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LNG - liquefied natural gas

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 23 maart 2016 16:23
    Stopzetten Browse FLNG-project is tegenvaller voor SBM, aldus ING - Market Talk

    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het stopzetten van het grote Browse FLNG-project door Woodside Petroleum, is een tegenvaller voor potentiele leveranciers zoals SBM Offshore (SBMO.AE), schreef ING woensdag in een note. In oktober kreeg SBM een zogenaamd FEED-contract om binnen het project voor drijvende LNG-platforms drie turrents te ontwerpen, maar het officiele contract was afhankelijk van de Final Investment Decision. In 99% leidt een FEED-contract, dat volgens ING vaak kleine contracten zijn $20-30 miljoen, tot een daadwerkelijk bouwcontract. In dit geval had een definitief contract voor SBM uit kunnen komen op een contractsom van $1,2 miljard, berekent ING, en gezien het lege orderboek voor Turnkey in 2017, zal het stopzetten van Browse, waarvoor de FID in de tweede helft van 2016 werd verwacht, gevoeld worden binnen de ingenieursdividie van SBM. "Dat is geen goed nieuws en leidt mogelijk tot meer [kostenbesparende] maatregelen wanneer er binnen de divisie geen herstel plaatsvindt in 2017", aldus ING dat een koop-advies heeft en een koersdoel van EUR17,00. SBM, dat sinds maandag weer in de AEX zit, noteert rond 09.45 uur 1,3% lager op EU11,76 bij een 0,5% hogere AEX. (marleen.groen@wsj.com)

    Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com

  2. forum rang 10 voda 23 maart 2016 16:39
    Woodside schrapt Browse LNG-project

    Gepubliceerd op 23 mrt 2016 om 07:12 | Views: 3.048

    PERTH (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Australische olie- en gasproducent Woodside Petroleum schrapt de huidige plannen voor het ontwikkelen van het Browse LNG-project. De fors gedaalde olie- en gasprijzen zijn daar de oorzaak van, aldus de onderneming woensdag in een verklaring. Ook olieconcerns als Shell en BP deden aan het miljardenproject mee.

    Browse is een van de grootste vloeibaar gemaakt gas (LNG)-projecten in Australië. De samenwerkingspartners bereiden nu een nieuw plan en budget voor om de gasvoorraden te ontwikkelen. ,,Woodside blijft zich inzetten voor een vroege commerciële ontwikkeling van de Browse-voorraden en LNG, maar de economische omstandigheden steunen een grote investering momenteel niet'', aldus topman Peter Coleman.

    Woodside was van plan om in de tweede helft van dit jaar een definitieve investeringsbeslissing te maken. Vorige maand gaf het concern echter al onder meer aan dat er verdere kostenbesparingen nodig waren. Naast Shell en BP zijn overigens ook PetroChina en Japan Australia LNG partners in Browse, aldus de website van Woodside.

    Het Browse-project had in het verleden nog een geschatte waarde van zo'n 80 miljard dollar. Dat was al flink verlaagd, tot een huidige 40 miljard dollar. Kenners wijzen er op dat de stap van Woodside ook vragen oproept over andere grote LNG-projecten die in ontwikkeling zijn, in onder meer Canada en Mozambique.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 23 maart 2016 17:06
    Yamal LNG project to pay off even amid ISD 30 per barrel oil price — Novatek CEO

    TASS reported that Chairman of Novatek management board Leonid Mikhelson said in an interview that the Yamal LNG project will pay for itself even in case oil prices are around USD 30 per barrel, despite the fact that the cost of liquefied natural gas is traditionally pegged to crude prices,

    He told “Probably today we should focus on those $30 per barrel… But still the project is implied [to be implemented till] 2045, we focus on credit resources for a 15-year period and even under most pessimistic estimates the project is economically justified and lossless.”

    He added “Production costs are very low and liquefaction costs are not bad. I think the Sabetta LNG will be competitive almost everywhere.”

