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Japan moeder van alle emerging markets

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  1. [verwijderd] 13 maart 2007 11:35

    maupie26 schreef:

    dat las ik net op dit forum , dus jij denkt een buy ??
    Beste Maupie,
    Elke dag kan het weer anders zijn, de ene dag up en de volgende dag down en voorlopig blijft het erg onrustig allemaal! Ik heb voorlopig alle ICW's en IJW'S verkocht en na de "crash?" koop ik wel weer. Slaapt voorlopig rustiger.
  2. [verwijderd] 9 april 2007 18:55
    China tech giants look to Japan for expansion

    By Liu Baijia (China Business Weekly)
    Updated: 2007-04-09 08:57

    Tokyo-based Japanese reporter Shinya Enomoto doesn't read Chinese, but has been frequently using Chinese website Baidu.com to download his favorite songs.

    That's music to Baidu's ears as the company prepares to launch a Japanese website this year, an event eagerly awaited by Enomoto.

    Robin Li, chairman and CEO of NASDAQ-listed Baidu.com Inc, said in February that his company has developed the necessary technology to start a Japanese website and will spend $15 million to log into the Japanese market.

    Meanwhile, Alibaba.com, China's largest business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce company, will also reportedly start offering Japanese services in the second half of 2007.

    Baidu and Alibaba aren't exactly blazing a trail. Chinese technology companies like Lenovo Group, Neusoft Group and Kingsoft have already made significant inroads into Japan.

    As Chinese tech companies get bigger and look for more room to grow in overseas markets, Japan has become a must-tap.

    A suitable market

    Lu Bowang, a senior Internet industry analyst in Beijing, says an enhanced capability and a competitive domestic market along with a similar language and culture are the main reasons for Chinese dotcoms' yen for Japan.

    Since the Internet bubble burst in 2000, many Chinese companies have given up business models aping United States counterparts, and have developed their own, which have helped them beat global giants like Google, MSN, Yahoo! and eBay in the Chinese market.

    Companies like Baidu and Alibaba, with hundreds of millions of dollars in hand and pushed by investors to find new growth engines, are thus turning to Japan.

    Japan is the world's second-largest economy and also the second-largest technology market More importantly, it's blissfully devoid of strong local players, dominated as it is by US conglomerates like Yahoo! and Microsoft. The growth of local leaders has also been hindered by the practice of outsourcing that many Japanese companies resort to.

    The fact that both Chinese and Japanese are two-byte languages, which means high similarities in computerspeak, is seen by Chinese firms as an added advantage.

    Beijing-based Kingsoft, which competes with Microsoft in China's office automation software market, established a Japanese venture in 2005. "We started probing the Japanese market, whose office software segment is 20 times that of China. But we have been waiting for an internationally competitive product," says Lei Jun, CEO of Kingsoft.

    In September, the company started to charge on its anti-virus software Duba, after a year of free service. In four months, Kingsoft broke even. Buoyed, in February, it released office software WPS in the Japanese market.

    In January, Japanese venture capital heavyweight JAFCO invested 2.5 billion yen ($21.02 million) in Kingsoft's Japanese arm eight times Kingsoft's original investment. Neusoft Group, the largest Chinese technology service outsourcing firm, last year generated 60 percent of its offshore revenue from Japanese customers and every week, hundreds of its Chinese and Japanese employees shuttle between its Shenyang headquarters and Tokyo.

    Its chairman and CEO Liu Jiren, who started the company with a contract from Japanese firm Alpine, flies to Japan every month to meet customers and oversee the operations there.

    Go local

    Many US dotcoms in China are criticized for being slow in localizing. As Chinese companies swarm into Japan, they are also facing similar issues.

    Internet analyst Lu warns the Chinese and Japanese markets are vastly different.

    The business community in Japan is highly interconnected and it is difficult for a foreign company to integrate into it. The legal environment is also very different from that in China.

    In addition to good products and services, the key to the success for companies like Neusoft and Kingsoft largely lies in local partnerships.

    When Neusoft was founded in 1991, it sailed through with the help of Alpine, with which formed a joint venture. Later, Neusoft also has Toshiba as a strategic investor.

    Neusoft's Liu says his company will seek more investment from Japanese partners this year to expand its business lines.

