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  1. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 08:18
    Sinopec Launches Green Hydrogen Coal Chemical Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation has launched first hydrogen demonstration project in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Inner Mongolia Erdos Wind-Solar Green Hydrogen Project, on February 16 in Beijing, Hohhot and Erdos. The Project will utilize the rich solar and wind energy resources in the Erdos region to produce green hydrogen directly, projecting to reach an annual production capacity of 30,000 tons of green hydrogen and 240,000 tons of green oxygen, which will be used for the carbon reduction initiatives of the adjacent ZTHC Energy intensive coal processing pilot project in Erdos.

    A milestone in Sinopec's hydrogen development roadmap following its green hydrogen pilot project in Kuqa Xinjiang in 2021, the Project, the world's largest in the green hydrogen coal-chemical field, will further expand China's and global green hydrogen production capacity, promote the development of the green hydrogen industry chain and advance China's green energy goals.

    The Project's scope covers wind and photovoltaic power generation, power transmission and transformation, hydrogen production by water electrolysis, hydrogen storage and transport. The installed power-generating capacity of wind and PV power will reach 450 megawatts and 270 megawatts respectively; the hydrogen production by water electrolysis will achieve a capacity of 30,000 tons annually, and the hydrogen storage capacity will reach 288,000 standard cubic meters.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 08:18
    3 Russian Giants form Hydrogen Energy Association

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    Divisions of Russian state corporations Rosatom and Rosnano and Gazprombank have established the National Association for Development of Hydrogen Energy on 16 February 2023. The association's founders are Rusatom Overseas, Rusnano startup studio TechnoSpark, and Gazprombank-Development's H2 Invest. The hydrogen association is registered at the same address as Rosatom's headquarters, and its email is the same as that of Rusatom Overseas. It is headed by Mr Denis Deryushkin, who previously served as deputy CEO of the Energy Ministry's Russian Energy Agency.

    The association's activities are aimed at combining the efforts of business and science for the development of hydrogen energy in Russia, coordinating the efforts of market participants, assisting in the implementation of the National Hydrogen Program and preparing proposals for standards for support of the sector with government agencies. The association will also facilitate cooperation and sharing of experience with international organizations and manufacturers of hydrogen technologies and hydrogen infrastructure. The association is expected to bring together companies, consumers, financial institutions and research organizations.

    Several startups in the area of hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell power generators are growing at TechnoSpark.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 08:19
    Plug & ACCIONA Energía Present Valle H2v Navarra Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    Plug Power & ACCIONA Energía have presented to the Government of Navarra in Spain their Valle H2V Navarra joint project to build an industrial-scale, green hydrogen production plant in Rocaforte in Sangüesa.

    The project, currently in the development stage, involves the construction of a 25MW electrolyzer on the land plots adjacent to the Sangüesa biomass plant. The electrolyzer will be powered by hybrid renewable energy produced at a photovoltaic plant (25MW) and a wind farm (24MW), both newly built facilities that are currently under development.

    The plans of Plug and ACCIONA Energía entail a total associated investment of EUR 87 million, and the creation of over 500 direct, indirect, and induced jobs during the construction of the plant.

    Once built, the plant will reach a total production of 3,880 tons of green hydrogen per year. The aim is to use 90% of the green hydrogen production for consumption by the main energy-intensive industries in the area, such as paper, glass, steel, food and automotive, contributing to their decarbonization and the reduction of their CO2 emissions, including Plug’s customers in material handling, stationary power, and on-road mobility applications. The remaining 10% will be used for the transport sector through the installation of a hydrogen station at the same location.

    The project envisages the possibility to expand the hydrogen plant in the future, depending on the evolution of demand, to double the initially planned power (50MW) of electrolysis.
  4. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 08:22
    Vertex Hydrogen to Supply 1,000MW of Hydrogen to UK’s Industries

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    28 Feb, 2023, 3:30 am

    Essar Oil UK’s Vertex Hydrogen has signed agreements to supply over 1,000MW of low carbon hydrogen to leading industrial names in the region. This is a similar amount of energy that powers a major city like Liverpool, secures the entire initial hydrogen production capacity of Vertex and enables the vital hydrogen infrastructure investments in the region.

    The Project will capture some 1.8 million tonnes of CO2 per annum to be stored by the HyNet project to reduce more than 10% of the region’s industrial emissions – the equivalent to taking 750,000 cars off the roads.

