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2011/2021: TOTAL economic MELTDOWN

20.965 Posts
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  1. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2015 04:04
    Andrew Hoffman – Too Much Stuff… Our Heads Are Ready To Explode - investmentwatchblog.com/andrew-hoffma...

    Harry S. Dent: The recent equities selloff could be merely the opening salvo of a new ... - investmentwatchblog.com/harry-s-dent-...

    WE ARE ON THE BRINK OF WORLD WAR 3 AND AMERICANS ARE COMPLETELY CLUELESS. - investmentwatchblog.com/we-are-on-the...

    DiMartino on housing as global growth continues to slow - investmentwatchblog.com/dimartino-on-...

    Is Deutsche Bank on the verge of shaking up the financial world with another 'LEHMAN ... - investmentwatchblog.com/is-deutsche-b...

    Very Serious Catastrophic Financial and Economic Crisis Coming to South Africa - investmentwatchblog.com/very-serious-...

    Deflation Warning: The Next Wave - The Global Economic Slump Is Accelerating - investmentwatchblog.com/deflation-war...

  2. [verwijderd] 2 oktober 2015 14:14
    Emerging Market Outflows - investmentwatchblog.com/emerging-mark...

    ECB Chief Economist: OK, I Get it, the Euro Doesn’t Work - investmentwatchblog.com/ecb-chief-eco...

    Detroit’s Old News: Time for Another Round of Bankruptcies - investmentwatchblog.com/detroits-old-...

    Stocks Have Finally Begun to Catch Up with the Crisis in the Currency Markets - investmentwatchblog.com/stocks-have-f...

    Chinese Cash Flow Shocker: More Than Half Of Commodity Companies Can't Pay The Interest ... - investmentwatchblog.com/chinese-cash-...

  3. forum rang 10 voda 2 oktober 2015 17:49
    VS krijgen schuldenplafond weer in vizier

    Gepubliceerd op 2 okt 2015 om 11:03 | Views: 6.397

    WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse overheid kan vanaf begin november haar rekeningen niet meer betalen als het Congres niet voor die tijd besluit om het schuldenplafond te verhogen. Daarvoor heeft de Amerikaanse minister van Financiën Jack Lew gewaarschuwd in een brief aan de politieke leider van de Republikeinen.

    Volgens Lew wordt het huidige schuldplafond waarschijnlijk rond 5 november bereikt. Zonder aanpassing kan de overheid dan geen geld meer lenen, waardoor de bodem van de schatkist snel in zicht zou komen.

    Dat moment komt zelfs sneller dan eerder gedacht, blijkt uit de waarschuwing van Lew. Bij vorige schattingen werd er nog op gerekend dat de overheid het in ieder geval tot begin december zou kunnen uitzingen. Volgens Lew blijft er rond 5 november echter nog maar circa 30 miljard dollar over in de overheidskas. De verplichtingen lopen op sommige dagen rond die tijd echter op tot zeker het dubbele van dat bedrag.

    Politieke spanningen

    Het schuldplafond is momenteel vastgesteld op 18,1 biljoen dollar (circa 16.200 miljard euro). Door middel van noodwetgeving wordt sinds maart dit jaar voorkomen dat dit bedrag al wordt overschreden. Die mogelijkheden lopen in de komende weken echter af. Eerder deze week wel een noodmaatregel aangenomen die ervoor zorgt dat Amerikaanse overheidsdiensten voorlopig normaal kunnen blijven draaien.

    De afgelopen jaren liepen de politieke spanningen rond de noodzakelijke verhoging van het schuldenplafond herhaaldelijk hoog op. Delen van de overheid moesten daarbij een tijd worden gesloten omdat er geen middelen waren om ze draaiende te houden, en de Verenigde Staten dreigden te boek te komen te staan als wanbetaler.
  4. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2015 02:17
    Peter Schiff, Jim Rickards – We Are In Deep Economic Shit! – The United States Is Weak a ... - investmentwatchblog.com/peter-schiff-...

