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TUI ........ beleggen op twee paarden.

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  1. forum rang 7 ffff 31 oktober 2005 15:13
    Nou Marique,

    Een analyse om in te lijsten! Maar ja, ik heb dit draadje toch al opgeslagen. Maar altijd prettig een goed onderbouwde analyse ertussen te hebben zitten.

    Heb tenslotte ook oog voor de huidige gang van zaken. De Arabieren, waaronder Dubai weten met al hun olie-inkomsten geen raad en kopen her en der grote bedrijven uit. Afgelopen weekend dan plots het gerucht dat P & O wordt overgenomen. PATS, zomaar even 40 procent erbij. Vanmorgen de grote knaller in Londen. Uiteindelijk doet die P & O vrijwel hetzelfde als CP ships én Hapag Loyds rederij van TUI. Dat is nu eens een positieve ontwikkeling voor de branche.

    Een stel economen zouden eens een "vergelijkend" onderzoek kunnen doen, wie nu eigenlijk goedkoper "rederijcapaciteit" heeft ingekocht: TUI of de Arabieren?

    Groet Peter en nogmaals bedankt! Ik ga het nog eens doorlezen!

  2. forum rang 6 marique 31 oktober 2005 15:40

    ik ben Diede. schreef:

    je rekent met een koers van 21 euro, ik weet niet of dat helemaal reeel is.
    Heb jij ook een verwachting van de komende kwartaalcijfers?
    Iets van 15 - 18 is misschien reëler. En dan komt de nieuwe koers ergens tussen 12 - 16 uit. Wie zal het zeggen?
    Eerlijk gezegd weet ik het niet. Zoals vrijwel alle aandelen zit/zat TUI in een uptrend. Als de koersstijging van TUI naar 21 euro overdreven was, is die van vrijwel alle andere aandelen ook overdreven. Onzekerheid is troef de laatste weken.

    Voor de Q3-cijfers heb ik geen idee. Tot vandaag had ik me nog niet verdiept in de jaarcijfers van Tui. Ik heb dat vandaag vluchtig gedaan om mezelf wat meer zekerheid te verschaffen over wel/niet aanhouden voor LT. Als de Q3 cijfers een positief vooruitzicht bieden, houd ik de aandelen waarschijnlijk langer dan KT aan. Pas dan duik ik wat dieper in de jaarverslagen om de gegevens op te nemen in mijn FA-bestand.


  3. forum rang 6 marique 31 oktober 2005 15:53

    ffff schreef:

    Heb tenslotte ook oog voor de huidige gang van zaken. De Arabieren, waaronder Dubai weten met al hun olie-inkomsten geen raad en kopen her en der grote bedrijven uit.
    Ik vraag me af waar dat naar toe moet. Er komt steeds meer 'durfkapitaal' dat beursnoteringen omzet in 'private equity'.
    Vanouds is beursnotering een voorwaarde om kapitaal aan te trekken. Je ziet nu ahw het omgekeerde.
    Op KT gezien is het natuurlijk leuk om een overnamepremie te ontvangen op een aandeel dat je toevallig in pf had, maar als dat op grote schaal doorgaat, blijven er straks nog maar weinig aantrekkelijke aandelen over. En waar moet je dan als belegger met je geld naar toe?

    Er schijnt wereldwijd een ruim overschot aan liquiditeiten te zijn, dat van luchtbel naar luchtbel vlucht. M.i. is er sprake van een soort wereldwijd pyramidespel.

  4. [verwijderd] 1 november 2005 15:42
    en een bijster interessant persbericht:

    Press-Release, 11/1/05

    TUI appoints new head of Press department

    Robin Zimmermann (34) will take charge of the TUI AG Press Office with
    effect from 1 December 2005. He will take over from Mario Köpers, who will
    be leaving the company. Zimmermann will report directly to Uwe Kattwinkel,
    the head of TUI Group Communications.

