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Nogmaals.... Vestas power......

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  1. [verwijderd] 28 mei 2007 18:16

    fes schreef:

    Hoe ziet je portfolio eruit? Ik merk dat ik je tegenkom op veel fora waar ik ook naar kijk.

    Hans is een professionele virtuele postbode zonder inkomen.
    Aan beleggen heeft hij waarschijnlijk geen boodschap.....zelfs sterke twijfel of hij zijn eigen mail zelf ook leest.

    Waarschijnlijk kent hij de gratis mogelijkheden van Google nieuws nog niet....nieuws op maat.

    Ach..ja..moet kunnen zal ik maar zeggen,het is een vrij forum, hij zal er gelukkig mee zijn.


    Fes, ik was op vakantie, vandaar nu pas mijn reactie.
    Gezien je posting geschiedenis en aantal jaren lid zijn van de IEX, verwacht ik niet zo'n denigrerende posting van jou.
    Ja, je eerste aanhef over de virtuele postbode klopt helemaal. Zo zit ik eenmaal in elkaar.

    De rest van je betoog is ronduit onzin.....

    Mag ik je er fijntjes op wijzen dat sinds mijn postings hier op het energie forum het aantal views enorm toegenomen is. En daardoor mede ook de interesse hoop ik.

    Ik heb al vele positieve berichten gezien omtrent mijn (vele) postings hier. Waar zijn de jouwe?

    Ik weet dat iedereen (denk ik) info kan opzoeken, maar het "praat" nu eenmaal makkelijker als er daadwerkelijk ook iets staat. Dat schijn jij uit het oog te verliezen. Maakt mij niet uit, maar ga dan niet kinderachtige statements hier neerzetten, en spreek als een volwassen (belegger) tegen mij.

    Ik heb ruim 30 jaar ervaring met beleggen. En jij?

  2. [verwijderd] 13 juni 2007 11:13
    Danish Vestas Gets 29.7 MW Order from Canadian AIM PowerGen
    Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S said on June 13, 2007 it won an order to deliver 18 units of its V82-1.65 MW turbine to Canadian wind power developer AIM PowerGen for three projects in Ontario, Canada. The order comprises delivery, commissioning and a two-year service and maintenance agreement for the projects located near the Lake Erie. Delivery is scheduled for the autumn of 2008 and commissioning is expected to be completed in December 2008. The turbines will be installed at three sites, each comprising six turbines with a total installed capacity of 9.9 MW.
    AIM PowerGen, a subsidiary of Canadian Renewable Energy Generation Ltd. (REG), hereby places its second order to Vestas under the Ontario Power Authority’s Standard Offer Program (SOP). The first order was placed in December 2006, including the delivery of 24 units of the same turbine type.

    The SOP is targeted at renewable energy generation projects and has been developed to help the Ontario province meet its renewable energy supply targets. Projects under the programme are for 20-year terms and are subject to certain requirements such as a standard pricing regime and a streamlined qualifying process.

    According to the Ontario Power Authority, the SOP is expected to initiate up to 1,000 MW of distributed renewable energy generation. The programme was launched in November 2006. In the first quarter of 2007, a total of 36 contracts for renewable energy generation were executed, 20 of which for wind power projects.


    Source: Vestas Wind Systems (MH/DP/MH)

  3. [verwijderd] 14 juni 2007 14:58
    Danish Vestas, Indian Intex Team Up for Wind Power Project
    Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S has entered a partnership with Indian IT company Intex Technologies Ltd. for a wind power project in southern India, local newspaper Deccan Herald reported on June 14, 2007. In March 2007 the first two wind turbines were installed in Tenkasi in the state of Tamil Nadu in partnership with local company Vestas RBB India Limited. Vestas RBB, formerly part of Vestas, is currently seeking a location for the installation of three more units.
    Intex has signed an agreement with Tamil Nadu state electricity board which will use the wind power generated by the first two units in the coming 20 years.

    Vestas sold its 49 pct stake in Vestas RBB to the unit's managing director in 2006.

    On June 13, 2007 Vestas announced an order to deliver 18 units of its V82-1.65 MW turbine to Canadian wind power developer AIM PowerGen for three projects in Ontario, Canada.