    Even a deflating balloon can still explode – Gearing up for a new October crash? - investmentwatchblog.com/even-a-deflat...

    Peter Schiff: 11 Trillion In Global Stock Losses and Awful Jobs Report - investmentwatchblog.com/peter-schiff-...

    Eric Sprott – Less Jobs & More Geopolitical Unrest - investmentwatchblog.com/eric-sprott-l...

    MUST HEAR: No Matter Which Way The FED Turns The Entire Economy is Going to CRASH — M ... - investmentwatchblog.com/must-hear-no-...

    Rising credit spreads are the latest bad omen - investmentwatchblog.com/rising-credit...

    Great piece on why we need to leave the EU. - investmentwatchblog.com/great-piece-o...

    Global Dollar Funding Shortage Intesifies To Worst Level Since 2012 - investmentwatchblog.com/global-dollar...

    Did 9/30 Mark the Beginning of the End? From Here On Out, This Debt Crisis Will Begin ... - investmentwatchblog.com/did-930-mark-...

    Every 10 Hours From 2003 To 2014, US Debt Increase Was Fast Enough To Buy All The ... - investmentwatchblog.com/every-10-hour...

    WHAT YOU WON'T HEAR ON MSM: THE TRUTH ABOUT OUR ECONOMY; PLEASE CIRCULATE - investmentwatchblog.com/what-you-wont...

    Are You Prepared for “Financial Prohibition”? - investmentwatchblog.com/are-you-prepa...

    How Will the $73 Billion Puerto Rico Debt Crisis Impact U.S. Markets and Investors? - investmentwatchblog.com/how-will-the-...

    The Great Reset is Coming – Get Ready for the Second Great Depression - investmentwatchblog.com/the-great-res...

    The Shocking Reality: This Chart Shows Just How Bad Unemployment Is Today Compared to ... - investmentwatchblog.com/the-shocking-...

    579K Leave Work Force But Unemployment Rate At 5.1%? What?? - Ron Paul - investmentwatchblog.com/579k-leave-wo...

    38% of American Workforce Still Jobless - investmentwatchblog.com/38-of-america...

    U.S. RECESSION CONFIRMED, EVERYTHING FALLING APART WORLDWIDE - investmentwatchblog.com/u-s-recession...

  5. [verwijderd] 5 oktober 2015 15:30
    State Of Emergency In Los Angeles As 60,000 Made Homeless - investmentwatchblog.com/state-of-emer...

    The Japanese Bond Bubble Will Soon BURST, Spectacularly - investmentwatchblog.com/the-japanese-...

    Federal Reserve Can’t Raise Rates Because of Deflation – Marin Katusa - investmentwatchblog.com/federal-reser...

    AS TOTAL COLLAPSE DRAWS NEAR: Bernanke Calls For POSECUTIONS of Top Financial Execs Over 2008 Meltdown - investmentwatchblog.com/as-total-coll...

    High Priests of Global Finance Stoke Emerging Market Fears - investmentwatchblog.com/high-priests-...

    Welcome to the Future: Downward Mobility and Social Depression - investmentwatchblog.com/welcome-to-th...

    BIS Warns of ‘Major Faultlines’ In Global Debt Bubble, Ultra Low Rates Have Led To Mal ... - investmentwatchblog.com/bis-warns-of-...

    Top 5 Reasons To Fear A Stock Market Collapse - investmentwatchblog.com/top-5-reasons...

    If this is the 'recovery' just what will the next recession look like? - investmentwatchblog.com/if-this-is-th...

    Economic Collapse: This Should Terrify Americans Everywhere - investmentwatchblog.com/economic-coll...

    Gundlach Explains Why The Market Hasn't Crashed Yet: "People Are Holding And Hoping" - investmentwatchblog.com/gundlach-expl...

    Emerging Debt Market Doom Is Coming: Bureaucrats Took Debt In US Dollars They Don't Have! - investmentwatchblog.com/emerging-debt...

    The Death of Europe | European Migrant Crisis - investmentwatchblog.com/the-death-of-...

