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BP na de ramp

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  1. [verwijderd] 1 augustus 2010 20:00

    Cementwagen schreef:

    Olie is door bacterien opgegeten.

    Video van de NOS: headlines.nos.nl/forum.php/list_messa...

    Bacteriën eten olie op do 29 jul 2010 |7 reacties |eKudosMSN ReporterNUjij
    Na maandenlange berichten over de enorme schade die de olie in de Golf van Mexico aanricht, is er eindelijk ook een beetje beter nieuws. Natuurlijke bacteriën zorgen ervoor dat de olie op het wateroppervlak sneller afbreekt dan was verwacht, zeggen Amerikaanse onderzoekers.

    Bovendien hebben twee stormen in het gebied de grote olievlekken uiteen gedreven, waardoor die makkelijker afbreken. De wetenschappers waarschuwen overigens nog wel steeds voor de gevolgen van de olieramp op de lange termijn. Onder de zeespiegel is veel schade aangericht, zeggen ze.
    Wat 1 flauwekul te erg voor woorden.

  2. [verwijderd] 1 augustus 2010 20:07

    ffff schreef:

    Als ik jou was zou ik toch maar oppassen voor die haai(en).....
    Die zijn dood ...
    Volgens mij snapt u niet wat die chemicaliën doen volgens mij..
    Het maakt alles DOOOD!
    Dus ook een HAAAAAAAI gaat dood.
    EN het is al dood.
  3. [verwijderd] 1 augustus 2010 20:24

    *Economie* schreef:

    Als ik jou was zou ik toch maar oppassen voor die haai(en).....

    Die zijn dood ...
    Volgens mij snapt u niet wat die chemicaliën doen volgens mij..
    Het maakt alles DOOOD!
    Dus ook een HAAAAAAAI gaat dood.
    EN het is al dood.
    Kom kom Economie niet overdrijven .

    De mens zelf is uiteindelijk zelf debet aan deze (kleine) ramp.

    Mondiaal gezien gebeuren er veel meer zaken die je zorgen zouden moeten baren .

    Kijk en dat zijn nu de sluipmoordenaars van een eco-systeem .

    Think !
    Mvg Peerke
  4. [verwijderd] 1 augustus 2010 20:27

    TA-Phoenix schreef:

    Als ik jou was zou ik toch maar oppassen voor die haai(en).....

    Die zijn dood ...
    Volgens mij snapt u niet wat die chemicaliën doen volgens mij..
    Het maakt alles DOOOD!
    Dus ook een HAAAAAAAI gaat dood.
    EN het is al dood.

    Kom kom Economie niet overdrijven .

    De mens zelf is uiteindelijk zelf debet aan deze (kleine) ramp.

    Mondiaal gezien gebeuren er veel meer zaken die je zorgen zouden moeten baren .

    Kijk en dat zijn nu de sluipmoordenaars van een eco-systeem .

    Think !
    Mvg Peerke
    Een (kleine) ramp ????????

    Laat maar..

    Ik heb een doorzichtige lijst met alle punten die moeten veranderen.
    Maar die is zo lang.
    Dan zijn we dagen zoet.
  5. [verwijderd] 1 augustus 2010 20:34

    *Economie* schreef:

    De mens zelf is uiteindelijk zelf debet aan deze (kleine) ramp.

    Think !
    Mvg Peerke

    Een (kleine) ramp ????????

    Ja een kleine ramp !

    Mvg Peerke
  6. [verwijderd] 1 augustus 2010 20:35

    TA-Phoenix schreef:

    De mens zelf is uiteindelijk zelf debet aan deze (kleine) ramp.

    Think !
    Mvg Peerke

    Een (kleine) ramp ????????


    Ja een kleine ramp !

    Mvg Peerke
  7. Cementwagen 4 augustus 2010 09:59
    BP heeft operatie 'static kill' afgerond
    Uitgegeven: 4 augustus 2010 08:51
    Laatst gewijzigd: 4 augustus 2010 09:08
    LONDEN - Het Britse olieconcern BP heeft woensdag laten weten dat de procedure 'static kill', om het olielek in de Golf van Mexico definitief te dichten, is afgerond.

    Operatie 'static kill' slideshow
    Het bedrijf begon de procedure op dinsdagavond 22.00 uur Nederlandse tijd. Het proces hield in dat er een stof in de opening waar de olie uitkomt werd gespoten om het lek geheel af te sluiten.
    En dit heeft geleid tot ''het gewenste resultaat'', aldus BP. Daarna wordt er een betonnen kap opgezet om de lekkage definitief af te sluiten.

    Link: www.nu.nl/buitenland/2305648/bp-heeft...
  8. [verwijderd] 4 augustus 2010 12:11
    Ik heb BP vanochtend verkocht op 5,00(XTR), dikke 25% vanaf 24 Juni.
    Denk dat er nog veel ellende komt voor BP komende maanden ook al is het lek dicht. De schade aan het milieu zal pas langzaam duidelijk worden.
    Het slagen van deze missie Static Kill is allang verwerkt in de huidige koers.
  9. Cementwagen 4 augustus 2010 17:18
    Vandaag boven de 40 dollar momenteel, het lek is dicht en de olie is voor het grootste gedeelte verdwenen (afgebroken door bacterien, opgevangen, afgebrand etc). Ze hebben een goede deal gemaakt voor de verkoop van de colombiaanse activiteiten. Een nieuw persoon aan het roer. De olieprijs is weer boven de 82 dollar. Kortom, het gaat weer de goede kant op met BP.

    BP Says 'Static Kill' Achieved in Gulf
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    BP PLC claimed a big victory in its efforts to plug its blown-out Gulf of Mexico oil well as a senior White House official said the vast majority of oil from the spill was now gone.

    BP said its "static kill" procedure, in which heavy drilling mud was used to push oil from the runaway well back into the reservoir, had been a success. It described the development as a "significant milestone."

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    Getty Images
    Ships work near the site of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on August 3, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Louisiana. BP is plugging the damaged oil well today with a "static kill", by pumping mud into it.

    The U.K. oil major may now move to seal the well for good by cementing it shut, if it gets the go-ahead from government scientists and officials. But the company has stressed that the only permanent solution to the spill is a relief well, which will be completed by the middle of this month.

    Journal Community

    Addressing industry officials at a public forum in New Orleans, Michael Bromwich, director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management—the government's new offshore-drilling oversight agency—said the apparent success of the static kill procedure was "a major achievement that we're all extremely pleased about."

    But he added that there was still "much work to be done" by the oil industry to assure the administration and the public that deepwater drilling can resume safely in U.S. waters. The government has imposed a moratorium on deepwater drilling that is scheduled to last until Nov. 30.

    Meanwhile, Carol Browner, energy and climate change adviser to President Barack Obama, said on a U.S. television talk show that "the vast majority of the oil appears to be gone." She said scientists had ascertained that about 75% of the oil had either evaporated or been broken down in the Gulf, or been captured or burned off.

    She said "Mother Nature will continue to break it down," although some of it could continue to wash up onshore in the form of tarballs.

    The success of the static kill marks a breakthrough in BP's attempts to subdue a well that the government estimates has spewed nearly five million barrels of crude into the Gulf of Mexico.

    It comes more than three months after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded off the coast of Louisiana, killing 11 men and triggering what has now been acknowledged as the world's worst accidental oil spill at sea.

    Jeffrey Ball discusses a government report that estimates the overall size of the BP spill at 4.9 million barrels, making it the largest oil spill in history.

    Gusher in the Gulf

    See graphics covering how the spill happened, what's being done to stop it, and the impact on the region.

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    Success on Surface, Questions Below
    BP Sells Colombian Business to Ecopetrol, Talisman for $1.9 Billion
    Bromwich Hopes to Shorten Deep-Water Drilling Ban
    Spill Uncorked 4.9 Million Barrels
    News Hub: How Bad Was BP Oil Spill?
    Complete Coverage: Gulf Oil Spill
    How BP Affects the Drilling Industry
    The spill has been a catastrophe for the economy of the Gulf Coast and badly weakened BP, whose chief executive Tony Hayward was forced to step down over the disaster. The company is facing billions of dollars in fines and penalties for the pollution caused by the spill, as well as huge claims for damages.

    No oil has been leaking into the Gulf since the middle of July, when BP installed a new, tightly fitting cap on top of the gushing well. But the oil was still pressing against the cap with enormous pressure.

    Over the course of eight hours on Tuesday, BP's engineers pumped hundreds of barrels of heavy drilling mud into the well from vessels on the surface. Gradually the pressure of the mud was equal to the upward pressure of the oil and gas, which was forced back into the reservoir.

    The well "appears to have reached a static condition," BP said in a statement. It is now monitoring the well to ensure it remains under control, and may decide to pump in more mud depending on the results.

    BP officials have stressed a definitive solution will only come with the relief well, which should be completed in mid-August.

    —Stephen Power contributed to this article.