    Neusoft has more than 100 employees in Japan and most of them are Japanese. The CEO of Neusoft Japan and managers of finance and technology wings are all Japanese.

    "The key for us is to build trust in the local market and grow with the local people and in the framework of local rules," says Liu.

    Compared with Liu, Kingsoft's Lei does not visit Japan that often, relying more on conference calls with executives of the Japanese venture. But he, too, believes trust and partnership are pivotal.

    Lei spent almost two years to find the right people for his Japanese business and finally found a Japanese executive, who used to run his own gaming software firm and had rich experience in Japan's software distribution network. Kingsoft also offered local managers stakes in the Japanese firm as additional incentives.

    Innovate and win

    As latecomers, Chinese companies have to work extra hard to enter foreign markets, but their innovative business models in the domestic market could help.

    When Kingsoft opened its Japanese business in 2005, it faced challenges on several fronts: Microsoft had an overwhelming dominance in the office automation software market and companies like Symantec and Trend Micro led in the anti-virus segment.

    What Lei did was that he took advantage of the Internet to cut distribution and sales costs. In the first year, Kingsoft offered free downloads and upgrades on the Web, which attracted thousands of customers. By the time it began to charge users from September 2006, Kingsoft had already clocked up a huge user base. While Microsoft Office suite sells at around 50,000 yen ($421), Kingsoft's WPS is priced at just 10 percent of that.

    "As a latecomer, we must have a business model different from established rivals, and the online platform was our solution," says Lei.

    Experience in developing products for the local market is also something Chinese Internet companies want to use when venturing into Japan.

    In the first stage of Baidu's development in China, attracting young users with its music search service was the key, while in the later stage, it developed a distribution model that allowed the company to take its services to thousands of small and medium-sized companies and beat Google's online sales platform.

    "With our proven strength in Chinese search services and our focus on delivering the best user experience, we will be able to provide Japanese users a quality alternative to existing search engines," says Baidu's Li.
  3. [verwijderd] 11 april 2007 16:03
    China en Japan halen banden aan

    TOKIO - China en Japan gaan werken aan een verdere verbetering van de onderlinge relaties en de samenwerking op tal van terreinen versterken. Dat hebben de Japanse premier Shinzo Abe en zijn Chinese collega Wen Jiabao woensdag laten weten na een ontmoeting in de Japanse hoofdstad Tokio.

    Het was de eerste gezamenlijke verklaring over de bilaterale betrekkingen tussen beide Aziatische grootmachten in tien jaar tijd. Abe en Wen hebben akkoorden ondertekend over onder meer de strijd tegen het broeikaseffect en samenwerking op energiegebied.

    Ook heeft China een importverbod op rijst uit Japan ongedaan gemaakt. De eerste scheepstransporten met 25 ton Japanse rijst worden in juli in de havens van Peking en Sjanghai verwacht.

    China en Japan hebben wederzijdse economische belangen. Voor Japan is het explosief groeiende China een belangrijke handelspartner en afzetmarkt.

    In de verklaring staat verder dat beide landen openhartig met het verleden zullen omgaan. De onderlinge verhouding was lange tijd moeizaam, voornamelijk als gevolg van de trauma's die de Japanse inval en wrede bezetting voor en tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog in China hebben veroorzaakt.

    Abe's voorganger Junichiro Koizumi had de verhouding met andere Aziatische landen flink laten verzuren met zijn herhaalde bezoeken aan een herdenkingsplaats waar ook oorlogsmisdadigers worden geëerd. Abe zorgde voor een ommekeer door in oktober direct na zijn verkiezing als premier naar China te reizen.

    Het driedaagse bezoek van Wen aan Japan duurt tot en met vrijdag. Hij zal tijdens zijn bezoek onder meer het Japanse parlement toespreken, ondernemers ontmoeten en de Japanse keizer bezoeken. Abe heeft aan Wen te kennen gegeven dat hij later dit jaar weer een bezoek aan China wil brengen.
  4. [verwijderd] 12 april 2007 06:43
    Japan probeert boven de 17.500 te blijven, als ie daarin slaagt kan de Nikkei verder richting 20.000 punten.

    Dat de USA het wat zwakker doet, doet er niet toe, Azië is de USA niet en Japan ligt in Azië vlak naast China, en hun jarenlange vijandschap keert stilaan om naar vriendschap net zoals de Chinezen dat gedaan hebben bij India.

