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  1. Joni-2 27 mei 2021 09:56
    GE Renewable Energy (US) levert de horizontale generator van 45 MW (WK-intern) voor de nieuwe pompaccumulatiecentrale van Verbund AG in Oostenrijk.

    Vanaf 2023 zal de nieuwe pompaccumulatiecentrale de integratie van wind- en fotovoltaïsche systemen in Oostenrijk ondersteunen.

    Na "Malta Oberstufe", is "Reisseck II", Verbund's, tweede volledig gevoede pompaccumulatie opslagcentrale met variabele snelheid, in Oostenrijk, die met generators van GE Hydro is uitgerust.

    Cc: windkraft-journal.de
  2. forum rang 10 voda 1 juni 2021 07:56
    GE Breakthrough in Hydropower Turbine Condition Assessment

    GE Renewable Energy has unveiled its new solution to perform underwater hydropower turbine inspection. Based on remote operated vehicles (ROV) equipped with sensors and cameras, GE’s Hydro Solutions’ underwater robotized turbine inspection solution can inspect hard-to-reach areas of any type of hydropower turbines without dewatering the equipment. Designed, developed and tested with GE Research Center, this solution is the next step in hydropower turbine condition assessment.

    This new condition assessment methodology allows on-demand and high-quality inspections with comparable results to dry visual inspection without having the services team enter into a turbine’s confined space. The customized design of the ROV is a first in the hydropower condition assessment field as this new solution is able to inspect between runner blades of a turbine within openings of less than 200 mm. The same defects as conventional visual inspection can be detected: erosion, cavitation, corrosion, impact marks and presence of foreign bodies. Easy deployment, limited personnel requirement, and elimination of non-productive tasks and EHS risks all combine to reduce the overall inspection cost. Experts review the information in real-time to ensure proper inspection of all critical surfaces. Video images are also recorded for further analysis if needed.

    The validation process of this breakthrough solution was performed at five hydropower plants in Canada. Trash racks, intake gates, vertical and horizontal turbines and downstream gates were successfully inspected. Inserting a 360-degree camera between the blades of Francis runners allowed teams to visually inspect the distributor, runner and draft tube.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 2 juni 2021 08:28
    GE to Equip VERBUND’S Reisseck Pumped Hydro Storage Power Plant

    GE Renewable Energy has been selected by Austria’s largest electricity producer VERBUND to supply and commission one 45 MW generator for the extension of the Reisseck II Pumped Hydro Storage Power Plant in Carinthia/Austria, located 2300 meters above sea level. The project will be executed by GE Renewable Energy in a consortium with GE Power Conversion, which is supplying frequency converters and an excitation transformer as well as the control unit.

    The Reisseck II pumped hydro storage power plant went into operation in 2016 and will be now extended by “Reisseck II+”, an underground cavern power plant. With a capacity of 430MW, Reisseck II is the second largest pumped hydro storage power plant of the Malta/Reisseck power plant group. The expansion will add another45 MW of capacity. After completion of the necessary preparatory work, construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 2021. From 2023, the new pumped storage power plant, in combination with the existing systems, will serve to support the integration of wind and photovoltaic systems in Austria and continue to serve as a supporting pillar for grid security. Pumped hydro storage power plants such as Reisseck II are the most ecologically and economically sensible way of balancing out the highly fluctuating power generation from wind and solar. In total, Reisseck II can store as much power as generated by 200 wind turbines on demand to the grid, thus making optimum use of renewable energy.

    Following the Malta Upper Stage facility in 2020, Reisseck II+ will be VERBUND’s second Pumped Hydro Storage power plant featuring GE Hydro Solutions fully-fed variable speed technology. This design allows for immediately available electricity, high flexibility and short response times to load changes. Due to the higher flexibility and predictability, power peaks in the grid can be covered even more efficiently. For a unit, variable speed can increase weighted efficiency in turbine mode by an average of one percent and pumping power adjustment range by 30%.

    With the new pumped storage power plant Reisseck II, VERBUND has expanded the Carinthian power plant systems Malta and Reisseck to one of the strongest hydropower plant groups in Europe with a total capacity of 1460 MW. For the extension of Reisseck II, VERBUND will use the two reservoirs “Großer Mühldorfer See” and “Kleiner Mühldorfer See”. Because both reservoirs are very close to each other, the topography of the region is advantageous for the construction of the plant. The small height difference between the upper and lower reservoirs can be better utilized for future energy purposes.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  4. Joni-2 22 juni 2021 18:35
    Verbund AG , de Oostenrijkse elektriciteitsleverancier is gestart met de bouwt van een nieuwe pompaccumulatiecentrale in Karinthië.
    De pompaccumulatiecentrale Reisseck II plus wordt volledig in een berg gebouwd. Daarom beginnen de bouwwerkzaamheden aan het Reisseck-meerplateau hoog boven het Karinthische Mölltal met een eerste explosie, het zogenaamde tunnelschot.

    Dienovereenkomstig zal Reißeck II plus een grotcentrale worden en het hoogteverschil tussen de twee Mühldorf-meren op het plateau gebruiken - net als de Reißeck II-elektriciteitscentrale, die sinds 2016 in bedrijf is. Twee pompturbines moeten in totaal van 45 MW-stroom als overtollige groene stroom tijdelijk moet worden opgeslagen.

    Inbedrijfstelling gepland voor 2023

    De nieuwbouw maakt deel uit van de uitbreiding en modernisering van het elektriciteitscentralepark Malta-Reisseck, waarvoor Verbund in totaal 160 miljoen euro uitgeeft. "De 40 jaar oude pompturbines in de Malta-boventrap en pompen in de Malta-hoofdtrap worden momenteel vervangen en het meer dan 60 jaar oude Hattelberg-gemaal wordt vervangen door een moderne pomp in de Kolbnitz-centrale ", zegt Karl Heinz Gruber, algemeen directeur van VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH.

    "Samen met de ingebruikname van de Reißeck II plus-cavernecentrale die gepland staat voor eind 2023, zal de hele Malta-Reisseck-centralegroep een turbinevermogen hebben van meer dan 1500 MW en daarmee veruit de krachtigste energiecentralegroep zijn. "


  5. forum rang 10 voda 5 juli 2021 09:47
    GE Connects Last Hydro Unit to Grid in Wudongde in China

    In line with the planned schedule, GE Renewable Energy’s last unit of the Wudongde hydropower station has now been successfully connected to the grid for power generation and has completed 72 hours of trial operation. Under the contract signed in 2015, GE was responsible for the design, engineering, manufacturing, erection supervision and the commissioning of the 6 x 850 MW Francis turbine generator sets and related equipment for the Wudongde hydropower project. At 850 MW, these are the world's largest units ever used in a hydropower plant. The first unit was connected to the grid last July. A single such unit is said to be capable of powering the equivalent of 1.8 million typical Chinese homes.

    The WDD hydropower Station is located in the lower reaches of Jinsha River with a total installed capacity of 10,200 MW. The power plant is an essential part of the West-East Power Transmission project, in which China is developing power resources in the western region and sending electricity to provinces in the East which are in short supply of electricity, including Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Beijing. It is estimated that the clean energy produced by the WDD hydropower plant will save about 12.2 million tons of standard coal per year. Likewise, the power plant is expected to reduce emissions of 30.5 million tons of carbon dioxide as well as 104,000 tons of sulfur dioxide.

    Wudongde is already the third joint large-scale national energy infrastructure project of the China Three Gorges Corporation (CTG) and GE Renewable Energy on a national level. The Three Gorges Project was connected to the grid as early as 2008, followed by the Xiangjiaba hydropower Plant, which was completed in 2014.

    To be able to realize the project, GE Renewable Energy has also upgraded local hydropower capacities in China. Among other things, the company has managed the project from its site in Tianjin, China, where most of the components were also manufactured. The parts were then assembled at a specially built and dedicated on-site facility in Wudongde. This remote workshop helped improve logistical efficiency while maintaining the required quality standards.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 12 juli 2021 08:23
    Bechtel to Build Skavica Hydro Project in Albania

    Albania’s Power Corporation and Bechtel signed an agreement to begin the early works for the 210 MW Skavica plant on the Drin River under a fast-track delivery approach. Work will begin immediately with a technical investigation, preliminary construction roads and the environmental and social impact assessment which will meet international best practice to expedite the start of construction.

