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Draadje vogelgriep - Deel 2

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  1. [verwijderd] 18 januari 2007 12:59

    gogogoo schreef:

    One company looking for venture funds is Vaxin Inc., a Birmingham, Ala., company that has raised $4.5 million from venture investors such as Emerging Technology Partners and corporations, including Crucell.

    Uit 2006:

    HFD - 19 juni 2006 13:50
    'Crucell neemt 5%-belang in vaccinontwikkelaar Vaxin'
    AMSTERDAM (FD.nl/Betten) - Crucell neemt een belang van 5% in Vaxin, een Amerikaanse ontwikkelaar van vaccins. Dat meldt de Birmingham Business Journal dit weekeinde. Financiele details werden door de krant niet onthuld.

    Bestuursvoorzitter Kent Van Kampen van Vaxin zegt in de Amerikaanse regionale zakenkrant dat de deelneming een erg grote belofte inhoudt voor de toekomstige ontwikkeling en marketing van de vaccins van zijn onderneming. Volgens Van Kampen biedt Crucell zijn bedrijf een mondiaal platform.

    Crucell is van oorsprong een biotechbedrijf dat zich bezighoudt met de ontwikkeling van nieuwe technologieen. Maar sinds de overname van het Zwitsers Berna Biotech begin dit jaar mag de onderneming zich ook een belangrijke speler noemen op het gebied van het ontwikkelen, produceren en wereldwijd op de markt brengen van vaccins en immunotherapeutica.

    Beide ondernemingen kennen elkaar al vijf jaar. In juni 2001 ging Crucell een samenwerking aan met Vaxin om nieuwe types vaccins te ontwikkelen die geschikt zijn om toe te dienen zonder injecties. In september 2004 sloten de ondernemingen een non-exclusieve licentie-overeenkomst af voor het gebruik van Crucell's PER.C6-technologie.


    Was dat niet een ruil voor een PER.C6 licentie verlening? Zoiets van: Geef mij please, pleeeeaaase een PER.C6 Licentie dan krijg je 5% van mijn organisatie!
    'We hebben sinds een paar jaar een relatie met Vaxin, waarbij we onze technologie gelicenseerd hebben voor vaccins tegen infectieziekten via de luchtwegen', aldus Kruimer tegen Betten Beursmedia News. 'In ruil daarvoor hebben we een belang gekregen in het bedrijf.'

    Beide ondernemingen kennen elkaar al vijf jaar. In juni 2001 ging Crucell een samenwerking aan met Vaxin om nieuwe types vaccins te ontwikkelen die geschikt zijn om toe te dienen zonder injecties. In september 2004 sloten de ondernemingen een non-exclusieve licentie-overeenkomst af voor het gebruik van Crucell's PER.C6-technologie.

    Kruimer vertelde Betten dat Crucell ervoor heeft gekozen de jaarlijkse betaling voor de licentie in aandelen te doen. 'Wij geloven in de onderneming. Het geld kunnen ze beter in research steken.'

    Hij benadrukte overigens dat de jaarlijkse betalingen voor de licentie losstaan van de eventuele royalty-betalingen. 'Als je iets maakt, met je nog wel royalties betalen', aldus de financieel directeur.

    Kruimer kon geen indicatie geven van de waarde van het 5%-belang in Vaxin. Over een mogelijke overname van het gehele Amerikaanse vaccinbedrijf uit Birmingham, Alabama, wilde hij geen uitspraak doen.

  2. [verwijderd] 18 januari 2007 13:36

    flosz schreef:

    One company looking for venture funds is Vaxin Inc., a Birmingham, Ala., company that has raised $4.5 million from venture investors such as Emerging Technology Partners and corporations, including Crucell. The company is raising a $10 million Series B to fund a Phase I/II clinical trial of a seasonal flu vaccine that's delivered intranasally, according to Chief Executive Kent Van Kampen. It expects to put a vaccine for avian flu into Phase I this summer, Kampen says. Delivering vaccines intranasally is less painful than by injection. And since the nose is rich in cells that can trigger a powerful immune response to an antigen, intranasal vaccines may also be more potent than injected ones, he says.

