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POET Technologies Inc.

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  1. [verwijderd] 17 februari 2012 18:36
    hahaha mevrouw welsh,... als we in bepaalde pinks nooit geld hadden gestoken maar dat hadden gestoken in fondsen die op dat moment stijgende waren waren we nogggg veel rijker..

    misschien wenst u over twee weken wel dat u in dit fonds was gestapt vandaag ;-)

    (ps heb hem een aantal jaar geeden ook gehad en was blij dat ik hem weer kwijt was.. dat dan wel weer ;-)
  2. [verwijderd] 18 februari 2012 17:18
    Promoten heeft een negatieve bijklank, het doet vermoeden dat ik ervoor gecompenseerd word en dat is geenszins het geval. Wat ik wel probeer te bereiken is meer naambekendheid omdat OPL bezig is met het valideren van hun POET Technology, en dit is een nieuwe revolutionaire technologie die in de kern zal zitten van vele toepassingen. Hun technologie wordt momenteel getest door BAE Systems, dat is de tweede grootste militaire contractor van de wereld, en als zij hun faciliteiten ter beschikking stellen om POET uitvoerig te valideren dan moet het toch wel veel potentie hebben. Van alle technologie bedrijven in de wereld heeft BAE besloten om met OPL te werken en daaruit zullen tevens ook producten voor BAE uit voortvloeien, dus ik denk dat we naar het einde van het jaar 1 of meerdere grote contracten kunnen verwachten + licenties + royalties.
    Of de kans bestaat dat het POET platform verkocht word. (ik verkies de eerste optie) Maar als ze toch beslissen om te verkopen dan zit er een royale winst in voor de aandeelhouders omdat Pellegrino & Associates POET heeft geschat op een waarde van $1.3 miljard, wat eigenlijk nog een conservatieve schatting is.

    Ik kan enkel mijn mening geven en de rest is voor jullie te onderzoeken.

    PS Wat TA betreft, ik denk dat dit de bodem is. Als je kijkt op de dagelijkse & wekelijkse kaart zie je veel indicatoren op 'oversold' staan (en nu ze pas opties hebben vrijgegeven lijkt dit toch ook een indicatie dat het management vindt dat dit de bodem is.)

    Ik denk dat we volgende week nieuws kunnen verwachten, want wij hebben in december al ontdekt dat ze een nieuw patent hebben gekregen, en in januari hebben ze een SBIR Award gekregen van de NASA ter waarde van $750k, maar dat nieuws is nog niet wereldkundig gemaakt. Wij vermoeden dat ze gewacht hebben op 2 dingen, eerst moest Pinetree Capital hun aandelen in OPL verkopen (vandaar dat we zo gezakt zijn) & (volgens onze berekeningen lijken die nu klaar te zijn).
    En ten tweede hebben ze dat nieuws achterwege gehouden totdat Pinetree klaar was met de uitverkoop, en OPL hun opties waren uitgegeven. Daarom vermoed ik dat er nu een reversal kan gebeuren en OPL weer kan klimmen naar de .4 - .5 regio, en als Q4 uitkomt zullen we weer een toename zien in de inkomsten en dat gaat ons nog wat hoger liften. Tegen het einde van Q1 begin Q2 kunnen we nieuws verwachten van 3 milestones die zijn bereikt (zie tijdlijn in de presentatie), en dan zal OPL een serieuze boost krijgen! Ik blijf erbij dat OPL de 52w high van 2011 (1.82) kan overtreffen in 2012, dus tel uit je winst... nadat je dit eerst grondig hebt onderzocht natuurlijk!

    PS Koop nooit een aandeel omdat je iets leest op een forum, maar enkel nadat je het ZELF terdege hebt geanalyseerd!

    OPL Presentatie:

  3. [verwijderd] 19 februari 2012 09:12
    het blijft inderdaad wachten op het goede nieuws,nu de opties zijn toegekend en penet... aandelen geloosd heeft denk ik ook dat de bodem gevormd is. Hoop dat het volume aanhoud en deze de koers verder ondersteunt
  4. [verwijderd] 21 februari 2012 19:26
    In April we can expect Q4 and year end results.
    Here is a summary of contract signings from the start of 2011 that will begin showing in revenues from last QTR and moving forward. Some of these revenues will be recognized in Q4 but I assume the bulk of revenues have not yet been recognized.
    Mar 24/11 - Aquarion Water Company - Panels and Trackers - Completed Dec 2011 - $ unknown
    Apr 12/11 - Greenlight Power Selects Trackers - 1st Phase 1.4MW Project - Completion date and $ unknown
    May 3/11 - Turnkey Solar Install Newtown, CT 95KW - Trackers and Panels from Grape Solar - Completion date and $ unknown
    May 16/11 - Exclusive Tracker supplier to Grape Solar - $ Unknown
    Jun 20/11 - 2nd China Contract announced bringing total to over 5MW Trackers and Panels - Begins second half 2011 and completed 2012. $TENS OF MILLIONS
    Jul 27/11 - Italy contract for 2MW Trackers and Panels - Begins late 2011 - $5 MILLION
    Sep 15/11 - Trackers selected by Conenergy US for multiple projects in California. $unknown, some work completed 2011
    Jan 9/12 - Trackers Supplied to GES USA 4.6MW - Completed Late 2011 - LARGEST TRACKER ORDER IN OPEL HISTORY - $ unknown

    Also interesting to read:
  5. [verwijderd] 28 februari 2012 15:17
    OPEL Technologies Inc. Gets Second Year Honor as a Member of the 2012 TSX Venture 50

    OPEL Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE:OPL) and OPEL Solar Inc. (collectively "OPEL" or "the Company"), a leading global supplier of solar tracker systems and other solar related products, and a semiconductor device and process developer,
    announced that it has been selected for the second time as a member of the "2012 TSX Venture 50", a ranking of strong performing companies listed on TSX Venture Exchange.

    The 2012 TSX Venture 50 is comprised of ten companies from each of five sectors: Clean Technology, Mining, Oil & Gas, Diversified Industries, and Technology & Life Sciences. The 50 companies were chosen based on the following criteria, with equal weighting assigned to each: share price appreciation, trading volume, market capitalization growth and analyst coverage.

    "As a technology Company that consistently advances its solar and semiconductor businesses, OPEL is proud to again be a member of this elite group of companies on the TSX Venture Exchange," said Leon M. Pierhal, CEO of OPEL Technologies.
    "Capitalizing on innovation and new market opportunities for solar technology and our state of the art semiconductor POET process continues to drive our success at OPEL. We look forward to persistently growing our offerings."

    In a summary statement, Mr. Pierhal added, "As technological strides and economic developments in both businesses continue to be achieved, we will proceed to quantify and verify each breakthrough or event. Once we are able to do so, we will disseminate the material information on a timely basis."

    About OPEL Technologies Inc., OPEL Solar, Inc. and ODIS Inc.

    With operations in Shelton, CT and head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Company, through OPEL Solar, Inc., designs, manufactures and markets dual- and single-axis trackers and other solar related products for CPV and PV systems for energy applications worldwide. The Company, through ODIS Inc., a U.S. company, designs III-V semiconductor devices for military, industrial and commercial applications, including infrared sensor arrays and ultra-low-power random access memory. The Company has 35 patents issued and 16 patents pending in PV systems technologies and for its semiconductor POET process. The POET process enables
    the monolithic fabrication of integrated circuits containing both electronic and optical elements, with potential high- speed and power-efficient applications in devices such as servers, tablet computers and smartphones. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information about OPEL, please visit our websites at www.opelsolar.com; and www.opeltechinc.com; and for ODIS at www.odisinc.com .


    Michel Lafrance, Secretary
  6. [verwijderd] 2 maart 2012 15:26
    OPEL Technologies Inc. Dispels Internet Rumors
    SHELTON, CONNECTICUT and TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (Marketwire) -- 03/02/12 -- OPEL Technologies Inc. (TSX VENTURE:OPL) and OPEL Solar Inc. (collectively "OPEL" or "the Company"), a leading global supplier of solar tracker systems and other solar related products, and a semiconductor device and process developer, wishes to dispel certain rumors about the Company presently circulating on the internet.
    OPEL wishes to clarify that, contrary to these rumors, the Company has not, for any reason whatsoever, withheld material information which would be required to be publicly disseminated in accordance with the applicable securities laws, rules and regulations in Canada and the USA. Some resourceful shareholders have discovered on the internet that the US NASA has allocated certain funds for OPEL under the SBIR program. OPEL has been in ongoing discussions and negotiations with respect to solidifying and their agreeing to the specific device to be developed with that award, and it is premature to announce its completion. If and when such SBIR negotiations are concluded and the SBIR is officially granted, OPEL will issue a press release on a timely basis, as it will with respect to any other material information. Management shares with OPEL's shareholders their frustrations and disappointment with OPEL's current share price, which is the result of normal market forces.
    OPEL also wishes to announce a new patent which is particularly directed to an array of thyristor devices that determines the angle-of-arrival of an incident laser beam with high angular resolution (typically referred to as a "HARLID"). The new patent, which was issued a patent number by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office in December, 2011, raises the number of patents issued to the Company to 36. This is a core patent from which additional development is expected, and, after reviewing the final patent documentation, the POET team can now validate some of the ancillary technical findings.
    About OPEL Technologies Inc., OPEL Solar, Inc. and ODIS Inc.
    With operations in Shelton, CT and head office in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the Company, through OPEL Solar, Inc., designs, manufactures and markets dual- and single-axis trackers and other solar related products for CPV and PV systems for energy applications worldwide. The Company, through ODIS Inc., a U.S. company, designs III-V semiconductor devices for military, industrial and commercial applications, including infrared sensor arrays and ultra-low-power random access memory. The Company has 36 patents issued and 15 patents pending in PV systems technologies and for its semiconductor POET process. The POET process enables the monolithic fabrication of integrated circuits containing both electronic and optical elements, with potential high-speed and power-efficient applications in devices such as servers, tablet computers and smartphones. OPEL's common shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "OPL". For more information about OPEL, please visit our websites at www.opelsolar.com; and www.opeltechinc.com; and for ODIS at www.odisinc.com.
    Michel Lafrance, Secretary
    Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
    OPEL Inc.
    Patricia Venneri Agudow
    Vice President, Public Relations
    +1 (203) 612-2366 x2612

