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Nogmaals.... Vestas power......

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  1. forum rang 10 voda 15 september 2015 19:52
    Vestas launches V136-3.45 MW low wind turbine - Report

    Wind Power Monthly reported that Vestas is launching a 3.45 MW low-wind V136 onshore turbine, the 5th model in its 3MW platform. It will be unveiled at the Husum Wind 2015 trade fair on Tuesday September 15th.

    The latest edition of the platform incorporates a new 66.7-metre blade and a wider and taller tower, suitable for low wind conditions.

    It is the 5th model in the 3MW range, which already offers turbines suitable for wind conditions from high to low-wind speeds. The V136-3.45MW offers even longer blades and a higher tower than the existing low-wind V126-3.3/3.45MW, which was launched 3 years ago at the Husum event.

    The new 66.7-metre blades feature an in-house designed aerofoil with a high-lift low-drag ratio, and reduced noise levels.

    The large diameter tower, which can be delivered in sections that meet road transportation requirements, offers a hub height of 149 metres.

    Mr Jan Hagen, chief product manager of the 3 MW platform said that the V136-3.45 MW turbine combined with the high hub height large diameter steel tower is well-suited for low wind, space-constrained conditions such as one finds in some northern and central European markets, for very low-wind sites, the V136-3.45 MW variant can generate more than 10% more annual energy production compared to the V126-3.3/3.45 MW.

    The V126 will remain a key part of the company's product range, focused on the upper end of the low-wind class. The 3MW platform has been been well received, particularly in the EMEA region, he said, and orders this year have expanded to the US and South America.

    A prototype of the V136 will be installed next year at the Oesterlid test centre in Denmark, and production is expected to start in late 2017.

    Source : Wind Power Monthly
  2. forum rang 10 voda 8 november 2016 16:09
    Vestas boekt flink meer winst

    Outlook verhoogd.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas heeft in het derde kwartaal van 2016 meer omzet en winst behaald en verhoogde de outlook voor het gehele jaar. Dit meldde de Deense fabrikant van windturbines dinsdag voorbeurs.

    Het aangepaste bedrijfsresultaat (EBITDA) steeg van 320 miljoen naar 527 miljoen euro. De nettowinst verbeterde van 206 miljoen naar 309 miljoen euro.

    Vestas zei dat de hogere winst vooral het gevolg was van een toegenomen activiteit tijdens het kwartaal en in mindere mate te danken was aan gemiddeld hogere marges op projecten. De EBIT-marge voor bijzondere posten verbeterde op jaarbasis van 10,9 naar 14,9 procent.

    De omzet steeg van 2.120 miljoen naar 2.903 miljoen euro. Het orderboek daalde wel vanwege de hogere activiteitsniveaus.


    Vestas verhoogde de outlook voor 2016 van een omzet van tenminste 9,5 miljard euro naar een omzet die tussen de 10 miljard en 10,5 miljard euro uitkomt. De verwachting voor de EBIT-marge werd verhoogd van tenminste 12,5 procent naar 13 tot 14 procent.

    Wat betreft de vrije kasstroom gaat Vestas nu uit van tenminste 1.000 miljoen euro. Eerder was dit nog tenminste 800 miljoen euro. De investeringen voor dit jaar zijn verhoogd met 100 miljoen naar ongeveer 600 miljoen euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  3. forum rang 10 voda 6 januari 2017 16:32
    Vestas verhoogt outlook vrije kasstroom

    Fabrikant van windturbines profiteert van sterke orderinstroom.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft zijn verwachtingen voor de vrije kastroom over 2016 verhoogd, dankzij een sterke orderinstroom. Dit meldde de Deense fabrikant van windturbines vrijdag op basis van voorlopige cijfers.

    De onderneming verwacht een vrije kasstroom van 1.500 miljoen tot 1.600 miljoen euro. Eerder ging Vestas nog uit van minimaal 1.000 miljoen euro.

    De verhoging was volgens het Deense concern voornamelijk het gevolg van een sterke orderinstroom.

    Vestas maakt de jaarcijfers op 8 februari voorbeurs bekend.