    Yamal LNG is a large scale project on creating a liquefied natural gas production facility with 16.5 mln tonnes per year capacity. Yamal LNG unlocks access to the vast gas resources of the Russian Arctic, while also opening a new LNG sea transport route to Asia using ice-class LNG carriers. The project involves the creation of transport infrastructure, including a seaport and an airport near the Sabetta village (north-east of the Yamal Peninsula).

    Russia and China signed the intergovernmental agreement on the acquisition of Yamal LNG shares by China’s Silk Route foundation in September 2015. Before the transaction the share of Novatek in the “Yamal LNG was 60%, while French Total and China National Petroleum Corporation held 20%. The acquisition the share of Novatek in the project reduced it to 50.1%. China’s CNPC holds 29.9%, while French Total owns 20% and in the project.

    The launch of LNG production is scheduled for 2017.

    Source : TASS
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 april 2016 17:06
    'Shell schrapt miljardenorder'

    Gepubliceerd op 28 apr 2016 om 14:31 | Views: 3.520

    AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Shell ziet af van de bouw van drie drijvende fabrieken voor vloeibaar gemaakt gas (LNG). Dat bevestigt Shell donderdag. Het olieconcern had een deal onder voorbehoud met Samsung Heavy Industries die uiteindelijk volgens de Koreaanse scheepsbouwer rond de 4,6 miljard dollar waard zou zijn.

    Samsung Heavy won de opdracht in juni op voorwaarde dat het project pas in gang gezet zou worden zodra Shell er klaar voor zou zijn. Sindsdien zijn de olie- en gasprijzen gekelderd.

    Shell werkte in een joint venture samen met BP en de Australische olie- en gasproducent Woodside Petroleum aan plannen voor Browse, een van de grootste LNG-projecten in Australië. Woodside maakte vorige maand al bekend de plannen in te trekken.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 9 mei 2016 20:49
    Sri Lanka to have LNG power plants, no unsolicited bids - CEB chief

    A senior official said that Sri Lanka’s state power utility will go for liquefied natural gas power plants in the future to improve its generation mix, now largely reliant on coal, but is prohibited from accepting unsolicited bids.

    Mr Anura Wijayapala, chairman of the Ceylon Electricity Board, said that with LNG prices coming down, the Ceylon Electricity Board is considering building LNG power plants, but needs large units to justify the high cost of an unloading and re-gasification terminal.

    He said in response to a question at a recent forum held by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Public Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka “Yes, we’re considering LNG. In 5-7 years, we will consider getting LNG into our system mostly because of operational issues - we can’t run with coal alone.”

    The island’s grid now relies on a 900MW coal power station for its base load, the CEB’s first experience with coal power, which has contributed to grid instability along with renewable energy like wind and solar.

    Wijepala was questioned about a proposal for a USD1.2 billion 300MW LNG power plant at Hambantota port where the investor reportedly is offering to sell at 9 US cents per kilowatt hour.

    Mr Wijepala said that “We got many unsolicited proposals but the electricity act prohibits us from accepting them. Some proposals offer power even at 7 US cents.”

    Source : Economy Next
  6. forum rang 10 voda 14 juli 2016 17:15
    Sri Lanka has received US$ 4.5 bn worth proposals for power projects - Mr Jayasuriya

    Mr Upul Jayasuriya chairman of the BOI said that Sri Lanka's investment promotion agency, Board of Investment (BOI) has received proposals from six top global companies in the power sector for an investment of US$ 4.5 billion.

    The proposals call for investment in projects to generate around 2000 MW of power while Sri Lanka's current power generation requirement is around 1200 MW.

    Mr Jayasuriya said that "The power generation in the country will double in three years when the projects are implemented."

    According to Mr Jayasuriya, President Maithripala Sirisena is keen to facilitate power projects and called for a meeting with all stakeholders and investors.

    According to the proposals that were made, power generation projects will be Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) which is accepted world over as a cheap source of funding rather than coal.