    This milestone reflects Vertex’s status as the largest and most advanced low carbon hydrogen hub in the UK.
  5. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 09:08
    Waarom het Duitse BMW na de Japanners en Koreanen ook voor de waterstofauto kiest

    Opeens zet ook BMW in op auto’s op waterstof. ,,Auto’s met batterijen zijn prima. Maar er is een tweede techniek nodig voor de energietransitie. Want wat als er geen stroom is om je auto te laden?’’

    Ton Voermans 28-02-23, 06:01 Laatste update: 07:27

    Met een sissend geluid gaat de druk van slang. ,,Hoe lang duurde deze tankbeurt? 5 minuten? We kunnen weer dik 500 kilometer rijden’’, glundert Jürgen Guldner. Hij heeft zojuist bij een waterstofpomp in de Antwerpse haven een BMW iX5 Hydrogen afgetankt met waterstof.

    Lees ook
    Arie is verliefd op zijn waterstofauto (één van de 505 in Nederland): ‘En ik rijd probleemloos naar Italië’
    Nederland ‘waterstof-uitvindersland’, mede dankzij Philips-octrooien

    Bijna drie weken lang ontvangt het Duitse automerk journalisten uit heel de wereld, van Japan tot Zuid-Amerika, om te pronken met de X5 op waterstof. ,,Er is enorm veel interesse voor ons verhaal waarom waterstof een goede keuze is.’’

    Vijf jaar geleden kreeg Guldner een opdracht van de BMW-top. De automaker uit München die inmiddels tal van elektrische auto’s aanbiedt, wilde een alternatief voor auto’s met batterijen. ,,Daar hebben we drie grote argumenten voor. Het eerste is de beschikbare elektriciteit. Hoe laad je de auto als er onvoldoende elektriciteit is voor de laadpalen? Nu al kan het netwerk de vraag naar stroom niet aan. Het tweede betreft de grondstoffen. Er zijn onvoldoende zeldzame metalen voor honderden miljoenen auto’s met grote batterijen. Met de metalen uit één traditionele elektrische auto kan ik tien waterstofauto’s maken. En ten derde wil een deel van onze klanten - we weten niet precies hoeveel - geen auto met batterij, maar iets dat ze kennen: een auto die ze snel kunnen tanken. Bovendien willen we als bedrijf niet op één techniek inzetten. Duurzame mobiliteit wordt een mix van technieken, inclusief waterstof.’’

    Een auto op waterstof is ook een elektrische auto, maar de energie wordt niet in batterijen bewaard maar in de vorm van waterstof. In de brandstofcel onder de motorkap reageert de waterstof met zuurstof. Bij dat proces komt elektriciteit vrij.

    Vier jaar lang heeft BMW aan de waterstofauto gewerkt. Tal van testen werden gedaan. Er werden er zelfs een paar in de fik gestoken om te zien of de veiligheidskleppen werkten en de tanks niet zouden ontploffen. De X5 zoeft geruisloos over de weg. De 400 pk onder de ‘motorkap’ geeft de pittige acceleratie die bij elektrisch rijden hoort. Uit de uitlaat komt slechts een wolkje waterdamp, géén broeikasgassen; de groene droom van de autoliefhebber. Met dat verhaal voert Guldner een kleine karavaan van twaalf iX5's aan richting Brussel, zodat ook Europese politici bekend worden met die ‘andere elektrische auto’.

    Monteurs installeren de waterstoftanks in een BMW x5. © Tom Kirkpatrick/BMW AG

    BMW is niet alleen. Toyota en Hyundai prediken het waterstofgeloof al meer dan tien jaar, beide automerken hebben een waterstofmodel in de showroom. Ook Honda maakt een waterstofauto, maar die is niet te koop in Nederland. Autoconcerns als Stellantis zien voor waterstof alleen in bestelauto's en vrachtwagens een kans. Mercedes ziet toekomst in vrachtwagens op waterstof.

    De BMW iX5 Hydrogen staat voorlopig evenmin in de showroom. Guldner: ,,Nu hebben we bijna honderd waterstofauto’s gebouwd op basis van de BMW X5. Bij de X5’s hebben we het motorblok en de benzinetank eruit gehaald en de brandstofcel, de waterstoftanks en de elektrische motoren erin geplaatst. Met die auto’s gaan we wereldwijd onder extreme condities proefrijden en luisteren naar de ervaringen van de gebruikers. In de tweede helft van het decennium komt hij te koop.’’

    Wat ie kost? Er is nog geen prijs. ,,Maar prijzen dalen altijd als je iets seriematig in grote aantallen gaat maken. Behalve bij auto’s op batterijen.’’ Een oplopend tekort aan metalen die in de accu’s gebruikt worden kunnen tot prijsverhogingen leiden. Sterker: dat gebeurt al. De gemiddelde elektrische auto in Nederland kost nu volgens de ANWB 46 mille terwijl dat vijf jaar geleden 35.000 euro was.

    Waterstof tanken lijkt op lpg tanken, met een nippel en een koppeling. Een tankbeurt duurt een paar minuten. © Tom Kirkpatrick/BMW AG

    En zo kan de dure waterstofauto - die van Toyota en Hyundai kosten nu nog 70 mille - ook qua prijs interessant worden. Waterstof krijgt de wind méé omdat auto’s met batterijen de wind tégen krijgen.
  6. forum rang 10 voda 28 februari 2023 09:09
    Deel 2:

    Waterstof wordt nu vooral gezien als dé energiedrager voor vrachtauto’s die veel kilometers maken, bussen en andere grote voertuigen. En BWM rekent erop dat ook een deel van de personenauto’s er goed mee uit de voeten kan. ,,Mensen die veel rijden, snel willen tanken en weer door’’, zegt Guldner.

    De X5 is een bakbeest en dat is ook nodig om de techniek - een brandstofcel, een batterij als buffer voor de opgewekte elektriciteit en twee waterstoftanks kwijt te kunnen. ,,Maar de efficiëntie van de brandstofcel neemt toe, hij kan kleiner worden zodat ook kleinere auto’s op waterstof kunnen.’’

    BMW volgt met de verschillende oplossingen voor elektrisch rijden de lijn van Toyota. Dat maakt inmiddels ook elektrische auto’s met batterij maar zegt dat ook waterstof en zelfs hybrides nodig zullen zijn. Door het tekort aan lithium wil het geen beperkt aantal auto’s met heel grote batterijen, stelt het Japanse autobedrijf, maar heel veel auto’s met een kleine batterij. De totale CO2-uitstoot daalt daardoor harder.

    In de brandstofcel wordt het zeldzame en dure metaal platinum gebruikt. ,,Komende decennia gaan er miljoenen benzineauto’s naar de sloop. In de katalysator van die auto’s zit platinum, dat kunnen we mooi hergebruiken’’, stelt Guldner. Er is over nagedacht, wil hij maar zeggen.

    Dat BMW en Toyota het samen eens zijn is niet verwonderlijk. De twee merken werken al lang samen bij de ontwikkeling van waterstofauto’s. De brandstofcel in de BMW iX5 Hydrogen komt rechtstreeks uit de fabriek van de Japanners.

    Vooral voor vrachtver­voer is waterstof dé oplossing. Je moet anders een 1000 kilo batterij meezeulen voor iedere 100 kilometer die je rijdt

    Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, Hydrogen Europe
    Waterstof heeft nu nog één grote drempel. Waar ga je tanken? Nederland heeft nu elf waterstofpompen en nog eens zoveel in aanbouw. Dat leidde tot een bescheiden waterstofautopark dat bestaat uit 651 personenauto’s, 13 bestelwagens en 85 vrachtwagens.

    Duitsland heeft inmiddels een landelijk dekkend netwerk van ruim honderd waterstofstations. ,,In 2030 zijn er in Europa duizend waterstofstations. Dat heeft de EU de lidstaten opgedragen’’, zegt Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, ceo van Hydrogen Europe, de Europese organisatie van de waterstofindustrie met 460 leden. 50.000 vrachtwagens op waterstof moeten dan uitstofvrij het continent doorkruisen en misschien wel nog meer personenauto’s op waterstof.

    Maar niet iedereen is ervan overtuigd, beseft Chatzimarkakis. ,,De argumenten zijn hetzelfde als die tegen zonnestroom twintig jaar geleden. Te duur, riep iedereen. Moet je nu eens kijken. Vooral voor vrachtvervoer is waterstof dé oplossing. Je moet anders een 1000 kilo batterij meezeulen voor iedere 100 kilometer die je rijdt. Waanzin. Waterstof kost in 2030, denken wij 2,50 euro per kilo. En met een kilo kun je 100 kilometer rijden. Als waterstof 5,50 euro kost is het al goedkoper dan diesel.’’ Maar zover is het nog niet: waterstof kost nu nog zo'n 12 euro per kilo.

    Elon Musk
    Critici wijzen op de energieverliezen bij de productie van waterstof en bij de omzetting naar elektriciteit, tweederde van de energie gaat daarbij verloren. ,,Waterstof als energiedrager is de stomste oplossing die je kunt verzinnen’’, zei Elon Musk de ceo van Tesla vorig jaar nog. Tesla heeft alleen elektrische auto's met batterijen. Guldner glimlacht. ,,Bij een brandstofauto wordt 80 procent van de energie omgezet in warmte en herrie. Waterstof doet het beter. Op dagen dat het hard waait en de zon flink schijnt dumpen we nu groene elektriciteit voor niets. Wat als je daar nu eens waterstof van maakt? En waterstof kun je bewaren en transporteren van bijvoorbeeld Noord-Afrika, waar je het spotgoedkoop uit zonnestroom kunt produceren, naar de havens van Antwerpen en Rotterdam. Met elektriciteit gaat dat niet.’’

  7. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 07:50
    Enapter Develops International Customers for AEM Electrolysers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Enapter has had a strong start to 2023. The manufacturer of scalable electrolysers for hydrogen production will deliver the latest EL 4.0 device generation of its AEM Electrolysers to companies in France and Taiwan, among others. One of them is Hensoldt Nexeya France, a provider of electronics solutions and services for industrial customers, which has placed another order for 60 EL 4.0 AEM electrolysers. The units will be used in the areas of electricity storage and peak shaving. The group develops and produces electronic systems for the aerospace, energy and transport industries. Another 55 AEM EL 4.0 electrolysers were already delivered to the French company in December 2022.

    In addition, Enapter has further expanded its network of international integration and distribution partners. In Taiwan, Hephas Energy is now supporting customers in the smooth realisation of their hydrogen projects with the help of Enapter’s electrolysers. Hephas Energy offers various renewable energy solutions, including fuel cells, energy storage batteries and power generation systems. A total of 20 EL 4.0s were delivered to the company. The electrolysers are primarily intended to be used in creating green hydrogen for electricity storage.
  8. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 08:23
    ACE Terminal & Cepsa Ink Pact for Hydrogen & Ammonia Imports

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Joining forces to create the green hydrogen supply chain from Spain to the Netherlands, Cepsa and ACE Terminal have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Spanish energy company will supply green ammonia to the planned ACE import terminal in the port of Rotterdam. The agreement strengthens the green hydrogen corridor between the north and south of Europe and represents a significant milestone in the European strategy to decarbonize and develop renewable hydrogen and sustainable fuels.

    The green ammonia is destined for end use applications in the industry after conversion of the ammonia back into hydrogen, or for direct end use in the shipping and other industries in Northwest Europe
  9. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 08:23
    Scottish Distilleries to Decarbonise Whisky Industry

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Storegga plans for a 300MW hydrogen plant to decarbonise industry in Scotland's Highlands region are making progress as a final investment decision on a first phase for 30MW is scheduled at the end of this year and the full 300MW phase is on track for 2030.

    While the start date for the Cromarty Firth project in north of Inverness has slipped from 2024, developers have increased ambitions to a 300MW regional hub after first 30MW phase was oversubscribed in terms of demand. Storegga has lined up deals with eight buyers, mostly distilleries that will replace fossil fuels with hydrogen for making steam

    The Cromarty hub is being developed by utility Scottish Power and 2020-founded Storegga, whose backers include Singapore's sovereign wealth fund GIC, Japanese conglomerate Mitsui, Australian financial services firm Macquarie Group, and Italy's energy infrastructure group Snam.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 08:24
    CHARBONE & Sorel Ltee to Build Hydrogen Plant in Sorel-Tracy

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    CHARBONE HYDROGÈNE has entered into final negotiations for a special agreement based on a hybrid model between a cost-plus contract and an integrated project delivery agreement, between its wholly-owned subsidiary Charbone Hydrogène Québec and Construction Sorel Ltée. Completion of this agreement was the final item included in Charbone QC's construction budget for accelerated integration of major components, pre-construction activities and on-site construction of Phase I of its first hydrogen production plant in Sorel-Tracy in Quebec.

    The parties have agreed to a hybrid construction model for the Accord to ensure teams will prioritize collaboration and foster a sense of ownership and teamwork, as all parties involved will need to work together to achieve the desired results on site within the time and budget associated with the project. Charbone QC has already procured the necessary major components from its selected suppliers, and we expect them to be ready for delivery to Construction Sorel for integration work during the first week of March 2023. The team engineering from Charbone QC; BBA is responsible for the design/engineering and Construction Sorel is responsible for the modular integration of the main components and the coordination of all site work with its subcontractors.

    Charbone is a Canadian green hydrogen company established in North America.
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 08:24
    dynaCERT & Cipher Neutron to Build Greater Toronto R&D Facility

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    dynaCERT has concluded a Collaboration Agreement with Cipher Neutron to further jointly develop, produce and market state-of-the-art Hydrogen technology, including AEM Electrolyser technology, that is designed to produce Green Hydrogen for world-wide large infrastructure projects, and Reversible Fuel Cell technology applied to emergency preparedness and efficient storage of Hydrogen as a long-term source of power.

    In collaboration with dynaCERT, CN plans to expand the development of dynaCERT’s previously announced Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysers with a goal to expand dynaCERT’s collaborative Research & Development and to accomplish the following:

    ? A 5-Kilowatt AEM Electrolyser that can meet the commercial specifications of potential clients internationally

    ? A 50-Kilowatt AEM Electrolyser that can meet the commercial specifications of potential clients internationally

    ? A 250-Kilowatt AEM Electrolyser that can meet the commercial specifications of potential clients internationally

    ? A line of Reversible Fuel Cells to meet the growing variety of customer’s emerging needs internationally

    ? A Production Facility meeting the suitability requirements to offer these products to international clients in a timely and reliable manner and on a cost competitive basis

    Cipher Neutron is a rapidly growing disruptive technology company focused on Electrolysers for Green Hydrogen production and Reversible Fuel Cells for power generation and energy storage solutions. Cipher Neutron combines a global group of collaborating scientists that team up with engineers, technology developers, experts in hydrogen technology, investment bankers and people that have worked in hydrogen and power generation for decades. Cipher Neutron’s innovative products, such as Electrolysers and Reversible Fuel Cells under development, have unique advantages over other Hydrogen production, power generation and energy storage solutions currently available in the global market.

    AEM is considered as a superior hybrid solution combining the benefits of both PEM electrolysers and Alkaline electrolysers. The major issue with PEM technology is the high cost owing to the use of precious metals such as Platinum and Iridium as catalysts. AEM does not require such precious metals making it more sustainable and cost effective than PEM electrolysers. The major drawback in Alkaline electrolysis is its low current density and highly corrosive alkaline solution used as the electrolyte.
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 08:26
    Capacity Trucks® to Launch Hydrogen Truck at TMC Annual Meeting

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    REV Group’s Capacity Trucks will debut its new Zero Emissions Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric terminal truck at the upcoming Technology & Maintenance Council Annual Meeting in Orlando in Florida. Beginning its road to zero emissions 10 years ago, Capacity partnered with leading suppliers of alternative fuel powertrains on the engineering of new products, designed for port, intermodal and distribution/warehouse applications.

    Capable of handling GCVWR of up to 180,000 pounds, this advanced terminal truck is designed and expected to operate for at least one full shift before refueling. The H2 truck can be refueled in as little as 15 minutes - the same time it takes to refuel a traditional diesel truck. This next generation of yard trucks features a new look and redesigned cab as well as Capacity’s patented Dura-Ride® air ride suspension.

    In 2020, Capacity Trucks partnered with Hyster-Yale Group to jointly develop electric, hydrogen and automation-ready terminal tractors. The two companies signed a memorandum of understanding to co-develop electric and hydrogen-powered terminal tractors with automation-ready capabilities. The collaboration leverages each company’s product expertise in the global material handling solutions market, bringing together Capacity’s robust terminal truck platform and Hyster-Yale Group’s vast experience in lift truck electric powertrain technology and hydrogen fuel cell technology developed by its subsidiary company, Nuvera.
  13. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 08:26
    Proton Motor & Wilo Sign Hydrogen MoU

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    1 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Following the successful delivery and integration of the three HyFrame® S36 units, Proton Motor and Wilo have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to co-operate on decentralised and decarbonised energy supply. The MoU provides for the definition of topics and tasks in climate-neutral infrastructure projects for the production and use of green hydrogen, with Wilo acting as a general contractor.

    Proton Motor expects to derive synergies from Wilo’s extensive distribution network and contacts. The MoU also envisages the identification of eco-friendly product applications complementing the respective existing or future brand portfolios.

    Proton Motor has delivered three of its emission-free HyFrame® S36 systems to the multinational technology group WILO SE for use in Wilo's H2Powerplant at its Wilopark headquarters in the south of Dortmund in Q3 of 2022. The innovative hydrogen plant H2Powerplant enables the generation of green energy from renewable resources. This supports a transition to sustainable energy for industrial companies in the context of the Paris climate protection goals and to achieve energy self-sufficiency.
  14. forum rang 10 voda 1 maart 2023 09:36
    North-south hydrogen corridor to be built in Germany by 2028

    North-south hydrogen corridor to be built in Germany by 2028 Source: EBRD

    Gasunie and Thyssengas are planning to build a network for the transportation of hydrogen that will connect Germany's North Sea coast with the centres of demand in the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the south by 2028.

    The two gas transmission system operators (TSO) will repurpose existing gas infrastructure and build new pipelines for the 400-km (248.5 mi) long route between the coastal region of Wilhelmshaven, where hydrogen will be produced and imported from Norway, and Wesseling near Cologne in North Rhine-Westphalia where the chemicals industry is concentrated.

    Do you know we have a daily hydrogen newsletter? Subscribe here for free!

    A key advantage of the plan is that it will connect existing hydrogen clusters and projects such as the Hyperlink network planned by Gasunie in the north and the GETH2 hydrogen initiative in the south for which Thyssengas is responsible.

    The planned route will enable hydrogen supply to medium-sized companies and large off-takers such as chemical parks and steel producers in the region of Muenster, the Ruhr area and Rhineland, making a significant contribution to the development of an integrated hydrogen network in Germany.

    The project consists of two sections -- the northern part will connect the Wilhelmshaven hydrogen hub and the planned hydrogen export pipeline from Norway to Germany with the hydrogen transport network and the hydrogen caverns of the Etzel storage facility.

    The southern section involves the route between the Barssel ??hyperlink and Cologne/Wesseling. Its goal is to connect the consumption centres and establish connections to the GETH2 cluster, future hydrogen storage facilities and the border crossing point for hydrogen in Vlieghuis, the Netherlands.

    Applications for a PCI (Project of Common Interest) status have been submitted for both sections of the project.

  15. forum rang 9 nine_inch_nerd 1 maart 2023 16:29
    KBC Podcast: 'Opmars van groene waterstof: kansen voor België'
    Nu de bocht naar een klimaatneutraal energiesysteem is ingezet, komt ook groene waterstof steeds vaker in beeld als een cruciaal deel van de puzzel. Europa wil de productiecapaciteit van groene waterstof tegen 2024 verzesvoudigen. Tegen 2030 moet waterstof een substantieel onderdeel zijn van ons energiesysteem. Maar om groene waterstof op grote schaal in te zetten, zijn zaken zoals schaalgrootte en overheidssteun nodig. Beluister hier het potentieel van groene waterstof met Joris Franck en Freddy Van Bogget van KBC. Joris en Freddy leggen uit wat waterstof is, hoe je het kan maken en wat het voor beleggers kan betekenen.

    ETF's bij Bolero

    Geloof je in de aandelen die inzetten op waterstof? Dan kan je overwegen om een ETF te kopen die enkel belegt in zulke bedrijven. Zo koop je met één effect een hele reeks bedrijven, waardoor het risico in vergelijking met het beleggen in één bedrijf, fors afneemt. Bovendien zijn ETF’s goedkoop. Machtig én Makkelijk!

    VanEck Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF - USD ACC (HDR0) - IE00BMDH1538
    Deze ETF van VanEck volgt de MVIS Global Hydrogen Economu ESG Index. Het jaarlijkse kostenpercentage bedraagt 0,55%. De grootste participaties zijn het Amerikaanse Bloom Energy (10,31%) en Plug Power (10,25%) en het Noorse NEL (10,7%). Daarnaast zitten er onder andere ook Air Liquide (8.48%), Linde (7,86%) en Ballard Power Systems (7.80%) in de index. In 2022 was er een verlies van 34,50%. Sinds januari van dit jaar ging de ETF er met 7,96% op vooruit.

    L&G Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF - USD ACC (HTMW) - ISIN: IE00BMYDM794
    Een kapitalisatie-ETF die de Solactive Hydrogen Economy-index volgt. Het totale kostenpercentage is 0,49%. De grootste participaties zijn het Duitse Siemens Energy (6,55%), Weichai Power (5,61%) uit China en NEL uit Noorwegen. Daarnaast bijvoorbeeld ook nog Air Liquide (4,85%), Johnson Matthey (4,57%), Linde (4,51% en The Chemours Company (4,47%). In 2021 was er een negatief rendement van 24,34%. In 2022 ging de ETF nog lager: -32,59%. Sinds januari 2023 staat de ETF 6,97% hoger.

    Wil je meer weten over ETF’s? Bezoek dan zeker onze onlinegids.
    Wil je meer inspiratie over beleggen via ETF’s? Die kan je vinden in onze ETF-Topics.

    Hieronder vind je nog het sectoroverzicht met beursgenoteerde bedrijven uit de waterstofsector die door analisten worden gevolgd. Je leest de koers, het gemiddelde koersdoel en het opwaarts potentieel.
  16. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2023 07:42
    Nikola Announces HYLA BHydrogen Refueling Station in California

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Nikola Corporation?has announced its HYLA brand‘s fourth California hydrogen station location, building on its planned station network to advance and scale its long-term hydrogen distribution solutions to service market demand. Nikola’s integrated energy and zero-emissions truck portfolio will be underpinned by developing hydrogen supply and refueling infrastructure, an essential step in helping to decarbonize the heavy-duty transport sector.

    The latest California refueling station and logistics infrastructure location will be in the city of West Sacramento. This station will further support Nikola’s truck demand, as well as third-party heavy-duty hydrogen electric vehicles. By the end of 2026, it is anticipated that Nikola, via its HYLA brand, will have 60 stations in place to support this growth.

    California is a launch market for Nikola with the Class 8 Nikola Tre battery-electric vehicle, Nikola Tre hydrogen electric vehicle and the energy infrastructure underway to support key customers and advance the state’s efforts to decarbonize the transport sector.

    Nikola, via HYLA, is bringing comprehensive zero-emission heavy-duty trucking energy solutions to market and West Sacramento is ideal due to the number of distribution centers and density of trucking and logistics traffic. Each station within the HYLA hydrogen network will serve as an important step in the delivery of a broader array of hydrogen fueling solutions to the commercial trucking industry.
  17. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2023 07:42
    Hydrones Introduces Advanced Hydrogen Drone H2D55

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Israeli drone manufacturer Hydrones has developed a new hydrogen-powered drone H2D55, capable of lifting a 25 kg payload for 145 minutes and flying at a speed of about 90 km per hour. This development will allow for extended flight times, increased payloads, and faster flight speeds, making it suitable for a wide range of applications including search and rescue, delivery and surveying.

    With a lifting capacity of up to 25 kilos, the drone can carry a wide range of payloads, from medical supplies to industrial equipment, and deliver them to hard-to-reach locations. Moreover, with a flight time of 145 minutes and a speed of about 90 km per hour, the drone can cover larger areas and respond quickly to emergencies, making it an essential tool for search and rescue missions or large-scale surveying projects.

    H2D55 is the first in a planned lineup of three hydrogen-fueled drones that will be released over the next year, and that the models coming later this year will have additional flight time and payload capacity.

    Hydrones also has three models of drones powered by batteries. These models meet the IP67 standard, meaning they are resistant to dust and water and can operate in extreme weather conditions. They can fly at a speed of 110 km per hour, making them among the fastest drones on the market.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2023 07:43
    Elixir & SB Energy Sign Term Sheet for Gobi H2 Hydrogen Project

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Elixir Energy has announced that a Term Sheet has been executed with SB Energy over the co-development of the Gobi H2 green hydrogen project located in the South Gobi region of Mongolia. The key purpose of the Term Sheet is to provide an exclusive framework for the two parties to advance towards the entering into a formal joint development agreement and a 50/50 joint venture upon the making of a FEED entry decision for a green hydrogen pilot project. The parties aim to reach this FEED stage by the middle of this year.

    The Term Sheet builds on the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the parties in June 2022 to progress investigations into the feasibility of the Gobi H2 project. Since then the various investigations carried out by Elixir and SBE into the potential of the project have progressed as planned to the point that the two parties have now agreed to upgrade their partnership through the execution of the Term Sheet.

    SBE has a renewable energy asset portfolio largely based in Japan as well as the 50 MW Tsetsii Wind Farm located in the Gobi region of Mongolia.
  19. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2023 07:44
    US Researchers Develop Nanowires Based Hydrogen Electrolyzers

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Chemistry have engineered silicon nanowires that can convert sunlight into electricity by splitting water into oxygen and hydrogen gas. An economic feasibility analysis suggests that using slurry of electrodes made from nanoparticles instead of a rigid solar panel design could substantially lower costs, making solar-produced hydrogen competitive with fossil fuels. However, most existing particle-based light-activated catalysts also referred to as photocatalysts, can absorb only ultraviolet radiation, limiting their energy-conversion efficiency under solar illumination.

    Dr James Cahoon, Ph.D., Hyde Family Foundation Professor of Chemistry in UNC-Chapel Hill's College of Arts and Sciences, and his colleagues in the department have been working on the chemical synthesis of semiconductor nanomaterials with unique physical properties that can enable a range of technologies, from solar cells to solid-state memory. Cahoon serves as the corresponding author of the findings published Feb. 9 in Nature.

    Cahoon and his team designed new silicon nanowires to have multiple solar cells along their axis so that they could produce the power needed to split water.

    Silicon absorbs both visible and infrared light. It has historically been a top choice for solar cells, also referred to as photovoltaic cells and semiconductors, owing to this and other properties—including its abundance, low toxicity and stability. With its electronic properties, the only way to drive water splitting wirelessly with silicon particles is to encode multiple photovoltaic cells in each particle. This can be achieved by generating particles that contain multiple interfaces, called junctions, between two different forms of silicon—p-type and n-type semiconductors.

    Previously, Cahoon's research focused on a bottom-up synthesis and spatially controlled modulation of silicone with boron for p-type nanowires and with phosphorus for n-type nanowires to impart desirable geometries and functionalities.
  20. forum rang 10 voda 2 maart 2023 07:44
    GenH2 Partners with H2 GENESIS for Hydrogen Liquefaction

    Strategic Research Institute
    Published on :
    2 Mar, 2023, 3:30 am

    An industry leader in hydrogen infrastructure solutions GenH2 has signed a partnership agreement with leading liquid hydrogen infrastructure and operations company H2 Genesis to deliver liquid hydrogen across North America. In their first collaboration, GenH2, as manufacturer, and H2 Genesis, as owner-operator, will deploy the GenH2 LS20 Mobile Liquid Hydrogen System, an end-to-end liquefication and storage system, to several locations in the United States starting with Florida.

    H2 Genesis, founded in 2021, is focused on proliferating access to the LH2 molecule for users of all sizes to advance the hydrogen economy. Through GenH2’s modular/flexible technology, the goal is to get liquid hydrogen in more hands than ever before and under a more near-term timeline that other technologies can provide. The first LH2 molecule is set to be delivered in 2023 with rapid expansion of the delivery network in subsequent years.

    The LS20 functions both as a stationary unit, or on a trailer for mobile use, which takes up significantly less space than most liquid hydrogen systems currently available. This mobile system will be the catalyst to developing a wide network of liquid hydrogen delivery. The units will enter the market in late 2023. As a complete system, the LS20 can liquefy, store, and dispense liquid hydrogen from any gaseous hydrogen source, such as a storage tank or an electrolyzer. The LS20 also serves as a foundation for higher capacity GenH2 systems including the 100Kg LH2 per day and 1,000Kg LH2 per day solutions.

    H2 Genesis focuses on asset development, hydrogen distribution, and infrastructure operations and service. Through the partnership with GenH2, H2 Genesis plans to facilitate the distributed hydrogen economy by developing over 1,600 MWdc of renewables power production and delivering of ~145,000 kg per day of liquid hydrogen by 2028.
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