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  1. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2023 07:46
    Larsen & Toubro and H2Carrier Sign MoU for P2XFloater

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Larsen & Toubro has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Norway-based H2Carrier to co-operate towards developing floating green ammonia projects for industrial-scale applications with an aim to decarbonise the global economy. H2C has proven expertise in developing and integrating Power-to-X (PtX) projects based on affordable, often stranded, non-commercial renewable power. Under the terms of the MoU, L&T will become a partner for EPCIC of the topsides for H2C’s floating process plants.

    H2C plans to build the P2XFloater hull at yards in Asia and L&T will design and fabricate the topside process and utility modules to produce Green Hydrogen & Green Ammonia, including Electrolysers, Nitrogen Generation plant, and Ammonia Synthesis unit. Installation of the topsides modules on the hull and its integration can be customised as per location preferences, i.e., can be carried out in India or in other geographies.

    H2C is the designer and owner of the proprietary floating energy production and storage system P2XFloater, an industrial scale floating green hydrogen and green ammonia facility. The concept is based on proven floating production, storage, and off-take technologies from the oil & gas industry in combination with an e-control system capable of balancing renewable electricity feedstock through a fully integrated electrolyser and Haber-Bosch system. H2C will build, own/lease and operate a fleet of P2XFloaters. The company has developed the P2XFloater concept in close co-operation with leading maritime and process engineering companies in Norway, thus building on decades of experience and competence from the Oil & Gas sector, the Marine Industry, and the Offshore Wind Installation Industry. The P2XFloater has been awarded an AiP by DNV.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2023 07:47
    India Unveils Road Map for Hydrogen Economy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    The Indian government unveiled its plans for scaling up domestic renewable hydrogen production and demand through its National Green Hydrogen Mission.The government reiterated its goal to make India the global hub for production, usage and export of green hydrogen and its derivatives. An initial outlay of USD 2.39 billion for the mission was approved by the cabinet recently.

    Much of the funding will be used to incentivise domestic hydrogen production and electrolyser manufacturing. In the document, New Delhi reiterated its intention to reach 5 million tonne per year of green hydrogen production by 2030, and said the longer-term aim "with growth of export markets and international partnerships" is 10 million tonne per year

    The document also outlines how demand for green hydrogen and its derivatives is to be scaled up across various sectors, with hard-to-abate industrial consumers a key focus.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 16 januari 2023 07:47
    Raven SR, Chevron & Hyzon to Produce Hydrogen in California

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    16 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Renewable fuels company Raven SR, Chevron New Energies and Hyzon Motors are collaborating to commercialize operations of a green waste-to-hydrogen production facility in Richmond intended to supply hydrogen fuel to transportation markets in Northern California

    The facility will be owned by a newly formed company, Raven SR S1. Raven SR will be the operator of the facility, which is targeted to come online in the first quarter of 2024. Chevron holds a 50% equity stake in Raven SR 1. Raven SR holds a 30% stake and Hyzon owns the remaining 20%.

    To produce the hydrogen, the project is expected to divert up to 99 wet tons of green and food waste per day from Republic Services’ West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill into its non-combustion Steam/CO2 Reforming process, producing up to 2,400 metric-tons per year of renewable hydrogen. Diversion of this organic waste will help fulfill California’s SB 1383 mandates, and will potentially avoid up to 7,200 metric-tons per year of CO2 emissions from the landfill. In addition, Raven’s technology uses no fresh water, an important element given drought risks in California, and uses less electricity to power its units than competing processes. The project is expected to produce at least 60% of its own electricity by upgrading the currently permitted and zoned landfill gas electric generators at the landfill, further reducing both the current air emissions and the need for grid power for its non-combustion process.

    Chevron plans to market its share of the hydrogen in Bay Area and Northern California fueling stations, enabling the energy transition to zero emission vehicles. Hyzon, a global supplier of fuel cell electric commercial vehicles, plans to provide refueling for hydrogen fuel cell trucks at a hydrogen hub in Richmond.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2023 08:32
    H2PLT Starts to Build Hydrogen Microgeneration Network in Spain

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Renewable hydrogen and solar energy start up H2PLT has begun operations to create Spain's first green hydrogen microgeneration network. Founded and promoted by the entrepreneur Sisco Sapena, president and founder of the public company Lleida.net, H2PLT has developed a proprietary model that allows innovative uses of hydrogen in underdeveloped applications, such as its use as a vector for reelectrification and application in electro-power stations or hydro generators.

    H2PLT already has 80 hectares in the El Pedernoso Solar Park (Cuenca, Spain) and from next year will have the potential to generate 2.5 tons of hydrogen per day and a capacity of up to 40 MW.

    The company seeks to promote electrified mobility and its innovative uses through "H2aX" applications and the development of small photovoltaic power plants dedicated exclusively to the generation of green hydrogen, through a model that can be replicated in a modular way in different parts of Spain and Europe.

    To this end, it uses small photovoltaic farms and surplus solar electricity to manufacture green hydrogen by electrolysis. The hydrogen is stored and converted into electricity when needed by a fuel cell.

    Its business model is based on the sale of hydrogen created by solar energy, its conversion into electricity during the night and sale to the wholesale market or through the network of own gas stations and hydrogenerators that will be created.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2023 08:33
    AmmPower Named as H2C2 Partner

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    AmmPower Corp has been named as one of the private sector partners in the Port of Corpus Christi Authority’s Horizons Clean Hydrogen Hub HCH2. The Port of Corpus Christi Authority’s HCH2 is one of 33 (out of 79) clean hydrogen hub concepts that has been encouraged to submit a full Hub application by the US Department of Energy Office of Clean Energy Demonstration. AmmPower’s role as Hub team member would be to build and operate facilities to manufacture green hydrogen and green ammonia.

    The Port of Corpus Christi, as a landlord port authority and the owner of a shipping channel on the US Gulf Coast, is the prime applicant for the HCH2 and is the common denominator to each of the roughly two dozen discrete clean hydrogen production projects in the proposed Hub.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2023 08:33
    Provaris Joins Norwegian Hydrogen to rePower the EU

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    17 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Provaris Energy has executed a MoU with Norwegian Hydrogen AS, a Norwegian-based developer of hydrogen production hubs and value chains across the Nordic region, to collaborate on the development on green hydrogen value chain projects in the Nordics. The collaboration brings together the skills, experience and ambitions of both companies to accelerate the development of a hydrogen value chain covering large scale production and export of hydrogen to the key ports of Europe.

    The MOU provides a framework to jointly undertake a Concept Design Study to:

    Review identified sites and selects a preferred location suitable for domestic and export volumes of hydrogen.

    Undertake a technical and economic review for the production and supply of compressed gaseous green hydrogen to nominated European ports.

    The scope of the study will include the renewable power supply, production of hydrogen, compression facilities, storage, infrastructure for jetty loading and unloading, Provaris' H2Neo carrier, and import infrastructure required at identified import locations. Application for suitable funding schemes available through national schemes and the European Union will also be made.

    Norwegian Hydrogen was founded in 2020 by a group of Norwegian industrial investors targeting opportunities to develop hydrogen production and supply chains to meet the growing demand for zero emission solutions in the Nordics and beyond. The original investors bring complementary expertise to Norwegian Hydrogen, ranging from technology development (including compressed hydrogen), electrical utilities, through to H2 and 02 offtake.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 17 januari 2023 08:51
    Onderzoekers produceren waterstof door planten te imiteren
    Artikel van admin • Gisteren om 12:32

    Waterstof maken door planten te imiteren: onderzoekers aan de University of Michigan hebben een nieuwe techniek ontwikkeld om met kunstmatige fotosynthese waterstof te produceren. De methode is vele malen efficiënter dan zijn voorgangers, en kan ook zeewater omzetten in waterstof.

    Onderzoekers produceren waterstof door planten te imiteren
    © Aangeboden door Change Inc.

    De halfgeleider waar de onderzoekers mee werken, kan veel fellere stralen zonlicht aan dan doorsnee halfgeleiders. | Credit: Brenda Ahearn / Michigan Engineering, Communications and Marketing

    De wetenschap doet regelmatig inspiratie op in de natuur. Voor de productie van waterstof kijken onderzoekers onder andere naar het belangrijkste chemische proces in planten: fotosynthese. Planten gebruiken fotosynthese om energie uit zonlicht te halen. Wetenschappers van de University of Michigan beschrijven in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Nature een nieuwe methode om energie in de vorm van waterstof uit zonlicht te halen.

    De techniek imiteert een van de eerste stappen in het fotosyntheseproces, waarbij water uit elkaar wordt getrokken in waterstof en zuurstof. De bladeren van planten gebruiken daar chlorofyl voor, dat planten hun groene kleur geeft. De wetenschappers werken met een halfgeleider van indium-gallium-nitride, dat ook in blauwe en groene led-lampen te vinden is. Met een grote lens wordt zonlicht gebundeld op de halfgeleider, waar het water uit elkaar valt. Bubbeltjes waterstof borrelen vervolgens een gasfles in.

    Tien keer efficiënter
    In de buitenlucht gebeurt dit tien keer efficiënter dan vergelijkbare methodes die met zonlicht water splitsen, schrijven de wetenschappers. In het lab is de efficiëntie van hun proefopstelling 9 procent, wat wil zeggen dat 9 procent van de energie uit zonlicht in de brandstof terecht komt. Dit komt doordat de ontwikkelde halfgeleider veel hogere temperaturen aankan dan doorsnee halfgeleiders. De zeer felle straal zonlicht versnelt het omzettingsproces aanzienlijk.

