Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Since last November, we’ve been waiting for more data from uniQure about the ongoing trial of AMT-130, expected in June. This release involves two years of data from the first, low-dose cohort of ten,...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
quote:DeZwarteRidder schreef op 21 juni 2023 16:57:[...]Uniqure zal uiteindelijk waardeloos eindigen.Hé Kraai, oeist?...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Gene therapy can transform life for people with hemophilia. www.bostonglobe.com/2023/01/29/busine...The fir...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Steven Pipe: If you get gene therapy treatment and are liberated from needing to remain on prophylaxis, thats an immediate cost savings every month, every year, and hopefully for decades afterwar...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
USA:In conclusion, based on detailed simulation inputs and assumptions, gene therapy was more cost-effective than on-demand treatment and prophylaxis for patients with severe #hemophiliaB The cost...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
quote:flosz schreef op 23 november 2022 09:03:Heb er zin in Prof. maar dinsdag eerst de wedstrijd.Zie door de benen de bal niet meer, zo ongeveer....
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Heb er zin in Prof. maar vrijdag eerst de wedstrijd.Hoi Voda, m’n bloemenman: mooi was die tijd....
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Allemaal gefeliciteerd !...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
At FDA meeting, gene therapy experts wrestle with fields blindspots www.biopharmadive.com/news/fda-gene-t...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
What to expect at the FDAs two-day meeting on gene therapy safetywww.biopharmadive.com/news/fda-gene-t...Food and Drug Administration ...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
[quote alias=harvester id=13306876 date=202103222255][...]Ik neem even aan dat die studie een andere invalshoek had als die van Uniqure.Dan zal er meer aandacht komen voor de andere studies....
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
[quote alias=voda id=13316027 date=202103251415]Nederlandse start-up haalt 40 miljoen op voor corona-neusspraysGepubliceerd op 25 maart 2021 13:00 | Views: 1.761AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De Nederlan...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
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Huntington’s Disease
Intrastriatal Administration of AAV5-miHTT in Non-Human Primates and Rats Is Well Tolerated and Results in miHTT Transgene Expression in Key Areas of Huntington Disease Pathology res.mdpi.com/...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
Ter aanvulling.....( tweet Prof. Makris).Table adapted from Srivasta A, et al. Hemophilia. 2020;26:1-158WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3rd edition.P.21. onlinelibrary...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
Gene therapies for the rare blood clotting disorder hemophilia B have taken a step closer to the market as Dutch developer $QURE became the first to release interim phase III results last week. https:...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
Art. 29 juni, 2020. Freeline.Dangerously high FIX levels reported in #hemophiliaB gene therapy. A patient reported his FIX levels had risen to over 500% of normal after receiving AAV-S3 (FLT-180...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
$QURE #ASH20 transcript Presentation S. Pipe assets.onlineeventapp.com/ash/annual2...
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Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
$QURE #ASH2020 A Single Administration of AAV5-hFIX in Newborn, Juvenile and Adult Mice Leads to Stable hFIX Expression up to 18 Months after Dosing twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/13240075...
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Huntington’s Disease
Door Melvin Evers. Geen significante risico’s bij eerste toepassing van gentherapie bij huntingtonpatiëntenIn juni 2020 is de eerste gentherapie toegepast op een patiënt met de ziekte van Hu...
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Huntington’s Disease
Ralf Reilmann: First Human #AAV GeneTherapy Clinical Trial in Adults with Early Manifest HD. AMT-130 $QURE #HuntingtonsDisease vimeo.com/458068349 (44:03) twitter.com/floszcrxl/statu...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Thx. Prof., mooi!...
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PubMed UniQure
Transduction patterns in the CNS following various routes of AAV-5-mediated gene delivery. www.nature.com/articles/s41434-020-01...
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Coronavirus echt gevaar?
Single-shot Ad26 vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-26...Ad26 PER.C6 $JNJ ($CRXL )Janssenwww.prnewswire....
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Single-shot Ad26 vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-26...Ad26 PER.C6 $JNJ ($CRXL )Janssen www.prnewswire...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Single-shot Ad26 vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-26...Ad26 PER.C6 $JNJ ($CRXL )Janssen www.prnewswire.com...
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Coronavirus echt gevaar?
