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POET Technologies Inc.

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  1. [verwijderd] 27 december 2011 16:38
    POET Technologies Inc.


    POET Technologies Inc. on the TSX.V as ''PTK"

    POET Technologies Inc. on the OTCQX as "POETF":

    (Other websites depict POET Technologies Inc. as CVE:PTK, V.PTK, PTK.V, PTK.C, C.PTK, CN:PTK, PTK:CN, CA:PTK, PTK:CA, PTK.VN, PTK.VN ...)

    CUSIP: 73044W104
    ISIN: CA73044W1041
  2. [verwijderd] 27 december 2011 16:38
    Hou dit aandeel in de gaten voor 2012!
    De bodem is gevormd en met al het nieuws dat we verwachten voor 2012 kan dit aandeel alleen maar klimmen. Ik doe dan ook een voorzichtige voorspelling dat er met OPL.V tot 500% winst kan behaald worden, alhoewel dit pas zal geschieden in Q3 of Q4 van 2012 IMHO.
    500% lijkt veel, of zelfs onrealistisch op 't eerste zicht, maar ik volg dit bedrijf al een poos en weet wat er op het programma staat voor dit nieuwe kalenderjaar, en daarmee kom ik tot een zo'n boude uitspraak!
    Met een slotkoers van 0.35 CAD x 500% = 1.75$, wat nog onder de HoY van 2011 ligt, dus is zeker haalbaar...

    Maar zoals altijd, voer eerst een gedegen onderzoek uit vooraleer je ergens instapt!

    PS: Disclamer; ik heb een lange positie in dit aandeel.
  3. [verwijderd] 29 december 2011 06:00
    OPL.V followers:

    Summary from Phase 1:

    Title: An Optoelectronic Ultra Low Power RAM
    SBIR/STTR Topic Number: AF093-082
    Summary Report Type: Phase I Final

    *This is the man who made it possible:

    ODIS has developed POET as an OE integration platform in GaAs that provides memory capability inherently in the form of a thyristor. Fundamentally, the thyristor is an inversion channel device as in the MOS transistor. The quantum well of the thyristor has steady-state and non-steady-state conditions depending upon the quantity of stored charge in the quantum wells. Original demonstrations of the thyristor memory function employed a single gating terminal to show the dynamic operation of the memory element. The thyristor enabled very high density (area determined essentially by the cross-point of an array) and negligible power consumption in the storage mode. Original conclusions were that the memory operation must be entirely electrical since emitters and detectors could not be formed with the size reduction of an ultra-small memory cell.

    However, during the Phase I effort, the disk laser and disk detector configuration were applied to a novel memory cell implementation. With this innovation, the memory size becomes the smallest possible disk that can be designed, fabricated and contacted. The density is achieved with disk separation by optical waveguide in one direction and channel contacts in the other direction. When embedded as an element in a large 2D array, optical writing and optical readout become effective methods of large memory access, 1 row at a time. The memory cell functions as an active laser for the readout function, so the limitation of minimum stored charge is eliminated. The n and p channel access contacts assist in the write, selection and erase (write 0) operations. The storage function is the ability of the thyristor to retain its memory state at very low voltage over extended times. Thus the POET optoelectronic dynamic memory cell rivals the performance of state-of-the-art DRAM or SRAM in terms of density, speed and power consumption. The predominant POET DRAM advantage is that charge is not stored in the cell and then read out by a sense amplifier (SA) resulting in a limited line length and thus density. Then the speed of readout depends on the tradeoff between the charge stored at the cell, the capacitance of the line to reach the SA and sense amp sensitivity. In contrast, the POET cell is a disk laser and the line to the SA is an optical waveguide.

    The transit time on the line is immediately improved (100µm/ps) and the capacitive effect is eliminated. The sensitivity of the thyristor SA to the optical pulse is far better than the electronic SA which means a smaller optical energy must be provided by the disk than electrical energy provided by the cell capacitor. Also there are fewer devices in the thyristor SA than the transistor SA. When coupled with the much higher speed switching in the thyristor, a larger high density memory with lower power consumption results. POET also offers the advantage that the SA can deliver data optically from the chip by waveguide or vertically. This means that memory arrays may be coupled vertically. Therefore 3D high density memory is enabled.

