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Crucell Terug naar discussie overzicht

RT Dinsdag 13 Februari 2007

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  1. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 07:44
    Koersgegevens 15 minuten vertraagd.
    Hoogste koers (12 mnd) 24,11 27-3-2006
    Laagste koers (12 mnd) 13,52 13-6-2006
    Ultimo 2006 19,40
    40-daags voortschr. gemiddelde 20,35
    200-daags voortschr. gemiddelde 17,92

    Dagomzet 916.075
    Dagomzet vorige beursdag 805.099
    Gemiddelde omzet 621.821

    Marktkapitalisatie (in mln) 1.393

    Totaal rendement (12 mnd) 2,53%
    Waarvan dividendrendement 0,00%
    Winst per aandeel 2005 (*) -0,39
    Koers-winstverhouding 2005 (*) -55,10

    Winst per aandeel 2006 (taxatie) -0,64 nvt
    Winst per aandeel 2007 (taxatie) -0,01 nvt
    Koers-winstverhouding 2006 -33,58
    Koers-winstverhouding 2007 -4.298,00

    (*) Gebaseerd op wpa excl bb&l en goodwill
  2. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 07:46
    Heel veel succes gewenst voor de zittenblijvers vandaag!

    Nog even en dan zijn de cijfers bekend....

    Ik hoop dat we een gat in de lucht kunnen gaan springen maar das nog heel even afwachten!
  3. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 07:49
    Zwarte kwartaalcijfers voor Crucell
    LEIDEN (ANP-AFX) - Het Leidse biotechnologiebedrijf Crucell heeft voor het eerst in zijn bestaan zwarte cijfers geschreven in een kwartaal. De winst is te danken aan de overname van het Zwitserse vaccinbedrijf Berna Biotech vorig jaar.

    De nettowinst in het vierde kwartaal is uitgekomen op 9,9 miljoen euro. Dat blijkt uit een peiling van persbureau Reuters onder zes analisten. In 2005 werd in hetzelfde kwartaal nog een verlies geleden van 3,2 miljoen euro.

    De omzet is het afgelopen kwartaal geëxplodeerd naar 81,3 miljoen tegen 12,1 miljoen euro een jaar eerder, aldus het gemiddelde onder acht analisten. Ook deze stijging is te danken aan Berna. ,,Het belangrijkste waar we dinsdag naar kijken is de omzetgroei van Crucells griep- en reisvaccins'', laat analist Mutlu Gundogan van Kempen & Co weten.

    Break even-resultaat

    Crucell, dat dinsdag voorbeurs de resultaten bekendmaakt, gaf eerder aan een omzet te verwachten van 140 miljoen tot 150 miljoen euro in 2006. Dit jaar rekent het biotechbedrijf op een break even-resultaat.

    In december kreeg Crucell orders voor de levering van kindervaccins aan internationale organisaties. De contracten leveren de komende drie jaar ruim 230 miljoen dollar op (175 miljoen euro). Het zogeheten Quinvaxem-vaccin, dat bescherming biedt tegen een vijftal kinderziektes, waaronder kinkhoest, difterie en tetanus, is ontwikkeld door Berna.


    Verder heeft Crucell diverse licentieovereenkomsten gesloten met enkele grote farmabedrijven. Zo maken GlaxoSmithKline en Merck tegen betaling gebruik van Crucell Per.C6-technologie, waarmee met gekweekte menselijke cellen vaccins en antistoffen worden ontwikkeld. Hoewel Crucell zelf nog geen enkel medicijn op de markt heeft weten te brengen, hebben beleggers er alle vertrouwen in dat dit wel gaat lukken. Het bedrijf is op de beurs inmiddels meer dan 1 miljard euro waard. Het aandeel is in de afgelopen zes maanden met 46 procent gestegen.

    De MidKap-index voor middelgrote bedrijven, waarin Crucell is opgenomen, steeg in diezelfde periode 26 procent.

    Publicatiedatum: 12-02-2007 13:34

  4. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 07:59

    tophound schreef:

    Het is een knap staaltje dat Berna direct na overname goed winstgevend is.
    Ik herinner me, plm. 1997, dat Numico (toen nog Nutricia) haar eerste jaarcijfers presenteerde na de overname van het noodlijdende Duitse Milupa (babyvoeding, o.a.). Milupa bleek direct bij te dragen aan de winst. De koers van Nutricia spoot omhoog na de cijfers. "Koersexplosie Nutricia" kopte de Telegraaf.
    En vandaag? "Koersexplosie Crucell?".
    Gaan we eindelijk weer de € 25 regionen opzoeken?
    Eindelijk weer eens een positieve impuls na de cijfers? Dat-kan-niet-anders.
    @tophound: interessante vergelijking en een terechte vergelijking. Numico betaalde indertijd de hoofdprijs voor Milupa (althans volgens de analisten). Wat men over het hoofd het gezien was dat Milupa zijn gehele productie uitbesteedde en Numico een geweldige overcapaciteit had in zijn eigen fabrieken. De reorganisatie bij Milupa is zeer voortvarend aangepakt door Hans van Hedel, die enekel jaren later vertrok ( als beloning?) naar de toppaositie bij Kruidvat.

    Zie je de overeenkomsten!
  5. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 08:01
    Sanofi-Aventis boekt 4,6% lagere winst in 4ekw door Plavix
    13-02-2007 07:56:59

    Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Sanofi-Aventis, het grootste farmaciebedrijf van Frankrijk, heeft in het vierde kwartaal van 2006 de nettowinst met 4,6% zien dalen. De winstdaling is veroorzaakt door generieke concurrentie voor bloedverdunner Plavix waardoor de omzet van het middel in de Verenigde Staten met 61,5% afnam.

    De nettowinst nam af van EUR 1.444 miljoen tot EUR 1.377 miljoen. Analisten geraadpleegd door Bloomberg gingen uit van een winst van EUR 1.340 miljoen. Sanofi-Aventis zag de omzet met 5,0% toenemen tot EUR 7,36 miljard, terwijl de brutomarge als percentage van de omzet daalde van 77,7% tot 76,5%.

    Voor 2007 voorziet het concern een groei van de winst per aandeel, exclusief bijzondere posten, in de orde van grootte van 2006 toen de winst per aandeel met 10,3% steeg naar EUR 5,23. Het dividend over 2006 is met 15,1% verhoogd naar EUR 1,75.

    Sanofi-Aventis zag zich in augustus dit jaar geconfronteerd met generieke concurrentie van Apotex voor bloedverdunner Plavix in de Verenigde Staten. Eind augustus wist Sanofi-Aventis via de rechter de verkoop van het generieke middel te stoppen, maar Apotex werd niet verplicht de al verkochte producten terug te halen.

    Apotex had toen al genoeg verkocht om aan de volledige marktvraag in de Verenigde Staten tot het einde van 2006 te kunnen voldoen. In het vierde kwartaal daalde de omzet van Plavix in de Verenigde Staten met 61,5% tot EUR 273 miljoen. In Europa steeg de omzet 4% en in overige landen nam de omzet in het middel toe met 18%.

    Sanofi-Aventis liet maandagavond weten dat het onderzoek van de Food and Drug Administration in de Verenigde Staten voor de toelating van het nieuwe middel Acomplia, voor gewichtsverlies, voor de derde keer vertraagd is. Analisten zien het middel als het meest veelbelovende in de pijplijn van het concern.

    Herman Betten

    (c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)
  6. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 08:03
    Laatste 21,49 2 12-02-2007
    Verschil 0,00
    Hier Hans, pak aan!:

    Bied mkt 594 08:02:54
    Laat mkt 700 08:02:54
    Hoogste ---
    Laagste ---
    Cum. volume ---
    Indicatieve opening 21,48 07:21:17
    Open 21,50 12-02-2007
    Vorig slot 21,49 12-02-2007
    Gemiddelde dagomzet --- 630.085

    Bid Ask
    Orders Volume Bid Ask Volume Orders
    5 594 mkt mkt 700 4
    17 4.249 21,48 21,48 6.100 3
    2 1.200 21,45 21,57 1.000 1
    1 200 21,40 21,59 2.000 1
    1 53 21,32 21,63 500 1
  7. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 08:11
    CRUCELL: VERLIES 4eKW 2006 EUR 24,9 MLN INCL. LAST 08:10:36
    CRUCELL: OMZET 4eKW 2006 EUR 76 MLN; CONSENSUS 82,3 MLN 08:10:10
    CRUCELL: OMZET 2006 EUR 140,9 MLN 08:11:11
    CRUCELL ZIET OMZET 2007 BOVEN EUR 200 MLN 08:12:02
  8. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 08:11
    Crucell announces fourth quarter and annual results 2006

    Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, Nasdaq: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2006 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. These financial results are unaudited.

    Crucell announces fourth quarter and annual results 2006

    - Total revenues and other operating income increased to €76.0 million in Q4 and to €140.9 million for full year 2006
    - Acquisitions of Berna Biotech, BPC and SBL concluded and acquired companies successfully integrated in Crucell Group
    - Quinvaxem(TM) pediatric vaccine successfully launched
    - All development programs in clinical trials by year-end
    - Crucell and DSM opened US development center for PER.C6®
    - €33.5 million charge for asset impairment and restructuring in Q4
    - Year-end cash position €157.8 million

    Leiden, The Netherlands, February 13, 2007 - Dutch biotechnology company Crucell N.V. (Euronext, Nasdaq: CRXL; Swiss Exchange: CRX) today announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year 2006 in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. These financial results are unaudited.

    Key Figures Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2006
    (€ million, except net loss per share)

    Q4 2006
    Q4 2005
    Year 2006
    Year 2005
    Revenue and other operating income

    Loss for the period
    Loss per share
    (basic and diluted)

    Cash and cash equivalents
    At December 31, 2006 (unaudited):
    At December 31, 2005:


    Fourth quarter
    Total revenue and other operating income for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2006 were €76.0 million, up 528% versus the €12.1 million reported over Q4, 2005. The strong fourth quarter revenues were primarily driven by the October launch of Quinvaxem(TM), Crucell's new pediatric vaccine and by strong seasonal influenza vaccine sales. Total other operating expenses amounted to €69.7 million and included an asset impairment charge of €30.4 million and a restructuring provision of €3.1 million. The increase in R&D and SG&A expenses reflects a significantly larger, global organization after Crucell's acquisition of three companies during 2006. The company reported a €11.3 million tax gain mainly as a consequence of the impairment charges. The reported loss for the fourth quarter 2006 was €24.9 million. Excluding the €33.5 million impairment and restructuring charges and also excluding the impact of the purchase price allocation from acquisitions, the operating result for the fourth quarter would have been a profit of €1.9 million.

    Full Year
    Total revenue and other operating income for the year ended December 31, 2006 were €140.9 million, which represents a more than 275% increase over the €37.6 million in revenues and other operating income reported in 2005. The increase in total revenues is attributable to sales of respiratory, travel and pediatric vaccines acquired by the company during 2006. Total other operating expenses amounted to €148.3 million and included restructuring and impairment charges of €33.5 million. Research and development expenses of €67.6 million reflect increasing emphasis on clinical development, since Crucell successfully initiated clinical trials for nine programs during the year, and reflect research spending in Berna and SBL. Reported loss over 2006 amounted to €87.6 million. Reported loss includes amortization charges of €19.7 million related to purchase price accounting, in addition to the impairment and restructuring charges of €33.5 million. For income taxes the company reported a € 10.6 million gain mainly related to the impairment charge.
    Cash and cash equivalents at December 31, 2006 amounted €157.8 million, which also reflects the proceeds of the €80.0 million equity offering the company executed in November 2006.

    Crucell's CEO Ronald H.P. Brus commented:"We have successfully transformed Crucell from a strong research-focused organization into a strong independent vaccines company. The acquisitions of Berna in Switzerland, a sales and marketing organization in the US and SBL in Sweden have all been completed and their integration in the Crucell group has been successfully finalized. Our existing products are well positioned to benefit from the increasingly strong global demand for vaccines. We are forecasting total revenues for 2007 in excess of €200 million." He continued:"Despite a planned increased investment in R&D and sales and marketing, we are expecting to reach operational cash break-even in 2007."

    Operational Review Full Year 2006

    Acquisition of Berna Biotech: In February Crucell acquired Berna Biotech based in Switzerland. Non-core activities in research and veterinary vaccines were divested in the 2nd quarter. In December, Rhein Biotech N.V., one of the operating companies in the Crucell group, de-listed from the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. As a result Crucell held no minority interests for consolidated companies on December 31, 2006.

    Acquisition of BPC Inc.: During the year Crucell also acquired BPC Inc. (Berna Products Corporation) in the US from Acambis. This sales and marketing organisation markets the Crucell's Vivotif oral vaccine in North America.

    Acquisition of SBL Vaccin: In November 2006 Crucell acquired Stockholm based SBL Vaccin AB (SBL) from 3i and SEB for cash. The acquisition further strengthened Crucell's travel vaccines franchise. The addition of Dukoral®, a market leading oral vaccine against cholera, extended Crucell's core product portfolio to six vaccines.

    Launch of Quinvaxem(TM): In October Crucell launched its new Quinvaxem(TM) vaccine, a paediatric vaccine to prevent five important childhood diseases. In December Crucell announced that it had been granted multi-year contracts for over US $230 million by supranational organizations. Crucell was also awarded a US$20 million contract for 2007 for Quinvaxem(TM) by a supranational organization for Latin America.

    PERCIVIA: In November Crucell and DSM Biologics opened PERCIVIA, a PER.C6® development center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. PERCIVIA was set up to further develop the PER.C6® technology for the production of proteins and provide turnkey solutions to licensees.

    Merck Technology Trade: In December Crucell signed a cross-licensing agreement with Merck & Co. Inc, whereby Merck got the rights to use Crucell technology on an exclusive basis in additional vaccine fields and in turn, Crucell received large scale manufacturing technology for AdVac®-based vaccines developed by Merck.

    Technology Licensing: New PER.C6® licenses were signed with ADImmune Corporation, MorphoSys AG, Immuno-Biological Laboratories Co., Ltd (IBL), UCB S.A, UMN Pharma, Bio A&D, Ark Therapeutics and Upstate USA. Licenses with Edwards, Innogenetics, SRC, VPM, Centocor, Wyeth, Pangenetics and JCR were terminated.

    STAR(TM) Technology: In 2006 new STAR(TM) licensing agreements were signed with Xoma, UCB Celltech and Novartis. An agreement with Millennium was terminated due to strategy
  9. [verwijderd] 13 februari 2007 08:13
    Progress in clinical development:
    Rabies: Crucell's rabies monoclonal antibody program entered a Phase I clinical study in the US in December.
    Malaria: Crucell obtained regulatory approval to start Phase I clinical trials to test safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of its malaria vaccine, developed in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).
    Tuberculosis: In October Crucell initiated a Phase I clinical trial of a recombinant tuberculosis vaccine in partnership with AERAS Global TB Vaccine Foundation. In November the Dutch Government made an €18.4 million four-year investment in Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation, a product development partnership involving Crucell and other Dutch organizations.
    Ebola: Crucell initiated a Phase I trial for its Ebola vaccine, developed in partnership with the Vaccine Research Center (VRC) of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
    HIV: In October Crucell received a US$16.2 million contract from the NIAID for design and development of a novel HIV vaccine. The contract supports a collaborative program with the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School and Charles River Laboratories Inc.
    Influenza: Four pandemic and seasonal influenza programs were in the clinic by year-end. Sanofi is conducting Phase I seasonal flu trials in adults and the elderly. Separately, Crucell is conducting a H9N2 pandemic flu trail with the University of Leicester in the UK. This dose-ranging study is the largest pandemic trial ongoing and involves 560 healthy individuals.
    Flavimun®: Crucell's live attenuated yellow fever vaccine is in filing and is expected to receive regulatory approval in 2007.

    Protein Products: Blood-clotting Factor V and biosimilars: At the company's analyst day in November Crucell announced the development of blood-clotting Factor V. With an estimated market potential of over US$3 billion, Factor V is designed to treat bleeding in haemophiliacs and to treat other bleeding conditions. The company is also working on the production of improved versions of currently marketed protein products on its PER.C6® production technology.

    Details of the Financial Results


    Revenue and Other Operating Income
    Crucell's revenue and other operating income in the fourth quarter of 2006 were
    €76.0 million, compared to €12.1 million in the same quarter in 2005. Revenue historically tends to be concentrated in the fourth quarter due to the seasonal nature of the business. Revenue in the fourth quarter of 2006 was very strong and Crucell realized 54% of its annual revenue in this period driven by shipments of influenza vaccine late in the season. This industry-wide delay was the result of issues in influenza antigen production. In addition, Crucell launched its Quinvaxem(TM) pediatric vaccine in the fourth quarter and the acquisition of SBL vaccines contributed revenue starting in December.

    Licensing revenue amounted to €10.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to €8.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. Licensing revenue consisted of initial payments from new contracts as well as annual and other payments on existing contracts. Service fees amounted to €4.3 million in the fourth quarter and represent revenues for product development activities performed under contracts with partners and licensees.

    Total other operating income amounted to €2.7 million and consisted of government grants and other miscellaneous income.

    Cost of Goods Sold
    Cost of goods sold for the fourth quarter of 2006 amounted to €42.3 million, €40.3 million of which represents product costs and €2.0 million represents costs of service activities. Cost of goods sold for the quarter includes an accounting amortization charge of €1.3 million resulting from the purchase price allocation related to acquisitions. The newly launched Quinvaxem(TM) vaccine has been developed in partnership with Novartis. Profits on sales of the product are shared between the partners. The profit sharing is reflected in Crucell's cost of goods sold.

    Research and development expenses increased in the fourth quarter of 2006 to €20.2 million, compared to €12.1 million in the same quarter last year. The increase was driven by the addition of the Berna Biotech and SBL product life cycle development costs. In addition, Crucell R&D costs increased as programs have now progressed into clinical trials. Selling, general and administrative expenses, increased to €16.0 million, up from €1.9 million in the same period for 2005. The increase was driven by the acquisition of a global sales and marketing force, one-time integration costs and additional amortization charges as a result of purchase price accounting.

    The net loss for the fourth quarter of 2006 was €24.9 million, compared to €2.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. This includes a restructuring charge of €3.1 million and a €30.4 million asset impairment charge. A tax benefit of €11.3 million was recorded, primarily related to these impairment charges. Excluding the €33.5 million impairment and restructuring charges and also excluding the impact of the purchase price allocation from acquisitions, the operating result for the fourth quarter would have been a profit of €1.9 million.

    Balance Sheet
    Trade accounts receivable amounted to €58.6 million at December 31, 2006, an increase of €29.0 million over the balance at September 30, 2006. The company sold most of its Inflexal® V flu vaccin in the latter half of the fourth quarter, resulting in significant outstanding accounts receivable at year-end. In addition, the December shipments of Quinvaxem(TM) and the two acquisitions in the fourth quarter, also contributed to the increase in accounts receivable.

    Financial assets short-term contained the bank deposits with maturities between 90 and 360 days. Compared to the previous quarter-end the balance decreased €10.7 million, as some deposits with maturity over 90 days were reclassed to cash and cash equivalents after reaching their maturity date.

    Inventories amounted to €75.5 million at year-end and increased by €10.1 million over the previous quarter-end as the production for Quinvaxem(TM) has been accelerating. Accounts payable amounted €38.5 million, an increase of €15.4 million versus September 30th, 2006. This increase is related to the build-up of inventory and accounts payable balances acquired through acquisitions.

    Property, plant and equipment amounted to €138.0 million and decreased by €9.4 million during the fourth quarter. The decrease is primarily caused by the impairment of two production facilities in Switzerland, partly offset by the assets acquired from SBL. Intangible assets amounted to €113.1 million and represent acquired in-process R&D, developed technology, patents and trademarks and value of customer and supplier relationships. The total balance decreased compared to the third quarter by €1.4 million. This represents the impairment charge related to in process R&D on the company's Tetra vaccine program that was stopped, partly offset by the intangible assets acquired through acquisitions in the fourth quarter.

    Goodwill amounted to €47.4 million, an increase of €12.0 million during the fourth quarter. The increase mainly reflects the goodwill formed in the acquisitions
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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 18 maart

    1. B&S Group Q4-cijfers
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