    Kruimer kon geen indicatie geven van de waarde van het 5%-belang in Vaxin. Over een mogelijke overname van het gehele Amerikaanse vaccinbedrijf uit Birmingham, Alabama, wilde hij geen uitspraak doen.
    1+1=overname Vaxin

    Vaccines zonder injectie is niet een verkeerde investering wil je marktleider worden op het gebied van vaccines.

  3. [verwijderd] 18 januari 2007 17:28

    flosz schreef:

    In addition to supporting the development of each company's antigen-sparing vaccine
    candidate, the contracts also require each company to provide its
    proprietary adjuvant for U.S. Government-sponsored, independent evaluation
    with influenza vaccines from other manufacturers.

    HHS Funds Advanced Development of H5N1 Influenza Vaccines

    Three New Contracts Will Focus on Antigen-Sparing Vaccines

    WASHINGTON, Jan. 17 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt announced today that the department has awarded contracts totaling $132.5 million to three vaccine makers for the advanced development of H5N1 influenza vaccines using an immune system booster called an adjuvant. An adjuvant is a substance that may be added to a vaccine to increase the body's immune response to the vaccine's active ingredient, called antigen.

    Deze drie nieuwe contracten betreffen duidelijk het eerdere aangehaalde punt uit het strategische plan, het ontwikkelen van adjuvants teneinde veel minder flu antigen nodig te hebben voor 'n vaccin dosis, teneinde met dezelfde hoeveelheid (in bulk opgeslagen) antigen veel meer vaccin doses te kunnen maken (zie hieronder).
    Zoals verwacht hier geen subsidie voor Sanofi/Crucell.

    Blijft dus over, het ontwikkelen van nieuwe capaciteit/aanpassen van huidige capaciceit voor cell-based vaccins.
    Hier staat nog 30 maanden voor. Ik neem aan dat Sanofi/Crucell eerst de (ons onbekende) doelen uit de 1e subsidie die ze kregen moeten hebben bereikt, voor een eventuele 2e subsidie voor de daadwerkelijke bouw van een cell-based faciliteit volgt. Kan nog wel een tijdje duren dus.
    En trouwens,geen nood. In de oorspronkelijke "Strategy" staan ook nog de punten (p133):

    " HHS shall support the renovation of existing U.S. manufacturing facilities that produce other FDA-licensed cell-based vaccines or biologics and the establishment
    of new domestic cell-based influenza vaccine manufacturing facilities, within 36 months. Measure of performance: contracts awarded for renovation or establishment of domestic cell-based influenza vaccine manufacturing capacity."


    " HHS shall continue to support the development and clinical evaluation of novel vaccines and vaccination strategies (e.g., adjuvants, alternative delivery systems, common epitope vaccines). Measure of performance: research grants and/or contracts awarded to support the development of influenza vaccines (including polyvalent influenza vaccines), adjuvants and dose-sparing strategies, and more efficient delivery systems within 12 months, leading to initiation of phase I and II clinical trials to evaluate influenza vaccines and vaccination strategies."
  4. ved 18 januari 2007 22:35
    Hybrid flu virus in near-miss escape

    20 January 2007
    From New Scientist Print Edition
    Debora Mackenzie

    A LAB accident has revived fears about experiments that mix human and bird flu viruses and the risk that modified viruses will escape. No virus was released, but the incident has led to a call for details of accidents to be more widely publicised.

    Last April, a researcher at the University of Texas, Austin, put tubes into a centrifuge to separate out their contents, which included a human flu virus modified to carry a gene from H5N1 bird flu. The centrifuge became unbalanced and stopped, and when the researcher opened it he found the lid of a safety cup holding one of the tubes had fallen off.

    Fearing that the tube inside had leaked, the researcher disinfected everything and called the lab's safety officers. He was wearing a protective hood and respirator, and the whole room was at negative pressure to prevent leaks to the outside. But the researcher had made one mistake: he opened the centrifuge and removed the samples without waiting the recommended 30 minutes to allow any virus-laden aerosol to settle.

    In fact, the tube was intact. But if aerosol had escaped, the consequences could have been serious, since the virus would have been able to infect humans, with unknown effects. Experiments since the accident show that the virus replicates more slowly in the lab than human flu, says Bob Krug, head of the Austin lab. But its behaviour in people might be different, and an escapee could also share its new gene with other flu viruses. Such research has been criticised for creating unpredictable viruses that may never emerge naturally (New Scientist, 28 February 2004, p 6).