    Anticipated Benefits;
    The digital processor market is several billion dollars with steady growth potential based upon an expanding PC industry. The processor market includes both digital logic and embedded memory. Another huge market for general purpose design is the Floating Point Gate Array (FPGA). Both of these markets are dominated by CMOS. However CMOS is constrained by both power and speed and is rapidly approaching the end of its scaling life. Thus a new device technology for the post CMOS era must be found. Today, silicon photonics is being pursued as a means to achieve CMOS combined with OE. However, without the laser on-chip, this approach is not a solution. Thus the opportunity for GaAs based circuits is significant. It is anticipated that GaAs will then become the dominant material base for the future IC industry because it can provide all the capabilities of CMOS together with the laser. The POET based memory cell now adds to the capability of the GaAs technology for generalized processor functions.

    The wireless industry is already using all of the GaAs amplifiers that are produced. One can therefore expect a market opportunity for GaAs based memory products with large up-side potential. Digital products can now be added to a growing number of markets addressed by integrated optoelectronics including AD converters, imager products, parallel optical data links, optical interface circuits, ocdma based systems, phased array receivers and other markets currently dominated by Si.

  4. [verwijderd] 30 december 2011 00:28
    Defense Market Key Valuation Assumptions:
    The following are key assumptions that we integrated into the valuation model for the defense market:
    - ODIS will continue to receive annual revenues from Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants and other awards, in accordance with a projected schedule provided by ODIS representatives
    - ODIS will likely license POET to one or all of the top ten defense contractors.
    - Each defense contractor’s licensing decision is an equally probable binary outcome (i.e., they will either license it or not, each occurrence having equal probability).
    - Each defense contractor’s licensing decision is independent of other defense contractors (i.e., we modeled no conditional licensing probabilities).
    - A time gap that ranges between 2 and 18 months exists that captures when each defense contractor considers executing a license.
    - The defense contractors would pay an initial, nonexclusive license fee that may range between $20 million and $50 million
    Defense contractors would make monthly royalty payments thereafter of $250,000 to account for any product-specific royalties.

    More can be found here:
  5. [verwijderd] 5 januari 2012 09:54
    Sorry, maar ik ken OpAl niet. Maar ik kan iedereen aanbevelen om dit aandeel zeer grondig te onderzoeken, want dit heeft werkelijk veel potentie! Lees de presentatie die ik gemaakt heb op Ihub om een lawine aan nuttige details tot u te nemen... Zoek & ontdek!!
  6. [verwijderd] 10 januari 2012 05:14
    The language used in the government SBIR documents suggest a very high level of confidence in POET. As an example :
    Optoelectronic directional couplers for optical switching fabrics (Air Force - Space & Missile Systems Center)
    Phase 2 Award details…contract end date 6/13/2012

    Optical switching fabrics describe arrays of interconnected optical switches that enable input signals to be directed to output ports with optimal flexibility. Such arrays avoid the use of OE conversions and circuit-switched connections by allowing the optical data stream to pass through the fabric in its original form. As such, the fabric requires very dense, low loss switches with high speed reconfigurability. Such arrays can be realized with an MEMS mirror arrays, electro-optic (EO) (8x8 LiNbO3 demonstrated) , interferometric, digital optical, liquid crystal, bubble, acoustooptic and semiconductor amplifier switches. However currently all routing is done with circuit switching. The issues are insertion loss, crosstalk, extinction ratio, polarization dependence and scalability. For high speed operation the EO switch must be used and for integration only the semiconductor approach is viable. ODIS proposes a semiconductor directional coupler that can be scaled to lengths <500um and that may be integrated with other optical and electronic circuits fabricated in POET a new platform technology for OE integrated circuits. In this SBIR, ODIS will develop the directional coupler as the key switching device within the fabric and demonstrate the potential for sub-ns switching, low insertion loss, high density and connectivity to a router processor.
    High speed all-optical switching fabrics are critical for next generation optical routers and would be purchased by major telecommunication networking companies such as Ciena, Juniper, Cisco, Netgear etc. The optoelectronic chip developed here will outperform other optical fabrics by an order of magnitude at a substantially reduced cost. Therefore market penetration is assured. This technology platform will also solves other problems related to optical routers such as wavelength conversion, optical DRAM and high speed logic interconnections. This approach to switching fabrics will establish a new direction in the industry.
    Summary Report – Phase 2 Interim
    All-Optical-Switching for nearly 30 years has been identified as a necessary capability for the routing of high speed optical data. Yet little progress has been made towards a commercial implementation and even now recent comparisons of optical and electronic packet switching in terms of scalability and energy consumption conclude that optical packet switches do not appear to offer significant improvements or energy savings compared to electronic ones. This position states that the key impediment to scaling optical switch fabrics is the energy consumed in the electronic circuits that drive the individual optical devices in the fabric and the energy consumed by the network of control lines that feed these drivers. The optical device technologies previously considered are the AWG based switches, SOA arrays, electro-optic phased-array switches and micro-resonator switches.

