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  1. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2018 20:00
    Sri Lanka and China to build dendro power plant

    IANS reported that Sri Lanka and China signed a joint venture agreement to construct Sri Lanka's largest dendro power plant in the country's south. The power plant will produce 70,000 megawatts of renewable energy a year to the national power grid. The joint venture was signed between Beijing Full Dimension Power Tech Co Ltd, Nanjing Turbine and Electric Machinery Group Co Ltd and Sri Lanka's IMS Holdings, Xinhua news agency reported.

    Speaking at the ceremony, Jinawara Dharmawardana, Chairman of IMS Holdings, said dendro power was the generation of electricity from sustainably grown biomass (fuel wood) and in this project the fuel would be produced from the wood of the Gliricidia Sepium tree.

    Hundreds of farmers in the drought-prone Moneragala district will benefit from this project as the farmers supplying Gliricidia Sepium wood will make $3.2 million per year as a result of the power plant, Dharmawardana said.

    Explaining the reasons for choosing Gliricidia Sepium wood as the fuel rather than solar power to run the turbines in the power plant, Dharmawardana said the primary mission of the company was to financially secure the farmers in drought-prone areas of the island nation.

    Mr Hu Xingzhong, chairman of the Beijing Full Dimension Power Tech Co Ltd, said the project was of "great significance" not only to the partners but also to the two countries.

    The power plant will consist of six biomass boilers and three steam turbine generators as the core of the power generation system.

    The dendro power plant is expected to start operation by the end of September.

    Source : IANS
  2. forum rang 10 voda 5 februari 2018 21:05
    Duke Energy renews contract with biomass energy producer in North Carolina

    Duke Energy has renewed a long-term power purchase agreement with a 50-megawatt biomass facility in North Carolina, continuing the company's pursuit to diversify its electricity mix with biomass and alternative energy.

    Craven County Wood Energy in New Bern is a 24-hour-a-day baseload plant that supplies enough power annually to satisfy the energy needs of more than 30,000 homes for a year.

    The facility uses mainly wood waste and poultry (turkey) waste to generate electricity. Throughout its 25 years of operation, the facility has been upgraded to use more poultry waste going from 10 percent to 25 percent currently. It has plans to go as high as 30 percent.

    Mr Gary Freeman, general manager of Duke Energy's renewable energy compliance said that "The increased usage of poultry waste will help Duke Energy better meet state mandates for renewable energy and makes the facility more valuable to the company and its customers.”

    Duke Energy will buy 100 percent of the energy and associated renewable energy certificates (RECs) from the facility. A REC is a commodity equal to 1 megawatt-hour of renewable generation.

    Under North Carolina's Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard, Duke Energy must eventually meet 0.21% of its overall power sales with energy generated by swine and poultry waste. North Carolina is the only state with a renewable energy carveout for swine and poultry waste.

    The poultry waste requirement is set to increase over the next two years, and the CCWE contract will provide Duke Energy with valuable RECs to meet the increased compliance requirements.

    Mr Robert Van Ells, CCWE's plant manager said that "We are pleased that we will continue to provide renewable, reliable energy that meets the needs of homes and businesses in our region while also continuing to support not only our employees but 150 other families who supply us with goods and materials.”

    CCWE has about 50 employees and also supports jobs in logging, trucking, welding, parts supply industries and many other local merchants in the area. Its use of waste wood lessens the amount of materials going to local landfills. It is an important economic contributor to the region.

    Mr Timothy Downs, director of economic development for Craven County said that "Craven County is excited about our continued, long-term relationship with Craven County Wood Energy. From employment, both direct and indirect, to alternative energy production, CCWE plays a vital role in the economic development of our community.”

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 mei 2018 20:03
    GHMC to generate 100MW green power from garbage

    Times Of India reported that who would have thought garbage will come in handy to generate 100 MW power. Well, a long-pending project of GHMC of generating power from garbage is going to prove just this. The project is all set to take off with power plants coming up at Jawaharnagar, Old City, LB Nagar and Bibinagar and GHMC along with RDF Power Projects Ltd successfully conducting a test run at the Bibinagar plant. A total of 100 MW will be produced by these four plants.