    Het aandeel Vestas Wind Systems noteerde vrijdag 1,9 procent hoger op 474,80 Deense kroon.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  4. forum rang 10 voda 8 februari 2017 15:57
    Vestas haalt eigen doelstellingen en groeit flink

    Outlook gaat uit van stabilisering.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft in 2016 zijn eigen doelstellingen gehaald. Dit meldde de Deense fabrikant van windturbines woensdag voorbeurs.

    De omzet kwam vorig jaar uit op 10,2 miljard euro. In november verhoogde het Deense concern zijn outlook voor heel 2016 van een omzet van tenminste 9,5 miljard euro naar een omzet die tussen de 10 miljard en 10,5 miljard euro uitkomt.

    De EBIT-marge kwam in 2016 uit op 13,9 procent. Hier had Vestas aangegeven tussen de 13 en 14 procent uit te komen.

    De nettowinst steeg van 685 miljoen naar 965 miljoen euro.

    In het afgelopen vierde kwartaal boekte Vestas een 9,2 procent hogere omzet van 3,3 miljard euro met een EBIT-marge van 18,2 procent, tegen 16,5 procent in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder.


    Voor 2017 gaat de onderneming uit van omzet tussen de 9,25 miljard en 10,25 miljard euro en een EBIT-marge die tussen 12 en 14 procent uitkomt.

    Vestas verwacht dit jaar investeringen van 350 miljoen euro. Dat is flink minder dan 2016, toen er voor ongeveer 600 miljoen euro werd geïnvesteerd.

    De dividenduitkering voor 2016 is 9,71 Deense kroon per aandeel. In het voorgaande jaar werd nog 6,82 Deense kroon uitgekeerd.

    Een dag voordat de resultaten werden gepresenteerd kondigde Vestas aan kantoorgebouwen te verkopen voor een totaal bedrag van 95 miljoen euro. Dit wordt ook uitgekeerd aan aandeelhouders via een opkoopprogramma van eigen aandelen.

    Het aandeel Vestas Wind Systems noteerde woensdag 1,4 procent hoger.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  5. forum rang 10 voda 5 mei 2017 15:44
    Meer omzet en winstgevendheid voor Vestas

    Outlook 2017 herhaald.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vestas Wind Systems heeft de omzet en winstgevendheid in her eerste kwartaal van 2017 flink zien toenemen. Dit meldde de Deense fabrikant van windturbines vrijdag voorbeurs.

    De omzet kwam in het eerste kwartaal uit op 1.885 miljoen euro, 29 procent dan over de eerste drie maanden van 2016.

    Het bedrijfsresultaat (EBIT) steeg met 126 miljoen naar 211 miljoen euro met een marge van 11,2 procent. Dat was een jaar eerder nog 5,8 procent.

    De gerapporteerde winst kwam afgelopen kwartaal uit op 160 miljoen euro, flink meer dan de 35 miljoen euro in dezelfde periode vorig jaar.


    Voor 2017 gaat de onderneming nog steeds uit van omzet tussen de 9,25 miljard en 10,25 miljard euro en een EBIT-marge die tussen 12 en 14 procent uitkomt.

    Vestas verwacht dit jaar investeringen van 350 miljoen euro. Dat is flink minder dan 2016, toen er voor ongeveer 600 miljoen euro werd geïnvesteerd. De vrije kasstroom komt naar verwachting uit op minimaal 700 miljoen euro.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  6. forum rang 10 voda 17 augustus 2017 16:13
    Koersafstraffing voor Vestas

    Aankondiging aandeleninkoop legt geen bodem in de koers.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het aandeel Vestas gaat donderdag flink onderuit, nadat de Deense fabrikant van windturbines met kwartaalcijfers kwam.

    Hoewel de resultaten flink daalden, sprak CEO Anders Runevad toch van een "solide kwartaal", en wees daarbij op de veranderende marktomstandigheden. Positief was volgens de topman dat de orderinstroom in alle regio's steeg.

    De omzet daalde op jaarbasis met 14 procent naar 2,2 miljard euro. Het bedrijfsresultaat liep terug van 279 miljoen naar 120 miljoen euro, bij een marge van 12,6 procent. Daarmee lag de marge liefst 3 procentpunt lager dan in het tweede kwartaal van 2016. Net als de resultaten, liep ook de vrije kasstroom terug, van 330 miljoen euro positief naar 158 miljoen euro negatief, als gevolg van voorradenopbouw.

    Vestas herhaalde de outlook voor dit jaar. Er wordt een omzet voorzien van 9,25 miljard tot 10,25 miljard euro met een EBIT-marge van 12 tot 14 procent. De vrije kasstroom zou tenminste 700 miljoen euro moeten bedragen.


    Tegelijk met de kwartaalcijfers besloot Vestas ook tot de inkoop van eigen aandelen. Daarvoor is omgerekend circa 600 miljoen euro beschikbaar. De stukken zullen worden ingekocht tussen vandaag en eind dit jaar. Het inkoopprogramma komt bovenop de al eerder aangekondigde inkoop van 100 miljoen euro.

    Het aandeel Vestas daalde op de beurs van Kopenhagen met ruim 7 procent.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  7. forum rang 10 voda 24 oktober 2017 15:34
    Vestas built INR 500 crore blade factory near Ahmedabad

    ET reported that Bert Nordberg, chairman of Danish wind turbine maker Vestas, had a brief meeting with Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi in New Delhi. Nordberg gave a commitment to the PM that the company was willing to bring in substantial foreign direct investment (FDI) into India for setting up a wind turbine blade manufacturing factory.

    Within 10 days of the meeting, the Vestas board approved its India plan, gave its nod to a factory location 30 km west of Ahmedabad and then quickly brought one of its senior executives of Indian origin, Madhava Krishna Pokala, from the sleepy town of Ringkobing in Denmark to oversee the process of setting it up.

    Next up were a MoU with the government of Gujarat, procurement of 20 permits and finally investing €70 million (roughly Rs 500 crore) to establish a greenfield manufacturing unit in a 36-acre plot off the Ahmedabad-Rajkot highway. In 15 months, the factory began blade production, making it a rare example of a fast-tracked FDI investment into India.

    Mr Clive Turton, president (Asia Pacific), Vertas, said that “Consent to establish is a critical clearance requirement to begin construction. We received it in 22 days as against the usual 60. Also, power at the factory site was made available in six months rather than the usual 18 months due to effective influence of the Invest India cell of the Government of India.”

    About 1,000 people, including 250 engineers and 750 operators, are now working in the factory that has already stocked 230 blades in the last seven months; one blade is 54 metres long and weighs eight tonnes. “We have followed international norms in building this factory, with safety as a priority. It’s all air-conditioned; the workforce is well-trained, 150 of them in our US factories,” says Pokala, Vestas’ vice-president and the India factory manager. Blades are one of four components required for a wind turbine, the others being the nacelle, hub and tower.

    The Gujarat factory that has a capacity of 600 MW produces 900 blades a year; three blades are needed for one wind turbine of 2 MW, producing enough electricity for as many as 35 villages. “If needed, we can expand the factory and double its production. But that will depend on the work we receive,” says Amar Variawa, the company’s director of marketing and public affairs.

    Wind energy installation in India rose from 2.3 GW in 2014-15 to 3.4 GW in 2015-16 before peaking at 5.4 GW in 2016-17 (1 GW = 1,000 MW). But till August this fiscal year, wind energy installation was barely 0.35 GW mainly on account of the government’s change of policies and ending of subsidies, forcing equipment manufacturers to pile up inventories for better days.

    Source : ET
  8. forum rang 10 voda 27 november 2017 20:22
    Vestas develops wind energy in Russia
    Published on Mon, 27 Nov 2017

    Following the success of Vestas and OOO Fortum Energy in Russia’s first wind energy auction, the two companies have signed the first order of a binding framework agreement. The framework agreement engages Vestas to supply its 4 MW platform for wind energy projects in the world’s fourth largest electricity market, while the order includes 14 V126-3.6 MW turbines for a 50 MW project at an undisclosed site. The announcement references company announcement no. 25 of 21 June 2017.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  9. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2017 16:42
    Vestas opent productielocatie in Vlissingen

    Gepubliceerd op 28 nov 2017 om 07:15 | Views: 938

    48,53 -0,52 (-1,05%)

    VLISSINGEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Deense windmolenmaker Vestas gaat een productielocatie openen bij de haven van Vlissingen. Het bedrijf heeft een overeenkomst getekend met de Kloosterboer Groep voor het gebruik van 20 hectare grond waarop het bedrijf uiteindelijk de prefabricatie van windmolens gaat organiseren.

    Vestas gaat vanaf de Zeeuwse haven windmolens leveren aan offshoreparken voor kust van België. Ook een drietal andere windparken op zee worden naar verwachting vanuit Vlissingen gebouwd. Het betreft de parken Borssele, Hollandse Kust Zuid en Hollandse Kust Noord, aldus de verklaring.

    Vestas laat met de Nederlandse productielocatie naar eigen zeggen zien dat het op de lange termijn heil ziet in de Nederlandse offshorewindmarkt.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2017 14:25
    Vestas and WEB sign wind orders in Germany & Austria

    Vestas has signed an agreement with W.E.B to supply its 4-MW platform for future projects in Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Canada, and the US that potentially can materialize into a three-digit volume over the next two years. As part of the agreement, W.E.B has placed orders for a total of 35 MW across one wind project in Lower Austria and one in Eastern Germany.

    The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines as well as a 20-year full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement and a VestasOnline Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning is planned to begin in the first half of 2019.

    Mr Frank Dumeier, CEO, WEB Windenergie AG said that “W.E.B and Vestas have successfully collaborated for more than 20 years. It is important for us to have a partner who shares common values such as reliability, sustainability, and flexibility. That’s why we chose Vestas’ turbine technology and their team competencies for our extensive international project pipeline. We leverage the sustainable 4 MW platform that enables an efficient project development and competitive cost of energy that is critical for our success in highly competitive international auction systems.”

    As part of the agreement, W.E.B has placed the first orders for one German and one Austrian project. The German order was awarded in the second German auction round in August 2017 and includes six V136-3.6-MW that will repower the Wörbzig wind park currently consisting of 12 V66-1.75-MW. The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines as well as a 20-year full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement and a VestasOnline Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning is planned to begin in the first half of 2019.

    Mr Nils de Baar, President of Vestas Central Europe said that “W.E.B. is a valued long-term customer and this agreement underlines our strong partnership. Site diversity and individual project requirements across six countries require a highly versatile platform, which is exactly what our 4-MW platform offers. Together with our global reach, ability to optimise wind park design to site conditions and our vast repowering expertise, W.E.B’s projects will utilise the 4-MW platform’s different rotor sizes, towers, and power modes, thereby maximising annual energy production and lowering cost of energy across very different site conditions.”

    The Austrian order is for the Dürnkrut project and will employ towers with hub heights of 117m and 149m. The customised solution consists of four V126-3.45 MW. The order includes wind turbine supply and commissioning as well as a full-scope Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement and a VestasOnline Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning is planned to start in the second half of 2018.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 29 december 2017 14:26
    Vestas gets US order for 2 MW platform

    Vestas has received a US order for wind turbines qualifying for 80% of the federal production tax credit. The order, totaling 32 MW, calls for 16 V110-2.0 MW wind turbines. Vestas’ 2 MW wind platform recently reached 20,000 installations globally.

    At the customer’s request, the project and customer have not been disclosed, the manufacturer notes. The turbines will be produced at Vestas’ Colorado factories.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 8 januari 2018 16:31
    Kassa rinkelt bij windmolenmaker Vestas

    Gepubliceerd op 8 jan 2018 om 16:21 | Views: 39

    57,50 +1,06 (+1,88%)

    AARHUS (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Deense windmolenmaker Vestas heeft de laatste maanden van het jaar goed geboerd. Het bedrijf had eind 2017 veel meer geld in kas dan waar het zelf eerder rekening mee hield, geholpen door een hele rits bestellingen die Vestas kort voor de jaarwisseling binnenkreeg.

    De vrije kasstroom van Vestas komt naar verwachting uit tussen de 1,15 miljard en 1,25 miljard euro, zo verwachten de Denen. Dat is fors meer dan de eerdere voorspelling van maximaal 900 miljoen euro in kas, een bedrag dat ook kenners in doorsnee reëel vonden.

    Vooral de belastingplannen van de Amerikaanse president Trump namen een hoop onzekerheden weg. De VS is een van de grootste markten voor Vestas, ondanks het beleid van Trump. De president heeft namelijk minder fiducie in hernieuwbare energie en meer in fossiele brandstoffen. De lagere belastingtarieven zijn juist weer goed nieuws voor de windmolenmaker en andere bedrijven.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 12 januari 2018 14:23
    Power Makes Wind Turbine Purchase from Vestas

    sPower has placed an order with Vestas, in a first-time partnership, for 2 MW and 4 MW compatible turbine components that qualify for 80 percent of the Production Tax Credit and enable 400 MW of future project development. Vestas is the energy industry’s global partner on sustainable energy solutions. They design, manufacture, install and service wind turbines across the globe, and with more than 87 GW of wind turbines in 76 countries, have installed more wind power than anyone else.

    Mr Ryan Creamer, CEO of sPower said that “We are looking forward to working with Vestas and adding their wind turbines to our fleet. These turbines add to our PTC qualified inventory and ensures sPower’s continued growth and economic development in the United States.”

    Mr Chris Brown, President of Vestas’ sales and service division in the United States and Canada said that “sPower has long been a respected energy leader and we are proud to work with them as they leverage their energy expertise into the wind market. These turbines generate millions of dollars in economic benefit and jobs growth, and support a thriving domestic manufacturing industry and supply chain that spans nearly every state.”

    Over the next three years, wind energy, the #1 source of renewable energy capacity in US, is expected to generate over $85 billion of economic activity in the US, including the expansion of factories, millions of dollars in technology innovation investment and the addition of nearly 50,000 jobs across the wind value chain. In 2016, the wind industry added jobs nine times faster than the overall US economy, and today there are more than 102,000 wind workers in America.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  14. forum rang 10 voda 7 februari 2018 16:56
    Vestas gaat eigen aandelen inkopen

    Gepubliceerd op 7 feb 2018 om 09:43 | Views: 729

    54,90 +1,50 (+2,81%)

    KOPENHAGEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Deense windmolenbouwer Vestas Wind Systems gaat voor een bedrag van omgerekend meer dan 200 miljoen euro eigen aandelen inkopen en het dividend verhogen. Dat maakte Vestas bekend na publicatie van cijfers.

    De grootste maker van windturbines ter wereld zag vorig jaar de omzet licht dalen tot 10 miljard euro. Voor dit jaar voorziet het bedrijf een omzet tussen 10 miljard tot 11 miljard euro. De orderportefeuille groeide vorig jaar met 1,4 miljard euro tot meer dan 12 miljard euro. De nettowinst was 894 miljoen euro, tegen 965 miljoen euro in 2016.

    Vestas spreekt van uitdagende marktomstandigheden in de windenergiesector, met felle concurrentie en prijsdruk, maar weet naar eigen zeggen wel de kosten goed onder controle te houden.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 3 april 2018 21:54
    Vestas receives 45 MW EPC order in Jordan from new customer and consolidates its leadership in the market

    Vestas has received an engineering, procurement and construction order for the 45 MW Al Shobak Wind Farm to be located in the Ma’an governorate within the district of Shobak in southern Jordan. The EPC contract includes supply, transport, installation and commissioning of thirteen V136-3.45 MW turbines, specifically designed to optimise energy production in low and medium wind conditions. The order is placed by new customer Shobak Wind Energy PSC, a majority owned subsidiary of Alcazar Energy, a Dubai-based independent developer and power producer focused on renewable energy generation in the META region (Broader Middle East, Turkey and Africa).

    The project is Vestas’ third EPC contract for utility-scale wind parks in Jordan, following Al Tafila (114 MW) and Fujeij (89 MW). In addition to the EPC contract, the order includes an Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement, under which Vestas will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the wind park over the next five years. Turbine delivery is planned for the second quarter of 2019, whilst commissioning is expected by the end of the same year.

    Mr Rainer Karan, General Manager of Vestas Mediterranean Eastern Cluster said that “This full-scope EPC contract marks the beginning of a fruitful partnership with Alcazar Energy, and we will continue to support them with our efficient service and broad project management expertise utilising our profound operational experience. We pioneered wind energy in Jordan and continue to play an active role in the country’s transition to renewable energy.”

    Mr Daniel Calderón, Co-founder and CEO of Alcazar Energy said that “Our close collaboration with Vestas has been and will be key to ensure the successful implementation of the Al Shobak project, which will also help us go one step further in our path to creating positive and sustainable change for the environment and the communities in which we operate. We are grateful for the continued support of the Government of Jordan, our investors and lenders.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  16. forum rang 10 voda 3 april 2018 21:55
    Vestas secures first order from German auction round four

    Vestas has received its first order from Germany’s fourth wind energy auction, only five weeks after the auction results were announced in February. Underlining Vestas’ ability to work closely with each individual customer to optimise their projects for competitive auctions, the order is placed by long-standing customer ABO Wind and includes six V136-3.45 MW turbines. The project is located in Arzfeld in the South-Western part of Germany and has gained strong local support through a revenue sharing agreement between citizens and municipality.

    The fast translation from auction results into order intake is the result of the close collaboration between Vestas and ABO Wind, that included applying Vestas’ value engineering approach to all project phases from siting support to transport and construction which optimises chances for auction success.

    Mr Nils de Baar, President Vestas Northern & Central Europe said that “Our value engineering approach enables us to find levers to optimise customers’ business case for each individual project, which make a large difference in Germany’s auctions. This order underlines the strength of our value engineering and I am delighted to see that ABO Wind trusts Vestas with the implementation of their auction project.”

    The project is part of a broader framework contract between ABO Wind and Vestas and includes a 20-year Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. Turbine delivery is expected in the fourth quarter of 2018.

    Speaking to the significant benefits the Arzfeld project will provide the region, Dr. Thomas Treiling, ABO Wind’s Head of Planning in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, said that “The sites used for the construction of the turbines are owned by around 65 local citizens. A pool concept divides the revenues fairly among them. Based on a solidarity agreement, every village in the municipality receives payments, even if there are no wind turbines on their land. The local authorities have supported our wind farm planning in an outstanding manner.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 april 2018 21:55
    Vestas wins first order for V120-2.2 MW from India

    Long-term customer Powerica Limited has placed the first V120-2.2 MW order globally for the 50 MW power project in Bhatel Wind Farm in Gujarat state. The project was awarded as part of the state-level wind power auction in Gujarat concluded in December 2017. The V120-2.2 MW is latest extension of Vestas’ 2 MW platform, making the order another step forward for one of the most widely installed platforms in the history of wind energy. V120-2.2 MW is specifically designed for markets like India where it offers optimised energy production in medium to low wind with higher turbulence conditions.

    The order also includes a VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution and a 15-year full-scope Active Output Management 5000 (AOM 5000) service agreement. Turbine delivery is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2018, whilst commissioning is planned for the first quarter of 2019.

    Mr Clive Turton, President of Vestas Asia Pacific said that “This order strengthens our relationship with Powerica Limited further and by ordering the first V120-2.2 MW turbines globally for the Bhatel Wind Farm, we are together setting a new benchmark for levelised cost of energy at park level. We continue to offer our most advanced solutions in India which together with our broad range of capabilities and close collaboration with Indian customers provide a strong foundation for being successful in auctions.”

    Mr Naresh Oberoi, Chairman and Managing Director, Powerica Limited said that “For more than 10 years, Vestas has been a partner for Powerica Limited for its wind energy projects in India. Powerica will be the first company in India to use Vestas’ V120-2.2 MW turbines and we are confident to commission the project as per schedule.”

    The order follows last year’s record order intake for Vestas in India of more than 600 MW, which was the company’s highest in one year since pioneering the Indian wind energy market in 1986. The wind power plant has an estimated annual production of 183,960 MWh, which can cover the annual electricity consumption of around 1.2 million urban electricity consumers in India.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 4 april 2018 20:36
    Vestas gets 10 year renewal of 1,150 MW service portfolio

    Vestas has renewed and extended a portfolio of service agreements with an undisclosed customer for 1,150 MW of wind projects across four wind projects in the U.S. Vestas has provided service for the projects, covering multiple Vestas platforms, since their commissioning, and will, with the renewals, extend the service agreements to 10 year terms, including Balance of Plant management. With the long-term service agreements, the customer obtains unparalleled access to Vestas’ global footprint and service expertise, which increase performance through enhanced data driven fleet optimization services, predictable operations costs and lower energy cost. The long-term service agreements are designed to maximize uptime, performance and energy production.

    Mr Chris Brown, President of Vestas’ North American sales and service organization said that “We’re extraordinarily pleased to extend our service partnerships and continue to drive project performance and profitability over the long-term. These renewals are a testament to the customer’s commitment to getting the lowest cost energy through optimized project performance and long-term certainty. We are pleased to help deliver on this commitment over the lifetime performance of their assets.”

    With over 76 GW of projects under long-term service agreements globally including 24 GW in North America, Vestas is the largest service provider in the world.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  19. forum rang 10 voda 4 april 2018 20:37
    Vestas wins 209 MW order in US

    Vestas has received an order for 209 MW of V136-3.45 MW turbines delivered in 3.6 MW Power Optimised Mode. Delivery of the turbines is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2018. The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines as well as a seven-year service agreement.

    Mr Chris Brown, President of Vestas’ sales and service division in the United States and Canada said that “This order once again emphasises the 4 MW platform’s momentum in the traditionally 2 MW-dominated U.S. market and how Vestas’ flexible product portfolio enables new wind projects and support local communities. These turbines, and the wind project they power, will generate hundreds of millions of dollars in economic benefits for the community, and support growth in a thriving American manufacturing supply chain.”

    The project and customer are undisclosed at the customer’s request.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  20. forum rang 10 voda 17 april 2018 17:02
    MHI Vestas Unveils Pioneering MVOW SMART Turbine® Product Portfolio

    In a drive to optimise customer offerings, MHI Vestas has launched a suite of next-generation SMART tools to enhance design assessments, turbine monitoring, and real time decision-making. In addition to manufacturing the world’s most powerful available turbine, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind with its latest round of MVOW SMART Turbine® products is pushing boundaries inside the turbine and could now lay claim to having the world’s smartest available turbine.

    Mr Henrik Baek Jorgensen, Head of Product Management, said that “We are not content to just manufacture the world’s most powerful turbine. We know that our customers require world-class production and operation of the turbine in every area. This product portfolio addresses their most critical business needs and gives them an unprecedented level of visibility and control.”

    The portfolio of four products aims to improve MHI Vestas customers’ business case not only in the design phase but also operations and maintenance. Available to MHI Vestas customers immediately, the portfolio consists of:

    SMART Foundation Loads – optimises foundation design upfront. The software package will allow MHI Vestas customers to perform integrated load design simulations prior to undertaking detailed load assessments.

    SMART Dampers – designed to actively reduce fatigue loads. Active SMART Dampers reduce fatigue and design loads by reducing the side-to-side and fore-aft movements of the tower.

    SMART Fast Data – dramatically increases the data flow from the turbine. Receiving data frequency 600 times faster than traditional SCADA methods, the tool unlocks hidden insights, enhances diagnostic capability and optimises scheduled service.

    SMART Performance Monitor – brings wind power plant monitoring to a hand-held device. Feeding real-time information on turbine performance, site production, and operational notifications to any mobile device, the Performance Monitor puts the wind park into the customer’s pocket.

    Mr Jorgensen continues that “Our ambition is to not only have the most powerful products, but also the smartest products in offshore wind. This portfolio is the latest example of how we’re taking digitalisation to the next level and reflects our singular commitment to optimise our customers’ business case.”

    The product announcement comes as MHI Vestas, now under the leadership of new CEO Philippe Kavafyan, is taking its turbine offerings global, recently announcing its expansion into the Taiwan offshore wind market.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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