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  1. forum rang 6 Candelll 26 september 2013 17:27
    soms krijgen we goed nieuws de ander dag dan weer minder goed nieuws.

    ik zie dat X en NUE dalend zijn, terwijl mittal nog een kattesprong moet maken ,dat up tikje naar 11 stelde niets voor, lag aan die optie dag en uit de euro stocks.

    11 euro zit er nog steeds in deze maand.
  2. forum rang 10 voda 27 september 2013 16:50
    Weer stakingen bij metaalbedrijven

    Gepubliceerd op 27 sep 2013 om 16:16 | Views: 263

    UTRECHT (AFN) - Ruim 1300 metaalwerkers verspreid over het land hebben vrijdag het werk neergelegd voor een betere cao. In Zwolle gingen 450 werknemers de straat op, in Heerenveen ongeveer 350 en in de Randstad minstens 400, maakte vakbond FNV Metaal bekend.

    Eerder deze week en vorige week werd ook al gestaakt door metaalwerkers. De actievoerders willen de werkgevers op die manier zover krijgen, dat zij alsnog de eisen voor onder meer een hoger loon en meer invloed op de werktijden honoreren.

    De vakbonden zijn van plan de komende tijd op maandagen en vrijdagen actie te voeren. Werkgeversorganisatie FME-CWM heeft al meerdere keren laten weten de stakingen onverantwoord te vinden. De organisatie vindt dat de bonden terug moeten keren naar de onderhandelingstafel.

    De cao-onderhandelingen in de klein- en grootmetaal liepen in juni stuk. De twee cao's gelden samen voor bijna een half miljoen mensen.
  3. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2013 15:44
    SAIL RSP capacity to be raised to over 12 million tonne

    Express News Service reported that Rourkela Steel Plant will be upgraded to over 12-million tonne capacity during 12th Plan period.

    With an existing capacity to produce 2 million tonne hot metal, 1.9 million tonne crude steel and 1.67 million tonne saleable steel, steps have been taken to increase the capacity to 4.5 million tonne, 4.2 million tonne and 3.9 million tonne respectively.

    The State Government was informed about the Centre’s move to upscale the capacity of RSP on Saturday by Union Steel Secretary Mr G Mohan Kumar. Kumar, who is on a two day visit to the State, reviewed progress made in the steel and mining sector at a high level meeting chaired by Chief Secretary JK Mohapatra in the Secretariat.

    Mr Kumar said there is a lot of scope for Odisha Mining Corporation and National Mineral Development Corporation to work together. The two PSUs were advised to locate the areas of collaboration so that raw material linkages can be assured to the investors.

    Source - Express News Service
  4. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2013 15:45
    World rebar usage to see impressive growth in 2013 - Mr Gordienko

    World rebar consumption is expected to grow by a very impressive 7.1 percent year on year in 2013, supported by continuing growing demand in China and Asia and also in the CIS and Turkey. The year started very well for emerging and developing countries, but towards the summer demand slowed in many countries due to currency outflows, as stated by Alexander Gordienko of Celsa Group at the SteelOrbis 2013 Fall Conference & 68th IREPAS Meeting being held in Istanbul on September 22-24.

    In the first half of 2013, long steel demand recovered in North America and the EU emerged from its recession. The CIS and Turkey have become leaders in growth. Asia kept growing though at a slower rate, while growth in Africa, Brazil has slowed down, said Mr. Gordienko, adding that world long steel consumption is showing a stronger pace of growth and is gaining an increased share in total steel consumption. World finished steel consumption, in the meantime, has been maintaining a consistent uptrend since 2009 and is forecast to continue to grow through 2013, according to Mr Gordienko.

    Wire rod markets have improved worldwide with the exception of some African countries, India and some Latin American countries. The slowdown in the automotive industry in the EU has contributed to the continuing decline in consumption of wire rods in the region, Gordienko pointed out.

