Bobo schreef:
ASMI is voor zover ik kan nagaan marktleider, als het gaat om de door Intel gevraagde nieuwe generatie apparatuur. Zij beschikken over een "pulsar" die getest is voor 22 nm node. Zie onderstaand stukje van de ASMI site.
New process. New materials. A new transistor era. Everything has changed with ASM Pulsar, the revolutionary tool that delivers high-k by Atomic Layer Deposition in high-volume production.
The introduction of high-k gate dielectrics represents the largest shift in CMOS processing in 50 years. ASM, with its Pulsar ALD tool, was the first to market with this breakthrough technology and the Pulsar is in volume production.
ASM’s Pulsar enables advanced 45 nm and 32 nm integrations through its ALD process that deposits one atomic layer at a time. Implementing
high-k films, such as Hafnium Oxide (HfO2) and Hafnium Silicate (HfSiO), extends transistor gate technology scaling because the high-k materials have a much higher dielectric property than silicon oxide. ...