    "The University of Texas dodged a bullet," says Ed Hammond of the Sunshine Project, an Austin-based pressure group. He says the incident only came to light because he demanded to see the university safety committee's records. The committee was not unduly secretive, and plans to publish its minutes, but Hammond says more government oversight and public disclosure is needed from labs handling dangerous microbes.

    From issue 2587 of New Scientist magazine, 20 January 2007, page 14

  5. [verwijderd] 20 januari 2007 11:56
    Weer dode door vogelgriep Indonesië

    Gepubliceerd op zaterdag 20 januari 2007

    JAKARTA (ANP) - In Indonesië is opnieuw een vrouw overleden aan de vogelgriep. Het aantal slachtoffers in Indonesië komt hiermee op 62, aldus het Indonesische ministerie van Volksgezondheid zaterdag.

    De 19-jarige vrouw kwam uit West-Java. Vorige week bezweken in Indonesië ook al twee vrouwen aan de gevaarlijke H5N1-variant. Het land wordt het zwaarst getroffen door het vogelgriepvirus. Sinds 2003 zijn wereldwijd meer dan 150 mensen omgekomen.

    In Egypte is ook een vrouw overleden aan vogelgriep, waarmee het aantal slachtoffers in dit land op elf is gekomen, aldus de regering in Caïro zaterdag.

  6. gogogoo 22 januari 2007 22:03
    H5N1 genetic mutation observed in Egypt
    Disease/Infection News
    Published: Monday, 22-Jan-2007
    Print - H5N1 genetic mutation observed in Egypt Printer Friendly Email - H5N1 genetic mutation observed in Egypt

    Viruses with a genetic mutation, linked in laboratory testing to moderately reduced susceptibility to oseltamivir, have been discovered in two persons previously reported with H5N1 infections in Egypt.

    Both patients had been on treatment with oseltamivir for two days before the clinical samples that yielded the viruses were taken.

    The two patients from whom samples were taken were a 16 year-old female and a 26 year-old male from Gharbiyah Province, Egypt.* They were a niece and uncle, respectively, who lived in the same house. The girl was admitted to a hospital on 19 December 2006, while the man was admitted on 17 December. On 21 December they began receiving 2 tablets per day of oseltamivir. On 23 December they were moved to a referral hospital. The samples which have so far been tested were taken from the two patients on 23 December. The girl died on 25 December and the man died on 28 December 2006.

    In this and all other H5N1 investigations there is close, ongoing coordination between Egypt's Ministry of Health and Population (MOH&P) and WHO. It was Egypt's monitoring and rapid virological analysis conducted at the Central Public Health Laboratory in Cairo that initially allowed the diagnoses of H5N1 to be made. Confirmatory testing and genetic sequencing was done at NAMRU-3 and at two WHO Collaborating Centres located in Atlanta, USA and London, UK.

    At this time there is no indication that oseltamivir resistance is widespread in Egypt or elsewhere. WHO is not making any changes in antiviral treatment recommendations for H5N1-infected persons published in June 2006 because the clinical level of resistance of these mutations is not yet well established. Current laboratory testing suggests that the level of reduced susceptibility is moderate. This mutation has previously been identified in Viet Nam in one case in 2005. Moreover, these mutations are not associated with any known change in the transmissibility of the virus between humans. Based on these considerations, the public health implications at this time are limited. Finally, these findings do not indicate a need for a change in phase level. The WHO pandemic preparedness level remains at three.

    The Egyptian authorities, WHO and its Collaborating Centres will continue to share with the public all relevant information from the on-going investigations and analyses as soon as it becomes available.

    *The ages and dates in this update related to the two patients, may differ slightly from earlier reports, but reflect the most recent information provided to WHO.