    Skavica will be located upstream of the Drin cascade, which is home to four hydro power plants. The combination of these existing projects currently produces the largest energy production in the Balkans, with a combined power output of 1,350MW. Skavica will increase the cascade’s output and bring significant additional safety and environmental benefits. As a regulating dam, it will give greater protection against the devastating floods which impact the downstream communities annually.

    Another important element of this project is the minimization of floods in the area of Nen Shkodra by optimising the cascade and controlling all flow and discharges during rainfall from autumn to spring.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  7. forum rang 10 voda 3 augustus 2021 08:44
    TC Energy to Develop Ontario Pumped Storage Project

    TC Energy Corporation has reached agreement with the Department of National Defence, that subject to conditions and regulatory approval, allows for the development of a transformative 1,000-megawatt clean energy storage project on federal lands The Ontario Pumped Storage Project, proposed to be constructed on Department of National Defence’s 4th Canadian Division Training Centre property by TC Energy, would be Ontario’s largest energy storage project, optimizing the province’s electricity system and is estimated to deliver more than CAD 250 million in annual savings to electricity consumers.

    A multi-billion dollar private sector investment, over the next eight years, the project would result in approximately 1,000 jobs during development and construction. Once operating, it would provide emission-free electricity for the province, while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by an expected 490,000 tonnes – the equivalent of removing 150,000 cars from Ontario roads.

    TC Energy will continue to consult with the Saugeen Ojibway Nation and other Indigenous Rightsholders and communities, and engage with local communities and other interested stakeholders to assess potential impacts and economic benefits as the Company advances the next phase of project development – including provincial and federal environmental and impact assessments. Advancement of the project remains subject to a number of conditions, including approval of the Company’s Board of Directors, regulatory approvals, and assurances that the project would not impact military activities and training.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  8. forum rang 10 voda 9 augustus 2021 07:33
    Water nieuw wapen in Himalayagebergte
    Aletta André 8 aug   15:00

    De al decennialange moeizame relatie tussen China en India staat sinds de dood van twintig Indiase soldaten aan de grens met China vorig jaar onder toenemende spanning. Terwijl beide landen steeds meer soldaten stationeren aan de grens, dagen ze elkaar nu ook uit met een heel ander machtig middel: water.

    De U-bocht in de rivier Yarlung Zangbo bij Nyingchi, Tibet. Dit plaatsje ligt vlak bij de grens met India. China wil hier de grootste dam ter wereld bouwen. India kijkt met argusogen toe. Foto: Xinhua/eyevine

    Toen de Chinese president Xi Jinping in juni Tibet bezocht, keek India met argusogen toe. Xi bezocht onder meer het plaatsje Nyingchi, vlak bij de grens met de Indiase deelstaat Arunachal Pradesh, die China als Zuid-Tibet beschouwt. Nyingchi is het eindpunt van een gloednieuwe hogesnelheidslijn vanuit Lhasa, de traditionele hoofdstad van Tibet. Xi bezocht onder meer het treinstation en een brug over de Yarlung Zangbo, een rivier die voorbij de grens met India de Brahmaputra heet.

    Het bezoek van Xi liet India inzien dat China met infrastructuur de grenzen opzoekt. De al decennialange moeizame relatie tussen China en India staat sinds vorig jaar onder toenemende druk. Aan de westkant van de grens kwamen bij gevechten in mei vorig jaar twintig Indiase soldaten om het leven. Sindsdien gaan steeds meer troepen die kant op. Gesprekken tussen beide landen over het terugtrekken van de troepen leverden tot dusver geen concrete afspraken op. Het is daarom niet onwaarschijnlijk dat deze oostkant van de grens het volgende strijdtoneel zal zijn.

    Grootste dam ter wereld
    Intussen was het bezoek van Xi ook een indicatie voor een ander thema waarover de spanningen tussen de twee buren oplopen: water. De hogesnelheidstrein, samen met een nieuwe snelweg, wordt wel gezien als voorbereiding voor wat de grootste dam ter wereld moet worden, op zo’n 20 kilometer van de Indiase grens. Daar maakt de Yarlung Zangbo een U-bocht, ook wel de Grote Bocht genoemd, waarna de rivier 2800 meter naar beneden stroomt voordat hij India binnengaat. Een dam op dit punt moet China 60 gigawatt energie opleveren – drie keer zoveel als de capaciteit van de Chinese Drieklovendam, nu de grootste ter wereld.

