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  1. [verwijderd] 25 december 2008 22:14

    Green Guru schreef:


    Volgens mij denk je alleen maar Green...

    Meer pinbetaling wil niet zeggen dat de economie snel zal herstellen - je denkt wel te oppervlakkig.

    Eerst moet je eens realiseren of men pin(t) met eigen cash of met DEBT.

    De Amerikanen gaven afgelopen jaren ook royaal uit en nu zitten zij diep in de schulden.

    Als je alles positief ziet, dan ken ik ook nog een paar.

    1) Housing bubbles loopt leeg in VS (positief).
    2) VS diep in de recessie (wat betekent dat het niet erger kan, het kan alleen maar UP).
    3) VS diep in de schulden - posisief, want VS wordt steeds zwakker (gaat niet overal baas spelen - Irak, Afghanistan etc etc).
    4) Deflatie - positief, alles wordt goedkoper :-)
    5) Inflatie - nog lekkerder, schulden worden minder waard, bezitting zoals eigen huis wordt meer waard (in geld uitgedrukt).
    6) AEX meer dan gehalveerd, lekker, kunnen we lekker goedkoop shoppen op de beurs.


    Goedenavond Burlington,

    Oh nee, zo zit ik niet in elkaar. Ik ben niet louter bullish. Integendeel. De door jou genoemde punten negeer ik zeker niet. Ik wilde alleen een kleine onderbouwing plaatsen waarom ik momenteel long zit.
    Ik heb al meer keer aangegeven dat ik meedijn op de golfbeweging van de koers. Daar verdien ik meer aan.

    Beste Green,

    Daar kan ik je geen ongelijk geven, trends is your friends :-)

  2. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 00:06

    aextrader schreef:

    deze week weet ik al wanneer de stijging gaat beginnen met vele procenten incl datum.
    heerlijk beetje grootspraak, en ook dat ik de aanleidingen hiervoor al heb gelezen nav van een eerdere crisis en als ik de beurzen zo volg zou het welleens zo uit kunnen komen.
    plezierige dagen nog.

    p.s eerste zin aangepast voordat weer iedereen begint
    waar blijft die daling dan want je zat toch vet in de puts jan 09
  3. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 01:27

    Ronnny schreef:

    deze week weet ik al wanneer de stijging gaat beginnen met vele procenten incl datum.
    heerlijk beetje grootspraak, en ook dat ik de aanleidingen hiervoor al heb gelezen nav van een eerdere crisis en als ik de beurzen zo volg zou het welleens zo uit kunnen komen.
    plezierige dagen nog.

    p.s eerste zin aangepast voordat weer iedereen begint

    waar blijft die daling dan want je zat toch vet in de puts jan 09
    ja puts jan, ik heb de tijd en die komt ben maar niet bang.
    goed internet afstruinen dan vindt je het ook, dus doe je best.
    maar die stijging die gepland staat vindt ik belangrijker, maar de callers worden nog uitgekleed dmv de tijdswaarde.
    laat mij maar mijn eigen strategie volgen en doe jij maar wat jij wil.
    ik boer nog steeds goed dus die strategie werkt in ieder geval bye bye
    oja die bodem komt in jan en up ook alleen de datum moet je nog naar zoeken, hij staat op het internet en haal daar 4 dgn vanaf en bingo
  4. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 05:58

    Paulus29 schreef:

    Vandaag lekker naar het strand geweest.

    Morgen familiedag. Vanavond lekker naar Harry Potter of naar de vele Orken in Lord of the Rings kijken..:-)

    Ik hoop dat de Orken ook vanavond weer verpletterend verslagen zullen worden..:-)
    Even een gouden tip Paulus,ik heb uit betrouwbare bron vernomen dat als we straks stijgen we daarna weer gaan dalen,niet doorvertellen ;-)

    Heb zelf vandaag nog een paar Mexicaanse munten ingeslagen voordat de euro/dollar/roebel/pond allemaal worden ingeruild voor wc papier :-)

    Tot later :-)
  5. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 09:34
    S&P 500 kan naar 600 vallen (Professor Dr. Gary Shilling)

    De S&P 500 kan volgend jaar terugvallen richting 600 punten, zo denkt Gary Shilling, president van A. Gary Shilling & Co. Met andere woorden: aandelen blijven volgens deze fondsbeheerder ook volgend jaar te mijden.

