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  1. forum rang 10 voda 24 januari 2017 16:30
    Chinese stainless output increases 15.65% in 2016

    In 2016 China produced 24.94 million tonnes of crude stainless steel, an increase of 15.65% year-on-year, according to the Stainless Steel Council of China Special Steel Enterprises Association (CSSC). China's stainless steel performance is quite positive compared with other countries and other steel types, Kallanish notes.

    On 23 January CSSC published its 2016 annual performance review (see table below), covering production, demand and trade. Stainless imports are estimated to have reached 770,000t, an increase of 6.06% y-o-y. Exports, meanwhile, are estimated to have increased 13.58% to 3.88mt.

    According to the report, Chinese stainless steel apparent consumption could increase by 15.66% to 18.84mt in 2016. Duplex stainless steel production hit a historical high of 83,254t, up by 47.03% y-o-y. Total stainless steel products self-sufficient rate has reached 95.91%.

    Zie PDF

    Source: Kallanish.com
  2. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2017 14:33
    Implement Quality Control Order on stainless steel by Feb 7 – ISSDA

    Economic Times reported that Indian Stainless Steel Development Association has urged the union steel ministry to ensure immediate implementation of Quality Control Order for stainless steel flat products to safeguard consumer interest.

    ISSADA said “Since the QCO for stainless steel products is aligned to the government's 'Zero Defect Zero Effect' policy, it must be implemented on the current notified date of February 7, 2017, without any further delay.”

    Mr KK Pahuja, president-ISSDA, said "It is now pertinent to note that over 18 licenses have been issued to domestic producers for the three IS standards on stainless steel and around 4-5 foreign manufacturers have also received clearances from BIS with respect to the samples submitted for testing.”

    ISSADA added “QCO covers only 25 grades of stainless steel falling under the three IS standards, namely IS 6911, IS 5522 and IS 15997. All these grades are widely manufactured in India and the implementation of the QCO would not affect supplies in any manner as both domestic and foreign manufacturers have the licenses for these grades. For those grades which are not included in the BIS standards, the user is free to import such grades. This implies that supplies of stainless steel to the domestic users will not get affected in any way because of the implementation of the QCO.”

    QCO, which was notified in June 2016, has been deferred twice earlier on the plea that domestic and foreign manufacturers have not been able to get the required Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification. There was also an apprehension that implementation of the QCO would hurt supplies to downstream industries.

    Source : Economic Times
  3. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2017 15:10
    European stainless flats prices to increase in February

    European spot prices for stainless hot and cold rolled coil are expected to increase in February due to higher alloy surcharges and increased base prices.

    First quarter alloy surcharges are increasing in line with higher nickel prices as reported. At the same time European mills have pushed up their base prices by €30/tonne ($32.22/t) on average between December and March. However, a sudden fall in nickel values has just caused tremors in the European market, putting alloy surcharge projections for March on shaky ground, Kallanish learns from market sources.

    With higher alloy surcharges next month, February spot prices for European CRC are forecast to reach a level of €2,430-2,450/t delivered. CRC is currently at €2,340-2,350/t delivered. HRC is set to increase from the current level of €2,200-2,220/t delivered to approximately €2,280/t next month, sources suggest.

    As reported, in February alloy surcharges will increase by around €80-90/t to €1,430/t on average from the January levels €1,340-1,350/t. Taking into account the high volatility of nickel over the past month, alloy surcharge projections for March from European mills are €20-30/t lower than February. They remain €50/t higher than in January however (see Kallanish 20 January).

    Over Q1 prices for stainless products are increasing compared to Q4 2016. Mills’ order books for Q1 have been filled and most mills are accepting orders for April or May delivery. The sector however is beginning to worry about Q2. The retail end of the market is already putting off purchasing material due to what has been referred to as “… the nickel psychosis”, Kallanish notes.

    Source: Kallanish.com
  4. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2017 15:11
    Stainless scrap prices set to fall in Europe

    The recent nickel price drops are causing serious concern within the stainless steel and raw materials' markets in Europe, Kallanish notes. Following a long period of relatively high nickel prices, values have begun to see-saw over the past few weeks until the sudden recent fall to around €9,000/tonne ($9673/t).

    For stainless scrap this will mean a drop of over €100/t over the coming days and in February depending on each European country. However, as the ferro-chrome price is increasing and molybdenum prices are high, the average real decrease should be about €40-50/t for the most demanded 304 grade, again depending on which European country is involved. For the merchants who bought material this month to sell over the coming weeks this represent a serious erosion of margins, market sources in Europe reveal.