    Long product consumption will grow in 2013 with help from northern Asian markets but also thanks to North America, the CIS and Turkey. Margins for long products continue to be under pressure but recently, for the first time since 2008, there has been a feeling that raw materials are not that strong any longer, Gordienko said. Markets seem to be moving in waves and it is important for the mills to be able to adjust their production levels in line with market conditions, he warned.

    Source - Visit www.steelorbis.com for more

  5. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2013 15:46
    French president makes fresh promises to Florange steel workers

    Many steel workers are angry about French President Francois Hollande’s broken 2012 promise that two steel furnaces in Florange would never close. They did, resulting in redundancies.

    Mr Hollande returned to the Florange plant on Thursday looking to regain the support of steel workers who feel betrayed by the president. He said that “I’m going to come back here, to Florange, every year, to observe how our commitments of making a research and development centre has been respected. And to see that this centre is working properly.”

    With his approval ratings at all-time lows and unemployment above 10%, Mr Hollande is looking to traditional backers of his Socialist Party to stop the advance of the far-right National Front before municipal and European polls next year.

    The president announced the creation of a public research centre for the steel industry after touring parts of the Florange plant that have been modernised with a EUR 250 million investment by its owners ArcelorMittal.

    Describing talks with Mr Hollande as “heated”, CFDT union representative Edouard Martin said the onus was now on the president to see the investment pledge through.

    Source - euronews

  6. forum rang 10 voda 30 september 2013 15:47
    Unions back fight to get TATA Steel in black

    UNION leaders on the TATA \Steel works in Scunthorpe have accepted the challenge to get the struggling business back into profit by March.

    An action plan, including extra savings, was agreed this week with the Indian owners after the 4,000 employees in the town were told "to pull out all the stops" during the months ahead.

    The directive was made after the town's steelworkers failed to meet steel production targets for the first five months of the 2013-14 financial year.

    The grim news came on top of the announcement that the European operation of Tata Steel, which includes Scunthorpe, made a record loss of GBP 1.2 billion last year.

    Mr Sean Scorer chairman of the Scunthorpe works multi union committee said that "The message from the town is a simple one and is 100% supported by the trade unions. It is a call for action to improve our current performance, apply savings where we can and deliver our business plan in the next six months. We will deliver a return to profit. A plan is agreed and it will be communicated to our members as part of the call for action. We need to improve our operational performance and the employees in Scunthorpe fully understand the need to achieve the improving targets we set each year. We know we have to fulfil our promises to ensure continued investment in our business.”

    Source - www.thisisscunthorpe.co.uk
  7. s.lin 30 september 2013 17:54
    Ontwerpakkoord over industrieel plan bij ArcelorMittal
    30/09/13, 15u34
    Er is een ontwerpakkoord bereikt over een industrieel plan voor de Luikse fabrieken van Arcelor-Mittal. Daarmee komt na maanden onderhandelen een einde aan de eerste fase van de procedure-Renault. De inhoud van het plan wordt maandag voorgesteld op een bijzondere ondernemingsraad. Volgens de Franstalige omroep RTBF zou er weinig veranderen aan de oorspronkelijke doelstelling van de directie: de productielijnen die men wilde sluiten worden gesloten, en het personeelsbestand wordt met 840 voltijds equivalenten verminderd. .

    Er zouden wel enkele toegevingen zijn gedaan, bijvoorbeeld met betrekking tot de geproduceerde volumes. Volgens de RTBF kan op de vijfde verzinkingslijn 200.000 ton per jaar worden geproduceerd, maar als de vraag weer aantrekt zou de Luikse site de eerste in rang zijn die extra volume krijgt toegewezen, tot 380.000 ton.

    Ook de enveloppe voor economische hertewerkstelling wordt uitgebreid van 20 tot 25 miljoen euro, aldus de Franstalige omroep. Tot slot kunnen enkele filialen bevoegd voor bijvoorbeeld de afwerking of bekleding nog minstens vijf jaar voortwerken. Het lot van de cokesfabriek, waar er sprake was van een overnamebod, blijft nog onzeker. Het bod van Oxbow zou nog niet zijn gearriveerd.

