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  1. forum rang 10 voda 4 november 2015 20:35
    Primetals Technologies to modernize LD converter for HKM in Germany

    Primetals Technologies has won an order from Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM) to modernize LD (BOF) converter No. 2 in its Duisburg, Germany plant. The project involves fitting the converter with a new trunnion ring as well as modernizing the tilting drive.

    These measures will help to extend the lifetime of the converter and increase its availability. Primetals will handle the project in a consortium partnership with Buchinger Anlagen-Stahl-Rohrbau GmbH. The order is worth several million euros, and the project is scheduled for start-up in October 2016.

    Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM) runs an integrated iron and steel works at its Duisburg Huckingen site. The works consists of a port, a sinter plant, a coking plant, two blast furnaces, and two LD basic oxygen furnaces. The steel works has two round-steel continuous casters and three continuous slab casters. HKM is one of the largest iron and steel works in Germany and produces more than 1,000 different grades of steel each year. It produces around twelve percent of the total raw steel output in Germany and has an annual production capacity of some 5.6 million metric tons of steel.

    The trunnion ring and tilting drive of the 300 metric ton converter have reached the end of their service lives. Primetals Technologies is responsible for the detail engineering for the modernization work and will overhaul the tilting drive of the converter. It will also supply the trunnion ring, which will be designed for a service life of 30 years and is made by a European manufacturer. Primetals Technologies will replace the bull gear, pinion drive shafts and the gear bearings, as well as supervising the installation, commissioning and restart of the plant.

    Source: Strategic Research Institute
  2. forum rang 10 voda 4 november 2015 20:38
    SAIL RSP BF No 5 Durga sets new standards in India

    A team of Danieli Corus specialists has achieved all of the required parameters for the Performance Guarantee (PG) for SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Blast Furnace No 5, also known as “Durga” furnace. The Performance Guarantee test was successfully completed on September 19th, 2015.

    During the test, new records were set for production levels up to 7550 tpd as well as fuel rates, with coke rates as low as 370 kg/tHM and PCI rates over 160 kg/tHM. Given the available raw material qualities, Danieli Corus has set new standards in India with this achievement.

    “Durga” furnace has proven its potential for further increased production levels. This potential is a result of an unrivaled design based on a high conductivity plate-cooled lining, good quality supplies and equipment, accurate installation procedures and, above all, by world class operational practices.

    These excellent results are very promising for the ongoing project at SAIL Rourkela Blast Furnace No 1. This furnace is currently being rebuilt by Danieli Corus according to exactly the same technology.

    Source: Strategic Research Institute
  3. forum rang 10 voda 4 november 2015 20:39
    US DOC sets preliminary CVD in coated steel from China, India, Italy and Korea

    US Department of Commerce's preliminary determinations announced that imports of corrosion resistant steel from China, India, Italy and South Korea are benefiting from unfair government subsidies and should be subject to countervailing duties. As a result, the Commerce Department will instruct US Customs and Border Protection to begin requiring US importers of CORE from the following countries to deposit estimated countervailing duties at the time of importation as follows:

    Country = Subsidy Rate
    China = 235.66 – 26.26 percent
    India = 7.71 – 2.85 percent
    Italy = 38.41 – 0.0 percent
    South Korea = 1.37 – 0.0 percent

    With respect to Taiwan, the Commerce Department found that countervailable government subsidies were not in excess of the de minimus level of one percent.

    The Commerce Department will next make preliminary anti-dumping determinations with respect to all five countries on or about December 21, 2015. Estimated anti-dumping duties resulting from those preliminary determinations by the Commerce Department are generally added to the estimated countervailing duties.

    US petitioners have alleged anti-dumping duties ranging from 120.20 percent to 71.09 percent.

    On October 30, 2015 the Commerce Department reached affirmative preliminary critical circumstances findings with respect to certain foreign producers of CORE. As a result of this critical circumstances determination, the Commerce Department can impose counter-vailing duties retroactively beginning from August 4, 2015 (90 days prior to its preliminary determination on counter-vailing duties), on certain imports of CORE from China, Italy and South Korea.

    The Commerce Department's determinations follow the June 3, 2015 filing of anti-dumping and counter-vailing duty petitions by AK Steel and other domestic CORE producers.