    In this effort, we develop POET as an alternative optical switch approach that solves these problems. POET also uses micro-resonator based switches but electronic drivers are not required because the switch is a thyristor with unique properties. First the switch has a built-in calibration mechanism so that a driver circuit is not required to adjust and maintain the resonant frequency. Second, the thyristor has the latching (memory) property so that drive signals are not required to maintain each individual element. Third when the fabric is designed as a memory array the packets may be passed in a power down mode in which the array power is minimal. Finally, the POET approach allows a merging of the optical and electronic planes of the router and thus eliminates many of the EO and OE converters required for packet header recognition and replacement. When these converters are required, they are simple single stage circuits consuming minimal power.

    ODIS has made significant progress in designing the appropriate resonator geometry for operation in the 1µm region, which includes the appropriate waveguide interconnect structure, the electrode structure for control of the memory and the internal cell resistor. Dynamic simulations have shown the fabric to be capable of passing 40Gb/s digital data as well as 40GHz RF. ODIS has also determined how to use the optical bit pattern in the header of the packet to perform the writing operation which simplifies the instructions required from the electronic plane. The basic cell consists of 2 optically coupled thyristor resonators coupling to input and output waveguides using minimum sized devices of 5µm on a side. Thyristor switching places the devices into the through or cross state which realizes the basic 2 x 2 functionality. WDM operation is easily accommodated by providing parallel paths at each element designed for another wavelength. Experimentally, ODIS has designed the photomasks to demonstrate the basic cell operation as well as the compatibility with the basic transistor operations inherent to the POET epitaxy. Much of the process development for this part of the work (to optimize the process producing both thyristors and transistors) has been performed to enable technology transition to BAE systems. The transition is on track with 1st reported nFET bandwidths of 38.6GHz.
    Anticipated Benefits
    The commercial market opportunity for optical switching fabrics could be significant if the POET optical switch becomes a serious contender for the electronic switching approach. This is expected to happen around 40GB/s data stream rates since the POET cHFET VLSI capability will dramatically outperform CMOS when the feature size gets to 0.1µm. However optical fabrics are only one aspect of one vertical market. There are numerous other vertical markets which POET will dominate and these include the wireless and handheld markets, semiconductor memory market, the server market and the general microprocessor markets to name a few. POET, with OE capability will then become a mainstream technology for all markets for data rates above 40GB/s
  7. [verwijderd] 25 januari 2012 11:30
    Silicon is dead — long live GaAs

    Ik heb OPEL Technologies al een tijdje aanbevolen en zoals in dit onafhankelijk artikel te lezen is zal het niet lang meer duren vooraleer dat aandeel echt aantrekt. Zie het niet als een 'quick rich scheme' want dan zal je teleurgesteld zijn, maar als je een meerjarige horizon kunt optrekken dan zit je comfortabel voor de toekomst! Als je doorlinkt naar oudere berichten van OPL op dit forum zal je een link vinden waar alle nuttige informatie te vinden is voor dit aandeel. En voor wie geen zin heeft om te linken, zie deze presentatie (lees alles):

    De potentie voor dit aandeel is echt heel groot en de mainstream heeft dit nog niet door, maar dat zal naar het einde van 2012 wel anders zijn als de POET Technologie klaar is voor commercialisatie en de grootste tech giants een license deal met hun afsluiten!