    De technologie voor het produceren van waterstof met fotosynthese staat nog in de kinderschoenen. Commerciële toepassingen zijn voorlopig nog niet in zicht. “We geloven dat kunstmatige fotosynthese-installaties uiteindelijk veel efficiënter kunnen werken dan natuurlijke fotosynthese. Dat biedt een pad naar CO2-neutraliteit”, zegt onderzoeker Zetian Mi van de University of Michigan.

    Extra bijzonder aan de nieuwe methode is dat deze niet alleen met schoon, gedestilleerd water werkt, maar dat er ook kraanwater én zeewater voor kan worden gebruikt. Dit is voor grootschalige toepassingen mogelijk belangrijk. Door energie op te wekken met zeewater, wordt er geen extra beslag gelegd op het schaarse zoetwater. Zo kan deze techniek ook ingezet worden in droge, woestijnachtige kustgebieden waar er weinig drinkwater, maar wel zonlicht in overvloed is.

  8. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2023 07:01
    Masdar Signs Pact for Exporting Hydrogen from Abu Dhabi to Europe

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Masdar, Port of Amsterdam, SkyNRG, Evos Amsterdam and Zenith Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding to explore the development of a green hydrogen supply chain between Abu Dhabi and Amsterdam to support Dutch and European markets.

    Under this MoU, the parties will join their efforts to develop a green hydrogen supply chain, focusing on production in Abu Dhabi and export to the Netherlands through the port of Amsterdam. The exported green hydrogen will be delivered to key European sectors – sustainable aviation fuel, steelmaking, and bunkering for shipping – and will also be supplied to new, emerging European offtakers, via pipeline, truck and barge. Together, the parties will explore several hydrogen transportation methods, with a focus on liquid organic hydrogen carriers and liquid hydrogen.

    Port of Amsterdam, the operator of Europe's fourth-largest port, is committed to scaling up green hydrogen capabilities and is working closely with commercial parties active in its port on green hydrogen development. SkyNRG, a global leader in SAF, is developing a network of SAF production facilities that require green hydrogen as input. Zenith Energy and Evos Amsterdam are the operators of some of the most prominent blending and storage terminals in the port, with Zenith developing a liquid hydrogen supply chain, while Evos Amsterdam is working on a liquid organic hydrogen carrier supply chain.
  9. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2023 07:05
    Babcock Wilcox & Fidelis to Produce Hydrogen with FidelisH2

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    The Babcock & Wilcox and Fidelis New Energy have formed a global alliance for technology to produce clean hydrogen. The alliance pairs B&W’s bubbling fluidized bed boiler technology and equipment with Fidelis’ proprietary patent-pending FidelisH2 technologies to produce zero-carbon intensity hydrogen.

    The FidelisH2 Alliance Program and associated technologies enable world-class scale production of clean hydrogen from natural gas with a lifecycle carbon intensity that meets the required threshold under the Inflation Reduction Act to qualify for the full USD 3-per-kilogram 45V hydrogen production tax credit. The lifecycle carbon neutral hydrogen is therefore a net-zero product, meaning that there is no net CO2 released into the atmosphere as a result of making the hydrogen.

    B&W’s industry leading renewable energy technologies and equipment greatly complement FidelisH2, which utilizes proven technologies from leading global companies in a novel integration to provide industrial-scale clean hydrogen solutions. This enables the generation of valuable environmental impact reductions while qualifying for related credits and incentives, including the $3-per-kilogram of hydrogen produced, the maximum allowable 45V Hydrogen Production Tax Credit included in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 18 januari 2023 07:06
    Topsoe & Fidelis form Hydrogen Technology Alliance

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    18 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Topsoe and Fidelis New Energy have entered into a global alliance for technology used for producing carbon neutral hydrogen. The alliance pairs Topsoe's hydrogen process portfolio with FidelisH2 technology for reduction of lifecycle carbon emissions in hydrogen production. Combined, the alliance solution enables the production of hydrogen from natural gas with a lifecycle carbon intensity of 0 kgCO2e / kgH2.

    Producing decarbonized products, materials, and fuels through proven technologies such as the Topsoe Blue Portfolio and FidelisH2 is a critical contribution to decarbonizing carbon intense sectors of society, including industry, digital infrastructure, agriculture, energy, and transportation. Topsoe and Fidelis are dedicated to continue to play their roles in this important endeavor to accelerate the energy transition and to join forces to provide an offering for life cycle carbon neutral hydrogen utilizing renewables and natural gas.

    Fidelis and Topsoe will jointly and exclusively license FidelisH2 alongside Topsoe's blue hydrogen technology portfolio. Topsoe will lead engagement with potential licensees interested in utilizing FidelisH2 to produce carbon neutral hydrogen at world scale using proven technologies.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2023 07:54
    Chemours Expands Nafion Material Production in France

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Titanium technology leader Chemours has announced USD 200 million investments to increase capacity and advance technology for its industry-leading Nafion ion exchange materials to be located at Chemours’ manufacturing facility in Villers-Saint-Paul, France. Chemours’ investment builds on the existing efforts in the US to have a reliable supply chain and robust capacity to enable the hydrogen economy. It will support growing market demand for clean hydrogen generation using water electrolyzers, energy storage in flow batteries, and hydrogen conversion to power fuel cell vehicles, and contribute to European and broader global efforts to enable the clean energy transition. As part of the investment, the capabilities of Chemours’ regional manufacturing site will be expanded to support and advance technological progress and new products for the worldwide hydrogen economy.

    Despite solid growth in the deployment of green hydrogen technologies, the scale-up of the hydrogen economy supply chain capability and capacity remains critical in realizing the full potential of hydrogen energy and meeting escalating demand. Nafion™ Proton Exchange Membrane technology represents one of the most promising solutions for green hydrogen production, which has several advantages, including faster start-up, fewer components, a smaller footprint, simpler maintenance, and zero emissions when coupled with renewable energy.

    Chemours’ investment is subject to obtaining all customary permits and licenses necessary for the construction and operations at the 40-hectare Villers-Saint-Paul site, which will include the expansion of ionomer production and associated membranes to deliver additional capacity in the Nafion materials supply chain. The USD 200 million investments demonstrates Chemours’ continued commitment to responsible manufacturing while also supporting Chemours’ 2030 Corporate Responsibility Commitment goal to generate 50% or more of its revenue from products that contribute to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, the site expansion will create jobs in the Hauts-de-France region, and Chemours anticipates approximately 80 full-time jobs and about 50 long-term contracted positions.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2023 07:57
    Patents Indicate shift towards Hydrogen Electrolysis Technologies

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Hydrogen technology development is shifting towards low-emissions solutions such as electrolysis, according to a joint study of patents by the European Patent Office and the International Energy Agency. The report is the first of its kind and uses global patent data to provide comprehensive up-to-date analysis of innovation in all hydrogen technologies. It covers the full range of technologies, from hydrogen supply to storage, distribution and transformation, as well as end-use applications.

    The study presents the major trends in hydrogen technologies from 2011 to 2020, measured in terms of international patent families (IPFs), each of which represents a high-value invention for which patent applications have been filed at two or more patent offices worldwide. The report finds that global patenting in hydrogen is led by the European Union and Japan, which account for 28% and 24% respectively of all IPFs filed in this period, with significant growth in the past decade. The leading countries in Europe are Germany (11% of the global total), France (6%), and the Netherlands (3%).

    The United States, with 20% of all hydrogen-related patents, is the only major innovation centre to see international hydrogen patent applications decline in the past decade. International patenting activity in hydrogen technologies remained modest in South Korea and China but is on the rise. In addition to these five main innovation centres, other countries generating significant volumes of hydrogen patents include the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Canada.

    Hydrogen production technologies accounted for the largest number of hydrogen patents over the 2011-2020 period. While global hydrogen production is currently almost entirely fossil-based, the patenting data shows that low-emissions innovations generated more than twice the number of international patents across all segments of the hydrogen value chain than established technologies.

    Technologies motivated by climate concerns accounted for nearly 80% of all patents related to hydrogen production in 2020, with growth driven chiefly by a sharp increase of innovation in electrolysis. The most innovative regions are now competing to host the first industrial roll-out phase, with the data suggesting that Europe is gaining an edge as a location for investment in new electrolyser manufacturing capacity.

    Among hydrogen’s many potential end-use applications, the automotive sector has long been the focus for innovation, and patenting in this sector continues to grow, led mainly by Japan. Similar momentum is not yet visible in other end-use applications, despite concerted policy and media attention in recent years on hydrogen’s potential to decarbonise long-distance transport, aviation, power generation and heating. National net zero emissions pledges cannot be achieved without addressing unabated fossil fuel use in these sectors. One bright spot is a recent uptick in patenting for the use of hydrogen to decarbonise steel production – possibly in response to the post-Paris Agreement consensus that the sector needs radical solutions to cut emissions quickly.

    For established hydrogen technologies, innovation is dominated by the European chemical industry, whose expertise in this sector has also given it a head start in climate-motivated technologies such as electrolysis and fuel cells. Automotive companies are also active, and not just for vehicle technology. Behind them, universities and public research institutes generated 13.5% of all hydrogen-related international patents in 2011-2020, led by French and Korean institutions, with a focus on low-emissions hydrogen production methods such as electrolysis.

    The study finds that more than half of the USD 10 billion of venture capital investment into hydrogen firms in 2011-2020 went to start-ups with patents, despite them making up less than a third of the start-ups in the report’s data set. Holding a patent is a good indicator of whether a start-up will keep attracting finance: more than 80% of late-stage investment in hydrogen start-ups in 2011-2020 went to companies that had already filed a patent application in areas such as electrolysis, fuel cells, or low-emissions methods for producing hydrogen from gas.

    Technologies motivated by climate change concerns accounted for nearly 80% of all patents related to hydrogen production in 2020, new analysis shows.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 19 januari 2023 07:57
    DOE Encourges ARCH2 to Submit Application for Funding

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    19 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    The Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub ARCH2 team has been notified by the US Department of Energy’s Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations that it has been encouraged to submit a full application for the regional clean hydrogen hub Funding Opportunity Announcement as designated in the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

    ARCH2 was formed through a partnership with the State of West Virginia, EQT Corporation, the nation’s largest natural gas producer, Battelle and GTI Energy, all with expertise executing clean energy programs for the federal government, and Allegheny Science & Technology, a leading West Virginia energy technology consulting firm. Since the partnership was publicly announced, ARCH2 has added strategic partners that now include over 120 private sector industry leaders, utilities, universities, non-profits, transportation, and state agencies interested in building a hydrogen economy in northern Appalachia.

    Concentrated in Appalachian counties as defined by the Appalachian Regional Commission across West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky, ARCH2 will leverage diverse regional resources to build a sustainable clean hydrogen hub that can scale and integrate into a national clean H2 network. The region is the ideal location for a clean hydrogen hub, due to its unique access to ample low-cost natural gas feedstock, end-user demand, workforce and technology capability, and carbon sequestration potential.

    ARCH2 will be a key foundational component of America’s transition toward decarbonization. The ARCH2 team is composed of entities with operations across the Appalachian region spanning the hydrogen value chain as well as energy technology organizations, including the National Energy Technology Laboratory, consultants, academic institutions, community organizations, and NGOs that will provide commercial, technical, and programmatic leadership for the development and buildout of the hub.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2023 07:44
    Plug Inaugrates Hydrogen Fuel Cell Plant in Slingerlands in NY

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy Plug Power has opened its new 407,000 square foot fuel cell manufacturing facility in Vista Technology Park in Slingerlands in NY. The Company broke ground in March of 2022 and began manufacturing at commercial scale just nine months later.

    The Plug Vista manufacturing facility features advanced automation, allowing for greatly increased scale and efficiency in the assembly of Plug’s fuel cell systems that power electric motors for the mobility market. The Vista facility, which began manufacturing Plug’s GenDrive units in November 2022, will be fully operational by March 2023, and will produce Plug’s entire fuel cell product line including GenDrive, Stationary, and ProGen.

    Plug’s investment in the new manufacturing facility was supported by USD 45 million in Green Excelsior Jobs Tax Credits from Empire State Development, a USD 5 million grant from Albany County, and a USD 500,000 infrastructure grant from National Grid.

    The Vista Technology Park facility will boost the economy by creating more than 1,600 new jobs in the New York State Capital Region within the next five years. Plug currently employs 1,472 people in New York, making up nearly half of its 2,957 total US employees. The company expects to create around 4,000 new jobs globally by the end of the year. Plug applauds the speed to commission this site.
  15. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2023 07:45
    Greenergy & Octopus Hydrogen begin Hydrogen Logistics

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Octopus Hydrogen and Greenergy Flexigrid have agreed a logistics partnership for the collection and delivery of green hydrogen to Octopus Hydrogen customers. The NanoSUN mobile refuelling units will be transported by Greenergy, and allow delivery, storage and dispensing of green hydrogen on customer sites. The first delivery was completed last month, with more scheduled for 2023.

    Greenergy & Octopus Hydrogen expertise in specialist logistics and scalable service offer allows to provide safe, efficient, and cost-effective transportation delivering green hydrogen directly to customer sites across the UK, helping them to decarbonise.

    Green hydrogen will play a key role in accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels to reach global climate goals. Octopus Hydrogen aims to tackle sectors which cannot be decarbonised easily through electrification, for example heavy goods transportation, industrial applications, marine and aviation.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2023 07:46
    Air Liquide Autothermal Reforming for Hydroegen in Japan

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    20 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Air Liquide, through Air Liquide Engineering & Construction, is actively leveraging on its complete portfolio of innovative technology solutions to support the decarbonization of its industrial customers. Autothermal Reforming is one of the latest technologies utilized enabling the efficient production of large scale, low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia, when combined with carbon capture technology. One of the leading companies for ATR, Air Liquide's technology has been selected for Japan's first demonstration project owned and operated by INPEX CORPORATION to produce low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia.

    While other reliable solutions are available on the market today, such as Steam Methane Reforming with carbon capture, ATR is one of the most suitable options for specific larger scale low-carbon hydrogen production facilities. When ATR is combined with carbon capture technology, customers can achieve higher energy efficiency, lower investments and a simplified single train production process to facilitate carbon capture of up to 99% in highly integrated industrial facilities.

    Air Liquide is one of the leading companies for Autothermal Reforming with proprietary technologies in the ATR process for large scale syngas production applications. Air Liquide Engineering & Construction will now provide the technology for low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia production to a pilot project owned and operated by INPEX CORPORATION, a Japanese oil & gas exploration and production company. ATR will be part of the development of the Kashiwazaki Clean Hydrogen and Ammonia Project in the Hirai area of Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The overall project will be Japan’s first demonstration project integrating low-carbon Hydrogen and Ammonia production with carbon capture.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 20 januari 2023 16:26
    Windparken in Noordzee helpen Tata Steel: eerder staal met groene waterstof

    Updated 1 uur geleden
    Vandaag, 08:50

    AMSTERDAM - Tata Steel Nederland kan in IJmuiden waarschijnlijk eerder staal gaan produceren met schonere waterstof, gemaakt van energie uit windparken, nu het van steenkool als hittebron af gaat op het complex met straks 130 meter hoge bebouwing.

    Staal maken met steenkool historie, waterstof van wind op zee moet vanaf 2030 nieuwe aanjager worden van schonere productie. ANP/HH

    Voor de start in 2030 rekende Tata Steel erop nog aardgas te moeten gebruiken, bij gebrek aan voldoende groene waterstof dat helemaal geen CO2-uitstoot. Maar dat aanbod van waterstof neemt snel toe. Tata Steel denkt die energiedrager vooral van windparken op de Noordzee te betrekken. „Of anders importeren we waterstof via Nederlandse havens zoals Amsterdam en Rotterdam. Waterstof kunnen we ook van nieuwe elektrolysers op land verkrijgen. Het aanbod groeit, de technologie gaat snel”, aldus Jeroen Klumper, directeur Duurzame Transitie bij Tata Steel.

    Energie-eilanden Noordzee nieuwe stopcontacten voor groene stroom thuis

    De overgang van kolen naar groene waterstof gaat pas door als het vloeibaar ruwijzer van dezelfde kwaliteit is als die uit de fabrieken in IJmuiden komt, aldus Tata. Er gaat ijzererts de Hoogovens in en er komt vloeibaar ruwijzer uit.

    De waterstoftechnologie wordt steeds breder gebruikt, aldus Klumper. Tata Steel levert nu 7 miljoen ton staal per jaar. Het heeft daarvoor 4 gigawatt aan elektriciteit nodig.

    Subsidie nodig
    Het bedrijf polst daartoe momenteel toekomstige aanbieders van groene waterstof. Op de Noordzee plaatsen zij komende jaren nieuwe windmolenparken. „De bedrijven willen leveren, we voeren gesprekken”, aldus de directie.

    Tata Steel is nu de grootste uitstoter van CO2 en stikstof in Nederland. Zijn ovens en de Vattenfall-installatie ernaast stoten bijna 12 miljoen megaton CO2 uit. Het zette zomer 2021 de knop om: productie met staal wordt vervangen door elektrische ovens, met groene waterstof opgewekt uit zon en wind als nieuwe energiedrager.

    Provincie veegt milieuproblemen van het bord van Tata Steel

    Om met waterstof concurrerend te kunnen produceren, moet de prijs wel fors omlaag. Staal gemaakt met waterstof is substantieel duurder dan staal gemaakt met het vuur van steenkool. Het ruwijzer komt vloeibaar uit de hoogovens en gaat in vloeibare vorm naar de staalfabriek.

    Ceo Hans van den Berg hoopt dat de Nederlandse overheid in de overgangsfase het financiële verschil wil helpen verminderen. De Duitse overheid bijvoorbeeld subsidieert de plannen van concurrent Salzgitter voor 50%. „De gesprekken hierover met het ministerie van Economische Zaken lopen nog.”

    EU geeft meer steun
    Die steun is steeds waarschijnlijker aan het worden. De Amerikaanse overheid investeert $348 miljard in bedrijven die vergroenen. Dankzij deze subsidiepot produceren concurrenten veel goedkoper. In Texas is bijna sprake van negatieve prijzen voor waterstof. Europa kondigde deze week aan daar een groot steunpakket tegenover te stellen.