    The next step in the trade action will be the Commerce Department's verification of factual information submitted by the foreign producers and their governments. There will then be an opportunity for parties to submit case and rebuttal briefs to the Commerce Department and to participate in a hearing. Following these events, the Commerce Department will issue its final determinations.

    CORE is steel sheet that has been coated or plated with a corrosion- or heat-resistant metal to prevent corrosion and thereby extend the service life of the products made from the steel. Steel coated with zinc, aluminum, or any of several zinc-aluminum alloys comprises most of the product at issue.

    Based on these unique product characteristics, CORE is widely used in infrastructure and construction applications such as roofing, siding, hardware, roof and bridge decks, guard rails, and culverts. CORE is also used in the manufacture of automobiles, trucks, appliances, industrial equipment, and agricultural equipment.

    Source: Strategic Research Institute
  4. forum rang 10 voda 4 november 2015 20:46
    AK Steel gets Supplier Award from Honda North America

    AK Steel has received a supplier award for environmental achievement from Honda North America, Inc. The award in the Conservation of Natural Resources category was presented at Honda's 23rd Annual Supplier Symposium in Columbus, Ohio, recognizing AK Steel for a project at its Rockport, Indiana facility that resulted in reduced water and energy consumption.

    The award was given as part of Honda's Environmental Achievement Recognition. That voluntary program recognizes suppliers who achieve environmental excellence in at least one of three different categories, including pollution prevention, energy reduction and conservation of natural resources. The purpose of the program is to recognize suppliers' efforts in completing projects with Honda Green Factory benefits and to communicate and share projects and ideas with other suppliers.

    Mr James L. Wainscott, Chairman, President and CEO of AK Steel said “We are honored to receive this supplier recognition from Honda. This project is just one example of our ongoing work to encourage recycling, recovery, reuse and reduction, where possible, of water and energy in our operations."

    Source: Strategic Research Institute
  5. GVteD 4 november 2015 21:18


    | 04.11.2015, 13:17

    Die französische Großbank Societe Generale (SocGen) hat das Kursziel für ArcelorMittal vor Zahlen zum dritten Quartal von 13 auf 9 Euro gesenkt, aber die Einstufung auf "Buy" belassen. Das operative Ergebnis (Ebitda) dürfte im Vergleich zum Vorquartal stagniert haben, schrieb Analyst Alain William in einer Studie vom Mittwoch. Das Ebitda-Jahresziel werde der weltgrößte Stahlkonzern wegen der niedrigen Stahlpreise aber sicherlich reduzieren. Der Experte senkte seine Ebitda-Schätzungen für die Jahre 2016 und 2017 deutlich, betrachtet die Aktie auf dem gegenwärtigen Kursniveau dennoch als kaufenswert./edh/ag
  6. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:25
    Tata Steel verhoogt winst

    Gepubliceerd op 5 nov 2015 om 12:49 | Views: 2.757

    MUMBAI (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Het Indiase Tata Steel is in het tweede kwartaal van zijn gebroken boekjaar op een hogere winst uitgekomen. Dat maakte het moederbedrijf van de hoogovens in IJmuiden donderdag bekend.

    De nettowinst bedroeg 15,3 miljard roepie (214 miljoen euro), ten opzichte van 12,5 miljard roepie een jaar eerder. De winst werd gestuwd door bijzondere inkomsten zoals de verkoop van aandelen in Tata Motors. De totale omzet van Tata kwam uit op 293 miljard roepie.

    Tata kondigde vorige maand nog aan circa 1200 banen te schrappen in Groot-Brittannië. Het merendeel wordt geschrapt in Scunthorpe, waar negenhonderd banen verdwijnen. Daarnaast komen in Schotland 270 man op straat te staan. Tata UK neemt een flinke last voor die herstructurering.
  7. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:49
    Delta Steel Company to start operation in 14 Months – Mr Okowa

    The News Nigeria reported that Delta State Governor Mr Ifeanyi Okowa said that multi billion naira Delta Steel Company, Ovwian-Aladja, would commence full operations in 14 months’ time. He noted that when fully operational, the DSC would add value to his administration’s commitment to job creation for Deltans.