    Bix Weir- Fed Plan is Print Money Until System Blows, Implosion and Restart of ... - investmentwatchblog.com/bix-weir-fed-...

  6. [verwijderd] 6 oktober 2015 04:46
    BIS Acknowledge That Central Banks Rig Markets, Warns About The Global Debt Bubble - investmentwatchblog.com/bis-acknowled...

    Peter Schiff: Death of the US Dollar is Imminent; Fed Out Of Options; - investmentwatchblog.com/peter-schiff-...

    Legendary trader Paul Tudor Jones warns of ‘choppier market’ thanks to the Fed - investmentwatchblog.com/legendary-tra...

    Jim Willie: The Fed’s hidden $1 Trillion of QE per month... and a coming global reset of the financial system - investmentwatchblog.com/jim-willie-th...

    It Is Crashing: New Orders Crash Most Since Lehman, Bank Of America Cut Its Year End ... - investmentwatchblog.com/it-is-crashin...

    Ron Paul: Bubbles are all over the place.. The source of the trouble is the Federal ... - investmentwatchblog.com/ron-paul-bubb...

    60% Don't Trust Media - Ron Paul - investmentwatchblog.com/60-dont-trust...

    Dow, S&P 500 stage rally as rate-hike fear eases. But strategist says watch for ‘Bearmageddon’ - investmentwatchblog.com/dow-sp-500-st...

    Bull markets cannot run on weakening momentum and narrowing participation forever. - investmentwatchblog.com/bull-markets-...

    Blackstone CEO: U.S. has hit slowdown. Watch live - investmentwatchblog.com/blackstone-ce...

  7. [verwijderd] 6 oktober 2015 13:05
    Chart Of The Day: High Yield Credit Spreads Are Blowing Out - investmentwatchblog.com/chart-of-the-...

    The US economy flies into the “coffin corner”, but we don’t mind! - investmentwatchblog.com/the-us-econom...

    Stock Market Crash October 2015? 9 Of The 16 Largest Crashes In History Have Come This Month - investmentwatchblog.com/stock-market-...

    Ron Paul predicts a monumental crash in interview on Russia Today: Bubbles are all over ... - investmentwatchblog.com/ron-paul-pred...

    ECONOMIC COLLAPSE IS A MATHEMATICAL FACT - investmentwatchblog.com/economic-coll...

  8. forum rang 10 voda 6 oktober 2015 18:56
    DNB gaat obligaties opkopen via omgekeerde veiling

    AMSTERDAM/FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--Drie centrale banken in Europa, waaronder De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), gaat experimenteren met het opkopen van obligaties via 'omgekeerde veilingen', voor het opkoopprogramma van de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB).

    De ECB zegt ervaring te willen opdoen met de veilingmethode voor het opkopen van obligaties van overheden van eurozonelanden en pan-Europese instellingen, zonder zich te willen vastleggen op een mogelijk meer systematisch gebruik van veilingen in de toekomst.

    Behalve DNB doen ook de centrale banken van Frankrijk en Litouwen mee aan het experiment.

    DNB start het experiment op 19 oktober en zal tenminste vier keer een wekelijkse veiling organiseren, met het doel om steeds voor EUR50 miljoen aan leningen te kopen.

    Het gaat dan om obligaties van de Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten, de Nederlandse Waterschapsbank en de Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden. Nederlandse staatsobligaties zullen nog steeds via de bestaande kanalen worden gekocht en maken dus geen deel uit van het experiment.

    De veilingen verlopen via het veilingsysteem van Bloomberg en staan open voor dezelfde professionele marktpartijen die nu ook al kunnen deelnemen aan het opkoopprogramma.

    De ECB benadrukt dat het gaat om kleinschalige experimenten die geen wijziging betekenen van het lopende opkoopprogramma in het kader van monetaire verruiming, of 'quantitative easing'.