    In Italy and France grade 304 is at €1,150-1,200/t delivered. Grade 316 is higher thanks to persisting high prices for molybdenum and is sold in the range €1,570-1,650/t delivered, sources suggest.

    Source: Kallanish.com
  5. forum rang 10 voda 25 januari 2017 18:15
    Outokumpu verkoopt Amerikaanse staalfabriek

    Opbrengst 28 miljoen euro.

    (ABM FN-Dow Jones) Outokumpu heeft een staalfabriek in Amerika verkocht voor een bedrag van ongeveer 28 miljoen euro. Dit maakte de sectorgenoot van het in Amsterdam genoteerde Aperam woensdag bekend.

    De producent van roestvast staal verkocht de faciliteit van de fabriek in New Castle, in de staat Indiana, aan het huidige management. De opbrengst, die nog wel afhankelijk is van de hoogte van het netto werkkapitaal bij het afronden van de deal, gaat het Finse bedrijf gebruiken om zijn schuldenlast te verlagen.

    Outokumpu zei dat de resterende activiteiten in de Verenigde Staten ongewijzigd blijven.

    Door: ABM Financial News.


    Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

    Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

    (END) Dow Jones Newswires
  6. forum rang 10 voda 27 januari 2017 15:53
    PPMAI requests for exemption of Quality Control order on stainless steel imports

    Mumbai based The Process Plant and Machinery Association of India which represents the Capital goods and Process Equipment manufacturing and exporting industry in the country has written a letter Union Ministry of Steel to issue exemption notice to customs department for easy imports of the new stainless Steel grades not included in Bureau of India Standard (BIS) standard 6911 under Stainless Steel Products Quality Control Order .

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  7. BeursMania 30 januari 2017 14:03
    Europese roestvaststaalproducenten tot mei vol.

    Europese roestvaststaalproducenten weten dat de orderportefeuilles al tot mei vol zitten
  8. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 januari 2017 16:22

    BeursMania schreef op 30 januari 2017 14:03:

    Europese roestvaststaalproducenten tot mei vol.
    Europese roestvaststaalproducenten weten dat de orderportefeuilles al tot mei vol zitten
    Volle orderportefeuilles RVS

    30 januari 2017
    In deze eerste maand van het nieuwe jaar laten Europese roestvaststaalproducenten weten dat de orderportefeuilles al tot mei vol zitten. Dit impliceert dat de vraag naar roestvaststaal momenteel groter is dan het aanbod.

    Dit schrijft André van der Veen, commercieel directeur bij Hego Stainless Steel & Aluminium. Vorig jaar kon de roestvaststaal-markt op forse prijsstijgingen rekenen door o.a. een hogere nikkelkoers. De afgelopen twee maanden namen de nikkelvoorraden echter weer wat toe wat een afzwakkende nikkelkoers tot gevolg had. Ook de versoepeling van de exportban voor nikkelproducerende bedrijven in Indonesië heeft ertoe geleid dat de koers is gedaald naar net boven de 10.000 dollar.

    Nikkel is echter niet de enige grondstof die van invloed is voor de prijs van RVS. De prijzen van zowel ijzer als ook chroom hebben hun invloed op de prijs van RVS. Chroom is voor 18 procent aanwezig in AISI kwaliteit 304 waardoor het een belangrijk bestanddeel van de prijs vormt. Chroom en ijzer hebben het afgelopen jaar voor een prijsstijging van respectievelijk 30 euro en 50 euro extra per ton gezorgd. Chroom zal naar verwachting ook dit jaar van grote invloed zijn op de roestvaststaalprijzen. Daarnaast hebben de grote Europese leveranciers hun basisprijzen verhoogd.

    ‘Ondanks een gemiddeld lagere koers van nikkel zal de legeringstoeslag voor de maand februari weer stijgen', aldus Van der Veen. ‘Voor de maand februari verwacht ik een stijging van ca. 60~80 euro per ton. Als er zich geen onvoorziene gebeurtenissen voordoen dan denk ik dat dit ook voor maart het geval zou kunnen zijn.'

  9. forum rang 10 voda 31 januari 2017 17:16
    Nickel prices up as Philippines goes after erring mines

    Business Inquirer quoted World Bank as saying that global prices of nickel rose by 5% in the fourth quarter of 2016 compared to the previous three months, partly due to the ongoing Department of Environment and Natural Resources audit of mines.

