Biobert 28 maart 2013 16:08 auteur info Biobert Lid sinds: 12 mei 2002 Laatste bezoek: 12 jan 2023 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 405 Gegeven: 2 Aantal posts: 4.773 In de bijlage Sustainable Society van het FD van vandaag had CSM geen enkele bijdrage. Zeker te druk geweest met de verkoop van Bakery.Maar ook Cosun maakte geen melding van hun gemeenschappelijke activiteiten.Zijn beiden in stilte een overname van Purac door Cosun aan het bekokstoven? Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 28 maart 2013 22:44 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Heb begrepen dat PLA de eerste keuze is voor het plastic voor 3D printen.Dat is natuurlijk een supergroeimarkt... Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 29 maart 2013 09:27 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 quote:bowski schreef op 28 maart 2013 22:44:Heb begrepen dat PLA de eerste keuze is voor het plastic voor 3D printen.Dat is natuurlijk een supergroeimarkt...Het recente koersverloop geeft mogelijk goede (by)koopkansen. Ga me de komende dagen maar eens goed verdiepen in dit fonds. Hoop dat er meer bekend word over OMZET/WINST/DIVIDEND van t overblijvende gedeelte. Dat zal immers toekomstige beurskoers verloop bepalen. Mischien dat ook andere forum lezers hier meer duidelijkheid over kunnen geven. Heb even naar de jaarcyfers zitten kyken. EBITDA voor,na, zonder,incl.excl...... lekker duidelijk allemaal maar niet heus. Geen wonder dat soms zelfs accountants er niet goed kunnen uitkomen. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
sun666 9 juni 2013 11:09 auteur info sun666 Lid sinds: 02 jun 2006 Laatste bezoek: 21 feb 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 56 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 142 NewsLactides for Asian Biopolymer MarketEuBP elects new boardPress release IFFA 2013Clinical study proves PURASAL NHCOS performancePurac and ROTECPress release Purac and Perstorp in partnershipPress release Acquisition BIRDPLA sampling now available from PuracPress release EC lactic acid approvalPurac starts construction new plant in USAEC Decision will improve meat safety says PuracPurac promotes recyclability of PLAPress release Purac launches Lactides for coatingsBASF and CSM establish 50-50 joint ventureValue purified lactic acid in colour stabilisationPurac wins FI Excellence Award 2012Purac at Fakuma 2012Press release PURAC Powder MA GRAS recognitionPress release Purac acquires Fiberlive™ technologyPress release new version Listeria control modelNews release Biobased Kids HousePress release BPF openingPurac hosts webinar on predictive food modelingPress release Purac at PLAST 2012Press release Improved heat-resistant PLA at NPEPurac wins FIE excellence awardPress release Purac opens office in IndiaPress release EU approval stevia open doorsPurac nominated FI Excellence Awards 2011Press release Calculating tool for beveragesPress release PuraQ RS39Press release Positive EFSA opinionPress release Price increasesPress release BASF and CSM explore a joint venturePress release Purac solutions to combat E ColiPress release Purac BRC certifiedPress release Participation in BPFPress release Purac Netherlands Top EmployerPress release Indorama Venture CollaborationPress release EU regulation minced meatsPress release Development PLA compoundPress release New plant for biomaterialsPress release Purac and Arkema sign agreementPress release CSM acquires ownership plantPress release Purac joins waste paper consortiumPress release construction starts in ThailandPress release PuraQ Xtend AX37Press release Purac joins BE basic consortiumPress release PuraQ Safe RS50Press release Purac to build new lactide plantPurac awarded Green Exhibitor AwardPress release PURAC Fit PlusOur purposeOur peoplePure by naturePurac 80 years Purac and ROTEC co-operate in economic feasibility study of a PLA bioplastic supply chain in Russia08 April 2013. Back to overviewOn 8 April 2013, ROTEC (a subsidiary of the Renova Group) and Purac (a subsidiary of CSM), signed a co-operation agreement for an economic feasibility study of a Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) bioplastic supply chain in Russia. In the study, ROTEC will focus on a location analysis related to the availability of optimal agricultural land and feedstocks and potential production locations, as well as research of the Russian market. Purac, leading player in natural food preservation and bio-based building blocks & chemicals, will focus on the analysis of the optimal available feedstock-to-PLA technologies and defining the business case. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
[verwijderd] 13 juni 2013 07:19 auteur info [verwijderd] Lid sinds: 01 jan 0001 Laatste bezoek: 01 jan 0001 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 0 Gegeven: 0 Aantal posts: 0 Cargill’s Animal Nutrition business and Purac, a subsidiary of CSM, announce theircollaboration in the development and commercialization of bio-based animal feed solutions.These solutions promote stronger growth and better feed conversion in suboptimalconditions in poultry production while at the same time have the potential to significantlyreduce the usage of antibiotics. A first commercial product, Aloapur®, will reach the marketin July of this year.Under the collaboration, Purac, world market leader in lactic acid and lactic acid derivatives, isfocusing on technology development and production of Aloapur®, while Cargill Animal Nutrition’sProvimi business, a leading global premix, specialties and feed additives supplier, is focused onapplication development and commercialization of the product.Aloapur®, a bio based animal feed solution for the improvement of the general health of animals,has been developed and patented by Purac. Aloapur® is based on Lactylates and has beendeveloped for the first time in animal nutrition and has demonstrated to significantly improve growthand feed conversion in poultry and turkey production in particular in suboptimal conditions. Theefficacy of Aloapur® has been extensively tested and demonstrated in both scientific research aswell as actual production farms by Purac and Cargill.Commercial production will start in July in a newly built production facility at the Purac site inGorinchem, the Netherlands.Cargill brings its animal nutrition expertise and global footprint to the partnership. Cargill’s Provimibusiness will develop the application and offer Aloapur® to customers to help them improve animalhealth and nutrition. Cargill Animal Nutrition is committed to selecting and developing innovativesolutions that can significantly improve animal nutrition.Marco Bootz, Vice President Chemical & Pharma at Purac, comments: "CSM is developing into aleading provider of bio-based ingredients and solutions. Our collaboration with Cargill is fully in linewith our strastrategy to develop commercially attractive bio-based alternatives using renewable andsustainable resources. This new technology, Aloapur®, for animal health is based on our corecompetence in lactic acid derivatives and emulsifiers. We believe that this technology has thepotential to significantly reduce the usage of low dosage antibiotics as growth promoters in animalfeed, without negatively impacting production. Cargill, the world leader in animal feed, will market Aanbevelingen 1 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
Bir 13 juni 2013 07:42 auteur info Bir Lid sinds: 12 sep 2011 Laatste bezoek: 23 mrt 2025 Aanbevelingen Ontvangen: 493 Gegeven: 161 Aantal posts: 5.196 Kijk, dat zijn aardige berichten om de beurs op te warmen voor C-day! Lijkt mij een positieve ontwikkeling aan de vooravond van misschien wel iets heel moois.Hoor ik daar tromgeroffel? Is dat misschien de reden dat Hoetmer volgende week de kleine belegger verbant? Wil hij spijkers met koppen kunnen slaan samen met de Grote Jongens zonder gereutel in het zijterrein?Succes vandaag en groeten.Bir. Aanbevelingen 0 ” Quote Reageren Niet oké
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