Figure 2). Anomalous nickel values including 0.9% Ni from 10.5m to 22m including 1m at 1.4% nickel were detected within the first 30 meters of a 2012 diamond drill hole. Anomalous cobalt averaging 0.13% was also discovered from 18.5 to 22m. The elevated nickel values within shallow weathered zone may be an indication of a nearby sulphide deposit. It was also noted from logging, that sulphides are abundant throughout the sequence and are believed to be a product of hydrothermal convection. There is also mention of abundant sulphides within subsequent drill holes nearby. To date, there has not been adequate drilling at depth however the ground EM survey underway should provide greater understanding of the geology at depth and potential for sulphide hosted base metal deposits.

    Mr Andrew Hawker, a member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, is a full-time employee of Hawker Geological Services Pty Ltd and is a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr Hawker has reviewed and approved the technical information, expect that of the Reynolds Springs Project contained in this news release.

    Macarthur Minerals Limited is an exploration company that is focused on identifying high grade gold and lithium. Macarthur Minerals has significant gold, lithium and iron ore exploration interests in Australia and Nevada. Macarthur Minerals has three iron ore projects in Western Australia; the Ularring hematite project, the Moonshine magnetite project and the Treppo Grande iron ore project.

    On behalf of the Board of Directors,


    “Cameron McCall”
    Cameron McCall, Executive Chairman

    Company Contact:

    Joe Phillips, CEO and Director
    Tel: +61 448899247
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