    Met het afsluiten van de informatiefase in Luik, kunnen de onderhandelingen over een sociaal plan starten.

    Bron: Belga
  8. s.lin 30 september 2013 18:08
    Achthonderd deelnemers bij vijfde metaalstaking
    30 sep 2013 11:47

    De vijfde dag van de estafettestaking in de metaalsector heeft achthonderd deelnemers opgeleverd. Hiermee is het totaal aantal deelnemers op ruim vijfduizend uitgekomen. Dat maakte FNV Metaal maandag bekend.

    Werknemers voeren sinds 20 september elke maandag en vrijdag actie, steeds in andere regio's en bij andere bedrijven. Maandag vindt de staking onder meer plaats in Almere, Emmen, Tilburg en Dordrecht. Voorzitter van de vakcentrale FNV Ton Heerts was in Emmen bij een stakingstocht van kabelfabrikant Draka naar thermostaatmaker Honeywell.

    De cao-onderhandelingen in de metaalsector liepen afgelopen juni vast. Volgens stakingscoördinator Leen van der List zijn er na het begin van de actie nog geen serieuze gesprekken geweest met de werkgevers.

    De werknemers willen onder meer loonsverhoging en meer inspraak op hun werktijden. De werkgevers geven aan niets te kunnen bieden, omdat veel bedrijven het water na aan de lippen staat. Een van de werkgeversonderhandelaars noemde de bondsactie eerder al 'van de zotte'. Met de acties zou werkgelegenheid om zeep worden geholpen.

    Volgens FNV Metaal vinden veel deelnemers dat de acties moeten doorgaan. "We gaan net zo lang door tot de werkgevers in beweging komen", zegt onderhandelaar Jacqie van Stigt. "We laten ons niet met een kluitje in het riet sturen."

    Door: Novum
  9. forum rang 6 Candelll 1 oktober 2013 12:41
    Japanese domestic steel demand set to continue rising in Oct-Dec

    October 01, 2013 - 10:37 GMT Location: Tokyo

    KEYWORDS:Japan , Ministry of Economy , Trade & Industry , Meti , tankan , Bank of Japan

    Japanese domestic steel demand is expected to remain robust in October-December and drive output to multi-year highs, according to the country’s trade ministry.

    Overall steel demand in the quarter is projected to hit 24.6 million tonnes, according to the latest estimate issued by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Meti). This marks a 5% rise on the corresponding period in 2012.

    The figure is 0.9% lower than in July-September, largely as a result of growing weakness in exports, which are projected to decline by 4.6% on the quarter.
    Exports were up 4% on the year to 8.51 million tonnes.

    Meti says that weakening exports will be largely offset by continuing strength in domestic demand, which is projected to increase by 5.5% from year-earlier levels and by 0.6% from the previous quarter, to 16 million tonnes.

    Of that volume, carbon steel will account for 12.83 million tonnes, up 4.1% year-on-year and 1% quarter-on-quarter, with demand both from the construction and manufacturing sectors remaining robust.

    Demand from the construction sector is projected to increase by 0.8% year-on-year an 1.4% quarter-on-quarter to 5.65 million tonnes, while manufacturing demand is expected to increase by 3.7% on the year and 0.7% on the quarter to 7.17 million tonnes.

    The robust outlook for domestic demand ties in with the latest “tankan” survey from the Bank of Japan released on Tuesday October 1, which showed that sentiment among manufacturers currently stands at its highest since the Lehman crisis amid signs that consumers are finally opening their purses and companies are raising output to meet that demand.

    That, in turn, has steel producers raising output, which in the current quarter is projected to hit 27.9 million tonnes. That marks an 8% rise on year-ago levels and is up 0.4% on the last quarter.

    It also puts crude steel production for the first three quarters of the fiscal year at 83.91 million tonnes, or an annualised 111.88 million tonnes. Those are volumes not seen in at least six years.
  10. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2013 17:04
    Italy facing EC penalties over ILVA

    ANSA reported that Italy's failure to deal with the health and environmental crisis created by the troubled ILVA steel plant in the country's south has led to the European Commission's infraction procedure.