    Ford stapt als eerste klant in ’groen’ staal van Tata Steel Nederland

    Van den Berg: „Er is veel vraag naar groen staal. Ford heeft zich al gecommitteerd. Veel klanten hebben zich bij ons gemeld, we zijn in gesprek”, zegt hij. „Het is als een trechter: naarmate we verder ontwikkelen, komt er meer kennis beschikbaar over technologie en producten. Dan zullen meer bedrijven op basis van die kennis aan willen meedoen.”

    De echte investeringsbeslissing voor de overgang van Tata op waterstof is nog niet gevallen, aldus Klumper. „Veel is nog niet bekend. Maar als we zoals in gewone projecten op alle feiten van alle onderdelen moeten wachten, dan halen we onze deadline van 2030 niet. Daarom doen we aantal dingen gelijktijdig. Zodat we onze doelstelling halen.”

    Zweedse concurrentie
    Het bedrijf aan de Noordzee ontwikkelt technologie in onbekend terrein en met grote haast. Het Openbaar Ministerie doet onderzoek, de Tweede Kamer eist met de provincie snelle afname van schadelijke uitstoot.

    OM eist boete voor Tata Steel om overtreding milieuregels
    Inspectie en milieudiensten doen onderzoek bij Tata Steel

    Het Zweedse SSAB maakt bovendien al staal uit waterstof. Tata Steel Nederland heeft voor de ontwikkeling van de eigen waterstofsystemen - waarvoor nog geen standaarden zijn - en de fabrieksschetsen voor de eerste fase €65 miljoen uitgetrokken.

    Er zijn echter nog geen definitieve vergunningen, die zouden in 2024 komen. Tata hoopt met tijdelijke goedkeuring door te kunnen ontwikkelen.

    ’Tata Steel raakt achterop bij Scandinavische groei’

    HyCC gaat mogelijk in IJmuiden een fabriek van 100 megawatt opzetten op het terrein van Tata Steel. Jaarlijks moet dat 15.500 ton groene waterstof opleveren. Tata Steel weet nu al dat dit te weinig is: voor staalproductie die wereldwijd concurrerend moet zijn, zal veel meer waterstof nodig zijn.

    Voor de schoonmaak van het Tata Steel-terrein in IJmuiden waar de nieuwe installaties moeten komen, en om het terrein bouwrijp te maken, heef Tata Steel €300 miljoen gereserveerd. De bouw van de ontstoffings- en Denox-installatie voor zijn pelletfabriek kost rond €200 miljoen.

    Grootste uitstoter Tata Steel krijgt minder stikstofruimte

    Nieuwe skyline IJmuiden
    Voor overige investeringen is Tata Steel Nederland, als een zelfstandig onderdeel, op zichzelf aangewezen, benadrukt ceo Hans van den Berg. Hij rekent erop dat het miljardenproject voor groen staal op financiering vanuit de overheid kan steunen. In Europa is zo’n 40% aan subsidie niet ongewoon, aldus het bedrijf.

    Tata Steel presenteerde donderdag in de Johan Cruijff ArenA verfijndere ontwerptekeningen van de fabrieken, met gebouwen die 60 meter hoog reiken, en elektriciteitsopslag op eigen terrein. Daar komt ook een grote recyclaar voor alle schroot. „Het aangezicht van Tata Steel, de skyline gaat enorm vervanderen”, aldus Laura Buil, manager project engineering.

    Tata-topman: IJmuiden behouden voor groei in groen staal
    Tata Steel investeert €65 miljoen in waterstoffabriek voor staalproductie

  18. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2023 07:31
    ZeroAvia Tests Dornier 228 with Hydrogen-Electric Engines

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Zero-emission flight took a giant step forward today with ZeroAvia flying the largest aircraft in the world to be powered by a hydrogen-electric engine. The leader in zero-emission aviation took to the skies for the maiden flight of its 19-seat Dornier 228 testbed aircraft, retrofitted with a full-size prototype hydrogen-electric powertrain on the left wing of the aircraft. The flight took place from the company’s R&D facility at Cotswold Airport in Gloucestershire, UK, and lasted 10 minutes. The aircraft completed taxi, take-off, a full pattern circuit, and landing. The landmark flight forms part of the HyFlyer II project, a major R&D programme backed by the UK Government’s flagship ATI Programme, which targets development of a 600kW powertrain to support 9-19 seat aircraft worldwide with zero-emission flight.

    The twin-engine aircraft was retrofitted to incorporate ZeroAvia’s hydrogen-electric engine on its left wing, which then operated alongside a single Honeywell TPE-331 stock engine on the right. In this testing configuration, the hydrogen-electric powertrain comprises two fuel cell stacks, with lithium-ion battery packs providing peak power support during take-off and adding additional redundancy for safe testing. In this testbed configuration, hydrogen tanks and fuel cell power generation systems were housed inside the cabin. In a commercial configuration, external storage would be used and the seats restored.

    All systems performed as expected. This is the largest ZeroAvia engine tested to date, and places the company on the direct path to a certifiable configuration to be finalized and submitted for certification in 2023, with this programme also serving as key to unlocking speedy technology development for larger aircraft. ZeroAvia’s 2-5 MW powertrain programme, already underway, will scale the clean engine technology for up to 90-seat aircraft, with further expansion into narrowbody aircraft demonstrators over the next decade.

    Of note, this flight test campaign is being conducted under a full Part 21 flight permit with the UK CAA, which is a much more stringent set of requirements compared to the E-Conditions framework ZeroAvia used for its 6-seat prototype test flights in the prior years. This signifies the maturity of the company’s processes and design approaches and its readiness to proceed towards full commercial certification of its powerplants.

    ZeroAvia will now work towards its certifiable configuration in order to deliver commercial routes using the technology by 2025. The Dornier 228 will conduct a series of test flights from Kemble and later demonstration flights from other airports. Almost exactly two years ago, ZeroAvia conducted the first of more than 30 flights of a six-seat Piper Malibu aircraft using a 250kW hydrogen-electric powertrain.

    This latest achievement follows ZeroAvia’s previous world-first milestones, starting with 6-seat prototype flights of a Piper M-Class airframe in 2019, and the world’s first commercial-scale 6-seater hydrogen-electric powered flight in September 2020. The 2020 prototype was a part of the HyFlyer I programme in the UK. Unlike the previous tech demonstrator programme, ZeroAvia’s 600kW engine being developed under HyFlyer II is a commercial-intent programme.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2023 07:32
    Fluitron Installs Hydrogen Station in Faridabad in India

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    Leading developer and manufacturer of industrial-grade gas compression systems Fluitron has successfully completed the manufacturing, testing, installation and Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization approval for the first domestically-built hydrogen dispenser in India. This project and its successful introduction is a significant milestone in acceleration of hydrogen technology development in India.

    This dispenser, which is capable of filling tanks at 350 bar pressure, features two nozzles for light and heavy-duty vehicles and a third nozzle for the future addition of 700 bar hydrogen dispensing. It also integrates a cascading system and pre-cooling protocols specified through international codes and standards.

    Fluitron is a global leader in precision technology for clean energy. With over 45 years of experience, Fluitron has grown to become a trusted partner for industrial gas compression technologies.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 23 januari 2023 07:34
    EU Innovation Fund Supports RWE’s Waste-to-Hydrogen FUREC

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    23 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

    RWE's FUREC project, which aims to produce circular and green hydrogen from non-recyclable municipal solid waste in Limburg, the Netherlands, received a EUR 108 million grant from the EU’s Innovation Fund.

    As part of the FUREC project, RWE plans to build a pre-treatment plant in Zevenellen, Limburg, to convert non-recyclable municipal solid waste into solid recovered fuel pellets. The plant will process about 700,000 tonnes of MSW per year, of which about 50% will be of biogenic origin (e.g. textiles, paper). This is equivalent to the amount of MSW produced by approximately two million people each year.

    The feedstock pellets from the pre-treatment plant will then be converted into hydrogen in a second RWE plant which the company is to build at the Chemelot industrial park in Limburg. The plant is expected to produce 54.000 tonnes of hydrogen per year. For comparison: This is equivalent to the output of a 700-megawatt offshore wind farm with coupled electrolysers.

    By using this hydrogen, the Chemelot industrial park in Limburg will be able to reduce its natural gas consumption by more than 280 million cubic metres per year. This corresponds to half of the annual domestic gas consumption in Limburg. This will save around 400,000 tonnes of CO2 per year. The CO2 released during the hydrogen production is captured and can be stored or possibly used as a raw material by industry in the future. The hydrogen will either be marketed locally in the Chemelot industrial park or transported to industrial companies in Rotterdam and the Ruhr area. FUREC is preparing the necessary grid connections to the hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure.

    The funding by the EU Innovation Fund marks a key milestone for advancing the FUREC project, which will require an investment of more than EUR 600 million to complete. With the funding commitment secured, RWE forges ahead with project development at full speed, including seeking the necessary approvals and permits. In parallel, the company is starting to contract preferred suppliers for the plants, potential customers for hydrogen and CO2, and companies that can provide waste of suitable quantity and quality. A final investment decision is to be made in 2024.

    FUREC is a game changer in CO2 reduction, hydrogen production and waste management: it facilitates unlocking the massive potential of the circular economy to meet the EU’s climate targets. RWE sees FUREC as a blueprint for future roll-outs at other sites in the Netherlands and Europe. The province of Limburg, where Chemelot is located, has followed the development of FUREC with great interest in recent years.
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