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PB-Antilichamen tegen H5N1 ontdekt

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  1. aossa 28 september 2007 12:34
    Over de prime-rate en het huizen debacle in de VS weten ze nochtans ALLES !
  2. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 12:56
    Mutatie vogelgriepvirus geen gevolgen voor onderzoek Crucell
    AMSTERDAM (FD.nl/Betten) - De recente mutatie van het voor mensen gevaarlijke vogelgriepvirus H5N1 heeft geen effect op de werking van de zogenoemde monoclonale antilichamen tegen het virus, die Crucell heeft ontdekt. Dat zegt woordvoerder Barbara Mulder van het biotechnologiebedrijf vrijdag tegen Betten.

    Mulder reageert hiermee op een onderzoek van wetenschappers van de University of Wisconsin-Madison, dat liet zien dat het H5N1 virus een verandering heeft ondergaan. De nieuwe variant kan zich volgens de onderzoekers gemakkelijker in het bovenste deel van het menselijke ademhalingskanaal vestigen.

    Volgens de zegsvrouw heeft de mutatie op een ander stukje van de eiwitten plaatsgevonden dan dat waar de Leidse onderneming zich op richt. De verandering heeft zich voltrokken op het stukje met de naam PB2.

    Om die reden heeft de mutatie geen gevolgen voor de neutraliserende werking die de monoclonale antilichamen hebben die Crucell aan het onderzoeken is.

    Het biotechconcern kondigde vorige week tijdens een internationaal vogelgriep congres in Las Vegas aan van in totaal 20 van deze monoclonale antilichamen, die een onmiddellijke werking hebben tegen een aantal verschillende H5N1 typen.

    De antilichamen bieden volgens Crucell een 'krachtig gereedschap in de voorbereiding op een pandemie'. De vondst zou vogelgriep kunnen voorkomen wanneer hij binnen 24 uur na besmetting wordt toegediend. Bovendien zou het antilichaam, wanneer het drie dagen na de infectie wordt gegeven, een dodelijke afloop kunnen voorkomen en genezing van de ziekte bewerkstelligen.

    Het onderzoek van Crucell verkeert nog in een pre-klinische fase.

    Marijke Verhaar

    (c) Het Financieele Dagblad in samenwerking met Betten Beursmedia News (contact: webred@fd.nl/ 020-5928456)

  3. aossa 5 oktober 2007 13:12

    williedevil schreef:

    "Goed nieuws", echter goed nieuws kunnen we niet van leven, resultaten moeten we zien!! En natuurlijk het liefst in klinkende munt !
    Gezeik !
  4. aossa 5 oktober 2007 13:28
    The CR06-261 mAB (noot: Crucell's gevonden anti-body) is an HA1 specific antibody.

    * Provides immediate protection

    * Neutralizes the broadest range of H5N1 strains

    * Prevents death and blunts dosease in mice infected with a high dose of highly pathogenic H5N1

    (zie plaatje).
  5. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 13:36

    aossa schreef:

    [quote=williedevil]"Goed nieuws", echter goed nieuws kunnen we niet van leven, resultaten moeten we zien!! En natuurlijk het liefst in klinkende munt ![/quote]
    Gezeik !
    Dus jij vindt het wel best, dan blijven we nog een jaar in handen van al die drukkers.
    Er is toch maar een manier om daar uit te komen, je moet ze niet de gelegenheid bieden. Dit bedrijf verdient zo veel meer!!
  6. aossa 5 oktober 2007 13:47

    aossa schreef:

    The CR06-261 mAB (noot: Crucell's gevonden anti-body) is an HA1 specific antibody.

    * Provides immediate protection

    * Neutralizes the broadest range of H5N1 strains

    * Prevents death and blunts dosease in mice infected with a high dose of highly pathogenic H5N1

    (zie plaatje).

    Moet zijn:
    The CR06-261 mAB (noot: Crucell's gevonden anti-body) is an *HA2* specific antibody.

    Noot: HA2 is de minst variabele ... en wijzigt heel waarschijnlijk niet bij een mutatie.

    HA1 daarentegen is het meest variabel.

  7. aossa 5 oktober 2007 13:51

    williedevil schreef:

    [quote=williedevil]"Goed nieuws", echter goed nieuws kunnen we niet van leven, resultaten moeten we zien!! En natuurlijk het liefst in klinkende munt ![/quote]
    Gezeik !