    De ECB en de nationale banken van de eurozonelanden, samen het Eurosysteem genaamd, kopen sinds maart van dit jaar maandelijks voor EUR60 miljard aan obligaties op, voornamelijk staatsleningen. Zo wordt veel contant geld in het financiele systeem gepompt, wat volgens de heersende monetaire opvattingen zou moeten leiden tot meer bestedingen, meer economische groei en meer inflatie.

    Het programma loopt tot september volgend jaar, maar bestuurders van de centrale bank hebben zich al bereid verklaard om het programma te verlengen, als de inflatie in de tussentijd onvoldoende stijgt in de richting van de doelstelling van de ECB van iets minder dan 2%.

    Door Archie van Riemsdijk en Todd Buell; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst, +31-20-5715200 ; archie.vanriemsdijk@wsj.com

  9. [verwijderd] 7 oktober 2015 12:38
    Harry Dent predictions: Here’s why I have a bearish outlook for the markets - investmentwatchblog.com/harry-dent-pr...

    Recently Market Rally Got A Little Help From The Fed, The Real Correction Is Still Coming - investmentwatchblog.com/recently-mark...

    IMF Warns World Is On Brink Of New Recession - investmentwatchblog.com/imf-warns-wor...

    Most major U.S. metro areas continue to face higher poverty rates than when the recession began - investmentwatchblog.com/most-major-u-...

    Indeed, Lots Of Propping Going On. - investmentwatchblog.com/indeed-lots-o...

    100 REASONS FOR BREXIT No 23: Labour’s self-applied blindfold when it comes to EU fascism. - investmentwatchblog.com/100-reasons-f...

    David Morgan: The Day The $h*t Hit The Fan - investmentwatchblog.com/david-morgan-...

    We Are Now In An Exceedingly Dangerous Phase Of The Central Bank End Game, The Coming ... - investmentwatchblog.com/we-are-now-in...

    More bleak numbers. German industry output unexpectedly falls even ahed of VW crisis. - investmentwatchblog.com/more-bleak-nu...

    Crisis of Unprecedented Proportions Unfold as a Preview Of WWIII Arises Proving It’s M ... - investmentwatchblog.com/crisis-of-unp...

    Nearly One Third of Global GDP is Already in Recession - investmentwatchblog.com/nearly-one-th...
  10. [verwijderd] 8 oktober 2015 04:15
    Money & Politics: The Corrupt System is Starting to Come to a Head - investmentwatchblog.com/money-politic...

    US dollar 30-40% devaluation looks to be hours away - investmentwatchblog.com/us-dollar-30-...

    Summers: Should Be Less Confident on China Numbers, China's Economic Adjustment to Be Felt Globally - investmentwatchblog.com/summers-shoul...

    Central Banks Lose Control as Debt CRUSHING Global Economy! - investmentwatchblog.com/central-banks...

    Bearish Fund Assets Hit 3-Year High…AFTER Big Rally - investmentwatchblog.com/bearish-fund-...

    "Supercrisis" Is Beginning, Currency War GOES GLOBAL! - investmentwatchblog.com/supercrisis-i...

    The Shemitah is here: Stock markets crashing in 10 large nations around the world - investmentwatchblog.com/the-shemitah-...

    Bernanke is right about one thing. Don't trust him: - investmentwatchblog.com/bernanke-is-r...

    Currency Crises Come Quickly; Don't Be Too Late To Prepare - investmentwatchblog.com/currency-cris...

    Kevin Duffy - How Now Do We Prepare for the Next Bubble Burst? - investmentwatchblog.com/kevin-duffy-h...

    Market Predictions - Danger Coming? With Peter Schiff - investmentwatchblog.com/market-predic...

    Housing Market: Boom and Bust - investmentwatchblog.com/housing-marke...

    Did The Retail Investor Just Panic? - investmentwatchblog.com/did-the-retai...

    DEUTSCHE BANK CRASHING AFTER HOURS, SEES 3Q NET LOSS OF EU6.2B, MAY CUT DIVIDEND - investmentwatchblog.com/deutsche-bank...

