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sold out this morning
by: pieall2003 05/18/06 10:27 am
Msg: 26072 of 26075
I am in since 10$ but this morning I sold out because this markwet is due for a major correction, 20 to 25 %. I perfectly remember the october 1987 correction , Dow was at it's high of 3000 and one day , it lost 600 point. I was young and my margin was nearly loaded, the week after, I had margin call.. So I 've learned.
There are very dark clouds over the market, inflation, oil price, US trade deficit and US deficit,weak US$ againts other currency, Iraq nightmare etc..etc. It's time to pull out profit from the table
Crucell was one of my best investment in all my life and it's future is bright but in a major correction there is no good stocks.I will buy back in the teens
good luck to all
Die Pieall 2003 moet een verre achterneef van Sammie zijn. Beide verwijzen naar 1987.
Zelf heb ik niet zo'n studie gemaakt van de overeenkomsten. Wat mij wel opvalt is dat bij de crash van 1987 en bij de minicrash van Augustus 1997 het gebruik van warrants enorm in trek was. Daarvan is nu geen sprake.