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Spyker N.V. Terug naar discussie overzicht


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  1. forum rang 10 DeZwarteRidder 30 november 2012 17:56

    henk spijker schreef op 30 november 2012 17:44:

    Nu ook 3 miljoen van de laat 3 eurocent afgeschreven, Maandag komt er een positief persbericht.
    Je bedoelt dat er iemand misbruik maakt van voorkennis.....????
  2. [verwijderd] 30 november 2012 18:11
    bESTE Bullish voor ik de hort op ga, heb ik de boekhouding gedaan, en om 1800 uur 50 euro overgemaakt naar DE PASSIE WAARD RABO 159459486 iets meer dan de vorige keer. De andere forumleden ,wees niet zo slap stuur ook wat euro's. Kan Victor geen begunstiger worden want hij is echt geen slecht mens?.doei. Misschien leest hij dit.
  3. [verwijderd] 30 november 2012 18:12

    henk spijker schreef op 30 november 2012 17:44:

    Nu ook 3 miljoen van de laat 3 eurocent afgeschreven, Maandag komt er een positief persbericht.
    Henk, ik moet steeds zo om je lachen!

    Rampspoed op rampspoed, de shit vliegt van alle kanten om de Spyker- oren, het is één grote puinhoop - en we hebben het laatste van deze ellende nog niet gezien. En jij zegt doodleuk: "Maandag komt er een positief persbericht."

    Je bent toch niet stiekem Jan Kees de Jager? Die heeft er in z'n eentje ook twee jaar lang het optimisme in gehouden door te toeteren dat Griekenland alles "tot de laatste cent" zou gaan terugbetalen.

    Hoe dan ook... het is weer weekend! CHEERS!

  4. [verwijderd] 30 november 2012 18:20

    henk spijker schreef:

    Green, AX,deze berichten slaan als zovaak nergens op. Die Zweedse advocaten eisen misschien straks geld van GM,Victor en die oplichter LOFALK. Ze berichten zelf dat geld halen bij GM heel moeilijk wordt.Spyker heeft niks met SAAB ,alleen die oplichter Lofalk moet Spyker straks nog 1,5 miljoen betalen. Victor had de leiding over Saab en is opgelicht,door de Zweedse staat,GM,LOFALK,, en al die administrateurs,dat is het verhaal.
  5. [verwijderd] 30 november 2012 18:32

    Da's een goeie Henk! Thanks!

    Beste Victor,

    Henk Spyker geeft net een aardig voorzetje: ik zeg misschien wel eens 'lelijke' dingen over je (sorry), maar ik weet dat je deep-down een gevoelig mens bent met oog voor de minder-bedeelden en gebrekkigen onder ons.

    Als je 50.000,-- euro overmaakt aan Stichting "De PassieWaard" (Rabo 1594.59.486) haal ik per direct al mijn posts van dit forum! En, als je dat graag hebt, schrijf ik daarna uitsluitend nog positieve dingen over je.


  6. [verwijderd] 30 november 2012 21:33
    Saab's nest found 174 million
    Friday, 11/30/2012 at 15:30
    PHOTO: KARI Pekonen / IL

    Saab Automobile bankruptcy estate found about 174 million.

    Saab Automobile trustees in bankruptcy have got a heap of about SEK 1.5 million, about EUR 174 million.

    The bankruptcy debts are significantly larger, 12-13 billion kronor, up to 1.5 billion euros.

    This is reflected in Saab Automobile bankruptcy administrators to the District Court on Friday to leave the report.

    News agency TT the recording of the statement of Saab Automobile was a very poor condition at the time when the Dutch Spyker bought the company.

    The estate administrators of the Spyker head Victor Muller, there was no chance to save the company. This was ultimately the fact that Saab's former owner General Motors did not want Saab to come into the hands of the Chinese.

    Saab Automobile bankruptcy consists of three companies: Saab Automobile and its subsidiaries Saab Powertrain and Saab Tools.

    The receivers of the Bankruptcy examinations will last for many more years. News agency TT that the former Saab Automobile management representatives have submitted dissenting opinions trustees' report.

    Kortom. Muller heeft een schuld achtergelaten van, schrik niet, 1.5 miljard euro! En die tien miljoen van Youngman had ze gered uit een faillissement. Wahahaha.
  7. [verwijderd] 30 november 2012 21:39
    The Story of Saab public
    Updated 2012-11-30 15:22. Published 2012-11-30 13:16

    Photo: Magnus Gotander / Scanpix

    On the morning of the day was managing the story of Saab's bankruptcy to the Vänersborg, four thick envelopes, according to the district court. The story, the managers' description of what led up to the bankruptcy, showing that the company was in a very difficult situation already when it was bought by Spyker.

