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  1. Barren Wuffett 18 augustus 2021 15:16
    Launch of UK Hydrogen Strategy at Official Opening of Bessemer Park Gigafactory

    World’s largest electrolyser factory in Sheffield opened by Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

    ITM Power (AIM: ITM), the energy storage and clean fuel company, is pleased to announce that the Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and the Environment today launched the UK Government’s Hydrogen Strategy at an event to officially open ITM Power’s new factory at Bessemer Park in Sheffield.

    ITM Power’s Gigafactory, with a capacity of 1,000MW (1GW) of electrolysis equipment per annum, commenced operation in January this year. The site already employs some 320 people with further staff additions planned as the facility ramps up to capacity. The Company manufactures electrolysers which split water into its constituent molecules of hydrogen and oxygen using renewable power. The resultant zero-carbon green hydrogen can then be used to decarbonise industrial processes, transport and heating and will play a major role in the world’s efforts to arrest climate change.

    The announcement of the Government’s Hydrogen Strategy is available at UK government launches plan for a world-leading hydrogen economy - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

    Business & Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said: “Hydrogen has the potential to provide a third of the UK’s energy in the future. Our first-ever Hydrogen Strategy sets out how we will back this technology, ramp up domestic production and create a new, British industry that will thrive over the next decade and beyond.

    “ITM Power is at the forefront of manufacturing green hydrogen and its world-leading technologies are already playing an important role in cutting emissions as the UK moves away from fossil fuels, helping us meet our climate commitments, while creating thousands of high-quality jobs and unlocking billions-of-pounds of private investment.”

    Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power, added: “We are delighted to have hosted Kwasi Kwarteng to launch the Government’s Hydrogen Strategy and to officially open the Bessemer Park Gigafactory. The Hydrogen Strategy will help British companies become world leaders in decarbonisation technology and equipment. ITM Power is already at the forefront globally of equipment manufacturing to make green hydrogen – the only zero carbon footprint energy gas.”

  2. Joni-2 18 augustus 2021 16:43
    China keurt hernieuwbaar megaproject voor groene waterstof goed
    Dan Murtaugh
    wo 18 augustus 2021, 06:09

    (Bloomberg.NEF) -- De Chinese regio “Binnen-Mongolië” heeft een enorm energieproject goedgekeurd dat zonne- en windenergie zal gebruiken om groene waterstof te produceren.
    De Energy Administration van “Binnen-Mongolië” heeft toestemming gegeven voor een cluster van fabrieken in de steden Ordos en Baotou die 1,85 gigawatt zonne-energie en 370 megawatt wind zullen gebruiken om 66.900 ton groene waterstof per jaar te produceren, aldus de Hydrogen Energy Industry Promotion Association. in een rapport. De ontwikkeling begint in oktober en de projecten zullen medio 2023 operationeel zijn, zei de vereniging, zonder de kosten of de ontwikkelaars te specificeren.

    Het project, dat genoeg waterstof zou produceren om ongeveer 180 miljoen gallons benzine per jaar te verdringen als het zou worden gebruikt voor brandstofcelvoertuigen, is volgens BloombergNEF-analist Xiaoting Wang het grootste project dat tot nu toe door de regering moet worden geleid.
    China's bloeiende waterstofindustrie heeft nog steeds knelpunten - inclusief hoe de brandstof wordt opgeslagen en gebruikt - die in de komende vijf jaar moeten worden aangepakt, zei Securities Daily in een artikel op woensdag.

    Minder dan 20% van de stroom van de ontwikkeling van “Binnen-Mongolië” gaat naar het net, de rest gaat naar groene waterstof. Hoewel er in China verschillende projecten zijn aangekondigd die hernieuwbare energie combineren met groene waterstof, zijn de meeste eerst bedoeld voor elektriciteitsopwekking, waarbij de waterstofcomponent slechts een raambekleding is om goedkeuring te krijgen, zei Wang.

    Zie ook: China formuleert waterstofplan, maar de timing is onzeker
    Het project zal echter minstens 465 megawatt aan elektrolyzers nodig hebben om zoveel waterstof te produceren, zei ze, eraan toevoegend dat de wereldwijde verzending van elektrolyzers in 2020 slechts 200 megawatt bedroeg en naar verwachting dit jaar 400 megawatt zal zijn. "Deze projecten zullen in 2021 meer elektrolyzers installeren dan de hele wereldmarkt", zei Wang.

    Waterstof wordt algemeen beschouwd als essentieel voor China's streven om zijn economie tegen 2060 koolstofarm te maken. De outputwaarde van de waterstofindustrie van het land wordt voorspeld op 1 biljoen yuan ($ 154 miljard) in vijf jaar tijd en zou tegen 2050 12 keer zo hoog kunnen zijn, volgens Bloomberg Intelligence, gebaseerd op prognoses van de China Hydrogen Alliance.

