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  1. [verwijderd] 21 juli 2005 14:07

    postzak schreef:

    [quote=The artist]
    is het nu 0.3% of 2.1% ?


    Volgens mij 2%: (8.28 - 8.11)/8.11 * 100 = ~2%

    dacht ik ook.


    The Artist
  2. forum rang 7 ffff 21 juli 2005 14:14
    Gung Ho,

    Hoewel niet veel: het blijft natuurlijk WEL een doorbraak! Jarenlang wordt er gezeurd en geklaagd over die koppeling en jarenlang trokken de Chinezen er zich NIETS van aan. NU is er in ieder geval een teken gegeven dat men rekening met elkaar houdt. In die zin vind ik het heel positief. De Chinezen konden trouwens ook moeilijk anders gezien de vele andere dossiers als vrije wereldhandel, bescherming patenten, mensenrechten, etc. etc. En nou gaan de Amerikanen lekker nationalistisch hun eigen olie-industrie beschermen tegen Chinese opkopers. Toch zien of een en ander met elkaar te maken heeft....

  3. [verwijderd] 21 juli 2005 14:30
    Beste FFFF,

    Zonder lullig te willen doen maar kinder handen zijn blijkbaar nog steeds snel gevuld en het is geloof ik bovendien nog Volle Maan ook en Greenowitz kondigde gisteren voor het gemak ook maar weer renteverhogingen aan.

    Al met al IMO de vernietiging van de middenklasse draait nog steeds op volle toeren.

    Men kan natuurlijk zo weer even goede PR siermaken met Unocal en zowaar een 0,03 % speling met de $. Het lijkt mij allemaal wel heel erg doorzichtig terwijl KODAK, GM etc deze week voor het gemak nog eventjes 10.000 den manufacturing banen de USA uit schoppen.

    Maar goed de timing lijkt wederom zeer handig gekozen en zolang het psychologisch effect heeft op de massas kan ik mij alleen maar op mijn "gezonde?" verstand beroepen.

    We zullen zien.



    ffff schreef:

    Gung Ho,

    Hoewel niet veel: het blijft natuurlijk WEL een doorbraak! Jarenlang wordt er gezeurd en geklaagd over die koppeling en jarenlang trokken de Chinezen er zich NIETS van aan. NU is er in ieder geval een teken gegeven dat men rekening met elkaar houdt. In die zin vind ik het heel positief. De Chinezen konden trouwens ook moeilijk anders gezien de vele andere dossiers als vrije wereldhandel, bescherming patenten, mensenrechten, etc. etc. En nou gaan de Amerikanen lekker nationalistisch hun eigen olie-industrie beschermen tegen Chinese opkopers. Toch zien of een en ander met elkaar te maken heeft....

  4. [verwijderd] 21 juli 2005 15:01
    China switches currency link from dollar to basket of currencies
    By Stephanie Hoo Associated Press Thursday, July 21, 2005


    BEIJING -- China dropped its politically volatile policy of linking
    its currency to the U.S. dollar but retained controls on its exchange rate, switching the link to a basket of foreign currencies in a move that could push up the price of Chinese exports to the United States and Europe.

    China strengthened the state-set exchange rate of the yuan currency
    to 8.11 to the U.S. dollar from 8.277, where it had been fixed for
    more than a decade, the government said in a surprise announcement
    on state television's evening news. That raised the value of one
    yuan by about one-quarter of one U.S. cent to 12.33 cents.

    China had been under pressure for years from its trading partners to
    let the yuan float or at least to raise its exchange rate. The
    United States and others said it undervalued the yuan by up to 40
    percent, giving Chinese exporters an unfair price advantage.

    The change Thursday appeared to be too small to satisfy the United
    States or other governments, which say inexpensive Chinese imports
    are threatening thousands of jobs.

    "This is the start of a gradual appreciation process," said Frank
    Gong, managing director of JPMorgan Chase & Co. in Hong Kong. "It
    will help balance Chinese trade flows. Export volumes will come
    down. Import volumes will pick up. It will help reduce trade tensions."

    Malaysia simultaneously announced it was dropping its own policy
    tying its currency, the ringgit, to the U.S. dollar and would adopt
    a similar arrangement.

    Some U.S. lawmakers had threatened to impose retaliatory tariffs if
    China didn't adjust its yuan trading scheme.

    The yuan will now be allowed to trade in a tight 0.3 percent band
    against a basket of foreign currencies, the government said. It
    didn't say which currencies.

    It said the central bank would announce the yuan's closing price each day, and that rate would be the midpoint of the next day's trading band.