    Dus jij vindt het wel best, dan blijven we nog een jaar in handen van al die drukkers.
    Er is toch maar een manier om daar uit te komen, je moet ze niet de gelegenheid bieden. Dit bedrijf verdient zo veel meer!!
    Ik vind niets, Crucell vindt dat het zo hoort !

    Hebben al meermaals aangegeven dat ze winstgevend zouden zijn als ze de R&D activiteiten zouden stoppen of verminderen. Dat willen ze *bewust niet*.

    Hou dus op met zeiken en ga zelf in het MT zetelen.
  8. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 14:23

    aossa schreef:

    [quote=williedevil]"Goed nieuws", echter goed nieuws kunnen we niet van leven, resultaten moeten we zien!! En natuurlijk het liefst in klinkende munt ![/quote]
    Gezeik !

    Dus jij vindt het wel best, dan blijven we nog een jaar in handen van al die drukkers.
    Er is toch maar een manier om daar uit te komen, je moet ze niet de gelegenheid bieden. Dit bedrijf verdient zo veel meer!!

    Ik vind niets, Crucell vindt dat het zo hoort !

    Hebben al meermaals aangegeven dat ze winstgevend zouden zijn als ze de R&D activiteiten zouden stoppen of verminderen. Dat willen ze *bewust niet*.

    Hou dus op met zeiken en ga zelf in het MT zetelen.
    Blijkbaar heb ik een andere mening, iets mis mee???
  9. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 14:32

    Ik vind niets, Crucell vindt dat het zo hoort !

    Hebben al meermaals aangegeven dat ze winstgevend zouden zijn als ze de R&D activiteiten zouden stoppen of verminderen. Dat willen ze *bewust niet*.

    Hou dus op met zeiken en ga zelf in het MT zetelen.
    Nobody wants R+D cut, but to be targeted effectively and kept on schedule. There are going to be inevitable delays, this is biotech. But some delays and the sinking of money into programs that will bear no fruit should and can be avoided.

    The delay of programs means money lost...period.

    Flavinum-Is something else going on there? In April or 2006 they said it was ready to produce. Still waiting...and Yellow Fever continues to be a big problem
    Where the hell is it?

    Malaria-They told GSK to go piss off 2.5 years ago...for what? They still haven't finished recruiting for Phase I(as far as we know). Nothing like a 2 year delay!. All it would have taken is to pay attention to the recruiting numbers. And if they were running behind, to contact a local News station, have them run a short intro on the ongoing plague that malaria continues to be and say that the NIH is recruiting for a Phase I, can't catch the disease from this, trial that might help millions of children, trial. They obviously stuck a few flyers up on campus(even a campus promo story in the paper would have done it), and an ad in the newspaper and sat around and waited. God! 96 volunteers! They couldn't get 96. Hell offer $500 a volunteer to get it done, that would have been 48K to push the Phase I results up by a year.

    Factor V-If you actually have POC get it into clinic, what the hell are you waiting for? That is what the analysts want to know. 1 billion market, great results (according to Crucell, which we haven't seen, but we trust them don't we?) Why is it sitting around in the lab gathering dust?

    Biosimilars-Novartis gets them approved at will, what is Crucell waiting for? They said their EPO was BETTER than what was on the market. They said they could produce it FASTER and CHEAPER...(again Crucell said it, and we trust them don't we?) This is FREE MONEY if what they said was true, so why have we not heard another damn word about it since November 2006? Somebody go wake up Ronald, or pull him out of the pub, or call him back from vacation, but damn it...explain why these things continue to linger.

    If you start something, and you believe in it, push it until you don't believe in it anymore and then move on. The problem with this snail's pace is somebody comes along and passes you on the project you have been working on, and all the work you have put into it has been wasted.

    But the scientists are happy. They get to play with their toys and get paid. Shareholders! Hah, if they complain, we'll talk to them like they were children at the next AGM.

    The proof is in the stock price, and the fact that even good news is ignored. Why? Look no further than management!
  10. forum rang 9 rationeel 5 oktober 2007 15:01

    ron banged schreef:


    Ik vind niets, Crucell vindt dat het zo hoort !

    Hebben al meermaals aangegeven dat ze winstgevend zouden zijn als ze de R&D activiteiten zouden stoppen of verminderen. Dat willen ze *bewust niet*.

    Hou dus op met zeiken en ga zelf in het MT zetelen.
    Nobody wants R+D cut, but to be targeted effectively and kept on schedule. There are going to be inevitable delays, this is biotech. But some delays and the sinking of money into programs that will bear no fruit should and can be avoided.

    The delay of programs means money lost...period.

    Flavinum-Is something else going on there? In April or 2006 they said it was ready to produce. Still waiting...and Yellow Fever continues to be a big problem
    Where the hell is it?

    Malaria-They told GSK to go piss off 2.5 years ago...for what? They still haven't finished recruiting for Phase I(as far as we know). Nothing like a 2 year delay!. All it would have taken is to pay attention to the recruiting numbers. And if they were running behind, to contact a local News station, have them run a short intro on the ongoing plague that malaria continues to be and say that the NIH is recruiting for a Phase I, can't catch the disease from this, trial that might help millions of children, trial. They obviously stuck a few flyers up on campus(even a campus promo story in the paper would have done it), and an ad in the newspaper and sat around and waited. God! 96 volunteers! They couldn't get 96. Hell offer $500 a volunteer to get it done, that would have been 48K to push the Phase I results up by a year.

    Factor V-If you actually have POC get it into clinic, what the hell are you waiting for? That is what the analysts want to know. 1 billion market, great results (according to Crucell, which we haven't seen, but we trust them don't we?) Why is it sitting around in the lab gathering dust?

    Biosimilars-Novartis gets them approved at will, what is Crucell waiting for? They said their EPO was BETTER than what was on the market. They said they could produce it FASTER and CHEAPER...(again Crucell said it, and we trust them don't we?) This is FREE MONEY if what they said was true, so why have we not heard another damn word about it since November 2006? Somebody go wake up Ronald, or pull him out of the pub, or call him back from vacation, but damn it...explain why these things continue to linger.

    If you start something, and you believe in it, push it until you don't believe in it anymore and then move on. The problem with this snail's pace is somebody comes along and passes you on the project you have been working on, and all the work you have put into it has been wasted.

    But the scientists are happy. They get to play with their toys and get paid. Shareholders! Hah, if they complain, we'll talk to them like they were children at the next AGM.

    The proof is in the stock price, and the fact that even good news is ignored. Why? Look no further than management!
    Ron! Why don't you mail the management.
    Ask about the programs which seem behind.

    And tell us the outcome:)
  11. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 15:14
    "Ron! Why don't you mail the management.
    Ask about the programs which seem behind.

    And tell us the outcome:)"

    I have, and the reasons they gave were bullshit or the standard "reason" they gave at the CC.

    I can give you the "Crucell" reasons

    Flavinum-"We are currently using the facility we are going to use for Flavinum to make Rubella vaccine. It is saving us money to "not produce" Flavinum. But we will produce it someday.

    Malaria-It was not our fault, but those "incompetent boobs" (my words) at the NIH. But we are recruiting now at a second location(God Damn, for 96 recruits you have to recruit at two locations? Give me a break)so it's all OK now. It will be done before 2009, stop pressuring us! I can't perform when I am pressured!

    Factor V-Results are tremendous! We promise! We will show you them sometime! As per our presentation on September 24th, we have no plans to get into the clinic with Factor V L/C before February 2008 even though we have POC, it is a 1 billion euro market,the results have been really good, it can be an orphan status drug so it can be approved quickly once it gets to the clinic, and we have touting it for over a year. These things take time...even though every other biotech actually moves to the clinic after achieving POC, we want to savor the moment for awhile.

    Biosimilars-We are still looking into it, and we think there are many opportunities there.
  12. aossa 5 oktober 2007 15:17
    A free meal + big glas of salted buttermilk !
    Love the free meals of Hare Krishna, fully vegetarian ...

    Clinical trial participation is voluntary. You are compensated for your time and travel. The total compensation for each trial varies depending on the time commitment required from the participants. Our Recruiters will explain the trial to you. If you are interested in participating, they will schedule an appointment for you to visit with our medical staff (a screening visit). At the screening visit, the trial will be thoroughly explained to you and a free physical exam will be performed. If you and the medical staff agree that this trial may be right for you, you will be invited to participate./
  13. forum rang 9 rationeel 5 oktober 2007 15:22

    ron banged schreef:

    "Ron! Why don't you mail the management.
    Ask about the programs which seem behind.