  7. [verwijderd] 22 januari 2007 23:49
    New Data Support Novavax's Pandemic Flu Vaccines

    First Data From Live-Virus Challenge Study Show Robust Immune Response and Cross-Protection in Pre-Clinical Models

    BALTIMORE (Jan. 22, 2007) - (Nasdaq: NVAX) Novavax, Inc.'s novel virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines have been shown to be effective in generating protection against pandemic influenza as well as cross protection against different strains of the virus in pre-clinical studies, according to data presented here today at the Phacilitate Vaccine Forum.
    "These are the first live-virus challenge data we have presented," said Dr. Rick Bright, Novavax's Vice President of Global Influenza Programs. "These new data are exciting because not only do our VLP vaccines trigger a robust immune response, but we have shown that a single vaccine can protect against two different strains of pandemic influenza."
    The studies involved two of Novavax's H5N1 influenza VLP vaccines - one targeting the Indonesia strain of pandemic flu, first identified in 2005, and another targeting the Viet Nam strain, identified in 2003.
    Both mice and ferrets inoculated with the Indonesia VLP vaccine showed a robust immune response in the study. When challenged with both the Indonesia and Viet Nam strains, the animals were protected against both viruses.
    The ferret is the most relevant animal model for influenza because ferrets exhibit similar clinical symptoms as humans and are naturally susceptible to most human influenza viruses, including H5N1. "Ferrets are the most predictive model used for evidence of immunogenicity of influenza vaccines for humans," Dr. Bright said.
    In addition, Novavax has shown that mice inoculated with the Viet Nam strain of the company's VLP vaccine were protected from that strain as well as from the Indonesian strain of pandemic influenza.
    "These new data give us more confidence as we prepare to enter human clinical trials with our pandemic vaccine later this year," Dr. Bright said. "We also are increasingly confident about our ability to generate similar results in our seasonal influenza vaccine program as it progresses in pre-clinical testing."
    The challenge studies were conducted in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh, and the data have been submitted for peer-review publication. In addition, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will conduct live challenge studies using Novavax's VLP pandemic influenza vaccines.
    "We expect the CDC to further confirm these new data before we enter the clinic this year," Dr. Bright said.
  8. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2007 12:16

    flosz schreef:

    New Data Support Novavax's Pandemic Flu Vaccines

    First Data From Live-Virus Challenge Study Show Robust Immune Response and Cross-Protection in Pre-Clinical Models

    BALTIMORE (Jan. 22, 2007) - (Nasdaq: NVAX) Novavax, Inc.'s novel virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines have been shown to be effective in generating protection against pandemic influenza as well as cross protection against different strains of the virus in pre-clinical studies, according to data presented here today at the Phacilitate Vaccine Forum.

    .....Another year like that and Novavax could join companies like Crucell (CRXL) in the top echelon of antiviral health.
  9. [verwijderd] 23 januari 2007 18:59

    January 22, 2007 09:15 AM Eastern Time
    HepaLife Surpasses Major Milestone in Cell-Based Vaccine Development for Avian Influenza
    HepaLife’s Patented PBS-1 Cells Successfully Replicate Targeted Human Influenza Viruses, the Most Important Step in Development of Cell-Based Vaccines to Treat Infected Patients.

    BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--HepaLife Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:HPLF) (FWB:HL1) (WKN:500625) today announced that the Company’s patented ‘PBS-1’ cells, under development for avian influenza vaccines, have actively grown and replicated several human influenza virus types, including H1N1, H3N2 and type B. The most important step towards the production of a cell-culture based vaccine against a targeted virus is the ability to efficiently grow the same virus in a cell substrate.
    “This discovery marks a critical success milestone for HepaLife’s vaccine development program,” stated Mr. Frank Menzler, President and CEO of HepaLife Technologies, Inc., a cell-based, biotechnology company developing: the first-of-its-kind artificial liver device; in-vitro toxicology and drug testing platforms; and cell-culture based vaccines to protect against the spread of influenza viruses among humans, including potentially the high pathogenicity H5N1 virus.
    “I’m very pleased by how well our patented PBS-1 cells have been able to grow and replicate several human influenza virus types,” explained Mr. Menzler. “Growing a particular virus inside a cell line is the key to successfully producing a vaccine against the same virus, using cell-culture.”
    Cell-culture based vaccine production with the ability to quickly address prospective mutations in the avian influenza virus is a promising replacement of cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly vaccine production processes which currently rely on chicken eggs. A US Government report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services reiterated earlier warnings of the avian flu’s pandemic threat, and among its response recommendations, has urged cell-culture based influenza vaccine production, HepaLife’s primary application for its patented ‘PBS-1’ cell line.
    The most important step towards the production of a cell-culture based vaccine against a targeted virus is the ability to efficiently grow the same virus in a cell substrate. The picture below shows influenza type B virus growth on HepaLife’s PBS-1 cells, four days after the infection. The colored stains (marked by arrows) indicate where PBS-1 cells have been successfully infected and are actively producing the human influenza virus.
    “What is especially encouraging is the rapid and vigorous growth of strains that had not been previously adapted to cell culture growth. These strains are usually only grown in embryonated chicken eggs or on primary, non-immortalized chicken cells,” emphasized Dr. Paul Coussens, a HepaLife Scientific Advisory Board Member and Professor of Molecular Biology and Molecular Virology.
    Last month, third-party analysis by the world's leading provider of integrated preclinical support services confirmed that HepaLife’s PBS-1 cells are free from exogenous agents, fungi, bacteria, diseases, and potentially harmful viruses. Pathogen-free PBS-1 cells specifically address recently released recommendations in the US Food and Drug Administration’s Draft Guidance for Industry for the safe and effective development of a new generation of cell-based vaccines.
    HepaLife’s non-mammalian PBS-1 cell line is derived from an immortalized chicken embryo cell, and is being developed for more flexible cell-culture based vaccine production with the ability to quickly address prospective mutations in the avian influenza virus.

