Paulus29 schreef:
Russia to save Europe from crisis, official says.
RBC news/news/english/2009/02/05/05160919
Russia will save Europe from economic crisis, Pavel Borodin, secretary general of the Russia-Belarus Union State, told reporters today.
“As my former boss used to say: we are all ‘dear Russians.’ But now we will be ‘very dear’ for Europeans, as we can save them from the economic crisis,” he said, referring to Boris Yeltsin’s habit of addressing the Russian audience.
Moreover, Borodin is convinced that “there is no global economic crisis” at all, but rather a resource crisis and a territorial crisis. “Europe and the United States are well off, but they have neither oil, nor gas, tin, nickel, gold or other metals. They have nothing at all. And we have everything, so we have nothing to fear,” he asserted.
Russia should use its mineral riches to benefit its economy, he said, pointing out such areas as road construction, mechanical engineering and other industries.