    Link: online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527...
  10. Cementwagen 5 augustus 2010 16:27
    ‘Milieuschade olieramp BP beperkt’
    Van onze verslaggever Michael Persson op 05 augustus '10, 07:00, bijgewerkt 05 augustus '10, 08:59

    Een dode, met olie besmeurde 'Oestervanger' op het Waveland-strand, Mississippi (EPA)
    AMSTERDAM - De milieugevolgen van de olieramp in de Golf van Mexico lijken mee te vallen. Al driekwart van alle gelekte olie is weg, schrijven Amerikaanse onderzoekers in een woensdag verschenen overheidsrapport.
    Olielek gedicht na 4,9 miljoen vaten olie
    BP wacht forse rekening na olieramp
    De rest is voor het merendeel zo verdund dat die geen schade meer kan toebrengen aan de ecosystemen van de Golf, aldus de onderzoekers van de Amerikaanse oceanografische dienst NOAA. Eerder deze week werd bekend dat er bijna 800 miljoen liter olie is weggelekt.

    Olieconcern BP kwam gisteren een stap dichter bij het definitief afdichten van het lek. Het concern slaagde erin zware boorvloeistof in de put te pompen. Die ‘modder’ houdt nu door zijn gewicht de olie tegen. Dat betekent dat de druk van de kap af is, en dat die kap in theorie kan worden opengezet.

    Het NOAA-rapport vermeldt zeer precies wat er de afgelopen 101 dagen met de gelekte olie is gebeurd. Verdampt: 25 procent. Opgevangen: 17 procent. Verbrand: 5 procent. Opgeveegd: 3 procent. Natuurlijk gedispergeerd (in minuscule druppeltjes uiteengevallen): 16 procent. Chemisch gedispergeerd: 8 procent.

    Daar is nog wel een kanttekening bij te plaatsen. De gedispergeerde olie zweeft nog onder water. Daar worden de druppeltjes door bacteriën afgebroken, maar nog onbekend is hoe snel dat gaat. ‘Ik denk dat we geluk hebben dat de afbraaksnelheid in de Golf van Mexico tamelijk hoog is’, zei NOAA-directeur Jane Lubchenco.

    Over de gebruikte chemische middelen maken de onderzoekers zich geen grote zorgen. De giftigheid daarvan is twintig keer lager dan die van afwasmiddel. Dus stelde de Amerikaanse overheid eerder gesloten visgronden weer open. Toch houden externe deskundigen een slag om de arm. ‘In deze fase moet je alle rapporten wantrouwen’, zegt zeebioloog Kees Camphuysen van het Nederlandse instituut NIOZ. ‘De belangen zijn groot.’

    In mei stelde Camphuysen dat het voorbarig was het olielek tot grote milieuramp uit te roepen. Nu zegt hij dat het voorbarig is te zeggen dat het meevalt. ‘Dat weten we pas over jaren, als je ziet dat de voedselketen zich in volgende generaties stabiliseert.’
  11. [verwijderd] 5 augustus 2010 22:32
    milieu deskundigen zeggen nu dat de golf kust de ergste nachtmerrie van 1 catastrofe heeft afgeweerd.

    Analysis: Did Gulf dodge an ecological bullet?
    On Thursday August 5, 2010, 12:16 pm EDT
    By Chris Baltimore

    HOUSTON (Reuters) - With most of a once-massive Gulf of Mexico oil slick no longer a threat, environmental experts say the Gulf coast may have dodged the worst nightmare of a massive catastrophe.
  12. [verwijderd] 5 augustus 2010 22:37
    Nog niks bekend over de oorzaak tussen 2(). wordt wel tijd. zo meteen blijkt uit het 6000 dikke pagina's tellende onderzoeksrapport dat het allemaal de schuld was van niemand en al helemaal niet van bp.
  13. Cementwagen 10 augustus 2010 09:35
    U.S., BP Near Deal on Fund
    Gulf of Mexico Oil Production Would Secure Company's $20 Billion Recovery Plan
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    WASHINGTON—The Obama administration and BP PLC are close to a deal to use future revenues from the oil giant's Gulf of Mexico operations to guarantee its $20 billion cleanup and compensation fund, a move that would give both sides an incentive to continue production in the Gulf, scene of the U.S.'s worst-ever offshore oil spill.

    The Justice Department and BP said Monday they had completed talks to establish the fund, which is designed to cover damage claims from residents and businesses hurt by the spill and clean-up efforts by state and local governments. BP paid $3 billion into the fund ahead of schedule.

    Discussions continue, however, on how BP will guarantee its remaining obligation of $17 billion. At one point in the negotiations, the two sides discussed securing the fund with BP's oil fields in the Gulf, but the government didn't want to end up owning wells, said one person familiar with the situation.