    Technisch gezien lijken we een dubbele bodem te hebben gevormd op de kaart en is alles wat je hier kunt kopen zijn geld in goud waard op langere termijn.

    Ik moet er eerlijkheidshalve wel dit bij vermelden, en dat is dat we een Venture Capital funder hebben 'Pinetree Capital' die in het laatste half jaar hun positie hebben afgebouwd van +-12 milj aandelen tot +- 6.5 milj. En dat heeft ten eerste een neerwaarts effect gehad op de koers, (zie kaart), maar ook toen er een opleving kwam, kwam Pinetree op de proppen met een aflossing van een deel van hun positie in OPL, en dat heeft iedere vorm van positief momentum afgebroken. Aangezien OPL's management voor een deel met opties wordt betaald hebben enkele insiders een deel verkocht, alhoewel dit maar +- 10% van hun aandelen was. Maar je kunt je het gebrek aan vertrouwen wel inbeelden als meerdere insiders in een kortere periode verkopen dat aandeelhouders snel denken dat er iets fundamenteels aan de hand is, maar niets is minder waar!
    Met al de 'doom&gloom' berichten van het laatste jaar en een overreactie op alle slecht-nieuwsberichten en rapporten hebben zij ook eieren voor hun geld gekozen en winst van tafel gehaald, wat iedere goede huisvader zou moeten doen, dus ik neem ze het niet kwalijk. Natuurlijk was ik niet blij toen ik dit zag maar éénmaal de nare emoties wegebden kon ik wel hun motivatie inzien,... en ik zou waarschijnlijk hetzelfde gedaan hebben als ik in hun stoel zat...

    Nu ik in grosso modo de reden voor de neergang van het aandeel heb besproken kan ik ook onmiddellijk aantonen hoe irrationeel de markt kan zijn. Toen OPL in een neerwaartse spiraal zat boekte zij meer inkomsten per kwartaal en toch ging dit aandeel naar beneden. Ook toen nieuwe contracten werden bekend gemaakt kon dit niet voor een echte omslag zorgen, wat op zich zeer frustrerend was. "But the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent." is een welbekend adagium, maar dat neemt niet weg dat OPL ondertussen sterk aan zijn fundamenten heeft gewerkt. Eind december is er een nieuw patent goedgekeurd (#36 & 11 pending), in Januari heeft de CEO bekend gemaakt dat ze net hun grootste solar-tracker contract hebben afgewerkt en daarvan zal het grootste deel op de boeken verschijnen in de komende kwartalen. Ook hebben ze solar panel contracten lopen die in 2012 geboekt zullen worden, en ze hebben een nieuwe verkoper aangesteld voor de Noord-Amerikaanse markt, dus daarvan verwachten we ook nieuwe contracten in de komende maanden. OPL heeft meerdere vestigingen, onder andere in Brussel, Connecticut, Ontario, en vertegenwoordiging in Azië... Hun innovatieve GaAs solar panels en single & dual solar trackers genieten steeds meer aandacht vanwege hun superieure kwaliteit, dus zal de solar divisie van OPL de kosten dekken om de POET Technologie af te werken.
    Diezelfde technologie is ook gesteund door SBIR's (Small Business Innovation Research) van de NASA en DoD (Department of Defense), OPL werkt samen met BAE Systems, de 2de grootste militaire contracter in de wereld om de POET Tech te valideren voor commercialisatie. (Zie in de OPL presentatie voor meer info & links.) Deze technologie is het geesteskind van Dr. Geoffrey Taylor van de universiteit van Connecticut en hij werkt al meer dan 15 jaar aan dit project die nu bijna klaar is om de vruchten ervan te plukken. En ik sta klaar met mijn mandje om te helpen dragen ;-) ...
  8. [verwijderd] 25 januari 2012 12:02
    From OPEL’s website:
    POET's technology platform for optoelectronic integration exploits the optoelectronic and electronic behaviors of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) semiconductor material. One of the benefits of this material, from a space electronics perspective, is that GaAs is significantly less susceptible to x-ray and gamma-ray total integrated dose (TID) radiation. GaAs is the long-standing choice for high-frequency (e.g. RF) devices and circuits. Important to the military is ODIS's ability to integrate digital, RF, and optical technologies in a single device makes POET an important, high-performance capability that satisfies documented needs for multiple space systems and all Military Departments and Agency Tech Areas.
    From the report I posted earlier today commissioned by the DoD Homeland Security:
    An extreme geomagnetic storm of G5 on NOAA‘s space weather scale likely would result in extensive surface charging in a large number of satellites in GEO. Interference with or damage to satellites in GEO would affect several critical infrastructures. For instance, global communications networks would experience significant disruption. Temporary interference with satellite signals would harm communications provider revenues. Communication provider revenue loss from a geomagnetic storm with an intensity comparable to the 1859 Carrington Event has been estimated on the order of $30 billion (Odenwald, 2007). As of 1 July 2010, 255 of the 943 satellites in GEO were commercially owned communications satellites (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2010). Surface charging resulting in damage to as few as ten percent (25) of these satellites‘ internal components would pose a significant replacement challenge.
    In the event of an extreme geomagnetic storm resulting in permanent internal damage to satellites, launch capacity is insufficient to satisfy replacement needs. In 2009, 78 satellite launches occurred worldwide. This represented a decrease of 40 percent from 2008, a trend explained by global macroeconomic conditions. Global launch capacity under normal circumstances would seem to be approximately 100 to 110 satellites annually. At first glance, this capacity would seem adequate to launch 25 satellites to replace damaged commercial communications satellites after an extreme geomagnetic storm. But, these 25 replacement satellites would represent additional demand above and
    beyond existing estimates forecasting demand for 20 new commercial communications satellite launches annually between 2010 and 2019 (FAA, 2010).
    Replacing commercial communication satellites illustrates only part of the problem following an extreme geomagnetic storm. The 255 commercial communications satellites are not the only satellites in GEO. Another 100 commercial satellites fulfilling other purposes, as well as civil and military satellites, occupy GEOs (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2010). Each of these satellite user communities also likely would need to replace damaged satellites. Additional launch capacity is not easily added, as constructing launch facilities represents a highly capital-intensive endeavor. Prioritizing replacement slots would pose a challenge, especially as only a small number of countries own and operate launch facilities capable of supporting the full range of satellite payloads. Balancing military and civil government replacement needs against commercial needs also could raise significant challenges.
  9. [verwijderd] 27 januari 2012 16:24
    List of Patents:


    7776753 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7776753.html August 17, 2010

    7595516 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7595516.html September 29, 2009

    7556976 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7556976.html July 7, 2009

    7432539 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7432539.html October 7, 2008

    7409120 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7409120.html August 5, 2008

    7385230 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7385230.html June 10, 2008

    7333733 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7333733.html February 19, 2008

    7332752 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7332752.html February 19, 2008

    7262429 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7262429.html August 28, 2007

    7247892 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7247892.html July 24, 2007

    7176046 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7176046.html February 13, 2007

    7173293 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7173293.html February 6, 2007

    7064697 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7064697.html June 20, 2006

    7015120 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7015120.html March 21, 2006

    7012274 www.patentgenius.com/patent/7012274.html March 14, 2006

    6995407 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6995407.html February 7, 2006

    6977954 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6977954.html December 20, 2005

    6974969 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6974969.html December 13, 2005

    6954473 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6954473.html October 11, 2005

    6936839 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6936839.html August 30, 2005

    6873273 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6873273.html March 29, 2005

    6853014 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6853014.html February 8, 2005

    6849866 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6849866.html February 1, 2005

    6841806 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6841806.html January 11, 2005

    6841795 www.patentgenius.com/patent/6841795.html January 11, 2005

    RE38682 http://www.patentgenius.com/patent/RE38682.html January 4, 2005

    (This list is not complete)
  10. [verwijderd] 8 februari 2012 09:39
    ondanks het feit dat je niet veel reacties krijgt op je posts brengen deze toch waarde bij tot dit forum, hou dit aandeel ook al geruime tijd in het oog en heb deze nu in portefeuille, de dump wordt redelijk goed opgevangen het is wachten op nieuws en kwartaal cijfers, zie dat je ook actief bent op het Canadeze forum en dit aandeel nauwlettend in het oog houd
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