    Environment Commissioner Mr Janez Potocnik told ANSA that "The Italian authorities had plenty of time to ensure that the environmental provisions for ILVA in Taranto were met. What has (happened with) ILVA is a clear example of the failure to adopt appropriate measures to protect human health and the environment.”

    By sending a formal notice, the EC has taken the first step in its infraction procedures process against Italy for failing to ensure that ILVA's Taranto plant meets EU requirements concerning industrial emissions creating "serious consequences for human health and the environment". Italy has been given two months to respond to the Commission, which said in a statement that it was acting on several complaints from citizens and NGOs in the Taranto area.

    The long running battle involves Europe's largest steel plant, which is located in the southern port city of Taranto and for years has been condemned by environmental and health activists who claim the plant has caused dangerous levels of pollution.

    Source - ANSA
  11. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2013 17:05
    France PM visits Florange to repair rift

    French President Mr Francois Hollande, visiting a steel furnace whose closing caused the greatest rift in his 16 month old government, pledged he’d come every year to ensure that ArcelorMittal lives up to an accord it signed with the state.

    Mr Hollande at the Florange plant in northeast France, also announcing a government funded research center. Union leaders thanked him for his visit said that “Steel in Lorraine has a future.”

    The Indian company’s November 2012 decision to shut furnaces at Florange challenged the government’s commitment to prevent factory closings, and exposed divisions within the Socialist Party. With 600 jobs at stake, Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg first said the Mittal family was no longer wanted in France and then called for the plant’s nationalization. He was overruled by Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, who negotiated a plan to mothball the furnaces awaiting the 2016 start of a European Union-backed plan for low-carbon steel making.

    “It’s a very risky move for Hollande to visit Florange, a bit like a return to the scene of a crime,” said Laurent Dubois, a politics professor at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris. “It’s the scene of broken promises.”

    Source - Bloomberg
  12. forum rang 10 voda 1 oktober 2013 17:06
    Strategic agreement between ArcelorMittal and Sider finalized

    ArcelorMittal and Sider an Algerian state owned company, have finalized a strategic agreement including an investment plan of USD 763 million for the steel complex at Annaba and the mines in Ouenza and Boukhadra. The plan includes a project to more than double the plant’s production capacity from 1 million to 2.2 million tonne per year by 2017.

    The plan will see ArcelorMittal reduce its shareholding in both ArcelorMittal Annaba and ArcelorMittal Tebessa to 49%, with the state of Algeria holding the remaining share of 51%. The investment plan will be funded by equity contributions from shareholders and bank financing. The shareholders’ agreement between the parties involved is to be signed in the coming days.

    This plan will ensure a long term future for steelmaking in Annaba and mining in Tebessa, where the production unit will be modernized through the relining of the blast furnace, modernization of the sinter plant, the steel plant and the rolling mills. A new electric steel plant will be built (including an electric arc furnace and continuous casting line) and the downstream units will be reinforced with the construction of a new rolling mill for rebar and wire rod with a production capacity of 1 million tons.

    The investment will allow ArcelorMittal Annaba to better respond to increasing domestic demand for steel products in Algeria and to positively contribute to the government’s drive to promote self-sufficiency in steel.

    The agreement includes a human resources development plan. Intensive training will be provided to employees in order to adapt to the new technologies planned. This plan is backed by a social stability pact that has been agreed with the unions.

    Mr Michel Wurth member of ArcelorMittal’s Management Board Group said that “We are pleased to have reached this agreement with Sider, with whom we have always enjoyed a strong relationship. The agreement will enable ArcelorMittal Annaba and ArcelorMittal Tebessa to play a long term role in Algeria’s steel and mining industries. We now look forward to implementing a plan that is in the interests of both the company and the country.”

    Source - Strategic Research Institute

  13. forum rang 10 voda 2 oktober 2013 16:57
    Northern Iron ships 80000 tonnes of iron concentrate to ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

    Northern Iron has made 80,000 tonne shipment of iron concentrate from its operations at Sydvaranger in Norway, to ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe for use in sintering operations and for consumption at Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann, a large steel maker in Germany.