Hearing on Vaccine Research Development with Pharmaceutical CompaniesPharmaceutical officials testified on COVID-19 vaccine research and development.www.c-span.org/video/?473931-1/...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Hearing on Vaccine Research Development with Pharmaceutical CompaniesPharmaceutical officials testified on COVID-19 vaccine research and development.www.c-span.org/video/?473931-1/...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Hearing on Vaccine Research Development with Pharmaceutical CompaniesPharmaceutical officials testified on COVID-19 vaccine research and development.www.c-span.org/video/?473931-1/...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
[quote alias=harvester id=12571432 date=202007142330][...]Waarom denk je dat Pfizer die moeite neemt.Is Pfizer niet blij dat de recente deal niet met hen is gesloten?Vinden ze de patenten ...
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Huntington’s Disease
AAV5-miHTT gene therapy for #HuntingtonsDisease :lowering both huntingtins www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Yesssssssssssss:$JNJ Announces European Commission Approval for Janssen’s Preventive Ebola Vaccine www.janssen.com/johnson-johnson-annou...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Yesssssss:$JNJ Announces European Commission Approval for Janssen’s Preventive Ebola Vaccine www.janssen.com/johnson-johnson-annou...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Freeline Announces Additional Financing Plans..... which could include an initial public offering in the United States.www.freeline.life/investors-media/new...
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Huntington’s Disease
Ohio State Conducts First Gene Therapy Clinical Trial For Huntingtons Diseasewexnermedical.osu.edu/mediaroom/press...
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ontwikkelingen Parkinson / Parkinson's disease
GDNF and Parkinson’s Disease: Where Next? A Summary from a Recent Workshop content.iospress.com/articles/journal...AAV2-GDNF for Advanced #ParkinsonsDisease ...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
[quote alias=T. Montana id=12523085 date=202006242313]Inderdaad. Dus als je Hem B en A eruit plukt, wat houdt je dan over? Een zuivere CNS speler, of zie ik iets over het hoofd? Als dat zo is, verge...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
HemA: well served market, feedback regulatory bodies, competitive landscape, clinical feasibility, partner interest: interest did not materialize.Fix-Super9 X Streep erdoor miQURE #SCA3 - #SCA...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
$QURE ‘s Kapusta/Cantor @ GS 41st Annual Global Healthcare ConferenceWebcast:kvgo.com/GSHC/uniQure-june-2020...
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PubMed UniQure
Cerebral organoids: a human model for AAV capsid selection and therapeutic transgene efficacy in the brain. www.cell.com/molecular-therapy-family...
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Spark Therapeutics, Inc. (ONCE)
PF-06838435 (SPK-9001, $ONCE) Hemophilia BMean Activity 22.9 (9.89)Peak Activity29.1 (11.63)twitter.com/_b_i_o_t_e_c_h_/status/12...
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AMT-180 Hemophilia A
Hemophilia A Gene Therapy, AMT-180, Continues to Show Activity, Safety in Animals ..................AMT-180 is a gene therapy being developed by uniQure to treat hemophilia A patients, includi...
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Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/12605134...Begin van dit jaar kreeg Jelle van Tilburg (34) uit Bergen op Zoom te horen dat hij een kwaadaardige hersentumor had. In het Erasmus MC...
flosz |
Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/12605134...Begin van dit jaar kreeg Jelle van Tilburg (34) uit Bergen op Zoom te horen dat hij een kwaadaardige hersentumor had. In het Erasmus MC...
flosz |
In de race voor een Coronavirus Vaccin - wie wint?
Hoe Nederland de kennis voor een kansrijk coronavaccin uit handen gaf.Brus: “Als het aan ons had gelegen, was Nederland bij een pandemie verzekerd geweest van voldoende vaccins, maar de overheid had n...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
uniQure VP Eileen Sawyer spoke with @MAPSmedaffairs about uniQures patient-centric approach to #genetherapy product development to effectively engage patients throughout the process and, ultimate...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Twitter-draadje met ASGCT abstracts:twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/12555303...www.asgct.org/global/documents/abstra...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Significant Presence at Upcoming American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) Virtual Annual Meeting tools.eurolandir.com/tools/Pressrelea...
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Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
flosz |
Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
New data on Gilead’s remdesivir, released by accident, show no benefit for coronavirus patients. Company still sees reason for hope www.statnews.com/2020/04/23/data-on-g...
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