  10. [verwijderd] 28 januari 2007 22:32
    IFPMA helps to advance Influenza Pandemic Preparedness

    Geneva, 1/22/2007 - The International Federation of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) has today published a business continuity planning paper for global health care industries, to minimize the impact of a future influenza pandemic. The new IFPMA publication is entitled: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: Business continuity planning for the global healthcare industry.

    IFPMA Director General Dr. Harvey E. Bale said: “Like other sectors involved in the provision of health care, the pharmaceutical industry has a responsibility to prepare itself to continue key activities when the next influenza pandemic strikes. Realistic and thorough planning now can help companies to assure the continuity of production and distribution of essential medicines in the face of multiple challenges, including absent employees and difficult communications. To be effective, such planning will have to embrace all parts of the supply chain, right up to the patient. The next pandemic could be just around the corner, so this planning needs to be done now.”

    The pandemic preparedness paper, prepared by the IFPMA’s Influenza Vaccine Supply International Task Force (IVS ITF), looks at planning in a number of key areas to ensure organizations’ ability to continue essential activities in the event of a pandemic. A section on Leadership and Staff Continuity looks at maintaining important decision-making and other functions within an organization, through measures such as determining the workforce critical for continued essential operations and identification of functions can be performed from off-site. Operational Continuity will require organizations to map the functions required to produce life saving and life sustaining products and documenting minimum resources required to run them. Entire supply chains will have to be considered, so planning for critical products must address the issue of Supplier and Customer Continuity, to ensure availability of raw materials and other production inputs, and to assure a functional distribution system. Planning will need be driven by the need to maintain Public Health Continuity, which will require forecasting of volumes of all products needed both to protect both healthy and ill alike against the pandemic (antivirals, vaccines, syringes, antibiotics, protective clothing, disinfectants, etc.) and to maintain other critical health care activities (essential medicines, diagnostics, devices, etc.).


    Member companies are: Baxter, Berna Biotech (a Crucell Company), Biken, CSL Limited, Crucell, Denka Seiken, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (including former ID Biomedical), Kaketsuken, Kitasato Institute, MedImmune, Nobilon International BV, Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics (former Chiron Vaccines), sanofi pasteur, Sanofi Pasteur MSD and Solvay Pharmaceuticals.
  11. diederique 28 januari 2007 23:39
    prima gedocumenteerd en van veel hogere importantie dan
    petercam en gs en appels met peren vergelijken en dergelijke..............
  12. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 14:33
    Glaxo seeks EU okay for pre-pandemic flu vaccine

    Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:00 PM GMT

    LONDON, Jan 29 (Reuters) - A second-generation bird flu vaccine that could be given to people ahead of a pandemic has been accepted for review by European regulators, its maker GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK.L: Quote, Profile , Research) said on Monday.

    Glaxo has already signed supply contracts with several governments interested in stockpiling the vaccine, which is expected to cost between 4 pounds ($7.83) and 7 pounds, about the same as a normal seasonal flu shot.

    The new vaccine contains a special additive, or adjuvant, which allows a very low dose of active ingredient to be used in each shot.