    Source: Marketwire (March 2, 2012 - 8:00 AM EST)

    News by QuoteMedia
  7. [verwijderd] 2 maart 2012 17:58
    New Patent Award Details:
    Proposal #: O1.01-9727
    Title: Optoelectronic Infrastructure for RF/Optical Phased Arrays
    Contract #: NNX12CA19C
    Program/Year/Phase/Center: SBIR 2010 -2 (N/A)
    Start/End Date: N/A
    Award Amount: $749,913.00
    Subtopic: O1.01 -Antenna Technology

    Field of the Invention:

    The present invention relates to semiconductor devices. More particularly, the present invention relates to semiconductor devices that generate electrical signals in response to incident radiation. The invention is particularly applicable to devices that determine the angle-of-arrival of an incident laser beam with high angular resolution (typically referred to as a "HARLID").

    2. State of the Art

    A Laser Warning Receiver (LWR) is an important asset of modern military forces for protecting vehicles, weapon platforms, and/or personnel against laser guided weapons. The LWR employs a device that determines the angle-of-arrival of an incident laser beam with high angular resolution (typically referred to as a "HARLID") in order to accurately locate the laser guided weapon and optimize countermeasures against such laser guided weapon.

    The angle-of-arrival of the incident laser beam is typically measured by a device that employs a mask that blocks incident radiation (within the spectral range of interest). The mask includes one or several apertures positioned above at least one array of radiation detectors. The apertures (sometimes referred to as windows or slots) allow the incident radiation to pass through the mask for detection by the radiation detectors. The angle-of-arrival of the incident laser beam is determined from the position where the aperture(s) is(are) imaged onto the radiation detectors. For increased spectral sensitivity, two separate arrays of radiation detectors are commonly used (i.e., an array of silicon photodiodes and an array of GaAs photodiodes), which significantly increases the cost of the device. Moreover, the outputs of the radiation detectors of the device are processed by signal processing circuitry in order to determine the angle-of-arrival of the incident laser beam. Such signal processing circuitry is complex and expensive to develop and manufacture, which also adds to the costs of the device.

  8. [verwijderd] 18 maart 2012 16:50
    The following SBIR is a phase 2 with the Navy for $750k . It started mid April 2010 and the end date is June 16, 2012.
    The Abstract of this SBIR “Optoelectronic directional couplers for optical switching fabrics”

    Optical switching fabrics describe arrays of interconnected optical switches that enable input signals to be directed to output ports with optimal flexibility. Such arrays avoid the use of OE conversions and circuit-switched connections by allowing the optical data stream to pass through the fabric in its original form. As such, the fabric requires very dense, low loss switches with high speed reconfigurability. Such arrays can be realized with an MEMS mirror arrays, electro-optic (EO) (8x8 LiNbO3 demonstrated) , interferometric, digital optical, liquid crystal, bubble, acoustooptic and semiconductor amplifier switches. However currently all routing is done with circuit switching. The issues are insertion loss, crosstalk, extinction ratio, polarization dependence and scalability. For high speed operation the EO switch must be used and for integration only the semiconductor approach is viable. ODIS proposes a semiconductor directional coupler that can be scaled to lengths <500um and that may be integrated with other optical and electronic circuits fabricated in POET a new platform technology for OE integrated circuits. In this SBIR, ODIS will develop the directional coupler as the key switching device within the fabric and demonstrate the potential for sub-ns switching, low insertion loss, high density and connectivity to a router processor.
    High speed all-optical switching fabrics are critical for next generation optical routers and would be purchased by major telecommunication networking companies such as Ciena, Juniper, Cisco, Netgear etc. The optoelectronic chip developed here will outperform other optical fabrics by an order of magnitude at a substantially reduced cost. Therefore market penetration is assured. This technology platform will also solves other problems related to optical routers such as wavelength conversion, optical DRAM and high speed logic interconnections. This approach to switching fabrics will establish a new direction in the industry.
    Phase II Interim
    All-Optical-Switching for nearly 30 years has been identified as a necessary capability for the routing of high speed optical data. Yet little progress has been made towards a commercial implementation and even now recent comparisons of optical and electronic packet switching in terms of scalability and energy consumption conclude that optical packet switches do not appear to offer significant improvements or energy savings compared to electronic ones. This position states that the key impediment to scaling optical switch fabrics is the energy consumed in the electronic circuits that drive the individual optical devices in the fabric and the energy consumed by the network of control lines that feed these drivers. The optical device technologies previously considered are the AWG based switches, SOA arrays, electro-optic phased-array switches and micro-resonator switches.

    In this effort, we develop POET as an alternative optical switch approach that solves these problems. POET also uses micro-resonator based switches but electronic drivers are not required because the switch is a thyristor with unique properties. First the switch has a built-in calibration mechanism so that a driver circuit is not required to adjust and maintain the resonant frequency. Second, the thyristor has the latching (memory) property so that drive signals are not required to maintain each individual element. Third when the fabric is designed as a memory array the packets may be passed in a power down mode in which the array power is minimal. Finally, the POET approach allows a merging of the optical and electronic planes of the router and thus eliminates many of the EO and OE converters required for packet header recognition and replacement. When these converters are required, they are simple single stage circuits consuming minimal power.

    ODIS has made significant progress in designing the appropriate resonator geometry for operation in the 1µm region, which includes the appropriate waveguide interconnect structure, the electrode structure for control of the memory and the internal cell resistor. Dynamic simulations have shown the fabric to be capable of passing 40Gb/s digital data as well as 40GHz RF. ODIS has also determined how to use the optical bit pattern in the header of the packet to perform the writing operation which simplifies the instructions required from the electronic plane. The basic cell consists of 2 optically coupled thyristor resonators coupling to input and output waveguides using minimum sized devices of 5µm on a side. Thyristor switching places the devices into the through or cross state which realizes the basic 2 x 2 functionality. WDM operation is easily accommodated by providing parallel paths at each element designed for another wavelength. Experimentally, ODIS has designed the photomasks to demonstrate the basic cell operation as well as the compatibility with the basic transistor operations inherent to the POET epitaxy. Much of the process development for this part of the work (to optimize the process producing both thyristors and transistors) has been performed to enable technology transition to BAE systems. The transition is on track with 1st reported nFET bandwidths of 38.6GHz.
    Anticipated Benefits
    The commercial market opportunity for optical switching fabrics could be significant if the POET optical switch becomes a serious contender for the electronic switching approach. This is expected to happen around 40GB/s data stream rates since the POET cHFET VLSI capability will dramatically outperform CMOS when the feature size gets to 0.1µm. However optical fabrics are only one aspect of one vertical market. There are numerous other vertical markets which POET will dominate and these include the wireless and handheld markets, semiconductor memory market, the server market and the general microprocessor markets to name a few. POET, with OE capability will then become a mainstream technology for all markets for data rates above 40GB/s
    Some comments from Dr Taylor on this and the ultra low power memory is contained in the following article from Semiconductor Today
  9. [verwijderd] 21 maart 2012 03:43
    A few items from the Pellegrino Report:
    General Key Valuation Assumptions
    The following are key assumptions that are common to all of our valuation models:
    • It will take between 6 and 18 months for POET to pass through technical readiness level (“TRL”), making POET then desirable for licensing transactions.
    • The nominal remaining economic life for the technology is 22 years.
    The thing is ODIS appear to be continually updating their patents using the older patents as prior art so although it is important to move forward as quickly as possible they are still developing and refining the technology. Laminar Flow has talked about this in the past. It’s a means avoiding anyone catching up on the same technology but for sure there is a lot of effort going into the research of integrated active and passive photonics combined with electronics
    While I was reviewing the report this line caught my eye:
    Defense Market Key Valuation Assumptions
    The following are key assumptions that we integrated into the valuation model for the defense
    • ODIS will continue to receive annual revenues from Small Business Innovation Research
    (SBIR) grants and other awards, in accordance with a projected schedule provided by
    ODIS representatives
    • ODIS will likely license POET to one or all of the top ten defense contractors.
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