ron banged schreef:
Ik vind niets, Crucell vindt dat het zo hoort !
Hebben al meermaals aangegeven dat ze winstgevend zouden zijn als ze de R&D activiteiten zouden stoppen of verminderen. Dat willen ze *bewust niet*.
Hou dus op met zeiken en ga zelf in het MT zetelen.
Nobody wants R+D cut, but to be targeted effectively and kept on schedule. There are going to be inevitable delays, this is biotech. But some delays and the sinking of money into programs that will bear no fruit should and can be avoided.
The delay of programs means money lost...period.
Flavinum-Is something else going on there? In April or 2006 they said it was ready to produce. Still waiting...and Yellow Fever continues to be a big problem the hell is it?
Malaria-They told GSK to go piss off 2.5 years ago...for what? They still haven't finished recruiting for Phase I(as far as we know). Nothing like a 2 year delay!. All it would have taken is to pay attention to the recruiting numbers. And if they were running behind, to contact a local News station, have them run a short intro on the ongoing plague that malaria continues to be and say that the NIH is recruiting for a Phase I, can't catch the disease from this, trial that might help millions of children, trial. They obviously stuck a few flyers up on campus(even a campus promo story in the paper would have done it), and an ad in the newspaper and sat around and waited. God! 96 volunteers! They couldn't get 96. Hell offer $500 a volunteer to get it done, that would have been 48K to push the Phase I results up by a year.
Factor V-If you actually have POC get it into clinic, what the hell are you waiting for? That is what the analysts want to know. 1 billion market, great results (according to Crucell, which we haven't seen, but we trust them don't we?) Why is it sitting around in the lab gathering dust?
Biosimilars-Novartis gets them approved at will, what is Crucell waiting for? They said their EPO was BETTER than what was on the market. They said they could produce it FASTER and CHEAPER...(again Crucell said it, and we trust them don't we?) This is FREE MONEY if what they said was true, so why have we not heard another damn word about it since November 2006? Somebody go wake up Ronald, or pull him out of the pub, or call him back from vacation, but damn it...explain why these things continue to linger.
If you start something, and you believe in it, push it until you don't believe in it anymore and then move on. The problem with this snail's pace is somebody comes along and passes you on the project you have been working on, and all the work you have put into it has been wasted.
But the scientists are happy. They get to play with their toys and get paid. Shareholders! Hah, if they complain, we'll talk to them like they were children at the next AGM.
The proof is in the stock price, and the fact that even good news is ignored. Why? Look no further than management!