    Chinese leaders have said for years that they eventually would let
    the yuan trade freely on world markets. But they said any decision
    would be based on China's economic needs, not foreign pressure.

    Chinese officials said any abrupt change in its currency system
    would cause turmoil, hurting its fragile banks and financial industries.
  5. [verwijderd] 21 juli 2005 19:42
    ADR Report-Chinese stocks soar after yuan revaluation
    Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:16 PM ET
    By Vivianne Rodrigues

    NEW YORK, July 21 (Reuters) - Shares of Chinese companies traded in the United States soared on Thursday after China ended its decade-old peg to the dollar and said it will allow the yuan to fluctuate versus a basket of currencies.

    The revaluation may increase Chinese companies' purchasing power abroad and help boost demand for the country's assets as China seeks to promote a more flexible exchange regime and cap inflation, according to James Paulsen, at Wells Capital Management in Minneapolis, and other investors.

    The Bank of New York's index of leading Asian American Depositary Receipts, or ADRs, jumped 1 percent to 111.72, compared with a drop of 0.24 percent in the bank's overall index of leading ADRs. At the same time, the blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average was down 0.53 percent at 10,632.79.

    Shares of Chinese energy companies led gainers. Petrochina (PTR.N: Quote, Profile, Research) rose 6.2 percent to $82.74 and CNOOC Ltd. (CEO.N: Quote, Profile, Research) advanced 3.2 percent to $61.90, followed by a 2.8 percent gain in shares of China Petroleum (SNP.N: Quote, Profile, Research) to $39.79, all on the New York Stock Exchange.

    "It's positive for Chinese companies that the government is taking steps towards a more disciplined currency regime," said Paulsen, a chief investment strategist at Wells Capital, with $115 billion under management, including foreign stocks and bonds. "Demand for Asian stocks may increase in coming days."

    The new yuan rate strengthens the currency by 2.11 percent to 8.11 per U.S. dollar, the People's Bank of China said earlier today. The yuan had been pegged at about 8.3 per dollar before the revaluation. China's central bank said it will continue to maintain a trading band of 0.3 percent.

    Other gainers included airline companies China South Air (ZNH.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , with a 5.5 percent advance to $16.23, and China East Air (CEA.N: Quote, Profile, Research) , with a 7 percent gain to $18.00.

    Demand for shares of mining companies Aluminum China (ACH.N: Quote, Profile, Research) and Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Ltd. (YZC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) also rose. Aluminum China climbed 3.5 percent to $60.92 and Yanzhou shares climbed 4.9 percent to $70.94.


    China said on Wednesday the economy grew more than expected in the second quarter. Gross domestic product in the second quarter grew 9.5 percent from a year earlier, according to the National Bureau of Statistics, above market estimates for a 9.3 percent rise. It was China's eighth straight quarter of annual growth over 9 percent.

    The country's industrial output in June grew 16.8 percent from a year earlier, exceeding a market forecast of 15.9 percent.

    In other overseas share trading, the Bank of New York index of European ADRs fell 0.6 percent, while the bank's index of leading Latin American ADRs slipped 0.3 percent.

    U.S.-listed shares of the world's top mobile phone maker Nokia (NOK.N: Quote, Profile, Research) plunged 11 percent to $15.91 after the Finnish company warned it may post weaker-than-expected profits in the third quarter
  6. [verwijderd] 21 juli 2005 20:51

    postzak schreef:

    [quote=Gung Ho]
    Lachertje ! 0,3%


    Ja ben ik met je eens.......maar het gaat volgens mij niet om die 0,3%, maar om het signaal dat er achter zit. Revaluatie is niet langer een ijskoud nee, maar kennelijk is het bespreekbaar...
    rekening rijden begint ook klein
  7. [verwijderd] 21 juli 2005 21:40
    Chinese yuan maakt zich los van dollar

    Vandaag 21 juli 2005 maakten officiële instanties in China bekend, dat de koers van de yuan losgekoppeld is van die van de US dollar. China zou meteen de yuan (CNY) tegenover de USD met 2% verhogen van 8,28 naar 8,11 CNY/USD.

    Aanvankelijk was er euforie op de markten, vooral in de VS, omdat gehoopt werd dat de concurrentiepositie van China eindelijk zou verzwakken, wat meer kansen zou bieden aan de Amerikaanse export. Ook werd ervan uitgegaan, dat het Congress zijn beschermingsmaatregelen tegenover China zou afzwakken. Dat zou een handelsoorlog, nooit goed voor de betrokken partijen, vermijden.

