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  1. [verwijderd] 24 september 2010 11:26
    Spyker-dochter Saab start jv voor elektrische auto's
    24-09-2010 10:42:00
    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Saab Automobile, onderdeel van Spyker Cars nv (SPYKR.AE), start samen met American Axle Manufacturing (AAM) een joint venture voor de bouw, ontwikkeling en marketing van elektrische auto's,

    De joint venture gaat e-AAM Driveline Systems heten en is vanaf 1 oktober 2010 actief. Door de joint venture geproduceerde onderdelen moeten vanaf 2012 in de nieuwe generatie Saab-auto's worden verwerkt.

    Door Eelco Hiltermann; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715 210, eelco.hiltermann@dowjones.com

  2. AX lover 24 september 2010 14:50
    “Saab en AAM bundelen krachten”

    Utrecht, 24 september 2010

    Nieuwe en belangrijke stap als onafhankelijk bedrijf

    • Saab en American Axle Manufacturing (AAM) zetten joint venture op voor de ontwikkeling van elektrische en hybride aandrijflijnen.
    • Nieuw bedrijf, e-AAM Driveline Systems, met een hoofdkantoor in Trollhättan, Zweden.
    • Grote stap voorwaarts voor Saab richting een succesvolle toekomst als onafhankelijk bedrijf.

    Saab Automobile en American Axle Manufacturing (AAM) kondigen vandaag de oprichting aan van een bedrijf in mede-eigendom voor de techniek, ontwikkeling en marketing van elektrische vierwielaandrijving en elektrische en hybride aandrijflijnen. De nieuwe firma, e-AAM Driveline Systems genaamd, is gevestigd in Trollhättan. De joint venture start op 1 oktober aanstaande.

    Andere autofabrikanten
    e-AAM zal een innovatieve, elektrische vierwielaandrijving ontwikkelen en aanbieden in een volledig servicepakket. Deze elektrische vierwielaandrijving kan gemakkelijk geïntegreerd worden op bestaande platformen, zonder grote aanpassingen aan architectuur en carrosserie. Saab zal een klant worden van e-AAM Driveline Systems, en componenten aanschaffen die gebruikt zullen worden in de volgende generatie van Saabs vanaf 2012. Het nieuwe bedrijf zal ook zijn kennis en geavanceerde producten aanbieden aan andere autofabrikanten.

    Tijdens de aankondiging van de oprichting van e-AAM Driveline Systems, zei Jan Åke Jonsson, CEO van Saab Automobile: “Voor Saab is de aankondiging van deze samenwerking een grote stap voorwaarts in de richting van een succesvolle toekomst als onafhankelijk bedrijf. Saab is momenteel leider in z’n klasse met het innovatief Cross Wheel Drive System (XWD). De nieuwe elektrische vierwielaandrijving zal onze leiderspositie versterken met de nieuwe generatie Saabs. Deze joint venture zal de expertise van Saab en de kennis, productie en marketingkwaliteiten van AAM combineren, wat zal leiden tot een sterk samenwerkingsverband.”

    Hybride aandrijflijnen
    Richard E. Dauch, gedelegeerd bestuurder, voorzitter en medeoprichter van American Axle Manufacturing, zei: “AAM is blij met deze nieuwe joint venture met Saab. e-AAM zal dankzij de uitmuntende competenties van beide bedrijven state-of-the-art elektrische en hybride aandrijflijnen ontwikkelen. Zo kan e-AAM inspelen op de behoefte van internationale OEM’s, om het brandstofverbruik, de rijeigenschappen en de algemene prestaties van hun producten te verbeteren. De nieuwe en innovatieve producten die door e-AAM ontwikkeld zullen worden, alsook de nieuwe klanten die bediend zullen worden door deze joint venture, maken deel uit van het strategisch initiatief van AAM om onze business uit te breiden en te diversifiëren.”

    Bericht aan de redactie:
    Saab, oftewel Svenska Aeroplan Aktiebolaget, werd opgericht in 1937 als een luchtvaartfabrikant. Tien jaar later, na de oprichting van de Saab Car Division, onthulde het bedrijf zijn eerste prototype van een personenvoertuig. In 1990, werd Saab Automobile AB opgericht al een aparte firma, gedeeltelijk in eigendom van de Saab Scania Group en General Motors. In 2000 werd de volledige eigendom naar GM overgedragen. In februari 2010, kocht het Nederlandse Spyker Cars N.V., de firma van GM als een onafhankelijk bedrijf.
    Saab’s reflecteren een uniek Scandinavisch design, geïnspireerd op zijn luchtvaartgeschiedenis. Het bedrijf is een premium autoconstructeur met een onderscheidende geschiedenis op innovatief vlak. Saab werd erkend als pionier in de ontwikkeling van turbomotoren, alsook op vlak van passagiersveiligheid en de introductie van de Saab BioPower flexi-fuel technologie.
    Saab Automobile AB heeft momenteel 3800 mensen in dienst in Zweden. In Trollhättan, 70 km ten noorden van Göteborg, bevindt zich het hoofdkantoor met hoogstaande productie – en ontwikkelingsfaciliteiten.