    The agreement between TKSE and NFE to trial Sydvaranger concentrate was reached after a pilot scale testwork program concluded that use of the product could improve the quality of sinter without significant losses in productivity.

    This is an important milestone in NFE’s strategy of diversifying its customer base, and maximising sales to destinations that offer the lowest possible freight costs.

    Should this trial prove successful, Northern Iron will be in a strong position to negotiate a longer term offtake contract with TKSE, one of Europe’s largest steelmakers.

    Source - Proactive Investors
  14. forum rang 10 voda 2 oktober 2013 16:58
    Miners steel against China scrap growth

    The Australian reported that the nation's two biggest exports, iron ore and coking coal, are facing a new Chinese threat that could be more significant than a slowdown in growth and associated steel demand in the giant Asian economy.

    Scrap metal, a potentially cleaner and cheaper steel ingredient than iron ore and coking coal will become increasingly abundant in China over the next decade.

    Vast amounts of cars, fridges and other appliances bought in the past decade will reach the end of their lives and make their way to local scrapyards, providing extra competition for the iron ore and coking coal that provided USD 75 billion of Australia's export revenue in 2012 to 2013.

    The extent of the expected scrap growth in China is so great that Mr Andrew Mackenzie chief of BHP Billiton said that it could be a more important variable than steel demand in determining whether BHP eventually refires its shelved USD 20 billion Outer Harbour iron ore expansion projects at Port Hedland.

    Mr Mackenzie said that "We are looking quite carefully at the development of the steel market in China and, more importantly, the growth in scrap availability. This (scrap availability) will clearly compete with pig iron as a way of building scale and therefore drive out some iron ore demand."

    Mr Richard McLaughlin iron and steel director of Hatch Associates said that "There is a scrap reservoir building in China of enormous proportions. The scale of recent Chinese steel consumption suggests an accumulating reservoir that could be mined within five to 10 years."

    Scrap metal, 85% of which is provided from cars and household goods, is used in electric arc furnaces, which usually do not use significant amounts of iron ore or coking coal. As steel markets mature, more scrap is recycled and less iron ore and coking coal are needed for new products.

    Lower emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants in electric arc furnaces have already led the Chinese government to encourage scrap use in the nation's latest 2010 to 2015 five year plan. This aims to raise the amount of scrap used in steel production from 15% to 20% over the period.

    BHP, Australia's biggest coking coalminer and second biggest iron ore miner, first mentioned the threat of scrap in May last year, when former chief Marius Kloppers told a Miami conference it would become increasingly important after 2025 and would constrain iron ore market growth.

    BHP and Rio Tinto, the nation's biggest iron ore exporter, recently revealed, for the first time, their long term Chinese scrap availability forecasts. And they differ markedly. BHP, which of late has been more cautious about iron ore growth, believes annual scrap generation will rise nearly five-fold to just over 500 million tonnes per year by 2030.

    Source - The Australian.com
  15. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2013 16:40
    Structural issues see Europe steel facing decline

    According to Mr Jeff Largey mining analyst at Macquarie Group, structural issues in the European steel making industry need to be addressed.

    Mr Largey said oversupply was a "major issue," and argued that the reason for a lack of recovery in European steelmaking was domestic. He said that "At this point in Europe you probably have 200 million tons of crude steel making capacity. Demand has been running more say at 150 to 160 (tonnes). So any time prices start to show a little life more supply gets turned on and it just kills any sort of rally."

    Mr Largey added that some steelmakers had rested on their laurels, waiting for an improving macro picture to boost steel prices. But analyst forecasts make any significant price increases look unlikely.

    Mr Jeff Largey head of metals and mining research at Macquarie Group said that over supply is the main structural issue in the global steel industry. It said that "We expect the HRC price in Germany to be down quarter-on-quarter in (the third quarter) at USD 610 per tonne before recovering towards the USD 630 per tonne mark in (the fourth quarter).”