    After studying politics and history Robin Zimmermann started his career with
    his training in public relations as a radio news editor. He was subsequently
    engaged as head of the news editorial desk, head of service and deputy chief
    editor with the national radio station Antenne Niedersachsen. In 2000 he
    joined TUI Deutschland GmbH, where he started as press spokesman, and became
    deputy head of the Press department in 2002. Since 2003 Zimmermann has been
    working in TUI AG Group Communications as press spokesman and deputy head of
    the Press department. His focus among other things is on product
    communication for the TUI core brand, crisis communication as well as press
    and public relations work for the Hapagfly airline.

    1.061 characters

    Uwe Kattwinkel, phone +49(0)511 566-1417
  5. [verwijderd] 4 november 2005 11:11
    cijfers even snel bekeken.

    stuk verbetering ten opzichte van 2004 met goede

    * good business development in 2nd quarter
    * adjusted earnings increased by 25%
    * earnings in tourism up by 8% year-on-year
    * earnings in shipping improved again

    Hopelijk kunnen we wat oplopen richting de cijfers.
    laatste dagen telkens een %-tje, ga zo door ;)
  6. forum rang 6 Bart Meerdink 4 november 2005 11:46
    Ik was een beetje verbaasd dat TUI-schuld in de categorie 'Junk-Bonds' valt voor de Amerikaanse rating-agencies. Als ze even rustig aan doen met overnames dan gaat dat snel verbeteren, en de rentekosten gaan omlaag en samen met de synergie in de container-tak moet de koers een stuk omhoog kunnen (ik vond dat in de berekeningen van Marique de ratio achter de overname van CP-Ships niet erg uit de verf kwam...).


    RATING: Moody's verleiht TUI spekulatives Erstrating 'Ba2' ...
    Posted on Tuesday, November 01 @ W. Europe Standard Time

    PARIS (dpa-AFX) - Der Reisekonzern TUI hat von der Ratingagentur Moody's das Erstrating "Ba2" erhalten. Der Ausblick sei stabil, teilte die Agentur am Freitag in Paris mit. Auch die beiden im August 2009 beziehungsweise im Mai 2011 fälligen TUI-Anleihen erhielten das Rating "Ba2". Damit fallen TUI-Titel in die Kategorie spekulativer Anlagen oder "Junk-Bonds". So werden Anleihen von eher geringerer Bonität bezeichnet. Das Rating "Ba2" impliziert auch in gutem wirtschaftlichem Umfeld eine eher mäßige Deckung von Zins und Tilgung. Zuvor hatte Standard & Poor's (S&P) mit dem eine Stufe besseren, aber ebenfalls spekulativen Erstrating "BB+" beurteilt.
  7. [verwijderd] 9 november 2005 14:57
    vrijdag de cijfers, ik ben benieuwd.

    verwacht toch wel positieve reactie en in de aanloop ervan nog een iets oplopende koers.

    zou de 17 haalbaar zijn voor vrijdag?:

    Tijd 14:55
    +/- 0,14 0,84%
  8. forum rang 4 bearishbull 9 november 2005 14:59
    Het lijkt mij dat het moeilijk is om te stoppen met uitgebreid te praten over je hobby.

    Denk dat het ook niet het hoofdonderwerp aan de eettafel is voor Peter.

    Ik praat nu vanaf mijn situatie, maar ik denk dat ik er niet ver naast zit.
  9. [verwijderd] 9 november 2005 15:17
    lol :)

    sorry, ik probeer me al zoveel mogelijk in te houden :)
    (zeker op zo`n saaie dag als vandaag!)

    Maar ik heb zoveel geklaagd toen het naar beneden ging, dat ik het ook even moet melden als we (voorzichtig) omhoog gaan.
  10. [verwijderd] 10 november 2005 08:59

    [quote]Press-Release, 11/10/05

    TUI continues positive trend in Q3/
    Earnings in tourism and shipping again improved/ Adjusted earnings by
    divisions (EBTA) 6.3 percent above previous year in Q3

    TUI AG has continued the positive performance in its core business sectors
    in the third quarter. Turnover and earnings were improved compared to the
    previous year in both tourism and shipping. Turnover in the tourism sector
    for the first 9 months of 2005 rose by 6.0 percent to 11.3 billion euros,
    while shipping turnover rose by 17.0 percent to 2.3 billion euros. Tourism
    earnings for that same period improved by 8.1 percent. Shipping earnings for
    the first three quarters of 2005 were 3.1 percent up on the previous year.

    Successful takeover bid for CP Ships

    In order to enhance the competitive position and expand the regional
    presence of Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie, TUI has decided to take over the
    Canadian shipping company CP Ships. A corresponding offer to the
    shareholders of CP Ships was successful. 83,972,849 validly deposited
    shares, representing about 89.0 percent of the outstanding shares, were
    taken up on 20 October, 2005 and paid for on 25 October, 2005. TUI intends
    to take over the remaining shares of CP Ships by means of an amalgamation.
    To this end, a meeting of CP Ships shareholders will convene on 14 December,
    2005 in order to effect a corresponding decision pursuant to applicable
    Canadian law. The amalgamation will be completed in 2005.

    Capital increase successfully completed

    In order to partly refinance the takeover of CP Ships, a capital increase
    through subscription rights was effected in September. TUI AG received gross
    issuing proceeds of around 1 billion euros. Following the capital increase,
    TUI AG's capital stock amounts to 639,777,370.74 euros split into
    250,259,155 nopar value shares.

    Credit rating received

    After the completion of the third quarter of 2005, the rating agencies
    Standard & Poor's and Moody's, commissioned by TUI, published their ratings
    for TUI AG and the bonds issued by TUI in 2004. TUI's longterm credit rating
    by Standard & Poor's is "BB+/Positive", with Moody's rating
    "Ba2/Stable".TUI's bonds have been rated "BB" by Standard & Poor's and "Ba2"
    by Moody's Due to the rating, an increase in the interest rate of the 2004
    bonds was avoided.

    Earnings performance in Q3

    The application of several new IFRS accounting standards has been mandatory
    since 1 January, 2005. As a result, the interim financial statement for 1
    January, 2005 until 30 September, 2005 contains changes in the disclosure
    and valuation of several items in the profit and loss statement and the
    balance sheet. For comparative figures for the previous year appropriate
    adjustments have been made.

    Adjusted earnings by divisions in Q3 up 6.3 percent year-on-year

    In the third quarter of 2005, earnings by divisions (EBTA), adjusted for the
    effects of the IFRS changes as well as unusual expenses and income, rose 6.3
    percent year-on-year to 659 million euros (previous year 620 million euros).
    The figure for the first three quarters of 2005 totalled 591 million euros,
    which was up 17.0 percent year-on-year (505 million euros).

    Earnings of continuing operations confirms positive trend

    As in the first two quarters, earnings of continuing operations tourism and
    shipping as well as central operations again reported an improvement.
    Earnings in the third quarter of 2005 rose by 5.1 percent to 658 million
    euros (previous year 626 million euros). Cumulative earnings for the first 9
    months of the year reached a figure of 529 million euros (previous year 424
    million euros), a 24.8 percent improvement year-on-year. This was
    attributable to tourism, where earnings were up 8.1 percent, as well as
    shipping, where earnings were up 3.1 percent. Central operations reported a
    27.7 percent improvement year-on-year.

    Earnings of discontinuing operations trading and special logistics (before
    taxes on income and amortisation of goodwill) dropped to 56 million euros in
    the third quarter of 2005 (previous year including divestments 169 million
    euros). Cumulative earnings in the first three quarters of 2005 amounted to
    139 million euros, which corresponds to a decrease of 51.1 percent
    year-on-year (previous year including divestments 284 million euros).

    This was due primarily to the lower earnings figure for the trading sector,
    which reported still a good business trend, but was unable to reproduce last
    year's high earnings level which had benefited from the effects of
    exceptional market trends. Moreover, the first three quarters of 2004
    included high proceeds from divestments in the special logistics sector.

    In the third quarter of 2005 total earnings by divisions (before taxes on
    income and amortisation of goodwill) for the TUI Group decreased by 10.2
    percent to 714 million euros (previous year 795 million euros). The previous
    year figure comprised high exceptional income from divestments in the
    special logistics sector. For the same reason, earnings by divisions
    reported for the first three quarters of 2005 were down 5.6 percent at 668
    million euros (previous year 708 million euros).

    Turnover of continuing operations above previous year

    Turnover generated by continuing operations (tourism, shipping, central
    operations) in the third quarter of 2005 amounted to 6.22 billion euros,
    which is up 8.1 percent year-on-year (5.75 billion euros). Turnover of
    continuing operations in the first three quarters of 2005 amounted to 13.79
    billion euros, corresponding to an increase of 7.4 percent year-on-year
    (12.84 billion euros). Tourism accounted for an increase of 6.0 percent
    whereas shipping contributed with an increase of 17 percent.

    The discontinuing operations of trading and special logistics reported
    turnover of 361 million euros for the third quarter, which was 18.5 percent
    down year-on-year (previous year 443 million euros). Cumulative turnover in
    the first three quarters of 2005 amounted to 1.07 billion euros, and is thus
    24.1 percent down year-on-year (previous year 1.41 billion euros).

    Tourism improves turnover and earnings

    The tourism division continued its positive performance and reported better
    results in the third quarter of 2005 than in the previous year. 7.79 million
    (previous year 7.26 million) customers purchased tourism products of the TUI
    group in the third quarter. Turnover for the same period rose 7.0 percent to
    5.29 billion euros and earnings reached 590 million euros, which is 3.0
    percent higher than in the previous year (573 million euros).In the first
    three quarters of 2005, total customer figures thus increased by 8.8 percent
    to 17.34 million, with turnover up 6.0 percent to 11.29 billion euros and
    earnings improving by 8.1 percent to 492 million euros.

    The Central Europe sector increased turnover in the third quarter of 2005 by
    10.1 percent to 2.16 billion euros (previous year 1.96 billion euros).
    Cumulative turnover for the first three quarters of 2005 increased by 7.8
    percent to 4.51 billion euros (previous year 4.18 billion euros). This was
    attributable primarily to the tour operator business in the three source
    markets Germany, Switzerland and Austria. At 171 million euros, earnings for
    this sector in the third quarter of 2005 were up 5.6 perc
  11. [verwijderd] 10 november 2005 09:00
    At 171 million euros, earnings for
    this sector in the third quarter of 2005 were up 5.6 percent on the previous
    year (162 million euros). Apart from the tour operator business this
    positive development was due primarily to the improved earnings at
    Hapag-Lloyd Express. In the first three quarters of 2005 earnings of the
    sector totalled 116 million euros, which was up 19.6 percent on the previous
    year (97 million euros). Customer numbers in the third quarter of 2005
    climbed by 7.0 percent to 3.67 million, the cumulative figure for the first
    three quarters of 2005 was up 10.0 percent to 8.07 million.

    In the Northern Europe sector, the number of customers rose by 3.5 percent
    to 2.49 million in the third quarter of 2005. Hence, in the first three
    quarters of 2005, a total of 5.63 million passengers travelled with tour
    operators in this sector, which is an increase of 4.6 percent. Turnover for
    this sector increased from 1.79 billion euros in the previous year to 1.82
    billion euros in the third quarter. Turnover in the first three quarters of
    2005 rose by 2.3 percent to 3.95 billion euros (previous year 3.86 billion
    euros). Given a largely stable development in the tour operator business,
    this growth resulted mainly from higher turnover generated by the flight
    operations in the UK.

    At 226 million euros, earnings for the third quarter of 2005 were up by 19.6
    percent year-on-year (previous year 189 million euros). The cumulative
    earnings for the first three quarters of 2005 reached a figure of 153
    million euros (previous year 123 million euros). The 24.4 percent
    year-on-year increase was primarily attributable to the good performance of
    the Nordic countries, the British tour operating business as well as the
    positive effects of the restructuring measures initiated in 2004.

    In the third quarter of 2005, the Western Europe sector enjoyed a 14.7
    percent increase in the number of customers up to 1.63 million. In the first
    three quarters of 2005 a total of 3.64 million passengers travelled with
    tour operators in this sector, which is an 13.1 percent increase
    year-on-year. Turnover in the third quarter of 2005 rose by 13.0 percent to
    1.05 billion euros (previous year 0.93 billion euros). In the first three
    quarters of 2005, turnover reached a figure of 2.25 billion euros and was
    thus up 10.8 percent year-on-year (previous year 2.03 billion euros). All
    three source markets contributed to this increase whilst the relative growth
    in the Netherlands was the most distinctive.

    At 80 million euros, earnings by the sector fell below last year's level (97
    million euros) in the third quarter of 2005. Cumulative earnings for the
    first three quarters of 2005 were 52 million euros (previous year 78 million
    euros). While Belgium and the Netherlands performed positively, earnings in
    this sector were affected primarily by the airline sector. One-off expenses
    were sustained in particular in connection with the renovation of the
    Corsair Boeing 747 fleet in France. Furthermore, the commencement of
    operations by TUI Airlines Nederland in April 2005 led to start-up costs.

    In the third quarter of 2005, the destinations sector (incoming agencies and
    hotel companies) generated a turnover of 197 million euros (previous year
    207 million euros). The decrease by 4.8 percent resulted mainly from less
    business with third parties compared to the previous year. In the first
    three quarters of 2005, turnover totalled 407 million euros, an increase of
    3.8 percent year-on-year (previous year 392 million euros). The reduction in
    sales following divestment of the Anfi Group in June 2004 was more than
    compensated for by the full-year inclusion of the Toufag Group (three
    Spanish Robinson Clubs) for the first time.

    At 116 million euros earnings for this sector in the third quarter of 2005
    matched last year's level. A slight decline in earnings in the hotel sector
    was offset by an equivalent increase in earnings by incoming agencies.
    Cumulative turnover for the first three quarters of 2005 totalled 177
    million euros, which means an increase by 24.6 percent year-on-year
    (previous year 142 million euros). The improvement was primarily
    attributable to the earnings by hotel companies.

    Shipping continues growth

    The shipping division (Hapag-Lloyd Container Linie and Hapag-Lloyd
    Kreuzfahrten) benefited from strong demand for container transport and
    therefore continued its positive business performance despite increases in
    costs. Transport volume in the third quarter 2005 rose by 11 percent to 695
    thousand standard containers (TEU), turnover increased by 20.4 percent to
    873 million euros. Earnings at 89 million euros were up 2.3 percent

    The cumulative turnover for this sector for the first three quarters of 2005
    reached a figure of 2.31 billion euros (previous year 1.97 billion euros),
    an increase of 17.0 percent. Transport volume in the first three quarters of
    2005 totalled 1.967 million TEU, a 9.0 percent increase in the number of
    standard containers year-on-year (previous year 1.799 million TEU). Earnings
    for the same period rose by 3.1 percent to 199 million euros (previous year
    193 million euros). These improvements resulted primarily from the good
    course of business in the container shipping segment. Like in the previous
    quarters the growth in turnover was curbed by an increase in costs, above
    all in bunker oil costs and charter rates for shortterm contracts.

    Central operations improve earnings

    Central operations (corporate centre functions, real estate companies,
    remaining industrial activities) reported turnover of 64 million euros for
    the third quarter of 2005 (previous year 91 million euros) and turnover of
    192 million euros for the first three quarters of 2005 (previous year 215
    million euros). Central operations earnings for the third quarter of 2005
    amounted to –21 million euros (previous year –34 million euros), with total
    earnings for the first three quarters of 2005 improving to –162 million
    euros (previous year –224 million euros).

    In the trading sector , the steel service companies of Preussag North
    America, Inc. (PNA) operating in the USA performed all in all satisfactorily
    in the third quarter of 2005. Compared to last year's boom turnover fell by
    9.7 percent to 252 million euros (previous year 279 million euros), while in
    the first three quarters of 2005 turnover reached 748 million euros, a 2.4
    percent increase year-on-year (previous year 730 million euros). Following
    the extraordinary market performance in the previous year purchase prices
    have risen substantially again.

    As a result earnings of the trading sector totalled 9 million euros
    (previous year 30 million euros) in the third quarter of 2005. At 34 million
    euros earnings for the first three quarters of 2005 fell short of last
    year's record level (94 million euros).

    Prospects for 2005 financial year remain positive – Booked turnover for the
    summer season up by 6.5 percent

    In the first three quarters of 2005, the TUI Group has benefited from
    positive industry trends in its core businesses, tourism and shipping, and
    increased the operating results in both divisions.

    In tourism, last year's upswing has continued through the 2005 summer season
    which ended in October. At Group level, the year-on-year increase in
  12. forum rang 6 Bart Meerdink 10 november 2005 10:10
    Iets makkelijker te lezen denk ik: www.tui.com/en/ir/ir_news_ad_hoc_noti...
    of volledig Q305 op: www.tui.com/de/Media/content-14086.pdf

    TUI is wel erg sterk in het opleuken van resultaten geloof ik (ik zeg ergens zelfs EDITDAR als begrip dwz EBITDA en dan ook nog zonder Rent=Huur hetgeen een enorm bedrag scheelde).
  13. [verwijderd] 10 november 2005 10:13
    Tui hält Prognosen aufrecht

    Der Touristikkonzern Tui hat im entscheidenden Sommerquartal bessere Ergebnisse erzielt als im Vorjahr und sieht sich damit im Plan, um seine Jahresziele im Reisegeschäft zu erreichen. Wie das Unternehmen am Donnerstag in Hannover mitteilte, stieg der um Sondereffekte bereinigte Konzerngewinn vor Zinsen und Steuern (Ebta) um 6,3 Prozent auf 659 Millionen Euro. Analysten hatten im Schnitt 642,6 Millionen Euro erwartet.

    Trotz des Anschlags im ägyptischen Badeort Scharm el Scheich im Juli und den Wirbelstürmen im Golf von Mexiko stieg in der mit Abstand wichtigsten Touristiksparte das Ergebnis um drei Prozent auf 590 Millionen Euro. Analysten hatten aber auf einen Anstieg auf gut 599 Millionen Euro getippt. Zudem lag das Plus damit unter dem Anstieg der ersten neun Monate: Von Januar bis September stieg das Ergebnis im Touristikgeschäft um 8,1 Prozent auf 492 Millionen Euro.

    Prognose bestätigt
    Der Umsatz der Sparte stieg im abgelaufenen Quartal binnen Jahresfrist um sieben Prozent auf 5,286 Milliarden Euro. Der Sommer macht rund zwei Drittel des touristischen Geschäfts von Tui aus. Im Gesamtjahr 2005 erwartet Tui weiterhin einen Ebta-Zuwachs im Touristikgeschäft "um einen niedrigen zweistelligen Prozentsatz". Die Buchungen für die am 1. November begonnene Wintersaison 2005/2006 seien gut gestartet, hieß es.

    Der Konzernumsatz legte im Quartal um 6,2 Prozent auf 6,584 Milliarden Euro zu und übertraf damit die Erwartungen. In den ersten neun Monaten verbesserte sich der Umsatz um 4,3 Prozent auf 14,866 Milliarden Euro. Dabei verbuchte die Touristik um sechs Prozent höhere Erlöse von 11,3 Milliarden Euro, während der Umsatz in der Schifffahrt um 17 Prozent auf 2,31 Milliarden Euro zulegte.

    Zuversichtlich fürs Containergeschäft
    "Die beiden Säulen unseres Konzerns, die Touristik und die Schifffahrt, erweisen sich in diesem Jahr als stabil und ertragsstark", sagte Konzernchef Michael Frenzel. "Trotz mancher unerwarteter Einflüsse, die die Ergebnisentwicklung in den ersten neun Monaten beeinträchtigt haben, sind wir zuversichtlich, in beiden Bereichen unsere Ergebnisziele zu erreichen."