    Volgens Indiase expert maakt New Delhi zich zorgen dat China met zo’n grote dam invloed kan uitoefenen op overstromingen of droogtes in India
    De energiebehoefte van China groeit – ook in Tibet, mede door de vele infrastructuurprojecten. Yan Zhiyong, voorzitter van China’s Power Construction Corp, noemde het tijdens een congres een ‘project voor nationale veiligheid.’ Maar volgens deskundigen is dit niet de enige reden voor de mega-dam. 'Water is ongetwijfeld in opkomst als dwangmiddel, en een kostbare hulpbron die tot oorlogen kan leiden', zegt gepensioneerd brigadier Kuldip Singh, een expert op het gebied van nationale veiligheid en natuurrampen. Volgens hem maakt New Delhi zich zorgen dat China met zo’n grote dam invloed kan uitoefenen op overstromingen of droogtes in India.

    Eind vorig jaar – nog voordat de megadam in China’s nieuwe Vijfjarenplan voor 2021-2026 werd opgenomen en daarmee een feit lijkt te zijn – maakte India bekend dat het eigen dammen in Arunachal Pradesh gaat bouwen om de effecten van China’s dam te verzachten. China heeft India beloofd dat de Chinese dam geen negatieve gevolgen heeft voor India. Maar T.S. Mehra, een hooggeplaatste ambtenaar van India’s ministerie voor water, zei in december tegenover persbureau Reuters dat hij die belofte niet vertrouwt. 'Ze hebben ons dit verzekerd, maar we weten niet hoelang ze zich hieraan zullen houden.'

    Singh denk dat een dam aan India’s kant van de grens weinig zal uithalen. 'Dit stelt India misschien in staat water op te slaan dat anders naar zee zou stromen. Maar het is onwaarschijnlijk dat het “tegen” de Chinese dam kan werken. Mocht China een catastrofale hoeveelheid water laten gaan, dan kan zo’n Indiase dam het probleem juist vergroten.'

    De Grote Bocht is niet de enige plek waar aan de grens waterkrachtcentrales worden gebouwd. In de landen Nepal en Bhutan, beide ingeklemd tussen India en China, proberen de twee reuzen via infrastructuurprojecten als waterkrachtcentrales hun invloed uit te oefenen.

    India heeft er moeite mee dat China dammen bouwt in het door Pakistan bestuurde deel van Kashmir

    Ook aan de grens met Pakistan staan aan weerszijden meerdere projecten gepland. Zo wordt met Chinees geld - onder het Belt and Road Initiative, oftewel de Nieuwe Zijderoute - gewerkt aan twee centrales langs de rivier Jhelum. Ook heeft China geïnvesteerd in een megadam aan de rivier Indus. Dit zijn beide geen rivieren die door gebied onder controle van India stromen. Toch veroorzaken ze spanningen aan de grens, zegt Singh, omdat ze in het door Pakistan bestuurde deel van Kasjmir liggen. India en Pakistan zijn het al sinds hun opsplitsing in 1947 oneens over Kasjmir, een regio waar ze beide aanspraak op maken. De huidige grens die door de regio loopt is een bestandslijn. Daarom ligt het bouwen van grote infrastructuurprojecten hier, helemaal wanneer die de stroom van rivieren kunnen beïnvloeden, heel gevoelig. Door zo’n project te financieren heeft China deze gevoeligheid bewust genegeerd. 'India heeft er moeite mee dat China dammen bouwt in een gebied dat India claimt', zegt Singh.

    Zelf bouwt India ook waterkrachtcentrales in de Indiase regio’s Jammu & Kasjmir en Ladakh. Pakistan maakte onlangs bezwaar tegen twee in Jammu & Kasjmir geplande projecten en vroeg om meer informatie over acht projecten in Ladakh – een regio die ook aan China grenst. India en Pakistan sloten in 1960 het Indus Waterverdrag, dat bepaalt dat India onbeperkt gebruik mag maken van drie oostelijke rivieren en bovendien met waterkracht elektriciteit mag opwekken onder bepaalde voorwaarden. De landen komen elk jaar bij elkaar om de invulling van het Indus Waterverdrag te bespreken.

