New administrator defectsPublished 13:56
Updated 14:10The new, proposed administrator for Saab drops-out - before he assumed office. He has announced to Vänersborg Court this morning. Saab promises to find a new name as soon as possible.- Lars-Henrik Andersson called me this morning and explained that he is not offered as administrator, says the President, Stefan Nilsson.
No reason why he set up has not Lars-Henrik Andersson given. It is right to appoint a new administrator, but it is a Saab or other parties may nominate persons as administrators. When asked what would happen if you do not have a new name for the meeting which will take place on Monday about Saab, said Stefan Nilsson.
- It is a matter of fact I can not comment now.
To TT Nilsson explains that Saab has until 16 o'clock on how to nominate a new person.
- We will find a new person, we are working on this together with Guy Lofalk now, says Saab's communications director Eric Geers.
In application to Vänersborg yesterday afternoon which was signed Victor Muller and Guy Lofalk explained that Lars-Henrik Andersson, who works at law firm Lindahl, had accepted the assignment. TTELA have searched Lars-Henrik Andersson has tried to him.