    AAM is een beursgenoteerd bedrijf (NYSE – symbool: AXL) en een wereldleider in de productie, ontwikkeling, design en validatie van aandrijflijnen en aanverwante componenten, modules, onderstellen en metalen producten voor trucks, sports utility vehicles, personenwagens en crossover utility vehicles. AAM heeft vestigingen in de Verenigde Staten (Indiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania) en kantoren of fabrieken in Brazilië, China, Duitsland, India, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Polen, Zuid-Korea, Thailand en het Verenigd Koninkrijk.
  3. AX lover 24 september 2010 15:59
    Hierbij een (vertaald) Zweeds interview met de CTO van Saab over deze nieuwe jointventure:

    Saab into new technology cooperation

    Saab Automobile forming a new company with the parts supplier American Axle for the development of electric four-wheel drive.

    Saab will be a minority owner with a third and American Axle owns two-thirds of the company, which will begin operations in Trollhättan, Sweden on October 1. To begin with 18 employees, including 17 engineers from Saab.

    Saab's CTO Mats Fägerhag think the staff may need to double by year end.

    Saab was already in the GM time to develop a system for the electric four-wheel drive, which both have better driving characteristics and reduces fuel consumption.

    Saab was already in the GM time to develop a system for the electric four-wheel drive, which both have better driving characteristics and reduces fuel consumption.

    When the company Spyker Cars, which became independent owners started the hunt for an industrial partner.
    - We did an evaluation and the choice fell to American Axle. It feels like it could be a good marriage, "he says.

    This means that the Swedish Haldex, which accounts may be Saab's current four-wheel drive, are at risk of dropping out.
    - The electrical system is superior to the mechanical so our assessment is that the power completely takes over and then we have this partnership with American Axle, said Mats Fägerhag.

    The new technology is scheduled to first be in the new Saab 9-3, which is expected to roll in 2012.
    Bron: ttela.se/ekonomi/saab/1.967866-saab-i...
  4. AX lover 24 september 2010 16:22
    Mats Fägerhag on Saab’s new e-AAM Driveline Systems company

    by Swade on September 24, 2010
    I’ve just got off the phone with Mats Fägerhag, Saab’s chief technical guru. We talked a little about the new e-AAM Driveline Systems venture that Saab has set up with American Axle Manufacturing.

    Saab owns one third of the new company, which will be based in Trollhattan. AAM own the remaining two-thirds.

    Here are the dot points from that conversation…..

    Saab already use a class-leading all-wheel-drive system in Haldex’s XWD, but one of the downsides with it is that it brings a 10-12% penalty in fuel economy. That’s because the system works so well in terms of moving torque around to different wheels, keeping the car stable, predictable and dynamic when you need it to be – it all takes energy. Saab’s aim in researching this new system is finding a way to maintain XWD-like stability whilst substantially improving fuel economy.

    The system that Saab have been developing since the carve-out from General Motors is an all-new system, developed by Saab. The patents and IP belong to Saab and this has been approved by GM.

    Saab was the lead center for all-wheel-drive development within GM, so they built up a very experienced team that has been able to work quickly on this new technology once Saab were separated from GM.

    AAM have come on board because Saab don’t have the capacity or capability to complete this technology to manufacturing stage, or to actually design and execute the manufacturing process. The new entity will be responsible for this. AAM also have vast marketing resources and contacts with other manufacturers – and that’s one of the principal aims of this venture: selling the technology to other manufacturers and thereby creating a revenue stream that will come back to Saab and AAM.

    Whilst the technology will be sold to other manufacturers, there is an exclusivity agreement that ensures Saab will have the technology first, and exclusively for six months before others can use it. This exclusivity agreement applies to all new generations of the technology that will be developed in the future. It will always appear first on a Saab.

    The technology involves two electric motors being used on the rear axle. Conventional thinking would be to have two large electric motors, one for each wheel. Large motors mean large batteries, or a generator. That means weight, and lack of economy.

    The new system developed by Saab, which will be completed by e-AAM is different. There will be a large electric motor providing power and torque. In addition there will be a smaller electric motor that will handle the torque vectoring between the rear wheels. This means a smaller battery, less weight, but a heap more torque that’ll be precisely controlled by the combination rear axle motors.

    For initial expected use, the car will still have an internal combustion engine in the front. It’s expected that fuel consumption will be below the fuel consumption of a regular front wheel drive car.

    AWD technology and handling with better-than-FWD fuel economy. Now that’s an attractive offering.

    The big one…..

    Saab are working towards using this technology in the next generation of the Saab 9-3, expected for release in the last quarter of 2012.

    As they’re aiming to sell the technology to other companies, the new system will be designed to be highly adaptable, meaning that it should be easily applied to the 9-5 and the quite possibly the Saab 9-4x and future Saabs as well.

    This is a fantastic example of an intelligent, but smaller and more fast-moving Saab getting some meaningful developments underway in a quick timeframe.

    This is the sort of stuff that we’ve always believed the Saab engineers were capable of. I can’t say enough about how happy it makes me to see this sort of thing getting underway.

    This is the new Saab.

  5. forum rang 6 benbelegger 24 september 2010 21:12
    Kijk, dit zijn nou berichten waar je het allemaal voor doet! Al heeft Saab dan misschien niet genoeg auto's verkocht het eerste halfjaar, ze blijven stug doorgaan op de ingeslagen weg en hebben (gelukkig) genoeg nieuwe ideeën om er ook wat bijzonders van te maken. Want als de autoverkopen beter gaan dan valt het niet mee om je als kleine marktspeler te onderscheiden. En vooral niet als je er een tijdje tussenuit bent geweest. Dan moet er een grote inhaalslag gemaakt worden. Maar ik krijg er steeds meer vertrouwen in dat het gaat slagen. Ze doen hun uiterste best, zijn enthousiast en gaan niet bij de eerste de beste tegenslag bij de pakken neerzitten.
    Hier geldt: de aanhouder wint en misschien dus ook: de aandeelhouder wint...
    Eens kijken hoe de vlag er midden volgend jaar voor staat. En in die tussentijd wat minder schampere opmerkingen van een enkeling op dit forum. De beste stuurlui staan aan wal.
  6. [verwijderd] 24 september 2010 23:27

    greenspanalan schreef:

    een kinderhand is snel gevuld
    ha ha ha ha daar baalt Hepie van he?
    Ga maar gauw berichtjes zoeken van verkoop cijfers.
    vlug vlug.
  7. [verwijderd] 24 september 2010 23:34
    verkoop is het enige wat telt. al verstuur je 100 persberichten over joint ventures.

    het is al weer bijna oktober, kunnen we weer cijfers laten zien!
  8. [verwijderd] 25 september 2010 10:02
    Ik weet niet waarom dit persbericht zo'n ophef veroorzaakt. Ze gaan met een andere partij wat assen maken en er werken maar liefst 18 man in die joint venture.
  9. [verwijderd] 26 september 2010 11:38
    Mooi artikel waar ik me alleen maar bij kan aansluiten.

    Saab, Volvo, And A Tradition Of Difference
    Put Another Way, Who Needs Swedish Automobiles?

    by: William Jeanes | AOL Autos

    Recent events raise these questions: What if there were no Swedish cars? Would automotive enthusiasts, as we know them in the 21st Century, suffer the cultural equivalent of permanent brain damage, or would the sun go on rising and the appearance of mindless X-Men sequels continue unabated?

    Little would change for most of us, but for dedicated Saab cultists, whose number grows ever smaller through chronological attrition, the potential loss of the Saab nameplate ranks with such emotional automotive disasters as the appearance of the automatic transmission. Saab loyalists, many of whom remain in therapy because of the company’s sale to and subsequent destruction by General Motors, just don’t want to admit that the Saab brand has holed out on 18 and is headed for the clubhouse.


    Saab fans are not alone in their questionable enthusiasm. They are joined by an even smaller tribe of true believers, who belong to what I call the St. Jude Society. As you perhaps know, St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes and is heaven-sent for such groups and individuals as Saab lovers, cargo cults, Manhattan Republicans, Esperanto speakers, and persons who want to be automobile manufacturers. Sometimes, these disparate hopefuls find their paths crossing: Saabists and Spyker Cars, for example.

    The sordid tale of how the expert “niche marketers” at GM threw acid into the face of the Saab brand has been told and retold. Suffice it to say that the men and women at what is now America’s Car Company Whether You Wanted It or Not boiled every ounce of Swedish character out of Saab cars. Except for that horrid ignition key of course.

    “If we hadn’t left the thing on the floor, Saab nuts would have thrown a running hissy fit,” one executive told me.

    I suppose we can be thankful that GM shed Saab before our government intervened, mandating that a percentage of all cars built must have their ignition switches down on the floor beside potentially lethal floor mats in order to preserve self-esteem among Saab fanciers.

    But I digress. Just as Saab’s Humpty Dumpty egg was tumbling off the wall, up rushed Spyker Cars in the person of its owner and CEO, 51-year-old Victor Muller. He bought Saab from GM at a bargain price, a term that in this instance has oxymoronic qualities.

    What is Spyker Cars, you ask? It is a small company in the Netherlands that builds handsome high-horsepower super cars such as the C-8 Laviolette L85 coupe and the C-8 Aileron, which comes as a coupe or a convertible. You could put Spyker’s total annual production (43 cars in 2008, 31 in 2009) between the goal posts at the Superdome. Now it’s set a goal of soon building and selling 100,000 Saabs per year.

    Victor Muller, a lawyer by education, made his money legitimately in the fashion and shipping businesses and is a man with a dream. But his audacity recalls the marvelous story about the industrialist Henry J. Kaiser, who also went into the car business after making his money elsewhere.

    Shortly after World War II, while addressing a business group in Detroit, Kaiser announced that he was prepared to spend $100 million to launch his career as an automaker. From a voice in the back of the room came, “Give that man one white chip.” Kaiser lost that chip and several others, and one worries that Muller may suffer the same fate. Automaking is not for novices, but to quote an old Swedish proverb, “Those who wish to sing will always find a song.”

    Meanwhile, hope fairly leaps from the breasts of Saab lovers as they gaze upon their Dutch savior. They display the same religious fervor that characterized those who invested in tulips during the Tulip Boom of 1637 before that fragrant commodity became the centerpiece of the Great Tulip Bubble of 1637. How many of the faithful have purchased Spyker shares at the *2.35 they’re selling for as I write this, I do not know. Fewer, one hopes, than those who bought it five years ago at *20.

    Just as we westerners hope there will always be an England, we can hope that some form of Saab provides a refuge for quirkophiles, to say nothing of saving the manufacturing jobs and foreign exchange that the generally likeable nation of Sweden could use. Can Spyker, as Saab Spyker Automobiles, do this?

    Spyker, in its first iteration (1898-1925) sold the Swedish royal family its first automobile, constructed a car that finished second in the Peking-to-Paris race, and even built 100 aircraft during World War I (explaining the propeller on the Spyker logo). The royal coach it built in 1898 is still in use. Spyker can therefore be said to have a can-do tradition if we overlook the 80-odd years it was out of business. Even its motto, nulla tenaci invia est via (“For the tenacious, no road is impassable”), exudes confidence.

    By becoming a Dutch manufacturer, Spyker even follows in the national tire tracks of the belt-driven DAF Daffodil automobile, assuring for the time being a level of strangeness sufficient to please even hard-core Saab owners.

    Saab’s new roots in the land of the tulip stand in stark contrast to its Swedish colleagues over at Volvo. In most circles, no disinterested observer ever considered Volvos quirky. Rather, the brand achieved remarkable status on the durability and safety fronts back in the years when only Mercedes-Benz seemed to really care whether our heads went through the windshield every now and again, and when some American cars even lasted all year.

    Perhaps because of the occupant-safety component, Volvos, especially the station wagon, became sought-after among affluent suburbanites. So sought-after that they spawned the Yuppie joke: How do the wealthy bury their dead? They roll them off the yacht club pier in their Volvos.

    Ford bought Volvo in 1999 and made it a part of the elegantly named but now defunct Premier Automotive Group. There, an enormously talented designer named Peter Horbury created Volvo exteriors that actually contained curves. That accomplished, Ford concluded that it really didn’t need the baggage of an upscale Swedish car company and sold Volvo to Zhejiang Geely Holding Group of China.

    Unlike Spyker, Geely has a history of mass-producing automobiles. If it uses its corporate head, it will retain the name Volvo. I do not mean to disparage emerging markets, but I cannot imagine members at the Greenwich Country Club standing around in their Brooks Brothers blazers and brick-red Orvis trousers sipping Old Fashioneds while discussing their Geelys. And like it or not, Volvo needs club members.

    The larger world, save for the aforementioned Swedish workforce, will not care greatly whether future newspaper editors can write, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Saab (or Volvo),” but for now, if significant numbers of Saab and Volvo lovers want to raise a glass of aquavit and take a morsel of gravlax for their nameplates’ sake, I say “Skål!.”

  10. AX lover 28 september 2010 23:18
    SaabUSA offering $1000 luxury incentive
    by Swade on September 29, 2010

    I just thought I’d pass on the fact that Saab Cars North America (SaabUSA is shorter for the sake of a headline) is offering a $1,000 incentive to all owners of a luxury nameplate* if they purchase a 2010 Saab.

    * – the car must be 1995 or later, and one of the following brands:

    Mercedes Benz
    One persuasive part about the incentive is that the buyer doesn’t have to trade in their old competitor. They just need to provide proof of ownership.

    I found out about the incentive deal from Fred Shaw at Shaw Saab, in Massachusetts. They’re promoting it quite actively in their area and have set aside a spot on their website for customers specifically for this deal.

    I kinda reluctant to get picky (I’m really over that sort of gear now), but the page for the SaabUSA site could use some different colors – it’s really hard to read.

    Anyway, maybe you can benefit from this incentive, or maybe you can pass it on to some friends. It includes whatever 2010 9-5s that are still in stock, as well as the 9-3 Sport Sedan.
  11. [verwijderd] 29 september 2010 08:53
    Saab vanaf 2012 aangedreven door BMW
    ZEEWOLDE (AFN) - De volgende generatie auto's van het Zweedse merk Saab wordt vanaf 2012 aangedreven door benzinemotoren van de Duitse fabrikant BMW. Dat heeft het Nederlandse Spyker Cars, sinds begin van dit jaar eigenaar van Saab, woensdag bekendgemaakt. Financiële details werden niet vermeld.

    De overeenkomst voor de levering van de krachtbronnen werd woensdag getekend in Trollhättan, de thuisbasis van Saab. Volgens Spyker-topman Victor Muller is de samenwerking met BMW een "belangrijke stap voor Saab om een winstgevende, onafhankelijke autoproducent te worden".

    Beide partijen staan volgens Muller open om andere samenwerkingsvormen te onderzoeken.

    Bron: ANP
    Publicatiedatum: 29 sep 2010 08:50:42
    Copyright (c) 2010 - Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau ANP

    Spyker Cars

    gr hans791
  12. AX lover 30 september 2010 13:10

    Zeewolde, The Netherlands, 30 September 2010. Spyker Cars N.V. ("the Group"), a holding company that owns subsidiaries which produce and sell premium automobiles under the Saab and Spyker brands, announces that Victor Muller was named entrepreneur of the year by Automotive News Europe.

    The dynamic business acumen of the Group's CEO and Saab Automobile Chairman Victor Muller was recognized last night when he received an Entrepreneur of the Year award at the 2010 Eurostars Awards ceremony in Paris, staged by trade publication Automotive News Europe. This award was specially created to acknowledge Muller's outstanding achievements.

    The Dutch businessman showed extraordinary tenacity during protracted negotiations to purchase Saab Automobile from General Motors, working closely with Saab's executive leadership team. The future of Saab Automobile was eventually secured when its takeover by Muller's company, Spyker Cars NV, was confirmed on February 23.

    "I feel incredibly honoured and proud to receive this award," said Muller, as he was presented with the accolade. "However, this is not just for me, but for all the Saab employees and Saab's excellent management headed by Jan Åke Jonsson, who have shown tremendous commitment and dedication during a challenging but exciting period in the company's history.

    "Saab has already achieved a great deal in a short space of time. We have strengthened our global organization, successfully launched a new flagship model, forged exciting new business partnerships and ramped up the development of future products and technologies.

    "Over the next 12 months Saab will launch two more premium cars, in addition to the new 9-5 sedan, and will enter at least one new market segment. These vehicles will be engineered and designed as true Saabs. All this activity shows Saab is firmly on track to deliver on its business plan."

    - Ends -
  13. AX lover 30 september 2010 13:56
    Antonov keert terug?

    Antonov may be about to enter Saab
    Sweden yesterday 19:26 | Last updated yesterday 19:28

    It is quite possible that the controversial Russian financier Vladimir Antonov admitted as shareholders in Saab owner Spyker again argue Saab's President Victor Muller and TT.
    - Yes, it is realistic. He is completely clean, "says Muller.
    According to Muller discusses Antonov still with GM to be cleansed. More than nine months after that GM forced him off a stake in the Spyker, because of alleged links to organized crime. Accusations without proof, believes Muller.
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