    Additional commissioner, GHMC, Musharraf Faruqui confirmed this to TOI. He said GHMC and RDF conducted the test run recently and were able to connect the power generated to the grid on a one-time basis. He said that “We are shifting garbage from a few transfer stations to the Bibinagar plant and awaiting two approvals one from TSTransco to connect it to the electrical grid permanently and the other from the Telangana State Pollution Control Board.”

    Mr Musharraf said that “To prevent pollution, the plants are equipped with a flue gas cleaning system. Green power is a major step to achieve Swacch Hyderabad,” an official said. PCB had raised objections over the use of cooling water instead of air cooling system for the power plants. “They wanted to know if water drawn from Musi river for the power plants will result in water loss. We will furnish a reply in the next 15 days.”

    Currently, integrated garbage is being used to produce power. He said that “The calorific value will be less and energy per kg of garbage produced will be less in the unsegregated garbage due to the presence of stones and cement blocks.” The city generates about 5,000 tonnes of garbage every day and the civic body is planning to convert the garbage pile into energy.

    Mr Musharraf. GHMC is planning to complete the second phase of the plant by December said that “Initially, the 11MW capacity Bibinagar plant will generate 6 MW. This will be the first waste to energy plant in Telangana after getting synchronisation clearance from TSSPDCL and Transco and a consent for operation from the PCB. We will soon upgrade it.”

    Source : Economic Times
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 mei 2018 20:04
    Indonesia to roll out 25pct biodiesel rule from 2019 - Energy ministry

    Reuters reported that Indonesia will make it mandatory for bidiesel to contain 25 percent bio content from 2019 onwards, an energy ministry official said. "Starting 2019," New and Renewable Energy Director Rida Mulyana told Reuters by text message in response to questions on the matter. Mulyana did not provide further detail.

    Rules introduced in 2015 require a 20 percent bio content in biodiesel for land transportation from January 2016 to January 2020, after which a 30 percent bio content would be mandatory.

    According to a local media report, the energy ministry is now drafting technical requirements for the "B25" rule.

    Source : Reuters
  5. forum rang 10 voda 19 oktober 2018 15:54
    Sumitomo to build 100pct pellet-fuelled power plant in South Korea

    Sumitomo SHI FW has been awarded a contract by SK Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. for design and supply of SMG Energy’s SMG Biomass Power Plant to be located in Gunsan City in the Republic of Korea. Commercial operation of the new plant is scheduled for December 2020. SFW will design and supply the 100 MWe CFB steam generator and auxiliary equipment for the boiler island. The CFB steam generator will be designed to burn 100 per cent wood pellets, while meeting applicable environmental regulatory requirements. SFW has supplied over 30 CFB steam generators to South Korea and this is the fourth firing biomass as its primary fuel.

    Mr Tomas Harju-Jeanty, CEO, Sumitomo SHI FW, said that “Both higher efficiency and the use of biomass in power generation can contribute significantly to reducing emissions of carbon dioxide. SFW’s CFB technology is a perfect solution to meet these market requirements. We are pleased to again be chosen to play a part in helping South Korea meet its energy needs with a renewable energy biomass fired CFB steam generator.”

    Source : Candian Bio mass Magazine
  6. forum rang 10 voda 26 oktober 2018 15:22
    SkanGas delivered LBG for first time to Finland

    Reuters reported that SkanGas, a Norwegian-based unit of Finland's state-owned Gasum, has delivered liquefied biogas (LBG) to two Finnish customers for the first time. LBG, a renewable version of liquefied natural gas (LNG), is produced from organic waste and can reduce the carbon footprint of companies using it, said SkanGas, which had previously only delivered the product to one Swedish and one Norwegian buyer. While LBG is still considered an immature market and thus costlier than many alternatives, it is also part of a growing trend of bioenergy consumption.