    And tell us the outcome:)"

    I have, and the reasons they gave were bullshit or the standard "reason" they gave at the CC.

    I can give you the "Crucell" reasons

    Flavinum-"We are currently using the facility we are going to use for Flavinum to make Rubella vaccine. It is saving us money to "not produce" Flavinum. But we will produce it someday.

    Malaria-It was not our fault, but those "incompetent boobs" (my words) at the NIH. But we are recruiting now at a second location(God Damn, for 96 recruits you have to recruit at two locations? Give me a break)so it's all OK now. It will be done before 2009, stop pressuring us! I can't perform when I am pressured!

    Factor V-Results are tremendous! We promise! We will show you them sometime! As per our presentation on September 24th, we have no plans to get into the clinic with Factor V L/C before February 2008 even though we have POC, it is a 1 billion euro market,the results have been really good, it can be an orphan status drug so it can be approved quickly once it gets to the clinic, and we have touting it for over a year. These things take time...even though every other biotech actually moves to the clinic after achieving POC, we want to savor the moment for awhile.

    Biosimilars-We are still looking into it, and we think there are many opportunities there.

    Perhaps they don't get all the work done, with us calling and mailing them all the time:)
  14. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2007 15:25

    ron banged schreef:

    "Ron! Why don't you mail the management.
    Ask about the programs which seem behind.

    And tell us the outcome:)"

    I have, and the reasons they gave were bullshit or the standard "reason" they gave at the CC.

    I can give you the "Crucell" reasons

    Flavinum-"We are currently using the facility we are going to use for Flavinum to make Rubella vaccine. It is saving us money to "not produce" Flavinum. But we will produce it someday.

    Malaria-It was not our fault, but those "incompetent boobs" (my words) at the NIH. But we are recruiting now at a second location(God Damn, for 96 recruits you have to recruit at two locations? Give me a break)so it's all OK now. It will be done before 2009, stop pressuring us! I can't perform when I am pressured!

    Factor V-Results are tremendous! We promise! We will show you them sometime! As per our presentation on September 24th, we have no plans to get into the clinic with Factor V L/C before February 2008 even though we have POC, it is a 1 billion euro market,the results have been really good, it can be an orphan status drug so it can be approved quickly once it gets to the clinic, and we have touting it for over a year. These things take time...even though every other biotech actually moves to the clinic after achieving POC, we want to savor the moment for awhile.

    Biosimilars-We are still looking into it, and we think there are many opportunities there.

    Hey, all the usual Ronald Brus Syncophants, chime in here with why the above explanations make you happy(there are all correct, except for my condescending exclamation points and asides). Aossa, if you are happy with the fact that Crucell did all they could do concerning the Malaria trial because all NIH could do was offer a "free meal" then shame on you. A GOOD CEO, would have not let this go so long, and as I said, all it would have taken was one local News piece on all the children dying in Africa because of Malaria and there was a local Trial to help find a vaccine, to fill the recruitment roster. That wouldn't have stepped on NIH's toes.
  15. aossa 5 oktober 2007 15:31

    beleggerjan1 schreef:

    Perhaps they don't get all the work done, with us calling and mailing them all the time:)
    Blijkt dus dat Ron zijn antwoorden heeft gekregen, waarom nog verder zeiken ?
    Ziet er volgens mij toch allemaal redelijk naar waarheid en ook veelbelovend uit.

    Neem nu dat Flavinum gele koorts vaccin: heel veel concurrentie, dus lage marge. Als ze nu de fabriek gemeenschappelijk kunnen maken met de productie van het rubella vaccine, dan sparen ze toch op kosten en verminderen ze de investeringsrisico's, of niet soms ? (cq. een antwoord dus op willdevil zijn vraag).

    Factor V => februari 2008 is er zo, even geduld busje komt zo ...

    Biosimilars => eerst aftasten wat de mogelijkheden zijn vooraleer onverhoeds wat te gaan avonturen (licenties, wetgevingen, goedkeuring policies etc. )...

    Malaria => ja ik zou ook wel eens willen weten waarom die recrutering fout is gelopen; een samenloop van omstandigheden misschien of GSK die dwarsboomt (?) Time will tell !
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