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  1. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2009 18:11
    Vandaag is weer te merken dat er geen potentie in het aandeel zit. Een overname zal echt niet geschieden, geloof er niets van. Als de markt weer aantrekt, zal oce weer gaan stijgen. Het verhaal van de calls met een gemiddelde uitoefenprijs van 5,50 (welke in december a.s. aflopen), zijn gewoon ingezet om de koers wat op te drukken en belangen af te bouwen. Oce komt wel met nieuwe producten, maar als niemand daarin investeert, kost het op de markt brengen van zo'n nieuw product alleen maar geld. Ik zal het aandeel in de gaten houden. Vanmorgen overigens ingestapt op Wessanen, daar zit voorlopig meer potentie in!


  2. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2009 19:39
    wat een lange intro om wessanen even te pluggen
    wessanen is op dit moment een gokaandeel, jij weet ook niet hoe de diverse rechtzaken gaan aflopen.

    En ook niemand heeft beweerd dat die calls niet manupalief waren bij océ. Maar ook daar weet je het antwoord nog niet op.

    Ps. bij nieuwe printers zul je eerst moeten produceren alvorens er vraag komt..
  3. [verwijderd] 6 oktober 2009 21:18

    Snance schreef:

    wat een lange intro om wessanen even te pluggen
    wessanen is op dit moment een gokaandeel, jij weet ook niet hoe de diverse rechtzaken gaan aflopen.

    En ook niemand heeft beweerd dat die calls niet manupalief waren bij océ. Maar ook daar weet je het antwoord nog niet op.

    Ps. bij nieuwe printers zul je eerst moeten produceren alvorens er vraag komt..
    Gokaandeel of niet, hij doet het beter dan Oce op dit moment.
  4. sappas 7 oktober 2009 12:11
    Venlo, The Netherlands, 7 October 2009 – Océ, an international leader in digital document management, and Objectif Lune, a software solutions provider, today announced that Océ has certified Objectif Lune’s software for Océ’s new production cutsheet printers.

    Customers benefit from streamlined workflow
    The certified software PrintShop Mail enables workflow automation. It is applicable for the Océ VarioPrint® 4000, the Océ VarioPrint 6000 Ultra Line and the Océ CS600 series. This latest addition makes Objectif Lune’s PrintShop Mail application compliant with the entire Océ production cutsheet portfolio.

    Variable data printing made easy
    As a result, Océ customers can fully benefit from diverse variable data printing options with streamlined workflow and integrated finishing options. The efficiency is reinforced by the Océ PRISMA®sync controller platform. Océ’s certification underlines an easy to use and efficient variable data printing application.

    Helping customers to create new business
    Objectif Lune’s product PrintShop Mail is a software solution helping organizations create new business with highly personalized and professional one-to-one communications. Designed to help capture new business and increase response rates, PrintShop Mail works in any business environment. The software comes as a desktop version for producing one-off communications for prospecting, or a web version for managing and producing ongoing and repetitive communications, enabling customers to do more as their business grows.

    Users gain access to a wide array of options while having the flexibility to expand existing market shares in the direct marketing niche.

    About Objectif Lune
    Founded in 1993, Objectif Lune creates software solutions to help organizations develop, maintain and renew their business by maximizing the values of their documents. The company’s solutions portfolio includes software for transactional printing and workflow automation. With 14 offices worldwide, Objectif Lune’s customers and partners also benefit from the company’s team of instructors with complete and tailored training programs to help users leverage the full power of their variable data applications. For more information on Objectif Lune’s products and services, visit www.objectiflune.com


  5. [verwijderd] 7 oktober 2009 20:17

    Snance schreef:

    en vandaag ook niet, sorry mink
    Nou Snance, oce krabbelt weer terug. Ben benieuwd wat Oce de rest van de week gaat doen. Voorlopig blijf ik er nog even af.
  6. [verwijderd] 8 oktober 2009 19:35
    Josje kwam weer even tussendoor, wordt nu zelfs bij binck genegeerd.Zielig !