    According to the World Bank, outlook report, prices of the white metal increased to USD 10,797 per metric ton in the December quarter from USD 10,264 in the September quarter. Even then, such increase was tempered compared to the 16.3% quarter-on-quarter jump in the third quarter from USD8,823 in the second quarter.

    This was when the Duterte administration was installed and Regina Lopez, a staunch environmentalist, had assumed office as Environment Secretary.

    The World Bank forecasts nickel prices would rev up by 14.6% to USD 11,000 in 2017 from USD 9,595 in 2016. The Bank said that “Nickel prices rose (in the fourth quarter of 2016) on strong stainless steel demand in China, and loss of ore output in the Philippines due to environmental audits of mines although losses were less than initially feared.”

    The bank added that “The reversal of Indonesia’s export ban stipulates that any miner building a smelter for at least 30 percent of its feedstock will be allowed to export excess ore supplies. However, there is uncertainty on how much excess ore will be shipped from the country (Indonesia).”

    Because of the ban in Indonesia, the Philippines has been the world’s biggest supplier of nickel since 2012.

    In a statement issued Wednesday, the DENR said the “fate of 30 mining companies that failed the initial audit conducted… will be known on Feb. 2,” when Lopez is set to announce the final results and recommendations of an audit team.

    Source : Business.inquirer.net
  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2017 17:08
    Nickel stocks spin as Indonesia eases export ban

    Nikkei staff writer reported that shares in miners and metal producers have swung wildly as Indonesia's relaxing its nickel export ban raised hopes about their business prospects as well as concerns over falling prices of the metal.

    Indonesia was once the world's largest producer of nickel, which is used in stainless steel. The government uniformly banned exporting the unprocessed ore in 2014, seeking to support the nation's smelting industry, but eased that ban January 12 to boost government income and hiring.

    The country now lets miners export excess nickel as long as they dedicate at least 30% of their smelter capacity to processing low-grade nickel ore. And foreign-owned enterprises in the business are required to sell 51% of their stock to the government or a domestic company within 10 years, among other conditions.

    The share price rose 6% for Aneka Tambang, a state-owned producer of nonferrous metals better known as Antam, to close at 920 rupiah Jan. 13, the day after Jakarta eased the ban. But the stock has since fallen to close Tuesday at 800 rupiah down 8% from before the ban was relaxed -- on fears that prices of the metal would decline worldwide. Shares of Vale Indonesia, local arm of Brazilian mining giant Vale, have plunged almost 20% since the ban was eased.

    Nickel prices have already slumped on the economic slowdown in China, the largest consumer of the metal. Prices could sag further if Indonesia begins exporting at full tilt again.

    Source : Nikkei staff writer
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2017 17:09
    Russia Nornickel sees nickel and palladium output up in 2017

    Reuters reported that Norilsk Nickel one of the world's largest nickel and palladium producers, plans to increase output of its main metals from Russian raw material this year.

    Nornickel, which competes with Brazil's Vale SA for the rank of the world's top nickel producer, experienced falls in production of nickel, copper and platinum group metals in 2016.

    The lower output was mainly due to scheduled decommissioning of an old nickel plant and ongoing reconfiguration of downstream production facilities in northern Siberia.

    This year Nornickel, part owned by Russian tycoon Vladimir Potanin and aluminium giant Rusal, plans to produce from Russian feedstock 206,000-211,000 tonnes of nickel, 377,000 to 387,000 tonnes of copper, 2.6 to 2.7 million ounces of palladium and 581,000 to 645,000 ounces of platinum.

    In 2016, its consolidated nickel production was 235,749 tonnes, down 12 percent year on year. Nickel output from its own Russian feed was 196,664 tonnes.

    Its 2016 consolidated copper production was 360,217 tonnes, 2 percent less than in the previous year, of which 344,482 tonnes was produced from its Russian feed.

    Its 2016 palladium and platinum output was 2.6 million ounces, down 3 percent, and 644,000 ounces, down 2 percent, respectively. Palladium and platinum output from Russian feed totalled 2.5 million ounces and 608,000 ounces, respectively.

    Source : Reuters
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 februari 2017 19:29
    European alloy surcharges to fall, stainless market falters

    Activity in the stainless steel market in Europe is slowing due to the background effect of declines in scrap and nickel prices. Mills are forecasting alloy surcharges for March to fall by around €100/tonne ($107.9/t) compared to February. This is due to the sharp fall in the nickel price and recent fluctuations which saw prices dipping below €9,000/t, Kallanish hears from market sources.