    Shilling gelooft bovendien niet in andere activa, zoals grondstoffen en valuta. Daar staan forse koersbewegingen te gebeuren die echter moeilijk te voorspellen vallen. Waar moet de belegger dan zijn heil zoeken?

    Volgens Shilling zijn er weinig vluchtmogelijkheden. Hij blijft belegd in staatsobligaties, maar merkt op dat die langzaam maar zeker lood in de vleugels krijgen.

    De verwachting van een daling van de S&P 500 is gebaseerd op de verwachting dat de bedrijfsresultaten volgend jaar sterk gaan dalen. Shilling gaat er van uit dat de cijfers ongeveer 50% onder de consensus van de analisten gaan uitkomen.

    De groeilanden gaan volgens Shilling geen veiligheid kunnen bieden, zeker China niet. De zogenaamde ‘decoupling’ van de Chinese economie van de Amerikaanse berust volgens hem op los zand.

    De Chinese middenklasse is namelijk nog niet groot genoeg om de groei van de economie intern te schragen. Hij sluit niet uit dat China volgend jaar met grote sociale onrust zal geconfronteerd worden.

  6. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 11:04
    Israel’s TA-25 Index Declines After Air Strikes on Gaza Strip

    By Alisa Odenheimer

    Dec. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Israeli shares retreated, led by Bank Hapoalim Ltd. and Israel Chemicals Ltd., after the heaviest air strikes since 1967 in the Gaza Strip killed more than 200 people.

    Bank Hapoalim, the country’s largest lender by assets, dropped to the lowest intraday level since Dec. 24. Israel Chemicals, which extracts minerals from the Dead Sea to make fertilizers, also fell.

    Israel’s TA-25 Index lost 13.56, or 2.1 percent, to 621.37 at 9:57 a.m. local time, extending its 2008 slump to 49 percent.

    Israel’s air strikes mark the first phase of a new effort to convince Islamic militants they have more to lose than gain by launching rocket and other attacks across the border. The Israeli strikes, the heaviest in the seaside strip since the 1967 Six-Day War, came after dozens of Qassam rockets were fired into Israel following the Dec. 19 expiration of a six-month cease-fire with Hamas, which controls Gaza.

    Bank Hapoalim fell 3.1 percent to 7.6 shekels, while Israel Chemicals lost 2.9 percent to 24.17 shekels.

  7. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 11:07
    Manufacturing, Home Prices Probably Sank: U.S. Economy Preview

    By Bob Willis

    Dec. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Manufacturing in the U.S. probably shrank at the fastest pace since 1980 as the deepening global recession forced customers in North America, Europe and Asia to cut back, economists said before reports this week.

    The Institute for Supply Management’s December factory index dropped to 35.4, the lowest reading in almost three decades, according to the median estimate of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News. A separate report may show the record drop in home prices accelerated in October.

    The real-estate crash has reverberated throughout the world as credit markets seized up, choking off demand for everything from cars and trucks to computers and appliances. President- elect Barack Obama, who takes office Jan. 20, has said his first priority will be to pass an economic stimulus plan that will invest in public works and create or save 3 million jobs.

    “Manufacturing is getting it from every direction,” said Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist at Maria Fiorini Ramirez Inc. in New York. “Domestic demand is falling apart and foreign demand is falling apart.”

    The Tempe, Arizona-based ISM’s factory report is due Jan. 2. Readings below 50 indicate contraction.

    Regional surveys have already signaled the manufacturing slump persisted this month. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s general economic index fell in December to the lowest level since records began in 2001, and the Philadelphia Fed’s index showed industries in that region contracted for the 12th time in 13 months.

    Chicago Index

    The Institute for Supply Management-Chicago’s U.S. business activity index, due Dec. 30, is projected to decline to 33, the lowest level since 1982, according to the survey median.

    The Standard & Poor’s industrial index is down 37 percent this year, compared with a 32 percent drop in the broader 500 index.

    Automakers have been among the hardest hit as sales in November dropped to the lowest level in a quarter century, according to industry figures. President George W. Bush announced Dec. 19 that General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC will get $13.4 billion in initial government loans to keep operating while they restructure operations to return to profitability.

    The U.S. recession has spread overseas and that’s hurting foreign demand for American-made goods.

    Pittsburgh-based PPG Industries Inc., the world’s second- biggest coatings maker, on Dec. 22 said fourth-quarter earnings will fall more than analysts estimated because the weak global economy is hurting auto-paint and glass sales.

    Global Slowdown

    “Market softness seen initially in the U.S. industrial markets is now prevalent on a global basis,” Chief Financial Officer William H. Hernandez said in a statement. “Our businesses that serve these industrial end-markets are experiencing significant volume deterioration.”

    Economists surveyed by Bloomberg in the first week of December forecast the world’s largest economy will contract through the first half of 2009. The National Bureau of Economic Research on Dec. 1 announced the U.S. fell into a recession a year ago.

    The decline in property values that is at the root of the credit crunch probably deepened, another report due on Dec. 30 may show.

    The S&P/Case-Shiller index for the 20 largest metropolitan areas will show that home prices fell 17.8 percent in October from a year earlier, the biggest decline since record keeping began in 2001.

    Falling home prices make it harder for homeowners to refinance, leading to a surge in foreclosures and weaker consumer spending. Declining stock and home values caused household net worth to drop by a record $2.8 trillion in the third quarter, according to the Fed.

    Consumer confidence, meanwhile, may have edged up for a second month in December thanks to plunging gasoline prices. The Conference Board’s gauge, due Dec. 30, rose to 45.5 from 44.9 in November, according to the survey median. The gauge reached a record-low 38.8 in October.

    Bloomberg Survey

    Release Period Prior Median
    Indicator Date Value Forecast
    Case Shiller Monthly YO 12/30 Oct. -17.4% -17.8%
    Case Shiller Monthly In 12/30 Oct. 161.6 159.0
    Chicago PM Index 12/30 Dec. 33.8 33.0
    Consumer Conf Index 12/30 Dec. 44.9 45.5
    Initial Claims ,000’s 12/31 Dec. 27 586 575
    Cont. Claims ,000’s 12/31 Dec. 20 4370 4400
    ISM Manu Index 1/2 Dec. 36.2 35.4
    ISM Prices Index 1/2 Dec. 25.5 21.0
  8. [verwijderd] 28 december 2008 11:10
    U.S. Stocks Retreat as Economy Worsens; Financials, GM Decline

    By Jeff Kearns

    Dec. 27 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. stocks fell, sending the Dow Jones Industrial Average to a fourth straight weekly retreat, after profit outlooks weakened, home prices plunged and the government confirmed that the economy shrank the most since 2001.

    MBIA Inc. and Discover Financial Services slumped more than 10 percent, driving financial institutions to the biggest retreat in the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, following evidence the yearlong recession is deepening. General Motors Corp. fell 18 percent, despite an end-of-week rebound, as its debt was cut deeper into junk. Textron Inc., the maker of Bell helicopters and Cessna aircraft, lost 15 percent after saying profit this quarter will trail forecasts.

    “The recession is going to be longer and more severe than most people anticipate, and I don’t see a recovery in the stock market anytime soon,” said Mark MacQueen, who helps oversee $7 billion as co-founder of Sage Advisory Services Ltd. in Austin, Texas. “It looks like 2009 is going to be a difficult year.”

    The S&P 500 declined 1.7 percent to 872.80 this week. The Dow slipped 63.56 points, or 0.7 percent, to 8,515.55. The Russell 2000 Index of small companies fell 2 percent to 476.77.

    Fewer than 4.3 billion shares traded in the U.S. yesterday, or 58 percent less than the three-month average. Only 3.64 billion shares changed hands on Dec. 24, the least since Dec. 26, 2003, as trading ended three hours early before Christmas.

    At Least 1968

    The S&P 500 extended its 2008 slide to 41 percent. The National Association of Realtors said the median resale price of single-family houses dropped 13 percent last month, the most since records began in 1968 and likely the largest decline since the 1930s. The Commerce Department said the economy contracted by 0.5 percent in the third quarter as consumer spending fell the most in almost three decades. Initial jobless claims rose to 586,000, the most since November 1982.

    Monsanto Co. lost 5.5 percent to $67.72 after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said the recession will hurt profit at the world’s largest producer of seeds. Walgreen Co., the second-biggest U.S. drugstore chain, sank 8.7 percent to $23.82 after posting the slowest sales growth in at least 18 years.

    “The market has accepted the fact that the recession is getting worse and we’ll get a large hit to fourth-quarter GDP,” said Michael Strauss, who helps manage $40 billion at Commonfund in Wilton, Connecticut. “We’re expecting job deterioration to continue because of what the economy is doing.”