    Meerdere projecten werden goedgekeurd nadat India de gedeeltelijke autonomie van Jammu & Kasjmir had ingetrokken in augustus 2019. Singh wijst erop dat India met de nieuwe projecten van plan is water te gebruiken waarop het volgens het Indus Waterverdrag recht heeft, maar dat tot nu toe ongebruikt het door Pakistan bestuurde deel van Kasjmir instroomde. Toch is de timing, in navolging van de Chinese projecten in het door Pakistan bestuurde deel van Kasjmir, volgens hem niet toevallig. 'Pakistan heeft volgens het Internationaal Monetair Fonds op twee landen na de meest acute watertekorten ter wereld. Gezien de vijandigheid tussen India en Pakistan, is het te verwachten dat water als wapen kan worden ingezet.'

  9. forum rang 10 voda 9 augustus 2021 07:34
    Deel 2:

    Milieu grote verliezer
    De grote verliezer is het milieu, zegt waterexpert Himunshu Thakkar van het Zuid-Azië Netwerk voor Dammen, Rivieren en Mensen (SANDRP). 'De bouw van waterkrachtcentrales heeft een enorme negatieve impact, die niet fatsoenlijk wordt bestudeerd', zegt hij. Hij somt op: 'Er worden tunnels gemaakt met behulp van explosies, er wordt gemijnd voor materialen, miljoenen liters modder worden in rivieren gedumpt, er worden bomen gekapt, de stroming van de rivier wordt beïnvloed; dit vergroot de kans op allerlei rampen. Er is meer gevaar op overstromingen, op modderlawines en ook de kans op aardbevingen neemt toe. Bovendien zal de schade van zulke rampen groter zijn.”

    Wat Thakkar betreft mag waterkracht daarom geen ‘groene energie’ heten. Toch dragen de projecten in India behoorlijk bij aan de schone energiedoelen. In 2016 stelde India zich in Parijs ten doel voor 2030 40% van de energie uit niet-fossiele bronnen te halen. Dat doel is met 37% al bijna gehaald en is nu bijgesteld naar 60%. Ongeveer een derde van die 37% bestaat uit waterkrachtenergie, en er worden nog steeds nieuwe projecten gepland.

    Dat terwijl het economisch eigenlijk niet rendabel is. De kosten van wind- en zonne-energie zijn een stuk lager, waardoor de waterkrachtenergie moeilijk aan de energiebedrijven is te verkopen. Hierdoor blijkt zo’n 100 GW bestaande waterkrachtcapaciteit ongebruikt.

    Het voornaamste voordeel is dat waterkrachtcentrales snel aan- en uit kunnen worden gezet, waardoor in piekuren - waarin de vraag naar stroom hoog is - binnen vijf minuten extra elektriciteit aan het netwerk kan worden toegevoegd. Bij een steenkolencentrale kan dat uren duren, en voor wind- en zonne-energie zijn nog geen goede opslagbatterijen beschikbaar.

    Hoe dan ook dragen alle waterkrachtprojecten bij aan de bestaande spanningen tussen India en China. Meerdere verdragen over het uitwisselen van informatie over rivieren worden genegeerd. Zolang de twee landen het niet eens worden over hun grenzen en met hun spierballen blijven rollen, ligt een wateroorlog op de loer.

    Lees het volledige artikel: fd.nl/achtergrond/1406219/water-nieuw...
  10. forum rang 10 voda 26 augustus 2021 08:04
    Hydro Energi Signs New Long-Term Power Contract

    Norsk Hydro ASA’s fully owned subsidiary Hydro Energi AS has signed a new long-term power purchase agreement with Hafslund Eco Vannkraft AS for a total supply of 680 GWh in the period from 2022-2028. The PPA will be part of Hydro Energy’s total power portfolio, which consists of captive power production of 9.4 TWh per year and a long-term contract portfolio of around 10 TWh. Since 2014, Hydro has signed 18 long-term power contracts, which are all based on renewable hydro or wind power.

    Hydro and Hafslund Eco already have an established cooperation, which in 2020 and 2021 resulted in three other PPAs with a total volume of 2.7 TWh for delivery from 2021 to 2028.

    In addition to being a significant market player in the Nordic power market, Hydro Energy is responsible for acquiring power for Hydro’s aluminium production, which in Norway is 100 percent based on renewable power. Access to renewable energy and modern technology enables Hydro to produce aluminium in Norway with a carbon footprint which is around 75 percent less than global average.

    The contract with Hafslund Eco spans from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2028, with delivery to price area NO3.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 26 augustus 2021 08:06
    En+ Group Begins Installing New Impeller at Bratsk HPP

    En+ Group has begun installing a new impeller at one of its hydraulic units at the Bratsk Hydropower Station as part of its New Energy programme. The Bratsk HPP has 18 hydro-turbine impellers which have been undergoing a three-stage modernisation programme. Within the first stage from 2004 to 2010, hydraulic units 13 - 18 were rebuilt. Replacing the impellers at these turbines has improved the turbines’ energy conversion efficiency to 95.3%. The project boosted the hydropower station’s electric output, consequently reducing coal plant output and therefore reducing CO2 emissions. This project’s success resulted in En+ Group being commended for its work at the first Kyoto Protocol project competition in 2010.

    From 2014 to 2017, six further impellers were replaced at the HPP at hydraulic units 6-10 and 12. All twelve impellers installed during the first two phases of the modernisation programme have already demonstrated their capacity for boosting efficiency and their modernisation has led to increased electric power production without an increase in water consumption.

    The remaining six impellers will be replaced within the third stage of modernisation programme at the Bratsk HPP, which began in 2021, and will cost 1.5 bln rubles.

    Russian machinery suppliers were given priority in the procurement process: Tyazhmash JSC was selected to supply the impellers as well as additional equipment. All necessary equipment has already arrived at the plant and is ready for installation. Works on the impellers are expected to continue till the end of the year, and the hydro-turbine is planned for launch in late December 2021.

    The New Energy programme is being implemented at En+ Group’s Angara-Yenisei cascade HPPs (Ust-Ilimsk, Bratsk, Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk HPPs). Upgraded equipment at the stations increased capacity by 1,712.1 kWh in 2020 year-on-year, reducing emissions by 1.984 mln tonnes in CO2 equivalent as hydroelectric power replaced the capacity previously generated by coal-fired power plants. Investment in the New Energy programme will amount to 21 bln rubles by 2026. In present-day prices, additional investment in the programme can amount to around 34 bln rubles by 2046.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. forum rang 10 voda 27 augustus 2021 07:54
    Fossil Free Energy from Vattenfall Cuts emissions in Orthex

    Vattenfall delivers 100 percent fossil free hydro power to Orthex’s factories in Sweden and Finland. This is an important part in Orthex´s ongoing sustainability work and goal to be carbon neutral in production by 2030. Last year, Vattenfall and Orthex Corporation, a leading Nordic producer of household products, signed an electricity supply agreement of 100 percent electricity from hydro power labelled EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) to the factory in Lohja, Finland. As of 2021 Vattenfall also delivers 100 percent electricity from hydro power labelled EPD to Orthex´s factories in Gnosjö and Tingsryd in Sweden. The total yearly volume in the Nordics is approx.16 500 MWh.

    Orthex is constantly searching for sustainable raw materials in their plastic products and increasing the use of recycled and bio-based materials and decreasing the carbon footprint in the production. The change to fossil free electricity in Finland resulted in reduced CO2 emissions of more than 600 ton in 2020.

    Orthex is a leading Nordic houseware producer that strives to make consumers’ everyday life easier with its products that are presented under the consumer brands SmartStore™ in storage products, GastroMax™ in kitchenware and Orthex™ in home and plant care categories. Orthex aims to be the industry forerunner in sustainability. Orthex’s net sales in 2020 was 75.9 million euros with an operating profit of 12.3 million euros.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 9 september 2021 09:43
    RWE Officially Inaugurates Glen Noe Hydro Scheme
    By Strategic Research Institute on Sep 09, 2021 10:00 am

    RWE has officially inaugurated its 2MW Glen Noe Hydro Scheme, which is located within the Glen Noe Estate, near Loch Etive in the west of Scotland. The celebration was supported by Scottish politician Jenni Minto, who is the Member of the Scottish Parliament for the constituency of Argyll and Bute in Scotland. Construction of the Powerhouse, 3km of buried pipeline and three intake weirs for the run-of-river scheme commenced in 2019 andGrid connection was finalized in January this year, with commissioning successfully completed the following month. The scheme was consented by Argyll & Bute Council in September 2016 and has the capacity to provide sufficient renewable electricity to power up to 1,436 average homes each year.

    In addition, RWE has established an annual community fund of £3,000 which will be available for each year of the project’s operational lifetime. The fund will be used by Taynuilt Community Council for charitable, educational and environmental projects, as well as economic development or community purposes for the benefit of local residents.
  14. Joni-2 20 september 2021 08:36
    Verbund AG is gestart met het Limberg III-project, een 480MW-project voor pompopslag (PSPP) nabij Salzburg, (Kaprun) Oostenrijk.

    Het wordt ontwikkeld door Verbund Hydro Power (VHP) (voorheen Verbundgesellschaft), de grootste leverancier van hydro-elektriciteit in Oostenrijk.

    Tegen 2030 moet de elektriciteit in Oostenrijk voor 100% (nationaal, op de balans) uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen komen.

    Kaprun is onmisbaar zegt Karl Heinz Gruber, algemeen directeur van VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH, ging in op de uitstekende technische details van de groene batterij in Kaprun:

    “In Kaprun zullen we het potentieel van bestaande systemen laten zien. De twee grote bestaande waterreservoirs met een totale capaciteit van meer dan 160 miljoen m³ maken de bouw mogelijk van nog een enorm flexibiliteitspakket naast de reeds in bedrijf zijnde Limberg 1 en Limberg 2 centrales.

    Na voltooiing in 2025 kan Limberg 3 een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan het voorkomen van black-out met de twee 240 MW krachtige, zeer flexibele pompturbines in recordbrekende responstijden. Met het extra vermogen kunnen bijvoorbeeld tot 100 nieuwe windturbines of 100.000 PV-systemen voor woningen in enkele seconden worden vervangen of ondersteund.


  15. forum rang 10 voda 15 oktober 2021 07:51
    Severstal Supplies Steel Plates for Construction of Rogun HPP

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Oct, 2021, 6:13 am

    Russian steel maker Severstal has supplied over five thousand tons of rolled metal for the construction of the Rogun hydroelectric power station in Tajikistan, on the Vakhsh River. Severstal’s thick-sheet metal products of several types are used in the manufacture and installation of turbine water conduits for hydroelectric power plants. Rolled steel is supplied from mills 2800 and 5000 of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant

    Central Asia is a region with great potential for hydropower. Opportunities are provided by turbulent mountain rivers. The largest hydroelectric power plant in Central Asia is being built on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan. Rogun hydroelectric power station with a height of 335 meters will also become the highest rock-fill dam in the world. The installed capacity of the record-breaking station is 3,600 MW.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 20 oktober 2021 08:07
    Rio Tinto’s Kemano T2 Hydropower Project Progressing

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

    In a major milestone for Rio Tinto’s Kemano T2 hydropower project in British Columbia, the tunnel boring machine has broken through to complete its journey. The Kemano T2 Project is completing a second tunnel to carry water into the Kemano Powerhouse, to ensure the long-term reliability of the power supply for Rio Tinto’s BC Works smelter in Kitimat.

    The tunnel boring machine cut 7.6 kilometres through the rock in remote mountains over 30 months, completing the route for a 16 kilometre tunnel that was started in the early 1990s.

    The 1,300 tonne Herrenknecht tunnel boring machine is named tl’ughus by the Cheslatta Carrier Nation after a legendary giant monster snake and is decorated with artwork by Haisla Nation students. It is 190 metres long and more than six metres in diameter.

    The tunnel will be filled up with water in the middle of next year, with the project expected to be complete in the second half of 2022.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 15 december 2021 08:25
    GE Renewable to Operate Igarapava Hydroelectric Power Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    15 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    GE Renewable Energy's Hydro Solutions has signed a contract to provide full Operation & Maintenance for the Igarapava Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in Rio Grande in the Paraná River Basin, between the municipalities of Igarapava and Rifaina, in São Paulo; Conquista and Sacramento, in Minas Gerais. The Igarapava Hydroelectric Power Plant was a pioneer in Brazil in the use of the “Bulb” turbogenerator group, which optimizes electricity generation from dams with fast running water and extremely low heads of less than 20 meters from the top to the bottom of the dam.

    GE Renewable Energy was one of the project’s main suppliers during Igarapava’s construction and installation. Now, under the new contract, the company is responsible for the operation and maintenance of all five hydroelectric generating units, each of which can provide 42 MW, for a total of 210 MW of installed capacity. This amount of energy is sufficient to meet the demand for electricity of 225,000 people.

    To execute the contracted scope, GE Renewable Energy will operate the plant twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to the day-to-day operation, GE’s team is also responsible for defining and executing the entire plant maintenance plan, from routine activities to predictive and preventive actions, as well as unplanned maintenance.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 30 december 2021 07:02
    PowerVattenfall to Deliver Nordic hydro Power to Neste's Sites Finland

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    30 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

    From the 1 January 2022, Vattenfall will deliver 100 percent fossil-free energy from its Nordic hydropower plants to Neste in Finland. The total annual volume of the hydropower agreement is 800 GWh of electricity purchased with Guarantees of Origin. Neste is the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel refined from waste and residues. Neste has been a Vattenfall customer since 2019 and the prolonged agreement is valid until 2024.

    As part of these climate commitments, the new hydropower agreement will enable Neste to achieve the 100 percent renewable electricity target in Finland as early as 2022.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2022 09:19
    GE to Refurbish Generators at Long Lake Hydroelectric Power Plant

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Jan, 2022, 5:30 am

    GE Renewable Energy has signed a Service contract with Avista Utilities, a US energy utility serving four northwestern states, to modernize four generator units at the Long Lake hydropower plant in the US. Upon completion of the refurbishment project, the facility will have an installed capacity exceeding 100 MW. This amount of energy is sufficient to meet the demand for electricity of approximately 80,000 homes.

    The main objective of the generator’s refurbishment is to maintain the overall plant equipment reliability for decades to come. In addition, the modernization of the units will increase the efficiency, performance and respond to the growing needs of the energy imbalance market (EIM) to better serve Avista’s customers. The EIM is a real-time wholesale energy trading market that enables participants anywhere in the West of the United States to buy and sell energy when needed, maintaining grid reliability and making excess renewable energy available to participating utilities at low cost rather than turning the generating units off.

    The first modernized Long Lake unit is scheduled to go into operation at the end of 2024 and the last one in 2029. The scope of the project includes the complete renewal and supply of the stators, poles, fans and spider/rim designs.

    The cooperation between Avista and GE is based on a long-standing and established partnership. GE was already responsible for the modernization of the generators at the sister plant, Little Falls, which is located downstream on the Spokane River.

    Avista Utilities is involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 2 februari 2022 09:54
    Iberdrola Connects Tâmega Giga Battery

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    02 Feb, 2022, 5:30 am

    In collaboration with the Portuguese administration, Iberdrola has synchronised the first 220-MW turbine at the Gouvães hydroelectric power plant, delivering clean power to the grid for the first time. The Tâmega complex is one of Europe’s largest energy storage facilities with an investment of more than EUR 1.5 billion. It comprises three reservoirs (Gouvães, Daivões and Alto Tâmega) and three hydroelectric power plants with 1,158 megawatts capacity on the Tâmega river, a tributary of the Douro. After eight years of construction work, the Gouvães and Daivões plants have now been completed and all of the generating units are currently undergoing commissioning tests.

    Tâmega will be able to produce 1,766 GWh per year, enough to meet the energy needs of neighbouring municipalities and the cities of Braga and Guimarães (440,000 households). When the Gouvães and Daivões plants are fully operational in the middle of this year, the large Tâmega giga battery will have enough storage capacity to supply two million Portuguese households for an entire day, and will contribute to the decarbonisation and energy independence objectives set by the Portuguese government. In 2024, with the commissioning of Alto Tâmega, the facility will be fully completed.

    The Tâmega giga battery will add 880 MW of pumped storage capacity to the Portuguese electricity system, a 30% increase in the storage capacity available in the country today.

    Reversible turbines and pumped storage plants strengthen the electricity system. Energy is stored by pumping water from a lower reservoir to a higher one at times of low demand on the electricity grid. When there is high demand for electricity, the complex can release this stored water and produce high volumes electricity quickly. All this takes place with no polluting emissions to the atmosphere.
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