    He said that "What is more important is that investors are able to supply power at Rs. 10 a unit which is much less than the current purchasing price."

    The thermal power plant at Kelanitissa is much more costly as far as consumers are concerned. The President has instructed Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) officials to consider the proposals and take a policy decision as to whether they would like to go for wind or solar power which would cost the consumer more or to buy power through the use LNG at a much cheaper rate.

    Source : Colombo Page
  7. forum rang 10 voda 11 oktober 2016 15:54
    Infrastructuur voor nieuwe brandstof rolt langzaam uit
    LNG groeit gestaag door

    door Wouter van Bergen

    Maasvlakte - 

    Wit bevroren kraagjes hebben de koppelingen van sommige leidingen aan boord van de Coral Methane, en op een aantal plekken op het schip dwarrelen kleine sneeuwvlokjes rond. Het is een graad of veertien op een oktoberdag met een herfstig zonnetje boven de Tweede Maasvlakte.

    Het bevroren condens verraadt de ijs- en ijskoude temperatuur van minus 162 graden waarmee 7500 kubieke meter vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (LNG) waarvan in een uur of acht in de Coral Methane wordt gepompt. Het door Shell gecharterde schip van rederij Anthony Veder ligt aan de gloednieuwe derde laadplaats van de Gateterminal, vanwaaruit het in drie dagen naar een klant in Zweden zal varen, voortgesuwd met de brandstof die het voor zijn opdrachtgever vervoert: LNG.

    Een bedrag van tussen de €70 en 100 miljoen is er door Vopak en Gasunie - de eigenaren van de terminal - en de Europese investeringsbank in de nieuwe laadpier, ’jetty’ in haventaal, gestoken. De installatie levert relatief kleine ladingen uit drie gigantische betonnen kolossen die per stuk 180.000 kubieke meter LNG ijskoud bewaren, die door enorme LNG-tankers uit Qatar, Noorwegen en Nigeria wordt aangevoerd.


    Het grootste deel van de LNG wordt na aanlanding via de Gate-terminal omgezet in gas, waarna het via pijpleidingen naar de eindgebruiker wordt geleid. Een ander deel, wordt overgeladen in vrachtwagens en kleinere schepen zoals de Coral Methane die het vloeibare gas naar kleinere terminals vervoeren.

    Met de investering in een speciale laadplek voor schepen die relatief kleine hoeveelheden komen halen, wil de Gaterminal inspelen op de groeiende vraag naar LNG bij eindgebruikers die niet via een pijpleiding te bereiken zijn en klanten uit de maritieme sector. Als gevolg van strengere milieuregels, bestaan er steeds meer restricities voor brandstoffen die schepen mogen verstoken op de Noordzee. LNG is een van de alternatieven die wel mogen, al heeft de lage olieprijs de laatste jaren niet meegewerkt om dit economisch aantrekkelijk te maken.


    Dat heeft er onder andere toe geleid dat het aantal schepen dat op LNG wordt voortgestuwd nu nog beperkt is. In Noordwest Europa varen er 65 rond, vooral als kustvaarder en veerboot. Wereldwijd zijn het er tachtig. Met nog eens tachtig in bestellling, terwijl dat vorig jaar -toen er 50 lng-schepen in bedrijf waren- er nog 50 in voorbereiding waren, is de groei beperkt, maar gestaag. Hoopgevend is dat inmiddels ook de eerste grotere schepen die op LNG gaan varen in de maak zijn: twee autoschepen voor VW en drie grote cruiseschepen. Veel grote containerschepen die nu in aanbouw zijn, de echte giganten van de oceaan, worden bovendien afgeleverd met de voorbereidingen voor LNG aan boord. Dit in afwachting van nieuwe emissie-eisen die waarschijnlijk de komende jaren over de hele wereld worden genomen.