    Maar de euforie was van korte duur, want men realiseerde zich dat China eigenlijk geen enkele aanduiding heeft gegeven van het koersdoel van hun munt, evenmin als over de snelheid van de revaluatie. Zou de yuan over een jaar 30% gezakt zijn tegenover de USD? Of 10%? Dit laatste cijfer zou al mooi zijn volgens de meeste waarnemers. Bovendien doemde het beruchte cijfers van het handelstekort tussen de VS en China op, nl. 72,5 miljard dollar voor de eerste 5 maanden van 2005. Hoelang kan het duren voor die kloof gedicht is? Met andere woorden, hoe snel en met welke percentages moet de yuan versterken tegenover de dollar?

    Dit alles leidde ertoe dat vandaag de futures met veel energie opsprongen na het nieuws uit China en een uur later even snel neerdoken. Trouwens, de nieuwe aanslagen in Londen van vandaag hebben ook wat roet in het eten gestrooid en een deel van de impact van het Chinese bericht teniet gedaan.

    Er is dus niet veel enthousiasme in Amerikaanse economische kringen. Men gaat ervan uit, dat de yuan minstens 40% moet versterken om eraan te kunnen denken het tekort in de handelsbalans te herstellen. Een verondersteld ritme van 10% per jaar is geen remedie. Integendeel, het tekort zou nog rustig kunnen aangroeien. Waarom? De Chinese fabrikanten hebben nu al grote stocks en ze zullen niet aarzelen hun prijzen te verlagen. Zolang de revaluatie van de yuan maar klein genoeg is, kan dat probleemloos…

    Jan Van Besauw
  8. ycdtosay 21 juli 2005 22:51
    Is er ook bekend hoe die "basket of currencies" er uit gaat zien?
    Als het aandeel van de US$ daarin flink terugloopt is dat eigenlijk nog belangrijker dan die 2% aanpassing die is aangekondigd.

    Grt, Willem
  9. [verwijderd] 22 juli 2005 06:16
    nee, wordt bewust niet bekend gemaakt.
    maar is via regressie komende tijd van currency/crosses wel te achterhalen door quants.
    overigens is de mening van strategen erg verdeeld over effect op andere valuta, behalve over euro - daar verwacht men eigenlijk weinig van.
  10. [verwijderd] 22 juli 2005 10:47
    China revalues the renminbi

    China finally agreed to revalue its currency against the US dollar this week. The token 2% revaluation was probably meant to appease Washington bureaucrats more than anything else. It seems to have worked: the White House and the Treasury applauded the move.

    The magnitude of the renminbi's revaluation against the dollar is totally insignificant, but it was interesting that China will in future peg the renminbi against a basket of currencies. They did not say which currencies make up the basket, although one can assume that it would include the dollar, the euro and the yen. It makes sense to use a basket of currencies for a currency peg since the US dollar is losing its hegemony as the world's only reserve currency. The euro block economies rival the US economy and therefore the euro should be just as important to international trade and foreign reserve accounts as the dollar. The same goes for Japan; it is the third largest economy behind the US and Europe.

    Perhaps the most striking result of China's revaluation of its currency was the effect it had on the dollar with respect to other currencies in Asia. I expected Japan and many other Southeast Asian countries to follow suit when China revalued its currency and, indeed, just minutes after the Chinese announcement, Malaysia announced that it would loosen the ringgit's peg to the dollar and adopt a strategy similar to China's.

    I also expected the dollar to fall across the board following the renminbi's revaluation, and it dropped against the Japanese yen, the Singapore dollar, the Thai Baht, the Indian rupee and the Korean won, to name but a few. As the dollar declines anything bought on international markets with dollars will become more expensive, including gold.

    The US dollar-gold price moved up as the dollar fell on Thursday although it was mitigated somewhat by the fact that the euro also fell against the yen and other South East Asian currencies. The big move, however, is unlikely to occur until China allows the renminbi to appreciate more significantly.

    During the Mexican peso crisis in 1995 the price of gold in pesos doubled. When the yen fell in 1995 and 1996 the gold price in yen rose by 35%. In 1997 the gold price rose more than 40% in both Philippine pesos and Malaysian ringgits, 67% in Korean wons and more than 400% in Indonesian rupiahs. From 1999 to 2002 the gold price increased more than 40% in euros. We are currently in a US dollar bear market. The gold price has already increased by more than 60% in dollar terms and I expect it to increase another 75% or so before it's all over.

    During the past fifteen years gold protected investors across the globe as one currency crisis after another took its toll. It will do the same in the US, but you have to own it first.

    Paul van Eeden
  11. [verwijderd] 25 juli 2005 08:11
    China Official Says Hedge Funds Delay Convertibility (Update1)
    July 25 (Bloomberg) -- China won't make its currency fully convertible for at least five years because it worries hedge funds may force the yuan to plunge, much as happened to the Korean won and Thai baht during the 1997 Asian financial crisis, said Li Deshui, a member of the central bank's monetary committee.