    IRIS-advies: Verkopen
    Het aandeel OCE is naar onze huidige inschatting meer dan 50% overgewaardeerd. In de koers is een langetermijnwinstgroei van 96% ingeprijsd, terwijl wij uitgaan van een winstgroei van 21%. Daarmee behoort de onderneming ons inziens tot de minst aantrekkelijk gewaardeerde Nederlandse bedrijven. Het technisch beeld is zwak. Voor de industriegroep IT hardware als geheel verwachten wij een performance in lijn met de markt. De winstontwikkeling in de industriegroep is relatief gunstig, het huidige economische en fundamentele plaatje is onaantrekkelijk. De optelsom van de kwantitatieve variabelen is negatief. Relatief gezien zijn trend in de winstverwachtingen, betrouwbaarheid van winstschattingen en rentabiliteit van het eigen vermogen zwakke punten. OCE scoort gemiddeld op kasgenererend vermogen en efficiënt kapitaalgebruik. Tot slot is dividendrendement een sterk punt.

    Auteur: Jos Versteeg, analist van IRIS Research, heeft geen belangen in dit fonds.
    Publicatiedatum: 08-10-2009 14:20
  7. [verwijderd] 8 oktober 2009 19:38
    gelukkig vindt ie het dividend rendement een sterk punt. Maar ja, uit zijn eigen verhaal lees ik alleen maar negatieve visie's.
    Hoe wil die zijn laaste zin dan verklaren ????
  8. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2009 08:48
    Goed signaal,

    Mijn ervaring is dat als IRIS een advies geeft de uitkomst in 99,99% van de gevallen 180 graden omgekeerd door de markt wordt opgepakt, ik ga dus snel aandelen bijkopen!
  9. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2009 13:27
    Océ verzorgt mail- en printwerk APG9 okt 2009, 10:43 uur

    DEN BOSCH (AFN) - Printer- en kopieermachinefabrikant Océ gaat de komende jaren de mail- en printactiviteiten van pensioenbeheerder APG verzorgen. Daartoe hebben beide bedrijven vrijdag een meerjarig contract getekend.

    Océ gaat voor APG alle activiteiten op het gebied van direct mailing en het printen van onder meer pensioenoverzichten verzorgen. Het bedrijf opent in Amsterdam en Heerlen Quick Service punten, waar APG-medewerkers terecht kunnen met hun dagelijkse opdrachten. Hiermee komen zeventien medewerkers van APG in dienst bij Océ.

    APG is vorig jaar gefuseerd met Cordares en verzorgt voor ruim 20.000 werkgevers het inkomen van meer dan 4 miljoen deelnemers. In Nederland beheert APG ruim 30 procent van alle collectieve pensioenen.
  10. sappas 12 oktober 2009 12:28
    Venlo, The Netherlands, 12 October 2009 — Océ, an international leader in digital document management and delivery, today announced it has added five additional finishing configurations including the new MultiPunch to its Océ CS665 Pro digital color press.

    New finishing option makes 24 for Océ CS665 Pro
    The in-line die-punching system automates an essential step for the binding of wire-, VeloBind™-, color coil-, plastic comb- and ring-bound documents such as catalogs, calendars and booklets, cutting finishing time in half compared to manual binding. The Océ CS665 Pro, launched in 2008, now has eight finishers that provide 24 finishing options. Systems with the MultiPunch unit will be available for shipping beginning in October.

    Highly productive professional binding
    “The Océ CS665 Pro is designed to handle the most challenging jobs in corporate printrooms and commercial printshops,” says Ap Stout, International Marketing Director, Océ Production Cutsheet Solutions. “Finishing is one of the most time-consuming parts of document production. Yet it adds that professional touch that customers desire.

    “The MultiPunch is just the latest in a complete line of finishing options. It provides printing and die punching for several binding methods in one seamless workflow. In-line punching really speeds job turnaround and cuts labor costs. It also decreases the chance of errors.”

    With the Océ CS665 Pro and the MultiPunch, printers produce professionally finished documents in approximately half the time it takes to bind documents completely by hand. Stout says that this lets users deliver more print products in the same amount of time and with the same staff.

    Flexible binding choices
    “One of the reasons printers choose the Océ CS665 Pro is the system’s extraordinary versatility,” adds Stout. “Printers need to provide ever more flexibility,and they select production devices that best support them in delivering it. The MultiPunch offers die punching for all main binding methods. So while investing in only one system, printers can offer their customers multiple choices for professionally finished documents.

    The MultiPunch supports the following binding options:
    • Loose-leaf (ring bind)
    • Wire bind
    • Plastic comb bind
    • VeloBind
    • Color coil

    The system is available in two versions, allowing the die punching of letter-size sheets and tabs for the US market or A4-size sheets and matching tab papers for the rest of world. The unit supports media weights from 75 to 216 g/m2. Eight different user-exchangeable A4 dies and six letter-size dies mean printers can produce several punch variations for different binding methods on their Océ CS665 Pro.