    America to Collapse As Dollar Dies: “You Cannot Stop What Is Coming… 25 to 50 Million De ... - investmentwatchblog.com/america-to-co...

    The Layoff Blood Bath Continues As The Economy Sinks Deeper Into The Collapse, The ... - investmentwatchblog.com/the-layoff-bl...

    Will The Discovery Of Huge Amounts Of Oil In Israel Lead To War In The Middle East? - investmentwatchblog.com/will-the-disc...

    Global Financial Meltdown Coming? Clear Signs That The Great Derivatives Crisis Has Now ... - investmentwatchblog.com/global-financ...
  11. forum rang 10 voda 8 oktober 2015 16:45
    OESO ziet economische groei afzwakken

    Gepubliceerd op 8 okt 2015 om 12:29 | Views: 1.651

    PARIJS (AFN) - De groei van 's werelds belangrijkste economieën zwakt de komende tijd af. Dat voorspelde de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling (OESO) donderdag op basis van diverse indicatoren.

    De OESO voorziet onder de rijkste landen vooral een zwakkere groei in de Verenigde Staten en Groot-Brittannië, waar de groei momenteel wel relatief hoog is. Voor Duitsland en de eurozone als geheel zijn de vooruitzichten redelijk stabiel. Voor Frankrijk en Italië wordt verdere verbetering voorspeld.

    In navolging van het IMF eerder deze week ziet de OESO de grootste problemen in opkomende landen. In China neemt de groei verder af, terwijl de ontwikkelingen in Brazilië en Rusland matig blijven. De denktank voorziet wel sterkere groei in India.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 8 oktober 2015 17:05
    Lagarde wil IMF blijven leiden

    Gepubliceerd op 8 okt 2015 om 16:50 | Views: 170

    LIMA (ANP) - Christine Lagarde blijft ook na afloop van haar huidige termijn graag aan als hoogste baas van het Internationaal Monetair Fonds (IMF). Dat zei ze donderdag bij de aftrap van de jaarvergadering van het IMF, in de Peruaanse hoofdstad Lima.

    ,,Ik ben bereid om het IMF te blijven dienen'', zei Lagarde, wiens eerste termijn van vijf jaar als 'managing director' van het IMF in juli verstrijkt. ,,Maar het is niet aan mij. De leden moeten een besluit nemen.'' Vorige maand zei de Franse voormalige minister van Financiën op de Franse radio dat zij nog geen besluit had genomen over een nieuwe termijn aan het roer van het IMF.
  13. [verwijderd] 9 oktober 2015 03:06
    Global Financial Meltdown Coming? Clear Signs That The Great Derivatives Crisis Has Now ... - investmentwatchblog.com/global-financ...

    Recovery? Student Homelessness Has Doubled Since Before The Recession - investmentwatchblog.com/recovery-stud...

    Is America in her Final Days? - investmentwatchblog.com/is-america-in...

    Marc Faber Fears Sudden 1987-Like Crash Or Longer-Term “Sliding Slope Of Hope” - investmentwatchblog.com/marc-faber-fe...

    Global Financial Titantic Has Hit the Iceberg and Crash Already Begun! - investmentwatchblog.com/global-financ...

    THE PONZI SCHEME COLLAPSE ACCELERATES — JIM WILLIE - investmentwatchblog.com/the-ponzi-sch...

    Gerald Celente – The Elites Are Setting The Public Up For A Financial Wipeout - investmentwatchblog.com/gerald-celent...

    When the Aristocracy Leaves the Commoners in the Dust, The Empire Is Doomed - investmentwatchblog.com/when-the-aris...

    Scary Chart Of A Staggering Reversal: China, Russia, Norway, Brazil, Taiwan Dump US Treasuries - investmentwatchblog.com/scary-chart-o...

    Banking Crisis: Bernanke Bust is Here – Mike Maloney - investmentwatchblog.com/banking-crisi...

    Debt Addiction: Polluting the Economy for 40 Years & Counting - investmentwatchblog.com/debt-addictio...