    After rising in December and January, alloy surcharges in Europe are again increasing for February by around €100/t on January to €1,430/t. For this month prices of stainless finished products will therefore remain elevated, supported by high alloy surcharges and European mills’ increases in base prices for the first quarter. Things will change substantially in March unless nickel prices recover and remain steady at the higher levels seen in the second half of 2016, sources suggest.

    Stainless hot rolled coil prices on the spot market are at an average of €2,250/t delivered in Europe, while cold rolled coils are slightly higher at €2,400/t delivered. Orders from the retail sector however are slowing amidst market uncertainty which is forecast to last for "... the next couple of weeks."

    Source: Kallanish.com
  13. forum rang 10 voda 2 februari 2017 17:22
    Plight of stainless steel industry ignored in Budget - ISSDA

    PTI reported that the plight of stainless steel industry has been ignored in the Budget; despite an increase in import of stainless steel products, the basic customs Duty on finished products has been not hiked

    Indian Stainless Steel Development Association said “Due to excessive surge in imports of stainless steel products, the industry has been struggling and was expecting an increase in basic customs duty on finished goods from 7.5 per cent to 12.5 per cent, at par with carbon steel.”

    It said “While it is a welcome move that basic customs duty on Nickel has been abolished but major demand of nickel required by the stainless steel industry is met from Ferro Nickel and stainless steel scrap. Both Ferro Nickel and stainless scrap, key raw materials for stainless steel manufacturing, attract an import duty of 2.5 per cent.”

    ISSDA urged the Finance Ministry to relook at the Budget decision and abolish the duty on key raw materials and increase duty on stainless steel finished goods adding that these steps would help revive the ailing industry.

    Source : PTI
  14. forum rang 10 voda 2 februari 2017 18:00
    India government waives basic custom duty on nickel

    Press Trust Of India reported that government has waived basic custom duty on nickel a key steel making raw material in a major relief to the steel industry which is facing tough times. The basic custom duty on nickel has come down to nil from 2.5% earlier, according to the Budget document.

    Mr Ajani K Agarwal, partner and national leader (Metal and Mining sector) EY said that bringing down the basic customs duty (BCD) on nickel to zero from 2.5 per cent comes as a great relief for the stainless steel industry which has been facing challenging times. He said that "We welcome the move as it will be helpful for the domestic stainless steel industry as they are facing huge challenge of imports. This reduction of BCD on nickel will be mildly positive for domestic industry.”

    He said that though the percentage of the stainless steel industry in in the country is small.

    Nickel is primarily used in the manufacturing of stainless steel. Jindal Stainless is one of the leading stainless steel producer in India.

    The Steel Ministry had earlier written to the Finance Ministry, seeking reduction in import duty on nickel.

    Mr Agarwal further said that the reduction of BCD on CRGO steel will help in reduction of the cost of power transformers.

    In the budget, the basic customs duty on "MgO coated cold rolled steel coils for use in manufacture of CRGO steel" has been reduced from 10 per cent to 5 per cent.

    He further said that the reduction of BCD on Hot Rolled Coils for captive use in welded tubes and pipes would create price pressure on domestic HR coil producer.

    In the budget, the government reduced the BCD on "Hot Rolled Coils, when imported for use in manufacture of welded tubes and pipes" from 12.5 per cent to 10 per cent.

    Source : Press Trust Of India
  15. forum rang 10 voda 2 februari 2017 18:04
    GE unit wins arbitration bid in USD 45 million in Outokumpu Stainless USA case

    Law360 reported that an Alabama judge ordered a French unit of General Electric Co and a steel mill operator and its insurer to arbitrate in Germany claims that GE supplied faulty motors that caused USD 45 million in damages, rejecting arguments that GE, as a subcontractor, wasn't included in an underlying contract.

    Outokumpu Stainless USA LLC, or OTK, which runs a steel plant in Calvert, Alabama, and several of its insurers had argued that an underlying supply contract signed by its predecessor to purchase three cold rolling mills...

    Source : Law 360
  16. forum rang 10 voda 3 februari 2017 16:59
    Outokumpu returned to profitability in 2016

    Outokumpu’s underlying EBIT was EUR 38 million compared to EUR 32 million in the third quarter. Business area Europe delivered a strong quarter driven by higher base prices and continued cost reductions.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 februari 2017 17:08
    Feasibility of reopening Kimberley nickel mine looking good for Panoramic Resources

    Mining company Panoramic Resources said that it is in a good position to restart its nickel mine north of Halls Creek as soon as the commodity price improves.

