Frederik C schreef:
Volgens mij krijgt iedereen het nu in de gaten wat er allemaal gaat gebeuren met INSM.
Mensen dit is nog niet eens het begin!
...Andere 'longs' beginnen ook hun visie op de CC & mogelijkheden Iplex, de combinatie rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3 (iPlex) of de lange termijn verwachtingen (mbt Iplex / Insmed ) te ventileren.
Van't YMB
INSM looking better all the time!
by: jmaj742 (38/M) 03/01/06 05:38 pm
Msg: 71057 of 71075
I've been in this position for years, and it's finally starting to do what has been expected by many of us. These are the positives I see going into the conference call tomorrow:
1. We have an FDA approved drug for GHIS that has been found to be different than TRCAs drug, thus the Orphan drug status as separate drug.
2. We have our own drug production facility in Boulder. As sales ramp up, so can production. Our production facility is FDA approved.
3. Our side effects are minimized with the combination of IGF1 with BP3. TRCA can say all they want, but numerous companies have studies on naked IGF1 which is what Increlex/TRCA is, and there are serious side effects from higher dosages. Note that TRCA changed their ongoing study (which had few enrollments) and increased the dosage. This will only clarify as the study goes forward the increasing side effects from higher dosages. I was very pleased to here this situation in the last TRCA CC.
4. INSM has ongoing trials in many indications, and I'm expecting updates on these trials, and positive news on these ongoing indications.
5. INSM has stated they have been discussing a worldwide partnership with companies. I think a partner will be named.
6. Sales staff - Positions are filled, and I expect to here the company in the US they are working with for the specialized sales in GHIS.
7. European Submission - I expect to here how INSM plans to move forward worldwide - With partner or otherwise.
8. I expect to here our current financial position, and what is expected with the shelf registration.
We know that most the convertibles have been done from the last financing round, so move ups from here I don't expect to be sold into as we've had in the past.
For long term holders, things just keep looking better!
Van I-Hub:
Study Links IGF-1 to Prostate Cancer...Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancers, IGF-II, and IGFBP-3 were assayed by enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) with reagents from Diagnostic Systems Laboratory (Webster, Texas) (18, 19).
rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3 will be the next blockbuster to treat Breast, Colon and Prostate Cancers. Single rhIGF-1 (Increlex) will not work. Must be the combination of rhIGF-1/rhIGFBP-3 (iPlex). nog een van YMB
Re: question about growth hormone
by: doughcm 03/01/06 07:39 pm
Msg: 71098 of 71264
When you listen to the Dec. 13, 2005 call it is evident that management sought approval for short stature as a first step in the potentially vast applications of Iplex. As I stated before this company has done what so many others haven't been able to do: produce a recombinant molecule that replicates the hormone and binding protein that is naturally circulating in the body.
The fact is that this drug is unique to all the others that have been produced for the same applications in that it is the most natural clone of that which your body produces.
The potential uses of this drug for disorders and diseases caused by edocrinological imbalances whether they be diabetes, myolen wasting or disorder from aging, many forms of carcinoma, even possibly ALS, and many others too numerous to mention are in themselves fairly mindboggling.
My take on the attitude and mind set of the management was not hype or smoke and mirrors but of factual information stated in a positive manner. In other words, they know what they have and as stated previously this approval is only a small step in the on going process that the fruition of this drug has set in place.
This is not a monthlong or yearlong story but a decadelong+ story. Mark my words that as this saga of Insmed unfolds the patient and diligent investors among us will reap the rewards as will the patients that this drug will help.
...Omdat't altijd leuk is 'Bullish' te lezen; alle kritische geluiden zijn immers al gehoord en de koers heeft zich hieraan ook in de loop van afgelopen maanden aangepast (met een minimum van $ 2.07)!
...Thans, na maanden van voorbereiding & radiostilte, zal de CC van vanmiddag, waarin het voltallige management zich eindelijk voor't eerst uitspreekt, de koers een ongelofelijke 'boost' geven!
...De $3.35 hebben we al behaald in't recente verleden, dus dat zal geen enkel probleem zijn vandaag; immers aan de omstandigheden is vooralsnog niets veranderd!
...Waar't om gaat, is MANAGEMENTS' GESPROKEN WOORD (na FDA - Approval)! ...en dat zal na vanmiddags' CC hoog gewaardeerd worden, zeer hoog!!
Geluk, F.
Nog immer VPHM's stijging na 27/04/05 indachtig