    A key challenge in the race to produce a vaccine for millions of people around the world who could be at risk from a pandemic is how to make the maximum number of shots from the minimum amount of antigen, or active ingredient.

    Glaxo believes its vaccine fits the bill better than rival vaccines being developed against the H5N1 strain of bird flu, while its 80 percent effectiveness in tests means it should give broad protection against "drifted" variants of the virus.

    The U.S. government has ordered H5N1 vaccines from companies including Glaxo, Sanofi Pasteur (SASY.PA: Quote, Profile , Research) and Novartis (NOVN.VX: Quote, Profile , Research), and other governments including Switzerland and Denmark have also ordered Glaxo's product.

    Industry analysts say the orders could give a significant boost to sales of Glaxo and its rivals.

    Glaxo also has a first-generation H5N1 vaccine, which last month won outline approval from the European Medicines Agency. However, this product would only be used once a pandemic has officially been declared and is not expected to be stockpiled.

    The H5N1 avian flu virus mostly affects birds, but it can occasionally infect people and has so far killed more than 160 since late 2003.

    Experts fear the virus will evolve just slightly into a form that people can easily catch and pass to one another, in which case the transmission rate would soar, causing a pandemic in which millions of people could die.

    Any stockpiled H5N1 vaccine will not perfectly match whatever new strain emerges, but studies suggest it might help protect people from death.

  13. [verwijderd] 29 januari 2007 14:35
    Video: Vaccin tegen vogelgriep ontwikkeld
    UTRECHT/TAIPEI - Wetenschappers van het Taiwanese gezondheidsinstituut hebben een vaccin tegen vogelgriep of H5N1 ontwikkeld. Volgens de wetenschappers neemt de kans op overleven, na toediening van het vaccin, met zeventig procent toe.

  14. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2007 22:11
    Opnieuw vogelgriep in Japan
    UTRECHT/OKAYAMA - In Japan is voor de derde keer deze maand een nieuw geval van het vogelgriepvirus ontdekt. Het ministerie van Landbouw heeft een H5-type van het virus aangetroffen op een kippenboerderij. Nu wordt onderzocht of het om de voor mensen gevaarlijke H5N1-variant gaat.

  15. forum rang 10 voda 29 januari 2007 22:12
    Tweede geval vogelgriep in Hongarije
    UTRECHT/BRUSSEL - 29/01/07 - In Hongarije is een tweede geval van vogelgriep geconstateerd, op ongeveer 8 kilometer van het ganzenbedrijf waar vorige week al vogelgriep was opgedoken. De Europese Commissie is maandagochtend door de Hongaarse autoriteiten geïnformeerd over de vogelgriep.

    De uitbraak van vorige week in de regio Csongrád in het zuidoosten van Hongarije was de eerste in Europa sinds vorig jaar augustus. Het gaat om de dodelijke variant H5N1. De besmetting is mogelijk overgebracht door wilde vogels. De EU-ministers van Landbouw zijn maandag in Brussel door eurocommissaris Markos Kyprianou (consumentenbescherming) geïnformeerd over de situatie in Hongarije.

    (reeds eerder geplaast door A. Baar)
  16. gogogoo 30 januari 2007 09:21

    voda schreef:

    Opnieuw vogelgriep in Japan
    UTRECHT/OKAYAMA - In Japan is voor de derde keer deze maand een nieuw geval van het vogelgriepvirus ontdekt. Het ministerie van Landbouw heeft een H5-type van het virus aangetroffen op een kippenboerderij. Nu wordt onderzocht of het om de voor mensen gevaarlijke H5N1-variant gaat.
    Bird Flu Confirmed in Hungary; Virus Spreads in Japan (Update2)

    By Jennifer M. Freedman and Karima Anjani

    Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Geese in Hungary tested positive for the deadly H5N1 strain of bird flu, marking the first confirmed infection in the European Union since August. Japan found a third outbreak of avian influenza on a poultry farm.

    Authorities found the H5N1 avian influenza strain in two separate flocks of geese in Hungary, European Commission spokesman Philip Tod said today. Japan's agriculture ministry reported an H5 virus in chickens in the western prefecture of Okayama, after H5N1 outbreaks on the southern island of Kyushu.

    Countries in Europe, Asia and Africa reported fresh outbreaks of the H5N1 virus starting in November, after going months without finding infections. Egypt and Indonesia later found seven human cases, six of whom died. There are no signs that the virus is evolving to become more easily spread among people, a World Health Organization official in Indonesia said.

    ``There haven't been changes and that's good news,'' Georg Petersen, the WHO's country representative in Indonesia, said in an interview on Jan. 25. Indonesia has reported more H5N1 fatalities than any other country, with 63 confirmed by WHO.

    The WHO is tracking the virus in case it becomes more infectious among people, possibly leading to a pandemic like the 1918 outbreak that killed as many as 50 million people worldwide. At least 164 of the 270 people known to be infected with bird flu since 2003 have died, including a six-year-old Indonesian girl in Central Java Province, the Geneva-based WHO said today.

    High Risk

    The European Union hasn't had any human cases. The last reported avian infection in Europe was a wild bird found in Germany in August, according to the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health.

    Tod said the EU is ``in a period of high risk,'' adding that the bloc's 27 members have been asked to be particularly vigilant for signs of bird flu.

    Hungary is investigating an outbreak among geese at a farm in the southern town of Derekegyhaza, about 5 kilometers (3 miles) from the site of the initial outbreak. Authorities ordered all 9,400 geese to be slaughtered Jan. 27 after some of the fowl began showing symptoms associated with avian flu, Hungary's Agriculture Ministry said in an e-mailed statement.

    ``There's a big lake nearby, and some wild ducks were there to enjoy the incredibly mild winter weather,'' ministry spokesman Andras Dekany said in a telephone interview. ``They spread the virus through their feces.''

    Infections in Asia

    Governments across Asia are intensifying surveillance for H5N1 after the virus resurfaced in domestic poultry and wild fowl in South Korea, Thailand, China and Vietnam in the past few weeks. Hong Kong's government today confirmed that two more birds found earlier this month carried the H5N1 virus, adding to the three already discovered in the city.

    Demand for poultry products has dropped by as much as 50 percent in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, following the local government's ban on raising backyard flocks, effective Feb. 1. The Rome-based FAO today encouraged Indonesians to continue eating poultry, saying that the meat is safe as long as hygiene procedures are followed.

    ``Controlling highly pathogenic avian influenza is difficult enough, without having to deal with the economic consequences of a market collapse, which affects the livelihoods of so many people,'' Anni McLeod, senior officer for livestock policy, said in the FAO statement.

    Companies and countries are preparing for an outbreak of pandemic flu with medicines and vaccines. GlaxoSmithKline Plc, Europe's largest drugmaker, today asked European regulators to approve an H5N1 vaccine that could be given to people before the virus begins spreading widely in humans.

    Taiwan's National Health Research Institute conducted successful animal tests of a vaccine against the bird flu strain, the Associated Press reported today. The vaccine might be ready for mass production in two years after human testing is completed, the wire service reported, citing Pele Chong, leader of the Institute's vaccine development program.

    To contact the reporters on this story: Jennifer M. Freedman in Brussels at jfreedman@bloomberg.net ; Karima Anjani in Jakarta at kanjani@bloomberg.net

  17. gogogoo 31 januari 2007 10:24
    Last Update: Wednesday, January 31, 2007. 7:49pm (AEDT)

    Warning: A bioterrorism expert says Australia needs to prepare for pandemics. (Reuters)

    Biosecurity expert urges pandemic readiness

    A leading expert in bioterrorism says Australia should be more concerned about pandemics of infectious diseases such as bird flu and influenza than a biological terrorist attack.

    Christian Enemark, the deputy director of the Australian National University's National Centre for Biosecurity, says Australia needs to prepare for pandemics.

    "What we should be worried about is the outbreak of pandemic influenza," he said.

    "Whether an outbreak has been deliberately caused or is naturally occurring, you're going to need the same systems to respond: strong public health systems, good connected and sensitive systems for detecting outbreaks."

    The National Centre for Biosecurity includes scientists, terrorism and ethics experts, and their role is to help advise governments on how to handle outbreaks of lethal illnesses such as smallpox and anthrax.

    Dr Enemark says the careful public reporting of potential biological attacks, even hoaxes, is crucial.

    He says the Federal Government botched its handling of a white powder scare at the Indonesian Embassy in 2005.

    "Because [the] Government didn't release the full story, because they didn't wait until they had the whole story before they spoke publicly, there was a lot of needless concern generated in the community," he said.
  18. [verwijderd] 1 februari 2007 13:05
    January 30, 2007

    CSL to file Pandemic Vaccine Dossier with the Therapeutic
    Goods Administration (TGA)

    CSL Limited, Australia’s leading biopharmaceutical company, has today announced it has
    new data from its pandemic influenza vaccine clinical trial program. These results will
    enable submission of a dossier to the TGA for the registration of a pandemic influenza
    vaccine. The latest clinical studies confirm that two doses of 30 micrograms of antigen
    with the addition of an aluminium adjuvant or immune stimulant, are required to produce a
    strong immune response against the H5N1 bird flu virus.
    The vaccine was found to be safe and well-tolerated in the study population of adults aged
    18 to 65. Results of a subsequent study undertaken in infants, young children and the
    elderly are expected to be available later this year.
    ‘CSL is delighted to reassure the community that the Australian Government will be able to
    respond with CSL`s vaccine in the event that an influenza pandemic affects Australia.’ Dr
    Andrew Cuthbertson, Chief Scientific Officer at CSL said today.
    The Australian Government has contributed $7.17 million towards the costs of CSL's
    pandemic vaccine development program including the vaccine trials.
    CSL’s future research and development Program for pandemic influenza is ongoing as part
    of its role as Australia’s major supplier of influenza vaccines, and the only supplier based in
    the Southern Hemisphere.
    ‘While CSL is encouraged by the results of its clinical program thus far, it is desirable we
    undertake research which will enable the maximum number of vaccine doses to be
    produced in the shortest possible time.’ Dr Cuthbertson said.
    ‘The ultimate goal of our research program is to develop a pandemic vaccine which uses
    the lowest dose of antigen, which can offer cross-protection against similar but nonidentical
    bird flu strains, and which lasts as long as possible.’ he added.

    January 30, 2007 Australia's CSL says bird flu vaccine test a success
    CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australia will be able to vaccinate its entire 20 million population against bird flu within six months, drug manufacturer CSL Ltd said on Wednesday, after successful completion of clinical trials.
    Developed with government backing, the new vaccine is the first to be registered in the Southern Hemisphere and could later be made available for supply and stockpile in Asia, CSL said.
    "With the current strain we're looking at, the Indonesian and Vietnamese strains, the ones that are a problem in this region, we should be able to vaccinate the Australian population within six months," CSL spokeswoman Rachel David said.
    We have committed to being able to do that, and we will look at other areas later."
    CSL, the world top plasma products maker, said trials just completed showed two 30mg doses of its vaccine delivered three weeks apart produced a strong immune response against the deadly H5N1 avian flu virus in adults aged 18 to 65.
    Results of a subsequent study on infants, young children and the elderly would be available later this year, David said.
    The new vaccine would be registered with Australia's drug safety watchdog, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), which had promised to accelerate assessment given the potential threat posed by bird flu.
    Mass vaccinations would not occur yet in Australia because the Indonesian strain used in trials could still change if a pandemic became reality, David said.
    But the company was gearing up to produce the vaccine in large quantities at very short notice.
    The H5N1 virus has killed at least 164 people worldwide since 2003, most of them in Asia, and experts fear it could spark a global flu pandemic if it mutates into a form that passes easily among humans.
    Last week, authorities in Hong Kong confirmed a third case of H5N1 virus found in dead birds, while six people have died of bird flu in Indonesia since January 1.
    CSL's announcement comes after rival GlaxoSmithKline Plc this week said it had applied to register its own bird flu vaccine in Europe following a 80 percent success rate in trials.
  19. [verwijderd] 2 februari 2007 11:24
    Van IV, By: RNA

    Vaccine Firms Get Immunity From the U.S.
    By Jane Zhang
    Word Count: 391
    WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration triggered a provision of a 2005 law that gives companies protection from product-liability lawsuits for vaccines or drugs they produce in connection with the avian-flu strain.
    The law, enacted 13 months ago, gives the Secretary of Health and Human Services the power to grant immunity to vaccine makers in the event of a risk to public health. In a directive dated last week, HHS invoked that clause, "based on a credible risk that an ...


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