    The governor disclosed to the visitors that he had a fruitful discussion with the new owners of the DSC on the revamping of the steel company during the recent India/Africa Business summit in India. He said “In our visit to India, I met with one of the companies that recently, took over the Delta Steel Complex, Aladja and I thank God because they are serious minded and committed to reviving the company and I believe that in another 12 to 14 months, the DSC will come alive again with many other companies in the state.

    He said “DSC is our pride and I believe that when that company comes alive, it will employ people from all parts of Delta State and beyond.”

    Source : The News Nigeria
  8. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:50
    new concept for hot rolled weathering dual phase steel

    materialsviews.com reported that numerous alloy concepts are being developed to adjust the microstructure and tailor the mechanical properties of advanced high strength steels to cope with reduced weight and fuel efficient applications requirements. Besides strength, weight reduction and formability requirements, atmospheric corrosion resistance is regarded as a one of the new challenges that are recently arising. Transportation industries e.g. railway vehicles, underground wagons and trucks that expose to alternative atmospheric conditions have brought attention to the need for high atmospheric corrosion resistance in addition to the basic requirements of reduced-weight and good strength-ductility balance.

    Weathering steels with a normal ferrite-pearlite microstructure are regarded as a common candidate for applications which require high atmospheric corrosion resistance due to their chemical compositions that contain small additions of Cu, Ni, P and Cr. However, the lack of their formability and relative low strength level are being an issue to be investigated. Since the dual phase microstructure (ferrite-martensite) can achieve a good combination of strength and formability, a reasonable number of studies have been conducted to change the ferrite-pearlite microstructure of weathering steels into a dual phase one through either intercritical annealing or hot rolling processes. However, in this work by Tarek Allam and Wolfgang Bleck from RWTH Aachen a new alloying concept is proposed to enhance the atmospheric corrosion resistance of dual phase steels in the as hot-rolled condition. The new alloying concept contains the main alloying elements that are responsible for improving the atmospheric corrosion behavior (Cu, Ni, P and Cr) and the alloying concept (C, Mn and Si) used to adjust a dual phase microstructure by hot-rolling processes.

    The proposed alloying concept is aiming at developing pilot-scale hot-rolled weathering-dual phase steel that combines a good strength-ductility balance and an enhanced atmospheric corrosion resistance. In order to accomplish this aim, the phase transformation behavior is studied by means of continuous cooling transformation diagrams. Based on real-process conditions, different hot-rolling schedules and cooling strategies are tested in laboratory-scale thermomechanical simulation experiments to design the proper process window that enables the adjustment of a dual phase microstructure. The corresponding mechanical properties are evaluated by tensile tensing of secondary mini-flat tensile specimens machined from thermomechanical treated blocks. The successful laboratory-scale processing parameters are transferred to the pilot scale to produce the hot-rolled sheets required for subsequent characterization. The hot-rolled sheets are characterized by tensile testing and quantitative metallography. However, the corrosion behavior is to be presented in a future report.

    The new alloying concept exhibits a phase transformation behavior that facilitates the adjustment of dual phase microstructure by adopting a continuous cooling strategy after hot rolling and makes the step cooling strategy unnecessary. The evaluated mechanical properties of the pilot-hot rolled sheets correspond to the typical characteristic values of dual phase steels. Furthermore, the characterization results confirm only small differences between the laboratory-scale and pilot-scale processing, which opens new horizons for adjustment of microstructure and prediction of mechanical properties by secondary specimens from laboratory-scale thermomechanical treated blocks.

    Source : materialsviews.com
  9. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:51
    Japan Steel Works upgrades pretax guidance

    Japan Steel Works boosted its outlook for group pretax profit by 500 million yen ($4.11 million) for the fiscal year ending March. The company now projects pretax profit growing 11% on the year to 11 billion yen due to lower-than-expected raw material costs for industrial machinery products.

    The net profit forecast remains unchanged at 6.7 billion yen, with the company booking extraordinary losses stemming from scrapping of equipment.

    Source : Nikkei
  10. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:52
    Pro UK steel guidance welcomed but doubts raised over impact

    The Construction Products Association has raised questions on the impact of last week's emergency guidance on procuring steel for public sector construction and infrastructure projects over GBP 10 million. But he also warned that a failure to reduce reliance on imported steel could create cost pressures in UK construction projects in the future.

    The new guidance, published by minister Matthew Hancock in his role as chair of the newly convened Steel Procurement Working Group, is attempting to address the rising level of imports of fabricated steel and boost the market share of struggling UK producers.

    According to the new guidance, public sector clients should ensure that Tier 1 contractors provide "supply chain plans" that set out how, and from which supplier, steel will be sourced.

    Tier 1 contractors and their subcontractors - such as steelwork fabricators - will also have to openly advertise supply chain opportunities for the provision of raw steel if no contractual arrangements are in place by the date of the main contract award.

    And procuring organisations, while urged to award contracts on a value-for-money basis, will also have to consider "social criteria" in decision making. These include "taking into account the benefits of employment and supply chain activity", meaning procurers should assess the impact on jobs, health and safety, training and the environment when awarding contracts.

    According to data from BIS, imports of fabricated steel have risen 111% in the past five years, imports of steel used for piling has increased 80% in the past five years, and imports of construction steel tubes has risen 51% in the past five years.

    Source : construction-manager.co.uk
  11. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:55
    Mexico steel demand growth 'healthy' - Ternium

    BNAmericas reported that Mexico's steel demand is set for continued healthy growth driven by a booming automotive sector, Ternium CEO Mr Daniel Novegil said. He said “Car production in the country is set to grow to 5 million units by 2020.”

    CFO Mr Pablo Brizzio added “The Mexican home appliance sector is also growing, with construction demand increasing at a slower rate.”

    Following 11.7% growth in 2014, Mexican steel demand is expected to increase 4.8% this year and 4.1% in 2016, Novegil said, citing World Steel Association (worldsteel) figures. He said “The country is on track to pass Brazil as Latin America's largest steel market this year. Slowing growth in China will hamper global demand growth.”

    Luxembourg-based Ternium reported an 11% increase in steel shipments in Mexico in Q3, compared to the prior-year quarter, to 1.53Mt. Mexican steel shipments accounted for 62% of the total, with the company's Southern region (Argentina) seeing 3% growth to 641,400t. Total shipments were 2.46Mt, up 5%. Iron ore shipments fell 11% to 892,000t.

    Net sales in Mexico declined 13% to US$1.07bn as a result of weaker prices, with the Southern region seeing a 3% fall to US$648mn, and total net sales at US$1.95bn, down 12%.

    Ternium expects a decline in Mexican shipments in Q4, on account of seasonal demand factors and a planned 30-day stoppage of its hot-rolling mill for an upgrade. Shipments in Argentina are expected to remain flat.

    Source : BNAmericas
  12. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:57
    Economic and Steel Market Outlook 2015-2016 - EUROFER

    EUROFER in latest “Economic and Steel Market Outlook 2015-2016” said that private consumption remained the primary growth driver, while net trade also contributed positively to the variation in GDP owing to an improving growth rate of exports – supported by the weaker euro - and slowing growth of imports. Investment growth disappointed, with negative quarter-on- quarter growth in the euro area. This suggests that corporate sector remains rather uncertain about their business prospects, with lately concerns about slowing growth in the emerging markets in general and China in particular weighing down on confidence. The country breakdown of second quarter GDP data shows economic growth stagnating in France after a strong first quarter and slowing growth in Italy and several smaller EU countries. Growth remained robust in Spain, Poland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

    Source : Strategic Research Institute
  13. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:57
    Italian firms to invest in steel and aluminium projects in iran

    Iran Daily reported that 2 large Italian companies proposed a four-billion-euro offer to participate in Iran’s steel and aluminum industry. At a meeting with Iran’s deputy minister of industries, mines and trade, CEO’s of two giant Italian companies made a proposal worth four billion euros to participate in Iranian steel and aluminum projects in line with expansion of economic relations between the two countries

    Italy’s Danieli and Fata companies have carried out several projects in Iran in the fields of design, supply, procurement, implementation and financing of steel and aluminum projects over the past 25 years.

    The foreign companies are currently seeking to invest in mining projects following the recent deal struck between Tehran and world powers over Iran’s nuclear activity, which will result in lifting sanctions on Iran.

    With the finalization of the agreement, the two sides will establish a joint venture to implement two projects to produce 6.5 million tons of iron ore as well as three million tons of sponge iron in Iran.