    De nieuwe laadpier aan de gate-terminal is een stap in het uitbouwen van de fijnmazigere infrastructuur, waarbij de jetty weer klandizie zal krijgen van een eerste LNG-bunkerschip dat Shell volgend jaar in Rotterdam gebruik neemt, om de groeiende vloot die nu nog door tankwagens wordt bijgetankt te voorzien. Het nieuwe bunkervaartuig zal onder andere 15 binnenvaartschepen van Shell, die momenteel in aanbouw zijn in Polen, gaan voorzien van brandstof. „Om ook de motorbouwer en scheepswerf van enige schaalgrootte te voorzien in de productie, hebben we er vijftien besteld”, zegt een woordvoerder van Shell, dat de grootste producent van LNG ter wereld is.
    Bron: DFT Premium
  8. forum rang 10 voda 17 februari 2017 16:49
    Shell, Pavilion Gas to start shipping LNG to Singapore in 2017

    Mr S Iswaran, the city-state’s trade minister said that Shell Eastern Petroleum and Pavilion Gas will start supplying Singapore with liquefied natural gas (LNG) later in 2017 under contracts awarded last year.

    The two firms were awarded the right to supply LNG to Singapore last October, and will have exclusive franchises that last for three years, or until their shipments reach 1 million tonnes a year, whichever comes first.

    Singapore is planning to import more of the super-cooled fuel as contracts for natural gas supplied via pipelines from Malaysia and Indonesia are due to expire in the early 2020s.

    Mr Iswaran said that “We will also allow interested parties to import spot LNG in the second half of 2017, up to 10 percent of the total gas imports in Singapore.”

    Pavilion Gas, a unit of privately held Singapore-based Pavilion Energy Pte Ltd, and Shell Eastern Petroleum, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell, join BG Singapore Gas Marketing as the country’s approved LNG importers.

    BG Singapore – now part of Shell after the Anglo-Dutch major bought its parent, the BG Group – was the first company to import LNG into Singapore in April 2008.

    Singapore’s LNG terminal, which is run by Singapore LNG Corporation (SLNG), is also to commission a nitrogen blending facility this year, Iswaran said, adding that the unit will “enable Singapore to accept a wider range of cargoes with varying LNG specifications.”

    Some natural gas types cannot be held in storage without adding nitrogen, and such a facility would allow Singapore to import from a broader base of suppliers.

    Singapore is also planning to allow other parties to use spare storage capacity at its LNG terminal for storage and reload services.

    He added that “This is a business area that will grow with the completion of a fourth tank at SLNG by 2018, which will increase our storage capacity by 260,000 cubic meters, to a total of 800,000 cubic meters.”

    Source : Reuters
  9. forum rang 10 voda 17 februari 2017 16:50
    Mexico and Middle East buying ‘record amounts’ of US natural gas – Platts Analytics

    According to data from the energy firm Platts Analytics, the only liquid natural gas (LNG) export facility in the US sold a record amount of gas to Mexico and the Middle East last month.

    Thanks to production gains attributable to hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” the Louisiana facility went from exporting 0.941 billion cubic meters of natural gas in November, to 1.476 billion cubic meters in January — an increase of almost 57 percent, according to the firm. The facility’s biggest customers are Mexico, the Middle East and India, which account for a 41 percent of its business.

    Mexico relies on natural gas to generate 60 percent of its electricity. The Middle East is also using natural gas to meet soaring electricity demand. Countries like Kuwait and Dubai are some of the largest importers of U.S. gas.

    Demand for LNG is also rising in Asia, with the first gas shipment from U.S. fracking arriving in Japan last month. Analysts accept that Asia will eventually account for the biggest market growth in demand for gas, largely because LNG prices have sharply risen in Japan, due to the suspension of the country’s nuclear power plants following the Fukushima disaster.

    US natural gas is also flowing into Europe, where LNG exports have sharply limited Russia’s ability to use state-controlled companies, such as Gazprom, as a political weapon against America’s allies in the region. Russia used interruptions in the natural gas supply in 2006, 2009 and 2015 to put political pressure Eastern European countries like Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states.