    "We were ready with the stories of the day," explains one of the administrators, Anne-Marie Pouteaux.

    Since there were three companies that went bankrupt: Saab Automobile and its subsidiaries Saab Powertrain and Saab Tools, in practice it is three stories.

    "It has been a very extensive material," says Anne-Marie Pouteaux.

    The trustees noted that the release from GM proved to be more costly and time-extended than perhaps was expected. 2010 produced 32,048 cars, but only 28,284 were sold, against a target of 64,000, with a consequent effect on earnings and liquidity.

    The receivers also notes that the optimistic sales forecast caused major material purchases that would have further impact on an already strained liquidity. Saab was in all respects in a very precarious situation already when Spyker bought the company, which gradually accentuated in 2010.

    A series of restructuring and cost-saving measures were taken, although in 2010, but the loss trend continued in 2011. During the first quarter, cash liquidity by 24 percent and the liquid assets in the form of cash / bank fell from 666 million to 43.

    On 17 February 2011, the Saab unable to pay overdue payables at 71 million. In addition, the Company had liabilities of General Motors at 220 million.

    During the first quarter, month losses between 350 and 550 million. According to board minutes from this period shows that Saab's immediate working capital needs estimated at 400-500 million.

    According to the managers came worrying signals about sales figures in January and early February that the target for the first quarter would be held. There were indications that Saab's margins were under strong pressure in the important British and North American markets, writes in bankruptcy. Outwardly held simultaneously Saab line up appearances.

    The trustees saw management and especially CEO Victor Muller any attempt to try to save the company. No option was sufficient on its own. All possible solutions with stakeholders and funders based on different combinations which was dependent on a number of factors, including approvals of the authorities to fall into place, says the nominee story.

    "GM's influence over the ownership changes were also a major limiting factor which ultimately contributed to the bankruptcy," writes managers.

    GM said categorically no to Chinese involvement in Saab.

    To manage the stories are filed is an important step on the road to exit bankruptcy, but there remains much work.

    "It is many years away yet., It will certainly be a lot of processes and disputes with various parties," says Anne-Marie Pouteaux.

    What is next for managers is to start reviewing the creditor can get money from the estate. Debts amounted to 12-13 billion in the three companies under bankruptcy. Many will not get anything out, even if the trustees received some money through sales.

    "We have been together off to 1.5 billion," said Pouteaux.

    Saab's previous management has left feedback to managers and others have been critical of managers' conclusions.
  8. [verwijderd] 1 december 2012 11:22
    So lowered Saab for good
    Protests from the line did not help - the administrators stand by its judgment. It was clear in the final version of the Saab companies nominee's story, which also contained some new information;
    - GM acted destructively against us, believe Jonsson.


    Shortly before 11.00 am on Friday came with the post office to Vänersborg, and an hour later was it available on the bankruptcy estate website. Photo: Kent Eng

    Saab manages story is really three in number which Powertrain and Tools also went bankrupt. Saab Automobile AB's management story can be seen as the main examination, according to the documents. Photo: Stefan Benn Hage

    Suspect no crime surrounding Saab

    The receivers should have been ready with the final version until the day of the deadline, ie yesterday. By and large, it differs not from the draft TTELA previously had access to - the same draft that the Saab board, accountants, CEOs, and administrator Guy Lofalk been given the opportunity to comment.

    Victor Muller, Jan Ake Jonsson, General Counsel Kristina Geers, IF Metall Hakan Skött and Union Anette Hellgren has chosen to do so.


    All agree that the administrators are wrong in that Saab should be filed for bankruptcy at least eight months earlier than it did. But managers have not changed in the final version.

    The management report describes the activities that were hardly trouble since Spyker took over from GM in 2010. Spyker picked the previous stakeholder Koenigsegg's business plan, which would prove to be a mistake.

    Instead of the planned 64 000 units sold during the year was the number of 28 284 - and the error will include having been GM P. Saab, which was previously sold by GM, would now set up its own distribution network, which was harder than you thought.

    During the first half of 2010 used GM's sales organization to have "acted uninterested and even destructive in some respects." This, according to then-CEO Jan Åke Jonsson to bankruptcy.

    Reaching climax

    And pressure from GM continued during the following year. Those who visited Saab's celebration of its Independence Day, February 23, 2011 could easily get the impression of a company about to flourish.

    In fact, the company was already in a deep crisis that would reach its peak when the line stopped for good a few months later.

    In 2010, Saab went back over 3.7 billion and in February was guilty GM about 220 million. For managers, Saab's former CFO Rob Schuyt told of how he and Jan-Ake Jonsson visited Detroit on 10 the same month.

    They hoped to negotiate a solution that included the American nybilsgarantireserven. Previously, GM was generous and had put on some payments.

    Saab Theme

    On February 24, Saab was the theme of an internal GM meetings. Probably, it was then decided to instead stop all supplies and engineering work relating Saab until the debts were paid.

    In the future, thought to require prepayment. When Saab's management was told four days later it was surprised, as Schuyt. It had been thought that the negotiations with GM tilted to an amicable solution.

    Deliveries from European GM companies halted on March 1 and the day after there was an emergency meeting in the Saab line. They managed to persuade GM to resume deliveries on the 7th of weekly cash payments and the arrears would be frozen until the end of May.

    It was decided, according Schuyt, to keep this secret to not worry about other suppliers. But word spread, and Saab's purchasing department received questions from customers about the stop.

    Continued critical

    The immediate threat GM seemed to be removed, but Saab's financial situation continued to be critical. At a board meeting on March 30, it was found that in addition to the GM low accounts payable of 350 million.

    Meanwhile, almost 100 cars not produced due to non-delivery. DB Schenker were goods in anticipation of defaults, and on 5 april had loss of production increased to 400 cars.

    Saab management hoped then to a solution in the form of Vladimir Antonov, the Debt Office and the European Investment Bank, as well as funds through transaction.

    At a Board meeting on 5 april decided to stop production after day until we solved the supplier crisis. Debts to them was then in 439 million - excluding liabilities to GM.

    When production stopped and sales dried up, stopped the flow of receivables while accounts payable and fixed costs ticked on, writes in bankruptcy.

    On May 19, waited over 2,000 suppliers in more than 1 380 million - even without GM included - and 26 May, it was decided to start the line again the next day. But blackouts succeeded each other when the material was taken. On June 9, stopped the line at Saab Automobile in Trollhättan. It started ever again.

    Anna-Karin Nils Gustafsson
  9. [verwijderd] 1 december 2012 11:26
    Saab betaalde zijn rekeningen aan GM niet, dus GM stopte met leveren. Hierdoor kwam de productie stil te vallen, maar Saab hield het geheim voor de andere leveranciers. Uiteindelijk ging GM akkoord met wekelijkse betalingen, maar Saab had geen cent dus was het snel afgelopen.

    Tsja, ik snap niet helemaal wat Spyker GM verwijt. Ze stonden al voor een kleine 400 miljoen in het krijt bij GM, je kunt moeilijk verwachten dat GM de hele Spyker operatie gaat financieren.

    Gewoon prutswerk, overname zonder voldoende financiele middelen, veel te optimistische plannen en veel te hoge kosten. Maar dat zagen wij al voor de overname, Muller niet, die had een fully funded business plan. Sure...

    Dan belazer je toch gewoon je aandeelhouders, investeerders en leveranciers. Net doen of het geweldig gaat terwijl het een groot drama is. Ik denk dat de schuldeisers een goede zaak hebben tegen de board van Saab.
  10. AX lover 1 december 2012 11:51
    Oftewel: Saab was eigenlijk al ten dode opgeschreven op het moment dat Muller de tent overnam. Geen verrassing volgens mij, want dat riep ik (en vele met mij) al vanaf dag 1.
  11. [verwijderd] 1 december 2012 12:45

    AX lover schreef op 1 december 2012 11:51:

    Oftewel: Saab was eigenlijk al ten dode opgeschreven op het moment dat Muller de tent overnam. Geen verrassing volgens mij, want dat riep ik (en vele met mij) al vanaf dag 1.
    Yup. De advocaten van GM hebben een field day straks
  12. [verwijderd] 1 december 2012 12:50

    henk spijker schreef op 30 november 2012 17:44:

    Nu ook 3 miljoen van de laat 3 eurocent afgeschreven, Maandag komt er een positief persbericht.
    Henk, Spyker stuurt continu positieve persberichten de wereld in, dat is nu juist het probleem. Ze kunnen beter eens iets realiseren in plaats van dat geblaat van Muller.
  13. [verwijderd] 2 december 2012 09:32
    Enige vraag die je kunt stellen is "Had GM Saab wel mogen verkopen aan een sujet als VM?". Het zakelijke antwoord daarop is een volmondig "Ja" maar ethisch is het niet helemaal. Maar niet-ethisch zijn is iets want niet strafbaar is.

    Zo is het ook laakbaar (en strafbaar!) als iemand positieve berichten verspreidt terwijl hij redelijkerwijs kan aannemen dat die berichten op niets gebaseerd zijn en zelfs gewoon onwaar. Dit geldt dan voor zowel VM als sommige van zijn handlangers.
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