    78% Retreat

    The retreat in the S&P 500 this year caused losses at all but six of the 1,601 U.S. mutual funds that invest in stocks and have more than $250 million in assets, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. For 242 funds, the slump was at least 50 percent.

    MBIA slipped 17 percent to a five-week low of $4.19. The bond insurer, stripped of its AAA credit rating after straying from backing municipal debt into guaranteeing securities backed by subprime mortgages, has lost 78 percent this year.

    Discover, the fourth-largest credit-card network, slid 10 percent to $8.37, extending its 2008 loss to 45 percent. The S&P 500 Financials Index retreated 4.1 percent and has fallen 59 percent decline this year, the most in its 18-year history.

    GM, the automaker poised to get at least $9.4 billion in U.S. aid, slid 18 percent to $3.66 for the week. The shares, down 85 percent this year for the worst return among 30 companies in the Dow average, pared their decline yesterday after the Federal Reserve approved lender GMAC LLC’s bid to become a bank holding company. GMAC provides financing to GM dealers.

    Exit From Finance

    Ford, the second-largest U.S. automaker behind GM, lost 22 percent to $2.29.

    Textron slumped 15 percent to $12.91 after saying that profit this quarter will be hurt by losses at Textron Financial Corp. and that it plans to exit most of its finance businesses. That division accounted for 6.6 percent of revenue last year and 50 percent of assets.

    The S&P 500 Retailing Index lost 4.3 percent. Discounts of 70 percent or more by Macy’s Inc., AnnTaylor Stores Inc. and other merchants failed to prevent a spending drop of as much as 4 percent during the final two months of the year, according to a SpendingPulse report.

    The SpendingPulse data follow forecasts of falling revenue from industry groups. Sales at stores open at least a year may drop as much as 2 percent in November and December, the International Council of Shopping Centers said on Dec. 23, the worst drop since at least 1969.

    “We continue to see concern on how the consumer will behave going into 2009,” said Walter “Bucky” Hellwig, who helps oversee $30 billion at Morgan Asset Management in Birmingham, Alabama. “With rising unemployment the question is whether the consumer will retrench and go into a shell, and what that portends for economic growth.”

  9. [verwijderd] 29 december 2008 19:15

    NickieLeeson schreef:

    Zie onderstaande tabel vanaf 10 december:

    10 dec 08 256,15
    11 dec 08 254,77
    12 dec 08 247,75
    15 dec 08 247,11
    16 dec 08 248,26
    17 dec 08 247,76
    18 dec 08 249,88
    19 dec 08 249,54
    22 dec 08 243,44
    23 dec 08 244,50
    24 dec 08 241,90

    De lijn is negatief. En het eind is nog niet in zicht!
    10 dec 08 256,15
    11 dec 08 254,77
    12 dec 08 247,75
    15 dec 08 247,11
    16 dec 08 248,26
    17 dec 08 247,76
    18 dec 08 249,88
    19 dec 08 249,54
    22 dec 08 243,44
    23 dec 08 244,50
    24 dec 08 241,90
    29 dec 08 240,81

    Ai ai ai, het gaat maar door!
  10. [verwijderd] 29 december 2008 19:20
    -5,5% sinds 10-12
    Daar deden we in oktober soms slechts een uur over.
    Wat dat betreft zijn de marktomstandigheden sindsdien duidelijk verbetert.


  11. [verwijderd] 29 december 2008 19:26

    NickieLeeson schreef:

    Zie onderstaande tabel vanaf 10 december:

    10 dec 08 256,15
    11 dec 08 254,77
    12 dec 08 247,75
    15 dec 08 247,11
    16 dec 08 248,26
    17 dec 08 247,76
    18 dec 08 249,88
    19 dec 08 249,54
    22 dec 08 243,44
    23 dec 08 244,50
    24 dec 08 241,90

    De lijn is negatief. En het eind is nog niet in zicht!

    10 dec 08 256,15
    11 dec 08 254,77
    12 dec 08 247,75
    15 dec 08 247,11
    16 dec 08 248,26
    17 dec 08 247,76
    18 dec 08 249,88
    19 dec 08 249,54
    22 dec 08 243,44
    23 dec 08 244,50
    24 dec 08 241,90
    29 dec 08 240,81

    Ai ai ai, het gaat maar door!
    daarvoor al op 220 dus het is maar hoe je het bekijkt ;)

    in elk geval zijn de uitslagen niet meer zo hevig en is de grote volatiliteit er wat uit.
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  1. 24 maart

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