    Source - CNBC.com
  16. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2013 16:42
    Australia forecasts 17pct jump in iron ore exports in 2013-14

    Reuters reported that Australia Iron ore exports are forecast to jump 17% in 2013 to 2014 and average 8% growth over the next 5 years despite softening demand growth in China.

    The Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics said Australia controls two thirds of the world seaborne market for iron ore and giant, low cost producers such as Rio Tinto , BHP Billiton have been spending billions to boost capacity.

    Source - Reuters
  17. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2013 16:43
    Kooptips oktober: ArcelorMittal en Shell

    DONDERDAG 3 OKTOBER 2013, 09:04 uur | 3009 keer gelezen

    AMSTERDAM (Belegger.nl) – Experts zijn voor oktober het meest positief over ArcelorMittal en Royal Dutch Shell. Waar experts de komende maand een slechte prestatie van verwachten? De meeste stemmen gingen naar PostNL en Air France-KLM. Verder zijn de meeste beursexperts op korte termijn pessimistisch.

    Dit blijkt uit de maandelijkse enquête die Corné van Zeijl (SNS) houdt onder beursexperts.

    Hoewel op korte termijn de meeste ondervraagden (40%) met pessimisme kijken naar de politieke problemen in Amerika en Italië, is 38 procent van de ondervraagden toch optimistisch. Deze groep kijkt vooral naar Europa. Op de lange termijn is echter meer dan de helft van hen (52%) positief gestemd en slechts 17 procent pessimistisch.

    ArcelorMittal favoriet

    Voor oktober staat ArcelorMittal bovenaan het lijstje van de favorieten. Experts verwachten dat het aandeel, als het economisch herstel doorzet, flink zal profiteren. Op de tweede plaats van favorieten staat Royal Dutch Shell, die sinds de start van dit jaar bijna 8 procent lager staat.

    Ook KPN staat in de top-3 van favorieten voor oktober. Er wordt toch wel een hoger bod verwacht dan de huidige 2,40 euro per aandeel. Verder verwachten de experts voor Air France-KLM en voor PostNL weer een daling na de enorme koersstijgingen van de afgelopen tijd.
  18. forum rang 10 voda 3 oktober 2013 16:48
    Is dit ook goed nieuws voor het geplaagde AM?

    Hedge funds sluiten massaal hun shortposities

    WOENSDAG 2 OKTOBER 2013, 11:08 uur | 2688 keer gelezen

    AMSTERDAM (Belegger.nl) - Het aantal ‘bets’ door hedge funds op dalende koersen is gedaald naar het laagste niveau in jaren. Dit met het oog op een bull run op aandelen voor de komende maanden.

    Dat schrijft Financial Times in een bericht.

    Volgens gegevens van data provider Markit is de totale waarde van short posities in Europese aandelen gedaald naar 133 miljard dollar, het laagste niveau sinds Markit in 2006 begon met bijhouden.

    Ook in de Verenigde Staten bereiken shortposities een historisch laag niveau. Slechts 2,4 procent van de S&P 500 aandelen zijn geleend aan short sellers, zo stelt Markit. Deze cijfers ondersteunen de overtuiging van hedge funds. Zij stellen dat de beslissing van de Fed eerder deze maand om niet te taperen en het vernieuwde vertrouwen in bedrijfsprestaties gunstig is voor de aandelenmarkten.

    ‘De dynamiek in de leenmarkt voor effecten voor het Lehman-debacle was totaal anders dan de dynamiek van nu’, zegt Alex Brog van Markit. ‘Ten eerste waren er veel meer hedge funds, met een zwaardere hefboomwerking. Onzekerheid over regelgeving hebben sommigen ervan weerhouden om zich met short selling bezig te houden. Daarnaast is het in deze bull markt voor short sellers lastig om tegen het macro-economische sentiment in te gaan.’
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Aalberts 466 7.106
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Macro & Bedrijfsagenda

  1. 24 maart

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  2. 25 maart

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de volitaliteit verwacht indicator betekend: Market moving event/hoge(re) volatiliteit verwacht