    Panoramic announced the results of its feasibility study that evaluated the technical and financial viability of restarting the mine, which has been under care and maintenance since May last year.

    Managing director Peter Harold said the study confirmed the mine life could be extended by 10 years and the cost of recommencing operations would be $20 million. He said the only hurdle to restarting the mine was the price of nickel. We'd want to see the nickel price higher than $US4.40/lb.”

    He added that "The positive thing is in just the last couple of days, we saw a research note from RBC [Capital Markets], which has put out their view of the market, and they expect the price to increase to about $US5/lb over 2017, then $US6/lb in 2018 and up to $US10/lb in 2020. Their long-term forecast is about $US8/lb. But today the price is $US4.60/lb, so we'd need to see the price rally from here and move up inline with that forecast, which I think it will. As soon as we see some stability and at a level where it's profitable, we can restart the mine."

    Mr Harold said he hoped mining would recommence in 2017, but could not commit. He added that "We've parked the asset up well, there's a good team of guys looking after it, it's ready to restart and we could restart it for about $20 million which is a very small investment."

    He said the mine had a bright future. He further said that "The company's decision to place Savannah onto care and maintenance in May 2016, thereby preserving the remaining ore reserve during this current cycle of weak nickel prices, will allow us to resume operations with a short lead time and minimal capital investment.”

    "When we started the Savannah project 12 years ago it only had a four-year mine life, but obviously we discovered a lot more ore and we ran for 12 years. Then about two or three years ago we discovered Savannah North and we didn't really know whether it was going to be an ore body because it was deeper and we were a bit unsure. But the drilling we've done over the past 12 months has proven up a significant resource base and we've now got something like three times as much nickel in the ground as we had when we started in 2004 and the grade is actually higher."

    Source : ABC NET
  18. forum rang 10 voda 3 februari 2017 17:09
    Nickel hits three-week high on Philippines mine ban

    Reuters reported that nickel prices have hit three-week highs after the Philippines ordered the closure of 21 mines, mainly nickel producers that account for about half of output in the world's top ore supplier. Benchmark nickel on the London Metal Exchange closed up 1.4 per cent at USD 10,395 a tonne, having earlier touched $US10,500, the strongest since January 11.

    The campaign to fight environmental degradation in the Philippines, which prompted the mine closures, could mean the loss of 10 per cent of global nickel supply, or nearly 2 million tonnes, analysts say.

    Indonesia eased a three-year ban on nickel ore exports in January. Under the new rules mines can export up to 5.2 million tonnes of nickel ore a year.

    However, analysts say that the rules accompanying the relaxation on using local smelter capacity to process low-grade ore could prevent an immediate ramp-up in exports.

    Source : Reuters
  19. forum rang 10 voda 3 februari 2017 17:10
    Philippines to shut half of mostly nickel mine

    REUTERS The Philippines ordered the closure on Thursday of 23 mines, mainly nickel producers that account for about half of output in the world's top nickel ore supplier, in a government campaign to fight environmental degradation by the industry.

    Manila also suspended operations at another five mines, including the country's top gold mine operated by Australia's Oceanagold Corp, as Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Regina Lopez vowed to put the public's welfare above mining revenues.

    Ms Lopez, a staunch environmentalist, said at a briefing that showed footage of damage from mining to an audience including priests and residents of mining communities said that "My issue here is not about mining, my issue here is social justice. Why is mining more important than people's lives?"

    News of the mine closures sent global nickel prices higher and followed the earlier suspension of some operations amid an audit of the country's 41 mines that began shortly after outspoken President Rodrigo Duterte took office last June.

    Some affected miners said they have yet to receive a formal order from Lopez's agency, while an industry group said companies would likely challenge the decision in courts if necessary.

    Ms Lopez said the nickel mines ordered to shut account for about 50 percent of the country's annual output, which analysts estimate at about 10 percent of world supply.

    The risk of nickel supply disruption from the Philippines should boost global prices of the metal, analysts say, with the initial mine suspensions last year and the threat of more having fueled a rally.

    ANZ commodity strategist Daniel Hynes said that "The Philippine disruption should have a bigger impact on the overall nickel market considering it is the biggest nickel ore producer in the world. If they are hard and fast orders, then the nickel price should be well supported."

    Source : Reuters
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