    About half of Europe’s imported natural gas comes from Russia. American LNG exports directly compete against Russian gas, forcing the country to rethink how it treats American allies who can now have gas options.

    U.S. consumers would deal with minimal costs to export LNG and it would lead to huge economic benefits, according to a study published in December, 2015, by the Department of Energy (DOE). The DOE found that exporting American LNG would provide huge environmental benefits as well. The report states that exporting LNG will help “address a variety of environmental concerns in the power?generation sector.”

    Exporting natural gas is likely to be a growth industry, as global demand for natural gas is expected to be 50 percent higher by 2035 than it is now, according to the International Energy Agency. Demand for imports of LNG increased 27 percent in the United Kingdom last year alone.

    The Obama administration was initially hesitant to approve LNG exports to Europe and Japan on environmental grounds, but reversed this position in late 2014 after the Russian annexation of Crimea. Europe was initially hesitant to rebuke Russia’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula because of the country’s control over natural gas pipelines. After five years of debate, the first shipments of American liquefied natural gas were shipped to Europe last January.

    Source : DailyCaller
  10. forum rang 10 voda 17 februari 2017 17:08
    Petronet LNG net profit rises 133pct in Q3

    PTI reported that Petronet LNG Ltd, India's biggest liquefied natural gas importer, has more than doubled its net profit to INR 397 crore in the third quarter ended December 31 as it handled record volumes of imported gas.

    Mr Prabhat Singh, Petronet Managing Director, said that net profit in October-December at Rs 397 crore was 133 per cent higher than Rs 171 crore in the same period a year ago.

    Mr Singh said that "We handled 191 Trillion British thermal units (TBtus) in third quarter as compared to 140 TBtus of gas in the corresponding period of last year."

    While capacity utilisation at its 15 million tonnes Dahej terminal in Gujarat was 98 per cent, lack of pipeline to take gas to consumers limited capacity utilisation of the 5 million tonnes Kochi terminal in Kerala to just 6 per cent.

    He said that "The significant increase in profit is due to higher volumes processed and better efficiency achieved in the operations."

    He added that the company registered the highest-ever profit of Rs 1,235 crore in April-December 2016, 85 per cent higher than Rs 668 crore in the same period of previous fiscal. This profit compares to highest PAT of Rs 1,149 crore in full fiscal.

    He further added that EPC contract for further expansion of Dahej to 17.5 million tonnes has been awarded and work is under progress as scheduled.

    Source : PTI
  11. forum rang 10 voda 17 februari 2017 17:13
    LPG gains, higher petrochemical capacity to power gas utility GAIL

    GAIL, India's largest gas transmission company, reported earnings revival for the sixth consecutive quarter in the December quarter due to higher demand for imported gas. The momentum is likely to continue owing to strong realisation from LPG segment and capacity ramp-up in the petrochemicals plant in the fourth quarter.

    In the December quarter, the LPG segment reported more than two-fold jump in operating profit (EBIT) due to restart of Kandla terminal, high demand from the hinterland and lower domestic gas prices that kept the cost of production low. As a result, the contribution of the LPG segment to total profit before tax increased to 25% in Q3 as compared to 10% a year ago.

    The earnings growth in the LPG segment is likely to continue due to higher realisation in the March quarter.LPG price in January was Rs 30.6 per kg and rose to around Rs 34.9 in February. The average price in the December quarter was Rs 26.9 per kg. Typically, one rupee increase in price lifts up operating profit by Rs 30 crore.

    LPG gains, higher petrochemical capacity to power gas utility GAIL
    In addition, the petrochemicals segment is likely to be a key contributor to the earnings growth owing to higher capacity utilisation. GAIL had shut down the second unit of the pet rochemicals plant at Pata between the third week of November and the third week of January as demonetisation push down polymer demand.Despite the shutdown, revenue from the division grew 4% sequentially in the quarter.

    The management expects that the use of petrochemical capacity will reach 80% and 90% in FY18 and FY19, respectively, from the current 72%. The petrochemicals segment will account for nearly a quarter of the total EPS growth for the next year.

    Analysts are cautious about the risk from long-term contracts benchmarked to Henry Hub - a gas pricing gauge used in the US. The supply of these contracts will start from early next year. Given that the landed cost of the US gas is expected to be higher and the prices of imported gas are lower, the Street expects GAIL to bear some losses on the long-term contracts.

    However, during an analyst call after the latest quarterly results, GAIL said that it was confident of selling the contracted supply from Henry Hub. The company is working on converting short-term supply agreements to long term to improve revenue visibility. However, it may end up compromising on the marketing margin.

    Source : Economic Times
  12. forum rang 10 voda 20 februari 2017 16:39
    Shell: vraag naar LNG blijft nog jaren hoog

    Gepubliceerd op 20 feb 2017 om 12:24 | Views: 2.060

    DEN HAAG (AFN) - De vraag naar vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas (LNG) blijft nog zeker jarenlang hoog. Tot aan 2030 groeit de vraag naar LNG twee keer zo hard als de totale vraag naar gas, met 4 tot 5 procent per jaar. Dat meldde Shell maandag in een rapport waarin vooruit wordt geblikt op de LNG-markt.

    Volgens Shell rekenden velen erop dat de vraag het groeiende aanbod van LNG het afgelopen jaar niet bij zou kunnen benen. De hoger dan gedachte vraag in Azië en het Midden-Oosten zorgde er echter voor dat de LNG-toename vanuit met name Australië werd opgevangen.

    De totale vraag naar LNG kwam in 2016 uit op 265 miljoen ton, dat is 17 miljoen ton meer dan een jaar eerder. Met die hoeveelheid kunnen 500 miljoen huishoudens een jaar lang van energie worden voorzien.

    De toename kwam vooral op het conto van China en India. Die twee landen zullen ook de komende jaren de belangrijkste aanjagers van de vraag zijn. Shell vindt dat aanvullende investeringen vanuit de sector nodig zijn, met name in Azië, voor de periode na 2020.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 3 maart 2017 17:07
    Beximco Group planning to install LPG-based power plant

    Dhaka Tribune reported that on February 26, a letter signed by the business group’s Executive Director (Corporate Affairs) Rafiqul Islam was sent to the chairman of Power Development Board (PDB), requesting the latter to arrange a meeting in this regard.

    According to the letter, Beximco Group was planning to introduce LPG, as a new type of fuel, in power generation with the support of its US-based technical partner General Electric (GE).

    However, the latter did not mention the proposed capacity of the plant and its probable location.

    When contacted, a Power Development Board official, requesting anonymity, said that “The date of the meeting is yet to be fixed, but it may be held by March. The fate of the project will bank on the meeting, deciding if the LPG-based power plant will be appropriate.”

    In Bangladesh, this form of gas is commonly known as a cooking fuel, which has great usage in power generation too, the letter said, adding, LPG is considered a growing competitor of liquefied natural Gas and even coal due to its good heating value, cleaner generation and lower costs.

    The letter attested to the potential of GE, claiming that the company is one of the pioneers in this technology across the world and that it was successfully operating several LPG-fired power plants in several countries across America, Africa and Asia.

    State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid on Tuesday said that “There is shortage of primary fuel to help establish a power plant. Hence, so we are planning to use various kinds of fuel in power plants and that is why we have taken decision to use LPG in government and private sectors.”

    Source : Dhaka Tribune
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 maart 2017 21:00
    SMC cool to propose conversion of Malaya plant into LNG facility
    Published on Tue, 07 Mar 2017

    The top official of the conglomerate’s power unit said that SAN MIGUEL Corp. (SMC) is not keen on bidding for the 650-megawatt (MW) Malaya thermal power plant if the condition is for its conversion into a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility.

    Mr Alan T. Ortiz, president of SMC Global Power Holdings Corp., on the sidelines of a recent forum on energy issues, said that “Wala kaming [We don’t have] plans for LNG. You need a lot of infrastructure -- storage, conveyance, logistics.”

    He described the proposed LNG conversion as “very challenging” because of the Malaya plant’s location in Pililia, Rizal.

    Malaya thermal power plant has two units. The first one, at 300 MW, was commissioned in August 1975 and the second in April 1979. State agency Power Sector Assets and Liabilities Management Corp. (PSALM) owns the asset. Fired by bunker fuel, the plant is operated by the National Power Corp. (Napocor).

    Latest data covering 2014 shows the plant’s first unit to have a dependable capacity of 60.61 MW, while the second unit has 307.23 MW, for a total of 367.84 MW.

    The bidding for the thermal power plant might go back to square one after the Department of Energy (DoE) in February said it was looking at adding a new condition for the bidders: the conversion of the facility into an LNG plant.

    Four companies -- Global, Inc., Phinma Energy Corp., Riverbend Consolidated Mining Corp. and AC Energy Holdings Inc. -- are interested in the plant and have submitted “letters of interest” by the Dec. 20, 2016 deadline.

    However, there was talk at that time was SMC was interested but failed to submit the documents by deadline.

    The bidding is scheduled on March 8, 2017, but Energy Secretary Alfonso G. Cusi last month said he wanted to put in a condition for the winning bidder to convert the facility into an LNG power plant. The Malaya plant is among the remaining state energy assets that are up for sale.

    Mr Cusi said his conversion proposal was prompted by the country’s need for more baseload power that can produce continuously. The Malaya plant runs on expensive, imported diesel oil, and it switched on when power supply thins.

    Asked about the other projects SMC is setting its sights on, Mr. Ortiz said the company “will always be interested with Laiban [Dam],” citing a complete study for its development prepared and submitted to the previous administration.

    He said that “We already have a proposal. We have an unsolicited bid on the table with the board. That can always be updated.”

    Laiban Dam is a proposed bulk water supply project that previous administrations aimed to build at Barangay Laiban in Tanay, Rizal. It will be on the upper portion of the Kaliwa River watershed, and is planned to relieve the Philippine capital’s overdependence on the water from Angat dam.

    He added that “We have not been invited officially. If they invite us, of course, we will be participating.”

    He further added that the project has bulk water, irrigation and power components that the company would be interested in exploring.

    Source : Business Words Online
  15. forum rang 10 voda 10 maart 2017 16:55
    Gazprom stelt uitbreiding Sachalin-2 uit

    Gepubliceerd op 10 mrt 2017 om 12:12 | Views: 1.002

    MOSKOU (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Russische staatsgasconcern Gazprom stelt de geplande expansie van de LNG-fabriek Sachalin-2 uit omdat het verwacht dat het overaanbod op de markt voor vloeibaar gemaakt aardgas nog wel jaren kan aanhouden.

    Gazprom meldde dat uitbreiding van Sachalin-2 nu gepland staat voor 2023 of 2024, terwijl eerder eigenlijk in 2021 zou worden begonnen met het vergroten van de productiecapaciteit, ter waarde van 7 miljard dollar. Shell is partner van Gazprom bij Sachalin-2, net als de Japanse handelshuizen Mitsui en Mitsubishi.

    Verder liet Gazprom weten dat ook wat langer wordt gewacht met de bouw van een LNG-fabriek in de regio rond Sint-Petersburg. Ook bij dit project is Shell betrokken.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2017 16:42
    US approves export 2.21 billion cubic feet of natural gas daily

    Sputnik reported that US government has approved exports of 2.21Bln Cubic Feet of natural gas daily. The deal allows exports to any country that is not subject to US sanctions, including nations that do not have trade agreements with the United States.

    US Energy Secretary Rick Perry stated in the release "This announcement is another example of President [Donald] Trump’s leadership in making the United States an energy dominant force.”

    The deal with Golden Pass is the latest in a series of licenses authorizing LNG exports of 18.2 billion cubic feet daily from other terminals now under construction in the states of Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia and Maryland.

    When completed, the new terminals will position the United States to be the world’s dominant LNG exporter, the release concluded.

    Source : Sputnik
  17. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2017 16:47
    H-Energy leases LNG import terminalfom Engie

    Reuters reported that Indian gas company H-Energy is to begin importing liquefied natural gas from the third quarter of 2018 via a ship-based terminal leased from French group Engie.

    Under the deal with Engie, H-Energy will be able to import up to 4 million tonnes a year (mta) of LNG from late next year once the terminal, dubbed GDF Suez Cape Ann, is in place, CEO Darshan Hiranandani said.

    The charter term will run for at least five years.

    The terminal, known as a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU), will be berthed at India's west coast port of Jaigarh, also the starting point for a 635 kilometre coastal pipeline H-Energy is building to open up new gas markets.

    The FSRU will convert LNG shipped from multiple suppliers back into gas, before transferring it onshore.

    India is the world's fourth biggest LNG importer even though gas accounts for just seven percent of its coal-dominated energy mix, but consumption is growing fast in response to cheap LNG prices as new cities and industry get added to the grid. The government aims to more than double LNG import capacity to 50 million tonnes per year and grow gas's share in the energy mix to 15 percent by late 2020.

    Source : Reuters
  18. forum rang 10 voda 27 april 2017 17:04
    Mr Mikhelson says Novatek to boost gas resources to keep output, market share steady

    Mr Leonid Mikhelson, head of the company, said that Novatek, Russia's largest non-state natural gas producer, is seeking to increase its resource base to stabilise gas output and keep its domestic market share steady.

    Mr Mikhelson said import-export agencies from Germany and Sweden had agreed to help finance the Yamal LNG project, though he declined to disclose details.

    Yamal LNG, with total inward investment set at $27 billion, has almost completed fund-raising thanks mainly to investors from China.

    Novatek is the main shareholder in Yamal LNG, which is due to start producing liquefied natural gas this year, with a stake of 50.1 percent.

    Mr Mikhelson, Russia's richest businessman according to Forbes magazine, said the company was looking to boost its resources in the Arctic Yamal region, which accounts for around 70 percent of Russian gas resources.

    He said that "We are looking into the possibility, apart from the creation of a resource base for Yamal LNG, of creating an additional resource base in the region to increase our production potential."

    He added that "I think by the end of the year we will be able to form that resource base, which will allow us to keep gas production at a steady plateau in the region and keep our share of the domestic market."

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 12 mei 2017 16:27
    India to import LPG from Iran to meet rising demand

    PTI reported that India has for the first time ever signed a contract to import LPG from Iran as it looks at additional sources of cooking fuel to meet rising domestic demand. Industry sources said that state-owned oil firms will import one very large gas carrier (VLGC), or 44,000 tonnes, per month for an initial six-month period.

    India imports almost a million tonnes of LPG every month to meet rising demand that has been further fuelled by the government drive to give free gas connections to poor women.

    LPG consumption in 2016-17 rose 9.8 per cent to 21.55 million tonnes. Of this, 11 million tonnes came from imports.

    India mainly imports LPG via term contracts from major Middle Eastern producers Saudi Aramco, Qatar's Tasweeq, Abu Dhabi National Oil Co and Kuwait Petroleum Corp.

    Sources said LPG imports will rise over the next three years to 16-17 million tonnes as the government pushes for making available cooking gas cylinders to the poor and wean them off polluting fuels.

    Source : PTI
  20. forum rang 10 voda 25 mei 2017 16:55
    Ultra-modern 5,800 cbm LNG bunker vessel Coralius named in ceremony
    Published on Thu, 25 May 2017

    Coralius, the first European built LNG bunker and distribution vessel was named Monday 22 May by Johanna Lamminen, Chair of the Board of Skangas and Chief Executive Officer of Gasum.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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