    Source: RB Borsen (DP/IM/DP)

  4. [verwijderd] 19 juni 2007 13:44
    The following information was released by the office of the governor of Colorado: Vestas Blades of Denmark broke ground today on its first North American manufacturing plant in Windsor, becoming one of the pioneers of Gov. Bill Ritter's New Energy Economy.
    The $62 million, 200,000-square-foot facility will produce about 700 blades a year for wind turbines when the plant is operational starting in 2008. It will provide about 450 manufacturing jobs.

    Wind is free. Wind is inexhaustible, and wind technology is cost-competitive, said Jens Soby, president of Vestas Americas.

    Soby credited Gov. Ritter and other state officials for creating a business-friendly environment for renewable energy companies such as Vestas. You get a special feeling when you come to Colorado, Soby said. It's the right place to be doing business.

    Gov. Ritter praised Vestas for bringing a business to Colorado that will provide jobs, create economic opportunity in rural Colorado, and contribute to the state's quest for energy independence and improved national security.

    Not only is wind free, but it's clean, Gov. Ritter said, noting that Colorado is the 11th windiest state in the nation. In making history here today, we are making a statement to the rest of the country that we will be renewable energy leaders around the world and certainly here in the United States. This plant will help us fulfill that vision.

  5. [verwijderd] 4 augustus 2007 12:49

    zzzaai schreef:

    minimale daling
    Vestas Wind Systems A/S’ Company announcement No. 30/2007 – “Vestas receives major orders from the Chinese market" can be downloaded from www.vestas.com.

    In case you no longer wish to receive press releases and company announcements from Vestas Wind Systems A/S, you can cancel your subscription to the company’s mailing list by contacting Investor Relations via IR@vestas.com.

    Kind regards

    Vestas Wind Systems A/S

  6. [verwijderd] 20 augustus 2007 13:17
    EARNINGS PREVIEW: Vestas 2Q Net Pft Seen At EUR42.7M
    0954 GMT [Dow Jones]--Vestas Wind Systems AB (VWS.KO) is expected Tuesday to report a sharply higher 2Q net profit of EUR42.7M from EUR9.5M a year earlier, an average of seven analysts' estimates compiled by DJN shows. Revenue for the period is seen +19% at EUR1.07B from EUR900M, and operating profit is expected to more than doubling to EUR70.4M from EUR28M the previous year. Analysts broadly agreed that Vestas will reiterate its '07 guidance, but said they expect it to outperform its peers, despite ongoing tightness in component supply. Eyes will be more on production progress than disclosed sales and earnings, one analyst says. Shares trade +3.6% at DKK315. (ECO) Contact us in London. +44-20-7842-9464 Markettalk.eu@dowjones.com
  7. [verwijderd] 21 augustus 2007 14:21
    Ook het Deense Vestas (+7,6%) kwam met cijfers. De producent van windmolens vervijfvoudigde zijn winst in het tweede kwartaal, dankzij een sterk toegenomen vraag naar alternatieve energiebronnen. De nettowinst van het bedrijf steeg van euro 10 mln in dezelfde periode vorig jaar naar euro 51 mln in het meest recente kwartaal.

    (c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: webred@fd.nl/ 020-5928456)

  8. [verwijderd] 21 augustus 2007 16:30
    Vestas Wind Systems A/S’ Company announcement No. 32/2007 – “Interim financial report, second quarter 2007 - Continuing growth in earnings for No. 1 in Modern Energy" can be downloaded from www.vestas.com.

    Het waait er lekker!!
    een dikke plus vandaag!
  9. [verwijderd] 25 september 2007 15:05
    Danish Vestas To Repair Wind Turbines in UK
    Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems A/S will replace the gear boxes in all turbines on the Kentish Flats offshore wind farm project in the UK, Danish daily FinansNyheder reported on September 24, 2007, citing Swedish magazine Ny Teknik. The Kentish Flats project is equipped with 30 Vestas-made 3.0 MW wind turbines and lies in the estuary of the Thames. The wind farm is owned by Swedish state utility Vattenfall AB.
    Similar gear box problems were also reported at the Barrow Wind project, located in the Irish Sea and owned by Danish state utility DONG Energy A/S. The Barrow Wind site is also equipped with 30 Vestas 3.0 MW wind turbines.

    Due to the recurring faults, Vestas ( www.vestas.com ) has stopped sales of its 3.0 MW turbine.

    Reparation of gear boxes will cost Vestas some 1.5 bln Danish crowns ($283.9 mln/201.2 mln euro) in 2007, according to Danish magazine Ingenioren ( www.ing.dk ).

    The repair costs will not affect Vestas' financial outlook for 2007. The company has earmarked 5.0 pct of its turnover in the second quarter of 2007 for warranty costs, in the upper end of the usual 3.0-5.0 pct range.

    Vestas expects a turnover of some 4.5 bln euro ($6.348 bln) and an earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) margin of between 7.0 pct and 9.0 pct in 2007. For 2008, EBIT margin is seen at between 10 pct and 12 pct.

    www.finansnyheder.dk , www.nyteknik.se

    Source: Finans Nyheder , Ny Teknik (LC/MH/LC)

  10. [verwijderd] 26 september 2007 11:37
    Zeker alles wat zich bevind daar waar energie is is onderhevig aan slijtage, neemt niet weg dat het werkt, zeker is windenergie onderhevig aan een zeer groot onderhoud pakket, en dat veroorzaakt duurzame arbeidsplaatsen, ook solar blijft niet optimaal en moeten de "ruiten" van solar installaties gereinigd worden.

    Triest is dat als er n beetje financieel dipje is mensen hard wegrennen bij items waar continu wat geld ingestoken moet worden.

    Neemt niet weg dat ze zeker goed bezig zijn en innovatie ook niet stil staat.
  11. [verwijderd] 26 september 2007 11:41
    Ook waterkracht turbine bladen moeten worden gerepareerd

    En ook conventionele krachtcentrales zijn onderhevig aan slijtage

    Ook kerncentrales hebben zeer veel onderhoud nodig, wat daarbij ook nog gevaarlijk is

    Dus niets nieuws onder de zon...
  12. [verwijderd] 25 oktober 2007 14:41
    Vestas on crest of alternative energy wave
    Canadian investors looking for exposure to the booming alternative energy sector have a handful of domestic players to choose from, but the local pickings are pretty slim and most of the companies are small. So why not look overseas, to one of the green behemoths that has sprung up on the international scene?
    Danish turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems AS is among the biggest companies in the worldwide wind energy business and its stock has been white hot lately.

    The company controls close to 30 per cent of the worldwide market for wind turbines and generates more than $5-billion in revenue each year. It has manufacturing operations in a dozen countries. And it is growing quickly thanks to the growing interest in – and government support of – alternative energy sources.

    The global wind business is expected to grow by an average of 19 per cent a year over the next half-decade, according to forecasts from the Global Wind Energy Council.

    The fast-growing U.S. wind power industry, driven by favourable government tax policy, is Vestas' largest current market. But it also has a huge presence in the wind-intense Danish and German energy markets, and a strong foothold in energy-hungry China.

    In Canada, Vestas is the biggest turbine seller, with an installed base of about 700 units that generate half of all the wind power in this country.

    Vestas shares, which trade on the Copenhagen stock exchange, more than quadrupled in price over the past 20 months, as the company cemented its No. 1 spot in the industry.

    “They're in a very strong position because they have a large backlog of orders, said Philippe de Weck, a senior fund manager at Pictet Asset Management SA, a Swiss company that manages the Criterion Global Clean Energy Fund for Toronto's VenGrowth Asset Management Inc.

    Vestas is the largest holding in the Criterion fund, making up about 5 per cent of its value.

    Vestas' margins have risen because the worldwide shortage of wind turbines has given manufacturers the power to control prices, Mr. de Weck said. And those margins will likely continue to move up next year, so there is room for more growth in the stock price, he said.

    Vestas is also the biggest single stock in the Templeton International Stock Fund run by Don Reed, chief executive officer of Franklin Templeton Investments Corp.

    “Vestas is in the right spot right now, especially as we see the price of oil rising, Mr. Reed said.

    He also likes Vestas because it is a rare pure play in the wind business – many of the other big turbine makers, such as General Electric and Siemens AG, are diversified conglomerates. It's also big enough to form a substantial part of an investment portfolio.

    But the stock has appreciated so much that Mr. Reid is considering whether to trim back his position and take some profits. “We're watching very closely. It's certainly a heck of a lot more expensive today than it was when we bought it.

    Some analysts are also urging caution over Vestas' high price.

    “We find the shares are fundamentally overvalued, said analyst Christian Nagstrup of Jyske Bank, a Danish financial institution.

    Mr. Nagstrup recently downgraded the stock to “accumulate from “buy, mainly because of recent sharp increases in the share price.

    Still, he thinks the stock can show some modest gains from current levels, because of the strong orders it is getting from the United States and China.

    The biggest risk he sees at Vestas is a bottleneck in getting parts to build the turbines. Subcontractors have been slow in delivering key components, and that could slow delivery of complete turbines, Mr. Nagstrup said in a recent report.



    • Vestas was founded in the late 19th century by a Danish blacksmith. In its first 80 years it made products ranging from window frames to appliances to agricultural equipment.

    • It began to make wind turbines in the late 1970s, starting with the old egg-beater style, then shifting to a more efficient three-blade model, similar to what is seen around the world today. After 1987, it concentrates solely on wind energy.

    • As of mid-2007, the company had installed 33,700 turbines in 64 countries. Its biggest individual market is the United States, where it has 9,000 turbines in place. • Revenue in Vestas' second quarter was about $1.3-billion, and pretax profit about $120-million.

    • Vestas trades at a price-to-earnings multiple of 64 times trailing earnings and 36 times estimated earnings. It also trades at 8.8 times price-to-book value and 2.7 times price to sales.

    Richard Blackwell


    Investing in Europe

    Most Canadian investors interested in a European investment such as Vestas Wind Systems try to get exposure through mutual funds that hold a big chunk of the stock.

    But there's no reason sophisticated investors can't buy individual shares, said Lex Kerkovius, an analyst with Calgary-based McLean & Partners Wealth Management.

    While Vestas stock is listed only on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, buying shares “can be easily accomplished, he said. “Just call your broker and they can execute the trade.

    It's a little more complex to perform due diligence on a Danish company than on a domestic one, Mr. Kerkovius said, but investors can now get comprehensive details about any company through the Internet.

    Still, potential buyers should be careful about financial reporting in other countries, which may follow different rules than in Canada, he said. And there are also some cultural and regulatory differences in European countries.

    But over all, “Canadians would be well advised to look further afield, to find potential investments, he said, especially when many sectors of the domestic market – such as alternative energy – are limited to micro-cap or small-cap stocks.

    Aside from Vestas, other large wind power equipment companies that can be purchased on international exchanges include Spain's Gamesa Corp. and India's Suzlong Energy Ltd.

    “You have to do your homework, but it's not overly difficult to go overseas, Mr. Kerkovius said.

    Richard Blackwell

  13. [verwijderd] 6 november 2007 14:01
    COPENHAGEN (Thomson Financial) - Danish wind turbine maker Vestas Wind Systems AS posted a third quarter pretax profit of 98 mln eur, up from 25 mln a year earlier and ahead of consensus estimates, according to RB Boersen, for 95 mln eur.

    Sales were up 37 pct year-on-year at 1.150 bln eur, slightly below market expectations for 1.162 bln eur.

    The group's EBIT margin improved to 8.9 pct from 4.8 pct a year earlier, while EBIT increased to 102 mln eur from 40 mln a year earlier.

    'The improvement on the third quarter of 2006 was achieved on the back of the higher level of activity, higher prices and the many efficiency-improving measures taken since May 2005,' the group said.

    Vestas reiterated its previous outlook for sales of 4.5 mln eur in full year 2007, and said it forecasts an EBIT margin of 8 pct, compared to a previous guidance for a 7-9 pct EBIT margin.

    For full year 2008, Vestas said it expects sales of 5.7 bln eur and an EBIT margin of 10-12 pct.

    'The improved EBIT margin is to be achieved through better interaction with suppliers and in-house initiatives,' the group said.

    Vestas said it has decided to lower its market share expectations for 2008 to 30-32 pct from at least 35 pct, as maintaining its previous market share aim would conflict with its strategic goals for EBIT margin, and for a net working capital of maximum 15 pct.

    Vestas said it will propose that no dividend be paid out for 2007 despite its improved cash flow, as it aims for a solvency ratio of at least 40 pct to finance 'the heavy expansion and the working capital fluctuations'.

    At September 2007, the group's order backlog amounted to 3,946 MW, with Europe accounting for 63 pct and the Americas and Asia/Pacific for 23 and 14 pct respectively.

    Europe contributed 52 pct to third quarter sales, while the Americas and Asia/Pacific contributed respectively 37 pct and 11 pct.

  14. [verwijderd] 6 november 2007 15:26
    RT 14 % up Koers 508 DKR. Ze gaan door het dak! met geweldige verdere vooruitzichten. Dure olie! en amerikanen die minder afhankelijk willen worden van olie.
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