    A 'Bubble Larger Than 2006', Party Like It's 1929! Stocks Rally On Economic Recession. ... - investmentwatchblog.com/a-bubble-larg...

    Deutsche Bank Shocks With Warning of €6 Billion LOSS - Sitting on $75 Trillion+ D ... - investmentwatchblog.com/deutsche-bank...

    The CFNAI components suggest economy is weakening - investmentwatchblog.com/the-cfnai-com...

    BANKER SUICIDES PICKING UP AGAIN! - investmentwatchblog.com/banker-suicid...

    Deutsche Bank could potentially trigger the collapse of the global financial system. - investmentwatchblog.com/deutsche-bank...

    DEUTSCHE BANKS’ BIG LOSS? WE SHOULD BE FAR MORE WORRIED ABOUT THE DOUBLE-DUTCH OF E ... - investmentwatchblog.com/deutsche-bank...

    Congress Declares Martial Law as Dollar Rapidly Collapsing: “Living in Last Days of T ... - investmentwatchblog.com/congress-decl...

    WHY THIS FEELS LIKE A DEPRESSION FOR MOST PEOPLE - investmentwatchblog.com/why-this-feel...
  14. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2015 02:33
    Jim Rickards - Fed is lousy at seeing bubbles, they never see them; Marc Faber - two ... - investmentwatchblog.com/jim-rickards-...

    Russians Attacks Terrorists, Economy Sinking Fast, Clinton Email Troubles Mount - investmentwatchblog.com/russians-atta...

    Global Recession ALERT: The Risk Of Recession In The US, Eurozone, Japan & Latin ... - investmentwatchblog.com/global-recess...

    China Is Dumping U.S. Treasuries. So Is Russia And Brazil. Are Interest Rates Set To ... - investmentwatchblog.com/china-is-dump...

    Big Banks, Serious Trouble - investmentwatchblog.com/big-banks-ser...

    IMF: $3 trillion in “Over-Borrowing Now Threatens To Unleash a Wave of Defaults” - investmentwatchblog.com/imf-3-trillio...

    Deflation is getting worse - investmentwatchblog.com/deflation-is-...

    Economist poll: A U.S. recession just got a little more likely - investmentwatchblog.com/economist-pol...

    The Global Economy Sucks, There Is No Amount Of Lipstick That Can Make This Pig Look ... - investmentwatchblog.com/the-global-ec...

    The Other Debt Bombs...If The Fed Does Not Manage To Keep The Already Ludicrously ... - investmentwatchblog.com/the-other-deb...

    Economist Finally Admit The Economy Is Collapsing And It Might Be Around The Corner - investmentwatchblog.com/economist-fin...

    America: Not So Great, Anymore? - investmentwatchblog.com/america-not-s...

    Immigration During an Economic Decline Is Insane! - investmentwatchblog.com/immigration-d...

    TRIGGER$ - OCTOBER 2015 - "A US REVENUE RECESSION" - investmentwatchblog.com/trigger-octob...

    Derivatives Crisis Underway? HUGE Behind the Scenes Operations Attempting to Put Out ... - investmentwatchblog.com/derivatives-c...

    America Is Exhibiting All of the Signs of a Failing Empire - investmentwatchblog.com/america-is-ex...

    Fiscal union will never fix a dysfunctional eurozone, warns ex-IMF chief. www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics...

    Is Lack Of Trust About To Reach A Tipping Point? - investmentwatchblog.com/is-lack-of-tr...

    Global Debt DISASTER as Nations Begin Selling Most Valuable Assets! - investmentwatchblog.com/global-debt-d...

    Gerald Celente – Trends In The News – ” Wrong Again Ben Bernanke, Wrong Again” - investmentwatchblog.com/gerald-celent...

    The Economy Is Beginning To Tank: Alasdair Macleod - investmentwatchblog.com/the-economy-i...

    The World Is Heading For Its Third Global Financial Crisis, Fed Officials Seem Ready To ... - investmentwatchblog.com/the-world-is-...