    De grootste Chinese groene waterstofprojecten tot nu toe zijn afkomstig van industriële giganten zoals Sinopec of Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group, die dit jaar in een van zijn kolen-naar-chemische fabrieken een 150 megawatt op zonne-energie aangedreven elektrolyzer-array zal voltooien. China Baowu Steel Group heeft plannen aangekondigd voor 1,5 gigawatt aan hernieuwbaar aangedreven elektrolyzers, zonder timing te geven.

    Hoewel Binnen-Mongolië lange tijd een van de toonaangevende kolenmijnregio's in China is geweest, positioneren functionarissen het als een potentieel knooppunt voor hernieuwbare energie om elektriciteit en waterstof naar de rest van het land te exporteren. De regio krijgt ongeveer 3.100 uur zonlicht per jaar voor zonne-opwekking en bevindt zich op het hoofdkanaal van Siberische wind die volgens de waterstofvereniging tientallen gigawatt aan windturbines zou kunnen aandrijven.

    © 2021 Bloomberg L.P. (com)
  3. Rotel74 18 augustus 2021 16:50

    Minister of climate, energy and supply Dan Jørgensen broke ground on Europe’s largest power-to-x plant: The HySynergy plant in Fredericia
    Fredericia, Denmark, 18 August 2021 - Today, Everfuel, Crossbridge Energy A/S and the Minister for Climate, Energy and Supply broke ground on what will become Europe’s largest Power-to-X plant; HySynergy.
    The HySynergy project will be the largest of its kind in Europe and will become a 20 MW electrolysis and Power-to-X plant during its first phase of operation. It is expected to be finished by summer 2022. It is expected that the plant will be expanded to 300 MW in 2025 during the second phase.
    HySynergy’s second phase will have the capacity to reduce the Danish land-based transport sector’s carbon emissions by up to 11% as soon as 2025, which will contribute to the Danish government’s 70% emissions reduction target ahead of 2030.
    ”Today is a big day – both for us, but also for the future development of Power-to-X. By 2025, HySynergy will facilitate an annual reduction of up to 500,000 tonnes of carbon emissions from the mobility sector and the industry, which corresponds to 11% of the total carbon emissions from the Danish land-based transport sector. We will continue the work to establish Fredericia and the Triangle Region as an energy hub for Power-to-X and green fuels.” – Jacob Krogsgaard, CEO of Everfuel.
    The establishment of HySynergy includes a significant upscaling of the green hydrogen production in Denmark. The largest buyer of green hydrogen from HySynergy will be Crossbridge Energy A/S, which owns the site of the plant and is key to ensuring that the green fuel will quickly create a noticeable effect on the Danish climate reports.
    ”Today, we are breaking ground on the hydrogen factory HySynergy, which will make a significant green impact on Danish transport in a year. Right from the first hydrogen production, fossil fuels will be replaced with green fuels. This is because we can utilise the green hydrogen in our production at the Crossbridge Energy A/S refinery, which today delivers 35% of the Danish fuel consumption.” – Finn Schousboe, CEO for Crossbridge Energy A/S.
    Fredericia has the infrastructure for quick upscaling and to supply the Danish people with green fuels, but the close cooperation between Crossbridge Energy A/S and Everfuel provides a unique opportunity to utilise the green hydrogen from day one – and to ensure an economically sustainable market for HySynergy’s hydrogen production.
    HySynergy is a green project collaboration between Everfuel, Crossbridge Energy A/S, EWII, TREFOR, Aktive Energi Anlæg, TVIS and ENERGINET, and will scale the production and storage of green hydrogen.
    HySynergy is one of the six Danish projects nominated to participate in a large-scale European project on green hydrogen called IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest). HySynergy’s participation in IPCEI will contribute to a significant carbon reduction in Denmark and Europe by phasing out fossil fuels in the transport sector.

    For additional information, please contact
    Torben Øllegaard Sørensen, External Relations Advisor, Crossbridge Energy Fredericia, +45 4077 9257
    Lea Vindvad Hansen, Investor Relations & Communications Manager, Everfuel, +45 6183 0205

    About Everfuel | www.everfuel.com
    Everfuel is making green hydrogen for zero emission mobility commercially available across Europe, offering competitive all-inclusive hydrogen supply- and fueling solutions. We own and operate green hydrogen infrastructure and partner with vehicle OEMs to connect the entire hydrogen value chain and seamlessly provide hydrogen fuel to enterprise customers under long-term contracts. Green hydrogen is a 100% clean fuel made from renewable energy and key to electrification of the transportation sector in Europe and a sustainable future. We are a young ambitious company, headquartered in Herning, Denmark, and with activities in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and a plan to grow across Europe. Everfuel is listed on Euronext Growth in Oslo under EFUEL
    About Crossbridge Energy A/S
    The refinery’s vision is to be a CO2 neutral refinery. Today, the refinery produces about 35 pct of the Danish consumption of fuels – and exports an equal amount to foreign markets. The refinery is Europe’s most energy efficient refinery and has the logistics and size to scale up the application and consumption of green hydrogen in Denmark, faster than any other project. The refinery employs 240 people.
    This release was sent by Everfuel A/S

    HySynergy 1 spadestik2

    HySynergy 1 spadestik6

    Pressemeddelelse FirstSod EN

    Pressemeddelelse FirstSod DK

  4. Rotel74 19 augustus 2021 07:40
    #EVERFUEL Q2 2021

    Everfuel – Q2 2021: Firming up the green hydrogen value chain
    Herning, 19 August 2021 – Everfuel A/S today published its second quarter 2021 financial results.
    Key events
    • Launch of the full Scandinavian hydrogen fueling network strategy and opening of H2 stations near Oslo and in Copenhagen
    • Cooperation with OKQ8 on Swedish station network
    • Progressing cooperation with Hydro on industrial scale hydrogen supply
    • Construction-start on HySynergy Phase I electrolyser and progressing Phase II development
    • Cooperation with Cabonline on developing Nordic market for hydrogen-fueled taxis
    • LoI with ASKO in Norway
    • Order of H2Station from Nel – as a prototype or a movable H2Station
    • Two initial hydrogen trailers from Hexagon Purus in operation - six to follow in coming months
    • End of June cash position of EUR 74.7 million
    Everfuel continues to execute its strategy of making green hydrogen for zero emission mobility commercially available across Europe and maintains high activity in engaging with partners, customers and authorities across the entire green hydrogen value chain from production to distribution and fueling stations.
    In the first half of 2021, Everfuel has focused on developing Scandinavian hydrogen (H2) fueling network plan including start-up of H2 refueling in Norway and recent opening of one new site and another in final stages of commissioning in Denmark. In July, Everfuel took delivery of the first hydrogen distribution trailer from Hexagon Purus. The two trailers now in operation are supplying green hydrogen to fueling stations in Denmark, Copenhagen. In addition, Everfuel is progressing several new partnerships such as the cooperation with Hydro on industrial scale hydrogen production and the collaboration with Cabonline and Toyota for developing a Nordic market for hydrogen-fueled taxis. In July, the company signed cooperation agreements with Greenstat in Norway for hydrogen production and with OKQ8 in Sweden for establishing a network of hydrogen stations. In Denmark, construction of the HySynergy electrolyser in Fredericia recently commenced with significant progress made on planning the further expansion.
    The ongoing initiatives are aimed at developing Everfuel’s position as a leading European provider of safe, stable and cost-efficient green hydrogen to end-users through competitive all-inclusive hydrogen supply- and fueling solutions supported by data driven optimization.
    "Everfuel is in execution mode and this translates into activities across our green hydrogen value chain. We are bringing zero-emission transport in Europe from the drawing board and into real life. This includes the start-up of green hydrogen fueling in Norway and the opening of our medium capacity H2 station close to the H.C. Orsted power station in Copenhagen. We have also received our first purpose-built hydrogen trailers, which started to supply hydrogen to stations in Denmark” said Jacob Krogsgaard, the founder and CEO of Everfuel.
    “Developing production of green hydrogen at scale is one of the key enablers for delivering on our long-term ambitions. We are therefore pleased to have started construction of the 20MW HySynergy electrolyser just yesterday in Fredericia, and the development and financing of the HySynergy Phase II electrolyser are progressing. In addition, we are moving forward with the planned cooperation with Hydro in Norway and Europe. Hydrogen from these sites will be distributed on our own trailers supplying our Scandinavian fueling network of 40 to 50 H2 stations planned by 2023, and to other end-users across Europe.” Jacob Krogsgaard added.
    Everfuel had total revenue, representing sale of hydrogen and other operating revenue, of EUR 137,876 in the second quarter of 2021. EBITDA was negative EUR 1.5 million, reflecting significant ramp-up of activity and organization during the period. Revenue for first half of 2021 was EUR 328,518 and the EBITDA was negative EUR 2.5 million. Net loss amounted to EUR 1.2. The financial results reflect that the company is still in the initial stages of commercializing the green hydrogen value chain in its target markets.
    Total assets at 30 June 2021 amounted to EUR 85.9 million, compared to EUR 27.1 million at 31 December 2020, of which cash holdings were EUR 74.7 million (EUR 23.4 million). Total equity amounted to EUR 82.3 million (EUR 25.7 million). Changes from year-end 2020 predominantly reflected net proceeds of NOK 600/EUR 58.5 million from the private placement in January 2021 and investments made through the period.
    Please see attached the Second quarter report and presentation.
    CEO Jacob Krogsgaard and CFO Anders Bertelsen will present the company's results today at 09:30 CEST and invite investors, analysts and media to join the live webcast presentation. The presentation is expected to last up to one hour, including Q&A, and can be followed via live webcast.
    Join the webcast on Teams via the following link:
    Everfuel Second Quarter 2021 Presentation
  5. forum rang 10 voda 19 augustus 2021 08:22
    TAQA Arabia & MAN Energy Signs MoU for Hydrogen Project in Egypt

    MAN Energy Solutions has signed a memorandum of understanding with TAQA Power, TAQA Arabia’s Power Subsidiary, based in Cairo in Egypt, regarding a pilot project for the local production of green hydrogen to fuel domestic tourist busses. The MoU sets the stage for MAN Energy Solutions to provide technical information to TAQA Power on employing electrolysis for a hydrogen-plant solution, due to run until autumn 2022.

    The announcement of the MoU comes in the wake of Egypt’s president, Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, urging the establishment of an integrated strategy for the production of green hydrogen in the north African state in light of the growing international interest in the alternative fuel. The aim is to empower Egypt to generate and use hydrogen through renewable energy instead of fossil fuels.

    MAN Energy Solutions acquired the majority of shares in Augsburg, Germany-based electrolyser manufacturer – H-TEC SYSTEMS – in June 2021, completing its range across the hydrogen value-chain and further aligning its business towards a range of solutions for decarbonisation. Through H-TEC SYSTEMS, the company intends to drive the large-scale industrialisation of electrolysis, pushing green hydrogen towards the mass market.

    H-TEC SYSTEMS has over 20 years of experience in hydrogen development and research. It produces stacks and megawatt electrolysers based on the polymer-electrolyte membrane process (PEM) to cover industry and energy-refiner demands for hydrogen. Its electrolysers already make effective sector-coupling possible today.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  6. forum rang 10 voda 19 augustus 2021 12:39
    Nel, SFC Energy to develop integrated H2 power generation, storage system

    Norway’s Nel ASA is partnering with Germany’s SFC Energy to jointly manufacture the world’s first integrated electrolyser and hydrogen fuel cell system for decentralised power generation and storage.

    The companies will rely on their respective mature products and technologies to accelerate the development of the integrated product, set to be marketed in the second half of 2022. The initial idea is to offer a power range of up to 50 kilowatts (kW) with a daily operating time of 2-10 hours. This could be used an emergency power generators for critical power applications.

    At a later stage, the aim is to develop systems in the power range of up to 500 kW for telecom, data centre and auxiliary power unit (APU) markets, Kallanish reports.

    Using wind and solar power, Nel’s electrolysers will produce the green hydrogen needed to run the system, which will be stored in a tank. SFC Energy hydrogen fuel cell will then convert the gas back into electrical energy when needed.

    “The integrated offering has potential to replace diesel generators with high CO2 emissions, therefore making a significant contribution to the race-to-zero and decarbonisation of the global economy,” the companies say in a joint statement.

    SFC Energy’s ceo Peter Podesser notes the partnership wants to tap into the “major market opportunities” in environmentally friendly energy generation systems based on hydrogen and fuel cells.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  7. forum rang 10 voda 19 augustus 2021 12:40
    ITM Power officially opens world’s largest electrolyser factory

    ITM Power has officially opened the world’s largest electrolyser factory, located in Sheffield, in tandem with the government’s launch of the UK Hydrogen Strategy, Kallanish reports.

    The facility has the capacity to manufacture 1 gigawatt of electrolysis equipment per year and is installed at the Bressemer Park. Operations started in January and the gigafactory is currently ramping up production.

    In the opening ceremony, UK’s business and energy secretary Kwasi Kwarteng, helped put together ITM Power electrolyser stacks. He noted that ITM Power is “at the forefront of manufacturing green hydrogen and its world-leading technologies are already playing an important role in cutting emissions as the UK moves away from fossil fuels.”

    “Hydrogen has the potential to provide a third of the UK’s energy in the future,” he says, adding that the government’s strategy offers support to the technology and the creation of a new British industry.

    ITM Power’s ceo Graham Cooley was “delighted” to have hosted Kwarteng to officially open the gigafactory, while also noting that the Hydrogen Strategy will help British firms to take leading position in decarbonisation technology and equipment.

    The manufacturer is planning to develop the Gigastack project to create a blueprint for the deployment of industry-scale renewable hydrogen from offshore wind in the Humber. In additional to UK projects, ITM Power’s products are also part of projects in Japan, Australia, Germany, Austria, among others.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  8. Radikal 19 augustus 2021 14:23

    voda schreef op 19 augustus 2021 12:40:

    ITM Power officially opens world’s largest electrolyser factory

    ITM Power has officially opened the world’s largest electrolyser factory, located in Sheffield, in tandem with the government’s launch of the UK Hydrogen Strategy, Kallanish reports.

    The facility has the capacity to manufacture 1 gigawatt of electrolysis equipment per year and is installed at the Bressemer Park. Operations started in January and the gigafactory is currently ramping up production.

    In the opening ceremony, UK’s business and energy secretary Kwasi Kwarteng, helped put together ITM Power electrolyser stacks. He noted that ITM Power is “at the forefront of manufacturing green hydrogen and its world-leading technologies are already playing an important role in cutting emissions as the UK moves away from fossil fuels.”

    “Hydrogen has the potential to provide a third of the UK’s energy in the future,” he says, adding that the government’s strategy offers support to the technology and the creation of a new British industry.

    ITM Power’s ceo Graham Cooley was “delighted” to have hosted Kwarteng to officially open the gigafactory, while also noting that the Hydrogen Strategy will help British firms to take leading position in decarbonisation technology and equipment.

    The manufacturer is planning to develop the Gigastack project to create a blueprint for the deployment of industry-scale renewable hydrogen from offshore wind in the Humber. In additional to UK projects, ITM Power’s products are also part of projects in Japan, Australia, Germany, Austria, among others.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
    Heb mij en tijdje geleden aanzienlijk wat aandelen aangekocht en verwacht van ITM in de toekomst grootse dingen.
    We moeten natuurlijk altijd voorzichtig zijn en afwachten, maar het is toch eentje waar ik veel vertrouwen in heb.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 20 augustus 2021 10:46
    MOL & Origin Energy Study of Green Ammonia Supply Chain

    TOKYO-Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding for a joint study to build a supply chain of renewable energy-derived ammonia (green ammonia), with a major Australian energy company Origin Energy. Origin is pursuing a number of green ammonia and hydrogen projects, including a green ammonia export project in Bell Bay, Tasmania, with first cargo targeted for 2026. MOL and Origin will complete a feasibility study on marine transportation of ammonia, demand in Japan and Asia and developing a supply chain by December of this year.

    As a next-generation clean energy source that produces no carbon dioxide during combustion, and as a carrier for transporting hydrogen, ammonia is in the spotlight as a promising energy resource that can help meet the 2050 target set by the Japanese government for achieving a carbon-neutral society. In addition, green ammonia-produced using a renewable energy source that emits no CO2-can make a major contribution to reducing CO2 in the supply chain.

    The MOL Group aims at net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 in the "MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.1" (Note 1). It will not only reduce GHG emissions from its operated vessels, but also contribute to reducing GHG emissions generated by society and realizing a low-carbon society by taking a proactive approach to building supply chains for cleaner energy resources.https://www.motorship.com/__data/assets/image/0020/1415243/varieties/1200.jpg

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  10. forum rang 10 voda 23 augustus 2021 08:19
    Funding for HHLA’s Hydrogen Project Likely

    The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research will approve substantial amounts of funding for three key hydrogen projects as part of the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy. Their purpose is to facilitate Germany’s transition to a hydrogen economy over a period of four years. The three projects are the serial manufacture of large-scale water electrolysers (H2Giga), the offshore production of hydrogen and secondary products (H2Mare) and technologies for the transportation of hydrogen (TransHyDE).

    More than 240 partners from the scientific and industrial sectors are working together on the key hydrogen projects. Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG is one of these partners and can now draw on an additional EUR 2.3 million to test new transportation technologies for Green Hydrogen

    Hydrogen is rarely used at the same location where it is manufactured. TransHyDE is tackling this problem and wants to develop a holistic approach to the production, transportation and use of hydrogen. Together with other partners, HHLA is examining the various transport options here and is involved in the TransHyDE projects “Mukran” and “Helgoland” on the islands of Rügen and Heligoland, respectively, where the transportation of hydrogen in high-pressure containers as well as via LOHCs (liquid organic hydrogen carriers) is being tested.

    Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG is one of Europe’s leading logistics companies. With a tight network of seaport terminals in Hamburg, Odessa, Tallinn and Trieste, excellent hinterland connections and well-connected intermodal hubs in Central and Eastern Europe, HHLA represents a logistics and digital hub along the transport flows of the future.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  11. forum rang 10 voda 23 augustus 2021 08:23
    Ground Broken for Green H2 Pilot Project of Haru Oni

    Chile's Highly Innovative Fuels consortium has broken ground on a USD 45 million green hydrogen pilot project to produce methanol and carbon-neutral gasoline and LPG. The Haru Oni project will use green hydrogen derived from 3.4MW of dedicated wind energy to produce green methanol, which will then be used to produce carbon-neutral gasoline and other products. Civil works in Punta Arenas in the deep southern region of Magallanes kicked off last week, and a formal ground-breaking ceremony will be held on 10 September

    The pilot project will produce 350 metric tonnes/yr of methanol and 130,000 liters/yr of gasoline, and is designed to be scaled up in two subsequent stages.

    The pilot plant is scheduled to begin operating in May 2022. The methanol and gasoline will move about 35km (21.7 miles) by truck to Puerto Mardones for export. The project will also produce 16 t/yr of carbon-neutral LPG.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  12. Barren Wuffett 23 augustus 2021 16:06
    Wereldprimeur: SSAB levert staal geproduceerd met groene waterstof

    De Zweedse staalfabrikant SSAB leverde afgelopen week de eerste lading fossielvrij staal aan autobedrijf Volvo. Het staal werd volledig geproduceerd met groene waterstof. Het consortium achter de productie verwacht de technologie vanaf 2026 op industriële schaal uit te rollen.

  13. Joni-2 23 augustus 2021 17:15

    Barren Wuffett schreef op 23 augustus 2021 16:06:

    Wereldprimeur: SSAB levert staal geproduceerd met groene waterstof
    Inderdaad een hele prestatie….

    De mosterd voor deze nieuwe Hybrit fabriek, haalde Vattenfall, LKAB en SSAB, bij het EU project H2Future.

    In Lienz, Oostenrijk, bouwden nutsbedrijf VERBUND (AT), Siemens (DE), Voestalpine (staalbedrijf AT) Austrian Power Grid, en het Nederlandse TNO, eerder al een proeffabriek, waar alle EU bedrijven kennis kunnen opdoen.

    Sinds 2020 was deze EU “proeffabriek” operationeel.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 24 augustus 2021 11:41
    UK’s blue H2 strategy could generate up to 8m t of CO2 emissions/year: study

    The UK’s strategy of using blue hydrogen as a bridge into green hydrogen could generate up to 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year by 2050, according to a study.

    The analysis of data government carried out by campaigner group Friends of the Earth Scotland, commissioned by the Guardian, says emissions were equivalent to running 1.5m more internal combustion engines on the road every year.

    The forecast is based on the case of the government relying solely on blue hydrogen to meet its hydrogen demand, from late 2020s. If the government used green hydrogen to meet a third of the UK’s forecast demand for the alternative fuel, then blue hydrogen could emit as much as around 1m ICE cars.

    The UK is yet to detail its production strategy and capacity targets for each hydrogen technology. It said in last week’s announcement that it would use the “twin track” approach to support the development of a “world-leading hydrogen industry.” Further information on the balance between hydrogen produced from natural gas and carbon capture system and from renewables is expected in 2022, Kallanish notes.

    While campaigners and some researchers warn that blue hydrogen isn’t low-carbon and will only delay the scaling of green hydrogen, the government defends that “achieving the scale we need would be more challenging if we just used green hydrogen.”

    Costs remain the biggest barrier for the large-scale development of green hydrogen through electrolysers. The UK has promised to ensure blue hydrogen is produced in a sustainable manner and that focus will be given to bringing the costs of green hydrogen down through incentives and marketing methods, just like the government did with offshore wind and the so-called contract for difference.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  15. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 24 augustus 2021 14:15
    China maakt vaart met groene waterstof

    China heeft groen licht gegeven voor de bouw van 's werelds grootste groene waterstoffabriek. Het gaat om de aanleg van een cluster van zogenoemde elektrolysers in Binnen-Mongolië, die moeten worden gevoed met groene stroom van een zevental nieuw aan te leggen wind- en zonneparken.

    Die parken, waarvan de bouw in oktober moet beginnen, krijgen een vermogen van in totaal ruim 2 gigawatt, waarmee de elektrolysers elk jaar 67.000 ton waterstof kunnen produceren. De totale jaarlijkse vraag naar waterstof in China is, naar verwachting van olie- en gasbedrijf Sinopec, in 2050 60 miljoen ton.

    In 2060 netto geen uitstoot meer

    Het waterstofproject, dat in 2023 operationeel moet zijn, mag dan aanvankelijk nog een relatief kleine bijdrage leveren, de ambities van China op het gebied van groene waterstof zijn torenhoog.

    China wil in 2060 netto geen CO2 meer uitstoten en emissieloze groene waterstof moet daarom een belangrijke pijler worden onder het Chinese industriebeleid. Vooral in provincies en autonome regio's, zoals Binnen-Mongolië, waar veel zware CO2-uitstotende industrie zit.

    Een van de vele nieuwe projecten

    Voor het nu goedgekeurde project zijn elektrolysers nodig met een capaciteit van minstens 465 megawatt. Dat is meer dan de 400 megawatt die dit jaar wereldwijd wordt geïnstalleerd, aldus persbureau Bloomberg. De bedoeling is dat de nieuwe wind- en zonneparken maximaal 20% van de opgewekte stroom aan het elektriciteitsnet leveren. De overige 80% wordt gebruikt voor de productie van waterstof.

    Het deze maand aangekondigde project in Binnen-Mongolië, waar grote staalfabrieken, kolenmijnen en kolencentrales staan, is een van vele nieuwe waterstofprojecten in de regio.


    Grote Chinese olie- en staalbedrijven als Sinopec, Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group en China Baowu Steel Group hebben allemaal ambitieuze bouwplannen voor waterstoffabrieken om hun productie te vergroenen.

    Ook buitenlandse bedrijven azen op een deel van de koek. Zo tekende olie- en gasmultinational Shell onlangs een intentieverklaring met Shanghai Electric voor de ontwikkeling van waterstofprojecten in China. Het land ziet voor waterstof niet alleen een belangrijke rol weggelegd in de industrie, maar ook op de weg. Zo wil hoofdstad Peking over vijf jaar al meer dan 10.000 waterstofauto's en trucks op de weg hebben en 37 waterstoftankstations.

    De waterstofsector zal in heel China naar verwachting van de industrie over vijf jaar al een omvang hebben van $154 mrd.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 08:00
    Russian PM Mr Mikhail Mishustin Approves Hydrogen Plans

    The Russian government has approved a framework to explore the production and export of hydrogen to Asia and Europe within four years, but high production costs and limited availability of renewables could be limiting factors. The concept for the development of a hydrogen industry was approved by Russian Prime Minister Mr Mikhail Mishustin. Russian sources estimate the state is targeting exports of hydrogen starting with 1 million tonne per year of hydrogen by 2024 and 7 million tonne per year by 2035 with a longer-term vision of exporting 33 million tonne per year by 2050.

    At present, there is no clarity on the preferred technology for producing hydrogen, but initially Russian producers are likely to produce ‘blue’ hydrogen, which is produced via natural gas with carbon capture and storage technology dealing with the resulting carbon.

    Russian President Mr Putin special representative Mr Anatoly Chubais told Russian media late last month.

    - In order to meet its hydrogen target the state has created a working group of public and private companies. The privately owned companies include gas majors Novatek, Gazprom, petrochemicals producer Sibur, investment company Sistema and others.

    - There are also talks of working on projects jointly with companies from Europe and Asia.

    - As per the government’s framework, initially, at least three production clusters will be created. The cluster in the northwest of Russia will specialise in the export of hydrogen to European countries.

    - Vostochny will supply hydrogen to Asia, as well as develop hydrogen infrastructure in the transport and energy sectors. The Arctic cluster is tasked with providing low-carbon electricity supply to the Russian Arctic

    Last year, Russia’s energy mix was heavily skewed towards natural gas, coal and oil with market shares of 52%, 23% and 12% respectively. Hydro was at only 7%.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  17. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 08:49
    RWE is Ready to Support UK’s Hydrogen Strategy

    RWE, one of the globally leading companies in renewables and one of the key players in setting up the hydrogen economy, welcomes publication of the UK Hydrogen Strategy. Today’s strategy and launch of consultations is a huge step forward and RWE encourages the Government to set even more ambitious targets to facilitate the UK’s hydrogen economy. The company is thoroughly analysing the proposals and will be responding to the accompanying consultations in due course.

    Hydrogen will be key to the decarbonisation pathway and as a partner to industry, RWE is part of that solution. As a UK leader in power generation, RWE is perfectly positioned to support the development of the UK hydrogen economy. Thanks to its large renewable power portfolio, the company can supply a considerable amount of zero-carbon energy to produce green hydrogen. Furthermore, the company’s own gas-fired power stations are a potential off-taker for hydrogen, while RWE can provide expertise in gas storage facilities and supply to industrial customers.

    RWE is at the forefront of green innovation having played a significant role in shaping the UK offshore wind industry building the country’s first offshore wind farm (Blyth demonstrator, 2002); and the first commercial scale offshore wind farm (North Hoyle 2004). A dedicated team at RWE of around 250 people is working on developing hydrogen projects, contributing to the UK and EU hydrogen ambitions. Together with prominent partners from industry and the scientific community, RWE is forging ahead with the development of 30 hydrogen projects along the entire value chain.

    In the UK, RWE has partnered with industry to move towards the use of hydrogen in industrial processes in the South Wales Industrial Cluster (SWIC). Through RWE’s Pembroke Net Zero Centre (PNZC) initiative, the company is investigating the feasibility of green hydrogen production located at the Pembroke Power Station site, in addition to the potential for consuming hydrogen in the power station. In the longer term, there is also the opportunity to produce gigawatts of green hydrogen connected to offshore floating wind in the Celtic Sea.

    Source - Strategic Research Institute
  18. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 11:23
    Board clears Hyundai Mobis’ $1.1 billion fuel cell capacity expansion

    The board of directors at Hyundai Mobis have reportedly approved investment of KRW 1.32 trillion ($1.1 billion) to expand the company’s fuel cell production capacity in South Korea.

    Local reports say the earmarked spending will increase at its Icheon and Ulsan plants. The first produces fuel cell stacks and the second the fuel cell systems to be supplied to Hyundai Motor Co. These hydrogen fuel cell systems will power the Hyundai Nexo and the XCIENT trucks.

    Currently, the auto parts maker has capacity to produce fuel cells to manufacture 6,000 FCEVs per year. By 2030, after a KRW 7.6 trillion investment, this capacity should increase to 500,000 FCEVs/year, in line with Hyundai Motor Group’s production targets.

    The long-term ambition for the company is to develop an entire hydrogen value chain, from fuel cell production to hydrogen-powered logistics and mobility services, Kallanish notes.

    Hyundai plans to export 1,600 units of its XCIENT fuel cell electric trucks by 2025 through a joint venture with Swiss company H2 Energy. The JV leases the trucks on a pay-per-use basis, which includes the supply of fuel. The service helps companies to decarbonise operations without forking the initial investment of switching their diesel truck fleet to zero-emission vehicles.

    The carmaker is targeting annual sales of 110,000 FCEVs globally by 2025.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  19. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 11:24
    Rio Tinto, Sumitomo to study hydrogen pilot plant in Gladstone

    Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto announced Tuesday plans to begin a partnership with Japan’s Sumitomo Corporation to trial the use of hydrogen at Rio’s Yarwun alumina refinery in Australia.

    The idea is to study the construction of a hydrogen pilot plant at the refinery, as the location for a Gladstone-based plant Sumitomo has been studying. This is part of Sumitomo’s efforts to develop the so-called Gladstone Hydrogen Ecosystem – a large-scale hydrogen export project.

    The Rio Tinto-Sumitomo cooperation supports the efforts of Australian, Queensland and local governments to establish Gladstone as a clean hydrogen hub. It also complements Rio Tinto’s recently announced $1.2 million feasibility study into using clean hydrogen to replace natural gas in the alumina refining process at Yarwun. The alternative gas, potentially produced from renewables power, would be used in the calcination process, Kallanish learns from the company.

    “Rio Tinto has a long relationship with Sumitomo and we are delighted to partner with them to explore the possibilities of hydrogen, not only for our own refinery, but for Sumitomo to supply industry more broadly in Gladstone,” comments Rio Tinto Australia ceo Kellie Parker.

    Both companies aim to have net-zero operations by 2050 and hydrogen is set to play a significant role in such decarbonisation. Prior to making Gladstone an export hub, Sumitomo and local partners need to ensure domestic offtake of the fuel.

    Gabriela Farhangi UK
  20. forum rang 10 voda 25 augustus 2021 11:26
    Iberdrola to develop hydrogen trains in Italy

    Spanish company Iberdrola has signed a memorandum of understanding with AECOM, Ancitel Energia and Cinque International to develop green hydrogen for the Italian railway Apennine line connecting Sansepolcro near Arezzo with Sulmona in the province of L'Aquila, an Iberdrola spokesperson confirmed to Kallanish.

    The partially unelectrified line runs for 300 kilometres through Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo, linking Perugia, Terni, Rieti and L'Aquila. The current outdated diesel trains will be replaced by green hydrogen powered trains and the partners will also assess the feasibility of developing green hydrogen trains on the Ferrovia dei Due Mari line connecting Rome and its Fiumicino airport with San Benedetto del Tronto through Rieti, Amatrice and Ascoli Piceno.

    Iberdrola has not specified timing and investment as the project is still at an early phase of development. However, the Sansepolcro - Sulmona hydrogen railway venture was submitted to the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE) in 2019. In 2020, a technical table was launched at the MiSE with the participation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (MIT), the FS group and RFI. This year, the project was shortlisted by the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance as it aims at attracting investments in the Italian Apennines areas hit by earthquakes in 2009, 2016 and 2017 and which suffered depopulation and de-industrialisation.

    “The promoters of the initiative will continue to dialogue with the regions through which the railway runs, with the Ferrovie dello Stato Group and with other local public and private agents, involving them in the development and execution of the project,” Iberdrola says in a note sent to Kallanish.

    Iberdrola is currently developing green hydrogen projects in the field of transport in Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, the United States and Brazil (see Kallanish passim).

    Natalia Capra France
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