    Das Schifffahrtsgeschäft erzielte in den ersten drei Quartalen 2005 ein Ergebnis von 199 Millionen Euro, das ist ein Plus von 3,1 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahreszeitraum. Für die Container-Schifffahrt seien die Prognosen für den weiteren Verlauf dieses Jahres "weiterhin insgesamt günstig", hieß es weiter. Tui stellte in Aussicht, dass das Ebta der Schifffahrtssparte im Gesamtjahr "an das hohe Niveau des Vorjahres anknüpft" - und zwar ohne Berücksichtigung der kürzlich übernommenen kanadischen Reederei CP Ships. Der Zusammenschluss soll noch in diesem Jahr vollzogen werden.
  14. [verwijderd] 10 november 2005 15:21
    enkele nieuwskoppen:

    10.11.2005 14:22:33 (dpa-AFX)
    ROUNDUP 2: TUI sieht sich in Touristik und Schifffahrt gut auf Kurs

    10.11.2005 11:01:24 (dpa-AFX)
    ROUNDUP: Touristikkonzern TUI profitiert auch im 3. Quartal von Reiselust

    10.11.2005 10:24:01 (dpa-AFX)
    AKTIE IM FOKUS 2: TUI nach Zahlen schwach - Touristiksparte enttäuscht

    10.11.2005 09:39:00 (FINANZEN.NET)
    TUI meldet Umsatzwachstum im dritten Quartal

    10.11.2005 09:18:02 (dpa-AFX)
    KORREKTUR: TUI im Sommerquartal mit kräftigem Plus - Touristikprognose bleibt

    laatste adviezen:

    07.11.2005 12:36:42 (MERCK FINCK & CO)
    TUI "hold"
    04.11.2005 13:49:29 (NORDDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK)
    TUI kaufen
    01.11.2005 08:59:13 (JRC CONSULTANCY)
    TUI Aktie des Tages
    31.10.2005 11:02:22 (LRP LANDESBANK RHEINLAND-PFALZ)
    TUI Outperformer
    31.10.2005 10:37:05 (STOCKSTREET.DE)
    TUI kaufen
    27.10.2005 09:21:44 (AKTIENEINBLICK.DE)
    TUI halten
    26.10.2005 11:19:49 (MERCK FINCK & CO)
    TUI "hold"
    25.10.2005 15:00:56 (BANKVEREIN WERTHER AG)
    TUI überdurchschnittliche Chancen
    24.10.2005 13:55:36 (INDEPENDENT RESEARCH)
    TUI Upgrade
    21.10.2005 11:50:50 (BANKGESELLSCHAFT BERLIN)
    TUI kaufen

  15. [verwijderd] 10 november 2005 16:12
    Für TUI ging es um 2,28 Prozent auf 16,30 Euro nach unten. Die Bilanz von Europas größtem Reisekonzern sei ohne Überraschung gewesen, sagte ein Börsianer. Enttäuscht äußerten sich Analysten zu dem Geschäftsverlauf der Tourismussparte. Die Aktien der Deutschen Post gaben um 0,79 Prozent auf 18,84 Euro nach. Das operative Ergebnis des Logistikunternehmens lag unter den Erwartungen der Analysten.
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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.017
AB InBev 2 5.496
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.645
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 264
Accsys Technologies 23 10.644
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 188
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.751
Aedifica 3 916
Aegon 3.258 322.822
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.296
ageas 5.844 109.892
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.050
Ahold 3.538 74.335
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.043
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.036
Alfen 16 24.792
Allfunds Group 4 1.473
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.822
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.160
AMG 971 133.320
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.689
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 14.998
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 381
Arcadis 252 8.776
Arcelor Mittal 2.033 320.706
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.300
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.735
Ascencio 1 27
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.096
ASML 1.766 107.162
ASR Nederland 21 4.484
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.667
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 24 februari

    1. Vastned Q4-cijfers
    2. PostNL Q4-cijfers
    3. Ifo ondernemersvertrouwen februari (Dld)
    4. Inflatie januari def. (eur)
    5. Chicago Fed index januari (VS)
    6. Retail Estates Q3-cijfers
    7. Vastned Belgium Q4-cijfers
    8. Zoom Video Communications Q4-cijfers (VS)
  2. 25 februari

    1. Ackermans & Van Haaren Q4-cijfers
    2. Economische groei vierde kwartaal def (Dld)
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht