orchid schreef:
al die emoties en verdwaalde mensen die systemen zien knipperen...????( vast een foutmelding).
Las net een mening op het Forum van Dew, en laten we eerlijk zijn, daar is de echte kwaliteit.
Just waiting for validation that the platform will be utilized by other pharmaceutical manufacturers. I believe that this is the key that will unlock the intrinsic value in GTCB. Perhaps it's a poor comparison but I followed CELG for years and misjudged the long term value of their products. I traded it on occasion but looked at the company as a trading opportunity. I think the technology that GTCB has is compelling, I'm willing to hold and see what develops. One thing is for certain, it's either a long term winner or a dog. At a buck it's a risk worth taking.
If they announce a partnership with a large pharmaceutical manufacturer and the stock doesn't move, I'll become wary.
If GTCB is even remotely successful (CELG) we will all be well compensated for our patience.
Dit geeft goed aan wat er gaande is en waar de risico's en winsten liggen.
Alle ongemotiveerde meningen van hij gaat omlaag enzo, slaan nergens op en zeggen aleen iets over de schrijver, amateurs.
That's all.