    ``There's more than $800 billion to $1 trillion of hedge funds in the world and the Chinese financial system is relatively weak,'' Li said in an interview. ``If the (yuan) becomes fully convertible it would be attacked by these hedge funds.''

    China last week ended its currency's decade-old peg to the U.S. dollar, allowing the yuan, also known as the renminbi, to strengthen 2.1 percent from its previously fixed rate of about 8.3, marking the first step toward a more flexible exchange rate regime. The U.S., European Union and Japan have pressed China to abandon the yuan peg and allow the currency to strengthen to curb what they say is an unfair advantage for Chinese exporters.

    A decade ago, Thailand's decision to let the baht drop triggered the start of the Asian financial crisis and a wave of devaluations of other currencies in the region and in Latin America. China was the only major developing economy to maintain the value of its currency during the crisis, earning plaudits from countries including the U.S. and Japan that had feared any such move could trigger another round of competitive devaluations.

    Li, who is also commissioner of China's National Bureau of Statistics, said the state of the country's banks is a key reason why the government won't allow the yuan to become a fully tradable currency anytime soon.

    `Not Good Enough'

    ``Over the next five years, I do not foresee the renminbi becoming fully convertible,'' Li said in Beijing on July 22. ``Our banks are not good enough and the monetary system is not quite up to international standards.''

    China's banks are struggling to offload some 1.59 trillion yuan ($196 billion) in bad loans, a legacy of policy-directed lending to state-owned companies. They have also been ordered by regulators to raise their capital adequacy ratios to a minimum 8.0 percent by the end of 2006, when restrictions on foreign banks operating in China are lifted.

    Bad loans as a percentage of total lending at China's banks fell to 10.15 percent at the end of June, the China Banking Regulatory Commission said on July 13. The bad-loan ratio at 208 financial institutions based in Hong Kong was 1.56 percent at the end of 2004, according to the Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

    Last Defense

    Economists and institutions including the International Monetary Fund have urged the world's third-largest trading nation to gradually make the yuan convertible on the so-called capital account, which would allow money to flow freely in and out of the country for investment purposes. The currency is already convertible on the current account for trade in goods.

    The lack of full convertibility of the yuan is ``China's last economic and financial defense,'' Li said, adding that the government will ``not easily allow'' a change in the policy.

    Chris Leung, an economist with DBS Bank in Hong Kong, said China's move to full yuan convertibility will hinge on whether the pace of the country's economic growth can be maintained.

    ``If the economic growth slows down, the government will have to move on at a much slower pace,'' said Leung, who wrote a note on July 20 predicting that the yuan's revaluation was imminent. ``There are way too many problems and contradictions in China's economic development that need to be solved, so I believe it must be longer than five years.''

    Yuan Trading

    China last week said the country's economic growth rate accelerated to 9.5 percent in the second quarter, from 9.4 percent in the previous three months, aided by a surge in the country's trade surplus.

    Under the new exchange rate mechanism, the yuan will be allowed to trade within a limit of 0.3 percent either side of the yuan-dollar exchange rate published by the People's Bank of China each day. The yuan will be allowed to trade within a 1.5 percent range either side of the rate published for other currencies. The exchange rate will use a basket of currencies, the composition of which has not been disclosed, as a reference.

    The currencies of China's major trading partners will be included in the basket, Li said. ``I'm not talking about just yen, euros and pounds,'' he said, declining to specify the weightings. ``You name the currency, it's in the basket.''

    China's main trading partners last year in descending order of total value of trade were the European Union, the U.S., Japan, Hong Kong, the ASEAN bloc, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, Australia and Canada, according to the country's commerce ministry Web site.

    ``The reform of the renminbi exchange rate structure will have a positive impact on China and the global economy,'' Li said.

    To contact the reporter on this story:
    A. Craig Copetas in Paris at ccopetas@bloomberg.net.

    Last Updated: July 25, 2005 01:04 EDT

  12. [verwijderd] 25 juli 2005 11:10
    Yuan Rises 0.02 Percent

    BEIJING (AP) - The yuan rose 2 hundredths of a percent Monday on China's small, tightly controlled currency exchange, as a central bank official was quoted as saying China's decision to sever its currency's peg to the dollar won't solve trade imbalances overnight but will buy time for industry reforms.

    Yu Yongding, a member of the central bank's Monetary Policy Committee, also said pressures for the Chinese yuan to strengthen would continue to grow even after the move last week to let its value rise by 2 percent, according to a government newspaper.

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