    China is becoming a big red flag for U.S. stocks: Alcoa slashes China production forecast; Yum Brands, Nu ... - investmentwatchblog.com/china-is-beco...
  15. [verwijderd] 12 oktober 2015 15:18
    CRASH2: stock markets ebullient, economic mood depressed. What on earth could go wrong? - investmentwatchblog.com/crash2-stock-...

    Dick Bove: US banks have been 'nationalized' - investmentwatchblog.com/dick-bove-us-...

    Death Cross is Showing in Every Single Market Universally - Joshua Enomoto Interview - investmentwatchblog.com/death-cross-i...

    Former Estonian Foreign Minister: The EU is Pushing us to a Catastrophe - investmentwatchblog.com/former-estoni...

    US Debt From 330% To 350% Of GDP, After "Discovering" Another $2.7 Trillion In Debt! - investmentwatchblog.com/us-debt-from-...

    59% of Americans Feel Obama and Democrats have taken our country right down the tubes! - investmentwatchblog.com/59-of-america...

    This Analyst is Sounding the Alarm for Global Markets - investmentwatchblog.com/this-analyst-...

    After The Collapse Six Likely Events That Will Follow An Economic Crash - investmentwatchblog.com/after-the-col...

    The next great financial crisis may be only a short time away… - investmentwatchblog.com/the-next-grea...

    John Williams - We’re in a New Recessio And The Fed has Lost Control - investmentwatchblog.com/john-williams...

    Criminals Running THE FED Are Stealing TRILLIONS, Leaving The American People In ... - investmentwatchblog.com/criminals-run...

  16. [verwijderd] 13 oktober 2015 12:32
    There's a conspiracy theory that the Rothschilds sank the Titanic to set up the Federal ... - investmentwatchblog.com/theres-a-cons...

    AsiaPac Stocks Tumble After Chinese Trade Data Signals Growing Global Growth Scare... ... - investmentwatchblog.com/asiapac-stock...

    More ugly numbers from Germany: German Oct ZEW Econ Sentiment drops to 1.9 from 12.1 in Sep on VW scandal. - investmentwatchblog.com/more-ugly-num...

    4 Warnings And Why You Should Pay Attention - investmentwatchblog.com/4-warnings-an...

    Hyperinflationary Depression – No Way of Avoiding Financial Armageddon - investmentwatchblog.com/hyperinflatio...

    Falling commodity prices have caused panic in credit markets and just like 2007 the contagion is spreading - investmentwatchblog.com/falling-commo...

    Tech bubble: This is 'money in your mattress' time... APPLE having worst year since ... - investmentwatchblog.com/tech-bubble-t...

    Citi's Willem Buiter has called it - were about to go into Global Recession - investmentwatchblog.com/citis-willem-...

    The Banking System Has Gone Rogue: “World Economic Order Is Collapsing” - investmentwatchblog.com/the-banking-s...

  17. [verwijderd] 14 oktober 2015 02:28
    Anyone Claiming “Stocks Are Not Overvalued” Is Tragically Myopic Or Completely Disingenuous: thefelderreport.com/2015/10/12/anyone...

    Six Inconvenient Truths About Spain’s Recovery wolfstreet.com/2015/10/13/six-inconve...

    The Numbers Say That A Major Global Recession Has Already Begun - investmentwatchblog.com/the-numbers-s...

    Goldman Sachs Warns "Financial Armageddon" - investmentwatchblog.com/goldman-sachs...

    A global false flag alert has been issued for the following 14 days by the ... - investmentwatchblog.com/a-global-fals...

    Elite Preparing to “Insulate From Revolution, Rebellion, Anarchy” After an Economic Collapse - investmentwatchblog.com/elite-prepari...

  18. [verwijderd] 14 oktober 2015 16:15
    Baltic Dry 'Bounce' Is Dead - Freight Index Lowest In 29 Years For Time Of Year! US ... - investmentwatchblog.com/baltic-dry-bo...

    September/October Crash Coming Along Nicely - investmentwatchblog.com/septemberocto...