    BP has said it expects to be able to make the required payments to the $20 billion fund through its ongoing operations and asset sales. However, the administration wanted security in the form of collateral in the event that BP couldn't meet its obligation due to financial or legal problems.

    The issue of collateral is the last detail to be ironed out. It is a prickly political issue because it could make the administration and BP partners of sorts in developing the Gulf.

    Such a deal could provoke a backlash on Capitol Hill, where some lawmakers are moving to bar BP from operating in the Gulf. Legislation approved by the House of Representatives in July would effectively prohibit the government from issuing new offshore oil leases or drilling permits to the oil company by adding a roster of requirements BP couldn't satisfy.

    BP currently is the operator of 89 producing wells in the Gulf and a stakeholder in 60 other wells operated by other companies. Of these 149 producing wells, BP's share of the production is 400,000 barrels a day. BP isn't currently drilling any new Gulf wells, other than a relief well for the plugging operation.

    Under the latest negotiations, BP would use production payments from its producing Gulf wells as collateral for the fund, and would provide quarterly production updates to the government. The collateral requirements would be reduced as BP pays money into the fund.

    An administration official called the oil revenue "one option" for collateral, adding that the administration needed to do more work on several factors including the "financial reliability of well production" in BP's Gulf operations. The Gulf region accounts for about 10% of BP's production of oil and gas and is one of the company's most profitable areas of business.

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    Bloomberg News
    Transocean's Development Driller III rig works to drill a primary relief well as seen from the deck of the Development Driller II rig at the BP Macondo site in the Gulf of Mexico on Aug. 7.

    Gusher in the Gulf

    See graphics covering how the spill happened, what's being done to stop it, and the impact on the region.

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    Follow key developments since the initial explosion.

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    The two sides met Monday at the White House. BP's soon-to-be chief executive Robert Dudley and another BP executive sat down with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and the White House energy and climate change adviser Carol Browner. The administration officials "impressed upon BP the importance of living up to their commitment to long-term recovery, and underscored that the Administration will remain vigilant in ensuring that promise is met," the White House said in a written statement.

    It's unclear how any agreement on collateral would affect the administration's moratorium on exploratory deep-water drilling in the Gulf. The Interior Department issued a new ban in July after its initial order was struck down by a federal judge. The Obama administration estimates the ban has idled 33 drilling rigs; the oil industry says it has resulted in millions of dollars in lost wages. Rigs currently producing oil aren't affected.

    If this unusual collateral arrangement is inked, it would represent a new level of interaction between BP and the federal government. Both sides have been tied together, for good and bad, since the Deepwater Horizon rig sank in April.

    The escrow fund has become a focus of both the White House and BP now that the runaway well is close to being permanently sealed. President Barack Obama, who announced the $20 billion fund earlier this summer after meeting with BP executives, wants to show he is holding the oil giant responsible for the environmental and financial mess caused by the spill.

    BP, for its part, wants to dispel rumors it is dragging its feet on helping the Gulf. "Establishing this trust and making the initial deposit ahead of schedule further demonstrates our commitment to making it right in the Gulf Coast," said Mr. Dudley, the recently named BP chief executive, in a written statement.

    In a written statement Monday, Associate Attorney General Tom Perrilli said: "We have made clear that the company still needs to ensure that the necessary funds will be available if something happens to the subsidiary that established the trust, and we look forward to completion of an appropriate security arrangement in the near future."

    In setting up the escrow fund Monday, BP named two individual trustees, a former federal judge and a law-school dean. It also selected Citigroup as the corporate trustee. BP also has retained former Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger Altman to advise on how the oil giant can pledge oil revenue to the U.S. government as collateral.

    BP is scheduled to make the next payment into the fund of $2 billion in the fourth quarter of this year. After that, $1.25 billion will be deposited per quarter until the total $20 billion has been paid.

    Separately, BP said early this week that an operation to plug the troubled well, called a "static kill," was successful. Now BP is in the final days of drilling a relief well as a precaution. This "bottom kill" operation will pour heavy drilling fluid and cement into the well to ensure that it never again spills oil into the Gulf.