    System and software supported
    All external controllers of the Océ CS665 Pro, including Océ PRISMA®sync, EFI and Creo, fully support the MultiPunch system. In addition, optional Océ PRISMAprepare document preparation software gives users WYSIWYG views of die-punched documents so they can easily preview and correct documents on screen without interrupting production.

    Available in five configurations
    Users can choose the finishing functionality their business warrants, as the new MultiPunch is available in combination with the following finishers: staple finisher FS-521, multi-folding/punch/post inserting unit FD-503, booklet maker SD-506, high capacity stacker LS-505 and perfect binder PB-502.


  11. sappas 13 oktober 2009 12:44
    World’s first individualized newspapers printed with new Océ color technology Market leader launches patented order and print concept in Germany in cooperation with InterTi GmbH, Berlin

    Venlo, The Netherlands, 13 October 2009 – Océ, an international leader in digital document management and delivery, today announced a strengthening of its leadership position in the emerging digital newspaper print market. This is achieved by entering into cooperation with InterTi GmbH Berlin. Océ plays a pivotal role in the world premiere of “niiu” – the first individualized newspaper to be printed digitally on a daily basis.

    Selected sections from national and international titles plus content from the Internet united in a daily newspaper
    The basis of this innovative publishing concept is an internet platform provided by InterTi GmbH. InterTi cooperates with leading German titles like Bild, Handelsblatt and Tagesspiegel and with international titles like The New York Times, Washington Times and Komsomolskaya Pravda (Russia) to provide titles for young readers which allows them to select the specific content they desire. In addition, personalized information is available from web-only content such as blogs and RSS feeds. This variable content is united into an individualized personal daily newspaper through a web-based platform realized by InterTi GmbH in cooperation with the Swiss software company Previon AG. Wanja S. Oberhof, the co-founder of “niiu” comments: “Even young people prefer to read on paper. With the “niiu” concept we bridge the gap between web and print.”

    “niiu” provides considerable benefits for publishers and advertisers. Publishers can attract new young readers by repurposing content, and advertisers draw advantages from highly selected and target group-specific advertising. While Germany’s capital Berlin is the first market for “niiu”, it is planned to expand the concept to other metropolises such as Hamburg or Munich.

    Océ JetStream 2200 provides quality & productivity to lead the digital newspaper market
    Océ pioneered the digital newspaper market with its Digital Newspaper Network. More than 20 million copies have been produced globally since 2001, making Océ the market leader in digital newspaper production. The award-winning Océ JetStream® full-color inkjet family secures Océ’s leadership in this evolving market since its high quality, productivity and reliability make it the ideal platform for personalized and short-run newspapers. The newspapers will be produced on an Océ JetStream 2200. With a line speed of 150 m/min, the Océ JetStream 2200 has the capacity to produce more than 2,000 36-page tabloid newspapers per hour.

    From business concept to implementation
    Océ provides end-to-end solutions for the digital newspaper market. Sebastian Landesberger, Executive Vice President
    Océ Production Printing, comments: “Océ has patented the concept of personalized newspapers and founded the Digital Newspaper Network. The introduction of the Océ JetStream family of color inkjet presses has opened new markets such as domestic production of short-run titles or personalized newspapers with 10,000 or more copies. As a partner of the “niiu” project, Océ is once again a pioneer in the digital newspaper market. We are convinced of the potential of this exciting new business concept and intend to fully support its future development.”

    Patented personalization from Océ
    Océ’s solution for the newspaper market includes presses, workflows and business models. The principle underlying to the printing of “niiu” is patented by Océ. The company holds various intellectual property rights in Europe and the USA for the concept of ordering, accessing and printing individually assembled newspapers or other publications by utilizing the World Wide Web or other data networks.

    Océ PRISMA workflow for digital newspapers
    As part of the Océ PRISMA® for Graphic Arts software suite, Océ’s personalized newspaper solution automatically processes up to 1,000 megabytes of variable data per minute. The processing is carried out by multiple parallel PPML and PDF ripping processes running on Océ’s massive parallel SRA MP controller, thus matching the speed and productivity of the Océ JetStream 2200.

    Zijn ze goed bezig of zijn ze goed bezig :-)


  12. [verwijderd] 16 oktober 2009 16:52
    Tradincentral - 16 oktober 2009, 15:04

    Ons omslagpunt is 4.25

    Onze voorkeur : zolang 4.25 niet opgegeven wordt, geven we de voorkeur aan een opwaartse beweging van OCE met 5.15 en vervolgens 5.39 als volgende koersobjectieven.

    Alternatief scenario :als een verdere daling gewenst is, moet het scenario overwogen worden dat 4.25 opgegeven zal worden met 3.87 en vervolgens 3.64 als volgende koersobjectieven.

    Analyse: de dagelijkse indicatoren zijn goed georiënteerd. De RSI is boven het neutrale gebied op 50. De MACD is boven de signaallijn en positief.

    steunpuntenenweerstanden: 5.62 *, 5.39 **, 5.15, 4.597, 4.39, 4.25 **, 3.87 *

  13. [verwijderd] 20 oktober 2009 17:30
    ’s-Hertogenbosch, 20 oktober 2009 - Océ DossierFlow is een door Océ ontwikkelde oplossing voor het digitaal beheren en afhandelen van zaakdossiers. Het is een generieke oplossing die onder andere wordt gebruikt voor het beheren van project-, personeels-, klant- en studentendossiers, het accorderen van facturen en het afhandelen van sollicitaties, reisaanvragen, inkoopopdrachten of vergunningaanvragen bij gemeenten.

    Tijdens het onlangs gehouden seminar ‘MidOffice 2.0 en zaakgericht werken’ werden de resultaten gepresenteerd van een onafhankelijk vergelijkend onderzoek naar digitale zaaksystemen (www.kellerseminars.nl). In het onderzoek wordt Océ DossierFlow gehonoreerd met een plaats in de top-10 vanwege de snelle en brede inzetbaarheid, de gebruikersvriendelijkheid, de postintake, checklisten en acties en de gunstige cost of ownership. Voor de aspecten zaakbehandeling, de eenvoud in gebruik en de TCO behaalde Océ Dossierflow zelfs de hoogste score.

    Uit het onderzoek bleek tevens dat bij veel zaaksystemen de implementatie een grote bottleneck is. Gesproken werd van trajecten van enkele jaren. Bij de implementatie van Océ DossierFlow werd de gemeente Heumen als voorbeeld genoemd, waar na de implementatie zo’n 600 zaaktypen meteen beschikbaar waren en meer dan 300 zaaktypen in 6 maanden operationeel zijn gemaakt.

    Rob Weijers van Océ-Nederland, nauw betrokken bij de ontwikkeling van het gepatenteerde Dossierflow, vindt dat de conclusies van het onderzoek de mening van de gebruikers nog eens bevestigen. “De oplossing onderscheidt zich inderdaad op punten als gebruiksvriendelijkheid en de eenvoudige wijze van implementatie en beheer. Omdat geen procesanalyse nodig is en het implementatietraject slechts een halve dag in beslag neemt en - ook zeer belangrijk - de manier van werken niet verandert, kunnen gebruikers meteen aan de slag. Er is verder weinig beheer nodig, omdat bij veranderingen in de organisatie of in de uitvoering van zaken geen systeemaanpassingen nodig zijn.”, aldus Weijers.
  14. sappas 23 oktober 2009 19:38
    Océ Arizona 350 XT and Océ Arizona 350 GT printers win Product of the Year Awards

    • Sweep of both Rigid Substrate UV categories
    • Consistently honored by SGIA since 2006
    • Most award-winning UV flatbed printer in its class

    Venlo, The Netherlands, 23 October 2009 – The award-winning Océ Arizona® Series of UV flatbed printers adds two more awards to its list of distinguished honors.
    The Océ Arizona 350 XT and Océ Arizona 350 GT printers were both awarded the Product of the Year Award in their respective categories. The Océ Arizona 350 XT printer received the award for the Rigid Substrate UV >$200K MSRP category, and the Océ Arizona 350 GT printer was honored in the Rigid Substrate UV <$200K MSRP category. The awards were presented at the Specialty Graphic & Imaging Association’s (SGIA) annual convention and exposition held October 7-9, 2009 in New Orleans, USA.

    The Product of the Year Awards compare output from competing devices using a common test file designed by the association. The prints are reviewed by a panel of judges, each with a background and expertise in digital printing and imaging. The judges look for color appeal, detail and tonality, and the output is also judged on how closely it matches the test print.

    The images for both entries were processed using ONYX® ProductionHouseTM V7.3.2 Océ Edition RIP software. ONYX Graphics software utilizes ONYX color science and a proprietary color engine designed to specifically address color and profiling issues unique to large format inkjet printing. The results are better neutral, saturated and dark colors; and consistent color fidelity.

    Consistently honored, most award-winning UV flatbed printer series
    The Océ Arizona Series UV flatbed printers have been consistently honored by the SGIA organization. In 2006, the year of the original Océ Arizona 250 GT printer’s introduction, it won the the Vision Award, which is given to an exhibiting manufacturer whose new product has the best chance of positively impacting the digital imaging industry. The decision was based on the product’s relevance to the market, potential industry influence and prospective value to the product’s end users. The award was presented in September 2006.

    In 2007, the Océ Arizona 250 GT printer was awarded the Product of the Year Award in the Output Device Rigid Substrate UV category. In 2008, the Océ Arizona 350 GT was given the Product of the Year Award Honorable Mention in the UV Cured Rigid category.

    In all, Océ Arizona Series UV flatbed printers have accumulated 15 industry awards to date from organizations throughout the world. These awards validate the quality and innovation built into every Océ Arizona Series printer, now the most popular printer in its class.

    About the Océ Arizona Series UV flatbed printers
    The Océ Arizona Series printers – including the Océ Arizona 300 GT, Océ Arizona 350 GT and Océ Arizona 350 XT models – are quite simply a technology disruption: UV curable flatbed and roll-to-roll inkjet printers that deliver exceptional image quality to take display graphics to the next level. Customers use them to add new services by printing photo-quality images on virtually any media imaginable, and take on work that was never before possible with lesser quality printing systems. Océ Arizona 300 Series printers give users endless opportunities to increase display graphics revenues.

    About Océ Display Graphics Systems
    Océ Display Graphics Systems is a leading provider of professional, large format solutions for indoor and outdoor color display graphics applications. Océ solutions are specifically designed to enhance the revenue and profit opportunities for service providers by combining hardware with workflow software and the expertise to help companies expand into digital large format color. From extremely high-quality photo laser printers to outdoor-durable flatbed and roll-based systems, Océ offers a total solution including hardware, software, imaging supplies, finishing systems, service & support, and financing. Customers benefit in working with a full-service partner they can count on to help their businesses grow.



  15. sappas 26 oktober 2009 12:33
    Dutch Prime Minister Balkenende attends unveiling of new Océ printer in Japan

    Venlo, October 26 2009 – In Tokyo today, at an event attended by the Prime Minister of The Netherlands, Jan Peter Balkenende, Océ unveiled a new printer for the Japanese market for architects and manufacturers.

    The prime minister has come to Japan for an official visit. As Chairman of the Dutch Innovation Platform he is particularly interested in the cooperation between Japanese and Dutch companies. Océ has been commercially active in the Japanese market since 1934. Today Prime Minister Balkenende will also be visiting the Japanese Emperor Akihito and the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr Hatoyama.

    Very energy efficient Océ PlotWave 300
    Océ has developed the new Océ PlotWave 300 printer in cooperation with a Japanese technology company. This is in line with the Océ strategy to develop new products and services with partners within an open innovation framework. In addition to being suitable for architects and reprographers, the Océ PlotWave 300 is also used by manufacturers of cars, cell phones, consumer electronics and domestic appliances to scan and print their designs. Océ has sustainability as a design requirement when developing new technologies and printers. The Océ PlotWave 300 is therefore an energy-efficient wide format printer which uses only 50% of the electricity of comparable printers. The single compact design of the all-in-one copier and color scanner means the Océ PlotWave 300 occupies a tiny footprint, as the scanner is placed not next to, but on top of the printer. This is an important consideration in Japan, where space is of a premium.

    Prime Minister delighted with technological partnership
    In response to the launch of the Océ PlotWave 300, Prime Minister Balkenende commented today in Tokyo that he was delighted with the technological cooperation between Japanese and Dutch companies. During his visit to Océ, Prime Minister Balkenende was brought up to date on the latest developments in innovative printers as part of the cooperation between Océ and various Japanese partners, which include Konica Minolta, Fujifilm and Miyakoshi.

    Innovation important for national prosperity
    In his speech to the prime minister and members of the Innovation Platform, the director of Océ Wide Format Division, Tom Egelund, pointed out that technological innovation is responsible for almost half of the growth in the gross national product in almost all industrialized countries. He added that the growth in productivity in the United States since the mid-nineties of the last century is almost entirely thanks to investments in technology. Each year Océ N.V. invests around 7% of its revenues in research and development (approximately € 2.7 billion).

    Océ Japan striving for top position
    At Océ Japan around 100 specialists work on document management systems for leading customers, including manufacturers of cars and domestic appliances. Océ is currently aiming for a position in the top three in the Japanese market for wide format printers.


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