    The company said in a statement that "We delivered liquefied biogas for the first time to Nornickel Harjavalta and STEP Oy. LNG and liquefied biogas can be delivered with the same equipment and the transition to liquefied biogas can be achieved without additional investment."

    STEP, an acronym for Finnish Industrial Energy Services, offers sustainable energy solutions for industrial customers and is a joint venture owned by Pori Energia and Veolia.

    Source : Reuters
  7. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2018 20:51
    TNO opent grootste zeewier processing lab ter wereld

    TNO opent het grootste zeewier processing lab ter wereld. Het nieuwe laboratorium wordt komende week bij ECN part of TNO in Petten officieel geopend.

    Het verwerken van biomassa uit zeewier staat nog in de kinderschoenen. De ingebruikname van dit laboratorium is dan ook een eerste stap naar verdere ontwikkeling van technologie voor het omzetten van deze biomassa naar groene energie en grondstoffen. Het is het enige laboratorium ter wereld dat op deze schaal, 50 kilo zeewier per dag, is ingericht. In het lab kunnen proefbatches van zeewierproducten op kilobasis geproduceerd worden.

    Het nieuwe lab stelt TNO in staat om samen met bedrijven en andere kennisinstellingen een impuls te geven aan de energietransitie en de vergroening van de chemiesector. Het potentieel van zeewier is groot: voedsel, veevoer, hoog- en laagwaardige chemicaliën en brandstoffen. Productie van biobrandstoffen en coproductie van grondstoffen voor de chemie krijgen in het lab speciale aandacht.

    Het laboratorium bestaat uit flexibel in te zetten testfaciliteiten, waarmee nieuwe verwerkingsmanieren van zeewier naar biobrandstoffen en groene grondstoffen kunnen worden ontwikkeld. Halffabricaten die in het lab geproduceerd kunnen worden, zijn bijvoorbeeld grondstoffen voor brandstoffen, grondstoffen voor duurzame plastics, grondstoffen voor textiel, zoetstoffen, antioxidanten en mineralen. (foto: TNO)


  8. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2018 20:53
    PitPoint en Biobrandstoffabriek Hardenberg slaan handen ineen voor groengasproductie

    PitPoint en Biobrandstoffabriek Hardenberg gaan een strategische samenwerking aan om groen gas te produceren. De fabriek in Hardenberg gaat op termijn ongeveer 42 miljoen kubieke meter groen gas per jaar produceren; de gasbehoefte van 30.000 huishoudens.

    Samen met Bio Rights, een eco-technologieonderneming die duurzame energiefabrieken ontwikkelt, zetten de partijen deze fabriek op met als doel versneld de productiecapaciteit van biobrandstoffen uit afval (red. tweedegeneratiebiobrandstoffen) in Nederland uit te bouwen tegen kostprijzen die op termijn kunnen concurreren met fossiele brandstoffen.

    De reden dat PitPoint in de productie van groen gas investeert, is de groeiende behoefte aan groen gas in het transport. In het klimaatakkoord is een rol voor biobrandstoffen in het transport weggelegd. Groen gas is een van de meest effectieve methodes om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan en de luchtkwaliteit te verbeteren op een kostenefficiënte manier.

    De fabriek in Hardenberg zal uiteindelijk zo’n 70 arbeidsplaatsen opleveren. Het innovatieve productieproces bestaat uit een aantal bewezen technologieën die zijn gecombineerd op industriële schaal. Hetwordt gemaakt door de vergisting van een mengsel van bewerkte mest en bermgras dat uit de omgeving rond Hardenberg komt. De biobrandstoffenfabriek is uniek in zijn soort en de eerste fabriek die Bio Rights ontwikkelt. De vraag naar groen gas wordt vanwege de energietransitie volgens de betrokken partijen in de toekomst alleen maar groter en daarmee ook de behoefte aan schaalbare en repliceerbare productiecapaciteit. (foto: PitPoint)

  9. forum rang 10 voda 20 november 2018 20:40
    Valmet to supply a biomass fired boiler plant to Elenia Lämpö's Vanaja power plant in Finland

    Lesprom reported that Valmet will supply a biomass-fired boiler plant to Elenia Lämpö Oy's Vanaja power plant in Hämeenlinna, Finland. The value of the order is not disclosed. Assembly work on the new boiler plant will start in the fall of 2019. The target is to start up the plant in 2020, as the company said in the press release received by Lesprom Network.

    The investment will enable the company to raise the share of renewable fuels used in the city's district heat production to over 80% and increase the energy efficiency of its heat production.

    The boiler plant will mainly run on wood-based fuels, such as forest residues as well as sawdust and bark originating from side streams of the woodworking industry.

    Mr Frank Ligthart, Director, Heat and Power Plants, Valmet said that "This is a repeat boiler order to the same power plant, which shows the customer's trust in Valmet's biomass-fired HYBEX technology for heat-only applications.”

    Valmet is the leading global developer and supplier of process technologies, automation and services for the pulp, paper and energy industries.

    Source : Lesprom
  10. forum rang 10 voda 21 november 2018 19:57
    ANDRITZ to supply a highly efficient boiler for biomass power plant in Japan

    International technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Toyo Engineering Corporation of Japan, to deliver a PowerFluid Circulating Fluidized Bed boiler with flue gas cleaning system for a new biomass power plant to be built in Kamisu in the prefecture of Ibaraki, some 100 km to the east of Tokyo, Japan for Obayashi Kamisu Biomass Power Generation Corporation. Start-up is scheduled in 2021.

    The PowerFluid boiler to be supplied by ANDRITZ features lowest emissions, high efficiency and availability, and highest fuel flexibility. It forms an essential part of a high-efficiency biomass power plant for supply of green energy to the national grid. The biomass power plant fired with wood pellets as primary fuel will generate around 50 MWel of power. Thus, approximately 110,000 households can be supplied with clean energy from renewable sources.

    The Kamisu project is the second order in a row for supply of an ANDRITZ PowerFluid Circulating Fluidized Bed boiler for the Japanese market, thus demonstrating ANDRITZ’s extensive know-how and recognized expertise in the biomass power boiler sector. ANDRITZ is one of the leading global suppliers of power boiler technologies and systems for generating steam and electricity from renewable and fossil fuels, with a large number of very successful references worldwide.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2018 21:12
    Punjab electricity utility to revive Jalkheri biomass power plant

    The Punjab State Power Corporation Limited has initiated the process to revive the Jalkheri biomass-based power plant with 1x10MW capacity on renovate, operate and transfer basis. The power plant has been lying idle for 11 years now. The technical bids for the project were opened on November 22, which saw three companies putting up their offer. Chairman cum managing director of the PSPCL, Baldev Singh Sran, said that once the renovation work is allotted to the lowest bidder, the plant would become operational in about 27 months from the date of signing the lease agreement, which is likely to take 45 days from the issue of letter of award.

    He said that an operational plant at Jalkheri would consume about 80,000 metric tonnes of paddy straw per annum for producing electricity and thus help in mitigating the effects of stubble burning in the region. He also said that the project would help in meeting the renewable purchase obligations requirements of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited and would generate 56.94 million units per annum considering a plant load factory of 65%.

    The biomass-based power plant of 1x10MW capacity was commissioned in June 1992 and was constructed by erstwhile PSEB at village Jalkheri in district Fatehgarh Sahib. The plant remained operational till July 1995. In July 2001, it was leased out to Jalkheri Power Plant Ltd, which recommissioned the plant in July 2002 and kept it operational till September 2007.

    In 2012, efforts were made to get the project re-started by giving a licence to the private developer to run the plant for a specific period on lease. But the proposal could not take off as no response was received.

    Source : Economic Times
  12. forum rang 10 voda 28 november 2018 21:14
    Drax starts pilot of Europe first bioenergy carbon capture project

    Reuters reported that Britain's Drax has started a pilot project to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions at its biomass plant, the first of its kind in Europe. Drax said that Carbon capture and storage involves the capture of emissions from power plants and industry to allow them to be stored underground or compressed in containers to be used for industrial applications such as making drinks fizzy.

    According to a recent UN report, the technology is also likely to be needed to help limit a rise in global temperatures at 1.5 degrees Celsius.

    Drax said using the technology at the plant in North Yorkshire, England, that burns biomass wood pellets, often made from compressed sawdust could enable the company to operate the world's first carbon negative power station.

    When coupled with CCS, the overall process of generating electricity from biomass removes more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than it releases, the company said.

    Drax said in a statement that "If successful, the six-month pilot project will capture a tonne of CO2 (carbon dioxide) a day from the gases produced when renewable power is generated.”

    Drax said the CO2 will initially be stored on site but that eventually it will seek to find a use for the gas, such as in the drinks industry which earlier this year was hit with a CO2 shortage.

    Britain has a target to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent compared with 1990 levels by 2050, but has asked its climate change experts to advise on whether it should set a date to meet a net zero emissions target.

    A report by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October warned not meeting the goal to limit rising temperatures at 1.5 degrees would mean huge changes to the world such as rising sea levels, life-threatening heat and loss of species.

    Source : Reuters
  13. forum rang 10 voda 29 november 2018 12:33
    Toshiba unveils USD 176 million biomass power investment

    Renewables Now reported that Japan’s Toshiba Corp will pour around JPY 20 billion (USD 176.1m/EUR 155.4m) in a biomass power plant in Fukuoka prefecture amid plans to grow its renewables footprint. The planned biomass facility will be constructed by Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corp’s subsidiary Sigma Power Ariake Corp, which will also be the plant’s operator following completion. Construction works at the site in the city of Omuta are scheduled to begin next autumn with the aim of bringing the plant online in the spring of 2022.

    Toshiba said it was working to increase the penetration of its renewable business in the market. It wants to build its integrated aggregator service business and to provide stability in the energy system by optimising multiple energy sources, such as renewable energy and battery storage, relying on control technology like in a virtual power plant.

    Toshiba noted that the proposed biomass capacity investment will not affect its forecast for the current fiscal year, ending March 31st 2019.

    Source : Renewables Now
  14. forum rang 10 voda 3 december 2018 19:38
    Gasum to create Finland second largest biogas plant by late 2019

    Reuters reported that finnish state owned gas firm Gasum plans to expand the processing capacity of its biogas plant in the city of Turku, making it the second largest such facility in the country. As a result of the expansion, which is scheduled to be completed by September 2019, the plant will be able to produce some 60 Gigawatt hours of biogas annually.

    Increasing the production of biogas for use in business and transport is one of Finland's energy and climate policy goals as it seeks to gradually phase out the use of coal.

    Mr Ari Suomilammi, Gasum's biomas production director, told Reuters that the total expansion, including investment for a liquefaction facility, would cost about 30 million euros.

    The project will allow the Turku plant, which is currently processing waste and sewage, to produce a higher concentration of biogas, which generates power and heating when burned.

    The plant is currently able to process about 75,000 tonnes of organic waste. From September 2019, its capacity will be as high as 110,000 tonnes.

    Gasum said in a statement that "This is a big step forward towards our goal of a low-carbon society and nutrient recycling - a genuine circular economy solution.”

    Source : Reuters
  15. forum rang 10 voda 7 december 2018 19:36
    Delays to world's largest biomass power plant being built on Teesside

    Gazette Live reported that a project to build the world's largest biomass power plant on Teesside is five months behind schedule, according to a business leader. But no further delays are expected. MGT Teesside is leading the biomass project on the banks of the Tees which has been more than 10 years in the making.

    Mr Jerry Hopkinson, chief operating officer at PD Ports , told the latest meeting of the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) how the project was "nearing its final stages" but he added it was five months behind schedule.

    Mr Hopkinson said that "They are currently employing 1,335 people on the site and that level of employment will continue for the next six months or so - after which it will start to decline. The project is something like five months behind schedule - it is not anticipated that it will slip any further. The biomass power station will be commissioned before the end of this forthcoming year. And we'll start to see a millions tons of cargo arriving on the Tees shortly thereafter."

    The GBP 650 million project has been funded by Danish pension fund PKA and Australian banking group Macquarie.

    Source : Gazette Live
  16. forum rang 10 voda 31 december 2018 16:31
    NYK to build its first methanol-fueled chemical tanker with green loan

    NYK will receive 2 billion yen from Taiyo Life Insurance Company as a green loan to exclusively finance the building of NYK’s first methanol-fueled chemical tanker. A green loan is a loan whose proceeds are used solely for the purpose of funding environment-friendly projects. NYK will continue to take steps for the development and use of technology linked to environmental performance by proactively promoting green finance.

    1. Background
    In the medium-term management plan “Staying Ahead 2022 with Digitalization and Green” that NYK announced in March, the company indicated its goal to integrate ESG principles into management strategies to contribute to the sustainable development of society and enrichment of the company’s corporate value.

    In fact, in May NYK became the first company in the global shipping industry to issue labeled green bonds, and they have been used to fund environment-friendly liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueled vessels and other NYK projects. To support investment in environmental technology more from a finance viewpoint, NYK decided to enter into this green loan agreement with Taiyo Life Insurance Company.

    2. Green Loan Framework
    Debtor: NYK
    Creditor: Taiyo Life Insurance Company
    Loan payable: 2 billion yen
    Period: 10 years from December 27, 2018, to December 27, 2028
    Use of proceeds: Building a methanol-fueled chemical tanker
    Certification: Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (JCR)

    This green loan has been certified by Japan Credit Rating Agency Ltd. (JCR) to be aligned with the highest rank of “Green 1” of the Green Loan Principles.

    All the finance procured from this green loan will be used to build the new methanol-fueled chemical tanker. Its methanol-fueled main engine will reduce sulphur oxides (SOx) by approximately 99 percent compared with the use of heavy oil. In fact, the vessel’s entire SOx emissions, including the electrical generator, will fall by about 75 percent compared with using oils that comply with low-sulphur oil regulations. Using methanol as a marine fuel helps meet the International Maritime Organization’s new regulations that cap sulphur content in marine fuels coming into effect in 2020. Methanol is a clean-burning fuel that produces less nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), enabling more environment-friendly operation by NYK.

    – Outline of the ship
    Deadweight Tonnage: about 49,000 tons
    Length overall: about 183 meters
    Breadth: 32.2 meters
    Shipbuilder: Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Co. Ltd.
    Delivery: Scheduled for 2019

    3. Future
    NYK will promote green finance and continue its efforts to keep a wide range of stakeholders involved in the company’s proactive approach to environmental investment as the company makes efforts to contribute to realizing a sustainable society with technology that lessens environmental burdens.

    Green Loan Principles
    International principals launched by the Europe-based Loan Market Association and the Asia Pacific Loan Market Association (APLMA) in March 2018.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2019 21:04
    Bouw groene methanolfabriek Botlek loopt vertraging op

    Een consortium van drie bedrijven én het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam hebben de beslissing om te investeren in een groene methanolfabriek in de Botlek uitgesteld. De bouw van de fabriek zou rond €200 mln gaan kosten.

    Groene ethanolfabriek van Enerkem in Edmonton (Canadese provincie Alberta)Foto: Enerkem

    Het besluit om te investeren zou aanvankelijk in de zomer van 2018 vallen, maar dat wordt nu ergens dit jaar, aldus een woordvoerder van Nouryon (voorheen AkzoNobel Chemie). Nouryon werkt in het project samen met het Canadese biotechbedrijf Enerkem, de Franse producent van industriële gassen Air Liquide en het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam.

    De fabriek moet niet-recyclebaar huishoudelijk afval gaan omzetten in methanol, als grondstof voor onder meer plastics. Het gaat om afval dat anders zou worden verbrand. Verwerking tot ethanol bespaart 300.000 ton CO2-uitstoot.

    Afzonderlijke partner
    'Het proces is wat vertraagd', zegt een woordvoerder van Nouryon mede namens de andere partijen. De vertraging had onder meer te maken met keuzes bij de engineering, zoals het ontwerp van de technische processen in de fabriek. Er is gekozen om het ontwerp en inrichting van de fabrieksinstallaties uit te besteden aan 'een afzonderlijke Europese partij', aldus de woordvoerder. 'De andere optie was alle engineering door Enerkem te laten doen.'

    Met de keus voor een externe partij denkt het consortium 'de hoogst mogelijke kwaliteit te bereiken.' Maar de zoektocht naar die externe partij 'kost wel tijd.' Op dit moment lopen de onderhandelingen over de contracten.

    €200 mln
    De bouw van de fabriek voor groene ethanol vergt een investering van €200 mln.
    Enerkem, met hoofdkantoor in Montreal, exploiteert al een groene ethanolfabriek in de Canadese provincie Alberta (Edmonton). Daar maakt het bedrijf ethanol uit afval via vergassing. Het bedrijf wil ook fabrieken bouwen in China en de Verenigde Staten. Ook is het bedrijf in gesprek over een ethanolfabriek in Antwerpen.

    Regels uit Brussel zijn nu duidelijk
    Ook onduidelijkheden over de Europese regelgeving rond de precieze criteria voor bio-methanol, waarvoor klanten meer moeten betalen, hebben voor vertraging gezorgd. Er is nu 'helderheid, en dat is belangrijk voor de businesscase', aldus Nouryon. De initiatiefnemers hebben te maken met Europese regels rond emissierechten, afvalstoffen en circulaire economie. Tegelijk zijn er ook subsidies en financieringen, vanuit de provincie Zuid-Holland, de Nederlandse overheid en Brussel.

    Het afval voor de fabriek wordt geleverd door 700.000 huishoudens.

    Het is nog geen gelopen race dat de fabriek in de Botlek er ook daadwerkelijk komt: 'We zijn bezig de business case rond te maken, om alle puzzelstukjes op hun plaats te krijgen, zodat we een afgewogen beslissing kunnen nemen. Tot die tijd kunnen we niets zeggen', aldus de Nouryon-woordvoerder.

    Partner Enerkem is vol vertrouwen. 'Het project ontwikkelt zich goed', stelt een woordvoerder van Enerkem in een e-mail.

    Eerste installatie in Europa
    De geplande fabriek, die oorspronkelijk in 2020 moest gaan draaien, gaat 360.000 ton niet-recyclebaar huishoudelijk afval omzetten in 220.000 ton 'groene' methanol. Daarmee wordt dat afval niet meer verbrand, waardoor CO2-uitstoot wordt voorkomen. Als ze gebouwd wordt is ze de eerste installatie van dit type in Europa.

    ‘Het project ontwikkelt zich goed’• Enerkem, via email
    De te bouwen fabriek maakt eerst synthesegas, een traditionele basisstof in de chemie, en daaruit methanol. Normaal wordt methanol uit aardgas (fossiel) gemaakt. Enerkem levert de techniek, Air Liquide brengt water- en zuurstof in en Nouryon groene waterstof, terwijl het methanol gaat afnemen. Het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam draagt bij met zijn infrastructuur.

  18. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2019 16:47
    France mulls converting Cordemais coal power generators to biomass

    Reuters reported that French government and utility EDF will study the possibility of converting the 1.2 gigawatts Cordemais coal power generators to burn biomass due to its importance in guaranteeing security of supply.

    President Emmanuel Macron's government plans to phase out electricity production from France's remaining coal-fired power plants by 2022 as part of measures to curb carbon emissions and global warming.

    The government also plans to reduce France's dependence on nuclear power which accounts for over 75 percent of French electricity needs, while boosting the development of greener energies.

    French power grid operator RTE, has warned that the plan to shut down some coal and nuclear generators, could leave France, a net exporter of electricity in Europe, largely dependent on neighbours during peak demand periods, particularly in winter.

    Anxious to guarantee French electricity supply, the ministry and state-controlled utility EDF are studying a project to convert the power station to biomass, the energy ministry said in a statement.

    It added that the Cordemais conversion project would only be considered under the strict condition that power production from the site would be necessary to guarantee French security of supply after 2022.

    The ministry said the study would look at the environmental impact and economic viability, while additional analysis would be carried out by grid operator RTE on the security of supply particularly in western France.

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 5 februari 2019 21:46
    Maximaal €166 mln subsidie voor biogasfabriek

    Zitta Biogas Chemelot ontvangt de komende twaalf jaar maximaal €166 mln aan subsidie van het Rijk om een biogasinstallatie te laten draaien. Dat melden verschillende Limburgse media zaterdag.

    De installatie wordt neergezet in het Zuid-Limburgse Sittard-Geleen op het terrein van Chemelot, waar ook chemische bedrijven zoals DSM zijn gevestigd. Jaarlijks moet er zo'n 700.000 ton verse varkensmest worden verwerkt tot ongeveer 60 miljoen kuub biogas. Wat overblijft wordt omgezet in vloeibare kunstmest, mestkorrels en water.

    Extra kosten gecompenseerd
    De subsidie houdt in dat Zitta Biogas Chemelot de extra kosten voor de productie van biogas ten opzichte van fossiele energie gecompenseerd krijgt. Als de energieprijs stijgt, wordt dus automatisch minder subsidie uitgekeerd. Eerder was al duidelijk dat deze aanvraag voor een SDE+-subsidie was goedgekeurd.

    Lees ook
    OCI krijgt geen subsidie voor biogasinstallatie

    De te bouwen biogasinstallatie is een samenwerkingsverband van OCI Nitrogen met Re-N Technology, de eigenaar van Zitta Biogas Chemelot, en moet vanaf 2021 gaan draaien. OCI Nitrogen gaat het gas dan afnemen.

    In 2017 vroegen de twee partners ook al een SDE+-subsidie aan voor de installatie, maar toen werd die aanvraag nog afgewezen. Zonder subsidie is de installatie volgens de initiatiefnemers nog niet rendabel te maken.

  20. forum rang 10 voda 24 april 2019 15:04
    Austin Energy to acquire Nacogdoches Biomass Facility

    Austin Energy announced that it has reached an agreement with Southern Power to acquire the Nacogdoches Generating Facility, a wood waste biomass-fueled power plant in East Texas, for USD 460 million. The 115 megawatt plant, which commenced commercial operation in 2012, currently provides 100 megawatts of renewable power to Austin Energy under a 20-year power purchase agreement. The transaction, which is expected to close in mid-2019, will allow Austin Energy to avoid approximately USD 275 million in additional costs over the remaining term of the agreement.

    Mr Jackie Sargent, Austin Energy’s General Manager said that “Acquiring the biomass plant relieves our obligation to make escalating capacity payments to a third party and, over time, reduces the associated cost impacts to our customers. This transaction is consistent with our efforts to manage our portfolio of generation resources in a responsible and cost-effective manner.”

    While Austin Energy will take ownership of the plant, no immediate changes to the operation of the facility are expected, and its long-term status will be addressed in Austin Energy’s future resource planning efforts.

    Austin Mayor Steve Adler said that “Saving $275 million is a great result!. We play the hand we’re dealt, and here it means we’ll be able to provide value for our customers and maintain leadership on renewable sources of power. We’ve been working since I got into office to get a better financial deal around the biomass plant.”

    Austin Energy has a target of offsetting 65 percent of its customers' energy needs with renewable resources by 2027. In 2018, wind, solar and biomass energy combined to offset 38 percent of the energy needed to serve Austin Energy’s customers.

    JP Morgan is providing transaction support and Husch Blackwell is serving as outside legal counsel to Austin Energy in connection with the purchase.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
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