    Japan speelt mee, Japan hoort erbij, en Japan gaat scoren in de Chinese eeuw.

    Nog steeds koopwaardig de Intereffekt Japanse Warrants de ideale play om te profiteren van het Azie's wonderlijke groei.

    Koers 1.41 eur, nog steeds spotgoedkoop.


    The Artist

    Japan-China agreement highlights By The Associated Press

    Wed Apr 11

    Highlights of agreements between Japan and China after a meeting between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who is in Tokyo on the first visit by a Chinese leader since 2000. The two countries agreed to:

    • Study ways to jointly develop disputed resources in the East China Sea.

    • Work together to promote energy-saving technologies and develop energy resources.

    • Work on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change.

    • Strengthen cooperation in defense policy, including reciprocal visits by warships.

    • Work toward a nuclear weapons-free Korean peninsula.

    • Speed up Japan's cleanup of chemical weapons left in China from the World War II era.

    • Face up to history, a veiled reference to disputes over Japan's wartime conduct.

    • Arrange frequent high-level government contacts, including a possible visit by Abe to China later this year and by Chinese President Hu Jintao next year.

    • Hold periodic government meetings to discuss economic, trade and finance issues.

    • Work together to promote intellectual property rights.

  5. [verwijderd] 25 april 2007 11:55
    China becomes Japan's top trade partner

    by Kyoko Hasegawa
    Wed Apr 25, 1:56 AM ET

    TOKYO (AFP) - Japan said Wednesday that China became its top trading partner for the first time since World War II, unseating the United States in the past fiscal year despite strained ties between the Asian giants.

    The new milestone came as Japan reported the first rise in its overall trade surplus for two fiscal years, and a sharp increase in March that underpinned optimism in the outlook for Asia's largest economy.

    Japan's total trade with mainland China came to 25.43 trillion yen (214.8 billion dollars) in the year to March, against 25.16 trillion yen with the United States, the finance ministry said in a statement.

    "This reflects the gradual shift of production by Japanese firms to China. I think the trend of growing trade with China will continue," said finance ministry official Koichi Nose.

    The United States is still Japan's largest export destination but Japanese exports to China have been growing in recent years, while imports are strong.

    Including Hong Kong, China overtook the United States as Japan's biggest trading partner in 2004.

    Japanese manufacturers have been shifting more of their production operations to China, seeking cheap labour costs and a foothold in the fast-growing Chinese economy.

    "For Japan, a very large market has emerged next door," said Senshu University economics professor Hideo Ohashi.

    The two economies have strong links through direct investment while the flow of goods has increased sharply, ensuring that trade relations between the two Asian giants are likely to remain strong, he added.

    Japan was also China's largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years until 2003 but was then overtaken by the United States and European Union.

    Diplomatic relations between the two Asian giants became severely strained in recent years over war-time memories and territorial spats.

    Japan's overall trade surplus rose 16.4 percent in the year to March to 9.05 trillion yen, the first annual rise in two years, as exports gained 13.4 percent while imports increased 13.0 percent.

    In March alone, Japan's trade surplus soared 73.9 percent from a year earlier to 1.63 trillion yen (13.8 billion dollars) on strong exports of cars and electronics parts and a decline in oil import costs.

    Exports rose 10.2 percent in March while imports were steady.

    "The latest trade figures show exports are robust and Japan's economy is on track to steady growth," said Noriaki Haseyama, economist at Daiichi Life Research Institute.

    "One thing that should be watched is that the pace of growth in exports to the United States is slowing but at the same time, I'm not very worried as the US economy is expected to make a soft landing," said Haseyama.

    Japan's trade surplus with the United States in March grew 1.4 percent to 805.3 billion yen, with exports up 2.4 percent and imports up 3.5 percent.

    Minoru Nogimori, economist at Nomura Securities, said a cooling of the US housing sector should not affect Japanese exports significantly.

    "Although some housing-related figures are weak in the United States, it doesn't mean that overall US consumption demand will deteriorate. Japan mainly exports consumer goods and US demand for them are still resilient," he said.
  6. [verwijderd] 11 juni 2007 10:18
    Japan's economy again outshines U.S., euro zone
    Monday June 11, 3:13 am ET
    By Leika Kihara

    TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's economy outperformed both the United States and the euro zone in January-March for the second straight quarter, reinforcing expectations the Bank of Japan will raise rates in August.

    The economy expanded by 0.8 percent in January-March from the previous quarter, revised up as forecast by analysts from an initial reading of 0.6 percent, on robust growth in capital spending.

    On an annualized basis, gross domestic product (GDP) grew 3.3 percent, up from a preliminary reading of a 2.4 percent rise, the government said on Monday. That was slightly higher than economists' consensus forecast for a revision to 3.1 percent.

    "Overall, the data confirmed the firmness of capital spending," said Takumi Tsunoda, a senior economist at Shinkin Central Bank Research.

    Financial markets reacted little as the figures were mostly in line with economists' forecasts. Still, the upbeat data is likely to increase chances of the BOJ making further interest rate hikes, analysts said.

    Japan's January-March GDP growth compared with 0.6 percent quarter-on-quarter growth in the euro zone and an annualized 0.6 percent expansion in the United States.

    Largely behind the upward revision was strength in capital spending, which was marked up to a 0.3 percent rise from a preliminary 0.9 percent fall.

    While that was smaller than the consensus forecast of a revision to a 0.5 percent rise, it was enough to confirm the economy continues to get support from corporate sector strength.

    "When the preliminary data showed a fall in capital spending, people had worried about the outlook for capital spending," said Yoshiki Shinke, a senior economist at Dai-ichi Life Research Institute.

    "But this data confirmed that capital spending remained firm," he said.

    The economy expanded 2.1 percent in the fiscal year that ended on March 31, slower than 2.4 percent growth in the previous fiscal year but above the government's forecast of 1.9 percent.

    The government expects Japan to achieve growth of 2.0 percent in the fiscal year that began on April 1, and a senior official at the Cabinet Office gave an upbeat assessment.

    "As a whole, the economy continues to recover," Jun Hamano, vice minister for policy coordination, told a news conference.

    He said growth in capital spending is also moving within government expectations, which is for spending to keep growing but at a slower pace than in the year that ended on March 31.


    Soft capital spending had been blamed for a slowdown in preliminary January-March GDP growth from the previous quarter's 1.2 percent expansion.

    But economists had expected the GDP figures to be revised up after a Ministry of Finance survey released last week showed that corporate capital spending in the quarter rose more than expected from a year earlier to a record high.

    The revised GDP data also showed personal consumption, which makes up about 55 percent of the economy, rose 0.8 percent from the previous quarter, revised down from an initial estimate of a 0.9 percent increase.

    Some analysts were worried whether consumption could sustain momentum in the months ahead.

    "Consumption could lose steam especially in July-September after the scheduled changes in taxes," said Kiichi Murashima, an economist at Nikko Citigroup, referring to a planned rise in June in the "residence" tax, an already hefty local tax.

    A slump in consumption in the middle of last year was a key reason for the BOJ's decision to hold off on raising rates in January, before raising them to 0.50 percent in February.

    The central bank is widely expected to keep rates on hold at its two-day policy meeting that ends on Friday but it has said it will raise rates gradually to keep on top of inflation.

    Many analysts expect the next rate rise to come sometime in the July-September quarter.

    Japan is currently enjoying its longest period of economic expansion in the postwar era, albeit at a slower pace than previous booms, thanks to solid exports and capital spending.
  7. [verwijderd] 11 juni 2007 22:00
    de japanse beurs is bullish , maar we blijven wel lang hangen de laatste tijd tussen de 17000 en 18000 , hopelijk gaan we nog een sprintje trekken met de nikkei !!
  8. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2007 18:14

    cavok schreef:

    zullen we nu verder gaan stijgen richting de 20.000 punten artist , ziet er wel allemaal goed uit toch ?

    Moet lukken!!
    tis gelijk de Dow Jones hoe meer de Nikkei stijgt hoe meer de Yen daalt.
  9. [verwijderd] 18 juni 2007 20:37

    maupie26 schreef:

    laten we het hopen dat binnen een korte tijd de nikkei eens goed gaat knallen , moet toch lukken binnen een jaar naar de 20.000 punten b.v.
    kan even goed binnen een maand zijn, maar zolang de Yen daalt hebt ge daar niet veel aan.
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