    —Stephen Power contributed to this article.
    Write to Monica Langley at monica.langley@wsj.com

    Link: online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527...
  14. pim f 30 september 2010 19:36
    ik ben de afgelopen weken met 2000 stukjes voorzichtig ingestapt; als de dividend-betalingen hervat worden, en volgens mij worden ze dat, dan komt er voorlopig geen eind aan de goed nieuws show en daar houden beleggers van. Ik ga hier een rit maken (is de bedoeling althans) tot zeker 5 pond eind van het jaar en dan weg ermee
  15. Cementwagen 2 november 2010 09:38
    Cijfers van BP:

    BP Returns to Profit in Third Quarter with Strong Operating Performance
    Release date: 02 November 2010
    BP announced today that a strong operating performance across the group helped it return to profit in the third quarter of 2010 despite an additional pre-tax charge of $7.7 billion in respect of the Gulf of Mexico spill.

    Headline replacement cost profit for the third quarter was $1.8 billion, compared with a loss of $17.0 billion in the previous quarter and a profit of $5.0 billion in the third quarter of 2009.

    On an underlying basis, after adjusting for non-operating items, third-quarter replacement cost profit was $5.5 billion, an increase of 18 per cent on the year-ago quarter.

    “These results demonstrate that BP is well on track for recovery after the tragic accident on the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig and subsequent oil spill,” commented group chief executive Bob Dudley. “We have made good progress during the quarter. This strong operating performance shows the determination of everyone at BP to move the company forward and rebuild confidence after the terrible events of the past six months.
    “We have also begun to make important changes in the way we operate across the Group – including creating a powerful Safety and Operational Risk function and restructuring the upstream segment – to ensure that safety and risk management are embedded as the absolute priority for every operation, for every person, throughout BP.”

    The company said its Exploration & Production segment, now being restructured into separate functional Exploration, Development and Production divisions, recorded lower production volumes as a result of normal seasonal turnaround activities and as a consequence of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. But its financial result was stronger than in both the previous quarter and a year ago, thanks to the improved price environment and lower depreciation.
    Refining & Marketing recorded another good quarter, with refining availability remaining high and petrochemicals maintaining high production and utilisation rates. The US downstream business was profitable for the second successive quarter.

    The additional pre-tax charge of $7.7 billion for the Gulf of Mexico spill followed a charge of $32.2 billion in the second quarter and was due principally to higher spill response costs. This reflected a delay in completing the relief well that finally sealed the Macondo well in September, additional mandated costs for decontaminating and demobilising vessels involved in the response, claims centre administration costs and additional legal costs.

    BP said the total charge of $39.9 billion for the incident to the end of the third quarter represented its current best estimate of those costs that can be reliably measured at this time.
    The company said its previously-announced divestment programme was making good progress, with sales agreements in place totalling around $14 billion compared with a target of $25 to $30 billion by the end of 2011. Cash held at the end of the third quarter was nearly $13 billion.

    The company described its improving financial condition and the strength of disposal proceeds as “encouraging” and reaffirmed the Board’s intention to review future dividends with the full-year results in early 2011.
    Further information:
    Name: BP press office
    Location: London
    Phone : +44 (0)20 7496 4076
    Email: bppress@bp.com

    Link: www.bp.com/genericarticle.do?category...
  16. Cementwagen 15 december 2010 11:26

    Cementwagen schreef op 6 juni 2010 20:42:

    Het is nu al even geleden dat het olieplatform kapot is en lekt.
    Vandaag lijkt het erop dat het lek grotendeels is gedicht, althans 10000 vaten worden per dag opgevangen.

    Nu is mijn vraag: Wat is de waarde van het aandeel BP na deze ramp nog waard? Naar mijn inzien is het teveel afgestraft en mede daarop heb ik het aangeschaft.

    Momenteel staat het aandeel in new york op 37,16 US dollar. Maar waar staat het aandeel BP in new york over 1 jaar? Ik gok op 49,46 us dollar.
    Nog 4 dollar te gaan en we zitten al op de 49 dollar. Het gaat de goede kant op.
  17. [verwijderd] 15 december 2010 13:39

    Cementwagen schreef op 15 december 2010 11:26:


    Nog 4 dollar te gaan en we zitten al op de 49 dollar. Het gaat de goede kant op.
    en nog 5 tot de 50 ;). Nieuw record sinds de ramp gisteren en nu pre-market: 44.69 +0.25 (0.56%). Heb flink BP ingekocht in tijden van het dumpen met een gemiddelde aankoopsprijs van 30,80. Heb wel wat minder rendement door de dollar exposure maar toch een mooie speculatie geweest. Deze aandelen hou ik aan tot zeker eind 2011 als er meer onzekerheid uit het aandeel is, de ramp verder achter ons en de dividenden weer worden betaald. Hoe je het ook went of keert, dit aandeel is zeer goedkoop vergeleken met de cashflow die BP genereerd.
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