    The Italian side will make 60 percent of the joint investment while the share of Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) will be 40 percent.

    Source : Iran Daily
  14. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 16:59
    It’s not going to be business as usual for scrap players - BIR Ferrous Division

    Billet exports from China at ever decreasing prices have been truly the cause of the present condition of ferrous scrap values, BIR Ferrous Division President William Schmiedel of Sims Metal Management in the USA told the body’s latest gathering in Prague on October 27. “The good news,” he added in a meeting short on rampant optimism, “is that the lower prices we are experiencing today should enable our customer base to again start to look at ferrous scrap as a reasonable, viable and economic option.”

    The “pain” endured by the scrap industry also extended to their steelmaking customers, emphasised Mr Schmiedel. By way of example, he quoted the chairman of a major Chinese steel producer as saying that the country’s steel industry had run up losses of US-$ 2.8 billion for the first eight months of 2015.

    In his global market review, Tom Bird of UK-based Mettalis Recycling contended that “there needs to be a change in the approach by China” given that “producing steel at the current rate and pricing it accordingly is simply not sustainable long term”. And he added: “It is early days but with huge losses in the state-owned Chinese steel sector attracting the attention of Beijing, international pressure and countries now taking a more aggressive stance to Chinese steel products, this can only be of benefit moving forward.”

    Mr Bird said steel producers in Europe – notably in Spain and Italy – were struggling to compete against cheaper product coming from China, thus adversely affecting demand and prices for steel scrap. “It has been reported that some of the Spanish mills are considering a temporary cessation of production,” he said. “The depressed market is in turn affecting arisings of material, with many operators across the EU region reporting volumes into yards as much as 30-40 percent down on normal levels.” In the USA too, intakes into yards were continuing to slow such that, with winter approaching, “some mills may start to become uneasy about the ongoing availability of scrap”.

    On a positive note, Mr Bird said the Indian and Pakistani markets had been “very active” over recent weeks, thus boosting scrap exporters. And more generally, current market conditions had encouraged some scrap consumers – “many who have been away for months” – to enquire about availability and price “as they recognise the viability of making finished steel from scrap at the lower levels”.

    Also in Prague, the latest “World Steel Recycling in Figures” update from divisional Statistics Advisor Rolf Willeke highlighted the fact that the EU-28 had remained the world’s leading steel scrap exporter in the first half of this year despite a 12.1 percent drop-off when compared to January-June 2014. US overseas shipments had fallen by 9.1 percent on the same year-on-year basis.

    In the keynote presentation from analyst Becky E. Hites of US-based Steel-Insights LLC, it was noted that American scrap exports were 40 percent below their 2011 peak and down 17 percent year on year in January-August 2015 despite an increase in shipments to five of its top 10 outlets (Turkey, Mexico, India, Vietnam and Peru).

    Ms Hites also contended that, within the Chinese government, “the tide has turned against the accommodating policies for the steel industry”. And she went on to assert: “The world has changed. You need to look at how your world has changed and how you need to work in your new world. It’s not going to be business as usual.”

    The guest speaker then moderated a question-and-answer session, for part of which she enlisted the specialist knowledge of Sunil Barthwal, Joint Secretary of India’s Ministry of Steel, and Shailendra Krishna Tripathi, Chairman of major trader MSTC. It emerged that India’s steel industry is expected to boost its scrap consumption over the next 10 years from 32m tonnes per annum to around 56m tonnes. Annual scrap imports are projected to double to 10m tonnes by 2020.

    Source : Bureau of International Recycling (BIR)
  15. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 17:00
    Egyptian Steel pushes ahead with growth plans

    Reuters reported that Egyptian Steel says it is pushing ahead with plans to quadruple its capacity despite long standing currency and energy crises, with trial production at one new plant starting in December but another project at Ain Soukhna delayed until late next year.

    Egyptian Steel Chairman Mr Ahmed Abou Hashima said in an interview at the Reuters Middle East Investment Summit “In light of the situation this year which had many challenges, we were able to succeed to a great extent in achieving two projects. One is complete and the other is almost there.”

    Mr Abu Hashima said that while the market for steel was expected to grow this year due to rising demand, production at many firms was interrupted due to the dollar shortage. He said "There is growth and high demand for steel. There are many huge projects underway and this situation will continue. Firm had achieved its sales target for the year and has no inventory on the ground.”

    Unlike longer-established competitors, Egyptian Steel, which was established in 2010, uses advanced energy-saving technology. Mr Abu Hashima said his plants use 75-80 megawatts of electricity a year, significantly less than traditional plants of the same size which use around 400 megawatts.

    Egyptian Steel currently produces 800,000 tonnes of steel per year from its two plants in Alexandria and Port Said. It is looking to raise its total capacity to 3.5 million tonnes after launching its two new plants in Ain Soukhna and Bani Soueif.

    The Ain Soukhna plant, with a capacity of 1.36 million tonnes, was due to be online by mid-2016 but may now be delayed to the second half of the year, he said.

    The Bani Soueif plant, with the same capacity, was initially scheduled to begin producing in July or August this year. It is now set to begin trial production in December.

    Source : Reuters

  16. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 17:02
    ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih confirms interest in Oktiabrsk port berths

    Interfax reported that ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih has confirmed that it is interested in using berths at Oktiabrsk specialized seaport of Mykolaiv.

    CEO of PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih Mr Paramjit Kahlon said at the press conference “The company cannot ship the entire volume of its steel products through its existing berths in Mykolaiv. Now we export 2 million tonnes of steel products through Mykolaiv port. We still need to ship another 2.5-2.8 million tonnes. Therefore we have serious plans as for Oktiabrsk port.”

    He added that the company is also ready to rent the berths and purchase them through privatization. He said “It depends on the decision of the state.”

    As reported, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih plans to rent two or three berths at Oktiabrsk port. This was announced in August this year during the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the port and the steel mill.

    Source : Interfax
  17. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 17:09
    Ore exports from Port Hedland sink in October

    Bloomberg reported that Iron ore cargoes from Australia's Port Hedland to China fell last month to the lowest level since July ahead of a seasonal slowdown in the largest buyer that may compound a decline in production and consumption as the economy cools.

    Exports to China were 30.7 million metric tons from 33.8 million tons the previous month and 31.7 million tons a year earlier, according to data from the Pilbara Ports Authority on Wednesday. Overall iron ore shipments totalled 36.5 million tons, down from a record 39.4 million tons in September and 37.5 million tons a year ago.

    For the year-to-date, shipments are still well ahead of 2014. Exports to China from Port Hedland were 314 million tons in the first 10 months compared with about 284 million tons in the same period in 2014.

    Source : Bloomberg
  18. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 17:10
    Brazil iron ore exports jump 8% in September

    The most recent statistics released by Brazil’s Secretary of Foreign Trade (Secex) indicates significant rise in iron ore exports by the country during the month of September this year. Brazil’s iron ore exports during September ’15 totaled 35.61 million tons, up 7.6% when compared with the previous year.

    The iron ore export price averaged at $35.5 per ton, substantially lower by 47.2% when compared with a year before. The iron ore export prices in Brazil had averaged at $67.3 per ton during September last year. The value of exports totaled $1,265.744 million, dropping sharply by 43.1% year-on-year. The total value of Brazilian iron ore exports had amounted to $2,226.335 million during the same month in 2014.

    The largest destination of iron ore exports from Brazil was China. The exports to China during September ’15 totaled 19.75 million tons, accounting for nearly 55% of the total exports by Brazil during the month. The value of exports to China during the month totaled $633.631 million. The export prices averaged at $32.10 per tonne during Sep ’15.

    The second largest destination of Brazil’s iron ore exports was Japan. The exports to Japan totaled 3.21 million tons. The other key export destinations of Brazilian iron ore during the ninth month of the year were the Philippines (2.06 million tons), South Korea (1.72 million tons) and Malaysia (1.34 million tonnes).

    Source : Scrap Monster
  19. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 17:11
    Vale iron ore project costs reduce on sinking Brazilian Real

    Bloomberg reported that Brazil’s plunging currency is saving the world’s biggest iron-ore miner billions of dollars in project costs. Vale SA expects its S11D project in northern Brazil to be delivered on time at a cost of $14.4 billion, 27 percent below an initial budget, it said in a presentation posted on its website Wednesday.

    In December, Vale lowered the original $19.7 billion estimate for the project to a range of $16 billion to $17 billion, citing currency depreciation and a change in scope. Since then, the real has become the worst-performing major currency, losing another 29 percent against the dollar, as the economy faces its longest recession since the 1930s.

    While that’s made it harder for companies that make money in local currency to keep up with interest payments on foreign loans, it’s boosting revenue for exporters and pushing down their costs in dollar terms.

    The S11D project -- the iron-ore industry’s largest and, according to Vale, the most profitable -- will add 90 million metric tons of annual capacity to global supply. It looms as another strain on an iron-ore market buffeted by a series of expansions by Vale and its main rivals in Australia at a time of slowing Chinese growth.

    The mine and plant was 75 percent complete as of September, it said. In an interview last month, Chief Financial Officer Luciano Siani said the project was on track to beat a targeted December 2016 start date. Vale, which plans to use a truckless mining system, intends to control the speed at which it hits the market.

    Source : Bloomberg
  20. forum rang 10 voda 5 november 2015 20:39
    Aperam gaat weer dividend uitkeren

    Door Levien de Feijter


    AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Aperam sa (056997440.LU) gaat weer dividend uitkeren, omdat het bedrijf verwacht dat markten voor roestvast staal verbetering zullen tonen. De operationele winst in het derde kwartaal daalde echter ten opzichte van een jaar eerder door zwakke marktomstandigheden en een daling van de nikkelprijs.

    Aperam wil een dividend uitkeren over 2015 van EUR1,25 per aandeel en hoopt dit na verloop van tijd te verhogen als ook de winstgevendheid verbetert. In 2013 en 2014 keerde het concern geen dividend uit. "Hiermee willen we vertrouwen uitspreken in onze activiteiten richting onze aandeelhouders", zei bestuursvoorzitter Timoteo Di Maulo donderdag nabeurs in een telefonische toelichting op de kwartaalresultaten.

    In het afgelopen kwartaal boekte de onderneming een EBITDA resultaat van $108 miljoen, ten opzichte van $137 miljoen in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. Onder aan de streep steeg de nettowinst tot $31 miljoen van $21 miljoen.

    De producent van roestvast staal, die in 2011 werd afgesplitst van ArcelorMittal, verwacht dat de operationele winst (EBITDA) in de laatste drie maanden van het jaar op hetzelfde niveau zal uitkomen als in het derde kwartaal. Kostenbesparingen blijven een belangrijke bijdrage leveren en hebben sinds de afsplitsing een totaal bedrag van $466 miljoen toegevoegd aan het EBITDA resultaat.

    De omzet daalde tot $1,113 miljard van $1,353 miljard een jaar terug.

    Analisten geraadpleegd door FactSet rekenden op een EBITDA van $112 miljoen en een omzet van $1,175 miljard.

    Een scherpe daling van de nikkelprijs en zwakke marktomstandigheden in Europa en Brazilie werden gecompenseerd met de kostenbesparingen. Nikkel is essentieel voor de productie van roestvast staal en wanneer de prijs daalt stellen klanten hun orders uit, in afwachting van een verdere daling.

    De Braziliaanse economie gaat een zwakke periode door en dit heeft ook impact op de activiteiten van Aperam. Dit heeft het concern echter goed kunnen opvangen, zo legde Di Maulo uit, omdat het bedrijf een sterke marktpositie heeft in het land en bovendien wordt geholpen door een zwakke reaal en protectionistische maatregelen die bescherming bieden tegen goedkope import uit China. Ook in Europa zijn sinds maart dit jaar protectionistische maatregelen in werking. Di Maulo zei dat de staalleveringen, elektrisch staal niet meegerekend, in Brazilie ten opzichte van een jaar eerder zijn toegenomen, wat hem vertrouwen in de toekomst geeft.

    Aperam leverde in totaal 455.000 ton staal af in het derde kwartaal, ten opzichte van 433.000 ton een jaar eerder.

    Het aandeel sloot donderdag, voor bekendmaking van de resultaten, op EUR27,91. Dit jaar tot nu toe is de koers met 13,5% gestegen.

    Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; levien.defeijter@wsj.com

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