    How to watch the economy & prepare for the next recession - investmentwatchblog.com/how-to-watch-...

    Why most people will die in a food collapse: It takes six months just to make a chicken ... - investmentwatchblog.com/why-most-peop...

    The Death Of Hopium: Tech Bubble 3.0 Is In The Process Of Bursting - investmentwatchblog.com/the-death-of-...

    Six Nagging Facts About Spain’s “Recovery” - investmentwatchblog.com/six-nagging-f...

    Real Economy Not Doing Very Well, Apparently: US Freight Shipments Morose, Worst ... - investmentwatchblog.com/real-economy-...

    Here's the real reason nearly half of Americans aren't working today - investmentwatchblog.com/heres-the-rea...

    BUFFETT: 'America's never been greater'... Small business owners pessimistic, feel country on wrong track - investmentwatchblog.com/buffett-ameri...

    There Are Signs All Around Us That Another 2008-style Crisis Has Begun - investmentwatchblog.com/there-are-sig...

    More ""Market"" Manipulation - investmentwatchblog.com/more-market-m...

    Central Bankers Are Preparing For A Series Of Crisis - investmentwatchblog.com/central-banke...

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Forum # Topics # Posts
Aalberts 466 7.018
AB InBev 2 5.501
Abionyx Pharma 2 29
Ablynx 43 13.356
ABN AMRO 1.582 51.679
ABO-Group 1 22
Acacia Pharma 9 24.692
Accell Group 151 4.132
Accentis 2 265
Accsys Technologies 23 10.703
Ackermans & van Haaren 1 189
ADMA Biologics 1 34
Adomos 1 126
AdUX 2 457
Adyen 14 17.752
Aedifica 3 916
Aegon 3.258 322.853
AFC Ajax 538 7.088
Affimed NV 2 6.297
ageas 5.844 109.893
Agfa-Gevaert 14 2.050
Ahold 3.538 74.339
Air France - KLM 1.025 35.047
Airspray 511 1.258
Akka Technologies 1 18
AkzoNobel 467 13.041
Alfen 16 24.862
Allfunds Group 4 1.473
Almunda Professionals (vh Novisource) 651 4.251
Alpha Pro Tech 1 17
Alphabet Inc. 1 406
Altice 106 51.198
Alumexx ((Voorheen Phelix (voorheen Inverko)) 8.486 114.822
AM 228 684
Amarin Corporation 1 133
Amerikaanse aandelen 3.837 243.250
AMG 971 133.368
AMS 3 73
Amsterdam Commodities 305 6.690
AMT Holding 199 7.047
Anavex Life Sciences Corp 2 491
Antonov 22.632 153.605
Aperam 92 15.007
Apollo Alternative Assets 1 17
Apple 5 382
Arcadis 252 8.778
Arcelor Mittal 2.033 320.714
Archos 1 1
Arcona Property Fund 1 286
arGEN-X 17 10.302
Aroundtown SA 1 219
Arrowhead Research 5 9.740
Ascencio 1 28
ASIT biotech 2 697
ASMI 4.108 39.145
ASML 1.766 107.468
ASR Nederland 21 4.486
ATAI Life Sciences 1 7
Atenor Group 1 491
Athlon Group 121 176
Atrium European Real Estate 2 199
Auplata 1 55
Avantium 32 13.674
Axsome Therapeutics 1 177
Azelis Group 1 64
Azerion 7 3.392

Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 25 februari

    1. Ackermans & Van Haaren Q4-cijfers
    2. Economische groei vierde kwartaal def (Dld)
    3. Home Depot Q4-cijfers (VS)
    4. Case Shiller huizenprijzen december (VS)
    5. Consumentenvertrouwen CB maart (VS)
    6. ASMI Q4-cijfers volitaliteit verwacht
    7. AMC Entertainment Q4-cijfers (VS)
  2. 26 februari

    1. JDE Peet's Q4-cijfers
    2. Wolters Kluwer Q4-cijfers
    3. AB InBev Q4-cijfers
de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht