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CRU New contracts awarded for QV® and HepavaxGene
Published: 07:45 23.09.2008 GMT+2 /HUGIN /Source: Crucell N.V. /AEX: CRXL /ISIN: NL0000358562 Ne...
CRU Vaccination drive to replace Indian vials
Vaccination drive to replace Indian vials OM ASTHA RAI KATHMANDU, March 31: The Global All...
CRU The Street- What Buffet Would Buy Now
Via Yahoo.Altucher: What Buffet Would Buy NowJames Altucher channels the Berkshire Hathaway CEO ...
CRU ‘Hoeveel fouten mag je maken?’
Interview / Viroloog Jaap GoudsmitAls Jaap Goudsmit café Wildschut in Amsterdam-Zuid binnenkomt,...
CRU Dear fellow shareholder,
Dear fellow shareholder,Crucell is a rapidly growing biopharmaceutical company with ambitious go...


Frm. Topic / Post Postinfo
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Since last November, we’ve been waiting for more data from uniQure about the ongoing trial of AMT-130, expected in June. This release involves two years of data from the first, low-dose cohort of ten,...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
quote:DeZwarteRidder schreef op 21 juni 2023 16:57:[...]Uniqure zal uiteindelijk waardeloos eindigen.Hé Kraai, oeist?...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Gene therapy can transform life for people with hemophilia. www.bostonglobe.com/2023/01/29/busine...The fir...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Steven Pipe: If you get gene therapy treatment and are liberated from needing to remain on prophylaxis, thats an immediate cost savings every month, every year, and hopefully for decades afterwar...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
USA:In conclusion, based on detailed simulation inputs and assumptions, gene therapy was more cost-effective than on-demand treatment and prophylaxis for patients with severe #hemophiliaB The cost...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
quote:flosz schreef op 23 november 2022 09:03:Heb er zin in Prof. maar dinsdag eerst de wedstrijd.Zie door de benen de bal niet meer, zo ongeveer....
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Heb er zin in Prof. maar vrijdag eerst de wedstrijd.Hoi Voda, m’n bloemenman: mooi was die tijd....
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Allemaal gefeliciteerd !...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
At FDA meeting, gene therapy experts wrestle with fields blindspots www.biopharmadive.com/news/fda-gene-t...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
What to expect at the FDAs two-day meeting on gene therapy safetywww.biopharmadive.com/news/fda-gene-t...Food and Drug Administration ...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
[quote alias=harvester id=13306876 date=202103222255][...]Ik neem even aan dat die studie een andere invalshoek had als die van Uniqure.Dan zal er meer aandacht komen voor de andere studies....
GAL Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
[quote alias=voda id=13316027 date=202103251415]Nederlandse start-up haalt 40 miljoen op voor corona-neusspraysGepubliceerd op 25 maart 2021 13:00 | Views: 1.761AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De Nederlan...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
UNI Huntington’s Disease
Intrastriatal Administration of AAV5-miHTT in Non-Human Primates and Rats Is Well Tolerated and Results in miHTT Transgene Expression in Key Areas of Huntington Disease Pathology res.mdpi.com/...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
Ter aanvulling.....( tweet Prof. Makris).Table adapted from Srivasta A, et al. Hemophilia. 2020;26:1-158WFH Guidelines for the Management of Hemophilia, 3rd edition.P.21. onlinelibrary...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
Gene therapies for the rare blood clotting disorder hemophilia B have taken a step closer to the market as Dutch developer $QURE became the first to release interim phase III results last week. https:...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
Art. 29 juni, 2020. Freeline.Dangerously high FIX levels reported in #hemophiliaB gene therapy. A patient reported his FIX levels had risen to over 500% of normal after receiving AAV-S3 (FLT-180...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
$QURE #ASH20 transcript Presentation S. Pipe assets.onlineeventapp.com/ash/annual2...
UNI Hemofilie B; nog steeds on track?
$QURE #ASH2020 A Single Administration of AAV5-hFIX in Newborn, Juvenile and Adult Mice Leads to Stable hFIX Expression up to 18 Months after Dosing twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/13240075...
UNI Huntington’s Disease
Door Melvin Evers. Geen significante risico’s bij eerste toepassing van gentherapie bij huntingtonpatiëntenIn juni 2020 is de eerste gentherapie toegepast op een patiënt met de ziekte van Hu...
UNI Huntington’s Disease
Ralf Reilmann: First Human #AAV GeneTherapy Clinical Trial in Adults with Early Manifest HD. AMT-130 $QURE #HuntingtonsDisease vimeo.com/458068349 (44:03) twitter.com/floszcrxl/statu...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Thx. Prof., mooi!...
UNI PubMed UniQure
Transduction patterns in the CNS following various routes of AAV-5-mediated gene delivery. www.nature.com/articles/s41434-020-01...
KOF Coronavirus echt gevaar?
Single-shot Ad26 vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-26...Ad26 PER.C6 $JNJ ($CRXL )Janssenwww.prnewswire....
GAL Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Single-shot Ad26 vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-26...Ad26 PER.C6 $JNJ ($CRXL )Janssen www.prnewswire...
UNI Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Single-shot Ad26 vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 in rhesus macaques www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-26...Ad26 PER.C6 $JNJ ($CRXL )Janssen www.prnewswire.com...
KOF Coronavirus echt gevaar?
Hearing on Vaccine Research Development with Pharmaceutical CompaniesPharmaceutical officials testified on COVID-19 vaccine research and development.www.c-span.org/video/?473931-1/...
GAL Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Hearing on Vaccine Research Development with Pharmaceutical CompaniesPharmaceutical officials testified on COVID-19 vaccine research and development.www.c-span.org/video/?473931-1/...
UNI Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Hearing on Vaccine Research Development with Pharmaceutical CompaniesPharmaceutical officials testified on COVID-19 vaccine research and development.www.c-span.org/video/?473931-1/...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
[quote alias=harvester id=12571432 date=202007142330][...]Waarom denk je dat Pfizer die moeite neemt.Is Pfizer niet blij dat de recente deal niet met hen is gesloten?Vinden ze de patenten ...
UNI Huntington’s Disease
AAV5-miHTT gene therapy for #HuntingtonsDisease :lowering both huntingtins www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1...
GAL Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Yesssssssssssss:$JNJ Announces European Commission Approval for Janssen’s Preventive Ebola Vaccine www.janssen.com/johnson-johnson-annou...
UNI Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Yesssssss:$JNJ Announces European Commission Approval for Janssen’s Preventive Ebola Vaccine www.janssen.com/johnson-johnson-annou...
UNI Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
Freeline Announces Additional Financing Plans..... which could include an initial public offering in the United States.www.freeline.life/investors-media/new...
UNI Huntington’s Disease
Ohio State Conducts First Gene Therapy Clinical Trial For Huntingtons Diseasewexnermedical.osu.edu/mediaroom/press...
UNI ontwikkelingen Parkinson / Parkinson's disease
GDNF and Parkinson’s Disease: Where Next? A Summary from a Recent Workshop content.iospress.com/articles/journal...AAV2-GDNF for Advanced #ParkinsonsDisease ...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
[quote alias=T. Montana id=12523085 date=202006242313]Inderdaad. Dus als je Hem B en A eruit plukt, wat houdt je dan over? Een zuivere CNS speler, of zie ik iets over het hoofd? Als dat zo is, verge...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
HemA: well served market, feedback regulatory bodies, competitive landscape, clinical feasibility, partner interest: interest did not materialize.Fix-Super9 X Streep erdoor miQURE #SCA3 - #SCA...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
$QURE ‘s Kapusta/Cantor @ GS 41st Annual Global Healthcare ConferenceWebcast:kvgo.com/GSHC/uniQure-june-2020...
UNI PubMed UniQure
Cerebral organoids: a human model for AAV capsid selection and therapeutic transgene efficacy in the brain. www.cell.com/molecular-therapy-family...
UNI Spark Therapeutics, Inc. (ONCE)
PF-06838435 (SPK-9001, $ONCE) Hemophilia BMean Activity 22.9 (9.89)Peak Activity29.1 (11.63)twitter.com/_b_i_o_t_e_c_h_/status/12...
UNI AMT-180 Hemophilia A
Hemophilia A Gene Therapy, AMT-180, Continues to Show Activity, Safety in Animals ..................AMT-180 is a gene therapy being developed by uniQure to treat hemophilia A patients, includi...
GAL Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/12605134...Begin van dit jaar kreeg Jelle van Tilburg (34) uit Bergen op Zoom te horen dat hij een kwaadaardige hersentumor had. In het Erasmus MC...
UNI Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/12605134...Begin van dit jaar kreeg Jelle van Tilburg (34) uit Bergen op Zoom te horen dat hij een kwaadaardige hersentumor had. In het Erasmus MC...
KOF In de race voor een Coronavirus Vaccin - wie wint?
Hoe Nederland de kennis voor een kansrijk coronavaccin uit handen gaf.Brus: “Als het aan ons had gelegen, was Nederland bij een pandemie verzekerd geweest van voldoende vaccins, maar de overheid had n...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
uniQure VP Eileen Sawyer spoke with @MAPSmedaffairs about uniQures patient-centric approach to #genetherapy product development to effectively engage patients throughout the process and, ultimate...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Twitter-draadje met ASGCT abstracts:twitter.com/floszcrxl/status/12555303...www.asgct.org/global/documents/abstra...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
Significant Presence at Upcoming American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) Virtual Annual Meeting tools.eurolandir.com/tools/Pressrelea...
UNI Wat is de waarde van uniQure?
GAL Draadje OT, bijzaken & geleuter in de marge!
New data on Gilead’s remdesivir, released by accident, show no benefit for coronavirus patients. Company still sees reason for hope www.statnews.com/2020/04/23/data-on-g...


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